PUSH Your LUCK or SWAP YOUR LUCK in Minecraft

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video where you press a button you get a score of one through five you have to move your board up that many spaces if you make it all the way to the end without going over you get the best weapons you can stop early if you're a coward but that's your choice I'm gonna be testing myself against biblical today as well as Sunday and Zed for some incredible op lost Infinity items some of the new ones we haven't tried in combat yet also every round there's a modifier that changes what the points do and what you can do make sure to watch all the way to the third round because that's most toxic around a push you like that's ever been played hope you guys enjoyed the video push the like button for me push the Subscribe button too while you're there and let's get into the video okay you degenerates it's time for another round of everyone's favorite game why is there already a Deal or No Deal door over here is that that's not how do you know that's a deal or no deal because I do know I've been here but stop it we're not playing Deal or No Deal we're playing push your luck now remember put that there remember we play Dylan ordeal what no what can we change it right now yeah like right now right now listen listen remember we've got the special route the special line okay if you hit the special line the new bonus is you get to reset somebody back to the beginning question one of these lines was not like can we add another bonus line because only this bonus line is kind of silly yeah I got adorable bonus lines well we want the other bonus line to be I don't know the whole thing would be like that's not how it works all right look I'm gonna go first I'm gonna show you Psychopaths how it's done all right we should get it I got a two all right that's where the light is what can we double it no we're not doing it you're up okay why is he up because he's making a five why is he blue because if he was good no it's just two now Bethel you're up press the button now remember what if you go wherever color you're in when you stop without going over you could pick a weapon from there all right we're gonna get some crazy stuff too everybody all right go I'm gonna make sure you guys didn't miss it too thank you all right so for some reason it was broken everybody got a two while the copy paste let's stop it stop stop that wasn't me it was literally you stop it stop it stop it everybody gets two now you're a one okay are you gonna stop there no I'm not gonna stop there sadio we're not doing dealer No Deal we're not doing dab or no damn just take your turn all right no one's saying that and no one I know we'll never know dab I got two I don't trust When anybody gets a two anymore before you're up I'm going here we go is that a three yeah no doubling right now is that you're up why not so this is no fun why is he still so big what I don't know man finally got a five wow oh wow what did you put down He doubled it I doubled it no stop why did we just keep saying what you have to push my hand erase my hands yeah yeah you're raising your hand yes can we do it on the second round can we double stack around all right okay look no second run no second round how about five okay cool that's gonna be five that's a four oh it's a four with it Emerald is four do you not know how your own video works no I thought that was a diamond all right where is it are you what that's not him all right um here I go it's not him here we go no no buttons on the other side oh it's over here okay no it's right there did you see how I knew before he even moved I knew I was like him oh I mean you're so smart yep I sure do hey wait oh I got you I was over there he's over there I keep making these videos can I double it no did my turn still be one yeah here we go here we go big money nice kitty double one all that final one I said why do you have to be the most dramatic one here because you only have 100K Subs wow I have to have attention yeah I have to get the attention yeah all that for three huh all right someone's a three over here I need attention three out of one like a hundred got them oh that was a one one and I push my lock three four yeah you have to that's sort of the whole point oh okay okay I kind of like stone sword so I'm gonna stop okay sure just kidding he already said it well I have another one you're gonna stay in the stones I have an idea what is your idea I have an idea to make Andrew real mad oh no big mad um I was just thinking I just get stone sword all the way through but it's fine you can't hey if you want to go for it no no it's fine too I got two I got two I got that all right he's too afraid he knows he wasn't getting killed two yeah thank God hey Biffle you got the thing start like a pig it's not that's not what we do did you play by the rules for once yeah I made them they're my I'm gonna use my modifier I'm switching with Ian there's no modifiers I'm just gonna press the button it's like all these people in this video were told they were special but they're young that's how they act like this they were all called today my mommy's favorite and here we are giving any attention actually thank you my Grandma's favorite yeah that also shows why are you wearing that yeah why are you wearing that yeah why are you wearing that yeah why are you oh freaking Biffle like dude one two three four five I got gold I'm using my modifier double time so we are allowed to use our modifiers foreign [Music] [Music] no let's just wait a second when he logs back in uh I thought he's doing something all right I thought that was well I mean he was uh that's what we really do I don't know I think he wants to play he quit he rage dude uh I think oh oh hey there he is wait what happened wait hello what are you doing bud can I play on this one no what can I play it can I play on this one no can I play