I SPENT 100 DAYS in CRAZY CRAFT...here's what happened

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hi dudes welcome back to a video that i said i would never do again that's right we are doing another 100 days in minecraft i was thinking of myself and i came up with an idea that i thought you guys would appreciate that i couldn't talk myself out of today we're gonna spend 100 days in crazy crap that's right i said crazy crap oh geez the channel have been asking for crazy crap to come back who's back for 100 days today we're going to try to build big bertha before 100 days which means we have to defeat i think 18 bosses we have to make a ton of emc we have a lot of work to do this is going to be a sweaty challenge so i hope you guys enjoy this if you guys want to see more likes you want me to do 200 days in crazy crap hit that like button and maybe i will all right you've got to hit like 30 000 likes for me to do these this takes a long time but also i miss crazy crap i know you guys did too i was thinking maybe we should get in a crazy craft mood for no reason no reason at all no secrets unless if you do enjoy awesome don't forget to subscribe if you're new around here we're trying to get to a million subs beforehand we okay so hit that subscribe button and let's go spend 100 days of grace crap immediately we spawned we got a really nice spawn and the nostalgia hit me so hard dude i just immediately thought of that first server the good times with the boys and i and thought you know maybe we should do something like this again soon i don't know maybe we'll work on an idea i don't know it gave me an idea of maybe making something that you guys would really enjoy but i can't i can't say too much i can't say too much just know that secrets are coming so anyway uh for days one through three honestly uh i just kind of like looked around spawn uh i i got my basic tools yeah i got some wood i forgot the crazy craft has this incredibly annoying thing that uh every time you get an achievement uh uh fireworks go off like please fireworks leave me alone please please stop please i also then noticed that i spawned right next to a youtuber's house so naturally i went in there and robbed them because that's what i do uh you know took their money although i don't really know if the money's gonna be that useful without other players i can't remember if there's a use for it but you know what if somebody's got money in a chest i'm gonna take it especially if they're not a real player i also stole their furnace in bed right in front of them because um this is mine now thank you after that while i was exploring uh i noticed uh real quick that like oh hey check this out this is where ants are we're gonna need these ants to go to other dimensions i was like it's on my list of to do to find both rainbow ants and brown ants so like all right dope we found the ant so i made sure to mark that so we could come back and visit it later and then we kept exploring and as i was looking for the perfect spot to make my thing i i noticed uh something on the map that up ahead there there was like an impact it looked like a meteor to hit the map now i don't remember how the meteor works i got excited for a minute because i thought in this version it could mean that thor's hammer fell to earth but i don't think that's in this version of crazy crap so either way we went and checked out the meter and it had skystone which i'm not able to harvest yet but i'm actually curious because i didn't do anything with meteors last season so now i want to do something with meteor so i it was right next to like a big mountain so i went up there and i realized this would be a perfect place to have my base so first things first started leveling it out spend a little time digging it out making sure we had it all nice and pretty because this is gonna be where the home is operation sigils base is gonna go right here so we dug for a while we got it all organized and that was my first couple days so day four was pretty much the same you know just working on building the great sigils mansion of all time uh i decided to go with spruce because there was a spruce forest nearby so i started cranking on the walls trying to build them up uh i didn't want to build just a square box but you know i kind of like the rectangular boxy it's minecraft okay i don't got to go too hard everybody hated my tower and crazy craft the series so i'm not doing a tower this time deal with it so after spending a little bit of time building and figuring out i kind of ended up with this sort of like lopsided multi-rectangular thing where i can set up different rooms the interior needs a lot of work we got to redo the floor we got to make different walls we got to put a roof on it because it's not a house until you have a roof but it was off to a good start and we'd have a lot of room to set up our science and whatever else we needed to do in here and then eventually as night started to fall we put our bed down to sleep for the first time and set our respawn and that was the end of day four day five through nine were pretty much like the standard boring minecraft stuff right uh one of the reasons i left that like stone wall on the side is because i wanted to dig a mining shaft right into the side of the mountain uh and so we went down there to just you know get all those basic things we need i need an iron pick etc at one point while i was strip mining though i did find this cave and i went and there's a whole bunch of good stuff i found a surprise gem which was surprising i don't know what that does so i decided to save that for later also uh you know there's a whole bunch of things in these random gold blocks i don't even know why whole gold black spawn but sure we'll take them but basically at the end of these days i had a full suit of iron armor i had some iron tools we were ready to get to work on some of our bigger projects remember our whole goal of this uh 100 days is to build big bertha which means i have to kill i think 18 bosses which means i need to kill like a boss basically every five days or so so we got to get on it on day 10 we got so heck and lucky fam i was down on the mines digging away when suddenly i came across some ancient dried spawn eggs now if you don't know what those are we're going to show you what they are so soon as i got those eggs i ran back up top went to my water supply and hydrated because basically when they're underground as blocks they're dried out brought them up hydrated them and they turned into easter bunny spawnings we have three of them this is gonna be a huge break for us day 11 was still working on the easter rabbit so i told you i would tell you what they did and i'm gonna but first things first we had to build a little pen for them an area uh and i knew i was gonna need glass so i went outside of my base found uh some sand nearby went and made sure to grab it also we found sugar cane which i'm sure will come in useful later now we came back we started smelting the sugar cane and we started making hoppers because we need hoppers and not just cause bunnies hop for other reasons okay and then this is what i came up with for the like cage for them okay you got the little glass things they can see out and then everything underneath them is hoppers because we want to pick up what they drop then it goes to a couple different chests so i can hold a whole heck a lot of them and uh then we uh you know built up i know they're right next to my bedroom so i hope they don't make a lot of noise because your boy