I Spent 100 Days In Terraria's SECRET Drunk Seed!

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in this video I'm going to try beat Terraria on its secret drunk seed world this altered version of a normal world makes heaps of changes some really annoying and some not so much will I be able to beat the Moonlight in time or will this weird World Generation stop me make sure to watch it at the end to find out to start off like always I spawned in and immediately started chopping down trees but to my surprise we spawned in a Crim's environment this is just one of the few things that can happen in the drunk seats World running away from Spawn I almost died I was building bridges in hopes of avoiding the Crimson enemies from below making over the frozen lake I decided to set up my new home in the snow biome away from the crimson's enemies I built up an NPC house and went exploring to my death after respawning I dug down and made a little fort to stay the night I crafted snowballs to hurl up the enemies and get to Malu now it's time for day two when the sun came up I decided to do some more adventuring I found a nice cave entrance and decided to check it out avoiding those Crimson spider things and almost dying again I managed to score myself a cloud in a bottle after which I I was quickly humbled by a boulder crushing my body and my hopes and dreams I spent the rest of the day exploring the left side of the world discovering the jungle right next to the snow biome which never happens in a normal World usually the snow and jungle spawn on either side of the world I also went mining got some oars and found an ice blade which was a huge upgrade dying again I got sent back to spawn so this was a good time to show off just how good this ice blade was in keeping me alive and my keyboard intact I spent the rest of the night making my base more suitable with a furnace crafting bench and an anvil stunning us off again a little more powerfully I hit up the jungle for some sweet loot my ice blade was making quick work of the hellspawn I mean jungle bats I found an aglet on a Surface chest as well as a living tree which had a finch staff and the sunflower Minecart after this I did some more exploring and found the ocean which had some nice ocean chests for us I also found an underground living jungle tree which was guarded by my stupidity at my base I was swarmed by enemies which I dealt with and then continued to work look at my base's Aesthetics weirdly enough the party girl moved in so I decided I was going to sell some stuff for some extra money the rest of this day was spent organizing some chess going back into the jungle and seeing what was inside the living tree which was a very nice Boomstick an awesome upgrade early game starting off strong I took a teleportation potion and ended up in the underground desert the little worst place to be in any stage of the game I checked it out a bit and died again after crafting our room and bed for myself and two other NPC houses I upgraded my pickaxe to a shiny new lead one I went back into the mine to collect more Ores I came across an ice chest which had a boomerang that I didn't want but insanely after this I found another two ice chests right next to each other with one containing some ice skates another few chests a mushroom biome and some bomb excavation later I reached hell only to realize the entire floor is quite literally lava back at base I took the time to fix my inventory and add some more chest to my house after all this with a grab potion in hand it was time to explore the sky island making my way up there there I got a pair of wings a balloon and a star Fury I built another NPC house and started bombing a hill for some room to build an arena I spent a good majority of the day flooding out this area and building platforms after a sudden blood moon I tried to light up my arena with torches and then build a small pit to AFK the rest of the night from the blood moon I got a money trough and a bunch of money I again sorted out my inventory and built NPC homes in the jungle and the beach heading home I noticed we had a traveling Merchant who I bought a very nice ski from I then went exploring to the right found the cave and a gnome which I helped to the surface and collected finding the desert to the right I built up some more housing for the Arms Dealer and nurse to move into a bit more to the right was a very strange Brown tree which led us straight to the dungeon underground again something this seed likes to do make no sense whatsoever I scored myself an alchemy table I think by pure luck and made my way home sorting my inventory out and upgrading my base yet again I dug out a huge area for me to expand the base into with my new storage system built I made a bit of a compact crafting area and when and spelunking while making a hellevator I found a hot Crystal another ice chest a beehive and three jungle chests which spawned right next to each other again I have no idea if it's the world's fault or dumb luck but anyways I didn't find anything too useful apart from the staff of regrowth I then spent the rest of this day in the mines getting a ton of loot like heart crystals homies boots and more after the mining trip I sorted My Lou down and encrypted my new boots I also went ahead and made a room above my arena for me to respawn slash put the