(1-13) He Is The Last Demon Hunter In A World Full Of Demons - Manhwa Recap

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a man looks into the bathroom mirror and asks himself who he is as he sees a whole other reflection one side says that he's Lee Hool and the other grel claudi arpus Romeo the successor of a once great Clan while making some tea and also drinking it he thinks that he unfortunately became the character he made 12 years ago when he was in his second year of middle school second year precisely when he finished he was extremely happy and quite obsessed but now now he regrets it as this character was made at the height of his puberty and this entire situation is because of that one game history of the Arcana continent one if not the best virtual game and another world until service was no longer available it was never topped by another game making it a game that holds a legendary status however the day service for Arana was stopped along with the news that the CEO Raymond had gone missing Arcana seemingly appeared in the real world world out of nowhere breaks in reality also began appearing throughout the world and the monsters from the game made their appearance that was when everyone thought the world was ending but people were assimilated with their in-game characters that is when players appeared throughout the world not only did they have skills from the game they were also able to defeat the once thought Invincible monsters and save the world that is how players got the title of Heroes naturally he also fantasized about becoming one of of these players but soon he realized that even if he were to awaken his powers he wouldn't be that famous the cost of buying a single virtual reality machines was tens of millions of one and even renting one would cost too much for them his father apologized at the time saying that he thought he would at least let him play as many games as he wanted this is when his father's business collapsed fully his sister tried to comfort him and the mother tries to take the blame which she doesn't like this is when Lee was faced with reality and its Grim truth he had no choice but to quit Arana early however if he would have known this would have happened he would have done anything to play since he only managed to play for a few months his stats are extremely bad and even though his power was awakened he wouldn't have wanted to spawn as a character he made while going through puberty the outside him comments on the tea noting that it's quite good making inside him go crazy grandell Claud arpus Romeo a character that made during the height of his puberty and also a character he was very invested in his story goes as follows granell was a successor for a great family however it was massacred by a demon and he was left alive and alone in order to get his revenge he made the decision to become a Demon Hunter this was a very cringy story he played around with and also something he obsessed over while in middle school which he laments now in other circumstances these memories would have been just something to laugh at however as as a grown man this is just plain embarrassing granell says that he missed having memories like this making Lee cringe and demanding he stopped speaking in that weird manner what is he going to do at work will he even be able to function as a member of society moving forward if he meets his boss who likes to pick on him whenever he has the chance granell will certainly do something that will get him fired he wonders what to do and granell notes that Nobles should not bow down in the face of adversity everything that he tries to say comes out completely differently is this really how it is to assimilate with the in-game character he remembers that most people said it wasn't a large difference so why did he become like this taking into consideration that he can't work anywhere like this he has no choice but to become a full-time player but he doesn't remember much of Arcana as he last played it over 10 years ago he gets on the computer as first he needs to search things up since he doesn't know what it really takes to become a player the money that rank aner players receive after eliminating high level ruptures is in the hundreds of millions however since it's all dependent on risking life and limb on the battlefield it's all pretty useless information not only is his own life more important than some money granell also doesn't agree as he has no need for material Goods he has tasted from abundance once already for this reason he holds no real greed that is why he needs to take a look and see what demon Hunters do these days he is quite surprised to find only two pages worth of information and besides it's not even Wiki Pages it's just news articles he's quite shocked when he finds out that aan and everyone in it was killed with zero survivors to speak of the auan boss was the only town where one could become a Demon Hunter and The Holy Land of the demon Hunters was that akan really destroyed there is just no way it's not like nobody plays the role anymore but because the role was basically deleted from existence however demon Hunters were also quite useless 10 years ago and they had low stats and a really awkward build path with even their skills being extremely weak and since leveling through monsters was quite though they were dependent on the experience given through quests but when they confronted demons they were the experts and no other class could compare however demons usually appeared in Demon Hunter quests only and most of the quests garnered a reputation as they were very grindy Not only was the role pointless most most of the time Demon Hunter was in general considered the most useless class in the game but the role being different and not being able to proceed to the next class are entirely different things this situation is just plain bad as all the NPCs that thought skills are now dead he starts reading a chat log where people are discussing something regarding demon Hunters that's when a comment grabs his attention which says that new demons were added in an update he reads about the reality update which made demons spawn as normal mobs and due to this players injuries have skyrocketed due to the strong debuffs even level 200 players struggle Lee thinks that if demons really appeared in reality why haven't the demon Hunters taken care of them just maybe he's the only Demon Hunter left after akan fell but if that's the case should he really take the initiative here even with his 10-year setback there is nothing saying that the demons he knew are the same ones appearing right now as a lot of things can happen in 10 years very high level players are struggling with them so what can he do suddenly his past self calls him weak as he the great grandf fell does not run from Mere demons that is his pride after all no matter what Temptation or taunts demons send his way they will never hurt the pride of granell he thinks that it's about time he did something and granell notes that this was just pointless thinking as there is no need for hesitation thousands die because of demons but he promised to send them back to Hell several years passed after the great cataclysm and many things were destroyed as a result but humans are resourceful creatures and were able to get back on their feet life came back to normal as nothing happened and people quickly adjusted to this new world however where light is darkness is bound to appear and the negative emotions of the newly adjusted people made great food for the devil and other evil creatures a man is possessed entirely and sends something to a party that holds a devilish figure the party leader of a group who goes by the name of Nam chman and is the tanker notes that the last member of their party will arrive soon granell arrives at the scene and chman presents him as the last party member they both exchange greetings but granel's attention is on the rupture which only players can see and it has no affect on normal people who can just walk through it he would have been one of those people had he not awakened more importantly this dungeon is fit for levels 35 5 to 40 not bad place to start for a level 55 like himself he also looked into the average level of the players that are going through this dungeon and they all average around level 200 that's a level that he's not even close to at the moment so he needs to work hard and level up fast thankfully highlevel players aren't the only ones who awaken so he was able to find a party with a similar level to him they all introduced themselves The close-range Deal tanker is named Han sanguk the close-range damage dealer is named Choy Jong hun and the magic damage dealer is named SEO Jong Yan chman says that considering the progression rate another party must have gone in so they will do so as well they will prepare for a bit so they will go inside exactly 5 minutes from now Grell looks at the destruction progress which stands at 19 8% this is called the progress rate and once it hits 100% the rupture breaks down and the monsters are let loose into the real world the therefore players are allowed to freely raid the ruptures as only they are able to even approach this ticking Time Bomb full of beasts Lee thinks that everyone is really friendly which he is glad for so he should say something to the party member too as an only son with three sister he had to watch out every day in order to survive the great sister Wars that would often occur so going with the atmosphere is a piece of cake for him granell says that they need not worry as he is here Lee laments ever trying to speak and the party ignores him fully with his pride hurt Lee just decided to not speak anymore as he can't bear much more of this they enter the null underground storage the food storage to be precise inside it looks just like a regular station although broken and with blood scattered everywhere the party arrives at the stairs and Jong Yun notes that she doesn't see any signs of nolles despite the name of this place chman says that a party definitely came through before them but they needn't worry as they would just take their share if they just take the right route the party is glad to have such Dependable leader but granell notices that something is off they find some nolles and kman urges everyone to get ready for battle however he charges in instantly which the others take as him simply being eager to fight granell thinks that their entire combination is a pretty normal one to go with but it's all over the place as the tanker is agroing the monsters instead of protecting his party the deal tanker is doing most of the defense and the mage is doing the most dealing is this really how people do it these days well he can't complain as he's pretty useless at the moment he opens his inventory and spots that he has a few weapons but nothing useful so he should fight as little as humanly possible until he finds a suitable weapon suddenly an arrow comes from his side and he notices that countless nolles are standing in the shadows ready to pierce them with arrows granell warns the party about this and the NES start coming out out they desperately try to defend themselves and chman just leaves Jong hun demands he come back but in that moment of anger he had let himself wide open for an attack which a null takes advantage of the blade almost touches him but an arrow kills the null in one shot that Arrow was from granell who notes that this Beast needs training and it doesn't really suit him but punishment is necessary and he must be the one to do it Jong hun thanks him although he's quite weirded out by the way he speaks speaks the party struggles to keep the NES in front and two manage to slip out and go straight for Jong Yan who doesn't know what to do granell urges her to calm down as he will get rid of the ones that dare approach so she should cast a strong spell even if it takes a bit to cast she says that she will and he gets to shooting Jong hun asks how much until the casting is done as they are being overwhelmed eventually she manages to fully cast it and demands that everyone get out of the way a myriad of Fireballs come out of the spell circle and they create a large explosion which seems to take out all of the NES Jong Yan asks granell if he's okay who notes that she should worry about her teammates he looks at the dead NES and wonders if he can get that expensive Arrow back Jong Yan gives shanuk a healing potion and Jang hun is extremely mad he rushes up to chilman and asks just what the hell he was doing he can understand that he didn't know about the ones who hid themselves but why did he decide to not help he basically walked them into a death trap so he should explain himself right this instant chman smirks and starts laughing uncontrollably and very loudly Jong Yan says that this is not in any way funny and if it weren't for his famous brother he wouldn't be worth anything does he really think that he's all that great a bastard like him the lights suddenly all go out and chelman notes that if he's really asking if this is funny of course it is as how can it not be when a bunch of moronic fools are struggling in front of him like this grell's natural enemy skill activates and it's revealed that this guy is a demon kilman finds it funny that they realize so late but then again they are extremely dumb anyway the party wonders what he is talking about but before long they are all affected by his skills and they see something which they fear the most in song wook's case he sees his party members pleading for help while their skin melts their mentalities hit ground bottom and they are all affected by the fear status kman laughs at these pathetic humans who are graveling in the illusion of fear suddenly granell charges in and almost manages to strike him tman notes that he must not care for this particular human as if he dies this human will die as well granell thinks that piercing his armor isn't a possibility right now so he should focus on the gaps for now chilman attacks but misses giving granell the opportunity to attack his skill natural enemy activates once again as its battle power rapidly increases due to the presence of a demon this attack also hits his armor but now it cracked kilman charges in without a care in the world and notes that humans are The Fakes creatures to exist earlier he was friends with this human but now he wants to kill him greld just slashes his face open causing him to wail from the pain he was slashed by a mere human but he feels it from this distinct pain that he was slashed with silver granell demands he not talk to him as he doesn't talk with his prey chman looks down and wonders where it all went wrong for it to become like this he remembers the time where his brother told him to quit going into ruptures and become an analyst at his Guild he knew he did this out of worry but he didn't want to live like a loser all of his life sometime later he was also being mocked by a few goons who knew about his brother and urges him to not be a disappointment to such a great and powerful brother all he wanted was for his brother to be proud of him that's when the Imp came and gave him a hand all he needs to do is watch from the back lines while he works that is how he was possessed and he watched his party almost die because of himself and the Imp who has possessed him with his mentality so low he couldn't hope of getting out of the imp's gasp however granell had awoken him as the Imp was weakened by his constant attacks he screams for the pain and demands he stop this as if he continues this human will also die does he really not care at all does he want to be labeled as a murdered for the rest of his life granell looks at him and notes that if this is his pride he gets it the real kolman grabs and holds his body even if it means that he will die granell uses this opportunity to cut his head clean off and notes that with this he has received his pride later kilman wakes up with his head still intact he is quite confused and everyone from the party asks if he's okay he begins shaking as as he saw himself how his body had its head cut off granell notes that he already told them that they needn't worry about a thing as he is here for them a human's negative emotions can lead to the empowerment of demons so they should all be prideful and hold no fear a demon Hunter's attacks only affect the targeted demon these words seem to move kolman somewhat and Lee notes that he didn't forget that logic even if it's been so long however the Imp didn't drop a single item so it means he was dead broke later that day chillman goes to his brother and shows him a post about a certain dungeon and about a party whose leader was possessed by an imp the comments don'ts believe a word of the story and call it fake news his brother asks if what he wants is for him to believe that story and kman confirms it the brother notes that even if he's the guild leader just taking a person story for granted like this is a bit too much chillman explains that the party leader from this story the one who was possessed by a demon was him him this causes Nam Taman level 368 and the Guild Master of gaon to spill his drink all over the table from Surprise Taman is surprised that kolman wants to quit being a player and become gon's analyst as he was against the idea sternly so he's finding it hard to believe chman asks why he doesn't trust his own brother don't they share the same blood Taman urges him to stop being so sarcastic about it and he apologizes noting that he was only kidding around Taman asks if he's also not kidding about BEC an analyst but cman says no he's very serious about that he has realized what his weakness truly is and what his real role should be he's been struggling to keep up with him up until now but now he wants to take pride on himself and carve his own path Taman notes that his boost in confidence has made him quite curious about what kind of person that guy is to change him so much other than having killed the Imp through him if the stat status abnormality didn't affect him in the slightest it must been that his mentality stat is unparalleled he also fought with a dagger in Magic from what he said there are thousands upon thousands of classes in Arcana but he has never heard of a class that uses those two things he also doesn't get why he went into that specific rupture considering he could have done harder ruptures with those specs of his kman says that he knows how this story sounds and that it's truly hard to believe but he asks him to believe in him Taman notes that he trusts him fully since he was witness to all of this after all boss pattern analysis Guild management and The Scouting of new players he got to where he is today thanks to his guidance so of course he would trust him easily he even brought a contract since he's older brother and now the most prided gayon analyst kman becomes embarrassed from all the praise but thanks his brother for being so kind Taman laughs out loud and tells him to look at the contract to see if the terms are to his life liing chillman does so and starts sweating profusely when he finishes reading them back at the apartment Lee notices that his level went up by quite a bit he is quite happy with this but granell notes that it's too little of an increase and Lee says that NES don't give much xp so killing a single imp leveled them up by a whopping 12 granell says that he doesn't concern himself with Such trivial matters but Lee sure does and wonders how to spend the stat points efficiently he also o thinks that he needs to go to bed since he feels tired but granell has other plans as he thinks this place is a mess so he gets to cleaning later in the evening granell is cooking and takes his sweet time in making the perfect and healthiest dish he can Lee is already starving as he forgot that granell followed regular schedules and practiced self-restraint like this however he learned something quite crucial from all of this the traits he gave granell are being applied to the real world other than the job and level he would have just showered and instantly lied down to rest but he's becoming much healthier because of him but what are his talents of course his talents are not similar to a single one as he is talented in Magic and can imitate most spells just by seeing them a single time he is also very intelligent and quite fit as well granell thinks that this is enough and rewards himself with some tea however he has to check if these traits also apply here in the real world suddenly he gets a message from chaan which is quite long he ignores it for now without reading it as he has more important things to attend to the first thing that he will be checking is to see if granell can really imitate most spells just by seeing them once he pulls up a few videos and gets to writing kilman and Taman stare in shock at granel's text a simple no kman wonders if he got an offer from another guild and Taman notes that can't be possible as they offered him a house car all of the feed fees paid and a deal with a split of 9.5 how can another guild could ever hope of surpassing that offer chman says that he can't be sure but after the Mage Tower appeared in Soul foreign guilds from around the world have been setting up Branch offices around here tamon asks Who Dares step foot in his own territory and kilman explains that even if it's not a foreign Guild that offered him something all of the top guilds are right here in Soul so it might have been one of them Taman smashes the table and says that he can't let this go now as no other guild can give an offer that can actually rival this one this is a contract so special that he wouldn't dare show it to the higher ups of Guion he gets up and starts dressing noting that he can't move on from this and asks kman to know how he looks like as he is going to bring him into their Guild until some other guild nabs him from them kilman thinks of how best to explain him as he is quite the puzzling individual and Taman urges him to think faster as they don't have that much time chelman thinks about him and notes that he looks exactly like a fantasy novels Aristocrat a very fancy one at that granell writes down all of the magical techniques he had seen on the phone and Lee thinks that he can see it the fundamentals of magic that is he is now certain he can use these things if he has enough Mana that is as expected of the great grandell now he can forgive him for being extremely cringey as he is the best genius around granell finds his reaction quite rude and Lee thinks that now with the stuff he knows he can destroy distribute his stat points efficiently he doesn't know how granel's talents will go but he is open to any and all possibilities he puts two points in stamina and Agility each and seven into Mana since it is quite low with one point left he is reminded about granf Fell's sad past wondering why he even wrote Such a dark past the last point he puts into luck for his and granel's sake who will have to work hard for them from now on he only raised luck form one to two but that means he basically doubled his luck who knows maybe tomorrow he will find some money on the street in the morning he looks onto the mirror with a shocked expression as he has found much more than money on the street a whole class Quest the prologue of Counterattack after Arcana basically become reality quests became much rarer and the reason for it was quite simple there are not many NPCs in the real world to be able to give quests even a normal Quest is much rarer than before but what he got was a class quest which seems to be a normal Quest related to his Demon Hunter class but from what he remembers this shouldn't be no ordinary Quest he finds an article about a paladin by the name of Guyver who had also received a class Quest it is a quest given to only one person among those who share the same class it is such a big deal that just receiving one is enough to make the top news articles an amazing kind of quest that people start mentioning that getting one would mean to get into the top ranks logically speaking there is no way a level 6 7 like himself would actually get a class Quest so it must mean that he's really the only Demon Hunter left on this world however it does make sense akan was the post of the demon hunters and naturally sounds like a great place but the reality was quite shocking the Demon Hunter training instructor welcomed them warmly by making them climb a 1,000 M Cliff this is when Lee was met with the reality of the class he chose the quests were a repetition of rather pointless hard work and the facilities were inadequate to say the least even for meals they had to climb a mountain and all the NPCs did was scream and yell anyone with a sense of preservation for themselves would have quit but granell found it quite nice as demons dig into the human mind and that training made him much stronger Lee thinks that all of that is in the past and best left there so he should take a look at what kind of quest he was given he opens the tab and his face drops the aaou the the anti- Arcana United Korean branch is a facility formed in order to reduce the chaos and damages all over the world they hired all of the employees who had previously worked on Arcana and its development in response to arcana updating an update that was going to reflect in the real world they collected information and related it to arcana while also analyzing it for the players in other words they are overworked businessmen an employee dams Arcana for ever existing while stretching and also asks another worker who had been there for longer if there will be a new rupture update this week as it's already past 8 he says that they can only hope that doesn't happened and the laidback worker notes that Raymond is extremely creepy he must be the one managing the homepage and always uploading content isn't he the experienced worker tells him to stop making so much chitchat and keep clicking refresh the laid-back worker notes that he was just curious as he uploads the content on the homepage the same things happened in real life a little bit later suddenly an update appears and they both start sweating profusely the whole office is in a frenzy and one person even starts writing his notice of quitting while another unplugs all of the phones as the Press will surely call them this update is based around demons with a new rupture appearing containing the count family's Fortress territory and the territory outskirts there are also new monsters who are all quite high in level the lowest being 220 there is also a new new named monster count ascura who is level 430 the laid-back worker thinks that this is crazy as the rank one player currently is only level 403 this is just a plainly unfair update not meant to be cleared he thinks that this is too hard even if a bunch of rankers got together the experienced worker says that this isn't the issue as a whole association wouldn't be able to do anything here the laid-back worker asks about the Mage Tower as the NPCs there might be of some help the experienced worker explains that the NPCs won't do anything unless the tower itself is at risk so they will certainly not help Every Which Way They swing it it's impossible they are basically telling them to watch people die it's so over as this rupture will certainly have a breakout the laidback worker tells him to not jump to conclusions like this as if they fail the rupture raid those things will come and kill people in the real world the experienced worker thinks that the updates up until now were very doable but this destroys that balance completely an unthinkable event unless some miracle appears they are screwed granell looks at the quest which started with hunting a demon condition which he completed now he has a repeated Quest To Train his weak body Lee laments having to do physical work again it's almost as if he has never left akshan in the first place his entire body is shaking is it really okay to train this hard what if he just ups and dies granell can barely make a sandwich because his entire ire body is unstable he thinks that making a sandwich with a new look like this isn't bad once in a while and Lee asks him to stop spilling it everywhere however he does feel like he achieved something as he would have