Best Trash Gamer MAXED Luck Stat and Unlocks Secret S-Rank Quest to Become Overpowered | Anime Recap

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hi I'm Charles with anap this is my recap for the anime shanga Frontier if you like my recaps please consider subscribing and hitting that notification Bell The Story begins as we see that a half- naked masked man just defeated a monster a creepy girl that probably had a few too many energy drinks watches nearby and celebrates that the dark lord was defeated the Luchador looking guy proudly watches as the Beast vanishes and the sun emerges from behind the clouds his name is srau and the weird girl once again praises the warrior she points out how it's been a long hard journey and srau couldn't agree more srau then surprisingly taks to the sky and exclaims that it's time for Faria to go with the Dark Lord he then does her a huge favor by rearranging her hideous face with his foot and tells her that she is the real Menace In This World we see that sun Raku was actually in a game he proudly proclaims that he finally beat it and also managed to get revenge for everything that gargoyle put him through in this world display based games are considered retro and fully immersive VR games have become the norm beneath the small number of works of significance lies a massive pile of releases whose games designs don't live up to their improved Graphics technology these games are known as trash games although most people rightfully despise trash games there are those who gleefully seek them out and these people are called freaks our protagonist named rokuro is one of these Freaks and he proclaims that rumors were true and the game he just played was a giant pile of garbage rokuro compares the feeling he gets from beating a trash game to how a convict feels when finishing up a prison sentence this psycho then wonders what trash game he will try next and we learn that he is known as the trash Game Hunter when he heads downstairs we learn that his mom is kind of a weirdo too as ruro tells her that one of her butterflies got out at school some random girl stalks ruro and practices what she plans to say to him she decides to ask about video games and waits for the perfect moment but some other kid beats her to it at a game shop the owner named Mana hopes that summer vacation will help bring her more business rokuro stalker named Ry arrives at the shop Mana knows exactly why she is there but tells Ray that rokuro isn't there today Ry is too shy to admit to it but Mana points out how nice it must be to be young and in love Mana explains that rokuro has been busy trying to crack an extra special trash game so he hasn't been there in a while she shows her the game called Faria Chronicle online and states that it's a legendary trash game all the Allies in the game have terrible AI enemy attack patterns don't make any sense and there are an absurd number of bugs in the code the game is also extremely hard serious skills are needed even just to beat the first boss so it has caused tons of players to rage out of control throwing their headsets like lunatic degenerates on top of all that she has also heard that players have to fight the final boss in board shorts and a mask just then rokuro arrives looking for any new trash games that might have come out he makes his way to the counter and we learn that Ry is an absolute coward as she instantly disappears man is shocked to see him there and ruro proudly announces that he beat Faria Chronicle online Ray watches from around the corner like the stalker she is and hears ruro explain that the game was a spectacular pile of garbage the worst part about it was the female lead Faria she's the cause of pretty much every problem he ran into on the journey she makes every situation worse and gets villagers and party members killed she also never suffered any consequences for anything since she would always find a way to blame it all in the last boss even though the boss didn't do anything and she was a problem all along rokuro continues to trash the trash game as he explains that if he ever gave FIA even the tiniest little shove to vent his annoyance she would just get upset she would not go with him anywhere and refused to move the story along the autosave would lock him into the State of Affairs and it would take 3 hours to get back in the psycho's good graces man is surprised that he didn't just give up which makes sense since he would be able to get an actual life but he explains that that's how they get you in the 3 minutes between beating the final boss and before the credits start rolling you can beat this snot out of the crazy girl without fear of retaliation ruro points out the irony since the more fairy annoys you the more determined you become to Brave all the garbage to experience the 3 minutes of Heaven this guy clearly takes trash games way too seriously as he states that when that moment of bliss finally comes it's as if all his frustrations are wiped away in that moment he felt like he understood why he was put on this Earth for some reason Rey is smiling like a creep while hearing this and ruro explains that the trash game was too good now he can't think of what to follow it up with Mana comes up with the Absurd idea to not play a trash game for once she explains that experiencing the lows in life can help appreciate the highs but the reverse is also true Mana then introduces him to the game stronger law Frontier the fully immersive VR game with over 30 million players she continues to convince them and gives Rey a not so subtle wink for some reason she explains that it can be fun to try things designed for Mass Appeal now and then and ruro seems to give it some serious thought back home we find that ruru's dedication to his gaming experience reaches dangerously High nerd levels as he studies the history of the game he finds that shanga Frontier AKA slf went on the market less than a year ago and it set a guest world record for simultaneous player logins the concept is a colony Fleet that came from space died out but not before leaving a new Society behind thousands of years later the PCS are living their lives at roughly medieval Tech levels this pequs his interest as it's a setup that allows for effortless inclusion of sci-fi elements rokuro seems to be getting convinced since unlike FIA which is so bad the haters find themselves desperately searching for redeeming features this game is so beloved that its few haters are completely drowned out by tens of thousands of fans rokuro puts down his gamer Fuel and decides to try the game out we then learn a bit about the company that made the game called Utopia Entertainment software it was founded by The Genius programmer tocoo tuuri who developed a fully immersive VR game system it's a leader in the fields of software development hardware and internet service provision rokuro puts on his virtual reality headset and wonders how long it's been since he played something that wasn't trash the game begins with character creation and rur is Amazed by how many options there are for classes he chooses a twin blade mercenary for its flexibility and then moves on to origin he reads that Wanderers build defense slowly but get bonuses to luck luck affects critical chance and item drop rate so he decides to go with that things begin to get really exciting when he finds how many options there are to character customization as it allows him to even change race and body type he makes some really strange noises as he gets a bit too excited and he reminds himself to calm down rokuro realizes that he has been so poisoned by trash games that he is now getting blown away by silly small stuff seemingly forgetting about what he just said Ru excitedly states that it's time to go hardcore on character design for the first time in forever we then surprisingly see that his finished character design looks a bit strange but it at least saves us the pain of having to look at his ugly face he is not to be mistaken as a half naked furry since he actually has a very good reason for doing this we learned that his play style consists of ignoring armor in favor of getting the best weapons possible these weapons are costly of course but in slf amazingly you're given the option to sell your starter equipment during character creation and you can make quite a profit rokuro thankfully wanted to hide his face and the only option was the dumb looking bird mask he had no choice as it would be pretty awkward for him to play half naked if everyone could see his face rur is the type of player who uses the same name in every game he plays so he inputs the name son Raku he lays down on his bed and finally enters the game ruro skips right past the prologue because who actually cares and arrives in the world of the god tier game to find one of his kind it flies away and recurs immediately impressed since moving around feels pretty much like real life he tests everything by running and climbing through the area and points out how much better Everything feels compared to the game with the disgustingly hideous girl in it rurl Marvels at how large the world is and pulls out a map he wonders why he didn't start out in a tutorial town for beginners like most games and doesn't realize that those who choose Wanderer as their origin start out at a random point in The Beginner's area he decides to head to the starting town but once to get a Ires how good the controls feel he checks his stats and acknowledges that his low defense is because of his half nakedness but hopes that his high luck thatat will make up for it just then he is surprised to be attacked so soon as he encounters a goblin Ruru refuses to be a half- naked coward and decides that it's time to see what the game's combat engine is made of the Brave Little Goblin initiates the fight but probably regrets all his life decisions as rokuro uses a powerful attack to slice him in half rokuro impresses him self but acknowledges that that Goblin was just a scrub enemy in the intro it does level him up though and he sees that its AXS can be dual wielded something moves in some bushes nearby and ruro thinks about how there's a lot to learn in the game like monster weaknesses patterns and item drops he states that whether it's a trash game or got tier game everyone gets the feeling he's getting now the Elation of diving head first into a new world it's something that can't be found in real life his enemy found emerges from the bushes and just barely misses its attack on rokuro the attack was extremely powerful and he acknowledges that it would have put him down if it hit him the terrifying bunny goes in for another attack but this time ruro blocks it and he counters while Landing a critical hit bug's bunny with rabies is far too determined though and continues attacking rokuro is disappointed with what this game has to offer and we see that he has pierced the bunny he explains that the bunny just kept going for his neck so it was far too easy to figure out how to counter it he is glad to see that he has leveled up even more but disappointed to not see the rabbit sword as loot just then his stat screen reveals that he has met a certain condition and learned the skill flash counter apparently he can unlock skills by taking certain actions so ruro takes a moment to appreciate