on this one please no I can't can I go who's turning all right I'll be honest um does anybody remember who went last it sucks it sucks how do you got four over there it's not even your turn to get a two yeah I win I'm on gold I just these are the people that I spend my days with one of three okay all right uh one two three what oh right you are so bad at Redstone no I'm really good at it I just sometimes forget are you using repeaters we do this every day he does all right it's my turn why that looks cool I think it looks really cool actually all right is it my turn yeah it looks really good like that actually all right I like the 3D I'm using this one over here okay let's see what he gets oh okay guys come over here look does it work no yeah Biffle go ahead thank you can you say it happier though no I really can't have your one one which one am I this one yes okay can you take your turn please spare me please spare me I can't I can't I can't handle this much just look at me no yeah man what five one two three four five oh you're not stopping no I'm going for diamonds said you're a psycho yeah it's a 20 chance yeah 20 percent chance that's more of a chance to decision now we're going to Vegas with you okay I'm pressing the button oh four a full all right here we go get the big number sign away from me two three he landed on the thing that would have been really funny because I was gonna reset Zod uh okay all right all right Sonny you're up Sunny you're up send her up all right here I go I'm clicking the double one okay I got a one so I double it wait can I have that one give it to me oh you just get a one you just get a one today I know it's good they're good one two is the Loneliest you know all right Dad are you are you pushing ah what hey you know say the title look no dude I'm gonna do that Dylan Rodeo are you really okay if you're gonna do it okay use his no no no it's been no no no no if you're gonna say it's been tampered with that would be false he's only copy pasted it good job zad you bankrupt no wait no he got it no he didn't wait no one he did right there no no the Redstone stocked on diamond no it's the light that's true Redstone like you said no no no last video remember you changed it no I didn't no I didn't okay about my own rules Essentials you're too smart to be gaslighted well that's true yeah I couldn't even say that with a straight face God all right that bankrupt sorry that's enough of this all right uh for my turn I will be cashing out with my lovely emerald and uh sudden it's your turn stupid one happy mind right they're both mine one why are you guys just rolling that was mine all right people you're up roll anything okay I'm going for it and there's a couple rolls of five hold on one two one two three four five diamonds nice is that good that's good I low rolled all the way through it kind of diving so that's good is that good job is that good it is good is that good did I don't know look at me did I do good wait I just remembered I finished it in the last video before three diamonds one two okay I'll take it okay oh two that's really good okay I'm gonna use mine though so much man it has not been tamper with it's not gonna be a two again in fact no it didn't work I gotta try this one again what is happening in this video somebody what does reset mean they have to redo their whole round you know the whole round you could take away biffle's diamond right now why me I think we know why you are any jokes why me he said you could do biffles nope all right well uh Sunday you get you gotta get one of these congrats I have to I have to start over all right have fun why would you start over like we're watching go ahead four four yeah you want us to help you we can help you or yeah you put them down I roll all right speed roll speed roll okay speed rule this yeah go ahead okay half of what he gets two two one two all right keep pressing he's got to stop there but I get to choose when he stops that's the rules one one pistol rolling right now move I got it here hot beautiful hit three one two three no yeah that's the next one I don't know your name one okay yeah there you go okay are you done yet no hurry up four one two three four okay wait I get to choose when you're done and you're no you don't two oh no dude no so if I had a five I bankrupt but if I stop now I only get a gold ew no I have to go I have to go if you had a four or you're big bro if I bankrupt wait four what's that wait what is that one two three four wait that means I get what you got um no no no no right yeah you're not the rule maker I'm the rule maker so that's who me it's my video my channel my face my server it says who says who no are you okay boys it's time for round two you ready yes do we double or nothing sure this round is double or nothing all right yay uh four again I get an eight I'll take that one two three four five six seven no no you don't get a double that yeah this round's double man we're doubly not you wait no we're not you we're using the wrong board for the dog we gotta use a double we're not I'm not sure no no I'm not going over there dude take your turn I'm not going over there I got a two plus two is what's up four no one two three four all right here we go and we got a ten oh God you're trying to die early huh wait is it wait hold on is it one off the I don't know how to count it's yeah that's one you got ten man two three four five eight five two six two nine eight another four seven ten that's ten seconds you do not count one two three four five ten two good job on the twos on the two that worked if you don't want to no you have to yeah yes rules it's my server it's neither of those things it's my server okay let's see one oh now three four five six seven eight nine ten all right oh my God you know it could get real bad or real quick you can choose when to double no you have to double no you don't have to die I make the rules