I Should Have Done This A While Ago... | Palworld

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okay so we learned that going into the volcano was a bad idea but that is only this little section of the map we kind of I I feel like we should just explore I think we should just go walk around and see what we can find we have this whole island up here that I want to check out cuz I feel like that would have something good oh oh that's so much wool oh my God but I think I think we're going to go explore this way because there's a lot of the map that I just don't know about that's a new looking biome I haven't seen a swamp yet so maybe there's some like alligator boys over here or is it just the same guys again I think it's just the same guys again yeah there's a Nightwing okay well that's kind of sad I thought that new biome would mean new guys this area is gorgeous I should build a base up here oh oh I should build a base up here that's so much metal oh I haven't seen wait it's the panda dude it's a green version of the Manda whoa hell Zer what is this guy wait who are you oh you're some beards again I don't want to fight you this guy looks cool I do you think he's fast I mean he's lightning looking but he's not electric he's got fire tornadoes that's a good sign it's a low catch chance but I think we can just waste the Spheres on him is it going to stay it stayed okay we got him does it have a saddle anywhere not seeing it anywhere but I could be blind oh it's level 33 with the um the pyrim saddle so maybe I should get to level 33 and go after those two well actually I don't know if it's faster than the dog is there any mount in the game that's faster than this dog because this the dog was fast what are you oh gory rat no no don't attack me attack the guys killing you yeah do that and some Gob fins I think I remember seeing in the black market that I could buy some of these guys maybe we just catch all of them I don't even know if they're useful but they seem good okay they hurt when activated attacks Target enemy with a powerful Aqua gun and it increases the players's attack power while in team so maybe I should combine these guys and just have one of them sitting in here so let's let's fuse these guys together there's no sound effect for it it's so weird I feel like there's a missing sound effect whenever I use things a fbat um while fighting together grants the player and fbat the life steal effect which absorbs some of the received damage that would be nice I don't know how long oh hi gril I don't know how long of a series this would be but I do have a plan for what to do with this channel afterwards because I obviously want to keep making content and it would be weird to just like Spiral this forever so once I've like gotten pretty far into this playthrough and feel like I understand the game a bit I want to make a longer like super cut challenge of playing this game but without using any Pals but is that something you guys would be interested in watching it would be like it would be a lot longer of a video and I would probably just make it one hour hour and a half long super cut but would that be would that style be something you guys would be interested in seeing because it I like watching those types of videos so I think it would be fun to try and emulate that and make something similar who's the boss it's a Gail claw isn't that the one glider guy is it a better glider should I should I be picking up the better glider he can't even hit me it's it's a lot of skill it's very skillful play what's the percentage six I might not have enough oh it didn't matter though did we get anything we got an attack pendant um that does work speed this one is my attack power we'll raise my attack power I should also be catching everything I find but I just I can't be bothered I I don't want to waste the the Spheres it's a 19% what if I just do you think it'll stay how did that wait what why did that work there was supposed to be a joke because I was wasting the sphere that wasn't supposed to work first try hello game oh there's a boss a level 30 I mean we can get that that sounds like it' be fun oh it's down there okay uh Prime knocked you do that he's so cute looking why is he so strong waa that's a new tornado what element is that tornado oh that's fire oh I might die from this okay we need to take a step back wait why are the Gil claws attacking me I wasn't paying attention no no no no no it cannot end like this it cannot end like this oh he's stuck wait is he full stuck oh we'll throw the hypersphere please work I don't have any more hyperspheres okay what does this guy have he has a saddle it can be written as a flying Mount let's let's get the Gil claw stuff and we have some Gil claw gloves oh he's fast whoa why haven't I've been using this the whole time oh my eggs are almost done uh this was the large one I wonder what that'll give a ragna hawk I saw that one last episode wait what is this guy how do I find this guy wait it marks the habitat I could have been doing this the whole time uh what is this his name is toys you seem like you'd be a rock collector do we want to go get him I think we want okay I think we're going to get the Dig toys I think that's the last thing we're going to get he was up this way how long has that been a thing has that always been there and I'm just blind cuz that's so helpful for finding all of these missing Pals oh oh wait he'd be in the desert yeah that makes sense he's level 21 yeah we can take him and by take him I mean like we got to hope we don't end up killing him on accident oh we got one okay um PEX what does he do level three mining oh I think we should catch a couple of them and fuse them please don't kill oh it killed him that's so sad oh there's TOA toes we do not mess with the toot to I don't care how late into the game we are we do not mess with toao what was the explosion oh it's the TOA to you see that's why you don't mess with them because they'll just explode they don't care about their own life they just care about ending yours The Syndicate thugs need to learn that it's just safer to ignore the toat toes huge dragon egg well we have to hatch the huge fire egg this episode but we can do the huge Dragon EP uh dragon egg next episode and now we have all 10 of them did it give me a level no but that's fine uh let's get back to the teleporter all right let's look at these guys and see who has the best stats sort by palex number here they are uh work speed do any of you guys have increased work speed no but this guy has decreased work speed and then this one has higher attack higher defense and decreased increases incoming water damage you seem good if the type Effectiveness chart that exists is like a big deal and how I would assume it works water would be good against ground and this guy's ground so we'll we'll fuse him with these and you know what while we're at it we'll we'll fuse this guy up to be strong too now we have two really big guys one of them for this base and one of them for the mining metal base and I think if we just quickly sleep through the night we should if all goes well all right it's morning what would be in a 2hour wait time for a fire guy Blaze how what's a blaze howl is it just like a wolf version of my prin uh let's put you let's pull you out whoa oh my God he's massive wait oh he's a he's a wood Gathering guy wait what does what does he do level three kindling level two Lumber ring he has a saddle when fighting together neutral Pals drop more items he increases my defense and he increases dark damage well you are a dark type but he's cool wait when do I get his saddle oh is it not for a while oh it's not for a while never mind okay yeah I don't I don't think we're going to get that for a minute I think we're catching Pals before we're leveled up look at him well I think with that I I'm pretty sure we're about ready to end the episode um we didn't get we got a lot done but we also got like absolutely nothing done and I am okay with that but we're we're beginning to explore the map we still have this whole upper area to deal with but we're finding we're finding a lot of things that are close to the right level but yeah if you like today's if you like the video and you've made it this far maybe consider subscribing following along with how this works I'm going to keep up this schedule um once like I said once this playthrough is over or a part of the way through I'm going to work on that other video so there might be a tiny bit of dead air during that time but that will not be for like a month from now at minimum a month from now I don't know how I'll be honest I have no idea how long this game is I don't know how much stuff there is to do in it or if there even is like a boss fight end game thing that you need but with all that being said if you made it this far thanks and uh see you next time and take care I guess okay so I'm out here trying to get the thumbnail uh there is a level 40 shiny Moss Anda this is going to feel really weird tacked on the end of the video but I need this thing so I think we get uh no no no don't attack me actually no you you can attack me kill that one this is going to feel really weird I was just trying to get the thumbnail and then I heard the shiny noise and it was a Manda oh he's got that what is that I don't think we're getting that shiny Moss Sanda oh no it's gone oh no okay well you know what I'm going to keep that in the video anyway I don't think it's I don't think it matters thanks for watching bye
Channel: Benkenewby
Views: 3,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RN6rIy-UYEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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