how welld designed the game is he realizes that since a player's own skill supplements their Dodges and paries he can fight pretty well against even higher level enemies the this makes him want to try a bunch of different fighting styles his appreciation doesn't stop there though as ruro realizes that he has been playing this entire time without encountering a single bug we then watch all the previous bugs he had to deal with such as the hitbox bug the clipping bug and the infamous invisibility bug he expressed his excitement as he wasn't sure if he could enjoy a bug-free game after all this time but it's sure now that he can really have a good time with it rokuro heads out in search of another rabies bunny but stops for a moment to completely destroy an ogre he levels up again and decides that he should probably allocate his stat points he wishes that the vpal bunny would spawn more often but realizes that it must be a rare enemy he still managed to kill 50 of them and get his sweet looking dual swords he also learned some new skills but states that only one of them is worth using Ruru decides to move forward though since he's not going to gain any more levels with the scrub tier monsters around there he has strayed too far away from the starter town but sees that he's close to another town aptly named suvil he makes his way there but sees that a snake with ponytails is blocking a bridge ruru's relieved to finally have a real Challenge and prepares to fight the stylish serpent don't let the poor haired design fool you this Beast is actually very powerful as it is the area boss that is meant to be fought by a party rokuro takes a moment to think about all the attacks a snake usually has in games he states that with an avatar that actually moves the way he wants it to he does that need defenses to beat the boss and he charges forward he demands that the game give him something exciting and we see that rokuro is enjoying himself quite a bit at the exit of a nearby Town several people look at something in amazement their jaws drop and we see that it's someone wearing gigantic armor this is the starting town fira the town's people see that this person has high level equipment and a Crest from an achievement focused Clan the clueless Bunch wonder what someone like that is doing there and we can tell by the voice that it's a girl she checks all the names of the people in front of her and reminds herself that rurl gives all his characters the same name he isn't there though which is strange since all starting players come to FSA back in real life we see that ruro stalker knows no bounds as it was her looking for him in the game back with our pigeon faed hero he begins his attack on the snake with ha so mesmerizing it's as if it was stolen from an angel ruro decides to watch its patterns and Dodges a few of its attacks the genius gamer determines that it's still a boss for beginners its movements are easy to read and it won't have any instakill moves the glass Cannon realizes that he can beat this thing without taking a hit since even one hit would kill him anyway rurl masterfully Dodges another attack but his weapon shatters he knew its durability was getting low but can't believe it just broke on the first hit he sees that princess ponytails has tough scales and decides that it's time to try out his sweet blood blades ruro goes in for an attack while quipping that he's going to make snake filets but is surprised by some purple stuff spew out by the ponytailed python his first thought is that it might be poop but a display reveals that it's poison and he will take damage every 10 seconds featherface realizes that he might have underestimated the snake and its beautiful flowing head of hair our god of trash games tells the snake that he has beaten trash games with mechanics way cheaper than this and a little poop flinging won't be enough to get him down ruro thinks about how the poison deals him one damage every 10 seconds which means he has about 4 minutes left so he will need a reliable to land critical if he wants to beat it our Birdman uses his bird brain to determine that criticals in this game don't trigger at random they seem to trigger when an attack is landed in an ideal way or when an enemy is hit in their weak point however the snake isn't just fashionable its body is covered in super tough scales so he concludes that its weak point has to be its head the snake super protective of its stylish hair blocks his attack making recur realize that Landing an attack on its head won't be easy instead he decides to make his own weak point and uses the move screw Pierce to pierce its body he continues to attack the hole he made and this absolute God gamer states that the defensive properties of a wounded section change allowing criticals to trigger there the snake dramatically screams in pain with his beautiful head of hair flowing through the wind like it's in a shampoo commercial ruro hacks away as his time is running out but he has no clue how much HP the snake has and isn't sure if he will make it he is pushed back and rurl now realizes that eing trash games online made him pretty cocky when he initially entered this Mass Appeal game for casuals this cocky peacock thought that he would be able to know hit things easily and wouldn't have to use recovery items he was just being arrogant though and the snake consumes him rurl isn't done yet and uses his flash counter move ruro takes the upper hand by grabbing onto a lock of its hair that is so beautiful it Rivals that of a unicorn's tail one last piercing screw to its face causes its head to explode and we say goodbye to the hair on loving serpent ruro couldn't be happier as he levels up after defeating the old poop snake his loot is good enough to fetch a good price but he notices that his health is still dropping he has no time to distribute his attribution points and just dumps it all into stamina and Agility the bird starts to fly back to town to buy an antidote but realizes he doesn't know where the shops are and is certain he won't make it in time he can't even register his respawn Point since he doesn't know where the ends are yet but he has no choice but to run as fast as he can like he's on a wild goose chase at the town we see that a guy named Yamamoto is ecstatic that after three whole months of trying he finally got the girl he's crushing on to start playing slf with him her name is Maya this Romeo has maneuvered himself into the role of the advice-giving veteran and won't let this chance pass him by unfortunately his intimate encounter is interrupted by our raging lunatic and Maya thinks that it's a monster Yamamoto points out that it has a name so it must be a player this crazy girl thinks she should kill it anyway any way but Yamamoto points out that killing other players puts a skull in front of your name the murderous psychopath considers it but decides against it and they wonder if the bird got hit with a poison poop Yamamoto tells them where the Inn is but explains that the respawn point will only register once he gets in bed at the end the receptionist is talking way too calmly as she points out all the amenities they have to offer so a frantic hero rushes her ruro finally makes it to his bed to register his respawn point but the poison hasn't been cured and he dies rurl returns to reality where he is disappointed to have died but glad he didn't lose any items he decides that he will have to thank the guy that helped him but for now just appreciates how awesome the game slf is our God of trash games eventually arrives in sondia in search of Necessities like a map and Recovery items the bird thinks he should buy a powerful main weapon to help him reach his goal of hitting the top player ranks but soon realizes that perverts are staring at him for being half naked and he makes the right decision by going to get clothes first he just gets the cheapest clothes he can buy since it's only to keep people from looking at him weird but then strangely decides that his bird head is less weird looking than a mask at a weapon shop rurl doesn't like what it has to offer and the weapon store guy points out that rural's bunny daggers are actually very rare rro becomes excited however when the man explains that he can make him weapons but he would have to get the materials our little pigeon wastes no time and instantly heads to an area with plenty of ore however he gets his feathers all flustered as he just ends up mining stone after Stone he is frustrated since he has been swinging his pickaxe for at least 30 minutes but only has two of the six pieces of ore he needs as if he didn't have enough to worry about with all the mud and a heavy pickaxe an annoying frog appears to do what frogs do this poor frog mess with the wrong bird this little frog swims in the mud like it thinks it's swimming in the Olympics and it has its innocent little heart set on first place ruro thought they could coexist since it wasn't that dangerous but determines that the Frog clearly wants to be turned into materials his attack knocks the innocent little frog back so he goes in to finish it off he knows that the frog has slash resistance since his suit is made from its skin and decides that he can only use bludgeon and piercing attacks his ax is perfect for this but his feathers get all ruffled again when he realizes that the Marsh's mud slows down a player's movement significantly the poor little frog meets its demise at the hand of our beak faced hero but it was so easy for him that it didn't even cheer him up ruro notices that more new players have been showing up lately because of summer break and determines that he must beat everyone to the race for materials afterwards ruro amazes the shop owner with all his ore he is told that one of the pieces is really special and has two blades made from it after some time they are ready and he finds out that they are god tier weapons this very helpful blacksmith states that doing something called raising a weapon is very important raising turns out to just mean upgrading but it's the term used by blacksmiths that take their job way too seriously and think of the weapons they make as their children all ruro can think about is how the blacksmith is an NPC but its speech and mannerisms are amazing the NPC tells him not to leave town in armor like he has while it's dark since nocturnal animals are dangerous little does he know our crazy bird friend is up to the challenge and plans to use those dangerous nocturnal animals to break in his new weapons and pile on some more levels back at the bridge we see that the snake has risen From the Ashes Like a Phoenix with its hair more dazzling than a thousand suns unfortunately it is met by a powerful attack from Ray who continues her search for auro this stalker detective searched the entire beginner's area for him but determines that he must have defeated the snake without stopping by town and is now in second Dale she wonders if a new player could really accomplish such a thing but is confident that if anyone could it would be ruro elsewhere our battle loving birdie fights Golem from The Lord of the Rings and he goes over everything he has learned first monster spawns change based on if it's day or night most nocturnal monsters are as aggressive and dangerous as the weapon Seller