This luck is actually insane.. (Hypixel Skyblock Hardmode)

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all right well if you thought the last video was crazy this one might just be even crazier so as you all probably remember in the last episode i continued on my grind to complete a floor 7 dungeon and i made pretty decent progress too not only did i get my first two of four bone marrings but i also finally managed to complete the full shadow assassin set when i got the chest plate to drop after nearly 300 floor 5 runs and today i'm not only going to be continuing on with my quest to get all four of those bone rings but i'm also going to be focusing on some of the other grinds that are going to need to be completed if i ever want to get through a floor 7 alive with that being said though i really don't want to spoil anything that's going to happen in today's episode so all i'm gonna say is just get ready because it's insane really quickly though guys i just want to say a massive thank you to you all for 100 000 subscribers that is a mind-blowing number so just thank you so much obviously though i don't want to stop here so if you guys are enjoying these videos please consider hitting that subscribe button i would really appreciate it and as part of my celebration for hitting 100k i have released a special chroma edition of my hardcore cloak on the badline store so if you guys like the look of it check out the link down in the description and you can save 10 on your purchase and last but not least literally everything that happens in these videos is streamed over on my twitch channel so if you'd like to watch some of this stuff go down live check it out anyways without further ado let's get right into my journey alright so when we last left off in my adventure i had just gotten a shadow assassin chest plate which was definitely a very exciting moment for me but unfortunately it did mean one other thing and that was i was now totally bankrupt you see i had been keeping myself at exactly 6 million coins when i was doing these floor 5 runs because that's how much the shadow assassin chest plate costs so when i actually got one that means i had to spend all of my coins in order to get it and i still needed to get three more overload one books from floor five if i wanted to get both of my bone ranks to overload three and these overload books can get pretty pricey costing all the way up to two million coins if they're found in the bedrock chest the most common place to find them which meant that it was once again time to return to my favorite activity on skyblock farming netherwart [Music] but after only like 45 minutes of farming netherwar i was already completely fed up with it so i decided to change up my plan a little bit instead of doing s plus runs each time i would instead only do s runs on floor 5 which would not only make the runs themselves a little bit faster but it would also get rid of the bedrock chest entirely meaning the most expensive overload book i could get would be 1 million coins from the obsidian chest and while this new strategy certainly meant that i would not be seeing overload books as often on my runs i was hoping that the save time would kind of counteract that but uh i was very wrong because not only did it take me over a full hour just to see my first overload book in the obsidian chest but after that i went on a two hour plus dry streak of not getting a single overload book at which point it became obvious that the most time efficient way to do things was just gonna be to do the s plus runs and pay 2 mil for each overload book even if it meant that i had to spend an extra 30 minutes to an hour farming netherwart and the next day things started to turn in my favor not only did i manage to get an overload book in the gold chest for 250k on one of my first runs of the day but only two runs later i got the last overload book i needed in the bedrock chest meaning that i could finally enchant those first two bone rings i had crafted and start to get in a little bit of practice with the archer class unfortunately after i enchanted the bone meringues i realized that i still needed to put the spiritual reforge on them which was going to cost me another 1 million coins for each bone marine so i begrudgingly returned to farming netherwort but it wasn't before long that i really started to go crazy and decided i needed to find another money-making method even if it wasn't quite as good as farming wart so i made my way over to the dwarven mines to do a little bit of testing because people in both my chat and on the hypixel forums had been talking about this being a good money making method for players who could use the bazaar auction house and i was hoping that maybe it would still be decent for players like myself who couldn't do those things unfortunately the results i got were not good in fact they were so bad that i'm not even gonna mention them here and long story short i went back to farming netherwart but before i applied the reforge to the bone meringues it was once again time for the jerry's workshop island to be open and even though getting a baby yeti pet would not be essential for me to complete a floor seven it was still something that i had already dumped a ton of time into trying to get so at this point i just wanted to get one for personal accomplishment but after once again getting crazy lucky with my yeti rate fishing up six yetis in a span of only three hours of fishing i had once again gotten zero drops and i was kind of starting to lose hope that this baby yeti dream was ever gonna come true for me and after i started to near the four hour mark of yeti fishing i even ran out of my whale bait and had to switch over to icebate which greatly lowers the chance of fishing up a yeti but i decided that i would push on and fish up one last yeti before switching back over to dungeons and testing out those bone meringues and after fishing up this seventh yeti of the day something crazy happened i thought king lads about to hit my yeti and i oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god no way no way no way dude oh my god i'm dude you guys don't i'm so happy right now i can't believe it yes after countless hours of yeti fishing i had finally gotten the elusive baby yeti pet to drop and to make things just that much better it was even the epic version of the baby eddie which is a huge plus over the legendary because it makes it a lot easier to level up and the legendary perk isn't even good so basically you just want the epic pet you don't want the legendary version and with there now being no more reason for me to yetifish it was finally time to apply those spiritual reforged stones to the bone marines unfortunately like i have mentioned quite a few times already in this video i don't like farming nether wart and so i had procrastinated that task and still