The BEST Blox Fruits Update 20 Tier List..

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so today I'm going to be ranking every single fruit from the best fruit all the way to the worst fruit and I'm not going to lie I kind of don't want to make this video because you guys are going to be in the comments hating Bolton why did you put rocket in last TI rocket fruit is good I'm sorry uh rocket fruit is garbage but as you can see we do have the tier list ready and it is the updated designs so this might confuse me because I don't really know the new designs yet like like what fruit is this wait is this Quake fruit or is this Quake fruit I I still have no idea I don't know but anyways let's head to the first fruit and the first fruit is uh uh is that wait is that revive fruit oh my gosh bro this is actually going to confuse me I don't know what fruit this is hold I'm going to have to look this up give me one second all right so I'm back and no this is not revive fruit this is actually barrier fruit so I'm going to come out and say it barrier fruit is not my favorite fruit I've never really even used this fruit um so yeah I kind of forgot what it did so let's go ahead so let's go ahead and try it out on an NPC oh my gosh this is how much I don't like the ber fruit I don't even have the Mastery up what does this fruit do again I'm pretty sure I just pull up a wall get like what is that yeah guys you already know where I'm putting this fruit yeah I'm going to put this fruit in the butt booty garbage tier all right I'm sorry guys I don't care if this is your favorite fruit I just don't know how this burier wall is good okay so yeah I'm sorry okay so the next fruit is the ice fruit is it wait I oh this is confusing me so much I I'll be right back I got to look this up as well okay so we got the blizzard fruit all right this is not the ice fruit I was wrong but luckily I do have the ice fruit awakens so I have literally every single ability so I'm pretty sure I can literally walk on water with the ice fruit oh yes I can oh my gosh yes this is sick all right and the ice for you also get a staff so let's go ahead hit this guy all right and it does okay um our stats is kind of booty so we only do 200 damage so we got to fix that all right how much damage does it do now okay 1,700 that's not bad all right we also got cold storm that's pretty cool glacer shs oh my gosh bro we already did 7,000 damage in two hits Frozen Dragon oh that's actually really cool and then we also have absolute zero which does oh my gosh 5,800 damage and then we have the coolest ability which is l ice skating this is so sick so so yeah I'm going to be honest it's not the best fruit okay it doesn't belong to go in the best fruit tier but it definitely deserves to go in the good fruit it's definitely a good fruit ooh now we got the balb fruit yeah this fruit isn't exactly the best fruit it is a little bit on the cheaper side so probably almost everybody has this fruit it's actually not that bad I thought the bomb fruit was going to be actually garbage but as you can see like from the abilities it actually does a lot of damage and it's not that bad especially explosive jump explosive jump is kind of cool like look at that look at that 10,000 damage like that's sick okay the bomb fruit is definitely not the best fruit I don't think it's really a good fruit I'm going to have to put it in the mid category all right it's it's like in the middle you know oh my gosh the next fruit we got Buddha okay I will be honest for Buddha fruit we don't even need to go in the transformation right now we do know Buddha is the best for grinding and honestly deserves to be in the best fruit category I hope you guys agree with me I mean some people might put it in the good fruit category but n Buddha definitely has to go in the best fruit oh my gosh we got the chop fruit now right the the amazing chop fruit chop fruit is definitely not one of my favorite faor I think chop fruit is actually one of the worst the only good thing about chop fruit is that like you're Invincible to swords which is kind of cool but like I can tackle which does like 2,000 damage each I can dance on them which is kind of cool I guess it's a decent fruit but is it a best fruit heck no is it a good fruit eh is it midh I'm going to have to put the chop fruit in the E all right it's e that's that's how I explain the chop fruit e ooh now we got the control fruits all right so this is where I might start getting a little hate in the comments because a lot of people love the control fruit they think the control fruit is like one of the best fruits in the game and I'm not going to lie it is a good fruit but is it one of the best I don't know all right control fruit you can like control the area you can like move buildings it's actually pretty cool sick like look I can do 4,000 damage off that um I can also slice and dice which is pretty cool like look at that that looks sick that's such a sick animation wait 5,000 damage gamma Rush what does that do oh wait what am I doing right now I got what I just did 16,000 damage and I can teleport okay wo wo this this is not where I'm about to get hate in this tier list what oh I did not know control fruit was that good what did they wait did they revamp the control fruit I don't remember it being that good oh my gosh yo I'm going to have to put this in one of the best fruit categories that is awesome is it better than Buddha fruit it depends on what it's doing but this is not an order all right uh it definitely belongs in one of the best fruit categories because oh my gosh I didn't know it was actually that good ooh one of my favorites we got the dark fruit so for me when I first got the dark fruit I absolutely loved it because look at this dimensional slash like look at look how sick that is that is so sick you also have Abyssal Darkness like look at that look at that that's so sick endless hold you have that as well I'm pretty sure this fruit got