nurse in I also extended my arena with ice to get some extra speed with my ice boots I also got some Buffs ready for the Eye of Cthulhu the first boss in our long journey after doing some more things waiting for Nightfall it was Showtime or so I thought as usual Terraria is straight trolling and we got a Blood Moon instead so back to AFK it was while waiting for Nightfall again I headed to the dungeon to farm for some more bones pre-skeletron now usually the enemies don't spawn but because the world gen is so messed up I was able to get a bunch for the necro armor set after getting the cobwebs and Bones I could craft a powerful Ranger armor set that would carry us to the wall of flesh once nighttime came it was Showtime I buffed up and prepared for the Eye of Cthulhu unfortunately we were too powerful with the necro satin boom stick that we absolutely destroyed it the bag dropped us the shield of Cthulhu arguably the best accessory in the game blasting me the entire playthrough that's how good it is I then run over to the Crimson with bombs to destroy some hearts I also quickly made up an arena for the brain of Cthulhu who was up next with everything set I headed back into the Crimson to face the brain foreign the first phase was pretty tough in the tight space but I managed to pull through using the minimap strategy the second phase was a breeze and we defeated him in no time back at the base I crafted myself a deathbring of pickaxe and some extra tools I then went straight to beating another Eye of Cthulhu for fun since I had a spawn I collected some clay and crafted up some pots and made a small Herb Farm as well as further expanding my hellevator well down here I collected obsidian which would come in useful for making hellstone and an obsidian skull I then went back to hell to get a hellforge back to the surface I go to the desert and move the nurse in to increase the arms dealer's happiness I also explored the underground desert in hopes of finding a chisel but no luck I go back home and craft an Obsidian Skin Potion to get hellstone with I go get as much as I can before my potion runs out using my newly acquired hellstone I craft a molten Fury a really powerful pre-hard mode option as well as an IM staff and a new pickaxe heading into the underground jungle I did a bit of exploration while collecting jungle spores I found an anklet of the wind here as well as the jungle Temple's entrance also the temples painted green for some reason just another thing the drunk seed does I guess after finding a hive I carefully place down some torches and headed back before it was too late I then AFK the rest of the blood moon when morning came I went to the dryer to purchase some sunflowers as I'd be needing those for the next Boss Arena I also went ahead and grabbed some Buffs I spent the next few days struggling to make the arena for Queen B as it was just so many enemies spawning I also managed to cause this mishap whoops ah after managing to finish the arena it was Queen B time half the struggle was dealing with the jungle enemies and after getting critically low and barely surviving because of the brainer confusion coming in clutch I was able to defeat the queen bee this will also give us the witch doctor which will come in super handy for Hard Mode I also decided to build a small life root Farm ahead of time so by the time we get into hard mode it's all ready after sorting everything out I crafted a bunch of rails as we were going to create a scout rail system to get around the world faster after dying to harpies more times than I could count on two hands I finished it up on both sides days 30-32 was spent AFK as I was waiting for the goblin Invasion since I had all the prerequisites it made no sense as to why I wasn't getting one to occur until I realized you have to destroy the heart orb of the main World evil to get it to trigger since I had only broken hearts in the underground Crimson I didn't meet all the prerequisites so after getting some more heart crystals I went into the corruption to destroy some orbs I also explored the underground mushroom biome and found some more Life Crystals now it's time for the goblin invasion beating it will give us the goblin tinkerer which tells the tinkerer's workshop an invaluable tool throughout most of pre-hard mode and all of hard mode after beating the event I went straight to the underground to look for the money hungry Goblin I bought the workshop and the rocket boots from him and raced back home to combine my gear I spent the rest of this day building a bridge underneath my skyrail to catch fallen stars which I'm going to need for the Wall of Flesh I spent the night looking for fallen stars I also went ahead and added stuff around my base to make it more pleasing and look cooler as well as going to the tavern keep to buy the etonia crystal as I wanted to give the old ones Army event a try before us hard mode which went great as planned well after trying it again this time with a bit of cheese and I was easily able to defeat the event I was feeling prepared for the Wall of Flesh so off to how I went I still needed a voodoo doll so I spent a while looking for a demon to spawn but eventually I got the spawner and it was time for the Wall of Flesh foreign [Music] it was a fairly easy and straightforward battle the lava actually gave us an advantage