I renovated the ugliest house in The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle

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this video is presented by EA game-changers I'm not being paid they just sent me the Packer Lee it's our time you guys we get to be brats we get to complain about sims builds this is my calling okay like looking at bad EA builds and mocking them and renovating then this is my favorite thing to do and listen I think that most of the builds in this pack are like pretty good still gonna renovate them but like one of them one of them is not good I'm sorry I just there are so many parts of this house that I don't understand doesn't even like a real house like you wouldn't find a house like this in real life I think something like bills in this pack that are bad are just kind of ugly cuz they look very realistic this one it's just weird I'm gonna call it pig Manor because you know what it's called it's where the tinker family lives and this house is supposed to be a mansion a Manor if you will it looks to me like they tried to paint half the roof and then gave up like it's for some reason only like four of the front pieces have a roof texture on them another one the rest is default like I just was this intentional it can't be like surely they didn't only do a part of the roof like that must have been a mistake but I don't I really am just struggling to understand this the back like the shape of it is so weird I just I so today we're going to try and renovate this house but with a twist we're gonna renovate this house using EA's restrictions now usually when I do this I fall like a weird set of made-up rules because we know that they have some sort of weird limitations on bills they can only have so many items in them we don't really know what those limitations are and I'm sure they're more complicated than this so here's the concept if I want to add an item I must first take one away and I can't change the price of the house so at the end of the day there's the same number of objects and it costs the same amount but I've renovated it somehow I think with this house it's a little bit different because it's supposed to be a manor they're supposed to be like successful and kind of rich so I might give them an extra like five thousand simoleons to work with partially to like cover the fact that there's some depreciation and the items values and blah blah blah but we're gonna try and fix this house but without adding anything extra does that make sense I've done it a million times I'll link the past attempts down below but we are gonna get started here testing cheats on money I'm gonna give us five thousand simoleons they have 30 so I think that's fair and we're gonna try and renovate this house I'm not kidding the first thing I'm gonna do I always do this first but we're gonna make it smaller that is step one I'm gonna just try and line it up so that it looks the same upstairs and downstairs I don't really understand why the second floor thicker than the first floor but I don't agree with it so I'm gonna try and do that really fast and then we can try and you know renovate a little bit differently I might just get rid of the whole roof I don't know what they did but I again I don't agree with it usually I try it wait was there windows on that that I deleted just now there was this okay we can't delete objects unnecessarily we need to keep those we got a whole lot of things that we've got on this build all right but we can just get rid of the whole roof because it's weird and we aren't interested okay I want to keep this like sort of Manor vibe I just I think part of my problem and I love their bay windows I just I don't think that there needs to be two sets of them like I think that maybe we can make it a little bit more powerful if it was just on one side and maybe if it was just on one side and only on one level like if we sort of instead flattened it but had a little bit of a bump out like right there I also think that I want to delete these walls we're gonna have quite a few changes to make on this build can I move these trees this lot is so small it's like hard to see the house and what we're doing you know just like stick and stuff in the back trying to save it you know hold onto things we might need oh there's no roof oh God oh we made a mistake oh no build me a ceiling I'm sorry I didn't mean it it's very flat I think that's the problem I think that's okay I mean it's sort of the style that we're going for we just have to figure out a way to make it less that way I think if we maybe should we make it symmetrical I think part of the issue of this house right now is that it's like almost symmetrical but it's not so it's just instead like weird-looking maybe if we made it actually symmetrical it would be like easier to look at we could actually like deal with how it looks from the outside if it was symmetrical you know it's weird I feel like this is gonna take a lot longer than I anticipated I'm realizing now that we are in this probably for a while I might just stick some of the stuff in our household inventory here you got stuff everywhere I may have made it worse listen we don't that yet okay bear with me still yeah that looks like a cat oh no I cannot believe how confidently I came into this because this is not turning out how I expected it to I feel like embarrassed and sorry about what I've done that's just not good is it I think it's better than nothing yeah I think that's better than before sorry it's so bad oh it's so bad okay it's fine you guys we're gonna be fine we're gonna get through this it's gonna take some fiddling but we will be okay I'm gonna try and do like some layering of a porch I think this could be kind of cool I feel like that makes a slightly more interesting use of the back of the house we'll come back to this we can we can come back to that once we figure out what we're doing here I don't know what windows I want to use I know that I want to change what windows they have used I don't know what to replace them with all right we've got what one two oh god 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 windows that we can put in the front of the house no 15 we got 15 okay I think a different brick would do us well