$1000 Auto Parts Store Makeover

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- [Both] Move over! - Today we spent a thousand dollars on sick accessories at AutoZone for our $500 Jetta. - And at the end, we're going to see how dope this car is going to be after dropping an absolute rack at AutoZone. He's Zach, I'm James. And this, is The D-List. Big thanks to Credit Karma for sponsoring this portion of this video. Do I love my job? Absolutely, I mean, I've been helping people check credit scores since the day I was born. But after seeing how much my human overpays for car insurance because of his age, zip code, and even credit score, I just knew I needed to help. So, I created Karma Drive. Unlike those other apps, Karma Drive works to save you money by helping you find insurance that factors in how you actually drive. All you need to do is download me, the free Credit Karma app. Tap to enable your phone location permissions. Then, just go for a regular old drive and I will track your driving. Oh, rolling through a stop sign, that's not good. Sorry about that, sir. Throughout the test drive period, you'll be able to see your driving score plus get tips on how to increase your savings by focusing on things like speed management, vehicle handling, and focused driving. At the end of the test drive period, Karma Drive will let you know if you're eligible for a discount from a well-known, trusted insurance provider, all for free. So, if you're a safe driver who wants to start saving on car insurance, click the link below to download the Credit Karma app to get started. It's free, it's fair, and it's easy to use. Now, does anyone have a charger? I'm on 1%. I can do it. And thanks again to Credit Karma for sponsoring this portion of this video. So, we're at the AutoZone and we're about to buy $1000 worth of sick accessories for our Jetta, but we don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves. So we're going to wear these super secret spy camera glasses so that we look extremely incognito. - Nobody's gonna suspect a thing. - So, where do we want to start? Yeah, boy, sticker aisle! - Whoa. - (chuckles) That's sick. - Oh, hell yeah. - Yeah, put a Honda sticker on it. Ooh, oh, is that an antenna? - Yeah, that's redneck as hell, I like it. - Oh, carbon paper. I know we're definitely gonna need to add some lights. - Ooh, rally mirror. - We could do a dual mirror set up. - Yeah, let's probably do that. - Ah, eyelashes? - That's tight. What's what do we like better? Do we like Dodge or move over? - Well, in my opinion, there is room for two, a top and a bottom. We should start thinking about how much money we're spending, we gotta be getting close. - This is $25, I would put something back for it. - Is that all y'all need? - Yeah, that's it. Dang, that's with everything? We didn't do bad, $1.030? - Go, go, go, go, go. Now, first off, I'd like to be clear, this video is not sponsored by AutoZone in any way, but we do like AutoZone. I go there quite frequently. And the first round of parts we're going to be looking at and installing are our performance and aerodynamic parts. See what we got, James. - We got ourselves a set of beautiful mesh, BBS-inspired hubcaps. Now that car is a performance beast, and that means it needs lots of air, and the best way to get air into the engine bay, through with a thick, old honkin' hood scoop. Universal rear spoiler kit, universal front spoiler kit, shark fin antennas, performance exhaust, flashy lights, fender vents. What are these called? - I don't know, what are they? - Oh, those are air diverters. (James chuckles) - Deers are a huge problem in Los Angeles and we want to protect our car, so we got ourselves some deer whistlers. Now, after we do all these mods, this car is going to be really powerful and have a really hard time keeping traction. So, we're going to convert it to all-wheel drive. Let's put this nice stuff on. - So, one of the first things we're going to tackle is the spoiler. Get this thing, you know, with some downforce for all the power that we're going to be adding, it'll help us with traction. Wow, kind of matches the heck blender. - That's Euro, dude. - So, our spoiler officially on. All right, I think I'm gonna tackle these air diverters and shark fin. You know, in my mind, this is like a mama air diverter. - Oh yeah. - So, we'll do them all together. What these are going to do is really help kind of smoothen out the turbulent air coming over the roof line of the car, so that as it comes down the rear window and runs into the spoiler, it's going really nice and smooth for maximum down force. So, these are going to be really critical in terms of the aerodynamic performance of our Jetta here. - Needs some downforce on the front, so I'm installing this really sick front splitter. It's carbon fiber, yes. - Oh, (beep)! A whip on the whip. - Yeah, dude. - And the carbon fiber look really is nice. - Yeah, it's like a race car. So, on the side I had extra spoiler leftover. So, I'm going to add some canards. - Oh, nice dude. - Big shouts to Jason at Rotiform for hooking it up. He's the homie. He always supplies all my wheels. - Wow! - These are what you call quick change wheels. They were outlawed in F1. Because you can put them on so fast. - What do you think about that, James? - Dang! - Pretty good fit. That should add an easy 10 to 20 horsepower. - We just put the performance exhaust on. I'm going start it up and see what it sounds like. - Yeah! What was that? I think it just pooped on me! (upbeat music) That's what I'm talking about! - (chuckles) Those are great! - The only thing left in the performance and aerodynamics division here is our hood scoop setup, obviously very important. So, we're not going to take this lightly. - So, needless to say, we're off to a rockin' start. The car looks great. It's obviously more powerful. - Obviously. - But, the thing is when you're driving, you spend 90% of your time inside of the car. So, no race car build is complete without some interior mods. - That's right. - More lights, skull rear view mirror, new shift boots. Sick performance, probably titanium, probably titanium shift knob. Oh, we got a lot of new electronics in this thing. So we need as many 12-volt plugs as we can get. So, we got four and that's a good thing. 