tried to sleep at night but whatever we went up there and we spawned a bit look we got three easter bunnies and uh they got to work right away look at that start spawning eggs so easter bunnies hatch eggs or they lay eggs right just like the easter bunny but they hatch or lay spot eggs which is gonna help us make so many of the bosses we need in order to get big bertha uh in a hundred days so here we go we got incredibly lucky ready look at that there's mobzilla and t-rex which i think are both bosses we need so we're off to a good start day 12 we are already behind scheduled to get big bertha 100 days so uh we decided to fight the first boss now as i mentioned t-rex is one of the ones we need we got a spawning port i remember the t-rex being really really easy so i went over the easter egg bunny container and i got the t-rex spawn egg and i took it outside the base and i was like cool let's fight him and um it didn't go well he destroyed me and i tried to run back out there grab my stuff didn't go well again so finally i went down there i snuck around got my stuff and then i cranked 90s on him all right i i straight bridge ward on this t-rex got above him you got in a way where he couldn't hit me and i just bought him all right i had to wear him down i had to take he took a little bit of time but eventually he died the little stupid fireworks went off and most importantly he dropped the t-rex tooth which is one of the tools that we need to make big birds up so we got our first boss down but oh this this could be a lot harder than i thought days 13 to 15 i decided to go back to mining because honestly the t-rex i think might be the wimpiest boss possible and he ruined me like i had to cheese him okay so i was like let's at least get to diamond gear obviously we have better gear than we want to get but for right now just see like make sure we're getting some bosses early not wasting our time let's get some diamond armor so i went down and just dug it out right now i found my diamonds and fortunately by the end of the day we uh we had almost full diamond armor and we had diamond pick and diamond sword so like we were looking pretty good i felt a lot better about trying to tackle the next boss day 16 i've decided to fight boss number two because we're still so far behind okay so i was looking over all the eggs that i had and i saw that i have a princess and i'm not sure princess might be a good one doesn't the prince like work for you the princess might work for you i need to research that but anyway uh i said we had a mantis and mantis is another one of the easier bosses so i was like yo let's go fight him i've got diamond armor now and i'm i'm cracked so like what could go wrong and the mantis ruined me just ruined absolutely destroyed me so i got destroyed but i was not gonna give up random grab my stuff and then the mantis immediately ran away because he is a coward and not a gentleman or a scholar but i chased him i did let him get away and then i finally caught up to him and fought him and defeated him because i'm absolutely cracked on the sticks he dropped a whole bunch of diamonds we appreciate that also my favorite thing about the boss is they drop an item frame so uh we made this wall over here where we're gonna put up all the different things we need uh as we get them and figure out what all we're still missing so tada 2 out of 18. oh boy day 17 to 20 i realized that i we really need upper power level like i said so i wanted to go exploring because i wanted to try to find some inventory pets i thought that maybe those would help give me a jump in power so i could take on some more bosses get stronger keep working on building big bertha so i set off into the forest and the first thing i saw was a mantis the next thing i found was interesting was like some sort of fortress town so i decided to go in there and check it out and uh the villagers were like all armed and dangerous they had like a whole militia and they were fighting like a hobgoblin so i decided to kill him uh the hobgoblin to see if that would make them love me and um they didn't seem to care so i stopped helping them and robbed their blacksmith instead because like you know why not after that i climbed up to the top of the fortress just to see if anything cool was out there and uh i noticed some clouds now those clouds are where uh you can get inventory pets including the cloud pet which is like the one i really really want right now so i decided to make my way over there but then i noticed there was this guy this purple guy staying over there and i made eye contact with i didn't really use an enderman and uh he tried to fight me and at first i thought the village mission was gonna defend me and then and then they didn't so i had to fight him this guy was terrifying dude he's like an enderman with a giant freaking anime sword and i'm not about it so but i fought him for a while and eventually he died and he gave me exactly what i need which is an ender pearl so thank you very much miss the guy then we finally made our way across over to where the clouds were and i started building my way up hoping that it would get something good up there i built myself up to the cloud that i saw a chest on and uh these crazy blazes spawned on me which i did not appreciate and i was like please pet please please please have a good pet please please have a good pet i would have i got a freaking bed pet dude i don't know what it does but i don't think sleeping was gonna save me and uh then i didn't want to talk about it okay i'm gonna talk about it on day 21 i realized that i was trying too hard you know what i was doing all these different weird routes to power but there was something i could do it was time to call up an old friend fans of my crazy craft series know what the cell phone can do i crafted a cell phone because that's all that lets me call stan lee so i put all the resources together i had everything you need just like black iron titanium some redstone easy and some glass easy-peasy lemon squeezy put it together and we walked outside we rang the phone and we summoned stan lee our journey to becoming a superhero was just beginning on days 22 to 25 i worked on a huge project i knew that i needed to get stronger okay but so in order to get vibranium so that i can become thor dad i gotta go to wakanda because that's the best place to get it that's where it's like super rich so uh first thing i did is craft a map to get to wakanda and then i couldn't figure out why it wasn't working i was like please please work why hello and uh so i had to do some research and turns out in the last season crazy crafty got super lucky you have to be in a savannah to be a freaking savannah to use it so that's fine we just gotta go looking for savannah on my hunt for savannah i found a lucky plug so i opened it and then i saw some golden apple cows and i killed them because if you guys remember i do love me some golden apple cows then i also saw this spider of nightmares and i decided not to mess with it because um no thank you the last thing i need is a giant spider in my life thank you very much mr radioactive spider please leave me alone finally after so much searching like an unbelievable amount of searching i found a savannah we could finally go to wakanda let's go we got super lucky with our spawn we spun right next to a village so uh i ran around trying to see if they had anything cool all i found were blocks of gold which i stole because i'm a bad person and i need blocks of gold but after that i decided to start digging