said that has helped them to make progress leveling up and to learn some new skills however this particular little beast seems a little too powerful this one's movement and attacks are on a whole other level from the forest goblins it's got lots of HP and incorporates faints into its fighting style like it's been doing it all its life like it's fighting for Frodo's ring just then the little Goblin lets out a crazy sounding Battle Cry and calls all its little Goblin buddies as if fighting one wasn't bad enough now he has to face several and he determines that he would have to run at full speed just to have a chance of getting away however just then rurl snaps himself out of that mentality and reminds himself that he's enjoying himself far too much to just run away rurl may be a bird but he is no chicken and takes on the challenge as he defeats the annoying little goblins ruro thinks about how he has just been having a lot of fun this entire time and telling himself that God tier games are pretty neat however this game has much more to offer it is in this very moment as a gigantic ferocious monster appears that ruro encountered the true shangra La Frontier ruro can't believe his eyes as he learns that it's a unique monster and he braces himself for the fight of his life elsewhere we get a glimpse into Ray's room as she is in game this crazy stalker is looking for ruro and questions Yamamoto who claims to have seen birdface the bloodthirsty psycho he has a crush on wants to end Ray because she apparently thinks everything is a monster but Yamamoto reminds her not to end other players Yamamoto explains that big bird went to Second Dale after getting a face full of poison from the python it was clearly him since no other player is crazy enough to wear a bird head while half naked but Yamamoto points out that he could have changed his equipment by now Ray is in disbelief at how rokuro beat the ravenous python without visiting the first town Ray leaves the two snitches with a Parting Gift called the coordinate teleporter and blasts off it turns out that they didn't even know Ry but Yamamoto can tell from the emblem on her Cape that she is from a clan focus on a specific unique monster like a Gand the nights Slayer unique monsters are a special class of monsters with both an individual name and a title most monsters when beaten or captured respond as a new individual after a set period of time passes but for The Unique monsters there's only one of each in the entire world rumor says that there's seven of them in slf but the spawn criteria for most of them are unknown for each of these unique monsters called colassi lots of top players have formed Clans Focus on taking them down these colossi are very rare but the real issue is how abnormally strong they are it's been an entire year since the game started but even with a player base of over 30 million not one person has managed to defeat a single unique monster back with ruro we see that he has encountered one of these impossibly strong colosi he learns that it's the unique monster like Aon the nights Slayer ruro thinks about how the little goblins he was fighting earlier were pretty tough but this unique monster blew them away with just one attack all he can do is stare at the Ferocious Beast as he is certain that getting hit by just one of its attacks will end his life the giant wolf thing isn't satisfied with just standing there though and initiates its attack ruro saves himself for a moment with a block but his attempt at a Counterattack fails just seconds in ruro is already feeling the effects of the tough battle but he still decides to taunt it by telling the Beast that unique monsters like him don't have much going for them deep down though our glass Cannon knows just how close he was to seeing an end screen he is glad that he spent all night grinding since if he hadn't learned perfect Perry he would be a virtual reality ghost right now perfect Perry allows him to avoid an enemy's physical attack if executed with exact timing the Beast continues its Relentless attack and rurl once again just narrowly avoids it he knows that he needs to go all out just to give himself a chance at winning and goes in for an attack of his own ruro switches to his voral Choppers he got from the rabies rabbit and combines it with a movement ability to land a Critical Strike the Beast is hardly affected and continues to bombard rurl with attacks the fight pauses for a moment just as the night Slayer disappears it reappears to land a few more attacks only to disappear again moments later when the moon is covered by clouds it sneaks up on him once more but rurl shows that he can more than handle his own against it the monster seems to be teleporting as it attacks ruro from behind but ruro shows his skill as a gamer when he times his Perry perfectly to just barely save his glass Cannon self from getting blown up the Beast reappears before ruro but he's clearly having fun as he lets out a chuckle the Fight Continues as the Beast continues to disappear and reappear rurl manages to land another strike but ex claims that its Pelt is even tougher than the ponytailed python scales ruro has been wailing on the thing for over 5 minutes without taking a hit but the unique monster is just too tough vuro has landed hundreds of critical strikes but he isn't even sure if he's doing any damage his vpal Choppers which started out close to Mint Condition are already falling apart rur is certain that if he doesn't find the soft spot to land a hit on his weapons are going to fall apart he acknowledges that this Beast is way out of the league of what he's able to fight at this stage but that's exactly the way he likes it and that's what makes shanga Frontier a god- tier game our intense protagonist cannot be having a better time as he describes the spine tingling intensity that makes him feel like he's on fire as he lands several more critical strikes he states that it's not possible to enjoy a game more he is a gamer who has made it through a countless number of trash games filled with bugs and garbage balance since he knows that this Beast doesn't have a bugged out hit box like in the other games there's no chance he will give up now ruro lands yet another powerful attack but this one doesn't do much either he gets pushed back outside of the Beast range but it lets out a loud roar that paralyzes ruro the Moon is hidden again allowing the Beast to disappear and ruro seconds later is shocked to see that his legs are gone ruro has no clue what just happened but acknowledges that getting hit by reality really hurts as he lies there in defeat he points out that harsh reality he is not going to suddenly learn an awesome new skill or get saved by a runin from some mysterious highlevel player nothing cinematic like that is going to happen he realizes that that isn't completely true as somehow after a hit like that he still has one Health Point left and that has to be a miracle he compliments the unique monster for being absurdly strong but points out that that absurdity was intentionally coted into him the Beast is exactly as strong as its creators wanted it to be this means that it's beatable absurdity it's in this very moment that ruro has made his decision he no longer cares about the game's final boss or even the story it might not be in this moment but someday he vows that he will beat the unique monster ruro speaks directly to leagan the night Slayer and tells it to make sure that no one else beats it before he does the Ferocious monster finishes him off and we see that a curse called like against Mark has been applied moments later ruro responds back in second Dale and finds out that this curse doesn't allow with equipment to be equipped to the body part afflicted by the curse a quick check of his body reveals that he's almost completely covered in the L A gun's Mark meaning he cannot equip stuff to his torso and legs ruro vents his frustrations for a moment as he condemns The Disappearing wolf for doing this to him this proves to be the curse that just keeps on giving as there is plenty more monsters of a lower level than The Afflicted character will flee conversations with NPCs will be affected by the presence of like a gun's Mark and The Afflicted body part gains resistance to magic effects the only way the curse can be removed is through the prayers of a saint or the defeat of the curses Caster because of all this bad news rro decides to get some fresh air before he ends himself there he lets out a loud scream as he exclaims that this is the kind of broken curse that happens in trash games as people wonder what the half- naked weirdo is doing ruro calms himself he then reminds himself of the three principles he learned from all the trash games patient mind unbreakable spirit and a cool-headed judgment a quick check of his stats actually reveals that players rack up a lot of experience from just fighting a unique monster which means he leveled up quite a bit buffed up his skills and got lots of St points to allocate after he allocates his points he quickly comes to the realization that he made himself a glass Cannon who will die in one hit he had no choice though since he can't even use two out of four of his armor slots spending points on Vitality is like peeing in the ocean and the same goes for his HP not only that but his best stat is 65 in luck he thinks that is probably why he was just able to survive for a moment with just that one HP he prays that his luck has to be good for something and hopes that it's okay to turn to luck for help just then a very well-dressed bunny falls on his head it looks a bit different than bunnies he seen before and he wonders if this game allows monsters to spawn in towns the Dapper little furball takes off so rurl goes after it he is convinced that by the way it is dressed he will get a rare item if he catches it just when it seems like he is about to catch the little guy it creates a door and the D gives our protagonist a smug look as he gets away ruro reads a message on the door that says it's a unique scenario an invitation from rabbit tuza rur remembers reading about this on the game gu site and explains that slf has a sweeping main story about the exploration of the world but it's also got a huge number of side quests one subset of these is called unique scenarios mystery scenarios whose unlock times locations contents and flags aren't publicly known so the equipment SK skills and spells you can acquire in these unique scenarios are said to all be Top Class ruro opens the door and thinks about how It's Not Unusual to see Clan searching desperately to find these unique scenarios he lets out a laugh since encountering one this early in his playthrough is amazing he determines that it must be the result of dumping his stat points into luck and Promises not to let this chance slip away well after he enters the door though we see that the level requirement is 80 and recurs only level 28 once inside he shocked to that it's a world full of bunnies and their beloved carrots he fears he might have walked into a monster's layer and is welcomed by the little jerk that taunted him into coming this bunny wanted to meet ruro badly and explains that all of rabbit tuza is a buzz about him this is because despite his great personal weakness ruro had the