revamped because I don't remember doing this stuff okay and then you also have that which is pretty sick oh my gosh 4600 damage what and then you have like a you know a simple ghastly step where you can like teleport just like the control fruit so I'm going to have to put this in the mid fruit actually it's it's actually kind of mid that now that I'm thinking about it it's it's it's all right definitely going to put it above bomb fruit though it's definitely above bomb fruit Diamond fruits oh my gosh I'm sorry bro I might get hate for this I might not but I'm not even going to review this fruit this is going in the butt booty garbage all right that is definitely going in the butt booty garbage oh the do fruit ah the good old classic D fruit all right I have L I literally have the do fruit fully awakened max level all the abilities are so sick I did 8,000 damage off that one oh my gosh that's crazy that's actually crazy okay what does this do boom Oh my gosh what yes sir swing around town and yeah you guys already know all the abilities of do fruit all right so we're going to go ahead and definitely put the D fruit in the is it the best fruit yes it definitely is it definitely belongs to be the best fruit but guys I cannot wait till I start ranking the new fruits so we're going to skip the dragon fruit we're going to go all the way to the mammoth fruit all right because this is literally one of the new fruits that has came out and a lot of people love this fruit a lot of people want this fruit and I'm going to rank it all right I don't I don't know are you guys going to hate me after I rank it or love me all right so the mammoth fruit has a transformation so it has like a bunch of moves because I have these moves and once I do the transformation I get a whole bunch of new moves so we got ancient cutter which that's it's super sick you like shoot Mammoth noise at him you also have the true prehistoric punch which does that which is pretty sick and then the Colossal Crusher which basically does the same damage but guys once you go into the transformation it turns into a whole new fruit like I can literally jump super high and land on them and do damage that is crazy and look at this move like bro the moves get so crazy after you do the transformation it's insane and also you're literally a mammoth like look how sick I look this looks insane right now absolutely insane but the important question is where do we rank the beautiful Mammoth fruits and are we going to put in the best fruit a good fruit a mid fruit I'm going to be honest guys is this the best fruit I'm going to have to go with no okay I know I know a lot of you guys might be saying like fton what it's the best fruit I'm going to put in the good category I'm sorry I think it's a good fruit the best fruits no ah yeah I'm sorry guys I'm sorry so now we got the next new fruit which is the sound fruits where am I going to put this bad boy all right I feel like you guys guys know if you watch me every day you know exactly where you're going to put this fruit but let's go ahead and equip it now okay so now we have the sound fruit guys this is all I have to show you and this is an amazing fruit okay like look at this look how sick that looks look at that all right but also guys when you do that your Tempo meter goes up and then you do more damage and you can also heal yourself and your friends and then look at this look at this look at that look how sick that look how much damage I'm doing look we're we're throwing a party in Block swich right now I threw a little party all right I just spawned a disco ball and then we have glorious Harmony which does that which is is actually sick this fruit is definitely going up to be in one of the best fruits I I love this fruit so much and yes I think sound fruit is better than Mammoth fruit I know some of you guys might not think the same thing but I do the dragon fruits ooh the good old classic dragon fruit the thing about the dragon fruit is they didn't even change the design of the fruit like when you pull out the fruit it still looks the exact same and also they didn't revamp the dragon fruit at all because it honestly didn't need a revamp cuz the dragon fruit is already good as it is so like as you can see all the abilities are still the same and it's still sick it's it's still a an amazing dragon fruit so yeah I'm going to put this in the best fruit okay it it's the dragon fruit for reason it cost a lot of Robux for a reason because it is one of the best fruits in the game okay the Falcon fruit I never used this fruit ever all right ever like I don't I don't even really know the abilities so we're going to put this in the butt booty garbage I'm sorry okay I'm sorry next up we got this beautiful flame fruit all right let's see what it does boom ooh wait did this fruit get revamped too I'm pretty sure this fruit got revamped yo yo the abilities are actually so sick what the heck okay I know exactly where I'm putting this fruit yeah yeah I know exactly where I'm putting this okay so this fruit is definitely going to go in the good fruit I think it's this fruit is actually really good especially if for grinding because do you see that ability the the blue fire bullets you can shoot that oh wait wrong ability sorry I'm talking about this ability right here look you can shoot fire and look it still does damage to him look I'm still doing damage so you can gather a bunch of NPCs up and literally just start grinding gravity fruits wait I forgot what gravity fruit even does okay gravity push okay 25 200 damage I mean nothing crazy okay gravity obss what's this do okay how much damage am I going to do oh 4,300 okay meteor pitch all right 3600 okay the abilities are kind of cool nothing crazy and then the last ability what do I do okay same thing but 5,300 damage all right yeah I'm going to have to put this fruit in the uh the mid fruits yeah I think that's where it belongs okay next up we got ice fruit um oh wait a