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alright this is one of the worst ideas I've ever had and I know I say that a lot but this is minecraft UHC but everyone spawns in with a super sword and what is a super sword it is a sharpness 1,000 sword which as you guys can probably imagine does a lot of damage but you know it does more damage the fact that 70% of you guys aren't subscribed okay fine it doesn't correlate at all but if you guys are watching and you haven't subscribed and you definitely should subscribe because the worst case scenario is that you just unsubscribe later but trust me you're not gonna do that so enjoy the video right we're in this is definitely the worst idea I've ever had 100% the instructions are coming in now and we're about to get given the good stuff we've got a kit that just comes with UHC but realistically I don't need any of it I should have gone for the tools kit that gives you good tools but it's fine zero zero is this way we've been giving it oh my goodness look at that that just looks so over it oh wow it has twelve hundred and fifty seven attack damage oh wow okay and as you can see PvP enables in two minutes so all I'm gonna do is super quickly get some wood so I've got blocks and I'm just gonna have to hope for the best there's definitely gonna be a multiple of these games played because this is gonna be so hard to win we've also set up a deathmatch so that people can't just run around the map and hide forever as otherwise that'd be close to impossible oh maybe I should make a fishing rod that's such a good idea I didn't even think of that okay yeah let's do that I'm really really hoping that we can get this to work it's all gonna be about sneak attacks realistically I'm gonna have to hope that people don't see me and I'm just gonna have to stab them in the back of the one here and also just for context guys this sword will one hit someone if they're full diamond with full protection for so it's pretty opiates yeah it's decent let's just see if it one hits a chicken well let's try this chicken what what I see a player I see a player wait a minute okay wait a minute 38 seconds till pvp oh I see two players this could be the clean of a lifetime this guy's trying to get their head that's okay maybe they will they're getting sand and everything you're actually trying for this oh the guy got out the guy got out with cake shoot I to hide please run straight past me please do not see me Oh you don't forget it I'm leaving I have to sneak up on people or I'm dead people have already died there people just get one hit right now Oh No okay this is not what you want in your sandwiches right we've added it so that heads player heads give speed as well so if you get a kill then you have speed basically and we know that there's someone behind me so I've got to be so careful I've got some blocks oh person behind me got killed they put Gigi in Channel four they one hit so come on guys let's not be toxic oh no that's them they haven't seen me oh wait maybe I can do this come here buddy come here me yes we got him we can now I've got two heads and four sharpness a thousand swords okay the speed is gonna help to be honest if people go for bows that's pretty smart we got the tools now as well yes now we're talking and we go Gordon ugh there's no point in having any healing no one can do anything but we got sheers with this kit as well so now let's check all of these I need string from you guys and I need to not get hit by anyone on sheep drop me some string please I'm definitely not asking for too much I mean maybe I am but please there's two strengths to know what oh we've already got 40 players remaining we had 60 we're already down 20 really no I'm not getting any string I really want the string right this is a lost cause strength string string string string string string string string fishing rod and also grab some quick words and we got some blocks maybe we're good to go I just I it's all about luck isn't it this is gonna be fully about first hit some ping and internet connections in other words it's all about fan does this are probably the worst place cuz it just means you're definitely gonna be seen okay guys oh no what what saw they've got rod as well no I got of jeez Louise that was too stressful too stressful way too stressful it broke their leather armor in one hit that's how stressful this is oh no what oh no come here buddy alright let's do it let's do it let's do it don't you right-click your sword at me buddy no we got it as well oh jeez Louise people sky Basinger probably the smart ones right now yeah that's okay I'm gonna allow it because I should probably be doing the same thing and if the going gets tough I probably will maybe I should be getting a bow I'll be one of my smarter ideas wouldn't it I've got 32 arrows yep unarmed gun for a bug if I bow kill people when I've got sharpness no dazzle pick that lagging as well this is a really dangerous fight to even consider taking but yeah I'm leaving no no no Oh they've got bow they did the smart thing no don't do it bowing me that's my idea but oh I've got two people coming for me and me only leave me alone please oh this guy's still come with me yeah I'm out of here don't blow me again yeah that's all right I'll take your arrows I've got heads as well so I've got healing I don't need to worry about it and that's another player I do it look oh my they got so close no I couldn't speed yes oh my goodness the fishing rod is everything and I'm so scared let's just grab their heads come on got the ball got the head no okay you want do it come on all my this the worst idea I've ever had hands down we got the