courage to attempt the night Slayer all on his own and because he had the skills to continue striking perfect deadly blows without taking a single hit to them rur is the embodiment of the voral rabbit soul ruro is freaked out by the little guys in enthusiasm and the bunny says he wants to be just like ruro our humble hero is quick to point out that he barely left a scratch on the unique monster but the bunny explains that's only because it's so powerful he calls it the night Emperor and explains that it's a Colossus capable of gobbling down wyverns like a midday snack the fact that rurl is even there speaking to him now suggests rurl is under the divinity's protection what's even more amazing to the suited furball is that the marks covering rikuro's body proved that the night Emperor regards him not as mere prey but as a fellow being ruro can't help but wonder if something's wrong with the rabbit's brain and remembers that one of the traits of the Mark was that conversations with NPCs would be affected the bunny explains that his bunny boss would like to meet him but our skeptical Birdman wonders if this is some kind of Revenge trap for all the bunny's lives he's ended the bunny kind of just ignores his question and introduces himself as Emil Emil eventually answers and assures ruro that his boss is far above Petty matters like Revenge at rabbit pal our new friend explains that while many humans visit rabbit usza on a regular basis RR will be the first to enter the palace this is quite shocking but ruro becomes excited as this must mean that this is a unique scenario that only he knows about ruro explains that he was pretty worried after getting all marked up by that unique dog but it looks like his luck is already turning around Emil takes him to his father/ boss and ruro is shocked by the powerful presence of this guy he acknowledges ruro as the guy that got beat up and peed on on by the unique monster that he calls a puppy he explains that humans lose their vorable soul so quickly so he assumed that they were all hopeless however he has now determined that one of them has promise and shocks rurl when he asks for some of his time this gigantic rabbit introduces himself as the rabbit boss of rabbit tuza named visat back at the game shop Mana catches Ray the stalker extraordinaire on the prow for her not so secret crush rokuro Ray tries to deny it but the game shop owner isn't stupid and explains that at summer vacation so he's probably in shra La Frontier Ry admits that she hasn't been able to find her prey in game because he skipped the first tutorial City entirely Mana laughs as charting his own course is classic ruro and a typical trash game fanatic move she explains that rro will do things normal players won't do and run into all kinds of outrageous unique scenarios Mana encourages the little stalker to step up her stocking game but surprises her when she tells Ray to admit her feelings to him in the next scene we meet roomi his atom as she's about to begin her story line but she leaves and we don't see her again meanwhile rur is reading about the trigger conditions for the tour of ratua unique scenario he learns that if you defeat a monster of a higher level than you with vpal weapons equipped a special vpal bunny will appear in any town and invite you to Rabbit usza once you arrive if you defeat the lonian python a monster terrorizing their city you'll learn the enchant vpal spell the beginning part was right but ruro explains that the the rest of his unique scenario that happened the day before was nothing like that he definitely didn't end up wrestling any pythons instead it was the intimidating Yakuza boss looking bunny the sort of cuddly Terror you would expect if the mobs started recruiting him petting zoos a look back shows that visce complimented ruro on his fight against the puppy he admires rikuro's vpal soul but ruro can't help but be intimidated and wonders what in the world is a waral soul the Yakuza bunny then makes him an offer he can't refuse the to get him up to Snuff ruro is pretty confused at first but then realizes that this must be a training Quest and unique scenario training could yield amazing Buffs he quickly accepts the offer but almost gets himself whacked when he calls visce anaki as it made him very angry ruro explains that it was just a little joke but the giant bug's bunny on steroids doesn't say a word luckily for ruro Vach has a sense of humor as he doesn't call a hit on him and lets out a big laugh instead he acknowledges ruro as his under and asks him to call him Vash this is a privilege only given to those with potential and ruro accepts as he thinks about how he is glad that the suu bunny didn't have him swimming with the fishes Vash tells the more than excited Emil that he will leave ruro in his hands which of course the weird little bunny loves and he promises to work super hard emo is excited to take son rakusan on a tour of the palace but ruro explains that he needs a break after a long playing session but in his head he thinks about how he also wants to look up more about unique scenario I and unique monsters ruro is glad to hear that he can register his respawn point there and Imo offers to take care of it vasher remembers that he forgot one thing and puts a vpal soul collar on ruro ruro is shocked to find that the callar gains two and a half times the stat points when leveling up but will only receive half the experience he instantly tries to take it off but Vash explains that it's no use he won't allow rur to take it off since extraordinary hardship is necessary for the weak to grow strong he then reminds ruro to never forget the vorpal soul the goofy little bunny tells him that it looks great on him but RR just can't believe that he has been saddled with another restriction back to the present ruro acknowledges that even if it does have his experience getting two and a half times the stat points is a pretty big upside it might even be a broken cheat code no one on the Forum seems to know about visat or Emil let alone the vpal soul callar no one's even found a unique scenario where you enter the Palace of ratua ruro then gets super hyped as he realizes how amazing it is to have found a unique scenario only he knows about unfortunately he has an appointment with someone named katso and loads up a game he hasn't logged into in Forever it's called berserk online passion or as some people call it burp it's a fighting game recur once got deeply into and naturally this means that it's a trash game its player base has weighed to less than 100 sinins per day leaving many to wonder why the server is still running this means that most of those who remain playing the game know each other there are all of a single kind trash game enthusiasts rro meets with KATU and asks for the rules of the fight the fight begins though as KATU does his best impression of Luffy without a straw hat and reminds ruro that anything goes katsu shows him his new move he worked out while ruro was focused on falia online that he calls NSFW tentacle attack RR is surprised to see that tattoo developed a new glitch and wers how a mad man like him got to be a Pro Gamer KATU is shocked since he is using a delay but RR still somehow managing to block his attack katsu calls ruro the real madman for having such fast reaction speed and ruro points out that his Quick Draw fist is the ultimate fighting style he explains that as long as he has 12 frames he can even counter boss instakill attacks unscathed the two continue their fight that looks like something right out of one piece and people around begin to take notice though burp is considered a trash game their fight perfectly demonstrates the reason for bur's Niche appeal and that is that any bug goes their Gatling gum punching continues and Muro celebrates when he breaks off one of katu's fists unfortunately this ends up being bad for him as that fist ends up ending the fight ruro can't believe that the afterimage fist textures were part of the hitbox and he has announced the loser still rur thanks katsu as he has only been fighting NPCs recently and needed a good PVP katsu hoped that rur was telling a bad joke when he learned that he was playing slf but rur takes no shame in admitting that he is actually really into it it his little friend still doesn't understand so ruro explains that slf has crazy strong monsters called the seven colassi they are so rare that the entire player base has only managed to get the names of four of them no one has ever beaten a single one of them since the game started ruro reveals that he fought one of these beasts and it wasted him with that KATU was convinced and he decides that he might have to give slf a try hearing ruro talk about it has piqued his interest and he admits that none of his IRL Friends Play burp anyway that isn't all as a certain person also plays as a and KATU sent this person a message to tell them that rur was playing it too ruro has no clue who this person is but we see that it's some purple-haired girl this chick is fighting a bunch of guys when she received the message and states that she always thought ruro had some kind of condition where he would die if he ever stopped playing trash games she finishes up all her opponents and we see that she has the player kill badge for ending all those real players she seems glad that R is playing as left and decides that she will have to alsoo gently guide him through it rur returns to Second Dale and thinks about how handy Emil is for being able to use a Teleport gate he feels pretty good and wonders if coming from playing burp is the reason that his slf Avatar is so easy to move in emo wonders why ruro wanted to leave so soon since there's so much to do in rabbit tuza ruro explains that while he really wants to explore rabbit usza getting to third Rema before the crowds start pouring in is more important there has been a huge uptake in players since summer break started the forums report that the St town firsta is packed to the guilds with new players seonia won't be far behind which means there are going to be log jams at facilities and fights over monsters and Mining spots also third Rema is a pretty big city so if he's going to go all out and the rabbit who's a unique scenario then he would like to do it from a big city with plenty of breathing room Emil completely agrees but recur shock to hear that Emil hilariously didn't understand a single thing Emil is still more than glad to help and rro is shocked to find that he can add NPCs in his party Emil explains that rro can't reach rabbit tuuza or the palace without him but ruro thought that the little free NPC would just be tagging along ruro accepts Imo's party request and finds that the little bunny has higher stats than he does he isn't too concerned about it though since he is confident that he will pass email in no time rros pretty sure that the lon's Mark is the trigger for that unique scenario and wonders if emo is The Game's way of making for it the two prepare to head out but are stopped by two girls who think that the talking little bunny is adorable they want to know if they can get it as a pet too but are shocked to realize that ruro is a half naked bird pervert ruro realizes that he was so distracted that he didn't stop to think about how Emil is an NPC attached to a never