given up right away if it wasn't for grell's pride in having to accomplish anything that he puts his mind to now that he completed that dumb Quest he can get some well-earned sleep and is also quite excited to see what quest is next early in the morning at a park granell is doing pull-ups and Lee is extremely Furious he got a another quest of the same nature as the last to run 20 km do 1,000 push-ups 500 pull-ups and 300 Burpee tests which he did already Lee wonders why they are going through this type of quest again and again as it's already been a week since they started once he completes one another just pops up tomorrow granell sits on a bench extremely exhausted at this point and Lee thinks that he is able to do all of this because of grell's traits but how much more quests he needs to do in order to get a reward suddenly the system notes that he has completed a week of daily quests and rewards him with two stamina and two dexterity Lee finds these rewards amazing as they are permanent too items that raise stats are extremely expensive it takes millions of one just to raise one point and after that it's just whatever the seller wants to receive however he just raised Four Points of his stats without even leveling up that is just straight up broken if it's a repeat Quest it must mean that he gets this reward every time which he's very happy with granell says that he would be able to do it 10 times a day for a reward like this while shaking and Lee tells him to calm down suddenly he hears some news from the radio of the Granny's that were at the park with him most guilds have decided to plainly give up on the new rupture raid at the news a reported tells everyone about the new update and the new monster count ascura he is a half demon half vampire hybrid and his level is 430 which is the highest a monster ever was it is also assumed that this rupture raid will be the most difficult one ever granell watches all of this on his phone while brushing his teeth and Lee wonders how anyone will be able to beat a level 430 monster everyone people panic as the boss monster seems impossible to beat and most large guilds pulled out instantly when they heard about him Lee watches all of this go down and thinks that demons are what players have the most difficulty with currently as they grow stronger the longer they battle and players also have to deal with the abnormalities they throw at them this is why people say that one needs to be 10 levels higher in order to defeat a demon therefore count Asura with his towering level will have no opponents if it weren't for this new class Quest that is lead Dam Zan and everything that it stands for as the only vampire alive right now is Aura so it's basically telling him to fight it he is scared but that's a given as he's supposed to defeat an impossible enemy but these are only Lee's emotions as his heartbeat is actually calmer than ever this body is not his anymore so how does granell feel about all of this of course he is ready as these inferior species are threatening to interfere with his time so he will punish them for this heavy sin they carry Lee expected this that this crazy bastard would want to kill them Lee gathers information about the rupture which seems to be in Russia so his first destination needs to be the mag's tower as there is a portal in there which lets users teleport anywhere instantly this is one of the main reasons why many large guilds all over the world have a branch in Korea he smirks at his phone and thinks that it's best he takes a taxi rather than the train as he will have to change trains too much granell says that he had to get going as time is of the essence in this situation Lee demands he not leave like that and he stops noting that he forgot something Lee is relieved but his relief is shattered into bits as granell grabs a few packs of instant tea as he can't miss out on tea time the most important time of the day news outlets all gather around the Mage Tower and get ready to interview The gayon Guild who are planned to arrive shortly a newbie reporter notes that there are lots and lots of reporters and asks one of the camera crewman if gayon is really going to come he says that it's likely as the new rupture is in Russia and the Mage Tower is close to them suddenly the gay ild arrives with Taman in the front the crewman rushes in and so do other reporters with count countless questions about how they are going to raid the rupture and if they are planning to share information with other guilds the Newbie reported rushes in and asks Taman how he's going to fight count ascura kilman notes that they would like to take interviews later but Taman laughs and notes that it's quite a shame but they have no method of actually killing count ascura they never really considered that kind of thing when entering ruptures anyways and they chose to go earlier than other guilds to beat their competitors naturally they will also not be sharing any information as even if they demand it under the guise of world peace or some nonsense like that they won't give it to them if they really strived for world peace shouldn't they challenge the ruptures themselves instead of sitting back like cowards the Newbie reporter doesn't know what to really say about all of this but suddenly The Shining Guild arrives with their leader locks who is level 399 in the front and grabs everyone's attention their Butler notes that they will have to go on foot because of the crowd and one of the members thinks that gon's Guild words were quite harsh lock notes that he's just anxious as all the large Guild are coming to Korea because of the Mage Tower and their position is getting lower and lower he's most likely betting everything on this Expedition chelman sees that he's concerned and notes that there is no need to be anxious as they will take things slowly that is the best way to do things Taman asks if he tried to contact Lee again but shilman notes that he didn't have time as the update had taken place which made them quite busy Taman says that if he's as strong as anticipated maybe he will try to raid the rupture perhaps they will see him in the Mage Tower while in a bus granell watches another video about magic and thinks that this marks the H 100th video he watched regarding magic so he understands fully now there are three levels to Magic activation inspecting the Mana interfering it and finally manifesting it he uses a f skill in the bus and the driver tells him to not use skills in here as it is quite dangerous Lee urges granell to apologize who does so quite pompously he thinks that he just learned a skill from watching a video so it's going to be quite helpful as he didn't have many to begin with he opens the skill tab but the skill he just used isn't there is this perhaps a bug of sorts eventually he arrives at the Mage Tower which looks completely different from the outside he approaches es the portal and suddenly feels something vague almost as if he could also Manifest this type of teleportation magic it might actually be easier to understand than the ignition magic earlier A man carrying something suddenly bumps into him and sends him straight into the portal Taman demands he watch where he is going from now on as they are making them look bad chillman thinks that the man who was pushed into the portal looked like grandell but his thought head interrupted by Taman who asks him for the briefing chillman starts explaining that the new rupture is in Russia and it looks like this the Outer Circle is the territory's outskirts and there are countless entrances the inner circle is the count family's territory and there are about 30 entrances the last is the innermost Circle The Fortress rupture where the boss monster count ascura resides this is just an assumption based on shapes and patters but if the rupture breaks it's likely that the count to scura Castle will be summoned in the real world in Russia countless news outlets film the new ruptures and even a vlogger is there who starts live streaming his experience suddenly granell arrives and the vlogger tells him to find another rupture as he was the first here granell tells him to move at once as he hasn't the patience for something like this Lee just meant that he was cold but of course it came out like something else he arrives at the front of a rupture the territory outskirts he just hopes that from here out it's more warm inside a woman is slaying a few zombies with her group telling her to wait as she is moving too fast this is Leon beluchi level 348 and the Berserker Guild Master her trait to say lots of words that need to be censored granell arrives on the other side of the portal and thinks that this must be the outskirts of the territory Lee doesn't like it one bit as it's even colder in here but granell likes it as this weather is making his blood boiling and keeping him warm such a great way to begin the hunt suddenly a few growls can can be heard from behind him and when he looks more than a few bloodied wolves appear which are all level 230 granell thinks that have a pretty high level and he's only level 67 however with the natural enemy skill he can surely come out of this Victorious granell says that these must be the Count's guard dogs they really chose the wrong owner he summons his dagger and notes that he will make them unable to be ignorant and then they will realize the fear of being hunted in a different part of the outskirts Lan's group assesses The Dead wolves while she starts kicking one who is already dead and saying some things that YouTube certainly wouldn't like one of her Guild members urges her to calm down just a bit but another dismisses this as this is just how she is finally she calms down and looks upon the wolf who is surely dead now if he wasn't previously The Guild members talk about how they already killed dozens upon dozens of these things but there's seemingly no end to them that's when leony noticed that something something is very strange with them these wolves hold no fear it's as if they don't even know what that is in the first place the guild member asks what she's talking about and another urges her to not try and seem sharp as it's clearly not working she says that isn't why she's saying this it's that it feels really ominous and for no reason for example have they ever seen even one whimper or look in pain while they killed them the party can't say that they have and this leaves them quite puzzled also so suddenly a desperate howl can be heard from a distance and they notice that it's clearly not a normal howl it's a cry for help rather they didn't sound like that when they were killing them so what could make them do that ly notes that if they won't look they won't know so they should follow the party urges her to wait and one of the members signals the others to rush as their Guild leader is on another crazed Sprint granell uses the bow and thinks that he can feel the Mana that is gathered at the Arrow Head it's not a good Arrow as its craftsmanship is quite poor but he can inspect the Mana on the arrowead and interfere with it and if he does that he can manifest whatever he wants to he covers the arrow in flames and shoots a wolf instantly killing it the others are now hesitant to even attack at this point but they also can't run away as they can't escape grell's agility later leony arrives and is a struck at what she is seeing a lone man among countless wolves bodies enjoying some tea as it's most like tea time one of the guild members wonders if he has a fire arrow magic skill and Lany wonders who this bastard is who in their right mind dresses up in a suit for a rupture raid and why is he even drinking tea in the midst of all the Flames a guild member suggests that he's most likely a streamer and he probably started following a guild but couldn't catch up so he decided to rest here Ley thinks that is pretty stupid and talks with him noting that it's very dangerous around this area so a civilian shouldn't be inside he must get out now granell just side eyes her and continues drinking his herbal tea Lany is extremely mad that he ignored her while her Guild members try very hard to contain their laughs she tries scold him for ignoring her so rudely but that's when the guild members demand she watch out as new enemies have arrived and are surrounding them quickly the party gets ready to defend themselves but are very scared at the sheer number of them and wonder where they came from in the first place these are bloodied Bandits and seem to be at the same level as the Wolves 230 lony demands everyone get into position and they begin attacking the bandits a guild member urges everyone to be cautious as most of them are brandishing weapons leony gets into a position to activate her skills and slashes countless bandits in only a second she tells her party that they have nothing to worry about but she gets proven otherwise as on a nearby Hill countless archers are ready to unleash a flurry of arrows on them and they deadly red eyes glit listen even through the darkness a member notes that they are basically surrounded so what do they do now that's when Grell finishes his tea and Lanie is extremely surprised that he didn't leave is he actually insane this is not the time for tea at all so he should run already granell looks at the thermos and notes that now it's pretty doable the bandits unleash their flurry of arrows and ly can only look up as there is basically nowhere to run to granell starts inspecting the Mana that is in side of the thermos bottle and interferes with it what is left to do is Manifest as in order to get the skill he wants in the scale he wants he needs tons of Mana that he cannot really handle at this level if his assumption about this is wrong he will pass out instantly by trying to simply trying to Manifest this skill however what if these magic spells that he's always using are not skills a surge of Mana rushes within him as he has gained new meaning of mana and its uses a large beam of blue Mana comes from the ground and leony prepares for the worst but the worst doesn't happen as giant wall of rocks have saved them from the countless arrows she thinks that it must be Alchemy as she has never seen anything like this ever to have a skill that can make great walls such as this one means that the person must be quite powerful granell explains that it's not a skill and what he is using is Magic pure magic without restraints the other party members are just as surprised but still glad that they were rescued still they wonder if he is an alchemist and what is he doing here if he really is one as Alchemists are usually production workers leany also wanders what he means by Magic and granell thinks that it's very possible to change the form of something if he can interfere with the Mana of the object it is closer to Alchemy rather than magic so they aren't exactly wrong but not right either suddenly the wall starts rumbling as the bandits have broken through and are coming from the side granell finds this to be unfortunate as he will have to push tea time back once again the guild prepares for battle once again and leany does so as well while telling granell to Scurry to the back for now he has other plans however and summons his bow and arrow one of the members asks for a Healer as someone has been injured Gravely but this gives a bandit the opportunity to strike from behind leaving him no room to dodge suddenly an arrow blows the Bandit away instantly and the members wonders if there was ever such an Archer like this in their Guild leony is surprised that he is an Archer and wonders what the wall was about if that is the case granell engulfs the arrow in Flames surprising lony even more is this man a mage perhaps but no he has archery Alchemy and Magic just who can he be eventually The Guild takes care of the bandits and the ones who went to scout say that there aren't anymore in the surrounding area lony congratulates them for doing a good job but she is clearly frustrated about something that something or someone is granell as he is in such a dangerous rupture and dresses like that which she finds utterly crazy plus he also won't answer anything she questions him about properly and also doesn't look tired at all but he is most likely holding it in it's quite embarrassing to even think this but if he wasn't there to help they all would have died so it makes on wonder if he is a ranker or something Sim similar to he is also quite handsome but that's besides the point she should just go and thank him for the much needed help however he did ignore her previously so saying thanks won't work suddenly he looks at her while making his tea making her face red from blushing leany swiftly looks away and wonders why he's looking so intently at her as she doesn't like him or anything Grell continues staring making her head spin with ideas does he perhaps want to drink tea with her or something something of the nature well if he does share she wouldn't refuse probably suddenly he calls her and she asks what it is he demands that she stop looking at him that way as he doesn't have any tea for her this crushes her spirit and confidence completely outside of the rupture countless drones Patrol the area and a reporter from today Arcana begins broadcasting he says that this update brought upon lots of global attention since it has the highest level boss they have ever seen another reporter asks if this rupture is named the territory outskirts and he says that she is correct as this is the first of three ruptures that came with this update there are hundreds of ruptures leading to that exact place but the other places will become available later shining gaon and other guilds are already in the rupture as they speak but which Guild will be the first to clear the rupture the first one will achieve that will most definitely gain Global Fame a man watches all of these news from a tent and another man comes in and notes that he must want some coffee since he is the director and all he urges him to get inside fast as he's letting snow in the assistant asks why it's so dark in here and the director says that he simply like its this way he also asks about how the rupture is looking and if any new videos came in the man explains that everyone is around the middle of the rupture with The Shining Guild being the fastest right now the director notes that if this is really the case they should get a spot near shining and prepare to interview them first as soon as they come out the assistant notes that it will take a lot of time to beat it so they should just watch the drones suddenly he spots something and bolts outside even through the camera's way the reporter apologizes for their assistant director as he just ran in front of the camera like a madman the director starts clearing at them to follow the assistant right now as a rupture has just turned blue meaning that somebody cleared it the reporter asks who it might be but the director doesn't have that type of information right now they just have to run run like the wind and be the first there the assistant gets to the blue rupture and is quite surprised at what he is seeing he makes contact with the director who is ecstatic and asks what he capture in which Guild it was gayon or perhaps shining the assistant explains that it's neither and surprisingly it's the Berserker Guild the director finds this puzzling as they are the 302nd in terms of rank the assistant confirms this and notes that he's sending him a video as they speak the director notes that shining is still in the middle and they went into a new and dangerous place but they all look fine suddenly the assistant spots a Korean person is amongst them even thought Berserker is a European Guild so him being there is quite strange other reporters start rushing in and the assistant notes that he will try to get in front the director is extremely confused at this point and the assistant rushes to granell he asks if they can do an interview and what about his relationship with the Berserker Guild is and if anything happened inside of the rupture he bombards him with constant question and that's when granell demands he move out of the way as he is testing the upmost limits of his patience the assistant is left shocked and granell leaves as this place is too cold the Berserker Guild is bombarded with interviewers who ask tons of questions leony doesn't want to comment on any of their questions but one of the guild members urges her to do otherwise as this is their first big clear she however still refuses as they should interview that bastard instead she is still very mad at what he told her and that he pushed through and cleared the rupture first she asks where he is and a guild member notes that he left first as he wanted to go home for a bit leony is extremely mad and the reporters can only watch her melt down how can he leave like this when she was basically acknowledging that he beat the entire rupture solo she continues her rant like a rabid Chihuahua and her Guild tried to calm her down as he must have a good reason to leave like this suddenly a second rupture gets cleared and the interviewers flock to it the second clearers were gayon who look very tired and bloody the interviews flocked to them but Taman notices that the Berserker Guild is also here were they really the first ones to clear it that's when leany says something which catches everyone's attention including the interviewers at the base camp of the gayon guild kman and Taman watch the news while eating some well-deserved hot noodles what Lany said was that gayon wasn't the only good guild in Korea this makes Taman quite mad as she saw her giving him some side eye while she said that she got first clear and this is all she says they barely managed to clear it before them anyway so why is she so smug chelman wonders what she really meant when saying something like this and Taman notes that she must have been insulting them as nobody is as great as their Guild in Korea he gets gets so mad that he hands the ramen to one of their assistants which he happily takes however it was empty as he already ate it all kman notes that she probably meant that she met a Korea player in the rupture with Taman thinking that perhaps it was the mythology Guild kman notes that they are still in the rupture and Taman finds it great at first but then laments it as he doesn't know who it could have been chilman says that he's not really sure as it's hard to find a Korean who is better than them however there is only one person he can think of granell takes a hot shower and Lee dances around as he is extremely happy to get out of that cold and enjoy some well-earned rest granell finds his attitude quite embarrassing and Lee says that after a hot and nice shower like this one he will take a good and long nap granell stops for a second and Lee fears the worst unfortunately for him the worst comes to pass as Grell has detected some dust probably gathered while they weren't home so he needs to get some cleaning done Lee is extremely distraught as he wanted to rest badly after cleaning everything and eating a meal out of scraps he found around he enjoys some tea while Lee watches him however he doesn't even feel sleepy anymore and looks at all the gear he got inside of the rupture he thinks that there isn't anything really that useful in here and also checks his stats his level went up by 19 so it's now 86 it's not that much considering that was a high difficulty rupture and additionally it was very dangerous magic uses less Mana than skills usually do and thanks to that he was able to use it more which is much better than the skills he had granell notes that even with that the Regeneration of Mana was very slow that is a given however as they do not have any accessories or equipment that help with it and the Demon Hunter class has few benefits and there is nothing related to skills it would have been quite bad if they hadn't met that group and could have thanked them if only he knew who they were granell notes that it is because he was lacking surprising Lee quite a lot granell did not really know how to be humble as if someone were to underestimate him he would prove himself on the other hand if someone were to overestimate him he would meet their expectations and make their assumptions a reality why is he suddenly remembering this trait that he wrote granell explains that the next rupture will be in the count family's territory so there is no time to relax as he can't depend solely on Magic and has to get better at combat he found a suitable subject for today's test anyway Lee thinks that he's right the players that were fighting alongside them had combat skills with the shired girl being the most notable of the bunch if he can copy those movements his combat abilities would improve granell pulls up a menu and Lee urges him to stop as he knows what he is doing but begs him not to GR granell activates another body training Quest despite the Lee's words as Basics are the most important thing to take care of however he needs to do the dishes first as cleanliness is also needed Lee wonders where sleep will fit into all of this later that night he starts running while listening to the radio and Lee starts crying as he only wants some sleep suddenly the radio station notes that they have some urgent news to share with everyone currently most of the territory outskirts ruptures have been cleared and soon enough the Count's territory will be available for rating however According to some news they just have received the destruction progress rate of the Count's territory suddenly jump to a large 60% despite it not being open just yet at this rate the Count's territory might break so professionals are expressing worry about this matter the gayon guild watches this and Taman notes that this is an impossible situation it's only been a day but the destruction progress is already at 60 how in the world is that even possible kman explains that the time limit to clear gets shorter the stronger the monsters inside of it are Taman notes that it got faster for no reason does it mean that the monsters inside got stronger kilman notes that he will have to look further into all of this as it is quite strange at the today Arcana Camp the director is in a frenzy as there must be a reason the monsters suddenly got stronger the assistant notes that there is no way to know as even the advanced guilds analysts have no idea the director says that something must be done about it otherwise it's over for all of them if a rupture were to break down like this once the monsters start spewing out all the civilians will be butchered and players will suffer the same fate granell reads more about this and finds out that this has never happened before so it makes sense that nobody would know since this information is only available on auction which was destroyed he needs to hurry as vampires are creatures that share Authority through their blood and count escura did the same with the monsters inside of the outskirts when they died the authority naturally goes back to the owner and the count probably just redistributed his authority with the monsters inside of the Count's territory this is why the monsters became stronger and the destruction rate progressed but if that's the case if they raid the Count's territory there is a risk that the Count's Fortress will break down instantly afterwards count ascura is an aristocrat that does not take back what he granted to others so he will bestow judgment on him who is dirtying the honor of the aristocracy Lee thinks that is cool and all but what about sleep granell notes that he can sleep only when he sees that thing dead the Count's territory starts breaking and cracking and only 5 hours are left until it breaks down more people gather around the Count's territory Rapture and a streamer by the name of Park hang welcomes his viewers back to his channel which exudes determination he is currently in the snowy mountains of Russia as as the Count's territory has reached a huge 70% destruction progress so there are less than 5 hours until the rupture breaks out the time is exactly 3:48 a.m. and there are tons of guilds here despite how early it is he pulls out a notebook and notes that he has some interesting points to make but the chat is not that impressed and they mostly diss him