saving time so we didn't have to build a hell Bridge with hard mode underway it was time to get better gear as the necro armor won't cut it after beating the Wall of Flesh and opening his bag he dropped a nice little hat that I put on a mannequin to remind myself of his defeat I also grabbed some fences and tried to make the bridge a little nicer on my way to the Jungle a wyvern attacked me which I made short work of with my molten Fury bow and since I had defeated the queen bee this is where the witch doctor comes in to play for One Platinum you can buy the leaf wings as an awesome upgrade right at the start of hard mode quickly I also went into the underground Crimson and Corruption to destroy as many altars as I could to get all the hard mode ores the world was blessed with Cobalt mithril Adamantite Palladium or calcium and titanium it was a close call with all the wraiths surrounding me but I recalled home and it was fine getting my bus ready for a mining trip it was time to get the hard mode orders I only needed to get 45 Cobra all to craft a drill after doing that I went back down in search of mithril which this time I need 60 ore which I got only to realize I forgot to factor in a mythreal Anvil so going back I collected another 80. now all I had to do was get enough Adamantite for an armor set and weapons so I grabbed one more spelunker and went underground one last time I also came across a very nice mushroom biome where I managed to get a magic quiver which is awesome as it makes our arrows stronger and faster I cannot remember which enemy dropped it but I also got a mechanical skull Skeletron Prime was going to be our first Target and after blowing up the biome and digging it out I had a nice flat area to farm Souls of light as this mushroom plant was paired with a hallowed one back at base I cropped it up some Adamantite bars and made some armor and realized I didn't have enough so mining again I also went into the underground jungle too simultaneously looking for some life Roots which I didn't realize yet but I forgot that life Fruit only grows after one mechanical boss is defeated anyway after coming home I crafted some Adamantite pants and a repeater which is a huge upgrade and will get us through our first mechanical boss I spent the night clearing away a sky island so we don't have to bump into it when we're finding Prime because my strategy involves using a gravitation potion and we can't have anything get in the way after everything was prepared it was Showtime I buffed up and had a very tough battle usually the twins are destroyers first but since I was too lazy to make a Summoner I challenge Prime while I was fighting a wyvern spawn but it wasn't too much trouble I developed a nice loot pattern around him and was doing well at dodging all the attacks I got really low Health at the end and almost died but we did it with the hello bars I crafted a superstar Cannon which will be vital in beating the destroyer and a hello repeater on the morning of this day we had the steampunker move in I also decided it's about time we faced the normal Skeletron too so I expanded the tree to be a bit wider so I couldn't get caught as I fly up and out of it that night I went ahead and summoned him it was a very easy win as I got to test out my new weapons which obliterated his health I also went ahead and corrupted the right side Beach so we could get dark shards they only dropped from dark mummies that spawn on corrupt sand using them we can craft a good early hard mode gun the Onyx Blaster I also quickly raided the dungeon and found the mechanic a cobot shield and a water candle I crafted an Obsidian Shield and headed back to the ocean using my water candle to increase spawn rates I farmed the mummies and found the angler just chilling I also got a pirate map which spawns a Pirate Invasion I headed to the underworld to farm Souls of Night as well since the closer you get to Hell the more likely it is for enemies to drop Souls I also went to the desert to get the shotgun from the Arms Dealer and then went back home and created the Onyx Blaster to help with generally everything I bought a crystal ball from The Wizard an endless musket pouch and an endless quiver I quickly crafted up four stacks of arrows and went back to the Arms Dealer to buy four stacks of ammo these items allow me to have infinite ammo of just the original types which is still really really awesome and a great quality of life feature since we're preparing for the next Mech fight I wanted to get more live fruit so I spent the day doing some exploring in the underground jungle the base was starting to get really Bland and my NPCs were getting a bit claustrophobic so it was time to do some building I wasn't really sure what I wanted this house to look like I didn't even have reference I was just messing around I didn't really like what I started off with but through some trial and error I got it looking much better I also added some details like Windows tables and an angel statue I also went ahead and painted all the wood to make it match up and I was really happy with how it turned out so I built a couple more for the other villagers I got some more life Fruit for my life Fruit Farm and expanded it a little bit I also went ahead and checked the jungle for any more that I could find going back to my base the mechanic finally