I Spent 100 DAYS in LEGENDARY only Pixelmon (Minecraft)

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everybody knows how powerful legendary Pokemon are so that's why I decided to spend 100 days using only legendary Pokemon so that I could become the strongest Pokemon trainer on the Zekrom server but in order to prove myself I would need to complete these five goals first we need to assemble a full team of legendary Pokemon get them all to level 100 then we'd need to catch a total of 15 the legendary Pokemon including a legendary found in the war zone as well as somehow getting a shiny legendary will I be able to complete these goals and become the ultimate legendary trainer on Zekrom watch till the end to find out also if you haven't already make sure to subscribe because once we reach 2 000 subscribers I'll create a 100 day video using only Pokemon fusions and without further Ado let's start our 100 day Journey now since starter Pokemon are not legendary Pokemon this meant I would have to use this Mudkip that I picked until I finally had a legendary on my team and since I recorded this way back when Easter was a thing I was able to participate in the Easter egg hunt right as I started my journey there were around 50 Easter baskets scattered around spawn and would give me random loot whenever I found one I didn't think it would help as much at first but I managed to get a master ball from my ninth Easter basket the best Pokeball you could get and one of the most important items for a challenge like this I ended up evolving my Mudkip into a Swampert already after using all of the EXP candies I found and while baskets were still left to be found so I continued my hunt I only stopped after finding my 39th basket because my inventory was getting a bit too cramped also on a complete whim I ran into the subscriber of mine so I redeemed a shiny elegant as one of the many rewards I got from the Easter event and gave it to them as a show of appreciation I didn't think much of it and continued to walk around spawn only to see that the same person gifted me the legendary Pokemon Moltres now I'm not a big fan of accepting gifted Pokemon in challenges like these but if I did accept this it meant I could actually follow the Only Rule I set out being that I can only use a legendary Pokemon so I accepted it I mean it wasn't anything crazy it was just a Moltres but still this meant I could now only use legendary Pokemon after that it was finally time to set out into the world of Pokemon I was completely ready to only have Moltres by my side for a long time until I opened up this uncommon Lucky Block which upgraded to a rare and then an epic Lucky Block which was insanely lucky as the Epic Lucky Block will spawn a guaranteed shiny legendary Pokemon in this case it was the Shiny Giratina which looks incredible I didn't have to worry about which Pokeball to use since Pokemon spawn from Lucky Blocks have a 100 catch rate but out of the blue I was challenged by a trainer known as shiny Hunter to a battle where we both used two Pokemon each he sent out a mega Lucario but was unfortunately met with my multi who knocked it out with just one move and finally I used my Shiny Giratina to defeat his histuelanian Typhlosion winning me the battle once we wrapped up our battle shiny Hunter swore he would train up his team and battle me yet again on day 99 so I guess now I had another goal in my 100 day journey and that is to beat shiny Hunter when we have our final battle on day 99 I bought an ice Zone from the Pokemon and combined it with the orb I got earlier from the Easter event to make an orb of Frozen Souls killing 375 Pokemon will allow it to be fully charged and spawn the legendary Pokemon Articuno but before I could do any of that a random tournament was starting where I was given a random team and had to battle against multiple random people on the Zekrom server I had a really stacked team well besides Audino and well I did end up winning to no one's surprise the semi-final started and I managed to get a free pass to the final round of the tournament because of the uneven amount of players and luckily enough thanks to my strong team in DC some battling skills I ended up winning the entire tournament and got an epic Crate Key as my reward I opened up my crate and funnily enough got a non-legendary shiny convert and size change this does not help me at all because I only use legendary Pokemon so it was pretty cool I won the tournament but kind of sucked that my rewards cannot be used at all but now that I was done with the tournament I continued to knock out Pokemon in the wild to fill it by orb of Frozen souls and if you've ever filled up an orb before you'd know it's a very long and boring process but I could finally spot in the legendary Pokemon Articuno I used a master ball without hesitation and now had three legendary Pokemon but my streak of getting Legendary Pokemon wouldn't end there as I found a rare lucky block in my 49th Easter basket this Lucky Block would guarantee me a legendary Pokemon at least but when I opened it it upgraded to an epic Lucky Block which happened to spawn