I Survived 100 Days with Create Mod in Hardcore Minecraft!

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in this video I'm going to attempt to survive 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft as an engineer with the create mod my end goal is going to be of course surviving but I'll also be working towards creating a cozy Lush Riverside Town Complete with power from water wheels Automatic Farms and industrial factories let's get straight into day one if you had to guess what happened on the very first day would you choose a i spawned next to a village B I died or C I found diamonds if you guessed B died uh you win all right time for attempt number two this time we spawned in a big spruce tree biome I don't actually know what it's called and we got all of the formalities done like punching a tree making a wooden pick getting some Cobble and making stone tools with all that done I set out on my journey to find a lar Riverside location to build my settlement after a bit of walking I stumbled across this tranquil View and probably ruined it by harvesting a bunch of sugar cane I also took the time to get a bunch of seeds here because we'll definitely be needing a lot of wheat next it was time to sort out the food situation I found some juicy plump salmon and went sword fishing and while I was cooking them up I harvested a giant spruce tree I then made a boat for more efficient travel and promptly stumbled upon a nice little area to get some andesite that will definitely be needing for create mod related Shenanigans along with some iron too now with nighttime falling I opted to Traverse deeper into the cave but was wed off by a skeleton I wasn't equipped to deal with and being stuck between the Knight outside and the skeleton Defender I opted to do what any man like me would Wai in a hole for 10 [Music] minutes with day two now upon us I stumbled out of my hole and was assaulted by a skeleton of which I had to uh kill it also looked like I was finally at the end of this biome and made my way over to a new area and as if a sign that we were on the right track the rain Ended as soon as I stepped in this new location after continuous searching for a perfect area I found a Plains Village that I of course pillaged stealing a bed for myself all of their wheat potatoes and other food and once I was done I found something quite interesting it was a river with ample room on the side for building so I made my way over to investigate and after seeing a turtle centipede I determined this spot was absolutely perfect in order to build my starter house I needed all kinds of wood Spruce Oak and Birch so I headed over to the opposite side and chopped down a bunch of trees making sure to replant them day three started with obtaining the last thing I needed for my house which was stone for the foundation so I harvested a bunch of Cobble and smelted it all up days three all the way through day eight was simply me building my starter base I wanted to stick with a Lush overgrown theme that I mentioned in the intro however I didn't get around to that until a little later on so for now it's a bit of a simple Cottage I guess I utilized the spruce windows that the create mod provides as I feel the fit the aesthetic well and I also added some fenced off porches that I planned on adding some lushness to soon as well I spent days 8 9 and 10 mining for everything we needed like coal lots of iron a small heaping of zinc a single Emerald some gold and even a couple diamonds too I spend the rest of day 10 making our first create mod items that are literal godsend I needed to make a mechanical press first and powered it with a simple hand crank to get some iron sheets I used those sheets to create a mechanical saw of which we can place at the base of any tree power it with the hand crank and once it's done all the wood simply falls to the ground and we can easily collect all of it I closed off day 10 and spent the entirety of the new day collecting even more wood that I'll be needing for our next build the Riverside Sawmill this will be powered by some water wheels so I made sure to craft those too I then spent days 11 through 15 building our Riverside Sawmill this building will serve as our main power source for quite a while being powered by a single external water wheel and a bunch of internal ones so to get our internal Wheels set up I cracked into the basement of our build which had a boner waiting for us yes from this point on I'm calling skeletons bonus I then spent the rest of day 15 and most of 16 setting up all of the water wheel stuff it's all pretty boring so there we go it's all done for the rest of day 16 and into 17 I decided to enhance the environment by planting some Oak saplings which definitely won't get in the way at all for my next build I also collected some nearby cows to start my very cruel and soon to be overcrowded cow farm for days 17 through 19 I decided to go on another mining Expedition as we were low on resources as I was exploring the caves I found this I also found a lot of diamonds this massive lava lake and as I was trying to find my way back I found a boner spawner that almost