the grind never stops however so he explains that this time the Count's territory only has 30 entrances way less than the previous Rapture which had 200 and since there are so few entrances various guilds decided to go into one rupture at once the XP and loot is distributed based on the contribution rate however so guilds need to balance each other in order for both to prosper the chat continues to diss him like usual since they probably have nothing better to do but that's when they spot chaan behind him so hang turns around to see him and indeed it is chman greets his team and Taman asks how the rupture entrance situation ation is chman explains that he looked into it thoroughly and found out that competition is basically inevitable since there are so little entrances Taman notes that they are fine with anything as long as they are not going against shining that is chaolan tells him no to worry about them as they went far north because they want to go against the unified under Heaven Guild Taman is surprised as that is the guild which holds the second Rank and hang's chat begin talking about how the first and second Guild are duking it out out chillman says that Berserker is with Second Son and Bohemian which makes Taman think that they are better safe than sorry that way but they will not gain much look or experience we gang's chat slowly disappears in front of him as the people are going to watch other streams so he tries pleading with them but nobody is really listening at this point suddenly someone arrives near them and taman's face contorts into a wicked smile and he shakes while asking what they are doing here this is the fourth ranking Guild in auma they Guild Master hisagi Kazuma who is level 376 and holds sixth place in the player rankings says that this must be a coincidence as the lowly gayon Guild is standing right in front of the rupture he wants to enter Huang is surprised that Inazuma is here and his Chad is even more intrigued right now Taman notes that they were very insistent on not placing a branch of their Guild in Korea so their plane must have just landed right Kazuma laughs it off and explains that it's much better and economical to take the place to Russian then set up a whole branch in Korea Taman asks if he's really challenging them right now and Kazuma notes that isn't worth anything of value so the world won't lose anything if they eliminate them the guilds both start to exert their power and get ready to attack at a moment's notice Huang is the first to catch this in action and thinks that if he can record all of it he just might make a fortune that's when countless other streamers and reporters sweep besides him and rush to see gawan and Inazuma in action they r Rush In And ask tons of questions with no real Rhyme or Reason while hang just watches from behind as that is the only thing he can do right now chaan explains that he knows how he feels about Inazuma but the destruction progress of the Raptor is their biggest issue now so if two guilds compete everybody will lose and there isn't enough time for that suddenly the streamers around start saying that Inazuma is better than gown as it's falling behind in fifth place there is also the Rivalry between the guild Masters which is quite sad as Kazuma is sixth place while Taman is a lowly 11th all of these comments sting chillman like bees and they are both extremely riled up now and ready to go chman explains that they were here first so naturally it will not look good if they give up this space he gestures Taman to rip them apart quite strangely who happily obliges that is how gaon and Inazuma went into the Easter rupture at the same time the news get wind of this and report about their rivalry and how their respective rankings and nationalities are bringing a lot of attention to the situation at the northernmost rupture are the first and second ranking guilds shining and unified under heaven in the southern rupture the 30th ranked Guild Berserker the seventh ranked Guild second sun and the third rank Bohemia all went in together the destruction progress has already reached a dangerous 80% so this is naturally causing fear and anxiety to be felt throughout the world while inside of the Count's territory granell is having some tea but the rupture he went through is unknown he thinks that the most useful thing he got from the last rupture is a fact that running out of Mana is extremely dangerous so he had to figure out a way to use Mana more efficiently during battle the result is this magic designed from the Alchemy skill in which he shapes things into the stuff he wants at first to test things out he got some rocks and changed them into a teacup and table however the more complex decor and detail he wanted the more Mana he had to spend so it is not as efficient to use in battle there is also one more thing he realized while pondering this issue suddenly a few soldiers of the count arrive which are all level 300 granell puts his hand forwards and notes that if this is all the authority the count gave them it is quite pathetic to say the least a few Rock formations rise above the soldiers and granell demands they turn back into dust he uses the restore to original state skill and crushes all of them with this skill almost no Mana is used and granell notes that this best classified as reversal magic so he will name it just that Lee laments the cringey name but lets it go for now meanwhile in the deepest part of the territory a few soldiers are waiting for victims but they seem to be the victims as Taman jumps on one and instantly kills it the others see this and jump on him but this makes him smile and he uses an extremely wide swing to hit all of them at once afterwards his Guild also arrives but tamon thinks that something is a miss here as he has only killed 10 monsters which is very few for how deep they are one of the guild members reports back and notes that Inazuma is around the same state as them they haven't killed much they entered the same rupture sure but they went completely different ways so how does any of this make sense suddenly Inazuma pops up and Kazuma notes that it's quite peaceful around here which he finds to be boring Taman asks why he thinks they are friends all of a sudden and they get into each other's faces Kazuma notes that he doesn't really get why he hates him so much it makes him want to kill him Taman tries to say something but chillman contacts him over earpiece and notes that he has done the dungeon analysis and needs to get out of the square as that place will be swarmed soon they don't get to however as the Earth rumbles and taman's expression changes the counts Knights arrive which are all level 350 tan demands everyone get ready to fight and Kazuma also draws his weapon as this is not the time to bicker around like they usually do Taman thinks that Cavalry has much more destructive power than average terrain units so even if all of their tankers combined go in front they would suffer mortal injuries so what if is he supposed to do in a situation like this Kazuma says that he doesn't like this idea at all but he asks him to take his back while focuses on the front slowly but surely the enemies surround them and there is nothing they can do chman tells Taman that this situation is too dangerous as even the unified under Heaven guilds suffered extreme casualties from a single Cavalry Ambush they should not fight and lure them somewhere where they can't come in all at once Taman thinks that he would like to retreat but that seems impossible right now suddenly the Earth starts cracking beneath them and large pillars eliminate most of the Cavalry and block the rest they are all extremely surprised by this and wonder who could have saved them in this manner that's when granell shows himself and chaan is extremely shocked to see him he tells Taman that this is the man they wanted to recruit and who saved their lives grf fell weang is still streaming and is on gow's tail inside of the rupture despite how dangerous that is while he tracks them down his 12 viewers continue to diss Him With Many saying that a lot of streamers are already on gown so he should do something more interesting he tells them that he will try to go after the Inazuma Guild and see what he can dig up but that's when he hears a large explosion and his chat was very surprised by it someone donates 4,01 for him to check it out so he gets going as fast as he can the guild masters of both guilds are extremely surprised as there are Stone pillars all over the battlefield Kazuma looks at granell and wonders just what type of monster this is for him to summon all of that without chanting a single spell Kazuma thinks that he must have extreme amounts of mana and also finds his attire quite weird considering all of this place is basically a battlefield just who is this guy suddenly one of his subordinates tells everyone that Knights have started to appear between the pillars however Taman sees this as an opportunity the stone pillars are slowing down the horses significantly so this is the perfect opportunity to strike he explains that he will have to thank him later as he has a few horses to butcher he also activates his berserk skill which increases his attack damage by a ton and dulls the Damage he receives he jumps high into the air and thinks that with these pillars advantaging him this battle is one he cuts one of the horsemen in two and the impact of the attack permeates throughout also damaging the others Kazuma sees this as an opportunity to shine so he tells his Guild to charge forwards they do so and hang is glad that he caught all of this and wonders who this amazing Mage is while his view count Rises to 132 they also observe granell using reversal magic as he crushes two Horsemen weang and the chat can only stare in awe as they find it hard to believe what just happened but it is real granell summons a dagger and notices that its durability is pretty high but but he wouldn't want to bring it down we gang's chat sees this as him playing with the mob's life granell thinks that if he interferes with the dagger's Mana to change it and reverse it back to normal right after the durability shouldn't be affected this should work as when he changed the rock into a cup it had a cuplike durability and when he changed it back the rock turned back to normal if this ability to restore to the original state really bring it back to the original state like advertised it's entirely possible he transforms the dagger into a silver all and Strikes the mob leveling up in the process his presumptions seem to have been correct as the dagger doesn't lose a single durability if he reverts it right after Lee is glad about this as now they won't have to pay for the repair fees so more money in their pocket The gayon Guild congratulates themselves for a job well done but Taman is stuck looking at granell who is enjoying some well-deserved tea cholan explains that this is the person they wanted and Taman notes that he heard him earlier now that he saw him in action he wants him even more and doesn't want to let other guilds sink their teeth into him especially since Inazuma also saw what he is capable of they will offer him a 10 to zero deal while also throwing something as a bonus after some thinking we gang finds the courage to come next to granell and asks if he is willing to do an interview we gang's viewership skyrocketed to 68,000 and his chat start sing for granell that's when members from the Inazuma Guild start swarming him and ask if he would like to join their Guild as he is quite the amazing individual Taman pushes around them and offers granell a handshake while introducing himself he also texted him recently about joining their Guild so maybe he knows him already granell looks him dead in the eyes and notes that there is not a single shred of formality to be found around here so he will not be taking any questions as he has more important matters to attend to the chat explodes with comments as they find it very cool or funny news about granell go across the internet and The Shining guilds seem to be very interested in this they leader locks asks his two subordinates what they think Camila notes that she doesn't know anything about magic as she is an Archer and Dimitri the eighth rank player screams that they don't know he also tells him off as he is quite popular so he doesn't know how desperate he is is he barely managed to get this date but he is in this meeting with him and missing all of the fun for what just a bastard on a screen Camila takes a closer look at him and notes that he does look cool so if he is this worried about him why don't they just Scout him Dimitri notes that it's obvious why because this bastard of a leader is jealous because even though they cleared the Count's family territory first everyone is talking about that man instead of him Camila notes that they are probably just hyping him up like they usually do and Dimitri agrees while noting that he can't be this late to a date so he needs to go already with that both him and Camila leave letting locks look at the screen in peace that's when another member comes behind him and notes that what this man did is like magic but not really this is Jesse hessi a level 397 and the fourth ranking player locks notes that he never heard her describing something as cool and she begins analyzing further she begins smiling and says that this person is quite interesting and should be studied further at the Berserker Guild Camp leony is extremely angry that they missed recruiting Grand Fel as the others didn't let her so now she is taking her anger out on them at the Inazuma Guild Camp Kazuma gets a call from someone who notes that they must bring that silver-haired man to their side no matter what it takes in the latest news the reporter explained explains that the count family territory has been cleared successfully shining and unified under Heaven both fought valiantly for the first place but eventually shining was the Victor and took the first place the only ruptures left now will be the Count's family Fortress with its destruction rate being at 72% currently because of this high risk of a rupture happening there is a lot of tension within the different base camps if the Fortress rupture really were to fall they can basically wipe Russia off the map so so the only thing they can do is at least wish them luck and pray for them granf fell after taking a shower watches the news about him which describe him as a mysterious player many news outlets discuss in length about him and reaction channels start blowing things out of proportion like usual one of the news outlets notes that building so many pillars from just a flick seems impossible to do with current abilities so they will ask their rupture specialist he explains that the situation was Dire and if he was a second late to the party many people would have died there the player who did all of this knew that the knights were betting on their Mobility so he changed the terrain and that combined with his quick thinking is what saved gaon and Inazuma and also from then on he just watched which seems to be his way of being nice to the other guilds basically saying that it's their time to shine granell thinks that he was just out of Mana at the time but Lee thinks that it's great they aren't calling him an [ __ ] like what would usually happen he also checks the loot they got as among it is a rare item the first one he got this is the necklace imbued with the blood curse which must be purified in order to bring out its real effect these items are called devil items as once the curse is broken a random effect is unsealed so basically a gotcha item most players would throw this away because of the effort they need to put into breaking the curse but there is another proper way to use a cursed item with the exorcism ritual skill which invites a demon into one's head Lee thinks that this is one of the two exclusive Demon Hunter skills and it's needed in order to use the item as an offering the basic affect of the skill is that one can attack a demon without harming the one it possessed like he did with cholan but things change when there is an offering into play as he can invite a demon into his very Consciousness it's similar to the status abnormality given to humans by demons although there is the possibility that one can be possessed by the demon demon if they have a low mental stat however if he can fight the demon inside of his head where it's more advantageous for him things will be easier suddenly he gets a call from chilman and Lee thinks that it might be because of how granell basically embarrassed their Guild Master on live television they don't accept the call and instead write a message to maybe clear things out granell however didn't get the memo so he writes a single word Troublesome he left out that he doesn't want to be sued making ch man and Taman think that he is ignoring them again Taman sigh as he only wanted to apologize for being informal and offer him a deal they watch the playback of the news and see that indeed things were informal as everyone tried to talk with him at once they also see that his eyes were tired so he was struggling to hold his anger in this was just because he was tired due to the amount of Mana he used Taman says that there is nothing they can do now as the count is more important at the moment the destruction rate of of the rupture Rises to 83% so they need to cut their rest short and go in suddenly the ground starts shaking and some urgent news start blaring out of every speaker the count family Fortress ruptur has broken down as it has reached 100% destruction rate in an instant the base camps are now in disarray and there are around 200 injured the United Nations and us are advising Russia to close their borders now so the players need to evacuate as fast as possible possible the Count's Fortress pops up into the real world and granell also arrives not being that surprised that it collapsed the others watch him as he goes in alone and he stops at a statue he notes that it is quite distasteful and with that he is the first man to officially enter The Fortress granell wonders how that old and decrepit vampire dares call this place a fortress but well it does fit him since he is what he is Lee thinks that granell is saying all of this solely because the Mansion of his family was at least 10 times bigger than this place which speaks volumes suddenly the eyes of the gargoyle statue start glowing a deep red which Spooks Lee a bit the statue snaps out of its Eternal rest and starts cracking around as it gets ready to attack granell the other players are as shocked as Lee and wonder if they should help granell as he is famous for attacking with a dagger and if he only has that he can't hope to win against that Stone Beast or perhaps since the rupture has fully come out into the real world should they just run away the gargoyle attempts to strike Grell with all of might but with only one flick of his fingers he shatters it into tiny pieces within a split second The Shining Guild hears the commotion and wonder what that noise is as it seemed to come from The Fortress Camila says that this sounded exactly like the noise from the video they watched about that white-haired guy and Jesse probably out of sheer curiosity starts flying towards that direction locks tell tells her to stop as they were about to go in anyways so they should do so together however she doesn't listen to a word of his as she is extremely curious at this point the other players look at granell in awe as he defeated that Mighty looking gargoyle in a single attack Lee notes that it was made out of plain Stone and he's broken too many of those in the past for this to be of any difficulty granell explains that particular statue was of poor quality poor texture material and creation they put such a piece pie of garbage in their Garden like it was something they should be proud of pathetic creatures the players start screaming and with Newfound confidence they charge in all eager to see what the Mansion has to offer Lee is surprised by their sudden change of heart and granell spots another quests popping up in front of him this one is a class Quest and is a subquest for the prologue of the Counterattack class Quest what it entails is to make the vampires feel fear about being hunted Lee is puzzled by this Quest and wonders what that even means but granell gets going instantly as this is not the time to hesitate about things Lee urges him to just sit and think about this for a bit they can't just go to kill it now and how is he going to make him feel any type of fear the count is an ancient vampire who is level 430 and they are only level 100 granell says only that he is a Demon Hunter which enrages Lee as that has nothing to do with this eventually they arrive at a banquet hall and granell notices something strange as the portraits of the count start to emanate a strange feeling sure enough in another place inside of the Mansion The gayon Guild is barely standing on its feet as they are all affected kilman asks Taman is he is okay who notes that he's fine he's just a little suffocated ever since they entered this hallway which is full of paintings of the count he feels like he is being constantly watched just like the status abnormalities the demons usually cast kilman knows exactly what this means that the portraits are connected to the count directly so they should burn them as quickly as possible after they do that they all feel much much better and chilman explains that this is why all of the players that went in first were retreating so fast because everything in that damned Castle is a trap all of the portraits statues and even the interior items everything is causing abnormalities it makes perfect sense now why The Shining Guild didn't enter through the main gate Taman thinks that they just have more experience so it's a given however even if his class is Barbarian which is more equipped to sustain status abnormalities and he feels so overwhelmed already how bad will all of this get once they go further in granell walks around the halls and notes that all of these portraits are utter garbage how can they eat in here with all of this garbage strewn around the place they surely have strong stomachs Lee says that he is too harsh even if this guy is a vampire but granell continues nonetheless the statues around here are the same type of garbage he now feels bad for the stone that had to be sculpted into something so ugly and in the first place why are there so many portraits around here now he fully understands why people think that narcissism is a disorder the whole layout of the castle is also to be laughed at as there are a bunch of unnecessary Forks in the hallways and also hallways that lead to empty walls if they really thought themselves of this layout before building The Fortress they must not have a single brain cell in that empty head of theirs that's when he notices that throughout his ridicule of this place he arrived at a Stairway which leads to a pretty large door this makes granell Smile as judging from the placing and the stench that comes from behind that door this must be the main area where the count is situated Lee is a bit hesitant to charge in as that place just seems off in every way but before they can fully go up the stairway Jesse pops up in front of granell happy that she finally found him she explains that she saw his really cool and unique Magic granell just looks at her and she starts yapping about how curious she was about him and the skills she uses while Lee thinks that if she's floating like this without a care in the world she must have endless amounts of Mana she asks if they can talk about his magic as she is very curious but granell explains that she should watch her manners he puts his hand on her shoulder pulling her down and notes that if she wants to be taught something the bare minimum is to have some manners when asking Jesse just looks at him but her usually Cherry expression is shattered into fear as the count himself has come out of his room this activates granf Fell's natural enemy skill and the count explains that he wondered who woke him up from his restful sleep but it was just two measly humans how foolish of them Jesse thinks that the Count's power is truly overwhelming and asks granell if he is all right however he doesn't hear her as he is too focused on that stinking vampire count how funny as he should only be called a skura all he is is a rather vulgar and vicious vampire he takes out the necklace he got earlier and uses it as an offering today he will be taught an important lesson for pretending to be of real aristocratic lineage he activates the skill exorcism ritual and Lee now gets it if they do manage to activate the ritual they could bring escora into his Consciousness and fight there so this is what granell meant by saying that he is a vampire hunter as his head is filled with thoughts about eradicating demons will this be okay however as ascura is still Level 430 so if things go wrong they might get possessed escura starts laughing at his necklace and notes that all of his is quite a Pity in his eyes he likes his arrogance but he is still nothing more than a lowly humanoid Jesse explains that the count is now absorbing the power he shared with his subordinates but Lee already knows and this is very bad he is already 300 levels above them but if he were to absorb all of the Power he shared with his subordinates that level Gap will become much larger that's when the necklace breaks and they are both transported in another place granel's mind ascura wonders where this place really is but that's when he spots granell and begins laughing maniacally this is quite the unique trick at least for a human but he can simply destroy him and get out of his foolish mind he tries to hit granel with a few flaming attacks and after the Smoke Clears he is nowhere to be seen making ascura think that he completely annihilated him granell speaks from Another Side and asks if that is really what he thinks of him ascura is a bit annoyed that this guy is still alive and asks how he managed that granell urges him to watch closely as the one who died will be presented to him shortly ascura watches him with worry in his eyes but that worry turns into shock as granell is now standing on a Dead version of him ascura cannot believe what he is seeing and in the real world he starts slashing around with his power there is no way he died this is all a mental trick a measly ruse trying to make him think of the worst Jesse wonders what is happening as that white-haired Mage is still but the count is going on a rampage granell mocks him noting that he seems quite afraid which makes ascura scream at him to shut up while blowing the ceiling up completely Lee just looks at the night sky as they almost died Jesse thinks that he predicted the attack was going to miss that is why he is so relaxed right truly an amazing individual Lee thinks that they didn't move because there was literally no time to react and granell uses the skill exorcism ritual once again this skill allows the user to attack only the demon should that particular demon be in possession of a human however there is an entirely different effect should the user use an offering that effect is to forcibly invite the demon into the consciousness of the Demon Hunter whoever wins in this situation depends solely on one's mental fortitude ascura tries to attack him with some bats as he is extremely scared but this is only natural as there is no way granell would be affected by something like a lowly demon Jesse just watches in awe as this is truly an unbelievable sight just what did he do to the count he is screaming like a maniac and trying to attack in completely random places while running away in utter fear ascura tries to deny all of these Visions but eventually he is Afflicted with fear and Jesse finds that what he is going through right now resembles what demons afflict humans with with this granell completes the quest to scare him to death so all that is left is to take care of him Jesse starts to ask countless questions like how he did it and what magic type it is but he ignores her and Strikes Aura as to end him once and for all but he stops as as that attack basically did no damage he