a shiny zero Aura and once I realized I had a lot of money I went on the GTS and bought myself a Reggie Drago 2 bringing my total of unique legendaries to five having strong legendary Pokemon wasn't enough I needed to maximize their potential so I went ahead and started to EV train my entire team mainly training up their speed EVS as well as their attack or special attack if it applied to them once I was done with that I went into the ultra space dimension in search of a very particular item known as type plates you see if I collected all of the 17 different type plates available in the game I would be able to summon the God of all Pokemon Arceus so I went ahead and stayed hunting in the ultra space Dimension to hopefully find some plates but just a bit of time later I saw for Rosa spawned in front of me I ended up catching it and yes I know Ultra beasts are not legendary Pokemon but I still wanted to use it since it's my favorite Ultra Beast so I promised the moment I catch another legendary Pokemon all evicted from my team as soon as I left the ultra space dimension on day 21 I had to store away all my items in the chest because I found too many valuable Goods oh yeah I also ended up with nine out of the total 17 different Arceus plates but these two chests in the middle of nowhere wasn't working for me so I went off and started building myself a house around this mountain biome now I'm not the greatest when it comes to building but you gotta admit this does not look bad now it was time to actually level up my entire team to level 100. I did so by using countless rare candies thanks to the Easter event but once I realized that wasn't enough I went to the boss Tower and started defeating boss Pokemon to gain levels which proved to be hard once all the boss Pokemon were much stronger than anticipated funnily enough when I went back to my base out of pure frustration I found a mega boss Steelix luckily though it wasn't too much trouble and I ended up getting a Steelix sight but most importantly got the mega band which will allow me to mega evolve my Pokemon in the future anyways after a full day's worth of grinding I finally got my full team to level 100 and since I still had pheromones on my team it still meant I needed another level 100 legendary on my team to actually complete my go goal of a full team of Love 100 legendaries anyways it was time to continue my plate hunt in the ultra space Dimension I kid you not only a couple minutes in and I already found another pharamosa I tried to weaken it but I guess I tried too hard and instead ended up defeating it my ultra Beast luck didn't stop there however as I did encounter a Cartana not too long after and this one I did end up catching there was a server-wide event that was about to start oh some 99 sure the event organizer was flirting with me anyways rowens can wait I had an event to win the wall opened up and I ran as fast as I could through this glass Maze and accidentally found the perfect path without a single mistake this allowed me to get the number one prize which was an event key yeah I might have lost the other two rounds but I can't wait to see what I get from my event crate oh after receiving a disappointing prize my rival shiny Hunter came in clutch and hooked me up with some less disappointing Arceus plates which made me feel much more of a winner than that stupid Park ball I still needed two more plates but right when I thought that was it shiny Hunter invited me to a secret base and proceeded to give me both the Splash and the insect plate these were the last plates I needed and now that I had all of the type plates it was time to call upon God I used the Azure flute and there it Rose from the depths of the world I was looking at the God of all Pokemon Arceus which a couple seconds later ended up in my master ball because there was no way I was gonna risk killing it catching Arceus though meant I finally completed my goal of having a full team of legendary Pokemon but that wasn't it my rival shiny Hunter tasked me with getting several items and as I waited for him to work his magic I was invited to test my luck for the legendary Pokemon Shaymin if I get the piece of cobblestone I would win it was a 50 50 chance but sadly Lady Luck wasn't on my side until I sort of just flicked the lever again and got the piece of cobblestone which ended up with me still getting the shaman in the end I don't know if I unintentionally stole this guy's Shaman or not but we'll pretend it was always meant to be a gift and just roll with it as these two arches were getting busy shiny Hunter finally prepared the cloning machine which would have the chance of cloning his Mew and spawning in a Mewtwo but sadly the first two attempts at cloning Mew went horribly wrong and now we only had one last attempt before this Mew cannot clone anymore and we'd just be stuck with three Dittos but as I placed the materials in the cloning machine I felt a strong sense of power resonating from within the machine it was Mewtwo he blew up the cloning machine and it was my job to catch him and when you're armed with a master ball it's gonna be a