I spawned with KNOCKBACK 1000...

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alright this is minecraft UHC but everyone spawns in with a knock-back 1000 diamond sort which is just it what it's an absolutely terrible idea it's probably gonna go absolutely horrific Lee and we're still gonna absolutely love it so if you're watching this and you are one of the 68% of people not subscribed to the channel come on just subscribe because the worst-case scenario is they just unsubscribe later enjoy the video but we're starting this game right next to a village this has happened quite a few times recently so I'm kind of loving it what this time oh okay knock back 1000 but everyone has it you know what let's check on this villager here you ready he actually disappeared I don't even know where he went Oh what I didn't realize people just disappear I thought we'd oh okay right well let's kill some cows at least we've got leather on food and to any of these villagers have a good chest in than I can take hold on I'll take out uh emeralds a useless to take the apples though definitely not useless anything else I think we've got everything I've just got to find Cain oh no no as a blacksmith here this is good hello buddy you wanna no you don't do any good trades okay fine I'll just yes gold perfect a helmet now we're talkin look at that so this is gonna be ridiculous because straight off the bat I know that everyone is just gonna sky base because they just want to knock people down and I know what people are like so I've got to be so careful and just have a load of water buckets ready cuz ml Jing is gonna be so important and I may have to sky base myself I've really don't know either way it's gonna be a rough game another village what's house fine I don't care anymore on laughs Yap no I don't care oh yeah no definitely don't care and that's cane now okay good we're right by the border Oh what how is this so much cane outside of that's just my luck just keep swimming swimming swimming now we're talking right now the reason I'm collecting stuff actually making chances because I'm not gonna be able to rely on this sword all the time I may need to actually kill someone without the knock back because otherwise I might just be flowing in people away the entire time which however funny that might be probably isn't the best way to get kills so don't we go digging down always dig straight down craft scientific studies have shown if you dig down in Minecraft then it's amazing and nothing can go wrong alright maybe I was wrong maybe things can go wrong but you know it's not alright make that iron pickaxe grab this goal now we're talking oh well loads of gold here okay not gonna mine all of this goal cuz I don't any of it to burn okay good right this game likes to hurt me so I'm making armor and a bucket anything snot get set on four no no no what Oh gold skeleton or what I'm actually gonna die oh my god I'm dead I'm lucky as a final heal geez Oh okay we got it now that could have been a lot worse I could have actually died it's okay once we've got final heal it'll be fine and there's gold here so I can't complain also one more gold and we can make two gaps no I'll do it boom I don't write diamonds I need you to show yourself please oh man nothing this is not sandwich material know what I'm making armor otherwise I'm gonna die oh yes we heal doctor for okay good everyone got final heal look at that everyone's happy now we just want diamonds that's it that's the last thing we're looking for anything please what diamonds I can hear zombies that's not no I want to hear diamonds please oh maybe we had them here hue this is the type of place where you hear diamonds you starts in five minute no that's not what you want at all gold though that is where you want we can now make two golden apples so this is gonna be so awkward and that's the name tag I just need you not to see me okay that's fine with Gela Pinilla as long as you don't try and come anywhere near me still none the blue stuff is non-existent now the perfect cave to find some and absolutely nothing no gold oh hello let's just make our gaps oh come on please no diamonds if it blows up a hole if it blow up the diamonds I would have been so sad is it it's a to me don't be please no oh okay it's a four vein right we can at least make boots that is so much better than a two vein I've already got a diamond sword if that curry bread have blown up those diamonds I think I would have cried right more gold I'm gonna go strip mining off of this because we got plenty of gold now is the diamonds we're looking for literally one that's all I need there you go I'm actor struck man with respects up 42 they're gonna be strip mindfully finding diamonds maybe I just realized this entire time I could have just knocked back the creepers I didn't have to deal with that I could have make them vanish oh hello it's literally even if it's only one it doesn't matter it's beautiful come in oh it's more than 100 it's four at least yes hello how we make you pick axe now obsidian here we come and this is taking so long PvP is going okay I got to be careful now it actually matters if someone sees me make the books and boom let's see what books we can get actually efficiency protect your protection power now that's okay that's not great I'm gonna keep mining I was gonna do a diamond sword but I think I'm much better off going for an iron sword actually yeah you know what I'm just gonna do an iron sword not gonna risk it sharpness one boom another sharpness one all four five levels we can get shoppers to let's do it oh my goodness what okay that's great we've got sharpens three I know that's perfect when I've just got a mine in steel meter and there are more diamonds hello go on please is that enough that's is enough to make ah leggings I don't wanna make leggings or one more I want to make a chess play please make another shop suit who shot first three alright happy days people are actually dying as well oh they actually killed him as well they didn't even just knock back them somewhere and then they died but people are fighting normally it's good to know and we are near the border apparently cuz I got the weird red marks around my screen day you know what we're making leggings and we're going out I'm doing it Jack thought low right fine better falling okay down actually help I just hope all these smokes I'm a creeper exploding it just in a tiny little tick to me okay right I've just got to go up Seoul carefully and we found gold on the way up this is a happy coincidence hello how close to this border getting my cannot no I don't want to get trapped okay easy does it I think bad is gonna happen I'm fine and no the board is right there Oh am i moving fast no I'm not moving faster than the border okay I need to go directly I'm on this is