I See My Sword | Manny Arango | 09/27/20 6PM

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] get down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] um [Music] hey my name is eric and i was invited my name is edwin and i was invited hey i'm angie and i was invited my name is jaime and i was invited hi my name is carla and i was invited hi my name is yo and i was invited hi my name is kailyn and i was invited hey what's up my name is christian and i was invited my name is paola and i was invited my name is eric and i was invited hi my name is annette and i was invited my name is erica and i was invited hey my name is kevin and i was invited my name is selena and i was invited hi my name is shanti and i was invited my name is valentina and i was invited my name is david and i was invited hi my name is crystal and i was invited my name is sarah and i was invited my name is josh and i was invited hi my name is diana and i was invited have you ever wondered how church happens every single week can i just tell you it's not because of the talent of just a few people as a matter of fact it's because of the dedication of a team [Music] my name is ruth and i serve on our hospitality team the first impression here at brave church to ensure that everyone has a great experience from the parking lot to their seat hi my name is yesenia and i serve on the cafe team brewing up all your coffee and the goodies that we all know and love as you know people need their coffee hey my name is eric and i serve on the broadcast team where we help spread the message hope and love of jesus to homes all around the world hey my name is selena and i serve on the production team we may be behind the scenes but we make sure that you see hear and engage with every single part of our experience hey my name is eric and i serve here on the film team we like to share what god is doing in people's lives and what god is doing through brave church hi everyone my name is asia and i serve on brave worship every sunday we get to worship together and experience the presence of god as we do it my name is laura i serve on the brave kids team we get to shape and impact the lives of our future leaders and world changers my name is mia and i serve in the online connections team i help pray engage and connect with our online campus through the live chat as you can see church doesn't just happen as a matter of fact it's prayed up it's thought out and there are so many people working so diligently every single sunday to serve our community here in miami the bible says that jesus didn't come to be served but he came to serve so we want to ask you join a team today and help us lead people to love people [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] those you guys are sitting down come on stand up on your feet and join us in worship you don't know the lyrics you can catch them back here come on sing with us breaking off every chain and the fear that helped me i refuse to agree with the lies they told me i take on my position sweet to all my conditions [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] i'm stepping up to become everything speak [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on prophesy is yes [Music] is come [Music] full of your power i step out come on how many of you are gonna step back i prophesy come on the power of life of death is in your mouth you gotta declare the victory over your life you don't pray for victory you pray from victory i'm going to believe that let's go ah messiah hallelujah hallelujah yeah come on brave church y'all came ready to worship and praise today come on why don't you give your neighbor a fist bump enjoy the rest of your service what is up brave church welcome to the 6 p.m fire service who's excited to be here hey we want you to know that you belong here and if it's your first time um we want to give you a free gift card you can text brave vip to the number 97 000. we want to get you connected we want to know your name so we also want to welcome our online campaigns for our online campus welcome what do we go what do we got going on this week yes so this week is super special week we are actually launching our fall season of dinner parties dinner party if you've ever been around brave church you know dinner parties are what we are all about okay it's a way that we make this big church feel small feel connected feel like family and so there are dinner parties that meet literally all over the city and we even have some that are still meeting online so if you guys want to learn more about that stop at the dinner party booth get connected this week to one or you can go to brave.guide and find all the other dinner parties i promise there is a perfect one for you to be connected to this season yeah dinner parties are awesome hey this week on wednesday at 7 p.m we have our midweek service we call it the collective it's for our leaders it's for you guys yeah you guys want to take your leadership to the next level we want to see you there yeah it's going to be great and you're just going to grow yes it's the extra push that you need during the week who's been to the collective before yes it's so good we'd love to see you guys out this wednesday at seven and then also next sunday say next sunday next sunday we are starting a new season a brave life brave life is our 10-week discipleship program it's here what we do to say you know what take your life to another level there's no better way to explain it i've been through it eric's been through it it's just changed our lives and so if you guys are ready and you're saying hey god i'm ready for more this season who's ready for more of jesus this season right you need to jump into brave life get involved okay it's in person and we even have some groups that are going to meet online for you guys and so it's completely free too so you guys can sign up in the lobby or you can sign up at brave doc guide and get connected we love you guys we hope you enjoy the rest of the service check out this dinner party promo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] starting up this week man they're gonna be incredible and uh i saw a bunch of you just now i was just looking out here and i just saw all of you with the music you're just like so every one of you that was bobbing your head to that music you need to sign up for dinner party because it's going to be incredible um if you didn't see in the video it's how we do life together it's how we make a big church feel small and you just want to be a part of one and here's a great thing if you go to a dinner party you absolutely hate it we have like dozens that you can be a part of so just go to like another one until you end up in one that you like but it's gonna be amazing make sure you do that we also have brave lives starting next week like the team just said it's gonna be amazing you don't want to miss any part of what's going on here at brave church and hey i just want to say welcome to everyone who's joining us for the first time i know we already did this can we make some noise for everyone who's who's joining us here and also online man i love that we are not just a local church but we have a global vision and man i love that we have hundreds of people all across