head so there's another one there I just I don't like this at all chucked out ahead thank you buddy so many blocks now kind of live in the dream just saying look at these heads Wow alright check how much gold that at four gold I can make gee heads which makes your speed last for longer which is always welcomed I'm still going to get jumps now I'm good okay let's do it boom boom okay anybody want to fight me I guarantee you'll regret it even though you can one hit me what a great idea at first I had doubts and then I started doing really well and now not so much I kind of think I'm nailing it now back to zero zero or just the death pit where I can now boast BAM people some people have actually taken health as well which just means they're falling or taking damage from cactuses I don't know oh hello hello a horse that's a good idea that's a very good idea anyone behind me no I'm good that's a very good idea Wow some people have really thought about this oh I got them I was really worried that I was gon be honest wait I'm okay paranoia to the max got the hair day ahead on me as well do they had speed and I still killed them but there's another head in the floor okay cause I heard something got the shovel back I'm okay I'm chill a vanilla now I don't feel it but I am but just someone's gonna camera causing me any second it's all good we got this and another G head I've made all of my G has now I can't make any shows me I can't make anymore G heads like I'm gonna hook really quickly boys won't hear someone through fast I could be a rapper that's just souls could make the light past me on a horse and kill me right now this guy's Ryan my name what a legend let's shoot him he may be a legend but you're not allowed to finish writing my name come on we hit that me edit goes you know okay it's not worth it someone's gonna want at me Tom's gonna want hit me whilst I'm doing it no I'm gone I hit him what I'm insane I got speed though a bat what's a bat doing in a desert all right we got hiders and seekers now that's here this is one massive game of hide-and-seek that is the saddest message I've ever seen someone spent ages looking for gold only to realize that it doesn't matter poor fella where are we people they finished my name what a cutie right we just waiting for people it doesn't look like anyone's coming I'm gonna go get some Flint so I can make some arrows out of them be an unproductive huh Oh someone's nearby I don't think I've ever had this many heads in a uhd before but I've played a lot of you agencies is it just me or are you guys worried about the guy on a horse that's kind of freaking me out just thinking about em honest oh my that chicken scared me that's a play hello I mean ahead and getting closer please do not see me buddy I'm so lucky we got him I killed him once they were like me I do you know what I'm a bad person I I know it but I just I feel like you need every excuse ever right now head Flint sand gravel no one kill me whilst I'm making gravel ah this is fun this is what competitive Mycroft's all about it's unlimited I've just realized it's giving me gravel and Flint back let's go my feathers no I chuck them out thinking they were worthless I'm a fool Oh another player or at least the sky bass know someone back this way if someone killed my sky bass sir I'm gonna have an issue no they've got both they actually they've got Bo and they are trying to win by bowing let's shoot their horse let's kill it we got it with star food stuff near G heads make sure no one's backstabbing me this guy wants to bow fight so we're gonna blow fight it was her taking that saddle this guy's actually playing well I really hate that I respect that it's completely fair enough on earth they know what they're doing about yeah we got the speed carriage mean holy smokes I would put on armor but you know what I think it's more intimidating to get killed by a naked man in Minecraft all these smokes that was just terrifying if Mona's got the feathers safe I think make more arrows boom now we've got two stacks of arrows and a dream as per usual okay I'm on nine kills I'm actually smashing this or another sky base they're just bridging for hours you know if I get 10 kills on my first attempt I'll be over the moon Oh player let's do it they have gotten chanted iron armor they are nuts oh we got a holiday smokes at that head man hello buddy easy milk let's do it go on my friend you know you want to I'll blow you if I have to got a hit right we can't give them the advantage by running at them and then laying them rod trick me I have to stop if I need to we're speed speed no no Mike okay that was terrifying that water bucket thank you I see the gap for some reason that someone made that was terrifying okay we're all right I can't believe I'm doing well if I'm honest I'm not dying no one's here leave me you're scaring me we got the head we're safe and I'm on 11 kills so you think this is successful or what a lot of people would tell you this is a bad idea but not me this is a great idea there should be a regular game-mode the one hit UHC and nothing matters except for your aim your clicks your determination and most importantly your internet connection and now I'm gonna go find a horse cuz I've got a saddle so I might as well this is not PvP I'd hate to think that this is making people talks oh hello hello buddy didn't see me I run straight up to him and he was staring just at the sky but he's got a bow for me Thank You bud nice I've got four G heads now he had one you know what I'm putting on pants just to cover myself a little bit I want it to be all good almost this way oh another sky bass hello Cooper Bowser that