and let me tell you vibranium is everywhere in wakanda i found it i dug it all up i made sure to get as much as possible because i knew i was going to need a freaking ton to trade with stan lee to finally become thor i'm day 26 i finally became thor dad once again so we got a whole bunch of vibranium because it's just freaking everywhere in wakanda i came back and i decided it was time to call my good friend steve jobs not steve jobs stan lee so i called stanley and then he didn't answer so i called him again and he showed up so then i had to trade eight vibranium for one asgardian steel we needed almost as much as guardian steel as you need like normal diamond ingredients i think you need like two ironing it was like two less so we sat there and traded and he because he's a villager sometimes he runs out of trains we have to call him and then like tell him to leave and then tell him to come back so i'll try anyway listen we did all that and it was finally time to craft we went over and we made the helmet we made the chest plate we made the pants and we were one short so i had to go call him again and uh trade with him one last time to get one last asgardian ingot does anyone leave and i wanted to leave because i didn't want him to see any change so i made him leaf and then i put on the outfit and i became thor dead again now if you haven't seen before uh thor is fast he is strong he can fly when he summons me older and he can shoot lightning i am way stronger than i just was i should have a much easier time fighting bosses now now we're going somewhere on day 27 i decided to use my newfound powers to go and fight another boss remember we need to get i think it's 18 bosses in a hundred days to get big bertha and we are behind we've only killed two so now that i'm super strong i thought let's take another one so i wouldn't check my eggs and what did i find i found that i had the hercules beetle which is one of the bosses we need to make i think the handle so i went over there i had like nine of them so i took the eggs out there and spawned them and sure thing first thing i learned is the veto was really annoying he kept throwing me up in the air but since i could fly that's not a big deal so i ran lightning down and i smashed them i taught him a lesson i juggled them uh and then i killed him with lightning unfortunately i think when you kill him with lightning uh it destroyed all the stuff so i had to fight a second one so the second one i was much more careful i struck him down with lightning and then one shot at him and uh he dropped all his stuff so we took the big hammer which is his drop took it all the way back to our wall and look i reorganized the wall okay so the top row is the blade the middle row is the things we need for the guard and the bottom row is the thing we need to put the handle put the thing for the handle in there and we're making some progress on days 28 to 32 i decided to work on some of my resource gathering now uh obviously we have a lot of bosses to fight with a lot to do but i can't be spending more time mining so i decided to spend a little bit of time and go to the nether and start getting all the things i needed for a quarry now if you don't know what a quarry is it's super amazing but first things first we went to the nether so i built another portal also i realized that i had forgotten as thor i do need food i just never show hunger and i can't starve to guess but i get that super annoying little like tick tick tick tick so i had to eat some food just so i didn't annoy myself today anyway we finally popped through to the nether and what do i find an amazing spawn okay so some of the things we need are ender pearls obsidian lava and blaze rods all right we get up city in the overworld but it's faster than nether and uh we spawn right next to another fortress so i flew on down and decided to bop around some blazes to get their blaze rods real quick and that was pretty fun because honestly they can't hurt me i'm immune to fire and uh i hit home runs on their faces every time what's not to love after that we came back and i used all my ender eggs and my different ender bosses to summon the enderman and the other ender knights and stuff to give me eyes of ender and regular ender pearls that i needed to craft everything then i crafted all the components and finally i was able to make the quarry now if you don't know the quarry works it's pretty awesome basically you lay out a a barrier with these fences like what i'm doing right here and then when you're done you put it in the middle and you right click it and it'll say that it knows the outline so basically it'll mine every single block in that area then you took it up to power i made a simple coal generator very very easy to do and then i put a hopper with some chests so i could keep it full of coal and also i put this uh special type of ender chest here with the rose red color on it so that anything in the pumps goes to only that ender chest and i can get it then i went back over here to the base and i actually upgraded a couple things but so all the things that come from del corey come out of this one ender chest they go along and anything that's coal now goes to the second ender chest they set up that has two rose red colors on it and uh that goes back so any collet mines it'll send back to itself to keep it powered so it keeps mining and then uh the trash can gets rid of any stone or dirt because they don't need that and then anything else that mines any ores anything other cool to put here and uh hopefully i won't have to mine ever again days 33 to 37 again we're just putting in a little bit of time on the face first thing that i did is i added some windows because it was just a bunch of walls and i couldn't see how and that really opened up the space you know what i mean it just made it feel more welcoming to me and only me because i'm the only one who's going to be here uh then i'm going to replace the cobblestone floors because they're hideous just with some oak planks they and chop down some oak trees and that looked way better the final thing i had to figure out was what to do with the roof uh because it's such a wide building i didn't really want to build up too high of a roof so i decided to do just a cobblestone stair around it uh kind of as a ledge and then i thought that looked good so i decided you know what i'll probably do like a couple more layers of that and then uh last but not least i put another oak like flat roof on top of it i did that for a couple reasons one because i'm lazy two because i think it still looks okay and three because i'm not sure that i won't need a second floor so i figured i might as well leave that where i could add like a second smaller floor above if i need and uh yeah i think everything looks much better uh much easier to on the eyes much easier to live here and and uh i'm proud of it on days 38 to 41 i had a breakthrough i had a big brain moment now you know how we have the cory going which is going to get us all kinds of different supplies well i forgot that we added something to crazy craft that makes that even stronger that's right we had a project e which is the mod that adds emc and if you don't know what the heck i'm talking about basically we have a transmutation table so i made a transmutation table which was super super easy i had to craft a couple things and transmutation tables let you put items in them and they give you a value called emc you can see i have an emc on the screen and basically whenever you make an item if you put