beeseen unique scenario since he has it all to himself for now he would like to keep it a secret at least until he can clear it the dumb little bunny introduces himself and tries to chat it up with the ladies how however rro stops him and yells out that it was just his ventriloquism act as he runs away unfortunately for him one of the nosy girls takes a picture of them and decides that they will have to ask the forums where to get one of the talking bunnies the two get away from all the crowds and email admits to not being the highlevel athlete he looks like as he is not so well suited for all the running around Emil eagerly awaits their next task and ruro explains that he wants to confirm something he wants to test a part of his curse that says that Monsters of a lower level than The Afflicted character will flee luckily for them a lower leveled monster appears to attack them and it runs away as soon as it sees the curse this is perfect as rur chases after it like some kind of bird cheetah hybrid our brilliant gamer doesn't just pursue it mindlessly though as he has a plan to chase it into an obstacle with perfect timing ruro throws his weapon as soon as it changes Direction with it stopped ruro attacks it with the fastest speed he can muster rur points out that he received an attack bonus from inertia a law of physics taken for granted in the the real world and very few games actually try to replicate it he admires how this game models reality as close as it can and email arrives to celebrate with intense energy as always he admires rr's fighting skills as he could hardly tell which one was the monster with rr's test complete he has decided what needs to be done now the plan is to ignore all the scrubs and head straight to the area boss Emil Marvels at the plan Simplicity and the two take off excited to take on whatever the future holds unfortunately just seconds later we see that rro is extremely frustrated they have arrived at the area where the boss should be but there's only swamp as far as the eye can see the little rabbit is just worried about his sweet looking clothes and rur thinks about what Emil told him on the way there Emil explained that the area boss is a monster named Mud Digger it Rockets out of the ground to attack so it's crucial to find a way to hold it in place rur realizes that he has to fight this Mud Digger in a swamp and that means he might be in big trouble just then Emil senses the Beast and R has Emil get on his shoulder it's incredibly difficult to move in the swamp so they just barely manage to move out of the way as a giant monster emerges we learned that a characteristic of shanga Frontiers is that its swamp terrain forces a walking State this means that one leg always remains trapped in the marsh until the other foot reaches the bottom This ferocious beast is clearly very powerful as a recommended party size for fighting it is four ruro realizes that he might have made a huge mistake as this is the worst matchup possible the Ferocious Beast is Strang to able to dive into the shallow swamp which is only possible because of game logic anemo freaks out fearing that they will be skinned alive however Rua smoothly uses his slide move to narrowly avoid death he acknowledges that figuring out how to use the skills that evolved after fighting the lon is the key to this battle his evolution of the move perfect Parry is a Repel counter which allows him to instantly Counterattack after timing his Parry perfectly Emil is impressed but ruro isn't satisfied since he is pretty much just evading damage both skills he just used have 10-second recast times and he has no other way to avoid damage in the meantime the Beast gives him no breaks but luckily his little bunny friend comes in clutch with an impressive attack Emil explains that it was just a bit of magic and ruro realizes that he has been so focused on soloing this game that he completely forgot he had a partner this time ruro knows he can't waste this opportunity so he uses an ability that grants a temporary bonus to attack power and Agility unfortunately trying to move quickly in the swamps sucks big time the Beast recovers but this gives rur the opportunity to use the evolution of his screw Pierce attack called spiral Edge another ability gets them in a more advantageous position and Mur does a Balancing Act only possible because of his experience in trash games that have terrible platforming he has his little bunny friend prepare an attack and there's a Ferocious Beast to eat him it tries to but 10 seconds of passed already and he uses repel counter to avoid it Emil follows that up with a powerful attack and we see just how much of a glass Cannon ruro is as a tiny bit of fall damage takes a large portion of his health ruro Praises his furry teammate but she is just concerned about her sweet threads Ruru is confident that the Beast must be pretty hurt but he is shocked when it's nowhere to be found just then the ground begins to shake and ruro feels like his feet are being sucked down they realize that the shark whale thing is preparing to rock it out of the ground for an attack and ruro doesn't even hesitate to save his little friend rur is surprised to have been thrown into the air since it wasn't an instakill attack and in fact barely did any damage we learned that the Mud Digger is most noteworthy for its special move set that activates after its HP reaches a certain threshold after holding a player in place with the vibrating swamp it randomly Rams one of them in the air with its nose if a player challenges it alone not only will it hit them with this attack every single time as long as they remain in the swamp but it will shave down all their HP through fall damage hence it's nicknamed the solo killer roro realizes this and hates the person who came up with it since player skills are not even a factor he considers having Emil hit him from the side but knows that we'll just blow him up rokuro prepares for his inevitable death and explains that he has never been able to get used to Falling deaths in VR games luckily for him our little fur hero is no quitter and she has an unrivaled vorpal Spirit she uses a magic scroll to teleport ruro but instead of getting to safety she accidentally puts him back in the air we learned that there's an attack skill called meteor fall that utilizes downward energy ruro had picked up a ton of downward momentum from his initial freef fall and built up a lot of energy Emo's accidental teleportation actually put him just above the Beast and allowed rurl to gain even more energy so a fall that would have resulted in player death instead is now a risky attack this is not an actual meteor fall but a mistake meteor fall the creature instantly blows up into smithin and recurs in complete disbelief to see that he actually surv survived he can't even digest all the things that just happened so he just compliments Emil for her clutchness ruro acknowledges how tough the fight was comparing it to when he fought the lon but this time they were the survivors afterward emo shocked to see bird head shove a bunch of healing herbs down his throat and ruro points out that it's the only way anything can reach his mouth because of his giant beak ruro can only think about how Emil was way stronger than he expected she ended up carrying him so he feels pretty bad for being so cocky before Emil could only think about how rur will be staying in rabbit tuza full time once they reach the big city the only problem is that Emil if seen will draw a lot of attention like last time and they might even get jumped they need to think of a way to hide her so our little fball determines that she must use something she hasn't in a long time she reveals her mysterious vorpal bracelet the secret treasure of the voral bunnies the secretive little bunny asks her human counterpart to keep it a secret and shly transforms into a human Ruru is speechless and is upset as he begins to realize that Japan's so-called Flagship god tier game is starting to look like some kind of harm game with a bunny girl the transformation is pretty exhausting for the little rabbit though so she can only hold it for four or five minutes at a time in her current state her transformation will work just fine to hide her but it could bring different attention when people see a poor girl dragging around a half naked Birdman they finally arrive at third Rema where emo points out how unimpressed ruro seems beak face proudly points out that he has seen quite a few places in his time and she is Amazed by how well traveled he is emo transforms but rro is proven right about him being the attention getter when some guards stop them to ask why he is half naked they are also pretty curious about his body being covered in scars but imemo comes to recur his defense she states that rurl has a past that will bring immense sorrow to all those who hear it Emil tells the story of his dangerous journey in the most dramatic way possible a story highlighting the curse for has on his body and his journey to remove it Emil getss even more intense as she explains that this is only the first chapter in his story the second chapter will have him transform into a super Warrior this chick is way too intense for the guards and they just allow them in out of the entire crowd that is gathered to watch Emo's theatrics ruro notices someone giving him a look and it's far different than the normal judgmental look he usually gets for being a half naked bird face before they can enter the city a girl urgently stops ruro as she recognizes him ruro has no clue who this frantic girl is but we see what happened after the those girls in second Dale took their picture the girls posted the picture on a forum and asked if anyone knew how to befriend the adorable bunny the post spread rapidly as people were shocked to hear that a monster could talk and almost equally a shock to see a half- naked Birdman the silvered haired girl was more shocked than anyone she was certain that the game only allowed players to tame dogs and cats and determines that the bird must be cheating as people question the ethics behind posting a picture of someone without their consent the silvered haired girl begins her mission to find the pigeon man other people were paying more attention to ruro in the picture many have not seen scars like his especially since nothing like them exists in the character maker someone on the forums remembers that it's a curse that also serves as proof that the player has been acknowledged by the night Emperor this is only known though because some NPC mentioned it players are stunned to realize that this means ruro who they know as son Raku his in-game name has encountered the lon some players know that the Lyon is a random encounter so it is possible for a beginner to run into it but no one can figure out how this Saku guy managed to get acknowledged by it a player named orsot responds on the forms saying that he could spawn kill Sam Raku until he tells him how to do it other players think about how dangerous this orsela guy is as he is the esteemed leader of Ashura Kai a clan Infamous for being filled with player Killers orsela has his eyes set on srau so other players wonder if the Birdman will be okay people discuss on the forums how if you play or kill too much and you get killed