I Spent 100 DAYS in the NEW Pokémon Minecraft MOD - COBBLEMON MOVIE

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as you can see at the top of my screen it is currently day one that's because we're about to be spending the next 100 days as a Pokemon hunter in Minecraft but first we've got to choose our starter Pokemon now at the end of this video we're going to be taking on my common one rival who has a shiny charizard so I think it's only fair we go the same generation but it's a water type instead to help us out in the final battle but before that we have some goals to complete throughout this 100 days we have to catch every single Pokemon type catch myself a Shiny Pokemon get my whole final team to level 100 and once we complete those three goals we get to open a legendary Lucky Block which gives us a random legendary Pokemon which is super useful because at the end of this video we're going to be taking on the Minecraft Pokemon champion but now that we've got our Squad 2 our first order of business is finding some Pokemon so we start ticking off the Pokemon types there's 18 different types of Pokemon in this game so we need to get going and right here is a Bellsprout that's a grass Pokemon and it's only a level nine so I think we should just be able to take it with our newest word now I've got to be careful though because we do not want to kill it we just want to get it low so we can catch it I spend the next few minutes doing tiny hits to build a Sprouts so we could try and catch it first try lucky for us I still have some pokeballs left over from when I was last in this world so let's see if it'll stay in the Pokeball come on come on I broke out no way it's only a level nine I'll become on the second time around we've caught it let's go so we can now take grass type off of our list only 17 more to go oh look at this Weedle it's only a level seven we can take this as well we'd all be a big a good bug type for us and once again I just had to tackle it a few times to get its HP down and throw my first Pokeball at it and perfect we've called it oh weedle's ready to evolve anyway quickly take off our bug type from the list we quickly evolved our Weedle into a Kakuna and carried on with our hunt for every Pokemon type and it's almost night time already the sun's gone down which means we're already almost through our first day luckily for us the night time it's actually quite useful because once it turns dark different types of Pokemon begin to spawn but while we're running around trying to capture these Pokemon types we can also use this time to battle some more Pokemon when we've already got their type reaching level 100 on your Pokemon is super difficult and it can take hours and hours of your time so it was really good to get started on this goal early on although I have to say I don't really think Bellsprout or cocoon are going to make it into our final team we could have squash all up to a Blastoise and that would be incredible whoa what is that they just vanished no oh that could have been so good the only Pokemon I'm finding around here are grass type maybe we have to move to a different buyer so we made our way to a Mesa biome instead oh he's a sand slash that would be a ground type Pokemon I believe I mean you might as well see if it goes straight into a Pokeball first just by chance oh hang on oh that's incredible first time so we can now of course ground type off the list as well this biome we found is so cool I mean look at the towers over there what is this a level 24 heat more that's a fire type hopefully Squirtle can take him out why is super effective but it only did seven percent of his health I'm gonna have to go through my whole team here just to get some weak so we can catch it level 24 heat more is no joke like that is a seriously good Pokemon the fact that we are able to catch these on day three is amazing and the Pokemon can only get better from here all right we should be able to catch it now first time which is super useful and there we go so we can cross fire type off the list as well I'm gonna spend the rest of the night getting myself a psychic type and a flying type Pokemon all right well the Knight has passed down and I think for a bit I'm going to focus on getting my supporters level up so we can evolve it so I'm going to spend the next few days just leveling up my Square tool hopefully it won't take too long and I leveled up my score to like five times before something crazy happened oh is that what I think it is I I think it is oh it's a shiny Eevee it's level 32 as well that's so good I think it evolves at level 36 but it might also need an evolution stone I mean it's only been a few days I barely even leveled up a Squirtle and we found ourselves a Shiny Pokemon so I've just got to catch us and we've completed our first goal which by the way if you don't know it's like a one in 4096 chance to catch a Shiny Pokemon the fact that we've got an Eevee is absolutely insane please so the worst thing that could happen here is that we accidentally faintly Evie on the off charts on the very slight chance it just goes straight into the Pokeball and doesn't break out we're gonna throw it at it we've completed our first goal catching a shiny Pokemon that is incredible incredible actually can't believe we found a shiny Eevee that is unbelievable that could evolve into literally any Pokemon type looking anyway as I said to evolve BV I think if we need an evolution stone now preferably I find a fire evolution stone so we can have a Flareon I think that's my favorite but we could also find a few other stones for it and so I think my next order of business is to start getting some tools and digging for an evolution stone and so I spent the first couple days getting some tools I mean iron pickaxe and actually found some diamonds oh wait whoa whoa whoa is that diamond oh it is and it made my way to a desert biome where the Firestone spawns it took me a couple days to find a desert biome but the only place we can dig is under a desert if we want a firestone and I believe this is where we started out the 100 days which is kind of nostalgic oh and I was just taking on a few more Pokemon getting the levels up while looking for a cave which actually there's a cave right here that's kind of useful but it looks like Squirtle is ready to evolve let's see evolve into a wall total here it is that looks so cool a shiny Eevee on my shoulder and a war turtle that is so cool