the world and that we're reaching families reaching homes and man it is just amazing and it's honestly because of your generosity that we're able to do this and and we want to give you an opportunity tonight to to continue to be a part of what god is doing through brave church again not just here locally but around the world globally and it's incredible man because we get to hear stories each and every week of people's lives that are changing and man that's honestly because of your generosity so i just want to say thank you and i just want to just congratulate you man because you get to be a part of that because of the people whose lives are being changed that's not that's not from me that's not from anyone who up here on stage that's because of you so man i just want to say thank you for your generosity thank you for continuing to give and and i want to share with you a verse that's found in second corinthians chapter nine verse seven this is what it says you must each decide in your heart how much to give and don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure for god loves a person who gives cheerfully amen i love this verse because here at brave church we never say that you should give under pressure we actually say don't give under pressure because we want you to to give with a cheerful heart i don't know if you've ever had this experience but maybe you've you've gone somewhere you you've had to like volunteer at a non-profit or something like that and and you just felt like you had to do it come on anyone ever felt like that obligation we're like man i guess i have to do this kind of thing right but it's so much different when you go and you approach something not just with giving of your finances but when you give of your time and you go and you're like man i don't just have to do this but i get to do this man when you live with a mindset that you get to give and not that you have to give man your life is completely changed i promise you if you are wanting joy if you're wanting peace in your life man give with a cheerful heart in everything you do this is not just a financial principle this is a life principle this is something that god wants us to all experience because as you give cheerfully man god will give back to you joy and peace and blessing like you can never imagine so if you want to give tonight you can do in one of three ways you can text any amount to 84321 you can also give online at www.brave.guide or if you'd like you can also give with the offering envelopes in the back of the room but would you pray with me tonight as we prepare our gifts for the offering god i thank you so much for each and every person in the room tonight god i thank you for each every person who's watching online right now god we just thank you that we have an opportunity to give and god we just thank you that that we don't just give to a church but we give through a church and as we give god as we give cheerfully we know that we are reaching people god that we could never reach on our own so god we thank you so much for what you're doing and we know that that what your word says god that as we give you are going to give back to us shaken down pressed together and overflowing and god we just thank you for always providing for us always being faithful to your word and we love you in jesus name we pray amen hey as you know we're a church that has a lot going on so we want to give you a little bit more information about brave life and the collective happening this wednesday so go and check this out [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] brave church and this morning i want to invite you to worship with us stand on your feet we serve the god of the impossible and because the god of the impossible is inside of us everything we declare we have authority to declare things [Music] come on sing this with us i've tried so hard to see it took me so long to believe it then you take someone like me to carry your victory perfection could never earn [Music] you take the broken things and raise them to glory you were my champion [Music] giants for when used and undefeated battle you've won i am who you say i am you crown me with confidence i am seen in the heavenly place undefeated by the one who has conquered it all now i can finally see it you're teaching me how to receive it so let all the surviving sea lord this is my victory you are my champion giants for when i am who you say i am [Music] [Music] all [Music] lift up your voice [Music] every war comes crashing down i have the authority [Music] jesus has given me [Applause] jesus [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in is good [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on church it doesn't matter if you sing you don't have to be a singer for a worship to just pour out of you you don't have to be a singer for worship to come out of you come on just tap into what's inside of you your worship changes your atmosphere your worship changes your situation your worship changes your circumstance come on i'm gonna believe that let me hear it out come on yeah and there's nothing else to prove god there's nothing else to prove cause he did it for you he did it for you [Music] step into that daughtership come on step into that victory come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] crashing down jesus has given me when i open up jesus has [Music] the [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music] miracles jesus has given me come on you have to declare yourself yeah come on hallelujah hallelujah come on lift up your hands [Music] you're my champion come on secured my champion when i lift my voice and shout mi recalls start breaking out i have the authority [Music] jesus has given me when i opened my mouth miracles start breaking out yes you do jesus has given me [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship you god we worship you jesus [Music] hallelujah church there's power when we step into unity with the way that god has intended our lives to be unified with him and what do i mean by that i mean it says in his word that the same power that lived in jesus the same power that rose him from the dead it's the same power that lives inside of each and every single one of us and so when we were singing this song i was just thinking about how it says that every wall comes crashing down it says that i have authority i have the power to see things happen as if they should not be happening as if they couldn't be happening in the physical realm but i have the ability i have the authority i have the power of jesus inside me to open my mouth and to speak out god things into existence to speak out god things into this world into our nation and so guys i was sitting here and i was thinking i was like man how cool would it be to be in the times where we see jesus split a red sea where we see dead people come back to life we see all of these things here's the deal guys god's power is not dead there's a problem with the church coming into unity with the power of jesus christ he's saying hey if my church would just accept the fact that they have authority to move in the power of god if they would accept the fact that they have the faith to believe and to see miracles and wonders in the