tells Jesse to kill him making her ask why as he was the one who did everything so why should she be the one to do it he can certainly do it on his own so why granell looks in the other direction from the shame and Lee starts cringing hard pleading with Jesse to catch on already as this is too much for his poor heart she seems to have gotten something noting that she was the one who asked for his teachings so now he is basically trying to tell her that if she becomes stronger she can learn that new Magic on her own isn't that right she creates a few runes next to ascura and moments later a large beam destroys him which surprises Lee quite a bit with that the distribution rate is calculated and he also receives tons of levels Jesse crouches down and looks at what remains of the count a bunch of Ashes Lee thinks that even if that guy was weakened she still basically one- shot a level 430 demon in a single attack is this really the power power of a high-ranking player Jesse out of simple curiosity starts picking up some of the Ash and eating it which shocks Lee but not granell who is looking at something else the system congratulates him on completing the quest and gives him another class Quest this class Quest is called brewing and tells him that with the prologue out of the way now he is the only Beacon of light in this world full of demons and evil The Shining Guild arrives at the scene and asks what she did did she defeat the count as all of their status abnormalities have seemingly disappeared she tries to say something but they also spot granell and she starts looking at him she explains that she is not very familiar with manners but she will try her utmost to hold them she introduces herself to granell as Jesse hessi and also asks granell for his name if it's not too rude to ask the guild watches and waits eagerly for a response in a show of complete symbiosis granell and Lee have the same thoughts this girl does have Bad Manners but she is willing to change and learn which can't be said for a lot of people so she will reward her with his name their name he is Lee Hool in an apartment complex a woman is preparing some food while her daughter watches the news which still talks about Lee and his exploits the daughter recognizes him and pulls on her mother's skirt as her uncle Lee is on TV she wonders what she is talking about but when she looks at the TV she sees when Lee introduced himself to the whole world albeit reluctantly this woman is one of his sisters later while cleaning she gets a call from her and thinks that it was about time one of them called him even since the defeat of escura all that appeared on any type of media was his face so it was only a matter of time before his family found out about this he gets a few calls from two sisters and the third one starts calling him also all of these three sisters are older than him and they have been close ever since they were young well well except him who was the only boy and constantly bullied he doesn't really want to pick up the phone as they will surely start screaming at him like they usually did that's when three bangs can be heard from the door and the sisters demand he open it as they know he is in there Lee is extremely scared and the sisters wait eagerly the one on the left is the first sister named uni the second one is named Jun and the third one is jarim granell opens the door and notes that they are being a too loud and the neighbors will consider them nuisances so first they should calm down and come inside they are all surprised by his change but Yim is shocked at another news Outlet Lee is the Talk of the Town as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere and is the one who defeated as skura accompanied by Jesse Hesse someone from The Shining Guild despite all of the interviewers trying to get more out of him he simply said that he is Lee Hool and left chman watches all of this while chilling on the couch and tamman hands him some hot cocoa as they deserve it after what happened chillman wonders if Lee will even consider joining their Guild as he has become the Talk of the Town and a lot of guilds are surely trying to scout him as they speak Taman explains that even this is true he is still most likely to come to them as they have his number and a reason to contact him the loot they got from the fight with the horsemen in the Square was all thanks to him so it would be quite impolite to not share some with him chman asks how much he is planning on giving him but tamman tells tells him that is not important what is is that even if they somehow lose him and another guild gets to him first they need to make sure they leave an everlasting impression in order to do that they will give him everything if they have to so they should call him right now they do just that but he is busy as his niece is doing his hair while his sisters chat Yuni is the third in the family ranking and tells him that his new hair color is pretty cool Jun who who is ranked fourth in the family ranking starts laughing at him for that as he looks like one of those K pop stars while Yim who is fifth in the family ranking just looks at him as she finds his tone extremely strange the niece is ranked sixth while Lee who asks them what type of tea they want is ranked last seventh Jun is laughing until tears come out of her eyes while Yi notes that he has become much gentler in nature Yim says that if he became a player it means that was synchronized with his character right Lee confirms it but gets interrupted by his niece who wants something from him the sisters look at this site and thinks of the old days specifically 10 years ago Lee knows what's coming and sure enough the sisters begin talking about the era when he thought himself as grandf fell and also dyed his hair white Lee starts cringing extremely hard and wants them to stop but they still talk about how he greeted their parents like an aristocrat which was extremely funny Yim looks at him and asks if he is in any type of danger they were all very surprised when they heard about him as players get injured all of the time and he also doesn't pick up his phone at all so they were extremely worried about him this makes Lee Smile as even with their constant mocking in their heart of hearts they still love him they also say that he can quit whenever he wants as they are on his side always Lee tries to apologize for worrying them like this and tell them that he is actually fine but Grant anell tells them that he the Demon Hunter granell claudy arpus Romeo is plenty suited for the job so they needn't worry Lee wonders if he should just end it all as that was so cringe he doesn't even know what to say later having finished their tea they get ready to leave and granell wishes them farewell and is looking forward to meeting them again Yim remembers that she had to tell him something before leaving that is to save some money Lee wonders what saving she is talking about as he doesn't have any money but that's when he remembers that he must get the rupture clear reward this is the player's main source of funding directly from the developers of Arcana the amount differs a lot depending on the contribution and difficulty of the rupture he eagerly checks his account but blocks the last number with his fingers and wonders how much it's going to be 10 or perhaps 20 million one at The Shining Guild Camila bothers Jesse constantly wanting to know more about Lee as he seems interesting Jesse tells her every time that she doesn't know much about him but Camila doesn't give up this makes Jesse emanate A Dangerous Aura and tell her that she is focusing on something right now so can she be left alone Camila gives up and wonders why she is watching videos on Korea etiquette of all things Jesse continues watching the video and a notification telling her that the reward for clearing the rupture was sent Lee also finds out about the amount of money he was given and almost faints from shock 110 billion one was credited to him which is a lot of cash but granell finds it annoying that he is so happy over pocket money the loot that Lee got automatically after killing escura was his vampire orb which is a unique rank cursed item same as the necklace Lee from the past would have instantly dissed this item probably saying that it's trash and undoing the seal is impossible but while it can be used as an offering for an exorcism ritual so even if it's trash it's befitting for a trash class like his to use it however he is different right now as when he used the necklace imbued with the blood's curse in order to face count Asura at first he thought that the item would simply vanish from his inventory but it is still there and with the curse undone too his presumption is that the ritual purified the item somehow but now he doesn't know what to do as he has the orb the necklace and a 100 billion one due to all of this sitting on his his head especially the money he can't get a wink of sleep as he wonders constantly what to do get items put the money into his savings account maybe even tell his family about it granell tells him to think less as he is trying to sleep but Lee doesn't stop overthinking wondering if it would be better to get some equipment since he is going into ruptures but it would also be an utter waste to get a lot of gear for this level when he killed escura his level grew by 34 so now he is level 134 he was level 55 literally just a few days ago so considering the fast rate at which he has been growing it's not wise to spend like a maniac on things that would be useless in a few weeks he would like a few Mona recovery items but they are exceedingly rare and when they go on sale they are too expensive granell urges him to get off the phone and rest as he is hurting his retinas from all of that screen time Lee tells him to shut up as he is a millionaire so he doesn't have to worry about such Petty things right the next day at the AA Korean department all of the employees are called for a meeting where someone presents what happened to the knights that Lee defeated and based on this and some presumptions it is highly possible that this is alchemy One of the employees wonders if it is so while another slams the table and notes that this is utter nonsense Alchemy couldn't never create such giant colums of rock like that nobody could ever hope to have the Mana for something like that eventually the meeting falls into just bickering while the experienced employee watches them as they Nash at each other's throats he thinks that this is very exhausting as everyone he goes literally everybody is talking about this new guy Lee Hool or whatever the Newbie asks if he knows anything about that guy but the experienced employee notes that they are in the same situation if he doesn't know he has no clue the Newbie explains that in just a few days his life turned into a nightmare as everyone including his friends and family are asking him to tell them about Lee nobody even goes by that name in the Arcana database so is that his real name or just an alias to throw reporters off the experienced employee says that it's Thursday so when the new update pops up he's sure that all of this fangirling over one guy will eventually die down that's when they get information about the new update and they both stare in awe as a new region has been added to the world called the usra archipelago this place is known to those who played the game in the past as it was a mystical region nicknamed the island of Treasure of course what flew around were only rumors as nobody was ever able to find it but it was said that everything living in that place was Treasure so valuable in fact that it was incomparable with what they have such an amazing place will surely bring more life and hope to the World on the news there is of course coverage on the new update regarding the Treasure Island but there is also news about how the academic Society of Mages will be Recon continuu this Society of Mages which is a near constant discussion and debate between the most experienced Mages has always helped Mages in improving their skills greatly Lee and granell watch this coverage on the phone and something more interesting seems to be happening Jesse from The Shining Guild was also one of the invited players and is entering the tower right this very moment granell continues to do his pull-ups while watching and Lee laments that he scolded her about manners since she is literally the fourth ranking player in the world granell doesn't really much care about Lee's annoyances right now and notes that he is more interested in the academic Society of Mages there's also a saying that goes with them the Tower of the Mages has magic but not skills Lee recognizes this quote as it was written in the description of the mag's tower back when Arcana was still a video game granell explains that he doesn't know what this Society is even about but he will probably get something out of it if he goes there yes he will do that right after cleaning the dishes of course Lee doesn't even know what to say at this point so he just lets it go at the Mages Tower countless people Gather in the front as they patiently wait for the doors to open a girl who is affiliated with the Mages Tower Cleo is very happy that the academic Society is happening once again as she wonders what kind of things she will learn and if marello the head Mage will really be presenting his research today a random person walks backwards while talking with his friends and doesn't see Cleo so a crash is about to happen Cleo however remains untouched and the guy's friends being laughing at him as he ran into a wall Cleo calls him an idiot and that's when Jesse comes around and tells her to not call these people idiots as this illusionary wall is a spell cast by the tower Master for the meeting so it's hard for common people to see through it Cleo apologizes profusely noting that indeed it it's as she says but the random group look at the wall in awe as they saw Jesse go through it Cleo explains that she is the guide for this meeting and is supposed to take anyone who was invited to the crystal Hall she is actually the last person here so she is also going to go in as nobody else should be coming Jesse wonders if it is so and notes that she would like to wait here just a little while she has a strange feeling that a certain someone will be coming very soon eventually granell makes his way to the mag's Tower and both of them think that that each time they come to this place it is way too crowded today especially there is way too many people maybe because they are trying to get to usra or maybe even join the Mages Society that's when someone recognizes him as Lee and in a short second he is bombarded with admirers who ask him for countless things both Lee and Grell are peeved by this and think of how to get away but that's when a random person grabs his bag and notes that he is a really big fan if he gives him just one picture with him he will stop annoying him granell thinks that this bastard is pulling on something too important as that bag has his brown rice green tea which cost 5001 per tea bag this is the only thing he splurged on with his hard-earned cash thus granel tells him to screw off which shocks Lee as that may have been too harsh even if this guy was being quite annoying but maybe if he disappoints these people he will get less attention so maybe it's for the best unfortunately for him instead of being disappointed the annoying man starts fangirling even harder as he got insulted by Lee in real life more and more people start requesting this which makes Lee disappointed in the human race they both think of ways to get out of this debacle and that's when they see the wall which seems different granell starts running towards it with full force even with other people warning him about it sure enough he almost Falls over Cleo after stopping which makes him note that this is some praiseworthy illusion they got here Cleo escorts granell up the stairs and she looks at him sometimes wondering who he is all of the people that were invited are definitely already inside so even if she flips through the invite list countless times this man is just not here granell observes her rummaging through the list and asks if there is a problem Cleo immediately thinks of how she was pinned when they first met and notes that there is none as he wanted to attend the meeting isn't that right granell confirms that he does but Cleo finds it extremely strange that this man could see through the illusion magic as it was put in place by the tower Master himself so just who is he she continues to blush and stare heavily which makes Lee wonder if she has a fever or is sick granell asks if he can't attend without an invitation and Cleo explains that people who can actually see through the illusion magic are allowed to attend the meeting even if they did not get an invitation prior however he is the first to do such a thing so she is amazed and actually really curious about what kind of man he is in an academic standpoint of course granell again notes that it's very extraordinary illusion magic and continues walking while Lee analyzes the steps they are walking on thinking that with enough Mana he could recreate them eventually they arrive at the Crystal Hall the place of knowledge and inquiry when Arcana became a reality the NPCs that were in the game also appeared in real life the the one who is said to have more influence than all of them combined is the youngest head Mage marchello who is nicknamed the future successor of the mag's tower he is the fastest wisest Mage there is and nobody even gets close to his wisdom the Hat on Jesse's head keeps talking and talking about how amazing Marcello is but she doesn't care in the slightest which makes the Hat angry as this is some top priority wizard lore Jesse explains that this whole meeting is making her sleepy and it's also very boring magic in it of itself is a skill to her so inspection and interference things that are being talked about in this place are irrelevant to her she would have just skipped all of this if it wasn't for her dumb class Quest so at least she has to put up with it marchello notices her and asks if she is Bored he explains that the tower was summoned to this world for explorers and a myriad of other reasons however it wasn't directly summoned and was more part of an interference what they call a new update which continues to happen even to this day he is quite sure that they are not used to their form of magic it's just like how they have difficulty in understanding science but in order to figure out what is going on and regain peace in their world they must work together no matter what this actually Segways to something he was going to talk about science he has figured out a possibility in science to further develop their magic he creates a small ball of flame and notes that this is Fusion which is basically ignition created by joining magic and science together even if this is an entirely new development they must approach it carefully they do not know what kind of things will happen when combining two entirely different things Jesse is now quite interested in the lecture as it has caught her attention but that's when marello notes that because of this discovery he needs their help everyone at the lecture thinks that this is a quest of some sorts and marchello says that if anyone has any questions they should feel free to ask granell is the first to raise his hand and explains that there are quite a few unne sities in his inspection he showed earlier and would like his opinion on the matter everyone is surprised that he would actually question the head Mage while Jesse is glad that he is here as she knew that he would come the Council on the other side starts sweating and most sigh as marello isn't the calm sort so things are about to get out of hand real quick marchello stares at him and asks why he thinks that way granell begins explaining that it's as quite simple he just feels the estrangement science and Magic are entirely different concepts each with their own rules so there are unnecessity because estrangement occurs in the process of their combination he experiences something similar while combining skills and Magic he creates the same thing that marello created which shocks him to his core as it took him months to just activate that magic but he just did it in an instant and how can this man experience estrangement considering that he is an explorer everyone in the hall experiences the same shock that marello felt and that's when they notice that this man is Lee hoyel granell explains that using centrifugal force actually improves the effectiveness and even if it is a bit lacking at the moment it is not a bad result Lee notes that the default ignition for this used up tons of Mana which he didn't want to waste so he is using centrifugal force which made things much more easier granel thinks that it was a good choice to come here and brandishes his very happy face which makes people think that he's sneering meaning that this must be Child's Play to him at first marello seems defeated by this level of development but with Newfound confidence he asks Lee to join him in his research as it would greatly improve and hasten it this comes in the form of a quest which granell accepts instantly as he is very happy yet his face makes it seem like he has defeated marchello and is now reveling in the glory in the usra archipelago leony and her Guild arrive but she isn't too happy as it is way too crowded for her liking one of the members kisses her on the cheek as she finds her annoyance very cute while another member notices that even though he anticipated for this place to be crowded with reporters and such there are also a lot of arcanian in here which are the NPCs among them there are the Lion Heart Knights the shadow mercenary troops and even the Explorer Alliance another member notes that this place is known as a treasure Island so of course even the NPCs would be interested in it that's when Leon's phone rings and it's one of her members who attended the meeting she explains that Lee was also there and told the head magic that his magic was flawed this makes Lany laughs reel from the laughter noting that the guy is a real psycho the Mage continues explaining that marello actually admitted to that and even gave him a quest somewhere in the mag's tower marello asks granell to write anything he needs for the research as he will do his utmost to obtain them both granell and Lee are happy about this as they can use this to their advantage eventually marello is summoned to the top floor of the mag's Tower and the five stars of the tower berate him for inviting an explorer to work with them as this violates their rules but why would a mage even do something like this marchello explains that Lee is someone who perfectly understands magic and he also overcame the gap between magic and science something which he struggled with for months his talents can't be wasted as they can improve the world greatly which is needed right now the five stars tell him that Mages should act on their own and take responsibility in their own hands they will respect his judgment for now but he should remember that eventually he will need to take responsibility for it with that he is excused and marello laments having to work under these Boomer bastards as they refuse help from outside sources out of Pride which will hurt them in the long run Cleo comes from behind him and notes that she is on her way to pick up the items that Lee requested marello says that if it's so she should give that to him as he was headed there anyways as he had something to check Cleo is quite confused but accepts nonetheless eventually marchello presents granell with the items he and Lee requested items that improve monor regeneration and the various magic texts he wanted he asks if he likes them but granell laments even seeing them as they are are all too high level for him he tells marello that these are not fit for somebody like him quite literally in fact which surprises marello but he somewhat expected this he apologizes for underestimating him as he was curious why he requested Mana regeneration items but he probably already knew about this item he hands him a hexagram brooch which seems to be part of a six-piece set it is a level 100 item which regenerates Mana by 10% when magic is used Lee thinks that this is exactly the type of item he wanted as it improves his abilities greatly marchello notes that he realized he is an amazing Mage when he found the unnecessity in his magic but to think he also knew about this item truly amazing Lee wonders what's so great about this low-level and rather simple item while granell stares at marchello he explains that Unfortunately they cannot carry out the proper research as he needs to fix his magic the quests updates telling him to wait for marello to call granell notes that he will wait for him to overcome himself and marello thanks him once again while thinking that if it's with him he might be able to change how the mag's tower works on the new archipelago Fang sits around while streaming which seems to be watched by 19,000 people he explains that he is waiting for Lee to get to usra using the portal and shows that there are countless people entering so he believes that Lee will also be coming soon enough the stream is tired of waiting but hang tells them to be patient a player overhears him talking about Lee and gets up close and personal to the stream they recognize him as kver who seems very angry that Lee is getting so much attention this man is a part of the Supernova Guild a group which is Infamous for doing whatever they have to in order to complete their objectives and kver is rumored to be the most evil of them all as he is tied to many missing people cases he tells hang to tell Lee that he shouldn't go overboard with his clown Act with that he leaves noting that he will keep a close eye on his stream to make sure he completes his objective this whole thing makes the chat wonder if Lee could actually clear usra on his own and they come to the conclusion that perhaps Lee is not showing because he knows he will be targeted by people like kver so he is into hiding we gang is offended by this and starts Banning anyone who taints Lee's good name W gang explains that Lee is probably uninterested about the treasurers as he doesn't do any commercials or shows which goes to show what kind of man he is the chat agrees with him and people around just stare while sitting in the mag's Tower Library granell asks Lee if they have any reason to go Lee notes that they really don't while thinking that even if it's a Treasure Island he is only level 134 and that place is a level 350 rupture there are also no demons so he would have to fight with everything that he can in order to just survive that's when they get a class quest which which has the condition to inspect the seven deadly sins of usra those are Pride Envy wrath gluttony lust sloth and greed Lee thinks about the situation quite a bit wondering if it's really okay to go but granell notes that there was no reason to go until earlier however now there is no reason to hesitate with that he packs a bunch of tea bags and walks away while Lee tells him to at least change clothes as it will be very hot in there event natur in usra granell arrives at the scene and Huang is extremely happy to see him finally get here Lee doesn't like this place as it is very hot but he doesn't have much time to complain as they both feel a great sense of evil that is surrounding the whole island even the ground below them thus granel's natural enemy skill activates which prompts him to think that this influence is strong so surely the demons around here must be on a completely different level this can be seen as bad and as the island in its may actually be the evil considering how much he feels however they both see this as an opportunity as the natural enemy skill will be activated at all times due to this which means that this will be quite easy weang follows him around and happily notes that their Lee has entered the forest of this archipelago while his chat continues to wonder a myriad of things about him W gang notices how carefully he's moving and thinks that it's because there may be some hidden