it in the emc table from then on all you have to do is spend emc to get another one you never have to craft it again right so it saves you a ton of time but it's also a way you can get rich so i made the emc table and then i made an alchemist chest which you can hold a whole bunch of stuff and i also forgot that the alchemist chest is not what i thought it was uh so then i set up a little thing to start making some money and i had to go back and i had to make an energy condenser which is it has an alchemist chest in it now you take the out the energy chest and you come over here and you make just a a simple cobblestone generator with a retrieval node and a pipe and it will mine that stone for you that's right you heard me correctly it will mind the stone bring it over here and put it here and then it's going to turn into diamonds so i'm just generating diamonds which will give me unlimited emc which means when i quarry where weird and random and rare things i can make turn them into emc so i can get an unlimited amount and i can basically have anything i want and we're not even we're just 40 days in so on day 42 i noticed that uh my easter egg bunnies had hatched for easter eggs bunnies and i thought that was funny so i tried to hatch them in there to increase my egg count and then i looked in there i realized my egg chests were almost full i actually made a little lava trash can to get rid of a bunch because honestly we can't have this get full i need them to spot all of the different uh eggs so i don't have to find these bosses because they're very hard to find and i'm running out of time like i i just realized right now that we're about the next boss we fight will be boss four and i'm at 42 days i'm supposed to give big birth i need 18 bosses crap so i decided to look through the chest and find what i had and i found out i had triffed eggs which uh triffen are one of the things that we have to fight so i went out and summoned to tripping and start slapping it around and i i got confused because it wouldn't take any damage so i thought it was broken so i spawned a second tripping and then it wouldn't take damage and i realized that it has like a little mode where it like puts a shell up and you until it attacks you you can't damage it and i was using too weak of attacks so i switched over to my sword flew up above it dropped down and did a falling crit and that absolutely destroyed it because i am thor dad and that worked so that was pretty dope an interrupt green goo and green goo aside from being gross is one of the things that we need for the handle so we're making really good progress on the handle and we're making no progress on anything else story of my life so uh we took that we put it over on the wall and uh there you go that was day 42. on day 44 i was feeling pretty guilty because again we were very behind on bosses so i went and looked at my eggs and i saw i had an emperor scorpion egg which i know is another one of the bosses that i need to fight so i took the emperor's scorpion outside you know away from the home because i don't know how destructive some of these guys are i feel like they're more destructive than you know my last relationship you know i'm saying you know what i'm saying anyway i managed to beat him he dropped an emperor scale uh emperor scorpion scale which is great so we took it back over to the wall of crafting and there i figured out that actually goes with the guard and we have none of the pieces of the guard yet so we put that in the middle row for the guard we have stuff for the blades for stuff for the guard stuff for the handle making progress back to work on days 45 and 46 i decided to check on the mining from the corey okay so first thing we did is we went over to our supply area and just see like what do we find and as you can see we found a whole bunch of stuff with emc value not not every single mod has emc value so some things we also just need to collect because i can't get them any other way so we had a whole bunch of different cool ores we had diamonds stuff like that so i took the things that i could turn into emc things i didn't have in the emc table like gravel and stuff and things that would just give me emc like diamonds and slapped them in there yay good job but then i decided that the quarry was going too slow so i flew out there to look at it and what i realized is that the generators i had i could afford much better now that i had emc because right now the regular generators that was using colon only have a one times multiplier on but if i made the advanced version they have an eight times multiplier so i flew back to the house and uh then just used emc to buy more copies of the generator and then combine it with a conduit to make two advanced versions of it now that doesn't have an emc value because one of the pieces doesn't have emc so it's like but it's fine we can still craft it we can still afford the the most annoying piece so i flew back out and hooked those bad boys up so hopefully that'll speed up our quarry a lot more then i decided to go and check on the the diamond generator and uh i saw that it was going super slow so i had a genius idea i'm gonna make some speed upgrades they weren't that expensive they just cost gold and redstone which we have all those things so it's just emc so i made it i made a whole bunch of stacks to them and i went over and put them in and then after i did that i realized i should have just used that emc to buy the max amount so we maxed it out so it should mine cobblestone as fast as possible and hopefully we'll start making diamonds hand over fists day 47 i'm back on the grind look we're almost halfway through 100 days and we are not halfway through the bosses okay uh so i went over looked at my eggs and i found that i had basil's eggs and we need basil scales for the garden so i went out and i was like alright cool let's go out into the battle area in my front yard and fight a boss so i spawned the basilisk and it might be the most annoying boss yet dude it hits you with so much slowness then you just your screen gets all tight you can't move and you just kept bouncing around what is it with all of these bosses and juggling you like i am not a part of the circus i am not a performing creator i'm just here to fight you please stop juggling me either way i started doing some mood fortunately flying with me older allows you to get around slowness otherwise i would not have been able to move at all but i was able to get past and was able to be like and you know stuff like that and he was he didn't know what hit him so eventually i dropped from the top rope cut him uh cut him to pieces and uh he draws some pretty great stuff actually he got some he hit a bunch of emeralds and emo gear all that's going to go in the emc table for sure but most importantly he dropped the password scale so i flew back to the base went to our wall of crafting and threw the basketball scale onto the section for the guard because that's one of the guard pieces we need and uh today was pretty productive after how annoying the basilisk was uh on day 48 to 50 i knew that i needed to spend some time as we were coming into the halfway mark getting stronger okay it just it just wasn't enough so i looked at some swords and i figured out that i could make the ultimate sword now actually there's two reasons we want to do this we need the ultimate sword anyway it goes into big bertha so i might as well make it now because it does plus 40 damage where my diamond sword only does plus seven damage even though