outpouring of my glory and they would step into it man i wonder what would happen i wonder what change would come i wonder what miracles were for us i wonder what in a nation that needs jesus [Music] so we need to sing it again and you need to start believing i need to start believing i have authority to see the power of god move let's sing it let's sing it [Music] jesus when i live my voice [Music] yeah jesus has given [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus has [Music] authority [Music] hallelujah [Music] amen amen thank you jesus wow well today it has been an incredible day i hope that you feel that power shift in the room right like jesus is here he is ready to do something great in your life and before you guys take a seat if you guys tuned in for brave conference you had the opportunity to hear from one of the most incredible communicators of our time his name is pastor manny orango he is amazing and he has been with us all day and he is back tonight to deliver a word to you guys one of the things i love so much about pastor manny is he's probably one of the smartest communicators that i know okay and here's what i love about him is that he gets a direct download from god and then he says hey god how do i deliver this to your people and every single time he speaks i know that our team has witnessed say you felt it but he takes something that might seem so high and he brings it to a level where we can understand and we can achieve and we can attain the words of god's mouth in our hearts and so tonight i know today is going to be nothing short of amazing and so right now would you join me in welcoming pastor manny orango to the stage again any worshipers in the room come on god you're worthy god there's nobody like you god if i had 10 000 tongues i wouldn't be able to praise you for all your goodness towards me god i don't deserve your grace god but you've been so good to me god is there anybody who's like god i have no i don't know why you've been this good to me god i don't deserve anything you've done for me i don't deserve it but you've just been so good to me [Music] ma'am i love this church like i love this church the reason i love this church is because this is a worshipping church and and see what you don't you may not understand about worship is that worship unlocks miracles worship unlocks the power and the presence of god like worship i remember there's one time uh uh paul is locked up in prison okay and paul is locked up and he has been flogged he's been beaten and he says to his his his road dog my man's name is silas okay i can't wait to meet silas in heaven okay and paul says to silas hey man it says the bible says at about midnight they've been beaten they've now been flogged they're in prison and paul says to silas man i think we should worship can you be can you believe like can you imagine being silas for a moment silas did nothing it was paul the one that was preaching got them locked up if i was silenced i'd be like bro you lucky i ain't put you in the face okay like what do you mean can we sing whoo there's a word and then the bible says that they began to worship and if the bible only said that their prison doors flew open i'd run around the church but that's not what the bible says the bible says that when they worshipped in their cell that every door in the whole prison began to fly open the reason that you need to worship in the back is because there may be somebody over here who you're worshiping for their breakthrough the reason you need to praise him right here in the middle it's because there's somebody on this side who the devil's been beating them up all week and they don't have the power to praise but when we shift the atmosphere it rains on everybody can we shift the atmosphere of this room devil we rebuke you right now and we declare holy ghost have your way have your way do what only you can do we take divine authority over the atmosphere we take divine authority over the atmosphere this is a doubt-free zone free zone come on a depression free zone we take divine authority over this atmosphere and you are not here by mistake if you don't have the faith or the courage or the strength maybe you've been through a hard week and you just don't even have what it takes to lift your hands guess what there's somebody worshiping for you over here there's somebody oh baby your prison door is gonna fly open today because you walked into a church you didn't just walk into a nice gathering but you walked into god's church there's an intercession team that's been praying for you there's a whole worship team that has been thinking about you you're not here by mistake so god i pray for every single person right now whatever they walked in needing tonight god we know that worship teams can disappoint guest preachers can disappoint but you never disappoint you never disappoint so god we just have one question would you do what only you could do god would you do what our uncle can't do and what our husbands can't would you do what no human can do would you do what only you could do tonight would you heal marriages god would you set people free would you break the power of addiction god would you take the taste of worldly things out of our mouth god would we walk in one way and leave transformed god we want to leave your presence like moses with his face glowing we want to leave your presence and have a tangible evidence knowing that we met with the god of the universe god would you do what only you can do please god what good is it if we've got lights in we've got a dope led screen god but we don't have your presence god we need you we need your presence we need your presence god i can't preach without you people can't hear sermons without you so god do what only you can do we leave the service into your hands in jesus name we pray oh come on are we all set together amen come on amen amen amen i feel the holy ghost amen amen amen you can grab your seat if you want to you don't have to though i always let people know you can't stand up while i'm preaching it's okay uh and if at any point during the sermon if you want to stand up boo boo you can okay was there anybody here from the 10 o'clock service or the 12 o'clock service come on double dipping today let's go i'm so grateful that i get to hang out with you guys today man it's been a powerful day it's been an incredible sunday i should have got to amen right there okay come on it's been a good day right it's been a good day and uh i ain't tired yet okay so i got more left in the tank y'all ready for the word are you ready for the word good i i promise you i had a completely different sermon for tonight and man i am so i'm so glad uh that i get to preach like a whole new sermon for you guys man well i know pastor david wanted to be here i know he had planned on being here but then i heard his flight got delayed and then he got overbooked and man i really wanted to hang out with pd but it's okay come on can we honor him in his absence come on can we honor pastor david and he's become a fast friend of mine and there are certain churches that i go to and speak at i spoke at about 70 different churches last year and so some churches you know you're in you're out and it's just kind of transactional you