'Cause one of those ports, it's going to be plugged up by the sick skull cigarette lighter. One of the only things that you touch during the car, one of the things that you are inputting information to the car with is the steering wheel. - It's the link between man and machine. - Exactly. So, we went with this beautiful, quick-release steering wheel. As you can see, it's quick-release. - It's also a stress reliever, which is pretty good dual purpose. - And it's made by Bell. Of course, we need a security system. So we got a hula girl. And of course, no race car's complete without a chandelier. Because this is like a performance VIP bill. - Exactly. Now let's install that (beep)! Oh, almost fits. - I'm installing the shift boot. You get a new shift boot, put it inside out, put it on under the shifter, and get yourself a zip tie. Tighten it down. - Great install, James. To top off Pumphrey's sick shift boot, you know, we got the shift knob, and it's on there, and boy does it feel good? That's a weighted shift knob with a skull on it, in NeoChrome! Now I'm working on the power bank. A little piece of double sided tape. Oh, hell yeah! And putting that there gives me perfect sight of my skull cigarette lighter. Damn, I can see not only one, not only two, but 16 skulls from where I'm sitting. - And hopefully this will help you see 'em a little bit better. - (laughing) Is that going in here? - So, we're going to be doing a lot of rally stage, a lot of night driving. So this is a rally light. Oh, hell yeah! Hot import nights, much? We just added show car to the resume! - I think these are actually harder to put on than a real steering wheel. Ooh, but the result is impeccable! - So, the rear view mirror is reminiscent of like a evil goth church. And no evil goth church is complete without a bad ass chandelier. (humming) No race car is complete without its livery. I think it's time for us to bring this baby home and make her look as sick as she performs and feels. - And she looks and feels like a performance machine. So, let's bring her looks up to snuff. What have we got? - Fearless windshield banner. What is the most powerful car company? - Dodge. - That's right, Dodge. This thing's got a Hemi in it, maybe. Zach, what's the sickest wild dog? - That is a wolf. - Ooowhoooo! - Howl to the moon, baby! - What's better than good bolts? - Bad ones! - Bad bolts. I don't know, these are sick. Gorilla, American flag skull, skull valve caps to go with our brand new Rotiforms. A color matched skull, more vents, pitbull dog, skull with crossed hands and two pistols. Got to look at your enemies as you pass them and chop 'em and take them to Gapplebees. So, we got some Pilot three-inch blind spot mirrors. Bulldog, Skullerfly. No race cars complete without flames. No race cars complete without steel flames! Nothing looks cooler than an eyebrow spoiler. Really toughens up to look at your car. You know what toughens up to look of your car even more? Eyelash spoiler. Gotta let people up-front in slow cars know the deal. - [Both] Move over! - If we don't Hemi swap it, we might LS swap it. So, we thought we'd go ahead and take care of it. - Covering all our bases here. - Black widow. And of course, this is a Euro car in Europe. The Jetta is known as the Bora. So we got a Bora badge. - Yeah, people are gonna think we imported this thing. - Yeah. An arrow antenna, my piece de resistance. Oh, also, two-inch blind spot mirrors to go along with the three-inch ones, giving us a total, 10 inches, five on each side! That's almost a foot of blind spot mirror on this thing. - Those blind spots aren't going to know what hit 'em. - Yeah, they won't because they're blind. - This is when the car goes from looking like pretty good to pretty heinous. - When the car goes from looking pretty good, to becoming an absolute neck breaker, - I'm feeling like we're definitely getting the message across. - [Both] Move over! - You know, that's what happens when you're fearless. You just go at and install. No fear and you just nail it. - So, to complete the Euro conversion, I'm going to have to, I have to paint it. This is the A-Team magic card, don't do magic. (paint can rattles) - Nice paint match, James. - Thank you, and I'm going to shade the emblem. - Nice! - Yeah, like a rock, baby. - I'm going to color-match the hood scoop. - This thing is really coming together, right before our very eyes. Now I think one of these is going to have to be a hood emblem and I kind of feel like the spider's the coolest, but this skull is the most prominent. - Yeah, spider means convertible and we're definitely gonna make this a convertible one day, at least a targa - With some rear scissor doors, hopefully. - Hit the like button if you want us to put rear Lambo doors on it. - Oops, I may have broken it - Hi, hi, hi, hi! - The thing looks great, dude! (house music) - Okay, so that's what a $1,000 in the AutoZone accessory aisle looks like. Thank you guys for watching. Thanks, Zach for coming on the show. We have a bunch of this stuff in our closet and we're going to give it away. So, if you're interested in that, check out our membership program. Click the join button below, or I'll put a link in the description. I love you.
Channel: Donut
Views: 2,521,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autozone parts, cheap car mods, cheap car accessories, installing car accessories, car mods, car accessories, funny car accessories, funny car mods, dlist, donut media, james pumphrey, zach jobe
Id: 2fuPkOI2OJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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