took me down but luckily I prevailed I also still couldn't find my way back so I instead just mind my way to the surface and also crafted my first diamond pickaxe once I breached into the daylight I had no idea where I was I did find a village that I made my way to did a modest amount of pillaging and then realized that it's literally right next to my base so I headed home took stock of my mining Hall and decided it was time to mine a bunch of and aides so we don't have to worry about it for a while I closed off day 19 under the stars and started day 20 Strong by jumping into the river and collecting clay for our next build the factory now instead of smelting all of that clay in a furnace I decided it was time to craft and ENC cased fan I also made my wrench that'll come in handy for everything create mod related now as I don't have the factory building set up yet I opted to temporarily install our new encased fan at the lumber mill I routed power up through the floor took a nap on the job to get us to day 21 hooked it up and it was doing what fans do best blow so to instead get it smelting I placed lava in front and also a campfire for when I needed to cook stuff I chucked the clay in crafted the bricks and realized I needed a lot more so I continued digging slept out in the bush found myself in the ocean and harvested a bunch of kelp that we be needing for belts I then returned back home smelted everything made a little kelp Farm mined some Granite for texturing with the bricks and finally got started building the factory as I was building I kept constantly running out of stone for the pillar blocks here so 3 days into the build I decided to create a little cobblestone generator I crafted some mechanical drills a couple Hoppers and also headed down into the mine to get some lava now we do need power for this so I routed it from the lumber mill to our new Factory and got started setting up the cobblestone generator it's a pretty simple system the drills mind the Cobble yeah that's it so now with essentially infinite Stone I continued building all the way to day 34 the reason this took so long is because I still had to keep constantly grabbing stuff like zinc for the roof and leaves for the overgrown sections with the factory complete I took the time to add this overgrown look to our other build starting with my house I also added a cute little chimney and finished up with some leaves and grass on the second balcony and it was looking pretty sweet heading over to The Sawmill I first added a bunch of lanterns hanging off the pillar and gave it the overgrown look by adding heaps of leaves on this little shelf area on the outside with our Factory also completed we can now move our smelting set up over there so I removed it from The Sawmill routed power to the back of our Factory and got it all set back up ready to smelt stuff I also planned on adding all our essential Machinery here starting with the only one we have so far the mechanical press I added on the second floor to our Factory and also built the sore at our Sawmill which it looks like I completely forgot to record for some reason but yeah I think it looks pretty cool I mind andite until the morning of day 37 and as I emerged I was rudely attacked by a local gang of pillagers being ill equipped I scared off home and finally made myself a set of iron armor I can't believe it took 37 days for this by the way I reemerged looking for a fight and they had all vanished I found them loitering outside my factory dispatched them and burnt their stupid ugly flag after the hate crime I just committed I did some reflecting on my inner self while doing some gardening I then used all of the andesite I mind to make as much andesite alloy as I could used the factory floor to craft heaps of andesite casing something that will soon be something that'll soon be simple what the f something that'll soon be simplified thankfully I then slept in my house for literally the first time to awaken on day 38 with a master plan it was time to build an iron farm I crafted up all the millstones we'll be needing along with the drill as I headed inside I decided to put up some lanterns to avoid any unwanted guests and then got to taking down the cobble generator as we literally had an entire double chest full which should be more than enough for a while I then headed upstairs and got to prototyping the iron farm promptly realized I didn't have enough stuff so I spent the rest of day 38 crafting and came back on day 39 I got straight back to work setting up the iron farm with this first part essentially being exactly the same as the cobble generator we previously had I got everything hooked up and running and then realized I'm going to need brass funnels they're essentially what allows me to separate items which is what we're going to be needing for this iron farm now to make these we need a mechanical mixer along with a blaze burner and to make The Blaze burner we of course need a blaze so it was time to head to the nether I dumped all my items grabbed some Cobble for bridging and building in the nether made a secondary diamond pick and iron sword and headed to the mine