know like they booked you on your website and you showed up and you just you know you preach you know but then there are certain churches that you go to and you feel a covenant connection you know you kind of feel like you're family all right so like if you were here for a conference that was guest manny this is like pastor manny okay like this is uncle manny all right like like we family y'all stuck with me at this point okay uh i'm super super honored super excited to be here the last time i was here i had just written a book but i i thought it was only going to be online and so i didn't bring any physical copies of that book but i have brought the book uh at the 10 and the 12 o'clock services i preached chapter 6 and 7 of the book it's funny because you know we go into this global pandemic and i remember walking into like a cvs or a walgreens in the time uh time magazine the cover of time magazine said the age of anxiety the age of anxiety that that secular society is defining this moment in history this generation as a generation that is defined by anxiety but how many people know the devil is a liar okay the devil is a liar i need some more amens right the devil is a liar okay and it's it's tempting to just accept the report of the enemy that to just accept oh well i'm anxious and sometimes when you live with something long enough it becomes your normal hello anybody ever drive a hooptie come on and you're like well you got to wiggle the steering wheel and you know you know somebody got a hooptie when they got instructions for how to turn their car on like that's a hooptie you know and if you drive a hooptie long enough when you get into a normal car you don't even halfway know how to act you know what i'm saying you're just like wait i just got a push to start oh my god you know like and and here's what can happen if if you'd live with anxiety long enough oh my god peace don't even feel normal to you anymore you can begin to accept anxiety and accept it as your normal but come on we're declaring anxiety is not normal come on god said i have an abundant life for you and anxiety does not fit the description of abundant living so i remember when i was a youth pastor i used to tell teenagers all the time hey when if you're struggling with anxiety god's plan for you is a plan of peace and i actually had a repent from that is anybody like me they thought to themselves the opposite of anxiety is peace anybody anybody ever thought that okay i have the lord checked me um because the opposite of anxiety is not peace okay the opposite of anxiety is actually order you're probably looking at me like what here we go genesis chapter 1 the bible says this that in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth right in that verse that's called creation it happened boom done but then it says that the earth was formless and void other translations say empty and barren in hebrew what it means is it was chaotic there's nothing that could come from it there's nothing that that god could do with it and here we go the work of creation was done in verse one in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but then what did god do with this world that was formless and void he brought order to it which is why it says this he separated the waters from the waters he separated the light from the day he separated time what did he do he brought organization he brought order he began to bring divine order to what was chaotic do you know what you need if you struggle with anxiety you don't need god's peace the reason i know you don't need god's peace is because i've done countless altar calls and we've given people peace but then you go back to a disorderly home and you lose the peace because you don't need peace you need order when you get god's order in your life you can hold peace as a permanent solution when you get god's order you can actually sustain peace so what do i mean by order order order come on let's be real sex comes after marriage uh-oh that's god's order sex after marriage but guess what boo-boo a lot of us not y'all not y'all my people in north carolina they a lot of them they put sets before marriage and now you're anxious like is he gonna text me back you anxious like is he gonna propose you anxious like oh my god see see the moment you do things out of order you make yourself vulnerable to the attack of the enemy which is anxiety the enemy can always attack you with anxiety when your life is out of order and so a lot of times we're praying for peace but god can't give us peace because we don't have his order in our life can i go a little bit deeper with this can i go a little bit deeper uh one of the things that i shared with somebody that came to the table um to grab a book in in the second service is i shared with them that for two years i had what what's called flight induced anxiety flight induced anxiety now that's unfortunate because i flew 70 times last year to get anxious when you're in the air is really bad when you spend a lot of your life in the air i would get the check-in notification anybody come on you get a check-in notification 24 hours before your flight the moment i got the check-in notification i would feel it in my stomach i'd feel anxious and i remember praying to the lord i remember being at the gate about to get on a flight and i mean i thought i was so spiritual i rebuked turbulence in the name of jesus god i command angels to hold up the plane in jesus name before i boarded the plane i used to lay hands on the plane i'm just being super super spiritual and i remember turbulence started come on i'm on the flight like oh my god and so i'm scared and so what do i do i start praying and in the middle of my prayer you won't know what the holy spirit said shut up i kid you not the hoes feels like hey hey shut your mouth because i don't need you praying while you're scared oh jesus my response was well dang god that's like the only time i pray no come on don't act like i'm the only one some of y'all the only time you praise when you're scared okay god if you get me out of this one i'll never do it again two weeks later boyfriend sends a text no no okay not y'all north carolina i remember i'm praying i'm praying and praying and the lord said shut your mouth here we go he said because every time you pray while you're scared the enemy is listening to you and now the enemy knows how to attack you because of what you said when you were scared so i said lord then how what am i supposed to do i thought praying was better than doing nothing and the lord said i already gave you a solution in the word what does first corinthians chapter 14 say and i said lord first corinthians chapter 14 is all about speaking in tongues and the lord said exactly i've given you a secret language to use with me so that the devil never knows what you're scared about the next time you're nervous the next time you're nervous i've already given you a way to communicate with me so that the devil don't know what you're talking about oh if you've been believing for a prayer language can you lift up your hands right now god i ask that the wind of god would blow through this room that lord god that our prayer lives would go to the next level as your holy spirit begins to intercede on our behalf