I Secretly Exploited on a Youtuber SMP!

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this server has a custom crafting recipe that just breaks Minecraft with some gold diamonds and two strength potions you not only get a sharpness 10 diamond sword but also the power to ban any player that you kill but only one person can craft the crown so to make sure that the crown didn't fall into the wrong hands I knew that I had to do whatever it takes to craft the crown the wrong hands being any hands that aren't Mine by the way my first thought was to start hacking and x-ray to all the materials for the crown but after opening up the rules Channel I realized that the owner had specifically called me out as someone who shouldn't hack meaning that he'd be way too suspicious and would notice how I was using a client so instead I decided to use a variety of exploits to make sure that I would get the crown in secret and then ban every player off the server and before I even join the server the first exploit I'll be using is seed cracking you see if you have the seed to a Minecraft world you can literally Google where any structure is located and just go there and since I need blaze rods and Nether wart for the crown having the seed would give me a massive Advantage but I I can't just go up to the owner and ask him for the seat he knows that I could use it to find fortresses and just craft the crown so that's why I installed a mod called the seed cracker now they're a little complicated and I don't really understand how they work what I do know is that if you can find five structures in your Minecraft world you can use it to calculate the seed so I installed the seed cracker and joined the server which is then when I realized another massive problem you see the world border is only 1,000 by 1,000 meaning that there's not going to be five structures available for me to go to so I would somehow have to find a way to get outside of the world border and stay out there long enough to locate Five structures if I wanted to find the seed and the only way that I could think of to do this would be to use spectator mode because in spectator mode you don't have any health which means that if you fly outside of the Border you don't take any damage which brings me to my second exploit manipulation okay so ins spectator mode you literally can't do anything so if I as the server mode for spectator he he might not think anything's wrong so when the server opened I decided to get into VC with him to see if I can manipulate him into giving me spectator yellow uh can I get spectator mode for a second bro I'm not giving you spectator bro no no trust you can you can watch what I do I'm just I'm not even going to like x-ray or anything uh-huh yeah what do you what do you can I ask what you're going to do with it uh can I tell you after it'll be better for Content oh my God bro um no no I don't know I don't know no TR it's a good idea I don't think it's good would it take for me to get spectator mode really fast you I have to promise it's within the rules come on man uh let me reread the rules hold on you know let's actually take a look at the rules together rule one do what's best for Content I am about to try and ban every player from the server making it so people can't record but I am going to make a video so that's got to be a check subscribe please rule two no exploits hacks and other malicious stuff are prohibited I'm not really exploiting here I'm just kind of using unknown Minecraft mechanics that some players might consider unfair so that's got to be a check and the rest of the rules don't really matter yeah I think it's in the rules yeah you think I think so all right why are we in a circle right now we're circling up join the VC for my speech bro SP no years on it okay yeah I'll do that and with the owner telling me that he give me spectator I waited for the S&P to begin and when it started I joined a call with my teammates who kind of knew what I was doing but not really yellow okay okay okay just do Minecraft speed stuff okay I'm I'm in spectator mode right now what yeah lock in lock in lock in how are you how what I see it on the tab how are you ins spectating yeah just just lock in okay he just actually killed me yeah so sharles and I had a misunderstanding on how long I would be getting spectator for with this short of a window I wasn't able to find any structures meaning I would need to ask him for it again at this point he was really suspicious of my actions but regardless I decided to try asking although I received no response from the owner and I was starting to think that I would actually have to play the game this is this is kind of plan failed um okay what if we just do legitimate Minecraft Gameplay okay I have haven't heard you say that in a while I'm surprised I'm I I'm going to kill this JJ [Music] kid okay now I am he just watched me disappear he's so confused getting already switch and after acquiring spectator mode I flew outside of the world border and began starting to locate structures but I realized that while I was messing around in spectator mode players were making it to the nether really fast to try and get the ingredients so my teammates began to also try and speedrun since just locating structures would mean nothing if we can't actually get to them so after spending a little time looking for structures I finally located the fifth shipwreck that I needed and the mod began calculating the seed but this would still take a few minutes uh I'll tell you when I have the seed okay never mind okay I got it I got it I got it I got it so with the seed I pulled up a map of all the structures and I noticed something there were two bastions and one NE Fortress right by the spawn point in the nether meaning that while I was messing around in spectator mode trying to cheat my way to legitimately find my way to where the structures were located players would have just been in the Nether and found them already while I was doing this so I started to panic a little bit realizing that I just wasted like 10 minutes and I started asking the owner to take me out of spectator as fast as he could but then I realized something a third Minecraft feature that I could