things on this island that he can detect and wants to get first but in actuality they are both searching for an easier mob because of their very low level hang also tells his chat that he will never disturb Lee in any way shape or form so if they don't like that they can leave they also shouldn't worry about him being caught as in real life he basically invisible as nobody looks at him suddenly granell notices something and in that moment a group barges in ha gang's way as they are trying to fight an emerald tiger which is a level 420 mob while one of of the group members backs away slowly and berates the others for not wanting to split up he bumps into granell who he recognizes as the Lee and asks what he's doing here granell isn't that moved by the question but Lee feels it into his very core as he too is wondering why he is here he was originally planning to just find a scorpion to warm up but the first monster that popped up unfortunately is an emerald tiger the highest level monster around this damn place it's 10 levels lower than the count but even still he can't hope to outrun it not with his stats anyways granell notes that the situation isn't great as the sunlight that is falling on the tiger is blinding him but if he stops the movements of this Beast he can stop it from pulling any more tricks he continues to create pillars of Stone from the ground which incapacitate the tiger while the group with ha gang behind them watch in awe granell prepares to use ignition as he hasn't tried tried it yet and creates a large ball of fire on his palm he throws it at the tiger which creates a fiery explosion that almost reaches hang too the Beast is defeated as it couldn't do anything against the might of this power ha gang's chat blows up and granell receives a level while Lee thinks that the ignition he perfected with marchello is a crazy ability and additionally that brooch that recovers 10% of Mana is very nice to have the group is shocked that he One-Shot an entire Emerald tiger by himself and most are left speechless in another part of the island Shri the third raking player and the Guild Master of the second sun Guild is getting extremely annoyed as they have been walking around this island for hours yet they are still on the very outskirts of it one of the guild members suggests that they regroup with the other teams now as he has just received news that shining has already reached the very core of the island with their entire team to boot and they also have haven't been able to deal with powerful monsters since they are all split up like this shrake finds it difficult to admit but he knows and thinks that maybe splitting up is where it all went wrong his original goal was to get a lot of accomplishments and loots from as many roots as possible with their numbers because the Berserker Guild which is ranked lower got first clear on the previous Expedition he clearly underestimated the usra archipelago and he says that he finds it hard to admit this but he was way too greedy for their level so so they should call everyone back here now suddenly the team from the West the one that Lee helped calls which shrake thinks as perfect timing as he was going to call them anyway as they will regroup the West team leader explains that they will come to them as they have to give up this rout since Lee Hool himself has already passed through it before shrake can ask further one of their Mages gets a report from their other Mage that was at the mag's tower supposedly Lee received a Quest from marello the head Mage and he is now also the first player to ever get a personal research lab in that place shrake thinks that he thought it would be impossible for an NPC and player to build such a deep bond in relationship even if he heard things previously about it he notes that their analysis team will not be dedicated to only this guy as they need to find out more as he might be more dangerous than he is leading on Lee Smiles like a maniac at the pure emerald crystal he is holding a supposed top tier ingredient he jumps around from how happy he is which granell finds utterly pathetic so he chooses to try and ignore him Lee thinks that this ingredient is very rare so there are few that can truly handle it but if he makes a request to the mag's tower as part of his research he will be getting a free evaluation granf Fell's expression suddenly changes as the atmosphere around the island changes and the quest to investigate the seven deadly sins on this archipelago pops up again before Lee can even wonder why it's popping up once again the ground begins to shake and another system message appears the usra archipelago is being taken over by greed and the destruction progress increases Lee isn't the only one to receive this as everyone that is on the island does granell looks at the message and notes that if it's greed there are plenty of greedy humans around here who could have awoken him Lee included all of this is because of one of this archipelago's seven deadly sins greed with it the message the the demon of greed must have awakened and any Demon Hunter from action would know that if the progress rate reaches 100% every single deadly sing from this island will be awakened granell receives another class Quest Brewing as his prologue Quest has ended and he gets two new objectives to stop the resurrection of the greed sin and make sure that the Treasure of this island is not corrupted by it he is glad that it's like this as he wouldn't have had the power to defeat that thing but that isn't the biggest issue now people around him start going manic about the treasure and they all rush to get some since The Shining Guild already cleared an island and got the treasure granell thinks that this is a normal reaction to what's happening as right now all of the players on this archipelago are thinking the exact same thing as them in order to stop the treasure from being corrupted by greed they all need to let go of their desire for riches but right now considering their manic state it would be an impossible Venture they start bickering with each other about who gets the treasure first with all of them slowly becoming greedier and greedier and Lee wonders what to do now as one of his quests is about stopping this from happening granell sigh and says that there is only one way out of this he has to take it upon himself and get all of the treasure on this island something which puzzles Lee on the second island of the usra archipelago The Shining Guild also received the message about greed and Camila explains that since there are 10 Islands here in in total they must be a part of the countdown as there are 10 squares and one of them filled up as soon as they got the treasure Lex notes that it's precisely as she says but did they hear anything from Jesse's report Dimitri says that if he's talking about the one where she constantly talks about Lee and how he got to the top floor of the Mages Tower they read it already and Camila notes that Jesse is quite cute when she talks about Lee as her eyes start to Sparkle whenever she does they totally have a thing Dimitri asks her to be more serious about the situation and Camila mocks him by saying that he wouldn't know anything about that since he got rejected by her after renting the whole hotel lounger like a dumbass lock smiles and asks them could they win against him if they were to fight Dimitri tells him that he doesn't want to interact violently with that guy and Camila notes that they have plenty on their plate already and plus Jesse will literally kill him if he touches a hair on that guy Lex says that it's true as he just said this out of Envy anyways as there's no real reason to antagonize him that's when another Square fills up in the progression bar and demitry explains that it was the unified under Heaven Guild who got the treasure this time with that Lex notes that they should get moving as they wouldn't want for their treasure to be taken away on another Island Lee desperately tries to stop granell from taking all of the treasure as that would just progress the bar faster that's when they meet with the Lion Heart Knights and Lee thinks that he didn't expect to come across them around this place granell immediately recognizes one of them as the lionart captain harkcom King's Guard one of the soldiers screams at him for addressing him like that but harkham stops him and asks for his name granell introduces himself as Lee and notes that he didn't think he would meet the Lion Heart knights in a place like this harkham explains that he feels a different kind of energy from him compared to the other explorers and that's when he notices it's because of that brooch before they can speak further something tries to smash granell from above but he Dodges just in time and harkcom notices that the thing that crashed was the protector of this island the great Turtle of golden canines he tells his men to prepare for battle as this turtle is known for firing meteors so they will split apart to not get hit sure enough the turtle starts to shower them with powerful meteors which also blocks their sight as smoke gathers all around from the Flaming rocks suddenly one of the soldiers Enoch is put in a dangerous situation as the turtle is almost stepping on him harkham desperately tries to reach his comrade but the turtle steps down with all of its might which pushes back the other soldiers Enoch isn't dead however as granell has stepped in to help him by forming a giant wall something which shocks the soldiers as they did not hear any chanting from him before harkcom can ask how he did it granell interrupts him as this isn't the time to be chatting the turtle prepares to shower the area with meteors again and the Knights get into formation while Lee thinks that because of that wall he almost consumed his entire monop poool as he had to strengthen it he didn't pass out only because of this brooch which he is very thankful for but still he needs to save up his Mana so he needs to use these Knights to their fullest potential Markham grabs his attention and expresses his genuine thanks for his timely rescue additionally if he helps them in battle he swears on his lion heart that they will never never forget this favor Lee thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to get some bonuses and granell notes that monsters are naturally meant to be killed so if they need help he will be more than happy to accept ha gang who watched all of this from a hiding spot heard what harkcom said and starts fangirling for Lee once again the chat also explodes with comments while hu gang apologizes for not being able to get closer to the action harkham tells his Knights to charge with all the honor they can muster and they do just that as granell just stands around looking at the Beast Enoch looks at him and wonders if the captain did the right thing to swear on his heart like that is the strongest form of swearing that they serve only for the royal family so to do it with a mere Explorer is strange the men all try to hold the Beast back as they try to bring it to its knees Lee looks at them and is amazed so these are the Lion Heart Knights a truly amazing display of weakness that is as the turtle is only slightly annoyed by their attacks and not much else Lee thinks that they aren't that weak but they are not the right damage type for that gigantic Turtle as every single one of them is a melee class so they can't attack all at once as they don't have enough space he checks the destruction progress and it's halfway done already as the people are taking the treasures much faster than he originally anticipated he needs to finish this so he needs to find a way to let all of the knights ATT attack all at once the turtle rumbles the ground beneath its feet and magma starts coming out of it the knights try to dodge but there is no space to step on for them this gives granell a grand idea as he remembers the steps from the mag's tower he tells harkcom and everyone else to get ready and charge as he will open a path for them he creates a Stairway for them out of rocks and the Knights watch in awe as he does it hang is now in a State of Shock after seeing this with his chat being filled with comments harkcom recognizes these types of steps as they are the same ones as the ones from the mag's tower the other Knights also recognize it as so just who is this man to be able to do all of this Lee is now drained of basically all of his mana and he looks more like a skeleton than anything else the knights charge in and harkcom screams at them to not waste this opportunity and deal with this Beast as Swift as possible they all go to attack its head and when they strike at once the Beast immediately Falls and the contributions start being sent out most are sent to the other Knights but he also gets some Loot and some level to boot even though he didn't damage the beast at all harkcom comes next to him and notes that the brooch he has was a gift from an ancient emperor who bestowed it upon the mag's tower graciously he has saved their lives on this day so they are extremely thankful they all bow down in unison and harkcom says that they The Lion Heart Knights will continue to fight alongside the owner of this brooch Lee Hool with this he receives the highest contribution rate for killing the great turtle and The Treasure of this specific Island Lee looks at it and wonders what to do as if he takes it greed will awaken but if he doesn't someone will end up taking it anyways so this is a lose lose situation the destruction progress advances once again by one point and Lee is quite scared but granell just picks it up which shocks Lee to his very core he start starts screaming saying that they are screwed and that he is a dumbass who doesn't think before he acts however Lee doesn't know that to the great grandell Claud arpus Romeo wealth had no real meaning as somebody who was born as the direct successor of a renowned family he had already tasted what wealth was the emotion that is called greed simply did not exist in granf Fell's heart he notes that to prevent the island from being consumed by greed he must do something quite simple just take it without any greed in his heart Lee is surprised that something like that is possible since he is a greedy little bastard above them kver watches him eagerly and tells him to keep collecting those Treasures just like that behind him the West group of the second sun group is decimated with only one player being left alive he calls kver an irredeemable monster a coward who only attacks weak players and soon shrake will have his head before he can do anything further kver cuts his head clean off and his karma stat increases he eagerly waits for Lee to get more items that way it will be very convenient for him to just take them like taking candy from a child from this group he has looted some Emerald Essence and 32 other looted items with it as granell unlocks the Island's treasure everyone watches in awe including hang who is now fangirling to the Max and his chat explodes with comments the treasure glows in granel's hand and he notes that in order to prevent the island from being taken over completely by greed they just need to take the treasure without any greed in their heart W gang starts crying while he asks his viewers if that was recorded well their Lee just took the island treasure and the destruction progress has not up and they should watch how refined he still is he really has no greed and is fully selfless the real Le cringes however as the item they have received is only an epic and has no real stats to speak of this much be a joke he got excited for nothing like a dumbass so much so that his greed just disappeared if all of the treasures are so worthless he doesn't even want them suddenly granell gets a status window showing him that the great lionart Knights have joined his party Lee wonders what this is all about and harkham reaffirms what they said previously they will be at his side from now on no matter what they The Lion Heart Knights will continue to fight alongside the brooch owner that is what both grandf and Lee remember but Lee didn't think they would actually join him but leave him alone during his stay on this archipelago harkcom notes that he has saved their lives and even showed that he can acquire the treasures without a speck of greed in his heart they are not sure what his true goal is in this place but at least here on this archipelago they will be his sword and shield whenever he commands Lee is very shocked as even if this is only for the usra archipelago he now has the best knights in the entire continent by his side and the level difference is just insane now that he looks at it not for him for the mobs who are now extremely easy to Target with these loyal helpers granell grabs harkham shoulder while grinning quite devilishly and notes that they should move on to the next Island above all of them hidden in the purple mist and dark green leaves kver watches granell diligently before getting interrupted by his earpiece as somebody wants to talk with him that person notes that he's worried about the destruction rate not progressing the same after Lee took the treasure is he sure that he is the one that took it and not the NPC dogs he has with him additionally if he does have marcom and the stupidly loyal Lion Heart knights with him can they really do anything to Lee at this point kver ask the person if they are scared and the person explains that they are not they just want to be careful about it as those guys are on a much different level than those bastards from Second Son kver explains that he still sounds like a scared idiot so he should stay out of this if he really is that scared he has already prepared a little surprised for them as the moment they decide to get on a shop to progress to the next Island all he needs to do is flick one single finger and the Hydra poison which is extremely deadly will spread on every inch of the ship whether is that bastard Lee or the popular harom nobody will be able to stop it they will all die slowly additionally they can check for all of the treasure after Lee is dead but suddenly Lee looks at him and he feels like he's been beheaded gruesomely he clenches his neck and is now extremely fearful it was impossible for Lee to notice him from this distance and this amount of blood lust is no mere joke what granell and Lee see however is just a cute squirrel most likely kver disguise Markham notes that judging by where he is looking he also noticed that tiny little rat over by that tree what does he want to do with him can ver clenches his neck even tighter as his mental health becomes extremely broken and he is hit with the fear status abnormality granel still sees a cute squirrel on that tree and notes that he's not sure suddenly the destruction progress advances and Lee thinks that excluding the crown they got there is only one left remaining so they better hurry granel tells harkcom that there is no reason to focus so much on a tree rat and thinks that they need to stop greed's Awakening no matter what he tells harkham that they should hurry who does as he wishes the person who contacted kver previously tries to contact him again but kver can't hope to respond as he is still hiding in fear and also he has literally pissed his pants is he alive only because Lee took pity on him or because he's just a rat that he cannot be too worried about he falls down and thinks that whatever the reason was he thanks him from the bottom of his heart for saving him he removes his mask and announces that he's done and out of this deal for good the person over the radio asks what the hell just happened and kver warns them if they don't want to die gruesomely they should turn back now and never ever look back with that he closes the call and the person over the phone wonders what the hell just happened one of his men asks what's wrong calling him Park hyunjun hyunjun explains that kver hung up on him like a scared rat [ __ ] they invested too much money in this they even borrowed money from a lone shark because that bastard kver promised that they needed the hydro poison in order to succeed their mission the man tries to calm him down but hyan Jun is having none of it as he is in manic State he is telling him to calm down did he get the loan on his name or something the other party members get in front of him and tell him to stop as it isn't like him to get so worked up for things like this hyunjun asks if he is so worked up how are they so calm huh oh now he gets it they are on the same side as kver how much did that bastard pay them huh the members desperately try to calm him down but hyunjun is out of it completely and screams just how much money are they taking from that bastard granell notices something wrong in the distance and Markham asks what it is which he replies with nothing he was just looking around there is something dangerous around here though because his natural enemy skill has activated and his Demon Hunter instincts are warning him to be very careful from now on as there is a demon nearby hyunjun stabs one of his men who notes that he knew he was a piece of [ __ ] that was obsessed with money but to think he would go to this extent yanjun tells him to just die quietly as they were the ones that worked for kver in order to get more money ha gang watches all of this with a tear in his eye as he is extremely scared scared for the demon-possessed person that is right behind him when he gets the chance hang bolts out of there and thinks that he knew previously the Supernova Guild was filled with Killers but he didn't think that they would also slay their own men based on baseless accusations he needs to leave as fast as he can before he is their next Target suddenly he trips on a branch but before he falls someone from the Explorer Alliance stops him and asks if he is okay they reassure him and tell him if he's afraid he may have a seat and rest for a while next to them ha gang thinks that even someone as crazy as that guy who killed his own teammate Ates won't be able to do anything against the entire Explorer Guild he accepts their offer and thinks that now he is spared the today Arcana news Outlet deployed drones all around the island and broadcast it to everyone around the world as they can see the archipelago is separated into 10 Island and apparently each one has a hidden treasure ready to be found the ways to obtain such treasure is different from Island to Island for example one might need to defeat the island owner a powerful boss monster or solve a hidden puzzle and now they have reached the final Island where a lot of players and guilds have gathered suddenly The Shining Guild also arrives who has already taken two Treasures but that was to be expected gaon who is also there has also taken a treasure and beside them there is the Inazuma Guild which couldn't take any treasure as gaon took the one they were aiming after the berserk and the Rising Sun Guild which are apparently Rivals also arrive so all of their viewers should stay tuned for this Mighty final battle that's when somebody arrives that silences everyone the mighty Lion Heart Knights have arrived to the scene which surprised every single player and Guild there but when they see who is leading them they get even more surprised naturally it is none other than Grell they all look at him and notice how confident and calm he looks like he is sure that he will be taking the last treasure with him Lee however is very scared as he knew he would attract some attention but still everyone is just staring at him constantly and he's scared every single player there talks about him and Camila notes that she is saying this only now no matter what she will not be fighting Lee as she only has one life and she wants to cherish it Lee stands behind granell like a scared cat and wants everyone to stop looking at him like this as if everyone finds out he's actually lowlevel he will be cancelled harkcom suddenly notices something and tells Lee to dodge now the Earth beneath them opens up and magma flies all around as the Earth cracks and cracks leaving many to just fall into the fiery pit out of it the island owner a great lava koi which is level 420 gets out and starts spreading lava all around itself one of the players notes that they can't hope to attack this thing as it is covered in lava so they need to just watch right now every single player there tries to coordinate themselves to the best of their abilities but even if they hit it with all they got the long range attacks do nothing as the lava simply swallows it all even Taman can't seem to approach the Beast and the new outlet records all of this while brining the Drone higher into the air as to not get it damaged from above it can be seen that the koi has created a pool for itself where nobody could realistically approach it harkcom asks Lee if he's okay and apologizes as he promised to be his sword but he doesn't have a way to even strike that Beast granell smiles and notes that he worries far too much for somebody so prestigious he did not lead them all of the way here without a plan he puts his hand forwards and that's when Lex notices that even in this most dire situation Lee is still smiling just what does he have in mind while preparing his magic granell thinks that magic activation could be divided into three important steps inspection interference and most important manifestation the lava around the koifish is not a skill and and it's merely a part of nature thus lava which is only just a force of nature for him is no different than the rocks on the ground he picks up all of the lava in the pool and everyone is left speechless to the news people to chelman Lex can't help but Smile as he wonders just where did this guy come from the news Outlet notes that this is an unbelievable and rather amazing sight the path to the island owner is now open for everyone harkcom laughs and charges forwards as he needs to do his share of work Lex notices and thinks that he spaces out for too long he tells The Shining Guild to charge as the path has opened they all charge and kilan advises Taman to get in there and at least get some contribution points and maybe even get the first attack bonus suddenly the koifish jumps high into the air and to everyone's surprise slams back on the ground sending everyone back from the impact ly notes that it is very annoying for a single fish and that they should be careful as it is getting ready to jump once again the news Outlet says that due to how powerful this fish is the fight will be a long and treacherous one but that's when the lava that was formerly liquid is now a solid and it slams into the koifish into the form of Spears they all look at Lee in Wonder once again as something like this shouldn't be possible it's like turning water into ice a change so big shouldn't be possible with the limits of Mana set by the system granell tells harom to charge who does so immediately and kills the koish and a single Mighty strike every single player gets the message that the koi has been defeated and Lex thinks that for the first ranked Guild to not even have a single contribution Point such shame the news Outlet screams in Joy the Island's owner has been defeated and the one with the highest contribution rate is of course Lee and the mighty lionart Knights he cannot believe how relaxed he is he defeated the boss so easily in actuality Lee is basically dead already and Grell has his eyes rolled back as he is trying to not pass out due to the lack of available Mana the Island's treasure suddenly appears in front of granell and everyone eagerly watches to see what he gets from it granell gets to opening it and everyone is surprised when the destruction progress rate does not pop up is this perhaps not the island treasure but something else entirely however suddenly the destruction progress rate appears and fills up once again which also surprises people why was it late or were there more treasure around the Islands Lee is weary now as there is no way that granell advanced the destruction after taking the treasure as the treasure itself is still a shining blue however he feels that extremely strong demonic energy a different treasure has been taken by greed once again the rest of the Explorer Guild and hang watch in horror as yanjun has killed