thor has a ton of strength that magnifier would be even crazier on the ultimate toy so i looked around i realized that uranium and titanium uh don't have emc and i didn't have enough to make it so it was a day back in the mines i spent a little while down there just digging along i found some uranium i found some titanium i found some other cool stuff too you know like sapphires and red diamonds which also don't have emc so are always good to grab whenever you find them and then i came back up to cook them after everything finished cooking i went over and crafted it's a very easy recipe it's one block of titanium one block of uranium and one iron ingot for the hilt and then we had a plus 46 damage sword i used to kill a bird look at this look at this it's got all these enchantments it's got all this power it is broken and it's really gonna help me kill things even faster on days 51 to 53 i thought i needed even more power listen i want to knock these bosses out all right i don't want to be stoppable i don't want to be impossible i don't want to be unstoppable i want to be sidgy big winnie all right i don't know what that means so i set off a hunt to try to find more pets now that i could fly it'd be really easy to check those cloud places right after flying around for a while i spotted another cloud so i went up for it popped down and like look just bopped those blazes easy clap okay i ain't scared of nobody and inside what did i find but a spider pet which okay you know i don't really need to climb on things but they're worth a lot of emc so we'll take what we can get the next island i found uh i remembered to use the ultimate sword and uh as expected just absolutely demolish the blazes but also so did my diamond sword so that's not that cool but still did and inside we found a blaze pet kind of funny built beat blaze pets to get place past and actually the blaze bed might come in handy because it gives you even more strength which i think i can stack to absolutely dominate bosses so that's a pretty good find so far also worth a lot of emc let's go i kept i kept hunting for a long time uh i didn't find anything interesting and then as i was flying along right below me i spotted the cater killer uh and he dropped his jaws which we need i think that's part of the blade so progress has been made even while looking for pets i found a boss that's a win in my book and so i flew straight home popped on in and uh landed the first thing he did of course we gotta go put the cater killer jaw up on the blade thing all right this is starting to fill in remember we have 18 to go but we have done seven so not terrible and uh then i dumped all the rest of this for emc so we keep getting rich and uh let's you know i think we can do this our days 54 to 56 i did minecraft stuff okay i just i was feeling a little burnt out from focusing on the challenge too much and uh my house was still ugly i noticed that like the wall and the ceiling didn't connect and it was all like just two colors and i can't be living like this and being minecraft youtuber you know what i'm saying so i i spent a little bit of time and this is what i came up with uh i i got a whole bunch of carpets you can see i did a black outline everywhere i made a little sitting room with like some benches and a little red carpet to chill i added this new wall to kind of like break it up a little bit give them more space i put doors on everything my bedroom i gave a red carpet i gave it a bedside table i gave it an ender chest it just feels a little bit better you know and i just kind of relaxed a little because we've been sweating and now was the time to not sweat so we looked a little couple days passed but it was good for my mental health on days 57 to 58 i realized that i needed to continue to upgrade my weaponry so i decided to make the best possible bow in the game the ultimate bow now remember we already have the ultimate sword which is made out of titanium and uranium we need those exact same ingredients but i used all my titanium and uranium to make my sword so i'm gonna go mining again i was down there for forever and when everything was ready we made the ultimate bow and uh it's pretty sick dude look at look at how cool this looks i decided to take it outside and uh you know be mlg on some bots to see how it worked uh look at these enchantments crazy very powerful very very very probable and as you can see as i mlg a whole bunch of people like i was just out there one shot and like little steve's no big deal take that steve take that steve yeah day number 59 was pretty rainy and boring and i didn't do a lot except i did fight another boss today i chose the nightmare all right now this one i'm really glad i had the bow for because he's so annoying dude i took him out front like i do to the arena and started battling him and you know what happened he just bounced me around like there was no tomorrow dude was so annoying so while i was doing that i just bowed him down real low and then i got in one big crit with the ultimate blade and he was there just like that and he dropped the nightmare scale which is awesome we took it and flew our way home now the nightmare scale is part of the guard so we put it in the guard row everything is looking good eight out of ten we're almost to day 60. there's a lot of work to be done but we're gonna do this we're gonna pull this off on day 1661 i got a little add a little confused a little distracted uh i noticed that there was a princess egg and i wondered if it was like the princess so i spawned it and then i did my research instead of doing my research and spawned it seems like they never really finished the princess like uh she hangs out she's your pet she falls around but she doesn't really do anything so then i got mad and i went back and spawned the prince and i forgot that the prince is very destructive so as soon as i spawned the prince he spawned in my house and then started killing all the birds which actually i appreciate the birds are so annoying but he was shooting fireballs everywhere to do it so i had to race and get some ice fortunately we had found ice already uh because ice gets him to stop doing his fireballs so he stopped blowing up my house then i cleaned up the house a little bit got it back in order after he destroyed it and uh everything's fine but now i have these two pets and i wonder if i made a mistake day 62 to 66 i'll be honest i i took a little break so i decided to leave my studio go out and stand on my patio and uh look out into the sun and then while i was out there looking out into the sun it was nice at first and then i thought about all the minecraft i still did it all the bosses i still had to fight i started to get sad and uh then i realized they better come back and get back to work on day 67 we got right back into it okay listen i took a little time off i went outside i showed you guys a vlog in a minecraft video who knows but today we're back on the bosses uh one of the eggs that i found right on the ground as soon as i came back from the easter egg bunnies was the juffy bug and the jumpy bug is one of the bosses we needed so this is boss number nine so i went outside and spawned the jumpy bug he immediately spawned his own pet so i was kind of glad that i had the prince and the princess the prince started fighting one of them he was so annoyed he made the most gross sounds they were doing all kinds of things but it didn't matter because the ultimate sword just literally slapped i think i one shot at him and his team just all of them so we took