to get obsidian for the portal what I ended up finding was insane it's an underwater cave and there was an ungodly amount of diamonds in it before I jumped in I wanted to get the obsidian first and on my way to Lava I found even more diamonds so I Min them first found another boner spawner even more diamonds and then and finally found the obsidian which I mined not so quickly day 40 was a Monumental day to put it lightly it's the day we became Rich the amount of diamonds we got was so insane I gave up recording clips of it we gained a total of 41 diamonds from the Expedition I set out on to get a couple pieces of obsidian returning back home on day 41 I went out to look for a nice location to build our nether portal I ended up finding a great location but there was another Pillager Squad nearby so I abandoned it I ended up just chopping down a few more of the trees I regret planting cleaned up the surrounding landscape and started building here I'm going for a sort of ancient ruined tower look as if it had originally contain the portal and over time everything else had crumbled while the portal remained standing I built all the way to day 42 finishing up with adding in the overgrown look with some leaves basically everywhere and uh I just lied I'm now finishing up by adding in a little pathway that leads up to it it was now time to head to my least favorite Dimension the nether I ignited the portal stepped in and regretted my life choices that led me up to this moment I maxed out my render distance to get this over and done with as soon as possible couldn't find a nearby Fortress and cried a little after heading up to a slightly better vantage point I spotted it the Fortress thank Christ we also had a bogey to deal with which I killed with its own Fireball didn't even record it who cares mate it's just an everyday occurrence for me I hastily stumbled into the Fortress found myself staring down a big black boner and I went to down on it I also found the blaze I needed and captured his Soul inside my cage to do my bidding for eternity oh and there was another big black boner as well on my way out I stole some nether warts and made my way back to the portal praying to never return again surprisingly this didn't even take a day to do as it was still day 42's night when I got out so I slept until day 43 continuing day 43 I built the Basin along with the mechanical mixer that we needed along with our new Blaze burner I assembled them all together routed power up to the mixer chucked in some zinc and copper gave our little Blaze boy some yum yums and We're Off to the Races we'd finally made some bloody brass mate the first thing I did was flatten off a piece of it to make some Engineers goggles another essential item for the create mod the next thing we needed for the brass funnels was an electron tube for this we needed nether quartz and thankfully I knew this trust me I didn't want to do a second drip to the nether I sanded it down to this yummy looking stuff and just before I continued I realized we now had giant gaping holes in our roof and it was upsetting me greatly so I crafted some Spruce trap doors and patched them all up not the most elegant solution I know but it worked at least I also thought it was probably time to get some lights in here so I crafted some chains and hung them from the ceiling I then closed off day 43 Under the Stars again for some reason I have a perfectly usable house right there and starting off the new day I crafted our electron tube and finally the brass tunnels I then tore everything down as it all sucked ball sack and set it back up again at a different wall in a different way I then realized it was all too low so I raised it all up one block higher I set up the intake sections on the sides of the Mills to take in the Min Cobblestone to be converted to gravel below the Mills is where that gravel will be ejected onto some belts to take it all to the back wall to be washed I placed in the fan with some water in front so that it washes the gravel into iron nuggets and Flint which is the whole reason why we needed the brass funnels the rest of day 45 was spend crafting an item funnel which is what allows us to set up more high-tech funneling systems I don't know if that made any sense day 46 is where we set up the high-tech funneling with a chest to take away all the Flint to allow only the iron nuggets to reach the Basin to where it'll get stemmed by the Press into ingots next it was time to power everything I don't even know why I recorded this it's probably the most tedious and boring thing and bang we were overstressed meaning we don't have enough power so my master plan was to expand our water wheels into the top of the Sawmill So I placed those in and went to bed on the morning of day 47 I continued upgrading our power by tediously connecting the new water wheels to the old ones and wow that took an entire day welcome to day 48 the power situation was fixed everything was now running as smooth as butter but wait there's another problem I'm an idiot and place the drills in a way where they can't get power so to fix it I shifted all the Mills back one hooked up the