I SHINED MY DAD’S DUSTY SHOES-Allen Edmonds Park Avenue Shoe Restore and Shine

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this is the elegant Oxford with your host and Preston Soto the other day I found my dad's old Park Avenues in his storage unit and he was like that's where they went he taught me about Goodyear welted shoes as a kid and is the reason I'm into shining shoes today growing up as a boy I remember his Florsheim Imperials that he bought in the 1970s for $99 and his old wooden shoe box filled with old creams and wax tins he told me once when he was younger his brother-in-law had a beautiful pair of brown dress shoes that my dad was really jealous of he was too poor at the time to purchase a pair like them but swore he'd buy some once he grew up and got a job and that's exactly what he did his first purchase from his first paycheck ever was a pair of Florsheim Imperials for $99 the shoes are dusty and folded but in great shape the wax is cracked here and there and there are some abrasions but they can be restored I'll just have to pull off the old waxes and start from scratch as always I start by brushing off all the old dust and debris before I get started as you can see there are slight areas of concern that needs some attention [Music] acetone is my go-to for this kind of work I need something strong to get everything off and expose the leather so I can build a proper shine from scratch [Music] [Music] [Music] the shoes have grime in between the upper and the welt so some cotton swabs are in order here to get into the hard-to-reach areas and clean the shoe really well this is a thorough cleaning and part of the executive package I offer if you'd like your shoes to get the treatment send me an email and I'll make them like new [Music] I apply renovate or and as you can see the leather was dry and in need of moisturizing I love seeing the leather turn a darker shade as its hydrated like rain in the desert [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] some Hermes red cream by Saphir will do wonders I love red hues from burgundy ones so Hermes red is my gotu I don't prefer purple tones as much either I want these shoes to make a statement I like writing the line between classy and ostentatious [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I love opening a new tin of wax there's nothing like seeing the glass like look of undisturbed polish ready to be used [Music] applying the mirror shine is almost hypnotic once you start to see progress I think you'll know what I'm talking about you start to see yourself and the room around you reflected in the cap of the toe and it's really mesmerizing you just want to keep shining so you can see even more a little edge dressing and were set [Music] my dad is going to be happy to get these back so he can wear them again he's had them for many years and was bummed he misplaced them I think he's gonna love him [Music] thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed this video please like subscribe and share you can find me on Instagram and Facebook at the elegant Oxford links to my pages are in the description of this video remember always put your best foot forward the small details matter most so don't forget to hashtag shine your shoes see you next time
Channel: The Elegant Oxford
Views: 2,615,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shoeshine, shoerestore, mirrorshine, spitshine, saphir, allenedmonds, parkavenue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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