god we thank you in the name of jesus come on can we give god a shot of praise in this room [Applause] i remember from that that point on it changed my prayer life instantly i don't need to let the devil know all the things i'm scared about so if i'm scared i use my prayer language we should be speaking in tongues more privately than publicly it's a prayer language you know why it's necessary because we don't know how to pray perfect prayers when i pray it's full of my selfish needs and my selfish desires come on let's be real i'm praying i'm just venting to god you know what i'm saying but but the holy spirit knows exactly what i should be praying for the holy spirit knows exactly what i need he knows what i need better than i know what i need and so actually when i get into my prayer closet i should be communicating with the lord in a coded language so that the enemy doesn't know what i'm going through can i get an amen i think that that was chapter 14 or 15 of the book anyway i'll be signing books at the end the name of the book is calm and the chaos common the chaos because god taught me through flight anxiety that he wasn't going to take away the turbulence he wanted me to learn how to live in turbulence because a lot of us were waiting to become calm when the chaos is over but the chaos does not need to be over for you to become jesus could sleep through a storm boo boo and if jesus can sleep through a storm then you can have peace while all hell is breaking loose around you you can have peace so the name of the book is not calm after the chaos ah the name of the book is calm in the chaos in the middle of chaos god wants you to be anchored tethered okay let's get into the word you ready for the word i always feel like that ministers to people because come on we're not living in the age of anxiety but there are christians who are struggling with anxiety and we need to have a god-given solution for anxiety can i get an amen right you don't need to be ashamed of the fact that you're struggling with anxiety and you don't need to accept it like it's normal we need to agree we believe in the abundant life of god come on we rebuke anxiety we admit it we confess it and then we confess god's reality over our life come on we believe in victory come on all right i got a word for you if you're taking notes i know i'm a tough preacher to take notes from but if you want to take notes okay the title of this message is i see my sword i see my sword i want us to say that as a prophetic declaration can you repeat after me i see my sword oh come on i need you to say that like you like you believe it like you've got some power i see my sword i i want you to walk out of here tonight the next time you see uh obstacles the next time you see giants the next time you see something that makes you scared i want you to remember that phrase i see my sword i see my sword we're gonna go to first samuel chapter 13. first samuel chapter 13 is my first passive scripture come on i don't even got my ipad tonight i don't have my ipad i'm an ap honors christian okay i got my whole bible leather and paper anybody else got a physical bible in the house of god come on uh you can open your bible or turn it on if you got a phone go ahead turn that on uh first samuel chapter 13 okay and we're gonna start reading in verse 19. i like to do call and response okay so if i stop reading at any particular word that means it's your turn to fill in the blank where i stopped reading first samuel chapter 13 we're gonna start reading in verse first samuel chapter 13 we're going to start reading in verse 19. it says this not a not a coul could be found in the whole land of not now the bible tells us why so you have to paint this picture uh there's no no blacksmiths okay no blacksmiths um in the whole land of israel but then the bible lets us know why there are no blacksmiths okay and the bible says uh because the okay so every time you see the word philistines in the bible you just need to think the enemy okay philistines egyptians assyrians babylonians all of those are fancy words for the enemy okay satan manifests his attacks physically through these characters known as the the philistines the egyptians the the what what dave is going to call the uncircumcised philistine that's like a bible cuss word you know i'm saying you uncircumcised philistine okay here we go the philistines the philistines had said otherwise the will make or okay okay let me give you context let me give you context the philistines have taken over the land of israel so the israelites are now being oppressed and suppressed by the philistines so the philistines have taken over the philistines are dominating and and i want you to know this that the philistines know that if they leave blacksmiths in the land of israel that the israelites will create weapons to fight against the philistines so the philistines are like ah we don't even trust you with swords we don't trust you with spears and we're gonna take away all the blacksmiths because we don't want you to rebel and overthrow us here we go the enemy doesn't just want to defeat you he wants to disarm you okay here we go here we go we go go to work the enemy's goal is not simply to defeat you but he wants to dis arm you i need you to get this in your spirit the devil is not happy to simply duh he wants to dis so it's not enough for him to defeat you with pornography he also wants to disarm you of every bible verse you've ever memorized it's not enough for him to just defeat you with whatever he's done no no he wants you to get so embarrassed so full of shame that you forget how to worship that you forget how to praise that you forget how to pray that you forget how to fight him back baby i understand if you've been defeated but even when you're defeated you're not disarmed you have a weapon you've got a weapon actually you got 66 weapons genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy don't play with me tonight you have weapons paul says our weapons of warfare are not of this world but they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds how many people know you've got spiritual weapons speaking in tongues that's a spiritual weapon knowing how to worship that's a spiritual weapon lifting up holy hands that's a spiritual weapon getting an intercessor who can pray with you that's a spiritual weapon and the enemy is not content simply to defeat you his job is not accomplished just because he defeated you which should make you encouraged because you're like okay okay okay you may have defeated our family you may have defeated there may be generational curses present in our family and you know what i know my father didn't do that and my grandfather didn't do that and you know what i feel defeated but guess what it does not matter how you feel you may feel defeated but when you feel defeated that is the time to arm your self with every spiritual weapon that we give you in this house because the enemy doesn't just want to duh you he wants to dis that's why we worship for so long in this room 30 minutes of singing why because boo boo this is just practice hashtag allen iverson this is practice you taught my practice and you practice guess when the game starts the game starts when you get an anxiety