sold the snow pylon so now I could actually use the pylons I set up in the other biomes I also went ahead and farmed my pots and made some more Buffs I spent the rest of this night getting as many stars as I could as it will decimate the Destroyer when we fight him I decided I was going to revisit the Old One's Army event to see if we could get any more Defenders medals but instead I got destroyed I spent the rest of this day finishing up all my preparations and when it was night time we were ready the start of this fight went really well as I took around one third of his Hellfire using the Superstar shooter on the clumped up part of his body but this spawned a heap of probes and I had to flee before things got too dangerous a white van also wanted to say hello while I was fighting him because of course why not it got really close at the end because I was a little too confident in my Whip and I got hit by the head but I clutched it out and won the battle next up were the twins so I grabbed more potions and reforged my Superstar shooter the next day it was straight onto the twins this fight went pretty smooth as I used my grab potion to keep my distance I also made sure to take out spasmatism before retina to avoid too many projectiles this way I could focus on more on dodging the fight went quick and after I defeated them the jungle grew Restless meaning plantera's bulbs will start spawning so she's next in line to be defeated back at my base I crafted a mechanical Minecart which will be really useful for traveling across the world at high speeds I also went down to Hell to collect some Souls of Night and let a wall of flesh spawn which I almost died to because of the Red Devil but we killed the Wall of Flesh and got some extra loot with 87 bombs in hand I went to the underground jungle I was going to clear out an arena for Plantera the key to make a good Arena here is to make it really really big as she shoots a lot of projectiles and you want to try running in circles around her I also made the tracks which combine chlorophyte which will be the next armor we jump to so I also made sure to dig up glorified while I was down in the jungle I decided to have a rematch with Queen B while I was down there and showed her who's boss at base using my chlorophyte I made a helmet and chest plate but didn't have enough of the leggings again so I ended up making clarified arrows which I had an assumption were bad but I figured I'd try them since I had pretty terrible ammo and since we were going to be in an underground Arena the arrows will Ricochet and deal extra damage to plant Terror anyways I went back to the jungle and mined a bit more to get enough of the leggings and I also got a tattoo b-wing so I made the B wings with some Souls of flame I didn't really like how they looked though so I didn't use them back at the arena I was lighting it up with some torches and adding some final touches I also remade my small lava pit semi AFK Farm area near my Arena this was because I wanted to do the Pirate Invasion fun fact and pretty much AFK all of this Invasion apart from when you kill a captain so this invasion was really easy somehow I got really lucky and got a coin gun two cutlasses a diamond ring and a pirate star I was a little shocked but anyways I sold all my Loot and got a bunch of money when I went back to my life Fruit Farm I so that Plantera bulb spawned in it which will come in handy I also decorated my base with some weapon racks to Showcase my cool ranged weapons I also made my chest area look much nicer with matching chests I also came to the realization that I could kill fishron and get the tsunami which will last me up until Moon Lord so I went to the mechanic to buy different wrenches since I was going to make my fishron Arena have some wiring so I made the grain design and bought some teleporters from the steampunker and headed to the ocean I covered the ocean with asphalt now this is actually really important as fishron is really fast and a great way to escape him involves moving at high speeds at the corners of the Arena I put teleporters down these will help me escape fishron's projectiles and his Dash attacks much much easier so I wired them up to the platform above and this is how they work next up I needed a truffle worm so a quick visit to the mushroom biome and we found one straight away I grabbed my Buffs and off to the ocean it was the morning of the next day it was time to fight fishron now he's pretty tough so I wasn't sure if I was going to beat him I buffed up and it was Showtime the key in this fight is to do figure eights as fishron struggles to keep up with you if you're going diagonally ice also switch to my shot bow which had much better DPS and helped getting rid of the bubbles it also didn't help that this world was so high up as I constantly got sent into low gravity really affecting my speed but that's the drunk seat for you it came in close on the second phase but we barely won awesome anyways back at my base I opened up the treasure bag and on my first try I got the tsunami now was my time to deal with Plantera we had another bulb spawn next to the arena as well but before we could fight her we needed to make one more thing in the arena an escape tunnel because in her second phase she becomes really deadly so I bombed all my way to the surface and we were ready