didn't have the money i needed for these reform stones thankfully some genius in my chat had the idea of taking the hundreds and hundreds of extra dragon fragments i had stocked up from both doing the dragons themselves and from the lost adventures in dungeons and turning those fragments into boots which i could then turn around and sell to the npc for 100 000 coins a pop and while a hundred thousand coins per pair of boots doesn't seem like a lot when you have as many dragon fragments saved up as i did it adds up and i was able to get all the coins i needed to apply the spiritual reforge so i not only applied the reforge to both of my bone rings but i also decided to turn my tarantula helmet into a dungeon item to do some testing because a few people in my chat had suggested that it might be better to use than my shadow assassin helmet once i start playing archer on top of all of that i also used the werewolf skin that i had fished up in the last episode to craft three out of the four werewolf armor pieces so that i could get some ferocity and be able to double hit thorn during the boss phase and with all of those preparations finally completed i hopped into a floor four dungeon and started testing out my shiny new bone meringues wait that's busted four times and he's dead dude that's insane so yeah the bone meringues were very powerful and it was crazy to think that this was only half of the potential of the setup considering i still had two more bone rings to go before i was ready for floor seven and this day seemingly just kept getting better and better because on that very same run this happened oh my god what the heck what are the odds dude literally first run in so long so uh yeah kind of insane stuff right there unfortunately like i mentioned earlier i was just barely getting by with money so having to purchase a spirit bone for 1.5 million coins this early on in returning to floor 4 runs pretty much once again bankrupted me so i took the last of the extra useless dragon fragments i had turned him into boots and made myself back a couple million coins and on the next day of runs that good luck pretty much just picked up right where it left off as i managed to get spirit bone number 12. after once again going bankrupt with the purchase of this spirit bone though i realized it was time to put an end to all the creative money-making methods and just stick with farming netherwart for the sake of not making this take longer than it needs to and it was also on this day of runs that i made a very interesting discovery because as i was discussing with my chat different ways i could get my ferocity up somebody pointed out to me that i had a shredder i could use in my ender chest this revelation was interesting to me because i had no idea i had a shredder now you might be asking how could you possibly not remember getting a shredder i mean it is a pretty rare drop so it seems like something that you would probably remember if you got one and the story behind it is a little bit weird so allow me to explain so basically after like five minutes of myself and everyone in my chat trying to remember where i could have possibly gotten the shredder we were all drawing blanks but then i remembered that skycrypt has a very useful feature where when you hover over an item that you own it will tell you the date that it was obtained so by going to their website i was able to see that i had obtained the shredder on january 4th and since two months had not yet passed since that date that meant the vod of me fishing it up would still be up on my twitch channel and when i went back and started watching the vaude everything suddenly clicked into place so what had happened was i was just doing a casual yeti fishing stream trying to get that baby yeti pet and i looked away from my screen for a moment and happened to fish up a sea emperor of all things and while i was still looking away from my screen somebody else in my lobby killed the sea emperor so by the time i looked back to my screen it seemed as if nothing had changed for me but then i opened my inventory a few moments later and was very surprised to find an emperor skull and a shredder in my inventory so at first i had assumed somebody had figured out a way to drop these items on me and i was getting ready to drop them back on the ground because i didn't want to be known as a cheater fortunately before i did that somebody in my chat took a clip of what had happened and proved to me that it was in fact my c emperor that dropped those items to me and after being excited for a very brief moment people in my chat also started telling me that the shredder was totally worthless so i just dumped it away in a random backpack in my ender chest and then fast forward almost two months later and it finally had a use to me and that's how we got to where we are now so now that i knew the shredder was in fact mine i returned to the floor for grind and over the next couple of days i managed to get my 13th 14th and 15th spirit bone meaning that i could craft the third bone meringue and improve my archer setup even more here it is five spirit bones 15 enchanted string 10 enchanted bone blocks and in three two one we are now officially 75 of the way to having four bone meringues this is big guys we have come a very long way dude it has been a journey oh my god has it been a journey dude i also decided at this point that i wanted to do a test to see how much of a difference fully hot potato booking a bone marine would make in terms of damage so i quickly grinded up 10 hot potato books for one of my already maxed out bone marines and went into a dungeon to compare the damage let's see damage 1.4 mil with the non hot potato booked one okay hot potato booked one 1.6 mil almost that's like so the hot potato books add like what is that like 20 damage that's kind of significant i also decided that i had done way too many floor 4 runs over the past couple of days and needed a bit of a break from them so i decided to transition over to doing some frag runs on floor six and if you guys aren't familiar with what a frag run is basically you just take an alt account or in my case a viewer who is willing to afk for me while you rush to the blood room and kill the mini boss in the hopes that it will drop a fragment for you and in my case in particular i was on the hunt for livid fragments because these can be used to upgrade the sa armor to a higher rarity meaning if i live and frag my entire armor set i can get full mythic shadow assassin armor now it does require eight livid fragments per piece of shadow assassin armor to upgrade but compared to some of the other grinds i've done on this profile this one's pretty much gonna be a walk in the park and it was also during this grind that i realized the skeleton minions i still had up on my island were a total waste at the moment because i already had all