attack on tuesday and you need to say i have the authority that he has given me this is just practice all we're doing in here boo-boo is running scrimmages that's all we're doing in here we're just running laps that's all we're doing we're just practicing why because when you're in your car that's when you need to go uh-uh all by myself i got two vocal chords so that means we're two or three coming to agreement there he is in the midst baby i never by myself god can you can you deliver me god i need you to show up in your cubicle as your job when your kids are going crazy you start to put into play the things you learned in practice i just say to my teenagers wait wait wait wait wait wait you saying it's hard to worship in here and here we got the words on the screens it's hard to worship in here the light is dim it's the perfect environment you it's hard to worship in here there's a whole worship leader with instruments it's hard to worship in here no no no it's easy to worship in here it's hard to worship at your house it's hard to worship at your job it's hard to work it's hard to worship when you ain't got no instruments and no lights hello and you ain't got no no no mood other people create a whole atmosphere so that you can come in here and you got the audacity to stand there during the worship set oh this is nice man this is nice what wait wait whoa whoa if that's how you worship in here i want the devil must be running all up through your life when you leave here the if if you can't worship and practice oh my god take your time i got it i heard it take your time all right there we go that's what i like to hear here we go the devil does not just want to defeat you he wants to disarm you make no mistake about it he wants to disarm you this is why uh oh can i talk to all the millennials in the room can i talk to the millennials i'm gonna step on your toes you're not gonna like me but it's real we've gotten such in a habit of using our thumbs for everything we forgot to use our tongue the power of life and death is not in your thumb booboo the power of life and death is behind that mask okay the power of life and death is in your mouth the power of life and death is in what you say so you're gonna have to get comfortable talking declaring confessing rebuking the enemy like at some point you're gonna have to get comfortable looking at yourself in the mirror and saying i'm blessed i i am blessed today is gonna be a good day okay i choose joy today i choose peace today you're gonna have to get comfortable okay i was a youth pastor i was a youth pastor the thing that would irk me more than anything the thing that would bother me more than anything is kids that were more comfortable using emojis than emotions i'm in your bag i'm i'm in your house i'd be like are you excited for youth group tonight through text omg pastor manny i'm so excited all caps 15 emojis and a gift two hours later i see the same teenager hey are you excited pastor meeting why are you so loud what you just texted me in all caps so you're telling me your thumbs work but not your tongue what kind of devil you are you joking victory is not in your thumb victory is in your tongue victory is in what you say the devil don't flee because you text somebody no no no no the devil flees when you put words to how you feel we got a bunch of teenagers can can get a girlfriend with no never talking to him texting people will you be my girl got mad courage sitting alone in your room texting people wait wait wait wait wait you you are literally at a dinner with other human beings on your phone okay i won't i'm gonna stop i'm stop i'mma stop i'ma stop i'm stopped i'ma stop [Music] if we cannot see that it is the scheme of the enemy to disarm a whole generation we're blind if we cannot see if and for all the parents in the room please the whole time i was a youth pastor i told every parent at our church if you do not have a check in time for their phone then you are not parenting them well you let them sleep with that thing you're telling me that they can stay connected to the world wide web at midnight you trust a 15 year old you're telling me you trust a 15 year old and what the what pictures they're sending and who they're facetiming you trus you trust are you serious no no no no no no check in time is 9 p.m boo boo don't nothing happen healthy when the double digits hit okay 9 p.m we all put the phones in the kitchen you don't sleep with that thing buy an alarm clock well that's how i wake up no no no no people been waking up for thousands of years without a cell phone get out of here with that i'm helping you i'm helping every parent i'm helping every parent and guess what guess what if your teenager is listening you don't even got to be the bad guy blame it on me you heard past humanity today give me your phone it's not a clock if your right hand calls you to sin cut it off your eye caused you to sin pluck it out why because you you'd rather enter into heaven with a member gone than to go into hell with all of your members guess what the modern day equivalent is to your right hand in your eye a cell phone booboo this is the first generation where teenage pregnancy rates are dropped but pornography rates are up first generation because we let them have their phones all day long is dysfunctional am i helping anybody and we're training them to think i don't have to talk i don't have to express how i feel i don't have to use my tongue and it is the trick of the enemy to what this them to disarm them they feel socially awkward in all social scenarios what how do you feel socially awkward and you're a warrior how wait wait wait let me so so how are we going to put a weapon in your hand you can't eat you can't even evangelize you can't witness you can't you can't confess the enemy has literally cut your tongue out of your mouth and just omg it's not just gen z as millennials too here we go can we keep going verse 17 chapter 17 because i gave us the background in first time in chapter 13 that the philistines have created a scenario where the israelites have no swords no spears no weapons and no blacksmiths okay this is why we need to honor our pastors you know what pd is a blacksmith a blacksmith that's what happens in church uh oh but a blacksmith is useless if you don't bring your sword in here uh oh uh oh cause what a blacksmith does is sharpens your sword but if you don't got one you're just sitting there like oh that's nice okay okay i heard that amen amen amen and you can amen amen amen and then leave here and nothing happened in your life but if you start reading your word on monday and on tuesday and on wednesday on thursday on friday what happens is you go dang i've been using this so much my sword needs a blacksmith i need to take this sword to the house of god and have them sharpen this thing because oh my god i've been using this to fight the enemy my my blades getting dull but some of y'all you don't use this and the enemy wants to silence not only does the enemy want to disarm you but the enemy wants to take away all the blacksmiths this is why every time a scandal breaks out with a pastor i don't laugh i don't joke it's heartbreaking because the enemy scheme is to make it so that people cannot trust what happens