by a player or an PC all your items are lost including stored ones on top of that the Bounty gets paid from the player Killer's own cash so it's a pretty brutal system one red-headed lady is particularly intrigued by srau and leaves a message on the forums with the hopes of him reading it she tells him to speak to any player wearing the emblem of a wolf and a sword as she would love to meet and talk with him she expresses sorrow for him having so much of his information leaked but explains that her CER Clan can help protect him other players can see that several Clans are showing interest in the now famous son Raku and point out how he is being treated like an event boss the crazy silver-haired girl is the first to find him though and she just wants to know how to tame a vpal bunny while news of him has spread rapidly this is rural's first time hearing about it he realizes it must have been from second Dale but there's no way he's spilling the beans on the vpal bunny unique scenario just then their conversation is interrupted by a surprise attack the attacker says that it's not nice to keep things to himself and everyone should share in the fun the this girl shocks ruro when she calls him revolutionary Knight son rukun ruro seems to know her as he states that the great pencil Knight has finally shown her face this girl doesn't like how he is talking to a self-proclaimed Beauty like herself and explains to him that in this game she is not pencil Knight she shockingly removes her mask and tells him to refer to her as Arthur pencil gon rur is stunned to see that she is not only level 99 but she also has the skull badge for being a player killer rur refers to this person as his friend in trash gamerhome Guys robbing a shop in a game called unite rounds these fools thought they were scot-free but our boy ruro found them and robbed the robbers the players affectionately called this trash game a post-apocalyptic looting Simulator the game was originally meant to simulate a kingdom on the verge of collapse with players assuming the role of knights who protect it from attacking monsters a co-op MMO VR game however because of truly garbage game design that prioritized faithfulness to the concept the drop rates were unreasonably low only a few players would ever dare to play this game the right way even The Beginner's Quest required 12 hours of coming through Open Fields to complete in the players eyes this only left them with one option steal what they need Gamers weren't willing to spend hours picking through grass for low-level items when they could just raid an NPC store or steal them from a player who did that eventually proved to be the winning move in unite rounds in an environment where outrage was everywhere and every person you saw was an enemy a lone figure arose fueled by violence to take control of the kingdom and that person was the great pencil Knight one day rur was looting corpses and katsu tried to point out that the game was supposed to be about defending the Kingdom from Monsters however rro explained that the game is now really about defeating the big bad pencil Knight pencil Knight was nothing like the final boss built into the game story she would intentionally abuse players who she didn't allow into her ranks and instigate her victims to prevent them from giving up on the game at this time the game of unite rounds was completely at the mercy of one player the one known as the dystopian empress ruro and catso plan to assassinate her and she is shocked to see them and realize that a rebel Army was used as a distraction our boys are pretty confident to have gotten this far and tell her that she should have set some more effective traps the ones she set were so easy that they broke them on the first try this is their first time meeting but the empress is impressed and plans to remember their names the pencil Knight is pretty annoyed by ruro smirk and she wonders if they can really defeat her to become the Revolutionary Knight back to the present rro thinks about how in unite rounds they fought each other to a draw with both of them dying in the end however in this game there's a huge level gap between them penil gon instantly initiates the fight and tells ruro that she took the penalty and came all the way from fatisha to player kill him so he shouldn't be ashamed if he feels like crying because of how flattered he is penil gon is not only a good trash talker she is a dangerous fighter also as R must block to agar that he predicts are poisonous she knows that just beat the Mud Digger and assumes that he's around level 30 so she compliments him on his impressive dodging skills however rurl credits the god tier game for making all his moves come nice and smooth the crazy silver-haired girl is shocked while watching the fight when she realizes that pencil gon is second in command of that one player killer Clan aurai she is known as the Giant Killer penelon explains that she got the nickname from constantly focusing on ambushing higher level players unfortunately the devs ner her ruthless strategy so it's been a lot harder for her recently rur is quick to point out how she was the giant in the last game and the two have a good laugh about the irony the light-hearted moment doesn't last long though as pencil gon continues attacking and calls our bird-headed hero a bird brain Emil realizes something while watching but doesn't say anything and just freaks out in the background as pencil gon continues her Relentless attack she reveals that she didn't just find him for personal reasons the leader of her clan assur Kai asked her to deliver a message the leader warns recur to make the information of the unique scenario public otherwise he will have a Target on his back until he does our boy does not like being threatened he thinks this leader of hers sounds like a dummy and penil gon actually agrees rro does his best to fight back but he knows that there's far too much of a gap in their levels and Equipment however he has realized something ruro points out that it seems like penil gon is trying pretty hard to keep him away from the gate he is also certain that she timed that first attack of hers to prevent him from entering the city he determines that must be hard for a player killer to do their thing in a highly populated town and she reveals that she would certainly prefer to avoid it none of the talking really matters to her though since she is certain that he won't be making it to the gate alive anyway just then we see what Emo's freaking out about this whole time as her bunny tail reappears and she can't hold it in any longer she will soon transform back to a voral bunny but she has no way of telling ruro without anyone finding out the chaos is mounting as the crazy silver-haired girl decides to ask rl's companion about how to get at the veral bunny pet she's surprised to see that Emil's wearing bunny accessories but even more shocked when Emil transforms into the very bunny she had been desperately searching for like a maniac ruro notices and points out how this is the worst possible moment for this to happen penil gon refuses to be ignored but is shocked when ruro uses his repel counter move he knocks her back with rage since he knows that she has been holding back and calls email to his side our boy catches his little bunny companion and silver hair wishes she could at least get a selfie with the little furball ruro explains that he will think about it if he survives his plan and makes a Mad Dash towards the gate penelon is certain that ruro has no chance in beating her in a foot race but is shocked when silver hair stops her silver hair explains that she couldn't care less about birdface but a penil gon's going to put the sweet little bunny in danger then she will slay penelon in a heartbeat rurl couldn't be happier as this is what he hoped would happen he realized that the girl named Animalia was obsessed with his furry companion and he knew she would put herself In Harm's Way for her he Praises Emil for being a great mascot as now all he has to do is get into town Emil will make him a Teleport gate to Rabbit usza and no one should be able to track him there ru's plan runs into a huge problem though as penelon explains that she never said she came there alone rur is met by a group of tough-looking players from penil gon's Clan they all hate the idea of having to PK a lower level player but they must do it as they fear getting player killed themselves by pencil gon if they don't penil gon realizes that anomalia is the keeper of SF Zoo a monster documented Clan with no interest in other players and she thanks ruro for giving her this opportunity ruro isn't even listening though as he has his hands full trying to keep from being ended by the group Animalia shows that she isn't just some crazy animal lover and alici is a powerful spell unfortunately penil gon consumes the attack and fires it right back at anomalia penil gon is pretty impressed by all the status debuffs anomalia has Acquired and anomalia is shocked because pencil gon was able to reflect all the curses in her attack penil gon reveals the amazing item that allowed her to do this the karmic straw doll penil gon knows she would have been in big trouble without it and crushes the thing the item when Crush sends all curses applied to the player back at their Caster so the cold blooded pencil gun assures Animalia that she will stick around to watch her die of her own poison rur is doing his best to stay alive against opponents who outnumber him are a higher level than him and have far better equipment than him he analyzes them to determine that his best Target is the jerk who uses a slow moving long sword since rurl doesn't even need skills to dodge his attacks the real problem is how he will do damage to the high level players decked out in top tier armor things are looking pretty bad but luckily someone has arrived to absolutely destroy one of the attackers with a single blow every one of the attackers is shocked as they realize that this was the unparalleled Firepower of the famous attack master rur has no clue who this person is but can't believe another person has arrived with such a dangerous sounding nickname however we we know that this giant armored Knight is actually recur stalker Ray and she's glad to have finally found the apple of her eye a flashback shows how upset Ray was after not being able to find ruro no matter how hard she looked and she thought about how Mana told her to confess her feelings to him she thought about how rurl always played games that were so unusual and difficult they were always too hard for her to play so she could never find a game that she could play with him however that all changed with slf ruro is finally playing it so she refused to let her opportunity get away when she returned to the game she found that a message was waiting for her it was another member of her Guild saiger that is also her sister the message revealed R's location and asked Ray to get into contact with him this was Ray's first real chance to find him so she wasted no time in rushing to him the message also revealed that there were a number of Clans already arranging to make contact with him and the dangerous aurai was among them Ray saw him deep in battle and realized that it was a great opportunity that she would