guy just had the strats right there uses an enderpearl well guys second attempt I've already found a temple I mean realistically this doesn't mean anything at all because someone's just gonna destroy me you know it's the thought that counts and you never know maybe TNT will be insane I can just blow people off diamonds okay this could be good maybe okay no just gold for a G head which I'll take just for that extra speed but you know what we got 12 kills last game which is just unreal I genuinely wasn't expecting that at all so we got our sword and now this time because I went the right care and got my iron tools you can hopefully get everything really quickly hope is being a big part of that sentence it was over anyone wondering this server is called Glade I have a custom UHC game-mode so the reason that guy had an ender pearl is probably because he crafted it I didn't realize you could craft ender pearls if I get diamonds then I might do the same because that was such a good move on his part I'm pretty sure was the main reason he killed me you know can't blame a man for trying you know let's make our two buckets of water on water why not and now we head to zero zero which is this way oh and sheep on the way actually because string first Troy alright we've got this come on string boss she both oh yes hello my cuties yike yike yike okay we didn't get one from any of that allows kind of embarrassing all horses this game why didn't I get a saddle from that temple that have been so good we found a plan no no no no let's do it let's do it palm buddy gonna go I'm gonna go yes we got him well they had a bow no way I think it's string they must have got Archer make that fishing rod make a G head holy smokes I was such a good first kill lock and I wasn't expecting them to fight oddly got PowerBook alright save that for later now I don't need to share okay oh that's another player there hello buddy woah oh my goodness that was so dangerous I don't even know how he jumped over them all right and of course the sky bases have begun oh I don't know if I've got to me to do this again this is too stressful man it's just the thought of not knowing where people are on your mind all the time someone could just come up behind you and hit you once when you're casually looking at the view it's terrifying I love it all does not play her you gone mono or I go commit okay buddy you want to do it yes okay okay I'm loving this right now oh hello oh no you're lucky I bow you good I do I dare get a hit 5hp we killed them what's that's ridiculous how would they have five HP but not dead but someone somehow not kill them eh no one's near ones on a horse chase enough to me another G head and still no saddle sadly still hoping for four kills again alright I'm playing this right I definitely am I'm gonna have my stuff ready to dig down if I need to oh hello sunshine you want a tussle me lengthy job or okay one body when you know you want to gotta be this fishing rod has just been life-saving the head as well thanks lengthy job oh my that's feeling a holy smokes I can see you by just kept living daylights out of me he's wondering where you came from I heard someone died over here so and over here you know let's go this way I know sounded closer I don't know how lightning can sound close over just telling you what I'm telling you sometimes I do these recordings and I just worry how good I am at talking to myself there they are on a horse again it's the same guy on a horse how do they get a horse every time there's our way to craft a saddle though I don't know about yes there is I trucked out my leather but I could have done it I'm so bad alright I know what I gotta do I'm on horses Norway actual system I Drive which one of these two is quicker this one's decent this one's quicker right we kill this one please give me leather yes true leather no way need one more the ones coming for me it's all good it's guys not as quick as the other one got you I don't have any iron why okay alright i stalking so close to being able to do stuff but not close enough me iron down there nope alright alright alright have to deal with something else yeah what do you guys hear that or am I just crazy like playing a horror game just that's bright and not scary oh hello sunshine hello sunshine we're all we got I'm gonna get cleaned look you're coming in Oh what they're in this wait what can I not see someone right now correct me if I'm wrong with that horse just charged me did it not I might loco while he trusts me don't want to do this you want to leave me so I can go get my horse screen e you're asking for a scree do die card it's too risky I'll give you on later bud I appreciate the sentiment but you are a deadly weapon they're coming they're following me don't do it but I'll do it they're coming into fighting they're lagging that's the last thing I want Adi stop it stop it please don't do this to me they're lagging jeez Louise forgot their head on Morehead so I leave now goodbye I had to stop being risky I could have not killed them I'd be a shell of a man I'd be the same man I was when I started this UHC and that was surprisingly little fro my horse he's gone what am I saying make that G head again and we've got three now happy days so I tell you what we can also make some arrows now horses show yourself I'm sorry I'm still struggling to contemplate this can we get an action replay of when that horse charged me but you're coming in Oh back what because that seriously looked like it was trying to kill me I might be wrong but it felt terrifying I shot the holes twice what no no no let me kill it please why you I was all good horses if you're gonna run