I Spawned with FORTUNE 1000...

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i spawned with fortune 1000 in this video i made it so that every single player in the game starts with a fortune 1000 diamond pickaxe now you guys know what fortune does it multiplies certain ores so if you mine one diamond there's a good chance you're gonna get fifty thousand well again maybe not fifty thousand but a lot of diamonds this is uh this is gonna be fun and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if that's the case and you're in that large percentage then please be sure to subscribe because it's free it really does help me out and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind also if you guys want to play in these uhcs make sure to join my discord the link is in the description it's very cool enjoy the video right we're in and now i do the ultimate command you're ready for this boom oh oh my goodness okay yeah this is gonna be fun oh wow and we've spawned oh what it works on seeds wait that's actually oh my the server's gonna lag so much oh my goodness we're doomed oh my the server's gonna oh i hope the server doesn't lag out please don't oh my this is this is why i've never done this before this is such a bad idea i'm actually full of bad ideas i love it better than being boring i guess oh we got the super slow stone tools oh comparing to that diamond pickaxe they are literally nothing oh what the heck no no no a lot mob see you later i'm leaving oh chickadees as well yes right let's just get everything we can i'm gonna try and get apples before i go down and this literally came right here we got everything we needed from our spawn chickens leather and canes that's okay that's insane oh my goodness i'm actually i don't even know how many diamonds you get if you mine one diamond with a fortune 1000 but it's got to be a couple of stacks surely there's a reason we don't do this all the time oh my goodness so many mobs free xp though get out of here baby zombies scare me what the heck what is happening okay we're chilling on levels i love this at least we're definitely getting enchanted that's nice and we actually have everything we need so oh if only fortune worked on iron that would be so good ouch okay that hurt but this also has on breaking 1000 so we just basically have an unbreakable pickaxe oh i should have given it like five uses that was such a bad idea oh wow yeah everyone's gonna be very very stacked and there's already a guy in my cave that's not good oh i wish fortune would have wait does it work on flint oh it actually does okay that's so good so we just get 100 flip rates as well that's brilliant i'm very happy with that and we can already make arrows lovely jobly we are gonna dig down but oh my whoa sea counters are what oh my goodness 50. i gotta be careful going straight down then if i die with this pickaxe i would just feel like the biggest buffoon ouch oh no no no no no no no see ya no okay we're good i need to make armor this is not nice i literally just want to find one dime we can check we can come on oh my pc oh my goodness what guys don't mind too much lapis it will crash your computer oh my goodness oh my god okay i'm not going to mind any more lapis then because i don't want my computer to crash and there's gold here oh okay so healing is going to be a big thing that i need to make sure i get plenty of because that is actually an important thing that fortune doesn't work on okay we do not need all this lapis need maybe two stacks max see you later right we've got three quarters iron and a sword so we can get some string from this mine shaft oh i do not want all of that no oh chest come on give me apple give it i'll take a diamond i mean that literally means nothing so if i find one diamond door it's going to give me so much diamond oh the server is lagging i think we can check how the server is dealing with it yes see normally these should be an even 20 if they're any lower than it means it's lagging slightly so we're definitely slowly making the server lag and more gold i'll take it and yes plenty of string we're going to be able to enchant loads so let's get a really good bow ouch oh i thought a cave spider that scared living daylights at me so many mobs what is happening you know what we're just gonna stay safe please no don't need iron i should probably oh two stacks of emeralds okay i'm actually surprised this isn't lagging more i didn't check with any of the other staff on the server if the if this was gonna work or not so there's a good chance it would just crash halfway through ouch oh and they're already full diamond oh my goodness they they did it they found diamond oh i'm so jealous we need to do the same please diamonds i also want to get enough iron for an anvil he shot me a diamond block i don't need your handouts i will find one diamond of my own gold up here i think gold is actually a bigger worry i just need to make sure that i get plenty of it because if other people have loads of healing that's where it's a problem right we're gonna have to strip mine that's all i can see working right now we've got 11 minutes until everyone can fight and i want to have at least prot 2 diamond armor oh do i do it i feel like i have to oh okay you don't get that much you don't get that much redstone i thought it was going to break my computer i like that oh what how come you get more cold than red's okay that's so weird final heal incoming so all those hearts are going to be regen it's all good well if that's the case and i can get some easy levels from this oh my god it's just raining redstone every time i mine it it's so tempting so i'm just gonna do it i'm gonna do it one more my computer's broken again oh my okay we're good we're good