Our FIRST LOOK At Fortnite SEASON 4!

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fortnite's next live event finally has a release date and with numerous leaks teasers and confirmed collabs let's break down everything we know about season 4 which Launches on August 25th on average every 78 days in chapter one we would have a live event 103 days was the average in chapter two and now it is every 360 days it's been a long wait but on the island right now epic is literally telling us what's gonna happen all you have to do is connect the dots Dr Sloan has activated the apparatus at Rumble ruins and it's gonna slowly evolve over the next couple of weeks everything that happens between now and then is crucial to learning the theme so what is it telling us this telescope is predicting the arrival of an evil presence teased by a figure in the ancient murals some think that it looks like the Cube's cradle others think it's an entirely new character but one thing's for Surin there is going to be an eclipse she's also been told by someone trusted to get off the island as soon as possible and people are hoping this is the return of a fan favorite character agent Jones so we've got an incoming Eclipse an ancient Evil coming to the island and that is just the build up we'll get the official reveal of season 4 on August 20th just over a week away with fortnite announcing the theme and name then we'll only have to wait five days until the update drops so one of the most interesting leaks reveals that fortnite is making their own Pokemon yes there's an unreleased item called capture balls these will let you collect animals and creatures but that's not even the most exciting part we are also getting mutated versions from Monster crystals these have been in the works for months and considering this will be the final season of the chapter the clock is ticking I gotta wish it was a real Pokemon collab but I'll take a cheap knock off any day with all this talk about evil creatures who actually is coming to the island in season four well thanks to this month's crew pack we have learned that the oathbound hasn't disappeared like we first thought or an Alexa have joined but in their loading screen they're facing a new thread This creepy figure who looks very familiar from the surveys now if you talk to eras Treyarch knocks she'll mention a new character triarch Aurora this is interesting because Knox means night in Latin and Aurora means Dawn so what happens when you combine the Sun and the Moon an eclipse yeah fortnite is laying out so many Clues and it's up to us to figure out what they mean when it comes to season Four's loophole we're gonna be in for some special weapons there are three new launchers in the files and they sound ridiculous I mean I don't have to tell you how I would say no Boogie bomb grenade launcher sounds toxicity is being brought to another level there's also a gas grenade launcher that'll probably fire stink bombs across alongside a firefly launcher which has been leaked for months now we'll blow you away as much as fortnite's new game mode that is going to change everything for months we've gotten hints and Files about some kind of racing mode it started off as rumors of a small Mini-Game and since then it has become so much more there are 12 tracks in the works four of them are for ranked mode and if that wasn't crazy enough fortnite is making a custom battle pass just for this LTM safe to say this is gonna be a big deal some of the races are gonna be themed around the past like the chapter 2 map and references the turbine Sidewinder and a cruise so what'll be in this battle pass it'll probably be new vehicles paint jobs wraps and extra parts that we could customize in our very own garage something that could arrive even sooner are legendary augments right now we've all gotten used to perks and how they could take our game to the next level but imagine if they had Rarities they're currently working on Legendary perks that'll be in combat caches so if you're wondering what they could possibly do trust me it sounds awesome whether it's an instant reboot when you get killed or an increase to your max Shield this will be game changing not to mention one of them gives you siphon we also know that Transformers is returning in October thanks to an exclusive pack which includes Bumblebee Megatron and a battle bus skin along with a thousand V bucks for good measure this is the first confirmed crossover of season 4 but we are getting plenty more between now and October there is one rumor that refuses to die and it's over a creaky compound for weeks there's been a desk at this place with folders on it have you got him for a closer look you would see the Stark Industries logo on the file of course the internet blew up over this most people assumed it was a reused asset well that's until epic forgot to remove it in the next update it's still here with less than two weeks to go until season four so could this mean Marvel's returning it is totally possible especially with the League comic book that's coming out at the end of the year not the only thing super important to the story epic put way too much effort into the jungle to abandon it so don't worry it's Gotta survive all the way into the end of the chapter it also means mud will keep tormenting us next season and plenty of bush perks will stick around not the only thing making a return at the start of this season leakers revealed that helicopters were being worked on fortnite is adding launchers that shoot every two seconds and deal 450 damage to builds it sounds insane and as you can see the response was incredible we've waited months and nothing has come from this so it's safe to assume they are coming next season instead everything else has released like a lever pistol thermal DMR and the Mythic