piece of cake and now I had Mewtwo on my team but before I could leave shiny hunter wanted to give me one more surprise and that was a Mew tonight X this meant I could mega evolve my Mewtwo into his X4 warm we also decided to have a mega battle but Mutual was so strong I didn't even realize I won what I didn't see before though was that there was a battle pass and that you can earn Pixelmon Lucky Blocks by leveling up your skills such as fishing Mining and battling and since I had a pretty good pickaxe I decided to mine a lot of oars to increase my mining exp which would also contribute to gaining battle pass levels but after I realized it was taking way too long I went on to battle wild Pokemon while I was filling up my orbostatic Souls as well as using exp candies to level up some random Pokemon I had this is of course all contributed to gaining battle pass experience which finally allowed us to get the uncommon Lucky Block that sadly only gave us a shiny Skrelp but that's alright we have an orbo static souls to fill up and just a tad bit of grinding later we had it fully charged and able to summon the legendary Pokemon Zapdos completing the Cantrell bird Trio and also being the 9th legendary we've caught so far now I know we're halfway through the 100 day Journey but we can't forget about one goal which is catching a legendary Pokemon in the war zone the reason why I filled my team with the absolute worst legendaries and Ultra bees possible is because if someone battled and defeated me in the war zone they'd be able to take away one of my Pokemon and if that were to happen I wouldn't want them to take away something valuable like by Shiny Giratina I went in hesitantly and started running around a bit at first I didn't really see much until it said that Entei had spawned in the war zone luckily I found it before anyone else but unfortunately enough got kicked out because I ran out of time normally Pokemon would despawn once you leave the area but legendaries usually stay around for much longer so I knew as long as I quickly went in there I could find Entei and finally throw my math ball and catch him there was a broadcast that I caught Entei meaning that everyone on the server knew I was in the war zone I had a minute left but a huge Target on my back thankfully after running around a bit I was warped out of the war zone and now had Entei on my team as I was in spawn I noticed that the Easter event had ended and now a treasure hunt had started since it was relatively new there weren't any guys posted anywhere so I had to find them all by myself and just like the Easter event it gave me super valuable loot there were 25 chests in total and finding all of them was a real pain but I did get a few Lucky Blocks a master ball as well as a fusion Shard once I found all of the treasure chests now I wasn't planning on fusing any legendaries in this video but remember 2 000 subscribers and you'll get a 100 day video where I only use Pokemon fusions also if you're wondering I didn't get a legendary Pokemon from these Lucky Blocks so far I've spent 63 days on the server and because of that I have a lot of money so I ended up buying the legendary Pokemon or Shifu and Heatran I did also see that a thunderous was for sale and being a huge fan of generation 5 I really wanted to get it on my team so I went ahead and grinded in the boss Tower which went worse than usual as most of the players were doing the same but once I had enough money I saw that Thunders had already been bought on the GTS meaning if I wanted to buy a legendary I'd have to get more money money so I went ahead and sold my Fusion shards and continued grinding in the boss Tower but now that I had a 120 000 coins I was able to buy the legendary Pokemon zashian from the GTS but that wasn't the only legendary I was able to get as I soon used all of my voting points to buy a bundle of pokeballs which included the GS ball the GS ball was important because they allowed me to summon the mythical Pokemon Celebi from a shrine in total I have 14 legendary Pokemon now I only needed one more unique legendary to complete my final go for this Challenge and luckily the subscriber actually gave me the 15th legendary Pokemon it just happened to be another Celebi I needed 15 different legendary Pokemon for me to actually finish my challenge so this Celebi didn't count towards that but it was still super nice of this player to give me a legendary Pokemon for free anyways I invited my subscribers over to my base where we had some friendly Pokemon battles this allowed me to get used to my team because I still had to have my final battle with my rival anyways we just kind of hung around my base and had some fun doing absolute really nothing worth noting down they apparently also built this giant rocket behind my base I don't know about you but that's one very long rocket there was an attempt on the stage you start hunting for the final legendary Pokemon until I realized that Zekrom was a pretty active server and had a lot of players online meaning it's very unlikely for a legendary to spawn on us I had almost no money at all and had to get a