never have again if she could save him from the he cares she would have a natural end to talk to him this drove her more than anything because she's crushing on him pretty hard and knew that this could someday lead to them talking in real life that is when she made her explosive entrance and pencil gon could instantly tell that things were getting intense penil gon knew all along that the pkers from her clan would have a tough time against ruro however fighting him in slf has made something even more clear to her the skills he's built up playing terrible games in all genres are more valuable than unique items and high level stats and that's a huge asset in shangra La Frontier she has also heard that Kat is playing slf as well so with ruro some secret project of hers is looking more possible penelon is then shocked when she realizes that the person that has joined the fight is ciger zero somehow rro first lured in the Zookeeper and now the attack Master penelon is incredibly happy to have come but Animalia isn't done just yet as she points out that she hit penil gon with five spells she explains that the doll penil gon used tops out at reflecting 5 debuffs and she wonders if pencil gon has a counter for her next attack a look into the past shows Ray stalking RR so hard that she runs into a pole he was always smiling and enjoying himself so that is why she started thinking about him she started looking for him and eventually developed at leite level stocking skills she tried talking to him on several occasions but she was always too shy back to the present Ray won't let her opportunity pass her by so she comes to ruru's rescue rokuro is instantly suspicious of this giant Knight and he assumes that they're after the unique scenario just like everyone else he knows that he needs to think of a way out and luckily for him it looks like Animalia is preparing to do something analia's final attack requires the Mastery skill and singled digigit HP this chick is just another crazy person in this anime as she explains that her next attack is a murder suicide curse that destroys her opponent and herself penelon has already used her doll and has no way to debuff the spell so the two of them are eliminated the attack caused is a massive eruption of light shocking everyone but this is rural's chance he tells his furry little friend to prepare a gate for them and apologizes to the night for using its head as a Launchpad birdface runs as fast as he can and the enemy group wants to stop him from reaching the city since it's filled with bounty hunters unfortunately for them Ray is too powerful and knocks them back rurl still doesn't trust the giant Knight but promises to remember their name ciger zero the shuai members are Furious but Ray is completely distracted she can't believe that rura actually talked to her and his apology replays over and over again in her head the shuai guys see this as an opportunity to earn some Fame and make an attempt to attack the attack Master unfortunately for them she is furious because they were the reason she couldn't talk to rurl more the shuai members prepare to run away but Ray doesn't let them as she still has a lot of anger to take out on them we then see that ruro and Emil have finally made it back to the Inn inside of rabbit usza Emil ran out of magic from her transformation earlier but luckily our boy was prepared and bought magic restoring items ahead of time just then ruro receives what he calls a sore loser email from pencil gon she's in disbelief that the attack Master appeared from nowhere to save him and she points out that her death was her own fault so she didn't really lose to him penil gon still wants to talk to rokuro so she tells him to call katso so the three of them can have a meeting in the game unite rounds it's a bit strange that she doesn't just want to talk in slf so he is suspicious of her just then katso emails him after he was messaged by penil gon as well katso shares R skepticism but they are both also very intrigued by what she might have to say they decide not to back down but for now rurl has bigger things to worry about emo finishes her delicious potion and ruro eagerly explains that he is ready to get this unique scenario going ruro wonders what the mafia rabbit boss meant by getting him up to Snuff so emo decides to just show him by taking rurl to the arena where they do their most serious bad battle training they arrive at the voral Coliseum and rur Marvels at how huge it is Emma reveals that her father/ boss wants ruro to fight 10 monsters there ruro is excited for this Boss Rush type of training and Emil explains that he will be strictly limited to the use of waral weapons that's totally fine for our boy and he prepares to grind levels until he can wipe the smug smirk off of pencil gon's face rurl gets a good stretch in before pulling out his waral Blades of death and has the first Monster come out our protagonist is pretty realistic as he doesn't expect to go 10 in a row on his first try he plans to use trial and error to learn their attack patterns so he can slowly but surely attain Victory he is pretty shocked by his first opponent though since it's a pack of hounds that always spawn in groups of five or more their average level is 65 so ruro wonders if there has been some kind of mistake his ruthless little bunny friend explains that there's no mistake and that's just how the first opponent Works ruro knows he has his hands full and is instantly wiped out by the pack back in the real world Ray celebrates the fact that rur talked to her and she replays a moment in her mind that isn't enough for the little stalker though as she reminds herself to find the courage to send them a friend request the next time they see each other she wonders if he would accept and imagines her boy saying yes Ry imagines that they will become friends in real life after that and this sends her over the roof with joy the problem is that she searched for him in third Rea after she was done with the goons but couldn't find him so she wonders what he could be doing we then see what he is doing as he stares down the hounds it's pretty clear that these hounds just think of him as food and emo points out that this is already ruo's seventh attempt thankfully the penalty for dying isn't applied in the arena however it's not just the sheer number of these beasts and their high level that is a huge pain for our beak faced hero is their completely synchronized attacks ruro does his best on the seventh try and he realizes that their coordination is the result of having a commander giving orders he has fought them enough times so he has started to see it one of the these Monsters has been howling from a safe distance and never actually fights armed with this knowledge our boy uses his spiral edge attack on their leader this monster just runs away while the others rush to protect it their coordination gets all out of whack so he knows that he was right knowing this all rurl has to do is ignore the others and focus on the commander before he can bark out orders he hunts down the leader of the pack and emo cheers for him when he eliminates it with their Master gone there's really nothing left for him to fear so he wipes out the uncoordinated bunch ruro completes the first level of training and Emil celebrates her bird faced hero ruro hopes that the next round won't be another group of monsters and Emil assures him that the next one is definitely a single opponent he really hopes that's the case but is shocked when he sees that the next opponent is called the parasite tentacle this hideous creature is just a teddy bear with snakes coming out its back so this makes ruro think that it's practically another group ruro used a hidden run strategy against the Beast tentacles once all the tentacles were sever ever the bear stopped moving and he won it only took him four tries a really tough Goblin was his third opponent but it was easier than the previous two this one only took him two tries some wild boar was his fourth opponent but our boy has some in-game Rodeo experience and used that to defeat it on his first try his fifth opponent was a doozy though it was some crazy acid pooping bird and this thing took him 112 tries the next few opponents were relatively easy and only took them one try each Our Hero's ninth opponent was some Mega Golem it had some type of invisible energy Shield that shaved off 70% of his HP when repelled by it he eventually figured out that he needed to tear it down little by little and he defeated it on his seventh try our boy is more excited than ever as he only has one opponent left but it's pretty upset to see that after all that fighting he has only gone up two measly levels this is of course because of the vpal Soul collar that Vash forced onto him which generously cuts his experience gains in half Emil encourages the bird brain to take a break since she has noticed that rurl has a terrible look in his eyes our boy doesn't think so though and makes a funny looking face as he states that all the optimization is going great for him ruro demands that the next Monster come forward and he is shocked to see that Vash has come for a visit Vash is impressed that RR has already reached the final level and points out that the timing couldn't be any more perfect ruro knows that there was no coincidence as he thinks about how beating the ninth monster just triggered an event f flag Vash explains that for rural's final opponent he will have him fight a monster that he just caught Vash really had to go out of the way to get this monster and he sends the chained up Beast into the arena Vash frees the creature and our boy can't figure out what kind of monster it is he thinks it's some Dummy from long ago that tried to fuse with a tree to gain a longer life Vash observes closely and that's that rurl can beat this monster in his current state because of this he changes the win criteria this monster is apparently insanely strong so all rro will have to do to win is survive for 5 minutes this thing is a wood Mage but rro is eager to prove that he can complete the level rro is confident for this test of endurance but is instantly surprised by the monster's first attack this crazy tree thing creates Roots out of nowhere and forces ruro to run for his life Vash explains that he is a big fan of ruru's confidence but points out that he will really have to back it up now if he wants to survive RR is getting pretty stressed evading all of its attacks and realizes that it's going to be a long 5 minutes out of the over 30 million slf players ruro was the first one to fight this terrifying monster ruro wouldn't learn this until far in the future but we see that this tree Mage is an insane level 120 rur does his best to avoid all the roots but they are seemingly endless our boy is crazy as he attempts to close the gap with the monster even though all he needs to do is survive getting close doesn't do much though since R's attack doesn't even scratch the tree branch wizard it's pretty clear that physical attacks won't work on it and R must now Dodge this thing's chains as well the bird brain realizes that he should just dodge his way to Victory and email reveals that 1 minute has already passed 4 minutes remain so Vash is eager to see rural's vorable Soul ruro continues to dodge