drills started hooking up the Mills and we were overstressed again suffice it to say I was in tears at this very moment my new master plan was to build a windmill as they output more power than water wheels so I crafted up a windmill bearing and a bunch of windmill Sals I then spent the rest of day 48 to day 50 building a windmill now I did plan on building a fully automatic weed farm beside this but it'll have to wait as I literally just wanted this for the power output at the moment so beginning construction of the actual windmill part I first took a chunk out of the pillars and added in the windmill bearing I then fell off the scaffolding and awoke on day 51 with soiled jocks but ready to continue construction I added our windmill sails in each direction from the center point here and stood back to see it looks kind of crap so I went back up thickened up the sa stood back again and realized it looks even worse wow third times the charm it still looks weird but it's okay for now I might change it later I then routed power down the tower added in our gear ratios to get it up to speed and started connecting it up to the rest of the power a grid but completely ran out of andesite for the shafts so I closed off day 51 with mining a bunch of andesite I started off day 52 with a shaft in my hand to connect the power up get your mind out of the gutter I also added a little power pole here so it doesn't look like the power line is just floating even though the pole isn't actually attached to it but we'll fix that up soon trust me with our new windmill connected up we were no longer overstressed thank God for that I also got the last element of the Iron Mine completed the Cobblestone miners with those now done and Mining away the whole iron farm entered into produ ction however there was a slight issue the gravel on this belt wasn't getting ejected So I entered into a fit of rage blacked out and awoke on day 53 with everything fixed I have no idea how it happened but we had finally done it our first nine nuggets were pressed and we had our first Iron Ingot now production was quite slow so I went up to take a look at what was happening and it turns out we did not have nearly enough Cobblestone output for the Mills so my plan was to of course add more miners but before we did that I crafted up a deployer and added it alongside our other Machinery on the first floor this is the the item that's going to make crafting and aside casing a whole bunch easier instead of placing a log stripping it right clicking with and aside and minding it we now just give everything to this thing and it does it for us day 54 was spent upgrading the iron farm and we'd run into another overstressed situation so I decided to add these wind turbines to the roof of the factory I then connected them up together added more gear ratio stuff to get it up to speed and connected it up to the system I then went to bed on day 55 and spent day 56 upgrading on day 57 it was finally all done except there was another problem where gravel was getting into where it shouldn't and I fixed it all on day 58 who cares onto day 59 where we finally move on to something new it was now time to set up our automatic weed farm so I spent the rest of this day well it was already nighttime at this point uh crafting up all of the plows for the machine I slept to day 60 crafted some more stuff for the machine and then realized I need a way to glue it all together and the recipe needed slime balls but thankfully the create mod adds a way to craft these involving some green dye and dough so it was time to get that sorted the first thing I needed was a millstone So I placed it into into our Machinery lineup and got it hooked up to power The Next Step was simply chucking in some wheat to get us wheat flour of which I simply combined water with to get us the dough half of the recipe for slime balls the next part was to obtain the green dye and I hadn't seen any deserts nearby but thankfully we can actually use ferns to get the green dye so I went out for a quick foraging sesh once we were back I grinded some up in the mill combined it with white dye and we now had our lime dye I then simply combined this with the dough and we had slime balls all without laying a single finger on a groy slime now for the final part of the super glue which thankfully was easy enough to craft and there we go we're now ready to start our automatic weed farm so heading up to the windmill I opted to build the farm on the left side of it adding in our water Channel first I then started off day 61 by extending the area a little bit along with filling in all the slabs up with water and also placing the tracks that our automatic Harvester will be following next up I tilled all the area into farmlands cleared out a space that will be adding sugar canes onto and finally got started on the actual Contraption we aren't doing anything too fancy here literally just a line of block with some plowers on the front although I did have to change these blocks out for stairs just to make it a little bit more elegant The Next Step was adding in a portable storage interface which is the way we'll be transferring