from this stage man when when when not just christian but secular society there was a day where to be a man of god meant you were a man of god you lived a life that was holy why because you've got to trust me with your sword and we are living in a world where the enemies like these simple little things want to disarm us disarm us disarm us but we've got to be people that are like uh-uh every sunday i'm bringing my sword to the altar every sunday i'm gonna let the pastor or the preacher sharpen my sword no no i'm not just going there for a buffet that's not the only time i eat during the week i eat every day and what happens on sunday is that god confirms what i heard on tuesday i'm not going there and binging and then eating and they're not eating for the rest of the week no i've got to be on a healthy consistent diet of his word in my life because it's a weapon his word is a weapon worship is a weapon and the enemy wants to disarm me here we go we so we set the stage first samuel chapter 13. the reason we had to go to first standard chapter 13 is because a lot of times we preach text without context first samuel chapter 13 is the context for first samuel chapter 17. i want you to repeat this with me first samuel chapter is the context for first hammer chapter 17. here we go everybody in a mama know about first time in chapter 17. first first samuel chapter 17 is when david defeats goliath everybody come on you don't even got to be a christian to know david and goliath you know what i'm saying let's go to first samuel chapter 17 it says this so oh come on you weren't ready so triumphed over the with a and uh without a in his hand because remember the context the only people who have swords are the philistines and in israel there's only two people with a sword king saul and his son jonathan that's it nobody else had a sword because the philistines had dis armed them but it says this he triumphed with a sling and a stone can i go can we go here can we go here he used what he had to get what he needed okay let's keep reading let's keep reading without a sword he struck down the philistine and then verse 51 david ran and stood over him he took hold of the philistines and drew it from its sheath after he killed him he cut off his head with the when the philistines saw that their champion that goliath that their hero was dead they turned and ran oh i feel the holy ghost oh i feel the holy ghost here we go here we go here we go [Applause] david used what he had to get the weapon that he needed david used what he had to get the weapon that he needed you may not have money right now you may not have peace right now you may not have security right now but you know what you've got you've got a hallelujah right now so you better use what you have to get the weapon that you need oh can we release a shot of praise in this place oh worship worship is my weapon and i'll use what i have to get what i see in my imagination i see david full of faith and he's looking and he's whispering i see it i see it i see it i see it i see it i see it i see it and everybody else is like bro we see it too we see a giant who's about to kill you ain't got no armor king saul gave you his arm are you crazy bro and david's like you don't see what i see you don't see what i see you don't see what i see you don't see what i see you don't even see what i see because you're not called to the position i'm called to that's why you want to that's why you on the outskirts that's why you scared cause you're looking at the wrong thing i don't see a giant i see my sword i see you looking at a giant i'm looking at the next weapon that god wants to give me oh you're looking at the obstacle i'm looking at the opportunity you're looking at the difficulty i'm looking at the anointing that god is about to release in my life when i kill that thing you see a giant that's why you scared i see a sword that's why you're about to fight the reason i'm brave is kind of what i see oh i'm brave because my eyes have seen something that you haven't seen oh goliath made one mistake that day he should have left his sword in his tent but the moment he brought his sword out there david went i've been looking for one of those my whole life i've been looking for one of those i've been looking for one of those i heard that the philistines had swords i've been looking for one of those here we go here we go are you hearing anything from the holy ghost are you hearing anything from the holy ghost here we go let me help you you've been assuming that god is gonna amazon prime your sword to you [Music] ain't no swords on prime now boo-boo [Music] he not gonna christmas wrap it and put it under the tree for you no you know how god delivers swords with giants giants giants that's how he delivers swords with giants [Music] if you hate giants guess what you also hate swords you don't like problems then you don't like you then you definitely don't like solutions you don't like obstacles then you don't like opportunities you then you don't you just don't because they go together they go together when you get a new weapon it's because you got a new giant why do you need a new weapon if you don't have a new obstacle and every new obstacle comes built in with it a weapon that that giant has to give you i see i see come on my sword come on i see my sword i need somebody to lay hands on their eyes i see my sword i don't see the giant of anxiety the giant of anxiety is holding the sword of my peace the giant of depression is holding the sword of my joy the giant of infertility is holding the sword of my legacy the giant of generational curses is holding the sword that is going to unlock blessing for the generation after me and after me and after me i don't see giants i don't see giants i see my sword listen i need you to answer this question [Music] what swords have i missed out on [Music] because i didn't want to fight the giant that god placed in front of me on i need you to think about this remember that last time you was praying for a sword praying that god would give you that prayer language praying that god would make you an intercessor praying that god would begin to do some things in your life give you new weapons give you new faith give you a gift of encouragement give you new swords and every time you pray for a new weapon you know what shows up a giant and you're so fixated on the giant that you forget that that's how god delivers swords to people here we go here we go i'ma wrap this up come on i hear you i hear you i hear you the holy spirit's moving the holy spirit's moving i feel the holy spirit in the room feel the holy spirit in the room oh jesus here we go here we go here's what i love the reason i know that david wanted the sword is because this story is the last time he ever uses a slinging a stone it's not that david's preferred weapon was a sling in a stone because if his preferred weapon was a sling in a stone guess what everything after first same with chapter 17 we would see him continue to use a slinging of stone but guess what everything after first samuel chapter 17 guess what david's got in his hand he's got a sword and at every major battle he says to people go get goliath sword for me oh you go get that the giant remember the giant that i killed