most of the other NPCs and has taken one of the island treasure for himself they are all teary eyed from losing their comrades but they must stay back as this man is far too powerful for them yunjun looks at the treasure with a wide expression and his head starts to hurt as he tries to fight back what is happening his head is feeling heavy and he didn't mean to do any of this not at all the demon comes next to him and asks what he means by those words he himself said that he wanted this so he has helped him like a good Demon should he does not even have a skill for him to take yet he has helped him get what he wants since that is done now it is his turn to take what he wants and needs yanjun feels like he's being swallowed into a sea of nothingness a darkness that would take down even the most Valient of men suddenly a member of the Lion Heart Knights jumps into action and pushes hyan Jun back while asking hang if he's all right he thinks that if they are here it must certainly mean that he is also here Lee who notes that it smells disgusting around here probably because of the demon hang is still amazed that he is here although he expected it and wipes his tears fast he apologizes for having his viewers wait for so long and announces that the number one Lee fan stream is now starting once again granell is suddenly hit with a strange sensation as the Lion Heart Soldier asks for orders a class Quest is created for him and hyan Jun is being engulfed by a sea of red demonic energy the system warns them that usra archipelago's evil is brewing to the point of no return and everyone there watch is in horror except Grell of course suddenly the Island's treasure Rises into the air and breaks above hyan Jun who is by now just a soulless puppet the system warns them once again the Island's treasure is being corrupted by greed Lee knows what this means and the conditions pausing confirms it the destruction meter is full and so the destruction is beginning in full as the archipelago destruction begins every single Guild feels it and when they look in the direction of this immense Aura they all see a gigantic hand that breaks off into multiple and they invade every single inch of the island and the ground shakes heavily as it does So eventually the hands now touch all of the little island around and the reporters see all of this being rightfully scared of this situation and they also announce that slowly the island is being merged into one suddenly out of nowhere a gigantic building appears in the middle of the island and even harkcom is surprised at what he sees an entire castle made completely out of gold this makes the other players there think that this is simply another treasure waiting to be taken apart and enjoyed but granell knows that thing is named the castle of greed and is the home of one of the seven deadly sins greed it also has a very ominous aura that the others should also feel but it seems that they are more fixated on the gold that's when he receives a quest notification specifically that the quest was paused which surprised granell as he thought that Quest was failed harkcom suddenly announces to everyone that something really bad is coming and that they should prepare for battle right now that's when hands start appearing from the ground as the vengeful Undead rise from the ground ready to Feast on some long awaited flesh the reporters are very eager to show all of this since it means that their viewership will Skyrocket but suddenly the chief receives a notification on his phone and when he sees it his smile drops he tells the other reporter that this is not the time for laughter somewhere else at the Arcana building to be exact the employees panic and run all around with the Newbie and the experienced employee who is named Suk trying to contact someone eventually he gets into contact and explains that they saw the update while the Newbie rages they need to stop everyone from entering or leaving lock the whole damn Island down he should look at the levels of the enemies it's over for those inside granell decides to look at the updates and sure enough the boss monster greed is level 650 with this zombies being level 500 while the others fight in front of him and are desperately trying to defeat the over-leveled enemies the class quests continue to be spammed in front of his face which he finds very annoying he walks forward still and while he does that he thinks that this Quest is quite impossible as even the lower level monsters are a challenge but the boss is literally level 650 harkcom tries to maintain a sense of formation and Calamity with his soldiers but granell suddenly comes behind him and calls him out loud harkham looks at him with a widened expression and granell asks if the oath that he had made previously is still valid he thinks that now of all times he needs to depend on harkham in order to be able to even try something harkham asks if he really wants to fight this as the enemy is one of the seven deadly sins all of their lives are in danger at this Point granell proclaims that demons are meant to be defeated and only that there is no other option they all need to be annihilated this statement surprised harom but he smiles as he doesn't see a lick of fear in his eyes he is a true warrior indeed granell is not fearful but Lee is very much so harkcom call out his lion Knights and explains that from now on they stick to their oath and help their savior reach the evil and free this island forever the soul soers immediately get into formation and are ready to defend granell with their lives in the name of the Lions the people who watch all of this including hang are amazed because from what it seems Lee and the lion Knights will attempt to go into that castle being stopped only by the countless Undead horde granell orders them to charge forwards and at the Arcana building everyone sees that some crazy people are trying to get in this because of the reporters who are also quite shocked by this but report it nonetheless everyone in the country watches as they go in at home at school or even on the street this legendary moment is televised for all granell and Lee analyze the situation with both of them thinking that the Lion Heart Knights are doing much better than originally expected but they are the best Knights on the entire continent so in combat they will not fall behind no matter what their Mana is also recovering really well and at this rate he will be able to help with this battle too instead of saving for the final boss that's when granell notices a sudden movement behind him from a body that was previously killed shrake is being pestered by one of his Guild members as they will get zero contribution rate if they don't go in too but shrake explains that if they do that they will just end up dead if they are being real this situation is impossible and no other guild will be joining them in this Do or Die mission that white haired guy will fail soon and then they will all fall back behind granell the the undead that were previously defeated rise up to fight up once again and this is bad as he does not have enough Mana to defeat them right now but still he must fight suddenly a beaming light passes shrake and both Lany and Taman have come to help Lee that's when they notice each other so this wasn't coordinated and the other guild members rushed to help them with that the temporary greed extermination Alliance is formed the reporters note that this Alliance was not expected at all but is it a coincidence as both Fields have been helped by Lee numerous times in their respective ruptures Lee wonders if they will really help them and granell doesn't ask but announces that they will help something which shocks Lee as that is no way to ask for help he needs to do it nicely granell then says that he will only say this nicely once which makes Lee even more crazy as this guy doesn't know how to communicate at all Lany looks at him like a sad puppy and notes that they came to help anyways since they have a debt to pay with him but he really likes being an [ __ ] kilman on the other side tells his brother that this is the perfect chance to make a good impression on Lee and get closer with him with that for their own reasons they both look at him with a manic look something which granell doesn't really care about the undead resurrect once again and everyone around begins fighting them with Taman calling up his Saints as they need blessings and protections in order to efficiently deal with these ugly things Lee thinks that this will cut into his contribution rate so he needs to buff the lion Knights too so that he can push forward that's when granell goes to leony and explains that the Lion Heart Knights need protections and blessings too and he doesn't have any of his precious tea to give her but he needs Buffs so she should hand them over this leaves leony quite stunned and Lee apologizes but that's when the Lion Heart Knights are being buffed by none other than the gayon Saints who urge them to fight under God's protection and win leony is quite mad that the gayon guild did it first and tamon and congratulates his brother for the Swift steal With the blessings the knights have more confidence and they charge in once again in order to fulfill their oath granell thanks Taman for the help as he will remember it and Taman happily notes that it was nothing perhaps he needs other Buffs too God's blessing or protection whatever he needs their Saints will surely have it granell however refuses as he doesn't believe in something as idiotic as the idea of God with that he walks away and Lee tries to kill him from embarrassment but to no avail it seems that harkcom has heard him and is quite surprised but suddenly something deep from deep inside him calls his name and he remembers his King and how he also said that he doesn't believe in God anymore haram's eyes glisten as he sees this Vision but that's when two dark hands reach out to him from the Castle's golden doors and the others notice too as harkham is slowly consumed by the dark energy he finally remembers the promise he made to his King way back then harkham announced to the king that the general of the Demons has been seen in the Northwestern valleys and he along with his Knights will be on their way if he is willing to give out the order the king thought about it and said that if it's the Commanding General of the demon Army thousands of soldiers will die at their hands once again he slowly walked to the window and explains that the demons appeared out of nowhere and the Explorers vanished without a trace the mag's tower which had been investigating all of this has also been destroyed and if that wasn't enough the people of the nation have also disappeared almost as if they were swallowed by the Earth since then he asked God every single night why has this world come to an end is this really what he wanted to happen all of this time however he has not received an answer not even once he was ignored if that's the case maybe God also vanished along with everyone he asked harkham what he thought about it has God really abandoned them harkham looked at him and noted that all of this is because of the Demons God has not abandoned them not at all the demons are the ones that are blocking their path to God he harkcom will go and defeat the Commanding General of the demon Army and open up the path to God once again the king looked at him and said that it was all okay since he no longer believes in God however all is not lost as he believes in him more with that harkham and his Knights went and fought a gruesome battle that saw heavy casualties from both sides harkham commanded his troops with great Passion as their King was waiting for them to come back home while he was fighting another demon he noticed the general and rushed to kill him but the general just smiled and said that it was far too late for that that's when he and his soldiers were all engulfed in a blue light and slowly they were transported Ed somewhere else that place being Earth where everyone immediately started to take pictures of the battle worn men harkham was extremely confused but in his heart he knew that he had to return to his King no matter what and fulfill his promise the evil energy that is now consuming him gives him the vision of what he wants most his King who stands above him in a saint-like position harkham voice cracks as he notes that he has been looking everywhere in order to find him where has he been all of this time he apologizes for being ever so late and promised that he harkcom will become his sword once again and Slaughter all of the enemies that stand in front of him Lee is extremely surprised but it can be seen clear as day that harkham was consumed fully by something and is being tricked while harkham slowly walks towards them his soldiers wonder what is going on with leany being extremely annoyed that they are facing one problem after another Lee thinks that he is extremely unlucky as the strongest Knight in the continent just got possessed he also notices that it must be some king of status abnormality probably mind domination which will be hard to deal with depending on the situation of course in a split second harkcom disappears from their eyes and gets behind granell ready to take his head off at any moment before he can do that however Taman punches him away and asks him if he's all right however instead of thanks he receives granel's glare which surprised him chman scolds his brother for overdoing it as he just beat one of Lee's most prized party members but that's not the reason as Lee is completely out of it since he almost died suddenly he snaps out of it reminding himself to thank Taman later and looks at harkcom who is being pushed back by Enoch who urges him to wake up as he doesn't want to fight them and they all need to return together to their King right this comment enrages harkcom further as what he sees them as is demons and demons are not allowed to talk about his King ever both Enoch and Jessica try to get him to his senses pleading with him to see past the lie but harkham thinks that this is only the demons Playing Tricks on him so he gets into position and tells to be silent in their final moments perhaps then they will not be punished as hard Lee suddenly notices a strange light and harkham charges in hitting the ground just in front of Enoch but it doesn't stop there as he once again jumps into the air and smashes with all of the strength he can muster into the ground creating a large crater at the Landing location the wind alone pushes the weakest of the guild members out of the way with Taman and leony barely holding on to the ground with one powerful thrust harkcom pushes through all of them at once and when he gets in front he unleashes a mighty power as his sword crackles and emanates tons of energy once he unleashes that power onto the ground it is sent all over the ground breaks it in countless pieces the reporter drone scour the land for survivors and Lany seems to have made it out alive even though she barely did Jessica is also found to be fine even though she got separated from Enoch and the healers rush to Aid everyone that has been injured in the attack Taman is also safe but was injured and think that harkcom should be considered a monster not a human given just how powerful that attack was while he talks with chman that's when his eyes widen as he looks at something everyone starts to including Enoch and hang what they are looking at is granell who stopped harkcom from hitting him with a single hand gesture the lion knits wonder how he managed to pull this off when they couldn't but even though they look cool both granell and Lee almost pass out from Fear harkham looks at him with a strange expression and asks what he is among the others his silhouette is bright and pure nothing compared to the demons among him who are all blurry and vicious granell would like to answer but he doesn't really know as he doesn't see what he sees but it's probably because he's a Demon Hunter and it could be in effect from one of his skills skills probably harkham asks him to reveal his identity or he will have to kill him too granell thinks that if he doesn't say anything he will die so he must speak now even if he doesn't know about what he tries to speak but he is too shocked from what just happened so he can't speak at all harkham asks him once again to speak or perhaps he cannot to him though it doesn't matter as he will slay him either way suddenly in an act of desperation he reaches his hands forwards which stops harkcom as he wonders what that really means is he perhaps trying to tempt him into something granell then points at him and directly at the brooch which harkham sees clearly that's when he remembers everything that happened how granell saved them and how he swore his sword to him like he did his King suddenly he sees Lee once again in his full form Lee didn't do all of this because he know but he was basically telling harkham that he was no danger anger and actually a friend which he is very glad about at working his exorcism ritual skill goes up and a new feature is also added suddenly harkham looks behind and tells Lee to watch out as the dark energy comes to him it tries to consume him just like it did harkcom but he doesn't know that he is a Demon Hunter before harkcom can fully warn granell of the danger the evil energy engulfs him and he is transported someplace else where he spots a single man standing alone on a simple Throne Lee notices that this is his mind realm and that the person standing there must be one of the seven deadly sins greed he explains that all he wanted was to keep his kingdom safe and prosperous his beloved usra Kingdom in the past it was beautiful and bountiful no matter land or sea the land was also filled with sparkling jewels and the people loved each other without prejudice it was peaceful Heavenly and everyone was happy however one normal day a stranger washed up on the beach the people of this Kingdom were kind so they took care of the Foreigner and they sent him back peacefully the moment he was fully recovered but that wasn't paid back properly as what they got back for it was an invasion the people here did not know how to fight and so the Invaders trampled over everything in this entire Kingdom the king asked them what was the reasoning behind all of this if they wanted the jewels they could have simply shared them with them the Invaders laughed as sharing as a coward's move they could just have it all if they just stole them so what is the point of sharing in this rotten world that is how the king became greed incarnate that is why now he reaches for granel's neck and screams that everything is his and only his the island the ocean surrounding it and the sky that gives light even if this island is filled with great treasure and mighty enemies to defeat everything is his all his suddenly granell interrupts his villain monologue he's being quite a drama queen over some pocket change this coming from a trillionaire this confuses greed as he didn't expect someone to answer in this way granell explains that all wealth is in vain and he will be the one to teach him well that the only thing that can be stolen is pride his pride greed snarls at him but in that second granell unleashes his Aura upon this dream world and breaks out of it harkcom asks if he's all right but he doesn't have the time to answer as he searches with his Mana for the palace's foundation when he finds it granell disrupts it causing the entire Palace to start cracking which makes everyone around him widen their eyes with shock as they haven't seen something like this ever eventually the whole Palace crumbles into bits and now everyone knows just how much of a beast grandell really is Lee notices that they barely have any Mana left but granell taunts greed to reveal himself as they are not finished yet he should see just how pointless his wealth really is he should look at the ground where his soldiers lie as they have sacrifice themselves to protect him how can he dare to call himself a ruler in spite of all of this suddenly greed's True Form appears and he asks how he a puny mortal dares to destroy his Palace his wealth he Dare Challenge greed of the seven deadly sins a mere human Dark Energy starts surrounding everyone around the place and the other players notice that this is a status abnormality which they think that they can tank but suddenly their chests tighten and they cannot breathe this is because greed is watching them very very closely as he will make all of them into Undead so that they can protect his wealth until the world ends Taman reaches for his sword as he thinks that he would rather die now than become an undead Soldier but his judgment is impaired and he cannot hold back any longer suddenly granell screams at him once again again and the dark energy that was engulfing everyone disappears in an instant granel stands ever so proud and greed asks how he broke through his mind domination skill like this he is one of the almighty seven deadly sins greed and he is just a mere human greld tells him that he is neither greed nor a cardinal sin suddenly he chooses the vampire count orb as an offering and activates his exorcism ritual skill which is now level two and its passive is to prevent status abnormalities from overtaking nearby allies granell orders him to wake up as he is the last king of the usra kingdom it is finally time for him to correct his mistakes and become pure once again greed laughs maniacally as a simple attack like this will be extremely easy to dodge for someone as great as him however deep down inside he knows already that this is enough as his Palace has already been destroyed a long time ago in fact with that greed explodes from the neck down and everyone watching is shocked that he once shot the boss their celebrations are cut short however as the king of the usra kingdom is now bowing down to granell he notes that he shouldn't be here as he eliminated himself with greed so what is happening he asks granell if he is the one who fought greed but he can't really hear him as he is leveling up constantly the king continues to pour his heart out to granell but due to the leveling up and a hidden Quest popping up he can't hear anything however he is extremely surprised when he sees that the hidden Quest has a 9-second timer but all he needs to do is give the usra kingdom King a crown but where should he get a crown while they both rack their brains for answers the Island's treasure he got before pops up again the broken crown of the broken King the item appears before them and the reporters are having a field day recording all of this as there are tons of questions left on answered which racks up tons of views suddenly granell pulls the crown out of his inventory and bestows it upon the king his body starts glowing a bright blue and Lee is very glad to have picked up that item from the turtle previously as he thought it was just useless so it's nice to see it actually had a purpose all of this time with that he has fulfilled the conditions of the secret Quest and the archipelago's secrets will now be fully revealed every player on the island gets a notification that somebody revealed the secret and they start bickering amongst each other instantly as they wonder if it was a guild the stakes come even higher as ha gang's chat blows up because everyone received the notification this is something extremely rare a worldwide message the whole ground starts to reveal itself in a blue color as the ancient Kingdom of usra is revealing itself fully the whole island glows and out of the ground come tons of buildings and the whole atmosphere of the place changes finally the hidden usra Kingdom has been discovered once again in all of its beauty everyone is left a struck but the reporters focus more on granell and the mysterious man as it must be quite important granell looks at the now gliding King and Lee wonders what's happening and why it's happening so suddenly the king bows down to him and introduces himself as such and also gives his name Hakuna granell has now become the savior of this Kingdom with his affinity and influence being maxed out and now he has authority over the kingdom Hakuna expresses his deepest thanks for saving the king and the kingdom they're all surprised that he's the king but lean's guild member wonders if she should try to seduce him which kind of freaks leany out they all listen carefully and Hakuna finally asks granell for his name Lee thinks that he should speak formally as the man before him is a king even if his kingdom has been forgotten granell doesn't really care and just casually introduces himself as Lee they are all surprised by his way of speaking but Hakuna is unmoved and notes that from from now on his name will be remembered for Generations the others are once again surprised by the king's formal speech but alas Hakuna explains that when he was engulfed by greed he said that it was about time he should correct his mistakes which Lee cringes over after hearing that he decided to self-destruct and take greed with him but he saved him and also gave him back his crown suddenly harkham starts seeing his own King in Him as they share the same Elegance Hakuna asks what was the reason for rescuing him like this what is it that he wants to do so badly he is a king with no subjects as he killed all of his people with one single mistake somewhere else Shrek's Guild runs in the Kingdom's direction as this is a national level event as an entire nation just appeared on Earth and it will be there El Dorado his mind is filled with greed as this place most likely has tons of it and they need to grab the chance and make as much profit is humanly possible granell thinks of an answer and notes that he thinks it's only right that he reconstructs this entire Kingdom everyone is quite surprised that he said that including the king who looks down and asks who will follow someone like him who has turned his back on his people once already granell tells him that it depends on what he does from now on in order for him to regain his pride and correct his mistakes he will help with it no matter what Hakuna smiles and says that it's as if he is in his mind granell didn't do that he just read the quest window which had these exact words plastered on it when Hakuna tries to announce that it will be so shrake arrives and agrees that such a Mighty Kingdom should be rebuilt and they the second sun Guild will help with everything he scooches around everyone and that's when he spots Lee and notes that he heard a lot about him while also thinking that it would be best for him to get acquainted with this person he starts shaking his hand with great fervor but that's when he notices Grand 's expression and thinks that he probably shouldn't have done something like this everyone just keeps quiet as this happens but harkcom comes around and tells him to stop as this is extremely rude granell Gnarls at him not because he is angry or whatever but because he literally almost fell asleep his eyes won't even focus at this point and the person in front of him looks like a bunch of handdrawn cartoons granell ignores him for the time being and turns to Hakuna as he has an offer for him everyone watches silently to hear what it is especially the reporters who are now basically at the movies later at the Berserker headquarters lony reads the news about what happened gayan and Berserker will work together to rebuild usra harkcom decided to stay there and shrake was ignored and treated like an invisible flea this makes both Lany and her member burst out in laughter one of the members comes back with ice cream and asks why the others are so cheery the other explains that there's an article on shrake and how he was humiliated sure enough when he goes to watch he starts laughing too as this is quite amusing at the gayon headquarters people are also laughing at shrake and his past internet activities which were very cringe but chilman is just happy that his brother got them a quest to rebuild the usra kingdom Taman just did as he said but chilman is still glad and wants to kiss him which Taman immediately denies one of the members wonders why they are so happy is this rebuilding Quest really that awesome another member explains that it's not just