I Built a Self Driving Train System in Scrap Mechanic!

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today I'm going to build a self-driving train System complete with platform screen doors multiple trains and a control system that makees sure everything runs smoothly this is the greatest piece of engineering you're ever going to see all right so to start things off we're going to need to build the station get a flooring down here I think I'll make it out of this looks like a cool very nice material and I'm going to have warning signs near the platform the train will line up with doors on the station to prevent uh people from falling onto the track trip of warning and we'll paint that to Yellow all [Music] right all right I'll make a gap of seven [Music] [Applause] [Music] blocks [Music] good oh the whole thing was connected kind of go this [Music] way we have a nice little train station [Music] here be closed usually I kind of hate this uh metal that I'm using for it I might just switch to plastic and that goes there and it opens them the train needs to be able to stop and like line up its doors is exactly with this like you could walk between cars it's going to be like two cars I want the train to have two different modes one where it goes full speed and then one where it like slows down before stopping it's going to be a plastic floor because you know those are stable the wheel is going to be one of [Music] these since it's two different spinning modes the pipe is spinning and then so is like the wheel here [Music] just one of these the faster speed and the slower [Music] speed that's faster and then we're going to have like an exact Magnet or something to like line it up and they attract each other because this one's going to be sensor is going to be on the car right here and it's going to look down and this and it's going to activate it there's going to be a sensor right here it's going to see the car itself so it's going to see the car and it's going to see the thing it's going to be like stop all right see the red and activate these uh-oh we're speeding slower faster this is going to bring the magnet like that so it's going to activate Okay that's actually super narrow still I what the heck how about now all right good that's what I [Music] thought lined up good I can make this the front of the train I guess and then I'll do the back after so this will activate these technically then it'll no but it'll it's this still has to be [Music] a which will then go there and how long this is how long it's going to be stopped at the station for I guess 15 seconds at the station and then it's going to continue [Music] on [Music] why does it not that's not how physics works perfect this would trigger a stopping there but I think the doors only should open once uh a sensor sees the train lined up with it properly there there's be multiple different um criteria here so this has to be on [Music] right yeah this has to see the cyan and has to be uh three if this is on and this is on do a timer of like 1 second these doors need to uh be controlled by a logic gate goes to [Music] here oh yeah look at that wait do do these magnets even like care I feel like they're not strong enough I need to do is make the magnets stronger using the um smart engine or just I mean the regular engine so now the magnets should be strong enough to actually do their alignment yeah that's lined up now I think that was the work of the magnets it's very subtle this is door sensor this make door go open [Music] yay yep good so now as for the engine the engine speed it's going to it's going to come in as uh slow I think it should read the wall so it could go really fast and it could transition to just yellow I could just have them be like side by side like right here like that it's going to be like that and it's going to be like that it's going to be like that and it just goes up one when needed and then it would it would be like slow for a little and then it would take off this has to be here to stop it it has to go down oh yeah did that line up well oh my god it worked why does it stop so soon it needs to be rot okay I could rotate it if it's like on the same plane like I could rotate it if it's like on a single axis here just like a little bit like 15° oh that's lined up pretty nice yeah that's good and we could probably have like block sections and stuff to uh stop the train if it um if there's obviously if it's occupied up [Music] ahead W look at [Music] that then it [Applause] leaves [Music] [Music] how do I make a thing where it's like open might just use the seat block and make like the chairs actually look nice I wonder what I can make this seed out of I don't want to just do plastic again there needs to be another material except plastic in here where it's like that but make it like light colored yeah that's two [Music] it just misses [Music] it [Music] nice so how will these be mated [Music] like that but then like it could be like that and this would just be here now we just have to fill up these gaps somehow without taking away from the motion to where it does just move inwards [Music] yeah it can be walked across it finally decided to I guess how does that look yeah that works [Music] but is that enough of a turn radius all right I topped it off there we go um how do I get out please let me out now that the train is complete I'm going to have to extend this station just a little bit actually no they can't work individually cuz the front of the train is wise to see so this will um is this the one that checks for the door yeah this cannot think freely anymore and I get on and it closes and we leave the promise that I made at the start of the video of uh multiple trains that means two two at most if if the game can even handle that I don't know over here at the corners [Music] cool all right let's make like the train parking area this is where you spawn the train that opens the doors good so they can manually open the doors dispatch is that all right so because the game was annoying I had to make this really awkward but I mean it works Contraption where it's like this track that just like pivots off this hinge right here and swings the entire train over here like 12 FPS so let me show you a million different sensors and stuff drives onto this track pauses there and then begins this slow swing so like the wheels don't turn anymore oh this worked just yes okay well there it goes that's awesome and then it goes back to reset um we could start assembling the track because we have the maintenance Bay I have a straight track saved right over here okay there we go look we got a track extension that's crazy but these are like separate pieces so like I could not just like do that over here is where we're going to put our turn I believe this is correct [Music] wonderful [Music] good oh there's grass poking out I forgot it gives it a bit of a realistic rundown feel you know right here that's exactly the right amount of space I'll just do the thing to connect the thing and this will just this will just be that way there it is incredible work I think we're ready to send our first train around it has arrived the at the station time to go for a [Music] ride uh-oh we're stuck let's let's do the manual over right [Music] here [Music] [Music] this door in particular just does not want to work but that's fine and here we are back at this front very nice Metro system connecting nothing to nowhere okay we could try we could try and put multiple trains on it good we have two trains officially running on the track this one's entering that one oh no they're going to turn at the same time the one on the right seems to have handled it so did the one on the left let's go we have a working train system that drives itself the the operations are probably incredible [Music] perfect that's this is a different train from the one that was there before no that's definitely stuck oh he's just he's ramming into the [Music] wall [Music]
Channel: ChungoMonko
Views: 12,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrap mechanic, self driving train, autonomous, driverless train, automatic train, metro system, train system, driverless train system, railroad, autonomous vehicle, autonomous train, platform screen doors, rail network, transit system, smart rail, autonomous transit, subway system, self driving subway car, best builds, workshop creations, monorail, self driving city, challenge mode, piston engine, piston powered, challenge, creation, workshop
Id: BhbweW1HVfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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