go get that sword because that sword oh god gave me that sword at a moment in time and that moment has locked in my mind the same god who defeated that giant is the same god that's going to defeat this giant the same god that was faithful then is the same god is going to be faithful now baby as a pastor as a preacher we can encourage you we can teach you but let me tell you something can't nobody fight for you can't nobody fight for you and whoo if david had borrowed saul's armor after the battle he would have had to give it back but david says no if i borrow it i have to give it back but i need a weapon that i can keep for the rest of my life because this ain't gonna be the only battle i'm ever gonna have to fight and whatever weapon i fight for is a weapon i get to keep i don't wanna keep borrowing prayer from you i need to learn how to use my own sword so when my pastor ain't around i can get a breakthrough for myself jesus so david he slays the giant he hurls the sling he uses a sling to hurl a stone at the giant's forehead now i don't know if anybody's been in science class but every law of science would say this and maybe you don't know this but the stone that david would have used scientists say it's the equivalent of a major league baseball player pitching a baseball at somebody's face 90 to 95 miles an hour [Music] when david hurls the stone at goliath laws of science say that he should have fallen backwards i'm not crazy right i mean that makes sense if something coming 90 miles an hour at your face hits you you should fall you should fall but the bible says that the stone hits goliath in the forehead and goliath falls face forward because anybody can make a giant fall only a worshiper can make a giant worship [Music] even mormons can get anxiety to go away [Music] even non-christians can get depression to go away that's not the point the point is that every knee would bow and then every tongue would confess that jesus christ is lord that's why i worship i worship because i want my giant to worship the king of kings and the lord of lords oh come on let's sing this out come on i have authority i've got the authority that jesus has given me [Music] [Music] how many worshipers we got in the place tonight come on giants are falling all over this [Music] place [Music] two things wanna do two things number one if you're in this room maybe you've been coming to this church for two three weeks maybe you're new here maybe a friend drug you along you had no idea that a crazy black man from north carolina was gonna be preaching tonight and you're not a christian you're not a christian you would not identify yourself as a christian but you were curious so you came tonight you you don't you don't consider jesus to be your personal lord and savior or maybe you used to be a christian but you you're in a backslidden state you're you're someone who was like i used to be a christian but man me and god aren't on good terms right now if that's you you can't see your sword until you see your christ you can't see you can't see the swords until you see jesus and jesus loves you he loves you he loves you with an undying love it doesn't matter what you've done there's no shame no guilt he loves you he died on a cross 2000 years ago in your place rose with all power in his hands resurrected from the dead to prove to you that there's no situation you can't resurrect from if you're in this place tonight and you're saying you know what a friend invited me i'm not a christian but i want tonight to be the first night of the rest of my life i want to be a new creation of christ with all heads bowed and our eyes closed as christians are praying around the room can i ask you a personal question do you want jesus to be your personal lord and savior if so can you lift up your hand right where you are keep your hand lifted come on i see your hand and i'm proud of you i see your hand and i'm proud of you i see your hand and i'm proud of you i see your hand and i'm proud of you i see your hand i see your hand i'm proud of you come on we'll wait for you i see your hand i see your hand i see your hand we'll wait for a second is there anybody else so anybody else just wave at me just wave at me just wave at me come on i'm so proud of you i'm so proud of you after i'm done someone's going to come up and give you next steps but i believe as soon as your hand went up your name was written in the land books of limbs book of life i believe as soon as you put your hand up your name got written in blood in the lamb's book of life here we go my second altar call second alta call it's for anybody who's been seeing giants instead of swords you've been seeing all the giants and you've been missing out on all the swords and tonight you're saying no i've got to become a worshiper because i don't just want this giant to fall i want this giant to be shamed in front of the name of jesus oh i want this giant to give glory to my god i need this giant to fall because god's honor is attached to this i need this giant to fall and i need that sword if that's you tonight you've been seeing giants but by faith you're about to start seeing swords who am i talking to wave at me wave at me wave at me wave at me wave at me wave at me god all over this room got all over this room i see people who have been attacked by giants they've been defeated they've been disarmed but god tonight we begin to give them their weapons back god the weapons of faith got the weapons of prayer the weapons of intercession god they're not going to borrow weapons anymore god we declare that their new weapons are on the way when they leave here they're not gonna see giants they're gonna see their sword come on we release faith we release faith we release faith all over this room come on can we worship can we use the weapon we got to get the weapon we need with all hands lifted all over this room brave church i love you i'll be in the back signing books until next time i'm praying for you come on let's worship the king of kings and the lord of lords [Music] authority jesus has given me when i opened my mouth miracle stop breaking out i have the authority jesus has given me church what an amazing word from pastor manny let's give it up for pastor manny wow breakthrough happened today breakthrough happened today so if you did raise your hand and accept jesus christ as your lord and savior can you please text brave vip to 9700 and we will give you your next steps also i just want to remind you guys that this week is dinner party week so sign up for dinner party you don't have to do life alone get in a dinner party and we also have on wednesday our collective night collective night is for leaders so if you're interested in becoming a leader or getting you know tweaking your leadership skills come on wednesday 7 p.m and lastly brave life that is next sunday it'll change your life sign up for it it's free brave church thank you for coming god bless you god be with you this week [Music] amen [Music] you
Channel: Brave Church
Views: 408
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: e6emri__xCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 59sec (5879 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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