genuinely a race against time oh my goodness ahhh both okay made our way maybe I'll get a teleport zombie oh I did okay thank goodness oh that scared me and over here okay hey guys I'm just going to quickly and try out my leggings thanks for being here I might just play on my helmet yeah that's that's great thank you oh alright I'd say well let's also make another gap you've gone man your six dress steal my kill don't know my holy smokes that guy took my kid thought I could have been good what though this is dangerous I want the guy that was half diamond that got away cuz this guy let him not forgiveness say oh no don't you dare steal my stuff no I might this guy's going straight for me and only me come here you're on three got shot well we steal my stuff you don't get away with it okay thank you that's everything I'm okay oh my goodness oh let's go right behind me and I am now check this out 3/4 diamond what all this guy's in chances walk out on a fight hem this is too dangerous it doesn't matter what we can make a jihad boom stay safe let's oh my goodness okay oh man you're for my kill this guy coming in is eat but let me take this her thank you right come here let's do it the only other enchants a guy I've seen come on ham slice oh wait what oh wait Simon died up here they fall I think wait what's as a fishing rod yes please I think someone genuinely fell and we can make another G head perfect I'm so confused way no way they're to bow and arrows now we're talking now we are talking okay let's go fight some people you Oh another enchanted guy come here oh oh oh we can kill them without the knock back don't do it don't knock me back yes yes whoa all right it's time to get some kills with a knock back now we're gonna knock this guy into lava oh my are we know or not okay this guy is just waiting up there I shot everyone again oh just wasted all my arrows and now you okay you know what time to get some kills wood knock back a thousand thought I make some people disappear no everyone's running right okay you know what actually oh oh hello yes I'm only gonna kill this guy with my knock back a thousand sword that is the entire challenge and he's not gonna hit me one that's the best part of all of this you ready now we are and for each of full damage Oh oh my goodness the poor fella down we go bellow more free stuff thank you I think we can actually yeah we can we are full diamonds I'm living the dream and we can make another G here that low success I have an arrow yeah I do I have one arrow perfect one know what I saw you jump down okay body you could do this forever come here you have to find me at some point you've gotta knock back a thousand go on turn try and hit me once it'll be good for you oh no you got me man I'm in a gap it's so easy to get along in these games and just never even realize I'm here you know you want to know down hey kill them with the knock back 1000 now where are people we look at these Health's oh hello this guy's on two and a half hearts oh my goodness there is a guy up here I'm going out I'm doing it oh this guy is on par for ha look at that he's on Harper hearts no ok that's fine keep doing it what you like bird one try and hit me go on a I'm a bit scary bit man who yaps oh my goodness oh he was on harp I didn't stand a chance oh this is ridiculously stressful we got another G head ok we are four and four for healing where are our competitors hello buddy um so where is everyone I was thinking that this would be a little bit more crazy everyone died so quickly I definitely played it smart but making sharp 3 I tell you right if I miss this I'm terrible one tag alcohol I could have missed that could have been so bad this guy is scared he's running body come on you know you want to throw me a bone dude I did that who's holding the bone yeah well you get two gaps you can heal up and then you fight me with this I will even make you even you ready for this right knock back only sword that's what I'm doing come here buddy let's go I think he's ready to tussle think he's ready what'd you get me I didn't hear only okay come here oh there's don't bellowing me as well oh man no you want see let's go from underneath low ground oh dang it I should have seen that coming to be fair what boom yikes come on acid a lot of your name is Stewart let's do it oh it's the border there on four and a half hearts I'm on seven I got this scan I'm trying to get crits I don't know if it matters there on one heart we can kill them I'm dead no you're not body believed yes okay just in time wow that's pretty scary I've got a lot lower than I anticipated and there are now three of us left but I have no idea where people are actually maybe I do do i definitely dying what where are people here I'm borrow your body you know I see laughter fall just to be safe all the right there there on three we're gonna scare am I gonna make him think we're gonna kill him don't be safe than we saved him hello friend hey take two G heads he's not even the last guy this could be a terrible idea oh we are buddy now a friends yeah yeah let's go oh don't we can kill by the board oh look at this guy helping me off hello friend though are you ready for this so I'm gonna make this as fair as possible I don't really have enough iron but I'll do this so now really March even I've just got Diamond leggings I've got an enchanted diamond leggings here we are buddy are you ready I think he's making a platform I'm just gonna help I don't know what's happening but I like it oh yeah he's making an even platform what a legend let's go okay buddy are you ready for this you know take another gap there's still another guy alive I think you see up there I hope not let's go home okay what so ever like it's so dodgy it lacks a server every time we hate each other the most scoffs fight anyone is ever gonna have right here we got a good stuff Paul that was kind of risky Wow okay there's still not the guy left cuz the game hasn't ended guys is there well well well where is he I let you totally have no idea it seems like it's only us two then what is this guy doing I respect this that's the worst part oh he said Oh carved a surface okay he's been underground this entire time what a cheeky man well there is so we're going down we're going down he's gonna freak out I'm gonna eat my last guy and then I'm gonna fall okay we go directly here come on buddy hey bud it's not best to go oh we win [Music]
Channel: Wisp
Views: 2,615,569
Rating: 4.8961525 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, uhc, minecraft uhc, minecraft uhc but, wisp, wispexe, lucky, luck, xray, hypixel, knockback, 1000, super, sword, i spawned, i spawned with a super, i spawned with knockback 1000
Id: 0Wvoo1XznaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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