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[Music] welcome back everyone today I'm working on a really beat-up pair of allen edmonds McCallister's as you can see they have some salt damage here on the side some scuffing and overall they're dusty and dirty I think I'm gonna be continuing with this narration here in person I think it lets me explain everything much more clearly and I think it's just better for some tutorials so I'll be doing that interchangeably with my old method where I narrate over the video so I can't stress enough the importance of a really good shoe tree okay that can make the difference in restoring a pair of shoes so here's a good solid pair of trees I put them in and already the shoes shape is returning back to where it was okay so really good shoe trees are absolutely essential these are vintage trees you can buy them off eBay just type in vintage shoe tree and you'll get this you get a pair like these they're solid wood and they're really great for restoring shoes okay we're in business remember to move remove the shoelaces so you can clean the shoe properly and we'll start from there so I'm gonna start by using a pig bristle brush Pig bristles are really stiff and that's great for removing dust and debris that's inside the the broking on a pair like this so just brush with good pressure and make sure to actually clean inside the welt down here that'll get a lot of dust and the nastiness off so it's a really good idea to start by brushing okay now that the shoes are cleaned I am gonna use acetone to lighten up areas along the fat this is what the owner wants I use regular or Walmart brand acetone it's just nail polish remover that's a hundred percent acetone okay so we're gonna lighten up certain areas and acetone is the most powerful stuff out there so it's really gonna remove the finish of your shoe so be really careful when you're using it so I'm just gonna lighten this area it's gonna really - it's gonna take off the factory finish as well so you'll notice immediately that it's gonna start to lighten up and that's to create a contrast for the last part of the shine and it'll look a lot more red and in this part will look a lot more Burgundy and that's per the instructions of the owner and I've done this look a lot it's pretty popular and you'll I think you'll like it I think the shoes are gonna look really great when they're done by the way I'm using a cheap 99 cent store face mask so I'm sorry if you can't hear my voice very clearly right now that's just why I use the acetone because it's abrasive and I don't like smelling the fumes so so as you can see the shoe is lightening up and compared to the - a little bit of the darker area here on the other one I'm also darkening the side area right here so there will be some area of contrast and then some darker areas now that that's all done with that we're gonna do some burnishing on the toe so you'll need to your little cotton popsicle stick here the applicator you just use a little bit of black dye it's a tiny bit less than you think and then you're gonna use it to just dark patina on to the toe like this be really careful and just be meticulous you stippling motions okay then once you have some dye you can use your fingers and kind of rub it in there just so doesn't look too uniform okay so I burnished the toe and the eyelid area with some black permanent dye you can see the difference here this one's also gonna get the treatment I winter long just here the other side and just a little bit here and I'm still going to be using polish so it doesn't have to look perfect but so far the burnishing is looking at it's looking great and I'm happy with how these are gonna come out I can tell already they're gonna look great okay let's start again just a little bit of dye just dab some off here and you get your applicator your pom-pom applicator I like to comb and you just start stippling and like the other pair you'll go up here by the eyelets just start stippling and then if you have an excess you rub it off with the rag and you just keep going going back and making that a that in-depth look the gradual effect of dark to light so let's do this wish I could record the whole process I just don't have enough memory on my SD card a two three-minute video will cost me too much so I'll be back okay the shoes are all dry and ready for some conditioning so I'm gonna be using Saphir and of a tour as always I'm going to be applying it very carefully to the vamp in other areas okay now when you apply conditioner you might get some some dye that might rub off on your finger that's why I'm wearing gloves right now and that's totally normal Sun dye will come off inevitably but not all of it so just be cautious and you'll be fine alright we're all ready to go for this pair I'm going to be using three different colors of cream the first is our Mays red okay the second is Bordeaux which is a purplish color for the darker areas and then some black obviously for the black areas okay so let me get some black cream I'm gonna rub it over the burnished areas just to add some pigment and some extra nourishing like that okay and I will add some to this area as well alrighty okay [Music] then grab a rag here with the vamp right here I'm going to be using our maize bread I just love the color it looks so great and it's really gonna make it pop in contrast with the other you can see how much pigment this stuff has let me zoom in you'll be able to see how much pigment hermès red has it's just really a fantastic beautiful color they had some more here I'm gonna see there we go it really adds a beautiful look okay we're gonna add some hair to the sides where I removed some of the finish with acetone you can just see how well it's it's making it all look it really has a high amount of pigment and this side area here is gonna get some Bordeaux so you can see it's a little purplish in toe that's great for this area so just to get a good contrast from black down to Bordeaux and then you get the our base ready right there so this is also another beautiful regal color here we go we're looking great so far we're gonna hit this back heel area with Bordeaux just to give it some dark color you can see the pigments getting in there and really restoring everything else so so fear alone is enough to transform eschews color if you add enough layers but just want to make sure everything looks perfect and that the pigments all back in there so the shoe looks basically in you let me show you again [Music] so a little bit of pigment dry calf we just add it on there look at that difference right there just looks way way better immediately okay dyed or just makes restoring shoes that much easier that's why I love it so much it's been five minutes so the shoes are ready to brush and you're gonna see immediate and immediate improvement once I start to brush and remember this is just one coat you can add two or three coats and the shoe will look even better okay so now I know it's almost sunset so I'm gonna start with the mirror shine hopefully I can get a quick one in before it gets too dark and we can't see anything anymore by the way I've gotten a lot of a lot of comments that photoshopping pictures because the wood here looks darker or more Orange the truth is as afternoon rolls around my room here my living room turns it's really orange and amber so in the morning when I start everything looks blue and white but by the end of the day everything looks really amber and orange so you will see a difference on this table right here and also these these ring stains I did not do myself they came from the factory that way so you know I use coasters but this is uh this is an artistic thing so not something I did so I'll be back and I'll show you the mirror shine when I'm done okay see if I can't do it here and now this is an awkward angle so you just start noting that wax in a little bit of water all right there go tiny drop and when you're shining brogues be careful because if a lot of water gets into the medallion here the leather will over saturate and getting a mirror shine is gonna be way way harder so just be patient and to see if I can't get a quick mirror shine in I know some shoes don't seem to cooperate but I'm having a good feeling about this pair a little tiny bit of water won't drop right there and keep buffing okay so far it looks okay of course I'll continue the mirror shine tomorrow to get it even glossy er but right now I want to do a preliminary start get some wax on there and okay see water there water it's actually hard work not that I feel weight well I kind of feel winded ah just so focused and applying so much pressure with your arm going back and forth I feel it in my deltoids okay okay the Meher shine is all done and ready I think the shoes look great from where they were I think we've made a vast improvement I'm really happy because this whole transformation took about three hours I started at about one o'clock and it's about 424 right now so it took me about three hours and 20 minutes and I'm really pleased with how these came out I'll continue the mirror shine tomorrow just to make them a little gloss here before I return them but all in all I am really really pleased without how these came out [Music] thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed this video please like subscribe and share you can find me on Instagram and Facebook at the elegant Oxford links to my pages are in the description of this video remember always put your best foot forward the small details matter most so don't forget to hashtag shine your shoes see you next time
Channel: The Elegant Oxford
Views: 304,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: allenedmonds, saphir, shoerestore, shoerestoration, leatherdye, shoeshine, spitshine, tutorial, asmr
Id: 60Dr6IhXuqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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