okay i'm gonna stop doing that because it will just crash everyone not just me oh yeah i can feel the server lagging a bit this is dangerous we've got 19 gold so we can make two golden apples at the moment we need more creep up skeleton nope see you later i'm leaving there's got to be diamonds here somewhere there actually has to be no way oh man if people are getting way more stacked than me that is really bad because they'll be able to enchant so much quicker still not a single diamond i'm actually getting finessed right now i hate to complain minecraft but you're letting me down this is very unlovely jobly and i don't say that very often hey guys what's going on my name is welcome back to strip mining with wisp season two episode two today we're gonna be strip mining what no way i just said season two episode two and someone just said it in chat that is so spooky this is absolutely classic the one game where i have to find just one diamond literally one diamond door and it's impossible story of my life and we just saw a guy chilling in full diamond like it was nothing this is bad actually i tell you what let's just get the obsidian now spanish i can do it i can do everything oh my again another cave that's just led to nothing surely not no it actually leads to nothing not even oh i just want the shiny blues oh the server has crashed no no no please no no no oh oh no please don't crash server please don't crash oh okay it's coming back slowly but surely i've killed it okay wait oh we're back we're back okay it's a life i don't know how but it is oh my goodness that could have been so bad it just died for a full minute and i still haven't found a diamond three minutes still pvp and there's a player over there and that's the guy that was full diamond no no no no i have to just go away i hear another cave this has got to be my chance it has to be there's only so much mining i can do okay someone's been here and they've torched it up maybe they've missed something this looks like a place where you find diamonds yes i see them oh my goodness finally one minute till pvp that's pretty clash and there's gold here as well okay i need to go mine those diamonds before they get stolen 30 seconds till pvp no right okay this is it the moment of truth what how many oh my two stacks three stacks and 15 so you get three and a quarter stacks from one diamond and how many is this this is at least four oh wow okay yeah okay okay yeah let's just write let's do the smart thing right now get the armor on oh i have too many diamonds i have too many diamonds never thought i'd say that but now we can do this make our enchantment table that's also just you know just make a load of diamond blocks why not anything to just make this a bit easier to manage okay we have a stack and all the diamond blocks okay right well that's great we've got a guy mining on me no no no no how how someone found me already what the heck okay they're lower than me we can kill him why would they do this that's a terrible fight to choose that was really really stupid of them okay that fight literally did nothing for me i just got the head to heal back to where i was which i'm gonna eat now okay fun that was strange right sharpness one sharpness one sharpness one sharpness one oh that all right that went very very smoothly literally just like that and we've got sharpness three can't complain at all can i section one protection one protection one and protection one right so now we just need to get at least protection too and i'll be happy in order to not destroy the server i'm gonna mine it with a regular diamond pickaxe because i need levels quick and i have my computer's dying every time i mine an ore it's just yeah not worth it oh more diamonds perfect for levels even though i couldn't need them less i think at this point just to be cool you have to just use diamond blocks as blocks don't you and more diamonds of course as soon as we find diamonds they're not an issue at all oh classic i love that also make our bow and our rod power on the bow oh yeah we can get power three so easily as well let's do exactly that power two more arrows hello body i honestly think maybe i should stay down go for sharpness four because that would just be huge we're already getting protection too this is very good i might go up and see how i deal with sharpness three and if it's just not strong enough then we'll switch it up there's only 26 players left i need to hurry up rock two on the helmet oh we've already found all this okay yeah i'm just going to get full proc2 and then i'm going up i can't waste any more time people are going to be so far ahead of me otherwise i don't be fighting people that have stacks of gaps also i can both spam so i don't have to worry chess play finally pro two leggings we got it this is it now we win simple as also why not a diamond shovel loads of people are just dying they're not getting killed by anyone and everyone seems to be slightly low so we've got this and we're up hello no one's here we're good i just need three apples super quick i'm actually gonna make two gapples for now and save some for a g head and now we win zero zero is this way ouch bad idea okay now it's time to start building with diamond blocks let's go so let's have a special of armor just in case wood blocks who needs wood when you got diamond blocks minecraft but it's bougie yes that's the style hello buddy mario's 1809 let's do it you want hustle oh my goodness that did so much damage oh shoot i don't take lots of damage oh my what the heck what the oyster laggy what what's happening i literally he disappeared off my screen don't you eat that don't you eat that come on come here what what oh my okay we got him get healing how much healing please