you can't make the rules I can't it's my server no because it's a cheat that's cheating you didn't go around sorry I got it all right thank you thank you for doing that for me so I'm uh let's see one two three I don't think I'm doing pretty good I'm doing pretty good pretty good my turn Sundial I'm gonna get a 10. Biffle I'm gonna choose not to double that one since you says we could okay yeah it says we could I believe you get uh another ten yeah hold on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten wait which we're probably at the diamond so wait you just yeah yeah that's that's Diamond I'll just wait hold on wait wait wait I'll just grab I'll just grab the dog six seven eight nine yeah that's legit yeah that's legitness good job that's legitness thank you for the diamond I'll be playing later how is he doing this how does he do this every time oh I got 10. so I'd go one two three four five six sorry I got you I have something eight nine ten there you go why why do you guys have to be so extra huh does that work it does yeah it works tell me you're up uh okay so did you go full okay I'm not gonna double that one I don't want to double that way you're not pushing your life take any time oh no absolutely not oh then grab your Immortal okay put it over there you're right you're right my bad my bad my bad my bad all right it's your turn oh it's just you me that's what YouTube means are you gonna double it I would double it I no I don't want to can you place it for me one I got two but you guys have to be so Extra Man oh five all right I got you six seven eight nine ten you should double it one two don't double it four five if I get a four or a blow on the next one I get good all right three four five four five six seven eight nine ten I'm going downwards are you doing eight or four wait if I do an eight one two three four five six seven oh yeah I'll do eight one two three no way six seven eight he's just gonna Diamond as well pening okay okay what so here's the deal if I get a one two three four I get it if I get a two I get it yep yeah reset signals no I got a three I'm doubling you're doubling it no idiot oh okay nervous oh I got nervous too all right two emeralds I have a diamond in Admiral that was two diamonds Subway and zud somehow has a diamond and a red okay boys it's time for the final round then all right you guys you guys ready to get spicy you guys are getting ready to get spicy what can we triple so the new rule for this round okay you ready if you get a diamond you can choose to switch lanes with somebody not permanently you don't get their score but just for the round yeah you roll it down my ideas where is he oh what is he he's doing so many things he's right there he's irritating here we go all right let me see let me see let me see two all right okay no there's no double this round it's just the Steal we know that feel or No Deal we all know it's not you that we all know it's not you here I go here you go I could see you wait which one's real the one holding the button and that turned around and looked at me they're both holding buttons yeah that's okay oh here we go I kind of want to use mine though I got a two do I double it no there's no doubling this round it's just stealing okay okay my turn hey yep can I double it I don't even know what I got my kind of lit no I can't I'm going boom done my turn oh it's actually him I didn't think oh five all right do you want to switch with one two three four five yep I'm taking sigils yep they should have steal it from these guys steal it from settles has a face I feel stealed it from right now yep okay now I go yeah three I gotta stop rolling threes man one two three all right sure thing beautiful you're up all right my turn check this out I'm gonna get a diamond I'm gonna switch with sigils he's got just everyone switching by two three can I have a diamond yeah yeah all right guys one two three four five what you're right there this is mine no no now it's me because I'm now done all right uh three I rolled a three every time okay one two three sure thing all right go ahead something better now cool just always what about the lowest when I'm switching my sizzles that's one two three four five oh cool right there waiting outside oh now I go oh it's his goal because he the points didn't come over here he kept the folks before dude I just all right second that's crazy one two three four five and now I reset someone's first round wait so you're on this one all right Central I reset you on this line no reset his first round his first round it's first you can't do that I thought it's per round so you can start over oh why so wait you're technically yeah you're done yeah I mean if you're choosing to take the reset you're stopping at Emerald yeah you're out yeah you put it on no no you put it on yours you put it on yours okay yours wait so it's me now this is such bullying oh all right I uh switch with Sandy I switch to Sandy oh man one two three four five got it okay it's my turn and you're on the reset I have it gone yeah I know it's because the the magic all right now it's you Biffle okay finally give me a diamond this is more chaos than usual okay uh this is gonna be good hey son get out of there what I'm literally looking at you it's time to get out of there died why I didn't do anything yet is that cheating no we're good we're good we're good who's turning we're good it's my turn you broke your board no way hold on what are you getting hold on Independent review independent review hold on hold on hold on I got a diamond I got a diamond no there's only diamonds in here there's only diamonds in here what do you mean I mean he cheated no there were only diamonds in that dispenser get out of here he would never uh said get out of there son get out of there what is happening press the button all right here we go I'm pressing it I didn't mess with anything you got an eye you threw