jump shotgun so the only thing we're waiting on are choppas as for the rest of season 4's loophole there are so many items on the way from a rip pistol to a slug projectile shotgun I mean both of these sound incredible it is possible the rift pistol could be the one Jones used in Chapter 2 or it's a totally new item that lets you create portals wherever you want there's also a leak balloon sniper a gas sniper which sound pretty obvious along with the flare shotgun although I don't know why you want to shoot a flare at Point Blank Range I take all those with a grain of salt but there is something that epic is absolutely working on and that is the next anime collab Jiu Jitsu Kai isn't just released but when you're weeks away from a new season everyone's asking what's next of course one piece is the first anime that comes to mind fortnite is seemingly been teasing this for a while like they do with all of their other anime collabs Attack on Titan was hinted at by POI Jiu Jitsu Kaizen had the car slime a month ago and now one piece is being teased with the whale glider keep in mind the Netflix show drops just days after season four are people are really hoping to see Luffy or Zorro in the battle pass what we do know is that fortnite mares is quickly approaching an epic is already preparing for a big LTM in season four they've been working on a new version of hordrush with tons of updated pois and the most important part of this is the boss yeah there's a vampire NPC in development that is gonna be tougher than the caretaker not the only moment to look forward to even though we didn't get a live event this time around we are getting one next season and it'll be the finale of chapter four in fact we even have a date the countdown officially begins on November 21st with the event happening on December 2nd so what exactly do we know about season 4's new map and be sure we're keeping the jungle biome and the apparatus is going to change things but what else is coming well each season in chapter 4 has introduced a new area from Neo Tokyo to the ancient ruins and this time it'll be a desert fortnite has been working on new versions of Joshua trees the same thought we saw in Paradise Palms there's also going to be armored cars driving around this new area controlled by henchmen who will shoot on sight some think it'll be the return of the Imagine order now that Sloan has powered up the apparatus now let's take it back to season 4 start date if you remember it's around August 25th and that is interesting for one reason Ahsoka premieres on August 23rd the famously four dead Star Wars get along well not to mention Ahsoka is one of the only main characters who hasn't joined the game it made the perfect time to reveal her and although she's not in the files right now but I'm willing to put my money on this one it could also include the return of a powerful item in Chapter 2 we had a Mythic version of the Chug jug and it was bottomless you could use it as much as you want it's only around two months it never came back but since then epic has been updating it to be a generic item that'll drop at any moment moving away from speculation we have the first confirmed pack of season 4 hacksor is a interpreter pack but I kind of love it it's different to what we usually get but sadly it gives us no clues to next season's theme it's also pretty ironic because hackstore might be the only Dino left by the time he releases epic accidentally left an NPC spawn on the files relating to season four and it told us all about the vampire boss well it also mentions that Raptors will be vaulted and it gets even more surprising claiming that llamas will also be cut so I don't know how I feel about this one if you prefer animatronic animals Five Nights at Freddy's is a movie coming out and it drops on October 27th which is right in the middle of season four fans think this is the perfect opportunity for a collab and not gonna live we run around as Freddy Fazbear I think it would break the internet Scott cawthon as previously said that nothing was in the works but that comment is now two and a half years old so we'll have to wait and see we've also got new info about the Doctor Who collab which has been leaked for a very long time originally it was planned for the 60th anniversary of the show and we are expecting to get this in season four but insiders have revealed it got delayed we want to make room for the Lego collab in November so we'll have to see everyone's favorite alien in the New Year the reason a Lego crossover is happening in November is because chapter 5 starts then next season's official end date is November 30th which means it'll last around 14 weeks hopefully and I'm praying on this one that's enough time to get first person mode yeah we've heard about this a lot but recently epic out of files that let us walk through mud along with shooting a mammoth pistol and throwing a kinetic Boomerang honestly at this point it's a roll of the dice whether first person drops next season whereas the big announcement of a chapter launch only one way to find out it's everything we know about fortnite season 4 the live event and the new chapter it's been Tommy keep it here on top five gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
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Keywords: fortnite season 4, Our FIRST LOOK At Fortnite SEASON 4!, fortnite, fortnite new season, season 4 fortnite, fortnite season 4 event, fortnite season 4 battlepass, fortnite season 4 trailer, season 4 fortnite trailer, new fortnite season, fortnite new, new fortnite, fortnite chapter 4 season 4, fortnite new chapter, fortnite chapter 5, fort, nite, battle royale, new, update, video
Id: PmI0cMdUcdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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