stay running let me get on these horses please this one's quit come on come on jump me right now please Thanks just love me horse I'm okay I'm safe please love me come on Oh we got it okay good stuff we're on the horse and it's decent it's quite quick all right hello people person person what dead lender Paul no way won't jump me right now please that guy's trying to jump me I dropped my bouquet back don't do it don't do it don't take my horse oh my god they almost took my horse well goddamn broke their armor at the same time I think it's spectators moving the horse is that what it is cuz that's terrifying I don't like that at all Oh No let's do it let's do it maybe I can finally kill their horse horse fights are the most broken thing Bo's just don't shoot where you expect them to shot a horse Oh am I the best in the game yes I am the best in the game it is correct you heard it here first folks no Paul my goodness that was way too close for comfort come here right I want to kill him they've definitely got better ping than me I can feel it you know what they've got power as well let's let them get John go front do what you've got to do Boyd make him fly I so nearly died that that was terrifying on the Chi head boom they took though they've got a horse now that sucks I'm at a loss Alma come here Lauren I hit him 24 he's running a jumping bar gonna catch up to your horse eventually yeah yes we're slowing him down Thank You bud definitely catch up now kill your horse do it though it was my horse now but it was your horse this horse is logged on four we got him gunshot there we are now we're talking put my four G heads which is my max well they died with the head I didn't eat it and I'm so scared once again I'm always scared in this challenge I'm not to you known FM honest all right back on the slow horse at least it's quicker than you know running parallel hyperdrive TV don't see me he's just a guy minding his own business all they turned rider last second there had been really bad I'm glad it wasn't that it could have been Ron 11 kills again I got 12 lost time I got a betta the guy autumn with the good bow is still alive so it's gonna be tough I think we've got people off the sky bases as well so a little bit worried still got the Zender Pole I got to remember I could save my life a thousand times over oh hello you're on your horse again I'm on mine what better time to say hi I've got diamond horse armor you can't contest it unless you shoot me more times than you can one but yes we've got a little full iron now on my this guy really wants to beat me you know it's not worth it I'm just gonna keep killing that horse I have to go away until death match at least I don't know they won't fight I could pull on them but then I have no pole did they dig down I think they dog okay that guy really wants to win you know what let's leave them they want to win more than I do that's not true I really want to win oh I want to win more than this guy that's the real question yeah come here come on Hellcats gotcha look here we go oh my goodness okay I'm okay I'm alive I'm safe I'm well like on my horse please see you later that's terrifying it's always so terrifying I beat my kill record run 13 but you know what I'm feeling good I'm definitely going to agro though it's it's good and it's bad it's getting me kills but it might give me a half attack someone go to the nether hello buddy look what I got for some reason we got as well holy smokes we're good back on the horse not say 14 kills if I kill everyone remaining I will have 20 kills in one game which I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty sure is a world record make it 15 oh I feel like a bad person but a good bad person you know see how much gold we can mate and make anymore G heads yes no I can't okay dang it we've got to ender pearls now oh this could not be going better and death matches in eight minutes oh my what is that that's the most complicated sky stack thing I've ever seen right I know I'm gonna be really honest I really want to win this I'd also really need the bathroom but I'm just gonna build up make a sky base and hope to tell the rest of the tale when I'm back easy does it alright the sky base has been built I'm chillin I'll be right back two thousand years later alright we are back in bougie baby and I may die too falling through it nah I'm fine okay well look at this how realistic is this so realistic now we're just have to win we've got two minutes till everyone gets tell a boy to death match and to be honest I'm terrified I think I'll feel more of a sense of accomplishment if I make it to death match even if I don't win so if I see someone I'm just gonna like it away unless they don't see me oh no what a guy behind me yes we killed him it's the guy that killed me last time oh he wasn't expecting that at all I am so far beyond proud of myself and you want to round me no and we got the head oh yes for me once put the blame on you fool me twice and it won't happen alright let's do the smart thing here and just make a load of gold blocks just cuz that's the type of guy I got a flexor and we're going into deathmatch okay not sure how I'm feeling if I'm honest these guys want some though this guy's bowling by trying to hit on this guy No [Music]
Channel: Wisp
Views: 3,079,084
Rating: 4.9262333 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, uhc, minecraft uhc, minecraft uhc but, wisp, wispexe, lucky, luck, xray, hypixel, super, the super, sword, sharpness, 1000, sharpness 1000, unfair, the super sword
Id: BH_3Wpzzweo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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