here I almost want to go for like a way lighter gray I think the brick is still acceptable if it's like that maybe if we paired it with a little bit of siding not a lot that's not good doesn't look good oh no it was red brick instead it's not good doesn't look good how about like if we went for a light gray sort of whatever this is there's a lot of it in the front of the house now which maybe isn't what we're going for I can't tell some some contrast is nice should it be white instead you know I think that we can pull that off let's keep it for now I don't know let's make use of our 15 windows wisely shall we oh we can Center everything however I want now I'm so excited are those like too big they might be but I like them that's four five six seven I think that looks pretty I don't know if it's like exactly the vibe but it's definitely a Manor the type house which is the vibe going for and it's only seven and we had 15 ended up using six less windows so we've got six extra objects to work with I think I might use those like six objects to put some columns on the sides of the bills that's four five and six I think that makes a difference it's subtle but I feel like the the corners just need something else you know got a chimney we can put back to know where the fireplace is gonna be in this build but I can stay there for now okay shall we keep the original hardwoods maybe just restain them a little bit I don't know how to do that layout of this house now because like we have there's a need for a master bedroom kids bedroom honestly two offices so we could probably fit that fairly easily I think but I just worry you know I just feel worried all the time let's put the master bath maybe towards the back of the house well switch the size the bedrooms are on I think I might need to move the staircase too because it's kind of weird with where the windows are now go back why oh my god someone just happening there's too much I need to put things in my inventory there's too much furniture in this house I can't I just can't see anything all right that's better okay I am so glad that I can place doors on half tiles I'm having a blast right now it's making everything so much better and easier and it just it looks so good okay so I think that upstairs I'm gonna be honest I kind of want to have like an enormous ensuite bathroom like master bedroom enormous ensuite bathroom kids bedroom kids ensuite and then we can try and fit two living spaces downstairs it's probably not like the most ideal situation it's just like the only way they like it the floor plan to work but we need to have office spaces this could be a good office space and then maybe this could be a second office space that works then where's the living room go that's the thing we've gotta got some like weird rooms like this whole space is kind of useless now cuz it's like empty and just hallway I think kitchen and dining being here makes a lot of sense so this can be the living room I just know where to lay out the living room like I don't know where to put the yeah we can close that off more that still looks fine and then if you have to use this as a hallway we can sort of have like a fireplace on this wall and Center everything around it or something or maybe on this wall see this is not good we just have a door into her office yeah it doesn't look good this doesn't make the best use of the space the door can stay there that's fine well let's get a prettier door and we can have that back now oh we could Center the room like this that's nice like that's better okay it's now lined up with the arches behind this that works I can get behind this okay so here's what I'm thinking for the backyard we'll come back and figure out what to do with all these plants in a minute but I think I want to just get rid of all this like we are allowed to have grass back here you know I think in their private backyard there can be some green space especially since the whole thing is like kind of fenced off like it sort of makes sense that they can have their private green space because they've like defined it already feel like we need to have well for starters need a way to get down into this area we don't have that yet that looks super weird I kind of like the hedge but I I'm also aware that it maybe looks dumb I don't know also all these plants let's just delete them all and count them shall we 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 that's just on one side 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 50 okay there was 55 in the front if you count the back - 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 oh and these two oh my god alright 82 we have 82 items of landscaping that we can work with here not bad obviously the trees we didn't delete so we still have those to work with I can't we have to keep track of 80 items of landscape this is a dumb challenge I've literally made it into a counting game I've just made it into a huge game of counting all right - okay I've used 43 so far - put a bunch of pink flowers out I'm gonna put some terrain paint down to 44 45 shall we get some flower boxes up there might as well put up some lights - oh we're at it 46 47 okay okay that's 60 we're still going okay that's 70 we're still going I say we use the rest easy items to get some like furniture in the backyard we could have some bugs you know that could be fun 71 72 maybe the kid could have something I feel like we can't really have anything for the kid doesn't really fit sorry kid you don't get to help you don't get to play get have some like lounge chairs back here that could be nice that's 75 how about instead of this table we get like a bigger one to use our last we have 8 items left if we count that table see there six of them and then number seven can be like a flower or something on the table and then eight is the table okay that works give a trash can still to to put somewhere just back there okay that's an improvement the landscaping especially it looks so much better I don't know what they did we may have to get rid of some of these things to furnish the rest of the house I'm realizing now yeah okay I say we try and furnish a lot of the house with their existing furniture like the moms had this bed already they can keep the