Every Day AMONG US IMPOSTOR Life... (it's so sad...)

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today we learned that even imposters in among us have feelings let's watch and possibly cry [Music] hello everybody i am kindly kid and welcome back to yet another among us animation by horns trump we're actually watching two different animations today this one is just the everyday life and another among us dude and he's green and he has a blue one-eyed dog and he's super helpful he's like helping everybody let's actually go back to the very beginning and uh just watch green guy with his one-eyed blue dog doing it their thing he's getting med scan he's he's blowing up asteroids doing that sweet stuff he's gonna help out purple with the really confusing like simon says puzzle that i actually hate also scanning id cards one of the most difficult tasks in among us here here i'll do it first try dude green what a guy oh that's scary that's scary yeah that's that's got to be an imposter looking a little sauce no high fives you know if they don't high five back extremely suss [Music] [Laughter] what are you gonna do green this is this is always an awkward situation [Music] he turned him into a little meat man the bone sticking out everything was so wonderful and became so terrible so quickly and that leaves little one-eyed blue dog all by himself no oh it's so sad why why horns trump why do you have to pull at the heartstrings these little among us people and their pets okay okay he's he's gotta he's gotta avenge his his green among us buddy what are you doing no no you can't stop it dab what really he's so sad oh no you still gotta finish your tasks green or maybe he's already done because he was so good at his tasks they're reunited everybody's happy oh but can they can they convince look at black trying to try to put blame on banana head over there not cool man not cool we know who did it oh oh the dog it was his final message okay so let's go back here i need to i need to analyze everything that happened so so obviously green gets turned into you know a half of an among us jelly bean and then uh the the little blue what a dog wants to get revenge and then the imposter takes him out it's awful but so i think what we see here is that that was the giveaway right like black was trying to you know point put blame on all the other guys as you do as the imposter but the little blue dog left a message if you will it was like his final words to make see see purple was like that wasn't there before they figured it out and they they survived because of because of little blue one-eyed dogs sacrifice truly adorable and also sad why why well i gotta say that was adorable a little sad but at least we had a happy ending green and little blue one-eyed dog alien are reunited and and happy once again and the imposter got launched out of the ship i like this part where uh we're purple high five yeah we did it i love how helpful green is what a good dude he also wears his dog on his head can you do that in the game i don't know if you can wear one-eyed dogs on your head but it's probably not all that important but up to this point we've only seen animations that feature the different crewmates who are not imposters finding themselves very difficult and sad situations however what if we turn things around and follow an imposter what's the everyday life of an imposter who doesn't necessarily want to be an imposter that is precisely the issue that this animation will address so as you can see our little crown friend is the imposter but it seems like he doesn't necessarily want to be the imposter which i can empathize with because let's be honest being the imposter is extremely stressful it gives me a lot of anxiety i can relate to this dude he's got his friends he's friends with orange crewmate and an orange mini crewmate that's adorable that's adorable maybe maybe there's a little romance going on there look at that she was blushing he was blushing oh i like that oh no the other imposter he's got like a scar on his eye he's been he's seen some stuff he's seen some stuff for sure blue is stuck on the id scan and crowned impostor does not want to do it no no no those are my friends what a difficult situation oh but you gotta do what you gotta do i mean you gotta have if you're the imposter there's only one way out of this situation and you know how this ends oh no hey orange it's me just not imposter crown guy oh no okay he has the infinity gauntlet just vaporized yellow that's a little intense but you know if you got you gotta do what you gotta do he's gotta live that imposter life he doesn't want to though he doesn't look like the conflict here it's too much oh they've got this adorable little romance no little orange crewmate jellybean whatever you are they know because he can't do the body scan [Music] they figured it out and now she's running away from from him oh it's so sad poor imposter man who doesn't want to be impostor and now he's gonna get thrown out of the ship wait wait no little orange jelly bean person they believe in me the truth is he did kill a few people though we watched him snap someone out of existence at least there's no evidence though just a little dust the innocence of little orange jelly bean people are they buying it please buy it i think okay they're disgusting yay we're all friends that's awesome oh oh no who put those there didn't exactly think that one through okay oh but the with the evil scarred imposter why isn't anybody noticing the dude with the scar on his eye he looks evil it's a dead giveaway you always know the bad guy is the guy who has a scar on his eye basically science no no that's right so like if if he leaves the other imposter is just gonna have free reign of the ship take everybody out oh he's gonna protect them he's fighting to protect the orange jelly bean people this is intense two impostors battling oh my goodness okay impostor imposter fight protect her protect your girlfriend it's adorable no oh gosh i hate that get him out of there get rid of that evil imposter everybody knows now he's got the big old scar in his eye someone hit the emergency button have a meeting launch him out it's easy there's an easy solution to this oh red red protected orange sacrificed himself this is the most intense animation up to this point no oh sad music he's gonna sacrifice himself to protect his friends the ultimate imposter sacrifice take them both out in one go no no it's so sad but also they lived so you can't be too sad did they float by are they gonna they didn't float by they were definitely the imposters we need a confirmation message i guess imposters can live out in space though so you know we can take heart with that oh the little mini orange person took his crown they've donned the crown in remembrance of his impostor sacrifice the story that was told in this animation was so good the ups and the downs it's a rollercoaster ride of emotions and i loved every second of it and in the end we learned a valuable lesson even imposters have feelings just like other jellybean people basically what it boils down to is imposters are jelly bean people too either way i gotta say horse drop continues to outdo himself awesome awesome animations i look forward to seeing what he comes up with next keeps tugging at my heartstrings though he's got a knack for that you guys should definitely check out his channel there will be links in the description down below but that is going to do it for this episode i hope that you guys enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and as always thanks for watching see you guys next time it's just vaporize just infinity gauntlet
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,489,711
Rating: 4.8904762 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us gameplay, among us funny, among us impostor, among us funny moments, among us best imposter, among us imposter, among us guide, among us with friends, among us impostor gameplay, among us game, among us part 1, keyin, kindly keyin, among us animation, among us meme, among us animation meme, among us animation compilation, among us pet, among us story, hornstromp, everyday among us life
Id: orX3WfyUPLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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