all the harvested items from the contraption into a chest now onto connecting everything up together with Superglue I made sure no block was left behind then to get it up and running we need to power it with redstone and I tried placing a lever here which didn't really work out I eventually got it powered and off it goes and it's already not working properly to fix this I simply raised up this one plow one block higher so it harvest the grown sugar cane instead easy fix next up I just planted all our wheat seeds in slept dangerously close to this machine woke up on day 62 and fenced off the whole area so we don't have any unwanted guests I also added some lanterns as well after some tweaking of the portable storage interface it was all up and running to test it out I artificially grew some sugar cane of which the machine harvested and once it made contact with the other interface it dumped it all into the chest on the next day I got started on our next project which is to finally get some stuff Enchanted so to begin I crafted as many bookshelves as I could which ended up only being 10 I then spent days 63 to 67 building the enchanting house I decided on making this one another Riverside structure similar to The Sawmill but this time using predominantly Stone instead of wood just for something a little different I also went with a pretty different style building as well it's sort of like two houses joined together or something with the main structure completed I went straight into the decorating phase adding a plentiful amount of barrels and chests along with lots of pot plants as well I also decided that just below this new build would be a really nice spot for a bit of a dock build so I added a very simple one in I continued adding in detail to the main build with these little bracing things and I also got started on a bit of a pathway but didn't go too far with it as I was going to get that sorted later on I spent the last few minutes of the day harvesting sugar cane I also placed a boat on our new Dock and as the sun was setting I slept in the water for some reason day 68 begins with us crafting more bookshelves so we'd actually have enough to enchant something at level 30 I made my way down to the enchanting house and began construction on the interior starting with the bookshelves once I'd gotten all those placed in we were thankfully at max level but I still wanted more bookshelves for the aesthetic of course so I went and killed some cows managed to craft one more bookshelf I placed it in added in some pot plants in the window sections hung a lantern from the ceiling and then began on the other side over here I built some indoor plants along with a table with some random decorations I covered in the ugly gaps in the roof and we were pretty much done all that was left to do now was to get some lapis so we can start enchanting thankfully it didn't take too long to find a decent amount in the mine and once I'd reach surfaced I slept into day 69 the day where we made some serious upgrades I decided it was time to finally use most of our diamonds and I began with crafting a fresh pickaxe a sword an Axe and a new shovel but why stop there I also made a full diamond armor set bar the helmet as I like to keep it stylish with the gogs continuing on I decided to enchant my pickaxe first and got just efficiency which kind of stinks I then decided on doing my sword next of which had a pretty decent enchantment except for knockback which I absolutely hate I was now below level 30 So I placed the lapis back in the chest and left deciding on which project to begin next later that same day I decided on starting a mining Quarry I spent some time deliberating a spot and then got started building so I decided on another structure built on a platform just to keep with a theme of The Village on top I built two separated houses this time both with a nice deep slate and Spruce roof along with some chimneys too I filled in the walls and started the crane that'll be lowering the Quarry into the ground I finished the build on day 73 and just kind of admired my little Village so far it was coming along a lot nicer than I thought I continued on by crafting up the Machinery we'll be needing for the Quarry that being just a rope pulley for now on the sunset of day 73 I spotted some pillagers having a swim decided to leave them to have their fun and sleep until day 74 I then continued on crafting stuff we'd need for the Quarry and as I went up to grab some iron I noticed it was backed up with Flint with the double chest being completely full I then burnt all of the Flint and swapped the chest out for a shoot that goes directly into a fire don't worry I switched off fire tech when when I created the world I cleared out all of the Flint from the Basin and the iron farm was back up and running I crafted all the drills I could ran out of Anders site and headed back into the mine to grab some more heading back I crafted the rest of the drills and made my way back to the Quarry now we needed a power source for this building and I opted for water wheels under the platform I got them powered and added in the gear ratio