a diamond shot okay I hate everyone here so much what do I do all right okay let's see what two yeah I cannot bankrupt oh okay all right get a one get one oh Diamond you have to switch you have to switch you have to oh you have this you have to switch the rules baby baby that would have given me diamond that was your rules wait did you win three four five all right shut up people give me your thing okay one two three four five I'm so I can't believe that just happened to me yeah go again before okay I can't believe it just happened Bill don't go let me go I have to go okay okay nobody can steal from him now wait I can steal from scissors if I get a five here we go my turn Waiters that's oh that's done my turn give me five chillin oh no dude it's getting close okay okay okay this is it five yeah pick someone you have to switch again you have to switch with Ian yeah go ahead pick me bud yeah that would automatically bankrupt all right Ian I'm taking you I'm taking you well I would have automatically three corrupted four five okay what is happening I didn't think this is gonna be so chaotic give me a five oh no four oh my God Ian hold on one two three no four wait last round one two three four it's really hard wait am I on this one I think I'm on this one already this one oh and then this one so if I steal you I lose you lose you have to go back to him one two three four I can't believe this is happening to me right that's not a home he's not to home this round four oh thank God thank God wait is it is no that's a emerald one two three four that's sad okay sad okay all right now the people you're up good luck buddy wait devil wins can I just I mean I guess you could you could cash out if you want but you're gold no I'm not catching out of gold what do I look like a sud an emerald that's diving see it boys triple diamonds trip die trip diamonds that's sometimes boys pretty well I found it pretty well I say Opera I'm six two every day buddy just take your turn thank you please don't get a five diamond wait do I have to trade with somebody yes yes but I can't there's everybody so everybody's done though so these lines are invalid wait oh then you just got a diamond yeah it fine that's fine this is about to be the stupidest fight I've ever participated in oh yeah I'm getting that too uh We've added some new weapons so I'm gonna grab that right there yep yep yep which one would you guys grab oh nothing no don't worry about it and then let's see what I get all the swords you got the sort of a blade of infinity didn't you no no I would never I'm gonna grab one of those and one of those yep that's what I'm getting all of these ones so that's nice what is the Albion it's uh it's time to go first imagine not being able to grab all the diamond ones okay you guys know this deal goes uh it's super toxic it's terrible I think almost everyone has the Lost Blades of infinity I don't know what's gonna happen with that uh I'm gonna set mine to uh genocide mode yep and uh first to ten kills and what's genocide mode do it means little attack in three two one go oh also I have the realm cracker which allows me to question though I have a question what's your what's your question can I double my kills no you may not hey can I double it okay I'm dead how did I already get a kill I was just walking in circles bro I'm still dead calm down the Lost Infinity swords are broken me you have to reactivate them every time by the way okay yeah what's up bro I gotta kill finally let's go that means that it affects everything rather instead of just a Target another kill what's up boys another kill boy come on I'm being spawn camps somehow what am I supposed to do against this I did get a lot of diamonds remember that lost [Music] Infinity's literally just spamming I proud of you dude this isn't a fight me dude what am I supposed to do get out of my spawn oh no oh no oh no stay in your spot Sonny's come here no I'm not I'm literally just running around oh I have I have something for you a gift what do you have what do you have come outside just go outside for a second I can't even spawn dude right click it again I got him with an asteroid I was inside dude what is this right side with the asteroid yeah where were you when you guys oh wow good good you know I haven't even used uh my Rift cracker yet there we go why was there an asteroid okay give me that give me that give me all right I'm at nine boys flying through the space do you guys think that uh maybe we're too powerful we should start using defensive items yeah maybe bye baby yeah take that I forgot yeah are you looking at me and I die yeah where am I I don't even know where I'm at anymore dude I can't even spawn I cannot even spawn I cannot actually himself no it's me not true okay okay for this last one for this last one I won't turn off their their swords their swords turn off yourself I don't even have it set it to stand by myself I turned it off all right final kill stand by all right final kill boys let's see what we can make happen you're going down buddy you're going down foreign the infinity Trident let me try my weapon Biffle is our grand champion today it shows you that people walk is good for something hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit the like button hit the Subscribe button alright we'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Sigils
Views: 226,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, sigils, minecraft for loot, combining super powers, minecraft super heroes, minecraft thanos, minecraft insane craft, insane craft, infinity gauntlet, thanos in minecraft, minecraft infinity stones, minecraft deal or no deal, minecraft infinity, minecraft avaritia, minecraft infinity weapons, minecraft infinity stuff, minecraft deal or no deal infinity, forbidden minecraft weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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