that we went back inside and uh we found out that the chumpy bug scale was a part of the guard so honestly the guard's getting real close i think we only need one or two more things for it and uh then we're there so you know uh listen we're on nine that's officially halfway there we don't have halfway days but i feel like we can make this happen so days 68 to 72 went in a direction that i did not expect so i decided to spawn an unstable ant and right click it which takes you the unstable dimension then i took a whole bunch of unstable ants with me so i could leave at any time the unstable dimension is super dangerous it was the one i was thinking of this is actually usually where you go to find most of the bosses that i can just spawn so there's a bunch of also like rare items there as well as like good emc i wanted to loot some dungeons to get some good stuff so first thing we did was we saw a level one dungeon i walked right in i got golden apples which are great because they didn't have golden apples yet i was hoping to find enchanted golden apples but it's fine and then i was like haha why don't i fly around and see what else i could do that could be funny and the first thing i flew to was a molenoid temple and melanoid is one of the freaking guys one of the bosses we needed were the ones we hadn't found a spawn egg for yet so i fought the molenoid and actually i'm really glad we found him in the unstable dimension because he like can burrow and he can like mess up the terrain and stuff and he might have ruined my house so honestly we're real glad we found the mole in a there but boom that's boss number 10 just handled boom boss number ten then after the molonoid it gets much more intense i went flying and i saw i think this is a level five or level six dungeon and i was like well i don't know why don't i go there and as i'm flying up to the top right we're working our way up i realize it's defended by mothra who's one of the bosses we haven't even fought yet so i bop a mothra just for fun just to get a moth scale because why not and that's boss number 11 out of the way we dropped down the next level yeah whatever dude we don't need these guys but uh we dropped out we work our way through some of the other levels it's intense fighting but i'm thor so it doesn't matter dude i'm just bop bop bopping i fight jumpy bugs but we already have those but in one of the chests i find a freaking ray gun and i'm actually saying a freaking it's called a freaking red gun okay i'm not saying like oh my god you get it all right the point is a freaky ray gun is actually part of the handle for big bertha as well so that is another boss out of the way that means we're already taking care of 10 11 and i think 12 essentially just by coming here and sure enough we have a molenoid nose which we put in the guard and we have a freaking ray gun which we put in the handle and we have a moss scale which also goes to the guard so the guard is almost done when you get more pieces of the blade and the handle and uh we're making amazing progress today was one of the most productive days we've had yet on day 73 look we're almost three quarters of the way through our 100 days uh i was just feeling efficient we killed so many things the other day we might as well keep the boss thing up all right so i go over to my egg thing after i leave my room and what do i see i see a sea by break now we need to see viper because we get a c by her tongue so c vipers are easy dude they're dog water they're free they're they're literally the easiest almost as easy as mantises are now which i see one as we like leave the house but i'm like whatever so we go down to the water i spawn the sea viper in the water because i'm considerate okay i consider his feelings i know he needs water and then i one shot him and he makes the worst sound i have ever heard if i could never hear this sound again i would be okay with that but regardless he drops the c viper tongue we bring that back to the house right and we fly on up we're like we go over to the wall of items and the c viper how and the c viper tongue goes to the blade so we make sure to put that in the blade row and take a look things are looking pretty good then also i check on the quarry it's it's grinded away there's some cool stuff and i noticed that there's an enchanted golden apple cow and i decided you know what let's hydrate that egg real quick also i discovered there's no water bug in my empty tablet like what am i doing so i make a water bucket i put it in the emc table just because you know and uh then i hydrate the golden apple cow and i kill it so we have enchanted golden apples now which is one of the things we were looking for easter egg bunnies and uh cory's are op dude it's the it's the way the next day kind of got away without me i was watching the cory i was looking at different stuff i was trying to figure out what's the best strategy because i'm not sure if i can get all of these eggs so i was trying to do a little bit of research just to figure out what was going on but regardless today almost got away from me and i was like i have to do something productive so i decided to check for more bosses i found yet another boss and this one i'm actually really excited about because it's the sea monster now i have no idea what the sea monster looks like but i decided okay you know it was fine we'll take it out to the water we'll spot it and it it really it's the most pathetic of them all right i one shot it it didn't even like tickle me it didn't even make a weird noise we're good but it did drop the sea monster scale which means that means we have all the pieces for the guard so remember there's a blade a guard and a handle and a sword right we already have the sword that it goes to we already have the guard done so we just need to finish the blade in the handle boss 14 that means there's only four bosses left and we have just about 25 days to do all of this i this is gonna actually be very easy i think i think we're gonna pull all of this off on day 76 uh i realized that the prince and princess are just missing like i don't know where they are i don't know where they went i haven't seen them in a while i wondered if maybe they got somehow got like unloaded in chunks or something so i flew back to like spawn to see if they were there or something like that i kind of flew around for a little while just being like hey [Music] but i never saw them um so i think my pets have abandoned me or maybe they're still stuck in the other dimension i'm really not sure the point is the prince and princess are gone and that's probably better for my house you know what let's kill another boss if we've got one i look through we're starting to run out i don't know if we have all the eggs and i found the vortex which has the vortex eye obviously so i took him outside decided to fight him and set me flying but you know what i have the bow and here's the thing about the bow i forgot you don't have to pull it back you can just insta-fire it so i just spammed it to death i'm kind of op nor dad for life no dad for life we got the vortex eye we made our way back home we came inside and it is part of the blade so we slap that in and now unless i am mistaken we have oh no we're missing one piece from the blade we need the large worm tooth i believe and then we need things for the handle and then we're done so like things are looking pretty good i actually think i might have missed counter we might only need two more pieces i'm not sure on day 76 to 80 i took a moment to refocus figure