stuff to get it spinning a little bit faster I continued the shaft up the crane into the very end which is where I added the Rope pulley I stopped it halfway so that we could build the actual mining machine that it'll connect to and lower into the ground I first added a nice wooden backing with an elegant shape placed all of our drills on the bottom and glued it all together so it was a single Contraption I then realized it needed a way to store the blocks it was mining so I replaced some of the wood backing with chests next I simply hooked it back up to the power and sent it on its way to mine down to bedrock I went to get some blocks and came back with it already at decent ways down so I felt health and safety was a concern and added a little fence around the hole I then decided it was time to pretty up the crane as it looked quite crap at the moment but before we could I slept on some very unsafe scaffolding I spent day 76 playing around with a variety of different designs for the crane some weirder than others and finally landed on a design that was okay it was still kind of crap I checked to see where the Quarry was at and to my surprise it had already reached the bottom so I reversed the power with a gearbox to bring it back up taking a look inside the chest said it found five diamonds and a bunch of and aight which was pretty handy the rest was just general junk which I mean it's to be expected I honestly didn't know what to do to keep it mining either make more holes or use that hole as an elevator but I just left it for now taking a look at the whole build I thought it didn't really look too much like a quarry and to fix that I decided on adding a big old pile of detailed Stone underneath the platform and kind of spread it outwards a little bit I also opted to build some little piles of stone as if they'd been excavated and just left in piles or something I sprinkled a bunch of barrels chests and extinguished campfires around the place and finished up with a bracing design around the platform and it was all done time to hit the hay on day 79 I decided to finally fix up the windmill building starting with this part in the roof that I completely forgot I added some slabs to the roof trim to make it a little bit more interesting and then started with a wall on the inside to separate it off I made the open section feel a little bit more cozy and also finally added in a floor to replace the grass I'd also noticed the Harvester hadn't been harvesting and it was also glitched out for some reason I relogged to fix the glitch and crafted up some mechanical Harvesters to replace the plowers which is why it wasn't harvesting basically I'm just an idiot and used the wrong thing and once it was back up and running it was actually harvesting the weight now back onto finishing the interior I added a hanging lantern from the ceiling added some more supports to the area where the tower was attached and then slept under the stars to day 80 meaning we were 4 fths of the way to completing the 100 day challenge I started this day with continuing the upgrades to the windmill by adding in the overgrown look with a bunch of leaves around the place I also thought of a better design for the windmill so I stopped it and replaced all of the outer edges of the blades with sail frames in an attempt to make it look cooler once again I'd somehow made it look infinitely worse and with a final touchup it was finally looking pretty decent I must say I took another trip up to the Quarry and noticed some villagers had moved in this guy's trade was uh actually pretty garbage so I just punched him in the head and moved on with my day onto day 81 I decided to continue tying up loose ends this time with the enchanting interior I made seven more bookshelves which once added in ended up being the perfect amount which was pretty sweet I also added some leaves into the roof here although looking back I think I kind of overdid it I continued with the leaves on the exterior too all along the roof and down at the under platform area too the Quarry build also needed the overgrown treatment so I sprinkled in heaps of leaves under the platform and at the roof as well onto day 82 it was time to start our final big project the tree farm I was sick and tired of manually chopping trees I mean it was hardly even manual at this point but nevertheless it was time to automate I spent the entire day crafting up all of the various crap we'd be needing that being the mechanical SS and the deployers I closed the day off sleeping under the rain and kind of started panicking we had only 17 days days left to build this entire tree farm along with all the other ideas I had for the village so I started getting a rigle on I chopped down some Spruce and oak trees we'd needed for the build and then found a decent location to start building now there was quite a bit of Excavating to do and I was so close to level 30 so I headed down to the mine to kill some mobs and when I'd come back up there was yet again more pillagers they were starting to piss me off now so I killed them and then they started a raid and would continue to pass to me throughout this entire