that it's the first ever Kingdom that has appeared after Arcana began updating into reality once the Reconstruction is fully done the value of that place will be Priceless he's also sure that there's a buttload of people who are trying to get on good terms with the kingdom Shri being one of them its value is so high solely because it's the first national scale update to the world plus the kingdom is known for its resources so it has tons of potential if one accumulates enough influence and Affinity with the kingdom it's possible to even get a noble title after the Reconstruction is done in another place tons of players run towards Lee as they want to get into the Reconstruction project all for different reasons mostly greed Lee escaped all of them by hiding in a nearby wall but he is extremely tired and thinks that he won't make it home if things go like this should he just take a nap at the mag's tower instead suddenly Jesse appears in front of him which scares the ever living crap out of Lee but granell just remains L faced Jesse practices her new Korean greeting she learned step one to not wear her hat when doing it two to put her hands in front and three to bow down as to show respect all of this comes a bit crooked but even in his extremely tired State granell finds it very polite he tells her to take a seat and apologizes that he doesn't have any tea as apparently they do not do rocket shipping to the mag's tower Jesse notes that it would be bad if he were to be hit by that so she will protect him which makes him even more tired so he asks her to get to the point Jesse starts ranting about the magic he used as she watched a few videos of him in action due to all of this explaining and talking granell becomes even more tired and her words start blending together today was a long day and tons of things happened so he needs rest but he wonders when he will get it Jesse finishes her thesis on his powers but Lee doesn't respond as he's fast asleep Jesse notices that his hair is in his eyes which is disturbing him so she leans over the table and fixes it for him eventually granell wakes up and wonders if that conversation was a dream but it seems that it wasn't as Jesse left him a letter it was rather rude of him to fall asleep with somebody in front of him but he couldn't help it the marchello research Quest pops up as a new condition was formed to convince the senior Mages granell wondered when this would happen as he got into the mag's tower basically for free so some kind of test was surely line up for him but why now as they are both extremely tired even after they've slept a bit he invites marchello in who announces that he has something to say to him granell says that he already knows why he's here he needs to prove himself isn't that it marchello wonders why his hair is like that but apologizes as it's because of him that the people are also doubting him granell tells him that it's not him who is lacking so he should guide him as if if they don't believe in him he will make sure that they do from now on one of the senior Mages Bia yusa sits in her class and thinks that it's a shame that Lee will never prove himself to be qualified as the three- tier sealing magic that was cast by three senior Mages will not allow him to enter the room and he won't even find it in the first place Balia sits idly by and waits for Lee's imminent failure as he can't hope to ever get past that door but she is very wrong as Lee instantly reaches for the door handle and enters which shocks everyone there balah is the most surprised as that man just destroyed a three- tier ceiling magic with ease something that even Marcelo who is the head of theoretical studies couldn't do granell notes that it seems someone is trying to be funny today as they are playing tricks on the doors this overwhelming atmosphere washes over the listeners while granell continues speaking he came all of this way solely because it seemed like they all wanted to meet him in person but if they are going to waste time by playing Petty games like this one it must certainly mean that they are ready to take responsibility isn't that right he stands over balah not because he wants to intimidate her but because they both fell asleep which Spooks balah they wake up shortly after and Lee thinks that he needs to go and sleep right now as this is too much even for him granell while leaving announces that he will let them go this time but he promises that this will be the last blea is a struck and can only grin as this man just called a spell that even she can't do anything to a petty trick suddenly one of the Mages there remembers something important that explorer that just came in is the same one that Cleo mentioned the one that attended the academic Society without an invitation they begin talking to each other and balah is even more concerned now was that really the same man that saw through the tower Master's illusion magic while granell sits down and Lee can barely hold his eyes open they receive a quest notification that three out of the 20 Mages accepted him they both think that it's fewer than originally anticipated but it's fine as they are all senior Mages who are basically at the peak of their respective magic schools so three for just opening a door is pretty good he's a Demon Hunter anyways so he's not in a rush to impress these fools while they both think of just sleeping at this point a parchment with Marcello's face appears and calls out for him he explains that this is a useful item called a magical parchment it's a message device that Mages often use around here and if he wants to reply all he needs to do is talk with the parchment granell grabs it and sees marchello's smiling face so he hesitates for a bit but eventually musters up enough courage to speak when he does however marello tells him that he doesn't need to be so close which naturally makes granell drop him in the garbage marchello Rises up from his rightful place and explains that he's here to apologize as he heard what happened at the Crystal Hall the others played a trick on him which is unacceptable so he came to apologize for their sake a head Mage is somebody who has reached the peak of magic regardless of their school and the senior Mages want the head mes to consistently prove themselves worthy of such a position Lee wonders if it's like how bullies at school fight to be the top dog if it is then he feels sorry for marello as he might have it pretty tough marello then says that this incident is no different than what usually happens he was tested only because he's not good enough so he apologizes while he ignores Lee's fanfiction granell notes that he has not a thing to apologize for really a noble like himself must also prove himself constantly so that they are recognized he is no stranger to test like these marello still feels worried as he might be underestimated because of him Lee suddenly freezes as he knows what's about to come and can only despair while a short silence Falls if granell hears the words underestimate then he is about to say something extremely cringey he does just that and notes that if others underestimate him he only needs to prove himself and when people do the opposite overestimate he only needs to make it a reality if anyone is doubting him he can only continue to prove himself like a leader like he has always done these words seem to touch marello and he says that he was rude as well he should have talked to him in person rather than speaking through this parchment granell tells him that it's fine but marchello insists and insists until eventually he announces that he will come there right away and Lee can only cry as this means his rest is even further away granel size and thinks that at this rate they will get to sleep once they are dead but still earning the recognition of the senior Mages is a tall order as a beginner Mage or not even that at this point it's going to be quite difficult for him and also he's only level 226 and the senior Mages are all at least level 600 so he is nothing more than a beginner to them however he will not let something like that drag him down the depths of Despair as being able to prove those who underestimate him and making overestimates of himself reality is something quite special he uses a bunch of spells to create beautiful scenery and they both agree that this is the pride they share the thing they have in common the most Lee Smiles while watching the lights but suddenly starts throwing up as granell has used Too Much magic so even a simple spell like this one is making them almost faint marello arrives and granell welcomes him inside despite being half alive somewhere else at a construction site Taman and chillman see that the people are doubtingly a ton and they are both confused as to why when marello enters the room he starts looking around the place and granell asks what's wrong as he seem seems a little distracted marello asks if he used any magic recently in this room which makes Lee think that it smells like it's burning and granell explains that he was just practicing a bit of basic magic he promises to not burn the lab down thought so he needn't worry that is not what marchello was concerned about however as there are tons of magical traces inside of this very room magical traces only occur after a spell has been cast and these traces tell of what kind of spell has been cast and how it was cast suddenly Cleo also comes inside of the room and notices how beautiful the traces here are suddenly tons of others Mages charge inside of the room all with their theories about how the traces were made Lee and granell both Wonder just why there are so many people gathered in in one place and surprisingly enough even more arrive as the traces are just that pretty pretty enough to win the 823rd magical traces competition which is apparently a longtime tradition marello explains that this is Lee's doing he is the one who made this but when he tries to present him he is just gone as he ran away as swiftly as humanly possible he runs with his life on the line as these Mage nerds will never let him rest at this point he must Retreat unfortunately for him a group of wacky Mages appears and stops him as they want to give him a challenge to solve this Rubik's Cube Apparently one of the hardest problems to solve in the mag's tower with the current record being an entire nine days while they brag about how difficult it is granell snaps his fingers and uses reversal magic which completes the puzzle instantly while he descends the stairs the quest pop up appears with four more Mages being convinced granell thinks that this might be easier than he originally expected but before he can celebrate too early tons of reporters stand at the end of the stairs and they do what reporters do best ask dumb questions but they all bring up one thing the issues that have been brought up with him granell says that they are extremely rude and that he has no obligation to answer their moronic questions but that's when the Mages appear from behind and start asking him questions too since he is now in the middle of a Pinsir attack Lee just panics as he wonders about how to get out of this hell that's when they both notic that the Mana flow on a nearby wall has changed and thinking that this is their only chance they jump in and seemingly disappear much to the dismay of everyone who was chasing after him he ends up in bela's office but she have expected this as she opened up that door allowing him to come in but he found it much earlier than she thought as expected of someone so skilled Lee remembers her and wonders if she really did this to help them but granell explains that he only felt the walls Mana being tampered with this is the same with the tower Master's illusion magic he felt something strange about that wall and inspected the Mana to turn it back to how it was originally Bia tries to hold it in but can't help herself so so she starts laughing quite loudly which makes Lee think that it's because of the way they talk that's when she recites granf Fell's speech about underestimating him which makes Lee almost die from the dangerous levels of cringe but this also proves to be useful as blea notes that he's probably the only one that thinks the tower Master's Grand Illusion is so simple alas she also introduces herself blea yusa the head mage of the healing school since marchello has also decided to recognize him she will do so as well and the count Rises up to 8 finally they get home and Lee reads about what the reporters said about him he thought he was in trouble at first but this is all just pointless gossip with the gayon and Berserker guilds also coming to his defense explaining that he did all of that by himself however one issue still stands why are they not sleeping yet as a clear result of constantly finishing the class Quest they now have 33 stamina and 35 agility bonus points as the result and he's ahead of same level players by around 10 to 20 points give or take this is a big step up for sure but to a Demon Hunter these two skills are completely useless Lee thinks that he would rather have Mana but it would also be nice to have something for close range something like that sword AA harom used when fighting him while granell Cuts up some carrots Lee thinks of how that ability went which makes granell also think about it and suddenly to both of their surprise granell uses the same ability and and destroys the kitchen sink while also creating a large hole in their apartment at the usra Berserker reconstruction unit ly watches something on her phone with a pretty mean look which The Guild members also notice the first video is from today Arcana with the reporter noting that they don't have any conclusive evidence that Lee was the one who did everything the next video is ha gang's live stream who is protecting Lee with his life as he saw himself how he took the cardinal sin down on his Lonesome the next video is a masked figure who thinks that this is all a great conspiracy and that Lee is just a government plant sent to indoctrinate all of them all this combined makes L smash her phone and scream tons of not so familyfriendly Words which comes as no surprise to her Guild but her other female member comes around and asks why she's so mad leony explains that it's because these losers are talking crap about Lee even though he was the one that killed the boss on his own this makes the guild member think that she's getting angry for his sake which makes her blush hard and so she starts starts proving that she isn't which all but confirms that this is what was happening the two male members note that she must have quite a hard crush on that guy it's about time she had some action these comments make ly bury them in the dirt and the female member tells her to calm down as this is all just gossip that will disappear soon enough she also tries to make ly laugh by saying that if they raise their influence in this place they might get Noble titles and then even the most powerful guilds will have to pay her respects sure enough imagining this makes her crack a smile but this also makes her think that this reconstruction Quest is a good opportunity for them as it's a natural Treasure Island where they can earn resources without going into a rupture even just the rights to develop a mine around here will be extremely pricey so why did Lee give them this opportunity she notes that they are now even more indebted to that guy who is literally below them and wearing some cool glasses while here he checks his messages with his landlord who is quite mad M that the apartment was damaged but Lee promised to pay the repair fees by himself this was quite the mess though as it was nice to see that they can use the sword Aura but not being able to control it is extremely bad and as a result his HP went down quite a lot and they were both passed out for six entire days additionally there's no info about something like this on the internet so he will just have to ask harkcom about it suddenly two guards stationed at the entrance stop him as the usra kingdom is currently under construction and only those who are permitted may enter does he perhaps have a permission slip or is he a resident granell notes that he has neither so the guard refuses his entry Lee thinks that this must be one of the arcanian that moved here and he's glad that he's enjoying his new job granell says that he's only here to meet with harkcom is there really no other way to meet him the guard looks at him for a second then his expression becomes crooked as he cannot let such a lowly peasant meet such an important person it's just not not possible granell then asks if it would be all right for him to at least send a message but the guard refuses outright and tells him to stop speaking so informally as he's clearly not on friendly terms with theme there are countless like him though rude explorers who don't know their place suddenly Hakuna arrives and greets Lee warmly which makes the guard's Face Drop instantly with that his authority has been activated and he is entitled to stay here as long as he wishes to Hakuna asks what brings him around these parts and granell explains that he has business with harkcom but it seems like he needs permission to get in Hakuna is quite puzzled by this as he should have the same Authority as he does around here what king needs permission to enter their own kingdom granell thinks that it just activated but it doesn't matter as he has some business to attend to now somewhere else on a stunning Beach Jessica trains the other lion Knights while granell talks with harkcom and an announces that he wants to learn sword or he explains that he wants to control it better as he is also able to do it harkham is surprised as this is something that he had to train for and it took a lot of time however he cannot help him as sordor is not learned simply because one wants to he is also a mage so even if he can see the sword or now he will need to train a lot before he can manifest it granell notes that when he said he can use it he can use it he can manifest it fully what he really needs to know is how to control it harkcom immediately calls Jessica over and orders her to bring him a sword and an oath of a lion eventually both things are brought and the oath of a lion seems to be a giant stone slab with a lion face on it harkcom explains that this is a relic that has been passed down for generations and it's made out of a metal that does not exist in this world it's unbreakable and represents their oath because of it one of the two sword slashes on the lion face was made by the first captain and the other one was made by him he hands granell a sword and tells him to etch a third slash in that metal if he can really manifest sword or that is Enoch tries to stop him as this guy isn't even a member of their order but Jessica stops him as this must be a part of their Leader's plan granell rejects his sword and notes that he will be borrowing one of these instead harkcom thinks that this is just a plain training sword which is also dull so what is he doing grant then starts unleashing his sword Aura and a blue light emanates from his location then he strikes the slab so hard it cracks which shocks everyone including Enoch who did not expect that much power from a mage granell asks if this is worthy enough but in reality their HP was drained quite a lot the reason why granell refused haram's sword was not because he deemed it too unworthy but because it had a level limit of 600 because it's a legendary sword the training sword had a level Li limit of 200 perfect for him but it surprised the others as to them it is just a toy not for grandell however who thought that it was extremely heavy and he was barely able to strike the stone harkham naturally impressed by his potential noted that it's time to train him and also noticed that he is trembling surely from excitement right that's when he ordered Jessica and Enoch to train with him as he will need to start with the basics of swordsmanship and with these two outstanding te featers he will have a good time however he must not use sword AA from now on until he permits it again both Lee and Grell are glad as they really needed to learn the basics that is how granell got into basic training which Eno isn't happy with as he's a mage who has no reason to learn the sword but still he treated the captain with respect by not picking up his sword so he will be sure to show him some too Jessica introduces herself and tells the trainees to prepare their bodies as this training is quite harsh with that she sends them off to change into their training outfits but thinks about Lee although he has manifested sword AA by himself he is still a mage at the end of the day so if he lacks stamina he will not be able to use sword Ora in any situation she will work him until he can't stand up anymore granell comes back and that's when his real muscles reveal themselves which Jessica likes a lot to say the least with a blush in her face she tells everyone about holding their swords and Enoch instructs each of them when he spots them doing something wrong as the rest of the trainees are extreme noobs who have barely held a sword before while they don't pay attention to grandell he thinks of how harkcom held his sword when they fought his attacks felt very heavy but also fast and most importantly strong he realizes how to do it himself and Strikes the ground which creates a large shock wave that needless to say leaves everyone speechless Enoch asks how he did it and granell explains that it's simple he just imitated harkcom Jessica noticed too that it was their Captain swordsmanship but that is the final step that the Lion Heart Knights have been aiming for years however this Mage reproduced it after seeing it two times she previously thought that he was just a lucky Mage but now she sees him for what he is a damn genius harkham watches all of this from a distance and thinks that Lee is a talented fellow who may even surpass him one day it would be a shame if he wasted his talents by being a mage they will guide him so that he doesn't get lost in the Magic World Hakuna also comes around as he has heard his savior is starting to learn how to use sword Ora but is there not too much sand on this beach what if his savior damages his bronchial tubes harkcom immediately looks at his men and orders them to sweep every single grain of sand from the beach are they planning to give Lee tuberculosis after they are done Hakuna complains about the Sun as it is too strong will his savior not faint from heat stroke harkham looks at his men once again and orders them to grab as many trees as they can and plant them in the sand harkham is surprised that hakua was so concerned about him like this truly he is a paragon of the people seeing this he cannot stand idly by any longer so he removes his armor and announces that he has been too lazy lately and as such he will be joining them in training they should not feel pressured and treat him as a new Soldier naturally this puts a lot of pressure on them and they say that it's better to hear the new solders opinions too harkcom says that they are right and asks Lee if it's all right if he joins both Enoch and Jessica stare intently at him but Lee doesn't care and says that he will always welcome him he doesn't stop there however as he tells harkham that they should invite Jessica and Enoch too which angers them to no end and so began the most awkward training session known to man but they eventually got through it at at the Mage Tower someone knocks on mathine Carl's Door who is the person who brought black magic which was considered evil and unorthodox to its current position and had it not been for marello he would have become the tower's top Mage he welcomes the knocking person inside who gives him some of Lee's items that he requested to be appraised as they seem to be related to Black Magic matthys notices that indeed these are dark items that not just anybody could get and request some parchment paper as he would would like to write to Lee eventually the night training is finished and the other trainees are beaten but granell isn't as he's still doing pull-ups much to Lee's dismay he blames all of this on harkcom who wanted to do 120 km laps but Lee was the one that instigated all of this suddenly the system congratulates him for completing a training that surpasses his limits and as such he will be rewarded with stats that is Lee feels euphoric after seeing this but before he can convince granel to sleep a parchment from mathys arrives as he has appraised the items he requested first is the vampire orb a magical tool used by demons this item is extremely rare so he would like to rent it for research Lee thinks that he can't use it anyways so he allows it next is the pure emerald crystal which recovers Vitality but it can also be used to produce jewelry the last item is the koi scale silk which is a good material that can be used to create items and he also wants to borrow for a bit granell notices that it opens an aesthetic stat so he doesn't allow rental but he would like him to make a handkerchief using the Crystal and silk matthys accepts but it will take some funds to but granell doesn't mind as he wants the best results matthysse is impressed by this and granell falls asleep much to Mattis dismay as he wasn't done talking so he leaves him a message to meet him in the floating Garden at dawn while everyone was sleeping granell was already on his training and on the verge of finishing his 20 km run another parchment from matthys comes who is worried that he didn't contact him as he left him a message but they did not see it so he is relieved that he wasn't insulted by it matthys invites him to the Garden once again but granell refuses matthys tries to reschedule the meeting time and time again but granell refuses matthys thinks that it must be a test of etiquette but granell is still refusing him as needs to focus on sword training now and cannot waste time on personal meetings however he will have some time today from now for about an hour which matthysse is glad for but they were going there in the first place so it matches up harkham watches from the distance as he is glad to see Lee so dedicated to the sword the next day harkham pulls Lee away and tells him that he can no longer teach him as he has gotten to the stage where he can only learn from real fights Lee is surprised by this as as he has been learning for just one day and granell also seems scared by it harkcom explains that he underestimates himself too much and that he should show him his Aura again granell agrees and thinks that he should control it as much as he can but that's when he wonders what is sword Ora anyway it's not a skill as it can be Mastered by every class suddenly Lee feels it that it has a very similar flow to mana and if he uses it as he uses magic he can stabilize it and he does just that Lee has finally realized that sword Aura is similar to Magic and if he applies all of the magic rules he can stabilize it easily harkcom congratulates him for being devoted mentally as this is what he needs to handle sword or in such a way however he did not expect it to be this clean so he invites him time and time again to walk the path of the sword granell refuses but if the path he is walking has a sword then that just may be his path Lee tells him to leave before he dies from cringe with that harkcom wishes him farewell but it seems that the trainees heard their conversation and they get hyped up Jessica is kind of sad to see Lee advance so easily as now the gap between her and the great seems even larger however something in her refuses to give up and she promises to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them seeing her Eno gets hyped too and harkham is glad to have had Lee around here as he has changed everyone 's perspective Lee walks through the forest but wonders if it's safe even with his newly acquired skill suddenly a silver main leopard appears a level 300 Beast that Lee is extremely scared of but granell is angry as this Beast dared to show its fangs he activates his sword Aura and prepares to fight nearby kichi the shadow mercenary troops Captain finishes her Slaughter but unfortunately she is the last member of The Troop as the other nine are missing