out where we're at with everything and go from there because i realized that i had slightly miscounted we actually only need three more bosses because i had originally counted in my total the sword which we've already made so i went down to check on the quarry and i found out it wasn't running we run out of coal and that upset me because i want to make sure we're still getting resources still getting all the rare stuff so i figured out it's time to upgrade my energy system so i spent a few days working on it and here's what i did i went to the nether okay and i built a second quarry i just used emc super super easy and i gave it the liquid attachment so they can harvest liquids and i just put it down here this giant lava lake that's right by spawn because like why not so basically this whole thing is draining lava and then it's putting into that ender tank that is marked red red black that ender tank is then feeding back into itself into the lava generators keeping it running so it's just always doing and then if you go back to the overworld the other one's now running it also has an undertake on two lava generators on red red black which means they're sharing the lava so that one harvest lava that powers itself and the other quarry and we should get unlimited loot now easy on days 81 and 82 all i did was sort my overflowing egg chest because the eggs were getting everywhere and it was annoying me i spared you that you're welcome on day 83 my big accomplishment was honestly just spawning all the enchanted golden apple cows and gold nap and apple cows i had killing all of them and then trading their golden apples into the emc table uh and i ended up with almost 5 million emc which is great we have money now that's good we'd like to see that it was a lazy day don't yell at me day 84 i decided to tackle boss 16. i looked through my box of wonders and i found the large worm and i was like sick we did it all right let's go fight the large worm so we flew a little ways away we set it up and then uh it turns out that the worm is the most annoying one we fought so far uh it's like playing whack-a-mole with like little gross tentacles all right this is all these little things kept coming out of the ground and poking me poking me poking me poking me i was so annoyed i was so annoyed and then i i started taking damage and i couldn't figure out why and then i realized it's cause he was taking off my armor that's right he took off my pants and my boots and i did not appreciate that so eventually i killed all the little worms and it turned into the medium worms and then i had same thing i had to whack them or whack them a whack-a-mole kept taking off my boots i had to keep putting my boots on so annoying then i killed all the medium warrants and nothing happened so i started thinking maybe it like got stuck or it glitched or something so i decided to hop over onto this floating platform over to the side and uh see if like if i spawned it there maybe it wouldn't get stuck and as soon as i tried to spawn at a large worm spawn and uh i one shot it and it dropped the tooth so we flew home we came in the front door we put the worm tooth up it's part of the blade all right all the teeth go in the blade that makes sense we're officially two away one blade and one guard away from having everything not guard handle one blade one handle away from having everything days 85 to 87 i spent on repair so i noticed that my thor armor was starting to break when i when it got stolen by the worm guy so i was like i need to do something about this now i remember during my series on this way back when everybody was yelling at me for not making duct tape because i could just repair anything i was like all right cool let's try it turns out to make it you need slime balls of course you need slime balls why wouldn't you need slime balls but uh eventually we found a swap at night time it took a couple days uh there was a slime ball i killed it i flew back home once there we put the slime ball on the emcee table so we never have to find one ever again and uh then we made duct tape and i couldn't figure out how to use it but it turns out he's kind of like a cake you put it on the ground okay and then you take your broken items and you right-click them and every time you right-click it it consumes a little bit of the duct tape but it also repairs them so i repaired the thor armor back up to full so that don't break on me because i am not going back to wakanda and uh that was really important we got that taken care of uh also as i was leaving the house i discovered that if i press r i throw my older out and it explodes i played an entire crazy craft series and i don't think i knew this what yeah i blew up a lot of stuff just for fun on days 88 to 90 i decided it was finally time to invest in project e a little bit but the reason that i wanted to do this is because i was unhappy with uh the duct tape right you know the duct tape is a decent solution for keeping things repaired but i wanted to automate it a little bit so i wanted to make a repair talisman well first i want to make a dark metal matter pedestal but after making a dark matter pedestal i only had 100 000 emc left so we spent like 4 million emc doing this but then we made a repair talisman the repair talisman uh when turned on will just automatically repair me whenever i'm near so whenever i'm crafting whatever i'm working in my workshop it'll repair my armor just keep me tip top to go from from for all time which is amazing yeah very very important for this very very important armor because i am not going back to wakanda but we did all the crafting we did everything it took a little bit of time but now i'm poor so we need to start figuring out how to make money again days 91 to 93. i know we're getting down to the under the wire but i spent some time researching because i knew that i wasn't making as much emc as i should be and i couldn't figure out why uh and then i went over and looked at my energy condensers and i i discovered after doing a little bit of reading you could do the interact module the one that actually lets it mine you can stack that one too and it makes it faster i thought only the speed upgrade did and that's why these have been going so slow so i upgraded them you guys have probably been yelling at me uh after that after i figured all that solved all those problems i went and checked on the nether version of the cory to make sure we're still running and uh something seems to be going wrong with it there's no reserve lava but it's still lava so i'm guessing it's mining some blocks rather than anything else but it'll probably get back to hitting lava in a moment so i'm gonna let it run but we need to keep an eye on it but we're finally making money we're in the game i feel good about this on day 94 it's time for boss 17 okay i know i have one more egg that i need i have the water dragon so uh let's go bop a water dragon dude you guys know the vibe all right we go out front we get away from the house the water dragons are easy but it's still i ain't risking the house we spent 100 days on this i ain't messing with nothing so we go we spawned the water dragon okay and then i hit him with the bop little bop bop and he lets out the most horrific scream i've heard in my entire life what are these sound effects please know please spare me from these while we're over there i check on the overworld quarry and it is for sure out of lava so that's not good this system is not working i need to figure something out about that we'll work on that