lot if I wanted to buy another legendary Pokemon to finish my goal so that's what I did killing boss Pokemon selling loot killing more boss Pokemon selling even more loot until I finally had enough money and decided on buying enamorous a legendary Pokemon first introduced in the Legends of Arceus which was one of my favorite Pokemon games ever this now meant I had 15 unique legendary Pokemon and have finally completed all of my goals all that was left was to defeat shiny Hunter to prove myself as one of the strongest Pokemon trainers on the server and so it was time to forged my team for the final battle I hand-picked my team using the best of the best legendary Pokemon endosization which happened to be the love lady so I quickly spent a day in the level grinder it also didn't help that Zasha kept on dying after every single battle but finally I had my full team of level 100 legendary Pokemon ready to take down shiny Hunter of course before we fight him we still needed some more battle experience so I attempted to take down the siren PC only to lose at record speed but since there was still a lot of time before our battle I decided to commemorate our achievement by taking some of that time to build this master ball trophy as a way to immortalize our achievement on the server it just took a really long time to build because finding quartz in the nether gave me physical pain still wanting to gain some more battle experience I fought more trainers that spawn including a rematch against sirud I also tested my skills at the battle tower and I'd like to report that I failed so badly in quick succession that the server gave me a 10 hour cooldown but battling skill wasn't all I needed as I began building the arena where the final battle would take place it took a long time to get all the resources and everything but I really like how it turned out in the end and once I finished making sure my Pokemon had the best moves possible I got teleported into the ultra space dimension for the last time in search of a type plate to give to my Arceus because for some reason it's been rocking normal type this entire time and I honestly don't know why it's taking me this long to realize that one fairmosa later I found this interesting chest that had four piece balls inside of it I have done around 5 100 day videos and this is the first time I've ever seen this I just thought it was interesting enough to point out I also found this very cool server exclusive Paradox Dragon pull maybe I should do a 100 day video using only Paradox Pokemon let me know down in the comments if you'd like to see that anyways I ended up leaving the ultra space Dimension with only three type plates and two Z crystals I decided to give Arceus to the ground type plate and zero or the phytinium Z now that I was fully prepared it was time to contact shiny Hunter and there he was right in front of me we went to my huge stadium and even had a little crowd forming to watch the final moments of my 100 day adventure it was all down to this battle to prove whether or not I've become a strong trainer anyways it was time for the battle to start and already my zashan immediately fell to his fused legendary Pokemon between an Arceus and an eternitus luckily I knew Alternatives was a poison type which was weak to ground types science sent out my ground-plated asses to finish it off Arceus however fell to his meowskardo so I sent out Entei appropriately only for him to you turn into an intellion who was a water type I was feeling very nervous but I decided to switch out to Zara Aura who sadly could not handle intelion's strength the battle was heavily out of my favor but I still had one trump card I sent out Mewtwo and quickly mega evolved it allowing me to knock out intellion in a Flash as well as his miyaskarta who unfortunately took an Aura Sphere to the face out came his his swainian Typhlosion who unbeknownst to me was immune to all of my attacks and defeated Mewtwo in just one hit thankfully Mewtwo set the balance in this battle and now just like the first time we fought we both had two Pokemon left each Giratina was able to earth power his Typhlosion and after receiving nothing more than a scratch from his Mega Lucario was able to deal the finishing blow allowing me to finally achieve all of my goals we had done it 100 days using only legendary Pokemon as the sun began to rise we all took a photo marking this occasion down in history it was all finally over or was it [Music] thank you
Channel: NintenPercent
Views: 527,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixelmon 100 days, 100 days in pixelmon, 100 days in minecraft pixelmon, 100 days pixelmon, 100 days in minecraft, i spent 100 days in pixelmon, i spent 100 days in minecraft, minecraft pixelmon, 100 days, 100 days minecraft, pixelmon, minecraft 100 days pixelmon, minecraft 100 days, i spent 100 days in minecraft pixelmon, surviving 100 days of minecraft pixelmon, minecraft pixelmon 100 days, 100 days on pixelmon, 100 days minecraft pixelmon, surviving 100 days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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