that's when she sees granel challenging the leopard and thinks that it's unfortunate even if he can use sword or the opponent is too tough as he's the field boss of this island it's a relief for her as she doesn't have to deal with it she would have helped but she promised her colleagues a better place to leave and this place seems to be the best Lee thinks that now he's into it deep as he can't do anything against this Beast the moment he moves he will be decimated but he can't just wait as sword Ora consumes tons of stamina Lee thinks that they can just block its movements but granell doesn't want to as he wants to use the sword only the leopard attacks and Lee uses these last moments to apologize to his family for dying that is not what happens however as granell strikes the leopard even swifter despite there being a 74 level difference is this really the power of the sword Aura granell notes that this was just a warm-up but his stamina is already depleted so Lee tells him to calm down down at the floating Garden matthys waits for Lee and thinks that he's a renowned person by now so he would also like to see who he is eventually Lee arrives and matthys invites him to sit down while also thinking that the Earth was shaking while he was walking towards him truly he is no ordinary person granell exchanges pleasantries and Lee notes that their muscles hurt extremely badly as granell decided to test out tons of stuff using sword AA and his body is trembling that is why he has to flex his muscles like this suddenly matthysse's Rings glow a black purple these rings are used to sense black magic so why have they activated now and with a color that he has never seen before granell wonders what to do and Lee really wants to sit down in the past matthys was bullied for his studies in the dark arts but he firmly believed that all magic must be studied so he took it upon himself to prove that dark magic was useful too this led to him having an audience with the Great Hall where he presented the useful fness of the dark arts but he was met with mockery and anger they did not accept him he pleaded with them as with this magic they might even solve the problem of worldview interference the president who was also there was not swayed by the opinions of others and asked him if he had named this magic yet mtis confirmed that he did it is called Black Magic from that day onwards other Mages began to accept black magic but that Glory did not last long as Mattis couldn't Sol The View interference problem with the black magic after a few years passed the mag's tower manifested on Earth as the world view interfered and this caused matthys to live the rest of his days in shame as he could not do what he promised however he did not expect to meet someone with so much black magic sensitivity with this man perhaps he will be able to do what he couldn't do alone granell tells him to sit down as he doesn't have that much time to talk and the tea is getting cold already Mattis explained explains that the Rings he has detect black magic sensitivity basically the person's talent and he has not seen such a deep color before Grell asks what black magic is and matthys notes that it's quite different from normal magic that explores and interferes with the target's Mana black magic uses inner Darkness as mana and so it's different this black Mana is created through the years and manifests stronger the darker a person's past is if he has such deep dark Mana he cannot imagine what kind of life has lived in the past past Lee thinks that indeed he had a dark past as it was utter cringe but perhaps it's not because of him but because of what happened to granf Fell's family he notes that this is unpleasant as his etiquette is lacking does he really ask everyone he meets about their past first matthysse apologizes as he did not perceive this as rude so he will report himself to his superiors and receive proper judgment granell says that his apology was enough as an investigative mind is a Scholar's virtue he does not dislike a scholar who is devoted to his duty of black magic research like he is however if dark magic is so different can it be used even when the normal Mana is exhausted this tells matthys that he is interested in Black Magic so he tells him to walk the path of dark magic much like harkcom did with the sword it seems that he has proven himself to matys and with his objective completed he walks away as he doesn't want to get dragged somewhere else back at his laboratory granell receives tons of messages from different Mages and with them the quest is completed it rewards him with relationship and Status within the magic Tower which Lee enjoys as they are extremely useful but granell doesn't care and they both start to research a new function within the system the news starts talking about the usra kingdom and about the two guilds that are rebuilding it Berserker and gayon which has already risen to third Rank kilman and Taman watch this with chman noting that that they have to repay Lee for this favor one day Taman thinks that he's right as their Guild is rising solely because of him and if he hadn't helped them many times they would have been in a really bad spot suddenly kman read about mythology and wished they would cooperate they seem to be as childish as ever but this time even a National Assembly member was involved Taman notes that these members of the National Assembly have tons of time if they do this but if mythology competes for one end or second place in the business world does the National Assembly move on money alone they both don't know how they manag to get their pockets so full as it remains a mystery in an apartment one of the assembly members is Bewitched and his soul is being extracted by the mythology Guild Master Beck Yol she calls her secretary and tells him to cancel all of the plans for tomorrow as even if she had an important meeting with a certain person he should tell him that it's cancelled and that she left for the usra kingdom as she wants to meet a certain somebody at the mag's tower the feature that granell unlocked is related to it but he doesn't have time to check it as his phone is being spammed by his sister before he can check a parchment arrives from the head Mage Maya Who excuses his rudess but he wants to do a joint research suddenly another Parchman arrives and tons more arrive doing what he does best granell ignores them and runs away at the use for a kingdom which now has a palace Hakuna laughs at Le's explanation he must have really needed that peace and quiet Hakuna tells him to not be bothered by their attitude as it's their way of showing sincerity granell notes that he does not like bribes even if they come in the form of sincerity Hakuna laughs once again as this must be why he defeated the cardinal sin so easily but did he see that video which shows him actually defeating greed this is the first time he hears this but before he can check his third sister calls call him so he picks up when he does so she starts reciting the cringey words he said to Hakuna and even shows him the HD video as they all mimic him granell thanks them for watching and closes the call afterwards he requests a place to rest when he arrives at that solitary place he immediately becomes comfortable and prepares some tea while searching for the exact video he finds it and thinks that he might just sue him for putting it without his permission but that's when granell feels something strange but similar dust so he must get to cleaning at the gayon Reconstruction base Taman is shocked to see that their stock fell hard and chman explains that it's because mythology spread a rumor about them again he thinks that this is their way of saying that they need to share the usra Reconstruction Quest but when did they gain this much influence while Taman continues to scream his heart out he can write fake news too about their Guild Master and how she has a mole hidden on her body suddenly y hugs him and asks how he knows about something like that he seems to know things that even she doesn't how interesting Taman wonders how she got in as the guild members must have been standing guard and when kman goes to check he finds them unconscious he hopes she knows what attacking Guild members means but she explains that she didn't attack she just let them fall asleep suddenly kolman is suddenly engulfed in a strange but familiar feeling and the dots finally connect in his head Yol became this powerful and Rich not because of her connections Taman screams at her as she's really crossing the line This Time kilman's thoughts continue the reason she was able to become like this is because of Mind domination magic that should not work on players but it does he tries to warn his brother but he cannot as this is just like the time he got possessed by the damn imp out of nowhere granell arrives who notes that he just finished cleaning but the smell around here is not refreshing at all he walks up to Yol and tells her in her face that she's a demon granell slowly removes his mask and notes that he just got down cleaning but the air isn't refreshing at all he just can't stand something like this he approaches tamon and shows him the video of him fighting the cardinal sin he truly is a demon who likes to upload videos of others because he enjoys the shame They will receive tamon is quite surprised by his words and he tries to explain it while yil watches all of this and thinks that this is quite the nice opportunity she has here she was going to get her information from The gayon Guild first but to think that Lee really came here on his own people do call him the light of usra but seeing him for the first time he's rather disappointing is this really the same man that defeated a cardinal sin on his own she calls him over and introduces herself as Beck Yol she is positive that he has heard about her being quite interested in him right Yol thinks that this is too easy as soon she will have all of us for herself men are so easy men are so easy jump on her in the comments guys we should cancel this [ __ ] talker suddenly granell slaps her hand away with great Prejudice and starts talking to chaolan as Taman can't explain anything even if he tries chman explains that there have been false rumors spreading about him recently and there are articles saying that he only gave the special usra privileges to the guilds he was really close with they could not sit back and watch while everyone was defaming him like this so they decided to upload the video they did it with the intention of clearing up any and all rumors but he didn't think that it would be embarrassing for him so he would like to apologize for the entire guild when granell tries to respond yiel grabs his attention and asks him just how can he be so impolite to her this treatment how is she supposed to interpret something like this granell turns around for her and notes that for her information he is now speaking to the gayon guild did she think that it is polite to interrupt conversations like this yil says that it's the other way around as she was the one who was talking with gayon first so he is the one that is interrupting she thinks that this man is not that easy but it's fine because to a succubus like her humans are just very easy prey even someone like the legendary Lee can't hope to resist her charms she touches his face and uses her skill on him granell immediately receives the natural enemy skill Buffs but as he looks into her eyes he knows that he cannot do as this is too much the streamer start to go rabid as their view counts continue to rise and donations keep pouring in all they can think about now is Fame and money something that nobody can contest granell is very disgusted by their awful behavior and yil lets out a long sigh but restrains herself and tells Lee that they won't be able to talk properly if the situation has become like this that shouldn't stop them though so they should take this somewhere else as she is sure they can talk about lots of things without a single ounce of consideration granell refuses on the spot leaving Yol and the streamers stunned haa we all knew granell is not a simp but a gigachad she wants to say something but stop herself before the words can come out granell explains that if she wants to talk she should make an appointment first as he doesn't have time for people who do not know what manners are the streamers continue recording as this is some very premium content right here Yol versus Lee Yol is South Korea's number one corporation head the mythology corporation's daughter and the current mythology Guild Master she is popular everywhere with over 60 million followers on Instagram alone she is the most popular celebrity of this entire era whatever she does be it wear drink or holds that thing becomes a trend and is sold out within a few minutes at most she is the sole reason mythology's slogan is sold out mythology and now she is basically running Mythology by herself everybody likes her everyone wishes for her validation and everyone wants her so why is it that her seduction did not work on Lee and videos of her rejection are uploaded everywhere on the net she stands in front of a broken mirror in her apartment while cursing Lee for everything that he is worth like a maniac she promises to kill Lee no matter what and Destroy his life as he knows it suddenly her reflection tells her to stop or rather shut up as she was the one that practically begged her for help yet now she wants to play around like she is the owner of this body does she not remember clearly she was the one who asked for help she asked for salvation all she wanted was revenge on those who looked down on her and hated her for what she was she promised that she would do anything for it Yol suddenly pulls closer to the mirror and explains that she did not wish for any of that she just forced her it's not Lee that should die it's her the succubus asks what she's talking about as she couldn't have gotten where she is without her help even her damn father calls her a mistake and truthfully she is she should show some humbl and thank her from the bottom of her heart suddenly yil grabs a broken mirror piece and stabs herself in the neck with it she continues to do that while the succubus wonders just how she is taking control of her body back she asks if she's out of her head just what will she accomplish by doing something like this she needs to stop now as this much would have killed a normal person that's when the succubus gets it and asks her why is she doing something like this is something lacking in her life she has more wealth and fame than anyone she did everything she wanted and got everything she wanted whenever she wanted she made it so that no one can belittle her again as she wished from behind her the real Yol appears and explains that she was the one who did all of those things even if she thinks that's not true everything she did was only possible because she is mythology CEO's daughter that is why she is so afraid right now because it doesn't matter if she possesses someone else because she knows full well that without this position she is nothing the succubus tries to plead with her once again to stop but Yol does not listen she possessed her because she is afraid to be on her own but unfortunately for her she is not yil stabs herself in the stomach and thinks of the moment when they tried to seduce Lee when he looked into her eyes he saw through her easily saw who she really was even his Farewell pointed to it as he knew this entire time having had enough of this charade the succubus takes full control of the body once again and waltes through the apartment while swearing revenge on that Lee bastard who planted the seed of Suspicion in her easy prey now though she needs to heal herself by absorbing something anything would suffice at this point she gets out of the apartment where a guard waits for her when he sees the state that she is in he immediately tries to get her to a hospital but the moment he touches her the succubus goes back to her original form and absorbs everything there is from him later while granell is resting at his usra home with a cup of tea his his natural enemy skill activates which makes him say that sneaking around in a person's home without permission really is rude but it should come on in as it's not the guest he was expecting but he promises to be nice Lee just stands there while he waits for the door to open but after a few moments he thinks that it's safe as not even demons would dare to visit at such late hours right suddenly the succubus appears out of the window and congratulates him for being so sharp granell wonders if showing up through people's window Windows is the only way for her to enter the house considering how mannerless she is the succubus enters the house and remembers that he said something about manners before but she apologizes as she seems to have forgotten everything granell looks at her deeply but cannot sense the real Yol anymore was she perhaps sealed or something he tells the succubus that he cannot see Yol anymore which makes her explain that most likely she has died it is not her fault though as she suddenly started stabbing herself like a maniac so she probably died from shock even she can't feel her anymore but what can they expect from a little freak like her she was always a stupid woman who threatened her like she would have been able to do something more interestingly it seems that she has died because of him and his actions she kept going on and on about how he was the only one that saw through her the reality of Yol is that she was always a bastard eventually people found out that the CEO of Mythology had a hidden daughter she was only eight when everyone came came to know about her but that didn't stop the media from belittling her what they do best at school the situation was the same she was bullied and her neighborhood became hostile to the once kind and innocent yil eventually her mother decided to off herself because of the depression she got from everything and her father said something quite hurtful in a press conference even if she is a bad mistake he cannot let this child grow up without any parents so he will graciously take her in the succubus begins laughing maniacally as she considers all of this extremely funny a few years later she awakened as a player so her father forced her to work tirelessly in the ruptures she didn't even try to put up a fight and did everything she was ordered to why because she wanted to be loved by anyone even if it was that bastard of a father she was going to stand up for herself and prove to the people that were looking down on her that she was worth something that is how she wanted to get revenge for her mother however in the end she was not able to do anything she even said that she was going to pay him back for believing in her just how dumb can one woman be suddenly granel's expression changes and he orders her to shut it she dares try to talk with him like this when she is but a mere demon her arrogance truly knows no bounds the succubus begins being watched by Lee and her mentality begins to deteriorate she cannot shake the fear off of her and as a result the fear status abnormality is activated on her granell tells her to get out of his way as he does not speak with his prey Lee is transported somewhere else entirely which makes him think that it's a part of the exorcism ritual but when he looks behind him he sees child granell who is happily living with his family is this granel's mind realm out of nowhere his chest begins to tighten just as if someone is squeezing it hard the memory suddenly changes and he spots granell looking down on his dead family with him being the only one left remaining Lee thinks that the feeling he has must have been what granfield felt right here it's as if they are synchronized ing even further now he can understand his rage the rage that made him swear to kill demons for the rest of his days grandel asked the succubus how she dares to insult the pride of a human how darare she laugh at a human who risked everything to try and pay back a favor and for not losing her Pride even when a dirty demon like her tried to play tricks the succubus cannot hope to fight him now so she bows down and notes that she will pay for her heavy sins with death as that is the only way to pay them with one strike Grant anfel finished her for good and asks Yol if she is still there as he has seen her Pride which was amazing Yol begins crying which makes granell say that it's late so she should go to her own home and cry there but unfortunately for him she falls asleep on the spot and falls on him he remembers what the succubus said about her stabbing herself but he doesn't see any injuries so she must be really tired that's all he should just lay her down somewhere the door suddenly bursts open as the lion knits have sensed a demon around here while making their rounds that's when they find granell putting a blanket over yil they apologize as they did not know he had a girlfriend here and that they were having a good time granell tries to explain but his voice just doesn't get across Enoch also sees this and as a result runs away crying like he was Lee's lover or something this whole event leaves both granell and Lee very tired as fighting the cardinal sin was easier than this misunderstanding he Strang receives another class Quest and thinks that he doesn't have a good feeling about it as he opens it at the AA Korean Branch another update is announced which will add a new region the northern city Frost everyone thinks that this is amazing as Frost has tons of shops and other accommodations for players while streamers like ha gang are glad to finally have a metropolis update since those places are really huge everyone seems to be talking about the new update with a positive outlook but Lee is probably the only one who is worried as the class Quest he received involves Frost and the Demon King inside of it Lee is spooked by this and tells granell to warn everyone about it on the forums but granell just thinks about the good time he had at aan demon kings are the real sword enemies of all demon Hunters they are natural enemies back in the Arcana gaming days during Demon Hunter training the teacher told granell that demon kings are not just strong they are very strong there are lots of them too and even the lowest ranking Demon King could could put a few demon hunters in trouble so he needs to be prepared he gave granell an entire Encyclopedia of demons and told him to memorize literally everything as he's going to test him in two hours Lee thinks that the quest was a waste of time but granell notes that their reward was the knowledge they received suddenly Lee notices that he received a comment on granf Fell's warning post which just said that there's a demon king there so they should be careful of NPCs Lee thinks that he wouldn't take this seriously either if he wasn't in this position and jumps in bed as Frost is a metropolitan City so nothing bad will happen as even a Mighty Demon King will not be able to do as he wishes he tries to ignore the fact that granell posted what he posted with every possible excuse thinking of tons of other things that he can do in Frost but eventually the embarrassment catches up to him and he starts rolling around in shame suddenly a bird with a very deep voice appears and announces that it has a delivery from the mag's tower for Lee Hool Lee confirms that he is that person which makes the bird drop the package in his hands and leave while damning the person who hired him Lee thinks that these must be the items he requested a long time ago so granell opens the package and the first thing he finds is a pure emerald ring that has the effect of regenerating HP when attacked this item is nothing short of amazing as it has no other conditions he only needs to be attacked what an amazing item but it's to be expected of the mag's Tower Lee thinks that it must have been very expensive as he remembers that healing items are worth billions so he starts checking his account with baited breath meanwhile granell checks the other items they got a koi scale handkerchief which increases the wearer's Affinity with fire and evades all attacks within a certain possibility it is so bright that Lee is almost blinded but he also did not expect to get a masterpiece level item as far as he knows about Masterpiece items they are worth trillions sometimes he remembers what granell said when he requested the items that he does not care about the price he just wants the best there is Lee holds the production fee request and thinks that his life is officially over he wonders what will happen if he can't pay everything off but that's when he unlocked the aesthetic stat as granell just equipped the handkerchief to see how nice it is seeing that granell actually likes it he puts all of the points he has from exercising the succubus into luck and prays for everything to turn out well while granell continues to browse the items that marchello sent suddenly the class Quest he got is postponed as there is a preceding Quest he must complete first at the Inazuma Guild the main player is berated and belittled by the CEO who is mad that they lost to gone in the guild ranking which is very shameful they should be ashamed for their awful performance the Inazuma leader promises to fix everything and walks away from the fight one of his men tries to ask if he's all right but he notes that Frost appeared in the sea near Hokkaido but they are the only Guild that knows and and the government will also help them stall time so they should make sure to raise their influence with frost the member says that blocking other people from going in Frost isn't wise as they don't even know it is safe what if it's not like how they remember it suddenly the Inazuma leader punches the wall next to him and says that Frost is a city for barbarians since gaon is the number one barbarian Guild now they cannot let them inside until they get a hold of frost he tells him to gather everyone they can to come to Hokkaido and also tells him that he should watch his behavior from now on the analyst notes that he will keep that in mind while texting someone the location of frost this message was given to a news Outlet who immediately posted about Frost being near Hokkaido the news spreads like wildfire and even streamers find out very early on where it is the northern city called Frost is a city where one can obtain the Barbarian class it was one of the main bases when Arcana used to be only a game there are blacksmiths NPCs and different stores fitting for such a big city however this is not the only reason that people are getting so excited and calling it The Comeback of humanity if the contents of the city are the same as it was in the original game then this city will be of great help to the players at the gate near Hokkaido the gayon gild arrives but they are denied entry as they do not have a passport which does not allow them entry into the gate this Prejudice is not limited to only the gayon guild as everyone else is also denied entry and nobody Knows Why inside of Frost the Inazuma Guild rush to build relations and such with NPC or get all of the quests but when they arrive they find only death and suffering as the frost they once knew is now riddled with corpses before they can react gigantic demons begin attacking them and without any way to defeat these beasts it seems that the Inazuma Guild will disappear thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: ManhwaAddict
Views: 264,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa, recap, viral, manhua, manga, review, recommendations, recapped, summary, god, monster, evil, isekai, manhwa recap, manhwa recaps, anime, MANHWA, MANHUA, ManhwaCapped, anime recap, recap manhwa, manhwa summary, webtoon, manga recap, manga recaps, webtoon recap, recap manga, anime recaps, recaps manhwa, Monster tamer, recap anime, anime summary, recaps, recaps manga, web novel, webnovel, apocalypse, war, soldier, tower, awaken, demon, demon slayer, The Player Hides Hist Past, Asura Manhwa Recap
Id: aH27E3cblBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 36sec (13536 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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