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earth our beautiful home it's glorious wonderful majestic let's blow it up [Music] hello everybody i am kindly key and welcome back to mobile monday we're checking out a new game for the channel it's called solar smash maybe you've seen this game before but if you haven't you're in for a treat as you can see we have a series of options on the right hand of the screen all of which results in unique and spectacular ways to destroy our wonderful planet so that's precisely what we're gonna do we're gonna play around with some of these options that we have i don't know what this red fireball is but i'm gonna shoot it at my house i live somewhere around here let's just yeah okay well there there i go and uh half of the united states as well oh my gosh that was some kind of laser proton cannon i don't know what it's called now if i continue to fire in the same spot can i just basically dig a tunnel into the center of the earth i really don't know but we're about to find out i'm just gonna keep firing this is this is very very satisfying oh by the way uh we've wiped out the entire population on earth just by firing in that one spot did we go through the earth we didn't but as you can see the other side of the earth not looking so hot just you know it's it's had better days it's definitely had better days can i just continue oh my gosh look at that tunnel i think that we might be able to go straight through the middle let's just keep firing right there right down the center am i hitting it i don't know oh wait i can't fire anymore does that mean that we've we've properly gone through oh wait wait wait oh look at that oh my gosh okay yeah we got ourselves a nice little tunnel i remember being like a kid at the beach and digging down into the sand and thinking i wonder how long it would take to get to china from here well if you have proton lasers and you're willing to completely decimate the earth it looks like you know you could probably do it in about i don't know four minutes or so it's not too shabby oh my gosh so now earth is just a molten sphere a fire and ash it's uh it's not so pretty anymore but do not worry it's very easy to reset just reset your planet and there you go we're back everything's fine there are other planets that you can what the heck is that it's a weird like death star looking thing some kind of planetoid space station i dig it let's blow it up how are we gonna blow it up i don't know maybe we can shoot some asteroids at it let's see what the destructive power of an asteroid is do you think that this planet being that it's covered in what appears to be some kind of metal do you think it's a little bit more resilient than the earth i don't know i'm gonna keep launching asteroids at this one spot i mean we are we are causing some significant damage to this strange death star oh what it looks like it's hollow actually that's really interesting okay can i go back to the proton thing and just kind of carve carve some planet we're just carving planet yeah that's yeah that's totally hollow okay that is very interesting so it appears that this like laser proton cannon missile which must be the scientific term is a little bit more powerful than just a just a good old-fashioned meteor asteroid yeah it definitely does a lot more damage now i am intrigued by whatever this blue circle of despair is i think it might be a black hole what happens when you place a black hole on top of a planet seems like a bad day for that planet but let's find out oh my gosh okay wait what is oh that is so cool oh my gosh i kinda wanna try that on earth you know what let's go back to earth and we'll place it on my lovely home yet again just an average day at kyla keane's house and then suddenly oh no that's just a black hole up there in the sky oh that's a bad day for me and pretty much the entire planet one black hole just eight like a quarter of the planet now if i if i plant another one in the same spot do you think it continues the destruction oh it seems to be oh yeah oh my goodness that is terrifying looks really cool though we've basically turned the earth into a very artistic looking bowl let's place one more black hole in there just i mean can we just make the entire planet disappear with black holes i think we're gonna have to test that for science what happens when black holes appear on the planet earth now we know more black holes go can i plant more than one oh my goodness oh that seems pretty bad okay uh the black holes are angry and uh oh wow i can just keep spawning black holes oh no earth earth this is not a good day for you you're just getting eaten up by a bunch of black holes of despair okay well there's our planet looks like a piece of fried chicken there was a planet here at one point in time we're back everything's fine how about missiles let's launch some missiles someone really doesn't like me they they're okay well they're four missiles just for me seems like overkill i'm just saying the missiles not quite as destructive as some of the other objects that we've played with up to this point but still um left me in a less than desirable situation i'm noticing also like it seems like it it kind of affects the weather as well like you can see where i hit on the surface the clouds kind of dispersed around it right like let's see i'm gonna hit like a cloudy spot like right here let's see what happens to the clouds yeah that's really cool the clouds around there completely disperse that's crazy okay what is this green orb i see the ufo so alien invasion is definitely next up on the list but what about this weird war what is this it's just it's a giant bomb it's just sitting there oh do you think if i hit it with something else it'll blow up let's see let's let's launch some missiles at it let's see if we can blow it up maybe no wait it's changing colors that thing changed colors right am i losing my mind it was blue before let's hit it again see what happens here oh my gosh yeah yeah that that was a bomb that that was definitely a bomb sorry about that earth all right let's continue the chaos here let's send a ufo into this this crater there he goes look at him okay and then and then you just laser yeah all right oh [Music] faster than