all right but let's make our way down this cave let's spend the next day or two just making my way down this cave it was absolutely huge I just find some gold thinking it was a haul I really thought I found the Firestone then every ore I see I seem to think it's no way is that gold again the Firestone oh he actually got one oh and there's two zubats here these would be great for Evie's first battles let's battle you and hopefully we can not only tick off the poison type but level our Eevee up a little more I think it needs to be level 36 to evolve into our Flareon oh Navy's just one tap too Evie that's really good but I sort of wanted to catch it I think there's another bat over here anyway it's so dark I can barely see but here we go all right Evie let's try not to quite one tap it this time and it's taking it down to 9 HP that is brilliant thank you so much and there we go we bought ourselves a poison type let's tick that off and so I made my way back to the top of the cave and I think I need to start finding an actual team because as though we've got a war Turtle to evolve into a Blastoise and an Eevee to evolve into a Flareon I don't think I really want the other Pokemon on my team after all this challenge is gonna be super difficult my rival is so good at Cobble man I mean he's a champion of it after all he's never lost he's undefeated I know that there is one Pokemon that I love the best in the game and that my friends is a legendary Rayquaza and the Rayquaza is a dragon type which would make it super helpful when trying to catch all the types I've been with kept going we found any new types in this world but Evie is now level 41. if we just click this Firestone yes Evie is ready to evolve I hope Flareon it's gonna be so good for the team we've also just kept taking out more Pokemon on our way here so War turtle's not actually far off evolving like evolve into Flareon there we go that looks so cool but anyway we found ourselves an acacia buyer which is actually where rokeways are spawned a Rayquaza would just be so unbelievably good for our team oh it looks like water tools ready to evolve it's only been like two days of hunting for this Rayquaza let's send our little water to our level 36 and evolve it and look at that last story something insane that looks Fierce that thing has death on its mind it is ready to destroy oh and I wasn't even pay attention there's a Blazer can hear on this bit of desert Beach which is a fighting type which we actually need let's go for the battle with our new Blastoise but we can't really use any special moves just because I think we might one shot it but we can go for a little tail where we can get a health down just a little so we can catch up oh luckily it just about survived so I think we should be able to catch him just one hit now there we go we've got ourselves with blazer good so we can now cross fighting type off of our list and Blaziken would actually be super good for our final Squad so I think we're gonna keep this Pokemon and level it up to level 100 with the rest but anyway let's continue our hunt for Rayquaza and as I said Rayquaza is one of the best Pokemon in this game so this hunt for Rayquaza started to take quite some time I've been doing laps of this one buying for like an hour now it's got to be like eight nine days it feels like forever though we're just gonna have to keep doing that to this place taking on more Pokemon hopefully finding myself that way crazy and maybe finding myself a few more types as well there's a Clefairy which is only level seven but it is a Fairy Type let's catch that so we can cross it off our list I mean surely a level 7 stays into Pokeball this game it's got to be kidding me there we go second Pokeball round so we can cross fairy type off of our list oh look at this there's a ghastly right here that's another Ghost type and it's only level 11 which is quite good for us because with some luck and I say it once again and it will never happen hopefully we'll stay in the Pokeball oh it actually has brilliant right we've got ourselves on Ghost type we can cross that off the list now ghostly does evolve into a Haunter which it could be useful on the final team but I'm not sure if I really want I feel like I'm dreaming oh but it's level 58. it's been like almost 10 days since we last spoke and I'm getting high level 58 is High Xerneas is a fairy type it would be so so incredible on our team it would be the best Pokemon we could get now as you saw the start of the video I didn't actually have to get any pokeballs today just because I already had some from last time I played this world which is quite helpful but you can quite easily make pokeballs luckily if you saw at the beginning also have a couple Ultra Balls and a couple great balls and I'm gonna use my ultra balls now well I've got to save some Ultra Balls just in case we win the battle so I can use it to catch a Pokemon from the lucky block but I might as well at least one Ultra Ball on this Xerneas but we're gonna do a little bit of damage first we're going to use two lower level Pokemon we've got to be careful we don't damage it too much I have just been one shot yeah but go be careful we don't damage it too I just want to get some sort of hit on him I can't I can't even outlive it but it's so strong I can only dream of having this on my team is it gonna sweep my whole team before I can even do 20 damage yeah just get some dope love it love it Blastoise yeah we do that once more your triple's got double chance of cashing it so surely it works I think I might as well keep using Pokeballs and just hope for the best I failed so much until I last checked yes of course also for Xerneas I mean it's taken out of five of the Pokemon we bought to battle but that's okay because we've caught ourselves as xanius oh and doesn't it look incredible that's gonna be absolutely essential for the final battle I really don't think we're gonna end up finding a Rayquaza though I think it's just gonna be too difficult it would have been great on my team but I spent like 20 days searching for this thing and I just never came across it anyway it's night time again but I believe Pikachu spawns in this biome so we're gonna keep looking for him because we only need five more types to complete our next goal of catching every Pokemon type and Pikachu would be a great electric Pokemon to have a Marvel I'm certain NASA's still type and although we can't Mega Evolve it it would