build sweet I Enchanted my shovel got efficiency in silk touch kind of a crap but oh well I used it to continue terraforming and finally got started with the build so for this one I'm trying something a little more unique it's an upside down t-shape with a bunch of balconies and I plan on making both of the sides actually the intakes for the harvested wood I continued with adding in the wall designs with textured Oak planks and stripped oak logs and filled them in with heaps of Windows too with the house part done it was now day 87 and time to start the actual Tree Farm sections and I began with extending the terrain out but changed my mind halfway and instead kept it in line with with the existing landscape I then started with building the moving arm of the tree Harvester and just tried to gauge how big of an area it' need I decided four blocks was too long and reduced it down to three these Farms will be powered with a single underground water wheel so I got that running and placed in our mechanical bearing which yeah we still had to glue everything up but before we did that I refined the shape of the armor little and added on the deployers that'll be planting the saplings I then glued it all together to test it out got it spinning and it was working perfectly I did still need to add a few things on starting with a chest I took a quick nap into day 88 and finished up this first tree Harvester with a portable storage interface I covered up the hole and added a checkered pattern of stone in the ground as this Farm will have spruce trees which when planted alt together will try to grow the Big Trees which we don't want and with that finished I turned on the Harvester which planted all the saplings and showed me some spots I missed with the stone so I fixed those up to test out the harvesting I bone Meed a tree and once it reached the sores got chopped down and stored in the chest now the next thing we needed to set up was a way to move those items from that chest to our building and to do that I used another interface with a Smart Shoot below that would allow everything other than saplings I hooked a belt up to the Shute which is yet to be powered but we'll sort that out soon I then started building the second Harvester with this one chopping oak trees instead with that side all set up it was now time to power the belts and I decided on another water wheel which ended up causing me a lot of grief so I took a nap to awaken on day 90 we had 10 days left to get this working and finish all my other ideas and I was starting to worry it wouldn't be possible time to hurry up I got the water wheel hooked up used some encase chain drives to power the other belt and started on repeating this on the opposite side for the spruce next it was onto the interior setup which consisted of another belt that would lead to a shoot feeding into double chests all connected with Hoppers to increase our storage size and there we go everything was Now set up and working perfectly heading into day 91 I prepped the exterior for a fence design I planned on adding I felt a design using stone walls and iron bars would look pretty sweet so I added in the first side wall and finished it off with some lanterns on top of the stone Bri brick walls I then moved on to the front wall added a secondary gate here and finished up with the opposite side wall and the wall was all finished the last thing to do now was have a nap into day 92 and of course bring the overgrown look with leaves randomly scattered around the building I just lied the actual last thing to do was add a floor under the balcony and continue a pathway down to the gate I also made this the time to finally add a much needed pathway throughout the entire Riverside Village first extending down to our windmill along with the enchanting house I then spent a bunch of time connecting up every single other building along with Spruce slabs for the steps to make walking the path a little smoother now it was finally time for adding decorations with things like lamp posts bushes barrels chests and extinguished campfires this is probably my most favorite part of this entire 100 day challenge as I feel it just ties everything together so perfectly and adds so much life to the Village along with these decorations I added a path to the Quarry along with all of the details of course and made a final pass around and added some more trees too now now on day 95 it was finally time to fix up those ugly ass power poles and I did that by first adding signs around the poles just as a way to add more visual Interest next it was time to actually connect the shafts to the poles with some metal brackets which just look awesome I also extended the stairs out a bit with some copycat steps just a neat little detail I thought was cool to add for the second power pole I gave it the same treatment along with adding an andesite casing to the central shaft as I feel that looks just a little better I finished it up with some signs and moved on to where it connects up with the windmill I made this section feel a little bit more attached by adding a slab with some copycat steps along with another metal