light zips away just left a little parting gift how much destruction does it do if i hit like a land mass let's just hit like the center of asia here see what happens just like does it does is it super destructive what whoa okay that was surprising that's like independence day right there all right so alien invasion seems like a pretty bad day for everybody australia nothing personal but the aliens apparently they're not big fans oh no oh no oh gosh there's so many of them i mean let's be honest i'm the one spawning them and and oh my gosh okay well sorry australia if it makes you feel any better um that's where i live it's cozy you don't have to worry about ever getting cold that's for sure okay so we only have three more things to mess around with two of which seem to just be lasers oh yeah okay well i was not expecting to have that kind of effect on the planet so quickly okay so we can just guide this laser with our finger that's incredible let's reset the planet let's laser my house boom there you go all right okay yep that's a very precise attack thank you thank you for just yep turning my home into a crater how'd that do let's look at it from the from the angle sometimes it's hard to tell how deep the crater is when you're looking straight from the top but if we look from the side it's a decent crater now i feel like though this laser here the second one from the bottom is a is a more powerful laser is that fair to say oh my gosh um yeah yeah it's a slightly more powerful uh the laser uh-huh okay that's that's just i mean what can you say it's a mega laser i have an idea here check this out this is going to be a fun time we go like that then you go like that and then you go like this earth it's just so happy it's having a great day today this laser seems absolutely terrifying okay so i have seen online people have managed to cut the earth in half and i believe that is the tool that they're using to do that at least i would assume so so let's just see let's see can we can we just chop the earth completely in half i'm not sure how they're doing this because it seems kind of kind of finicky well actually now that i'm looking at it uh yeah this seems completely doable you just gotta take your time like an artist like a villain artist because this is something that like a really bad dude in the marvel cinematic universe would do right like i'm gonna cut the earth in half and i don't know why he sounds like that but that's that's the lore in my head here we go it's almost done now i don't know if they like break apart and just float off in their own directions and then you just have two perfectly good halves of of the planet earth or do they just kind of stick together i don't know we're about to find out the last little bit is about to go oh look at that it's being held together by just that little bit on the right hand side let's nuke it get it oh there we go all right did we do it i think we got ourselves a completely halved earth oh yes oh yes indeed that looks kind of awesome honestly okay so we've divided it this way now why don't we uh turn this planet into a pizza let's divide it top to bottom right so we'll go from the north pole to the south pole we'll have four nice little quarters of this this beautiful blue jewel out in outer space oh gosh no one's gonna be left behind after this one so i'm just slowly going up and down and there you go oh dear almost there there's only a little bit left i noticed the laser it stops shooting as soon as there's no land in front of your finger basically so you just kind of need to glide across there you go i think i think that bit is done there you go we got the bottom quartered off and we just need to finish off the top i'm not gonna lie that looks super awesome i don't know what else to say oh no can we cut it this way okay you know what let's continue the cutting let's see can i okay so i can cut like this so we'll cut this sphere into eighths incredible truly incredible it's a little weird because we're kind of at an angle but i think we're getting it done there you go all right now i just need to do the top half it's art it's basically art [Laughter] so there you go the earth carved into eight separate wonderful pieces and the eight people who survived get to have one part each okay so there is one more catastrophe that we can mess around with it looks like it's just the moon like am i about to launch the moon at my home i guess so here we go [Music] yep that is uh exactly what happened there and that was by far the most destructive object that we have hurled at the earth up to this point what a finale i think we need to shoot more though can i shoot like multiple moons oh no okay yeah so what happens when you launch uh let's say a hundred moons at the earth about to find out here you go yep oh yeah that's yep uh-huh it's happening it's very bright it's very bright and there's your answer we've learned something incredibly valuable today hopefully a hundred moons never get launched at earth but i think that's gonna do it we've messed around with literally every single tool that you have in this game and uh they all accomplished what they set out to do which is just destruction but that's the beauty of video games all you gotta do is press a button and everything's back to normal so there's wonderful earth and it's it's great i can't resist i'm gonna launch another moon at it but hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode if you did be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching and i'll see you guys next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,692,301
Rating: 4.8917232 out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, universe sandbox, solar system, ways the world could end, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, black holes, solar smash gameplay, solar smash android, solar smash ios, keyin, kindly keyin, black hole on earth, black hole vs earth, simulation games, what happens if, simulation games 2020, simulation games for android, simulation games for iphone, solar smash black hole, solar smash all weapons, solar smash biggest explosion, solar system video
Id: TL3fO2gU5ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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