exploit you see when you're in spectator mode you can teleport instantly to any player on the server okay jumper go straight down and you'll get to a lava pool yo where are just just trust wait Ron's already in the nether bro oh my God wait wait I can TP to Ron Ron had already made it to the nether so I just teleported to him okay I'm going to kill Rion yo what how just I'm locked in I'm locked in okay what are you I don't get what you're doing he's locked in not he said straight down dude he's killing me no no wait wait wait I quickly realized that I had no gear in my inventory to fight him with so the only option was to try and team with him but that raised a problem in itself okay he said he he said he's not I mean we should we trust him I mean if we added Ron to our Discord call he could just scroll up and see all of our illegal activities so he could easily snitch on us to the owner but it was either get him on our team or die in the Nether and then get stranded with no nether portal so we had to just trust him he's not a snitch he's not a snitch all right right we got to rush this Bastion lock in all right lock in here's the coordinates to a fortress and here's the coordinates to a treasure Bastion I'm going to go yeah can I we need to go to this Bastion fast there's like people with um go there people with like iron armor can you TP me no I have no I don't have op wait wait do you have anything I have nothing uh I have literally nothing as well I literally just rushed this with as little stuff as I could get but we can probably get some from these chest and I were completely broke and had to loot this Bastion and our teammates flam and jumper we're still in the Overworld so if we died here we would be super behind I found the seed of the world so we we can do things with that later wait what yeah don't worry about it I don't I don't have bastions memorized wait I'm going to die I'm going to die yeah yeah help wa wait yeah just back up back I blocks I don't have blocks uh I block I block take this wood take I have six six wood oh my God okay I'm going to try and get you some stuff do you know where the treasure room is uh yeah I'm pretty sure okay go go go go go some many people are going to yeah dude they all have iron as well so we need to get stuff soon the treasure wait you did okay how did you get to it I don't even have a uh I just wait I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead wait no no no no I might live oh my God oh my God oh my God I lived on one heart and after my near-death experience we decided to loot a couple more chests and get out of there since Rion had discovered that the treasure room was already looted so as we set our sights on the nether fortress we noticed that another team had beat us there oh the mugam minions got to the The Fortress once you get to the nether go to the Fortress oh I found diamonds that's useful for the C yeah we know we need those we need those yeah we lock it also block it up behind us oh my god oh that's crazy yes so I fell into lava and then while trying to save me Ron also burned himself in lava and died luckily I was actually able to glitch my way out of the lava so I guess that counts as exploit number four so I continued on making my way to the Fortress alone if I ran into any team of players they'd surely be able to kill me so I had to keep a low profile okay I found the Fortress I found the Fortress and a BL spawner and a blaz spawner it's not broken after nearly dying to blazes okay don't worry don't worry I'm chilling I just had to despawn the blaze by disconnecting I acquired all of the blaze rods that we would need for the strength potions and with other teams having enough materials for the round there was a race to see which team could assemble the materials [Music] first okay I think we're good okay uh where are you guys in I'm just wait we need glass we need glass we need glass we need glass no we don't oh my God bottles bottles I'm going to start grounding me all right wait wait what okay okay go go go go go oh wait we need blaz pow uh oh my God okay okay it's Brewing it's Brewing okay okay you guys got to get over to us you guys oh there no I see I see I see okay I'm on the stff so who's making who's making it they're transfering stuff I think I'll make it I'll make it I'll make it I'll make it I'll make it I'll make it you want to make it you have nothing dude it show yeah that's why I need it okay that's crazy wait so what is the wait so Crown in the Middle where did the diamonds go uh the diamonds go in the corners gapples up and bottom okay okay so it goes got it I had acquired the crown and can now ban every player from the server like I wanted but crafting it raised a lot of other problems for starters all of my teammates were now eyeing me up waiting for the chance that they could to betray me and take it from themselves as well as it broadcast a message the entire server saying that I had the crown painting both a massive Target on my back and also now everyone including the owner was incredibly suspicious because I have like never legitimately done something like this and probably never will so now everyone thought I was hacking but these aren't actually problems right now the problem right now is the sword is currently glitched in my inventory and I can't actually use it okay after asking the owner he he fixed it and afterwards I realized the true power that I now possess full diamond oh wait wait we can totally drop it drop although the problem with being the strongest on any Minecraft SMP is that people just run from you forever and never want to fight you oh my god until eventually we we ran out of Sprint okay honestly I think we need to regroup and like get food because yeah yeah yeah let's do that let's see came across a player with no GE it's the first wait wait keep alive keep alive keep alive keep alive I'm going to B me there you go he's going to try and die to a creeper oh there you go after Banning Lu everyone else on the server knew to stay far far away from us so far in fact that we weren't able to find anyone else for a very long time we did notice however that a team led by a sweat named only a squid was somehow trading with villagers and