bracket for the final part of the power Poes at the factory I just simply added some more brackets and that was looking pretty sweet mate the next detail that definitely needed to be added was some log piles around the tree farm I simply used Oak and Spruce logs alternating between them and added a strap around them using andesite ladders and Minecart tracks an awesome detail to add to these is Copycat steps once again this time filled with logs as they just look like mini logs and honestly just looks so cute and cool moving off to the right side I cleared out an area had a nap woke up on day 96 freaking out a little but continued on with two more log piles pretty similar to the first just a little bigger a final little detail I added to these was some pot plants and I decided on sprinkling more of those throughout the entire Village on top of the barrels we added previously day 97 begins with the village looking a little dry right here is actually the perfect spot for a decorated pond so I began excavation and ended up with a pretty decent shape I feel that bustard up with water made it a little deeper and then ran off to grab some supplies namely kelp and seagrass heading back to the pond I felt a nice detail would be a floating Lantern along with some rocks scattered at the bottom of the pond I then filled the entire thing up with heaps of kelp and seagrass which instantly brought it to life now I could have stopped here but I opted to create a custom tree using my patent pending custom tree technique where you pretty much just build a bunch of branches and cover every exposed face with leaves try it out it works pretty well I hung some lanterns under those branches and added in a simple bench design overlooking the pond I connected it up to the path placed some sugar cane around the edges of the pond added more grass around the place and extended this bush too and there we go that's the pond all completed my shovel was in dire need of some upgrades so I finally made an anvil and combined it with my old one then it was time to tackle one of my final ideas which needed a lot of white wall specifically so I frantically hunted down wild sheep and the rain sheering off their wall worrying I wouldn't have enough time as I needed a pretty decent amount I woke up on day 98 to see a Wandering Trader on top of my factory I was unfazed because I still needed heaps of wool with a final amount of 32 it was time to start building a little campsite I started by flattening off the terrain a little and began with a tent design I thought the copycat steps would be an awesome way to get the tent looking awesome as it's usually pretty difficult to make a small tent in vanilla Minecraft after some testing of different shapes I settled on this one but of course was short a few wall blocks I got a lucky double Shear on this sheep heard him eat again and got a third Shear off sheared two more sheep and headed back down as we were close to crunch time I finished off the tent added a campfire along with a log chair and a smaller log chair I added some details at the back of the tent connected the path up added a bunch of bushes around the place along with a barrel and it was all done time to test out the tent on day 99 it was time for the final build which wasn't really a build and more so just something to add to this thing I ended up deciding on a multi-purpose storage area filled with logs various stone blocks and a bunch of barrels chests and extinguished campfires I finished up with fixing up the gaps in the roof and connecting this area to the pathway I then spent the rest of the final day frantically searching around for little touch-ups to do like adding some storage blocks to our windmill building I also got the idea to add some stone blocks under the lamp post for a little extra detail I then grabbed some bone meal to add some grass to spots I felt needed it and there we go that's the final detail all done I enjoyed day 99 Sunset relaxing on the dock and enjoyed my final night's sleep in the tent and there it is after a lot of hard work and effort the 100 day challenge was completed if you want to continue from where I left off the World download is available to all God and ultimate patrons so be sure to check that out also if you want me to continue on from where I left off let me know by liking this video and chucking a sub my way I don't really ask much but it helps out a lot thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: disruptive builds
Views: 833,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, disruptive builds, minecraft 100 days, minecraft i survived 100 days, 100 days minecraft, minecraft 1000 days, minecraft 100 days hardcore, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft 100 days survival, minecraft 100 days mods, minecraft survival, minecraft 100 days create mod, create mod 100 days, 100 days create mod, create mod survival, minecraft create mod survival, create mod episode 1, create mod hardcore, create mod village, create mod town, riverside village
Id: TNwGo8_bcZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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