second I'm an idiot wait I ranked this as ice fruit oh my gosh oh I'm dumb oh guys I already know you guys commented that oh I'm dumb okay um all right let's remove this we're going to put the ice fruit in good okay so now we got to rank the blizzard fruit actually all right and then kilof fruit okay I'm just going to yeah we're just going to move that right there okay I'm sorry yeah kilof fruit deserves to be in the butt booty garbage okay okay so this one's blizzard fruit oh I remember this fruit okay so the best ability is literally the tornado flight this is so sick that is the best ability look at that they can't do nothing this actually deserves to go back in the good spot okay so the blizzard and the ice go in the good is it the one of the best fruits now leopard fruits yeah we're just going to go ahead and drag that up here all right yeah that's where that goes oh the beautiful light fruit all right the light fruit where you can literally fly as fast as you can you have a staff just like the ice fruit the light fruit is just so good but does it belong in the good category heck no all right light fruit is my baby light fruit was literally one of my best my favorite fruits in the entire world so we're going to put that in the best fruit oh now we got the Riz fruit boys all right it's time to Riz everybody up okay I'm kidding we're not Rising anybody up but the love fruit is literally like an underrated fruit I'm not going to lie because you have a flamingo ride where you can just fly around and then literally just do this bop they can't touch you and you do so much damage like look at that Bop look at that and then irr resistible attraction boom and then I can literally shoot a best friend that goes and kills all of them which is so sick okay so the love fruits it deserves to go in the good category I believe that okay it's in good category so how are you guys feeling all right you guys liking my tier list so far yes no maybe so do you hate me all right I I hope not okay this fruit literally looks like a pancake what fruit is this oh this is the sand fruit wait have have I ever used the sand fruit oh I have okay what does this do again oh okay this one has the sand coffin oh I don't like this fruit I'm not going to lie I do not like this fruit okay does this fruit belong in the butt booty garbage no but I'm going to have to put it in the E all right it's like eh magma fruits I like the magma fruit a lot okay especially for grinding it's really good so I'm going to have to put this in the good category but now we got one of the new fruits all right the pain fruit this this fruit isn't really new because this was already a fruit they just changed it it was the Paw fruit but now it's the paint fruit and I have not even used this fruit yet did does it have new abilities wait let me see this okay do I throw a paw at it oh okay I still throw a paw is it the same abilities it kind of looks like it pain nuke what do this look like oh what does torture do all right let's see this torture H okay all right it looks like I'm doing damage but not that much 5,000 damage and there's three of them ah yeah we're going to have to put this right here ah yeah yeah that is that's booty all right so now we have the brand new ghost fruit which is actually sick I love the new ghost fruit because you can literally turn into a ghost like look at this you have a shivering possession which is so sick like look at that spectral release what does this do again oh yeah yeah yeah I remember that one that's so cool and you have cries under the underworld which is super sick look at that and then Ghostbusters where you can literally clone three of you like look at this I cloned three of me and then all three of me can do literally the abilities which is crazy and then wandering soul is just you flying around that's basically it I'm going to have to put this in the mid category I know I know a lot of you guys might not like me for that but it really only has two good moves that I like so I'm going to have to put this in the mid category oh Phoenix fruit they added a new thing on Phoenix fruit where you can literally hover across somebody and do damage so we're going to have to put this in the good category it's not the best fruit but it definitely belongs in the good ah the portal fruit yeah I I love the portal fruit okay the portal fruit helps me out in so many videos I can L just teleport anywhere I want so fast so yeah I'm going to have to put that in the best fruit all right last but not least we have the rocket fruit which was the kilo fruit but um I literally already ranked it but honestly let me give it a real chance okay so let's try it out we got a Missle fist okay not bad we also have an air strike that's pretty cool rocket crash okay that's pretty cool as well and blastoff oh you can just like jump up with it I thought it was going to be something cooler than that okay you know what this is the kilo fruit which is the rocket fruit kilo and Rocket the same thing it doesn't belong in the butt booty garbage right it belongs in the a fruit all right so It upgraded and all the rest of these fruits guys none of them are new and none of them really got Reed vamped so yeah here is my official update 20 tier list and I hope you enjoyed so um yeah I'm going to be out see you guys
Channel: FoltynPlays
Views: 1,290,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foltyn, foltynplays, roblox, roblox gaming, family friendly, foltyn family, foltyn family roblox, foltyn roblox, roblox foltyn, no cursing, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, roblox blox fruit, roblox fruits in blox fruits, blox fruit roblox, blox fruit, ranking every fruit in update 20 blox fruits, ranking every fruit in update 20, every fruit in update 20, update 20, blox fruits update 20, update 20 blox fruits, blox fruit update 20
Id: TXfQqG_8Kbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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