no one go to that length to trade with villagers 2 hours into a Minecraft S&P unless they had a specific plan to somehow take us down so we decided that we need to get even more stacked ourselves heading to the Nether and finding an enchantment table as well as deciding to brew some potions but little do we know we were being sted so there are absolutely no creepers in sight my fault I found one wait there's people people on me on me on me on me on me on me I'm chasing Floy I don't know where Danny went he's trying to like block me off wait what did he just do oh he went down the cave he's going to try he's he's digging although we would quickly realize that this was just a distraction since while this was going on Ron got jumped by four players and killed usually I would like put some footage on screen of this happening but it'll actually be relevant in a moment why I can't do that right now and after running a literal Marathon we finally caught up to Flo and banned him got him afterwards we regrouped and reared Reon although in the chaos of chasing our enemies I I left the brewing stand behind like an idiot so I decided to use my fifth exploit to try and find where I was replay mod it's how YouTubers get these like fancy shots that you're watching right now although the issue that I quickly read into was that in order to use replay mod to find players they need to be loaded into your chunk and since I had chased Floy V they were too far away to spot we then threatened a player with no gear who claimed to be teamed with only a squid and gave us his base coordinates but we went to the coordinates and used replay mod again and there were no players anywhere nearby and as the server's bord started shrinking it was looking more and more like there would be a final battle of the entire server against our team of four since at this rate we wouldn't be able to ban them before they grouped up so we decided to make preparations for this battle by recruiting three new teammates players that had no friends although the more teammates we added the more dangerous it was for me since if I got betrayed by my team it would be increasingly more difficult for me to hold my own in that sort of fight so as the Border closed and we realized that most players were Sky basing we decided to use our sixth exploit x-ray look I know I said the beginning of the video that it would be too suspicious if I x-rayed not a newly acquired teammate per se so Lopez one of our new teammates decided to enable an x-ray texture pack and started trying to mine us all full diamond but it would take her a little while to do this since we didn't really have the best tools so in the meantime we just kept sending Rion up to try and hit people down it didn't work and as the Border shrunk even more somehow some of our enemies just fell off of their sky base I don't know how so I was able to acquire some actually good gear until Lopez returned with the X-ray diamonds and we were able to go on a Banning spree I'm Banning sharles goodbye here b% speedrun I almost like uncrouch for a bit fell to my death what after Banning a majority of the server I got a message from the owner one of the people I banned during my spring naturally he'd used the console to unban himself and was watching the events unfold and he messaged me that if I betrayed my team he would give me slash off I'm not want to turn down free power so I messaged a portion of my team that we would be turning on the other half ready to betray and ban the players that I once called teammates I was like how do we kill like 10 people and no one has food know hey I'm I'm up top I'm up top do anyone have more diamond armor or anything uh yeah I do I got um I got this thing I got these I got these okay mango oh oh my thead dead she dead he betrayed bro I'm sorry I had to no no no let me get it let me get have to wait we should probably kill Lopez actually no yeah what oh you hit me you hit me bro you hit me and I almost died bro oh my where's true me oh oh wow bro why would why would do that hear me out hear me out what if you guys just kept me until the very end of that killed me like after mugam and Squid dies you know that would be cool right I'm upset man I'm sorry but it had we can do it right now you know no please no so after Banning half my own team I asked shill for all but he said that I had to ban the other half of my team which was starting to get a little stupid at this point because if I banned the other half of my team there would be like three players left on the the server so I opted to just pretend like I hadn't read his message yet and work with my team to try and ban the final players okay yeah so just hold Shields and walk forward all right yeah and I wish I had the knock back sword now we probably knock off silver swur no knock off they're potting I'm falling I'm dead oh mug dropped and Sil got banned mug [Music] minion J do you know where is my God op wait guys yeah you guys kill him oh bro so now now what and now we won and we kind of had I mean I still could ban my teammates and be the last player on the server with OP but but if I wanted to be op on a server with no players I could just buy my own Minecraft server I made a half-hearted attempt to kill flame frags but it was just no point the owner wanted us to fight to the death but we we really didn't care we decided to burn the crown and the sword unbanning all the players shal had this evil villain monologue speech about how it's my server you can't take it for me but at the end of the day no one found out what I did or any of the exploits I used so that that's a win for me anyways if you enjoy me hacking and abusing on servers check out the video on screen it's a massive video just like this one where I hack and abuse on tons of Minecraft servers so so I'm sure like it also please subscribe okay bye
Channel: Wemmbu
Views: 413,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wemmbu, wemmbu smp, wemmbu minecraft, wemmbu hacking, I Secretly Exploited on a Youtuber SMP!, wemmbu exploiting, wemmbu exploit, the story of wemmbu, wembu, wenmbu, wemmmbu
Id: bSSZ3urVD7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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