to start Showtime [Music] the fight lasted less than a minute because the tsunami is an insanely powerful weapon so I fought it twice and queen bee which stood even less of a chance I was on a roll so I went straight for Golem next I used my temple key to get in and I started making my way down making sure to deactivate all the traps as I was going but since this is the drunk seed the temple is much larger than what it originally should be so finding Golem's room was taking a bit of time I eventually found it and got my weapons ready I started by throwing Dynamite to deal with Golem's whole body and any creatures at the bottom and then switched to my tsunami which just tore three's Health since the fight was so easy I decided to do it again seven more times once Golem was done I had a solar eclipse happen I got some cool weapons from it by now they weren't too useful to me anyway during the event a martian probe spawned and started the Martian Madness event which I didn't even know but can stack with a solar eclipse on top of that after the eclipse ended I got a Blood Moon well anyways after that I was finishing up the event and took on some Martian sources minibuses in fact I died so many times that we created a graveyard biome after the event was over I cleaned up my graveyard and had a look at all my loot which was pretty cool but there wasn't really anything necessary since we're now almost in endgame it was time to get new armor set for the lunatic Cultus and moonlord so I made an artificial glowing mushroom biome in the jungle next to my other Town NPCs for the trouble to move in he sells us the auto hammer which will give us shroomite I also had the traveling Merchant show up so I decided to see what he had to offer and he was selling an ammo box I mean it probably would have helped to get this earlier in the playthrough but I'll still take it finishing up the mushroom biome I slept in a bed to make the grass grow a bit faster as I was pretty much done we also had the Truffle conveniently show up too so I went ahead and bought the older Hammer to make sure mate you need glowing mushrooms and glorified so I went to go grab some more glowing mushrooms from a pre-existing one I had I made my way back and then made through my gear lunatic Cultus was up next and a fitting will cause the pillars to spawn from there it's a race to the finish with moonlord so preparation is vital I also made the hole to the dungeon significantly bigger and made a small arena for cold we also finally got the die Trader who refused to move in up until now so I could actually go and make my character look cool so I hit him up and got some dive oh yeah now we look much better it was time to beat the game so I killed the lunatics followers and started the fight doing circles around the lunatic cultist is the way to go as most of his attacks can be easily dodged like this it's also important to take your time when looking for the correct cultists to shoot you can tell by the fact that the real ones affected by lighting more than the others after taking him out the pillar spawned and I went back to my base which to my surprise was inhabited by the Stardust pillar which was really lucky actually since I could take it out using the cell splitting cheese this meant that I could take the pillar Shield out without putting myself In Harm's Way of the other enemies and I did that and swiftly took out the Stardust pillar and took its fragments I took on the vortex and nebula pillar which took me a lot a lot of debt but we eventually did it and with the fragments from The Vortex pillar I crafted the beta and the Phantasm after all that I also spent way too long farming more Martian events looking for the cosmic car care which I eventually got on top of this I also went ahead and maxed out my health with more live fruit from the jungle I also killed an ice Golem and made some ice Wings it was time to destroy the solar pillar which as a ranger sucks so I built this little box to help me spawn in a few enemies at a time this took me a really long time but it was better than dying over and over again so I'll take it after we beat the final pillar it was a race to get home for the final fight my lack of experience dodging and fighting this boss got the better of me and I died on my first 10 but I was going to beat him so I crafted a Sigil and it was Showtime [Music] thank you [Music] the fight got way too close for comfort but thankfully the nurse came in clutch it really didn't help that the arena was so close to space again but with enough dodging we beat him and then I did a bit of a celebration and got to work on making a showcase room with a few days I had left I spent the rest of these days finishing up this build and that's it this was 100 days in terraria's drunk seed we managed to get so much done and this was a really fun challenge anyways I'll see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: SilverOre
Views: 343,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drunk seed, terraria master mode, 100 Days in Terraria, drunk seed terraria, drunk seed terraria playthrough, terraria 1.4.4, terraria ost, terraria music, 100 days terraria expert mode, terraria secret seed, terraria journeys end
Id: UUoSfjMGKx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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