later after that we fly home and uh we bring over the water scale look at that we have now finished the handle boom so the handle and guard are done we literally just need one more boss everything we got like five whole days this is gonna be easy uh except for one thing i have never seen a kraken egg i just went and checked we're gonna go through the box again but i don't think there's a cracking egg how am i supposed to get this last box i don't know i'm gonna do some more research i'll figure out how to fight the kraken we're gonna pull this off day 95 i found out there was more problems with the cory so i went over and tried to adjust the power load because i think that trying to have it only mine lava and then fuel both is too much then i went back to the other world to check on that one and it wasn't working but i kind of wondered if maybe it was just because it was mining blocks for a little bit and i needed to wait and sure enough i waited a few minutes and lava came through it's still not completely consistent but it is at least getting burst a lot and we'll keep mining keep making me more emc and keep helping me find rare blocks and that's if i don't have to mine anymore that's all i care about so we'll continue to optimize that but for now it's doing okay on day 96 i realized i was an idiot i forgot the solar generators exist so i looked it up and they were super super cheap so i made a single solar generator okay it just caused some lapis some redstone uh furnace a diamond block we have those things we're poor we ain't that poor so i took those things i made it and then i took it out to the overworld cory and while it's there all the mobs in the world decided to attack me i knew it was almost nighttime the day was almost over so we had to hurry and uh then a creeper blew up and i about pooped myself but he blew up in the water he didn't damage any of the cory i feel so relieved about that but we hooked up the solar one to it which should help do some of the heavy lifting while the lava ones are inconsistent and uh now things are better okay continually making more money that's all that matters i can't believe i forgot about solar power on day 96 i decided it was time it was time to go after the big guy himself mr kraken uh so doing my research i found out that i actually had a cracking egg it just for some reason was the name crack and egg the crack and egg is named oh no don't i have seen that egg i say today because i am the type of person to do things that i'm told not to do but i didn't know the cracking so first things first i spawned in a dragon and i fed him an entire stack of raw beef which was probably overkill probably probably too much but it's fine it's fine it worked out so after feeding in that entire stack i was able to write clickman ryder so i wrote him a little ways it was pretty dope look at me running a dragon i'm a pretty cool guy we run a little bit away all right uh and then i dismounted and then i summoned a kraken and it started to rain now immediately dragon jumped on him and was like pew pew pew pew but they kind of i don't know there wasn't a lot going on so i decided to see what thor could do i mean i am the god of thunder right you know so thor dad went up in the air and the ultimate blade came out and um yeah i destroyed it i destroyed the kraken the kraken got oblimated this is this is supposed to be the oh no that was really broken dude oh me and the dragon finished up the crack we spawned another one just for fun but i honestly didn't feel like killing it i left because it was it was like whatever this is fine then we went inside and we're able to put the last piece on the wall that's right we have every single piece done and dusted we're looking we're looking pretty we're looking real pretty i'm gonna be honest with you guys day 98 i phoned it in i took a break because you know why i don't click bait here all right we had a challenge to do something 100 days and just because i'm a sweat and i pulled it off and i'm a genius you know it doesn't mean i'm only going to give you guys 98 days all right so day 97 98 i rode around on my dragon and i fought mobs because honestly listening to him go it's very wholesome and i enjoyed it so like i set them on skeletons we beat stuff up it was singing in his dragon against the world i mean i'm poor and i have a dragon how cool is that oh yeah honestly we didn't do anything productive we just goofed off let our emc make us more diamonds and our dragons make us no friends on day 99 it is finally here before the 100 day challenge is up i will craft big bertha so first things first we went over to the wall and we took down all the pieces from the item frames and i forgot that item frames are the most annoying thing in the entire world in this version of minecraft then we went over to the crafting table and it was time to craft our baby star now remember this comes in three pieces so first we did the handle all right that had the ray gun the big hammer the mantis claw the water dragon scale and the green goo not actually in that order but we did and then we did the guard which had the molenoid nose the sea monster scale the moss scale the nightmare scale the emperor's scorpion scale you're noticing a pattern a basil scale and a jumpy bug scale all right easy and then last but not least we made the blade with the ultimate sword the t-rex tooth the worm tooth the caterpillar jaw the sea viper tongue and the vortex eye and then we put all three of those pieces together and there it was plus 500 look at me look at me look at how handsome i am look how tough i look look at how dangerous i look oh my goodness you thought i was dangerous with a plus 40 sword this sword is plus 500. remember i left kraken alive well there was a reason for it i went i went out into the sky to see what we could do against it and i think i too shot it i think i credit and two shot it you guys tell me but i think i two shot the crack and that's thor with big bertha that's pretty freaking awesome dude within a hundred days of crazy crap we made big bertha i'm pretty proud of myself as day 100 dawned i went outside i stood on my patio and i appreciated everything crazy craft had done for me but for this skeleton you're you skeleton take that yeah ultimate pup learn it love it die it had been a good 100 days in crazy craft maybe one day i'd spend another 100 days but for now the challenge was completed the emc was being gathered and it was time for me to go home well actually it was time for me to leave my room for once oh that took my whole life i hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you for watching all the way through if you did if you want more of it make sure to hit that like button okay leave a comment down below if you enjoyed just stick around check out more videos on the channel that's the best way you can help out if you like this video you'll like some of them too i promise and i'll see you guys in crazy crafts you
Channel: Sigils
Views: 1,070,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, crazy craft, sigils minecraft, sigils crazy craft, 100 days, i survived 100 days, 100 days in crazy craft, i survived 100 days in crazy craft, i survived 100 days minecraft, i survived 100 days minecraft modded, i survived minecraft on one block, big bertha, minecraft thor, minecraft super heroes, minecraft 100 days super hero, i survived 100 days in minecraft hard mode, insane craft
Id: fvY3eZ4HF3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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