fireplace that's cute we can come back to the wallpaper and the decorating I've got this for the master bedroom know what to do the poor kid she's got a couple things already - but we'll probably have to rearrange that this giant room is meant to be a bathroom so oh we have some things already in our inventory we can use we can repurpose this bathtub you have a sink we have a toilet how about we try and get a second sink delete that okay couple mirrors rug I don't know what tiles put in here know what to do I want it to be nice but like not like that nice I guess it used to have like this we could we could keep that I'm about the rug in here with that tight with that texture then the bathroom is so big and empty I don't know what I was thinking and my head I was like it Mansion so we needed a big bathroom we don't have any furniture Sims II so nice work all right that could be worse they don't they don't get to have a shower in here sorry the only shower in the whole house is gonna be in the ensuite for the child does this make sense no there isn't even at like guest bathroom downstairs this is a terrible renovation sad empty giant bathroom awesome great at least once we get all the furniture down we can kind of try to figure out like a game plan for decorating it better and in a shocking turn of events the kitchen can stay in the exact same place how about a grand piano that's fun get rid of this chair instead you will have to come back to the coloring and stuff that's okay I think that now that we've kind of got an idea of what we're going for we'll have a way easier job sort of furnishing this space although we have run out of furniture Oh Oh it's okay I've got I've got items I can get rid of but you're not a completely lost cause I'm not sure they had a TV before to be honest I don't remember maybe they don't need one who cares TVs for losers you know let's see if we can try and furnish the kid's room or at the very least let's try and make all the bedrooms that we do have done better I mean that's fine it's not good but it's fine kid's room this kid gets a huge chandelier and everything I wouldn't believe it well we should make it colorful and cute in here okay maybe not really colorful and cute but we can we can do the best we can I think that's all furniture we can afford well we can afford more but like I mean for this room you don't have enough items to do it differently I think that's okay it's cute maybe the wallpaper could change it's fine I feel bad for the kid can you imagine if the only spare bathroom in your house was attached to your bedroom is when your parents have guests over they have to go through your room to go to the bathroom I would have been furious to be honest I think we need to tone it down a little bit with the appliances we're not made of money over here okay okay that's nice right I can't really afford much more furniture I can't believe how landscape this is and how empty the interior of the house is like I think we made a mistake here okay so one of our Sims is a writer so we'll make sure that she has a really nice little office preferably the one off the dining room then when people look into it's nicer this one's got a door into it it's gonna have a weird furniture in it that we don't want to do it maybe a quick plant in the corner it's not a good room I'll admit that to you but we can't really afford much more that's the best the rooms gonna get the more I'm thinking about this the more I'm realizing that maybe we shouldn't have the bugs and we should focus more on crafting because the sin that lives here supposedly is big into crafting so maybe if we even gave her like over here like the recycling buddy I think that'd be totally fine sure it's kind of weird out there in the back of the house but you know okay folks we have three items left and they're just chairs we must use these items wisely maybe we could stick one of the chairs in the corner in this entryway sure I hate this how do they even use this item like if you come I don't have any I don't have enough resources okay I just she did some recycle pieces in can you come to fabricate me an end table please I just want to see what side she stands on okay she stands on that side I think I could keep this end table and put it in my house I think I will it's only fair hurry up it's going living room it's gonna stay in there okay I have one chair and the one chair is gonna become the one desk and then I'm gonna get rid of these two chairs and I'm gonna buy another computer and another desk chair does the kid have a computer I'm sorry not anymore I need to put furniture in your mom's office how about a thing on the wall like this cow plant okay and then maybe we could get rid of like a couple random like hidden pieces of landscaping is there any like yeah that's two more okay that's four more items we'll stick this candle-making thing over here okay we have four items what what do we do with them another plant that's one lamp on the desk that's two bookcase that's three and then maybe art on the wall in this office that's four okay you know what I don't know what more we could do in this house I think it's just gonna be this way and to be honest it's not that bad it looks very different like completely different not even remotely the same but I think it's better the furniture was like fine before but the outside was really weird I think we improved it however on that note I'm gonna go this took me way longer than it should have I cancelled my stream tonight to finish this well worth it I think this will be of course on the gallery eventually if I'm able to get it up there but on that note I'm going to go so please make sure to leave I can comment and subscribe and do all this fun YouTube things and in case you guys didn't know I post new videos every single day and so I will see you all tomorrow bye everybody I'm wearing a dress right now but like I still have pants on I just like the top the dress looks so it's like it's good for a video right [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 653,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, ea restrictions, renovation
Id: CgSsw44ANwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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