the enchanted bone blocks i needed to craft the remaining bone marine so i decided to take down these skeleton minions and instead put up gold minions as part of a little side quest i want to work on now some of you may be able to guess exactly what these minions are for but for those of you who can't i'm gonna keep it a secret for now it wasn't after too long though that i also got bored of doing these floor 6 frag runs and decided to move on to something else this time i wanted to work on maxing out my third bone marine and the first step of that was to get all four of the overload books i needed to get it to overload three i did not make the same mistakes as last time though and decided to only do s plus runs and if every overload book was gonna cost me two million coins then i guess it just is what it is and despite the extra netherwart farming that i had to do in order to afford all these overload books this time around the process went a lot faster and within about three to four hours of floor five runs i had gotten all four overload books that i needed last opportunity i cannot let the doubters get away with this my flawless trap room should have predicted an overload in this bedrock chest let's find out oh i told you what did i tell you what did i tell you what did i tell you boys what did i tell you man it's just like that little gopher then my flawless trap room predicted the overload book in the bedrock chest and just like that four overload ones have been acquired for overload 3 for the fourth bone meringue we're back down to 35 000 coins i am now completely broke and with that process now completed i was just about ready to return to doing some floor 4 runs but there was one last thing i wanted to do before that you see even though i now had the epic baby yeti pet in my possession i still had not had a chance to use it and this was because until i leveled it up to a pretty decent level like somewhere in the mid 70s maybe early 80s it wasn't going to be better than my legendary blue whale pet that i was currently using but as i'm sure those of you who play high pixel skyblock will be aware leveling up fishing patch like the baby yeti is a complete nightmare because getting fishing xp is uh just it's a long process so in my efforts to avoid leveling this thing up through fishing i had the very clever idea to instead use carrot candy to try and get it to a decent level but there was one problem with this idea and that was that my carrot farm was only currently one layer which would not be sufficient for farming 10 carat candies so i began work on expanding my carrot farm to three full layers to make it infinite unfortunately one side effect of not having access to the bazaar is that i also can't get booster cookies which means that builder's wand item that is very very useful for building large farms i don't have it so i instead had to spend the next three hours of my life just placing dirt for these two layers thankfully the rest of the farm building process was not too difficult for me because i do have access to the items that make tilling placing water and planting seeds pretty much automated unfortunately though my pain was not yet over because what i had initially anticipated would be about maybe two to three hours of farming carrots in order to get all 10 superb carrot candies that i needed turned into about maybe seven to eight hours of farming carrots but as you guys have seen throughout this series i do not shy away from a grind so i put those hours in and got all ten superb carrot candies that i needed and with eight hours of grueling farming torture now over i took those ten superb carrot candies and applied it to my baby yeti right here okay guys this is a completely clean epic baby yeti pet level one with literally zero xp on it i have never done anything with this baby eddie at all carrot candy number one instantly instantly to level 52 from just one carrot candy jesus all right number two level 60 there we go so you can see uh the difference from one carrot candy to the next already is uh exponentially smaller so next one now 65 so going down but not as much as it did after the first one here we go 69 a nice nice way how much xp does it have uh i was hoping it's gonna have 69 000. very nice very nice all right number five 72. all right it's slowing down a lot now 75 77 79 80 and i believe this will probably be 1 82 level 82 there we go nothing else besides carrot candy's got this baby right all the way up to level 82. so very similar to my blue whale this will be like a pretty accurate comparison so with all 10 of those candies now applied it was time to hop into a dungeon and do the comparison between the baby yeti and the blue whale before i hopped into the dungeon though i also took the opportunity to fully max out my third bone ring because for some reason even though i had the materials laying around for like two to three days i just hadn't gone about actually maxing it out but once i actually got into the dungeon i did one comparison between the two at the very beginning and also one comparison at the very end and at the beginning i had 158 000 ehp with the baby eddie and 143 000 with the blue whale meaning that the baby yeti was about 10 percent better and at the end of the dungeon i had 340 000 ehp with the baby eddie and only 290 000 with the blue whale meaning that the baby yeti at the end of dungeon was about 15 percent better so thankfully my countless hours of yeti fishing weren't all for nothing as the baby yeti did outperform the blue whale pet that i already had and with all that stuff out of the way it was now finally time for me to start the grind for the fourth and final bone meringue and for now that is where my journey is gonna be leaving off as always if you made it to the end of this video you are a certified legend these things take a ton of time to record and edit so i really really appreciate you watching it to the very end and yeah i hope to see you over on my twitch channel where i do all of the grinding for these videos it is a very fun and exciting time so uh check it out the link will be down in the description below also if you like the look of my brand new chroma hardcore cloak on badline check it out the link for that will also be in the description anyways with all that being said guys thank you once again very much for watching and i will see you in my next video peace [Music]
Channel: RageTrain
Views: 505,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rage_, UnstoppableRT, UnstoppableRageTrain, Ragetrain, Rage Train, Ragetrain Minecraft, Rage Train Minecraft, RageTrain Hypixel Skyblock Hardcore, Rage Train Hypixel Skyblock Hardcore, RageTrain hypixel, RageTrain Hypixel Skyblock, Minecraft, Hypixel Skyblock Hardcore
Id: Sjpttg3rsCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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