tell me loads no it's just a g head but still that's something got it oh we have so much gold now a g head another gap and we can still make another g head if we kill someone i keep seeing diamond blocks and thinking against people nope nope nope nope you can fight that guy oh that's a wait glitch spectator power 2 yeah you know what forget this i'm audi i'm audi be your latest skater i'll collect your arrows thank you they're all in full health yeah not worth it they've got loads of kills too scary not for me oh what there's a lot of gold just chilling on the floor there i got heads as well what oh my god that's insane that's actually insane ouch ouch oh i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone so much free healing why does this guy want me so bad he could be fighting anyone right now he just wants me let's just run him into other people that's our best bet oh dang it yeah he's got a good sword no thank you ouch i'm leaving see you later it will boast bam if we have to i can kill this guy it just it depends what he's got that's what i don't know okay got some good hits no no no yeah i'm leaving i don't want to use all my arrows on this guy because he's playing super careful i saw someone over here as well let's head over right we lost him it's all good we're safe we need to find someone else oh that's over here no this guy's still coming for me he ran straight past okay good oh this guy's on 12. let's do it let's do it come on we got him yes oh my goodness there's a head there give me that head four heads oh my okay we're set for healing we're actually sharp three as well anything else here good 64 emeralds of course 22 apples yeah now we're getting somewhere one we'll save that as our spare armor why not okay happy days we've got five g heads and one gap we're stacked i think it's 20 levels 12 levels for sharp four okay oh we can do that later if need be although actually i think it's only five levels for power three which would be way better let's check yeah five levels and round four let's do it we can make so many arrows so many arrows oh okay we've won we've actually won yeah there's no chance we lose if i lose this i am the worst player in the world actually do you know what i have a tendency to lose so let's pretend i didn't say that someone just died over here where was it i have power three and three stacks of arrows yeah i've gotta win now hello just both spamming like crazy ouch uh-huh let's go let's go big boy or big girl i know i have no idea come on oh we got him we got him that's so low they're gonna pull do it paul let's see if we can kill them on the pearl run one we got him oh my goodness they were our biggest threat i think what was that sort of yeah only sharp three i thought it was better i hear you i i see you i see you oh my okay they know what they're doing we got this oh it's getting quick now be more golden i can make another g head all right healing we got him we got two hp come here no we got him here boom and another g head oh my goodness this is the best shot three again don't need it you're ready to go you ready to tussle oh oh my what the heck they're playing on mars out that connection is so awful i'm so sorry buddy no ah i don't even know how i got that kill that was just i fired the most limp shot just like that it just killed him nice well me dead poor fella finding people is going to be awkward now we've got three minutes until next border shrink and people don't have to be at surface yet but they're probably underground if anyone didn't find diamonds and hasn't got diamond armor by now they are just that is no though that can't happen it's impossible oh i see you we'll give this guy screeny as well now you heal and we fight okay he's eating let's do it oh my okay they're good no no no no no i want you wait no i want you to not be good oh okay we got it we got it okay it's all good i almost messed it up but it is all good make another g head okay right my armor is barely broken let's just see what they had they had protection it's protection one oh this is why we're winning we were so smart about the armor that is the whole reason why 10 seconds until everyone has a bit of surface where are they where are you oh surely someone's down there they must be i just want to quickly oh my okay that's nice i love seeds right i'm going to tp them up oh no we don't need to everyone is up now right we're going to fight this guy let's do it come on vanmoush you ready to tussle you ready to go come on come here no no no no you can't run from me what are you what you can't just sneak under water i can still see you water's clear dude wait what roll over oh i'm actually quite low oh my goodness whoa if i dice this guy oh no i already said that if i die i'm the worst person in the world so i can't let it happen if this guy takes my kill oh what right that's it that is it you are done you are done you are done no no no what you must go is that i thought it was a notch apple it's all good we're just bowing just a screening right you know what here you are you can have it you can have it oh this guy the cheek and now we go realm craft yt he's got an og name we got this what the oh my okay we don't got this i start or maybe we do what come on grass no we got it he's on one oh my i love winning games in fortnight [Music] you
Channel: Wisp
Views: 350,019
Rating: 4.9532628 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, uhc, minecraft uhc, minecraft uhc but, minecraft but, challenge, vs, wisp, wispexe, lucky, luck, xray, hypixel, fortune, 1000, super, sword, pickaxe, i spawned, i spawned with a super, i spawned with fortune 1000
Id: L8NKGy8w6Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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