still be quite good for our team especially now that it's getting near level 100 for everyone so I think it's only right we catch it and Xerneas has taken it up to 10 HP that is so good because we should right away now yes all right perfect we've got wasn't for a while I wish we could Mega Evolve it though look at that lava how is that oh the whole Forest has been on fire anyway we only need like four more Pokemon until we've completed our next goal three after we catch this election time it should be somewhere eventually oh whoa that is Pikachu right it couldn't be anyone else yeah Pikachu level 22. all right my friend please please do not walk into the lava can I do I have any blocks to build it a bit safer I mean I kind of want them all while in the final battle so I think we'll start using now just to try and get the level up let's just do little ever so little bits of damage oh okay okay okay all right keep me a little bit on edge eight percent I can work with that I'm gonna buy it oh my God no no please do not I don't even know where it is I need it to catch it doesn't fall into the lava and I caught it yes all right get him that was so scary we've caught us over Pikachu now which means we only need three more types we need to ice type dark type and dragon type and man I really would have loved to have a Rayquaza as my dragon type but I just don't think we're gonna find it anymore now Pikachu is good don't get me wrong he's really good but we're getting quite far into this 100 days now Pikachu only needs to be level 30 to evolve but it still means that have to put 80 levels on it get up to level 100 for one of our goals so as well as that I need another evolution stone if I want to evolve Pikachu which took me literal hours to get the Firestone for Evie and I doubt we're gonna have time to find not only another Firestone but of all our Pokemon to level 100 and catch three more times so I think our next best bet is going to an ice fire oh look at that that waterfall is so cool but anyway if we go into a nice biome we can find ourselves an ice type that just gets us one step closer to completing our goal and I've just spent another five six days just taking out more Pokemon and searching for an ice but I've just seen something in the distance now unless there's something I don't know about that looks to me like an ice Spike of an ice bio and yeah there's more around it look at that and we only have 18 days left now in this series so it is really a race against the claw and there's still quite a bit to do oh but I think there's one less thing to do now that my friends is a Lapras an ice type that is so good it's only level 35 though which is becoming a bit of a problem because we don't have a single level 100 Pokemon yet but come on Lapras it's time for a battle now once again I do not want to kill you more while you have done incredible you're taking it under 14 some help so now we've just got to capture it get in my pokeable self yes we caught it first time just Lapras oh and look at this I barely walked anywhere we've only come from over there there's a Dragon Eyes I was just looking at this avalog I think we used a more while again getting my fast pool please thank you very much hard Dragonite has been added to the pieces so we can cross Dragonite off of our list so we only need one more time a dark type until we've finished that goal but we still need to level up our whole team to level 100. looks like it might take quite a bit of time to get there it still needs more 65 levels so I think it's going to take about 10 days to finish this off and then all we have to do is find one dark type Pokemon but that is a bit harder than it sounds and so I spent the next 13 days training up my Pokemon more and more until eventually we reached level 100 on all our Pokemon and look with just one shot what I think should be our final Pokemon and look at that Lapras is now level 100 along with the rest of our team as good as that is we're running really short on time we have just four days to find ourselves a dark type at the very start of this video walking around I saw a Rattata and it didn't even occur to me that was a dark time and once we complete all of our goals we get to open a legendary Lucky Block I don't think you understand how good that could be they are absolutely incredible they can give us a Rayquaza they can give us another Xerneas Mewtwo a legendary Lucky Block is guaranteed to give you at least one amazing legendary Pokemon so make sure to watch until the end of Cs open this lucky block and take on my rival who has a shiny charizard this is not going to be oh but finally is that one it looks like one please be one yes that has taken me like three whole days we don't even have time to change our move sets anymore but that's okay with no move sets because at least we've completed our goal of having every single type of Pokemon we can cross dark type off the list that is insane I really didn't think we'd beat that girl so in this 100 days we have caught every single Pokemon type all 18 of them we've caught us over Shiny Pokemon which we've turned into a shiny Flareon we've built our team and got every single Pokemon to level 100 but it's about to turn a day which means there's still one goal to complete we've got to beat my cobbleman rival so before that since you've almost made it through this whole video please if you haven't already subscribed this video was taking so long to make and I do not make money off these videos I just do it because I love doing it so please help me out and subscribe and it also means you won't miss any new videos but now that we've completed all of our goal to get to open the legendary lucky block and my record it with me this is absolutely insane three two one so good what that is incredible how did can one of you to join me to open my next lucky block in a video like this so don't forget to comment and let me know you want to join this and don't forget to subscribe so I can pick you now it was time to go to the final battle it was so intense and we managed to damage his Charizard loads but we were also so weak but then and so I'd won and was crowned the cobbleman champion
Channel: Loops
Views: 34,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Pokemon, Pixelmon, Cobblemon, Loops, Loops - Minecraft, Loops - Cobblemon, 100 days
Id: 2uq1fp9zbQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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