away but it's getting more difficult and he realizes that his opponent is an absolute Beast root spear attacks that are almost impossible to dodge since they aren't telegraphed and chains that look like they will destroy anything they come in contact with as if those things weren't terrifying on their own they also chase him around like he is a magnet to them it's almost enough to make him give up on dodging altogether and him will becomes increasingly concerned for him even with all that there's still something worse this tree monster keeps on slipping in Magic attacks every now and then some are electrical and some are Fireballs the more time passes the more this wooden Harry Potter mixes up its magic types this time it uses an ice spell attack and Ru can hardly manage to survive it all as the attacks seem to be getting denser as well the number of chains and roots are increasing and the magic attacks are starting to cover a wider area the magical tree branch gives a menacing look and rurl determines that if the density of the attacks keep increasing he will be dead well before he reaches 5 minutes just then purple Mist erupts from the ground and it's just another spell from the tree's Arsenal that rural has to worry about the fight is beginning to seem futile since this thing can nullify physical attacks and constantly adds attacks of its own ruro begins to think that he would have a better chance P against the lon that gave him his scars and he really begins to lose hope he is getting so tired that he can barely even think straight anymore rur is ready to give up return home to eat something while he thinks of a strategy and try again later there isn't really a penalty for losing so he doesn't really care anymore just then ruro snaps himself out of it and reminds himself that he is in a pushover he went through the same feeling of hopelessness against the Mud Digger when he gave up and had to rely on Emil ruro lets out a battlecry as he is reinvigorated ated and refuses to let himself cut Corners he thinks that playing so many trash games all his life almost turned his brain into garbage as well but that ends now Emil and Vash consense that something has changed and ruro makes another push he states that he has overloaded on trash gamium and needs to balance it out with God gamium ruro runs along a route to once again get close to the tree and Promises himself that he won't give up Vash is impressed that he was able to break through the waves of attacks to reach melee range but says that they're is no point since ruro can only dish out basic attacks ruro shocks everyone though when he kicks the monster staff out of its hand ruro is seriously tired so he's ready to just beat the living tree and go straight to bed he realized that even though the monster can nullify physical damage the attack itself still gets through rro doesn't let the tree branch get its staff back and he wonders what will happen to the tree if it has to fight without it it's clear that it can't cast its spells anymore but it still has its roots and chains something that rro did learned from all his Years of Gaming is that in a post-apocalyptic world you survive by looting he uses the snatching skills he learned from unite rounds and grabs hold of the staff Vash and Emil are both impressed but there's still 2 minutes left on the timer and this is a time when Vash wants to see what rurl can really do the tree goes insane and ruro realizes that losing the staff must trigger its berserk mode the attacks are getting more intense so rro wishes he would have gotten some kind of warning little Emil continues cheering on our brave hero and tells him that he only needs to survive for one more minute this is exactly what rural's Mobility build was made for so there's no way he's going to lose after getting so close however one of the chains eventually grabs a hold of him and just as he expected it applies several debuffs he won't be able to dodge and the tree Wizard is closing in on him ricro sends the staff straight into the sky causing the tree to go after it instead the tree finally retrieves it but ruro can't believe that the monster actually fetched it ruro mocks the dumb monster since it would have won if it just kept attacking but now the time is up he calls it a wood block head but is shocked when the monster just decides to continue attacking ruro runs for his life while pointing out that the fight should be over luckily Vash steps in since the 5 minutes are over and completely deletes the monster right out of the game ruro is the winner and Vash is really impressed by his vorpal soul ruro can't believe Vash just decimated it and wonders how he was able to land a physical attack on it Vash explains that it can only nullify physical attacks when it has its staff and and without its staff it's just an animated tree Emil arrives to celebrate and rro is excited to hear that he will now be getting his reward for completing the quest Vash declares him an honorary rabbit tuzen but ruro thought winning would come with a rare item or something Vash removes the voral collar around R's neck officially completing the unique scenario and the little rabbit's leave surprisingly there is a bonus unique scenario called vpal epic however rro is just upset that he didn't get a single piece of real Loot and logs out of the game it's pretty late so rurl decides to just get some sleep the next morning rurl reads that the recommended level for the bonus unique scenario is 80 but he's only level 31 there is lore behind the quest but he gave up on reading it all when he was overwhelmed there are entire Clans dedicated to learning all the lore in the game so it would be very difficult for him to do so on his own rro decides to take a break from all the unique scenario stuff instead he will check out the town and head for the next area emo finishes up watering her plants and is ready to move forward as well ruro realizes that if he goes out looking like he does then he will surely get mobbed by pkers and info Hunters again changing his head gear won't be enough either since his like a good marks would draw attention too Emil proves to be as useful as ever and recommends that he cover his entire form he has no clue how to do that but she knows just the place they go to see a little rabbit named Pete's who is actually Emo's little brother he acquires goods and sells them in rabbit usza he sells in other places as well but he has to transform into a human to do it so he doesn't do it much the little bunny calls him a birdman so ruro proves he is a human by removing his mask Emil is shocked that he removed his mask for a moment since she was sure that he had some deep dark reason for keeping it on all the time Emil asks about the rare thing that peach just found and he goes looking for it in his inventory afterwards we see that this item looks like some kind of bed sheet and Muro looks like he's wearing a ghost costume on Halloween they go to get a map for the area around third REM and rurl gets all sorts of weird looks moments later rurl can't hold back anymore and St just how much he hates the bed sheet costume looking thing rurl calms down as he realizes that at least he got everything he needed rurl points out that Emil Burns through magic power really fast when in human form as she chugs down another potion they need to get moving to the next area and they have three routes they can take one is the fake Caldera a place where water has collected in the crater of a long extinct volcano to form a lake the second is the Prismatic Forest Grotto a maze of caverns overgrowing with plant life the last route is the iron ruins of divinity ruins from the era of divinity that gets its name from its many hovering iron boards ruro realizes the seriousness of this decision and tells Emil to quiet down when she recommends going to the Fate Caldera ruro decides to go through the Prismatic forest and explains His Brilliant decision he declares that they must avoid the ruins of divinity at all costs Because he believes it's a trap while ruro is busy complimenting his own genius Emil notices a person she kind of remembers watching them this armored person looks like a creepy stalker and mro was shocked to see who it is elsewhere we find a ship parked somewhere and we meet the leader of the clan of shuai called orsot he is disappointed in his clan for failing him and disgracing their Clan they apologize and blame their failure on the arrival of the attack Master orsela doesn't want to hear any excuses though The Secret of a unique scenario is on the line so they should have expected top players to show up pencil gon is part of this clan and fearlessly tells orsel lot that he should have just done it himself he says that he was busy and explains that the rabbit they are after is definitely the key to a bunch of secret stuff orsel lot wants answers so he tells the group to get them out of ruro by any means necessary penelon thinks that they should be going after unique monsters instead but oret reminds her that these monsters aren't made to be beatable as of right now they are the only ones that know the unique monster spawn condition players get experiened just by encountering the beasts so if they plan it correctly they can use it to get way stronger everyone agrees not to go after the monster but pencil gon thinks that they're all useless orsel lot tries to stop her from leaving but she has important things to do ashiri was always widely hated on so they decided to thrive on hate however the last patch made player killing much riskier so the Clan Has Changed changed penil gon can't believe that she's putting her neck on the line for one little NPC and states that it's a huge gamble for her win or lose she is willing to sacrifice everything to bury the unique monster one of the seven colosi called weatherman the tombu back with our bird-headed hero rur was worried that saer zero is there to get revenge for stepping on him ciger Zero moves towards them but rro is terrified and tells emo that it's time to run nearby members of aurai are looking for ruro ruro runs near them but they just think he is some crazy dude wearing a bed sheet unfortunately players names hover above their head so the guys notice that it's R's in-game named son Raku they won't be confused by his ghost costume and chase after him he is causing quite a scene but he doesn't have much of a choice as the Knight is following him ruro tells emo that it's time to head to the next area and the ashuai guys determined that the bird brain will be heading to the iron ruins they contact their other members and prepared to have an ambush ready at the exit gate Emil reminds ruro that he said they would be going to the Prismatic Forest Grotto and he explains that he's going in the wrong direction to fake everyone out he knows that they will be waiting for him at the gate but he plans to lose them in an alley his plan works as they lose sight of ruro and decide to just wait at the gate towards the iron ruins our genius protagonist disguised himself perfectly using his bed sheet and teaches Emil a thing or two about deception they eventually reach their real destination but are stunned when CER zero appears behind them ruro still thinks the giant Knight is a guy and fears the worst he gets a bit of relief though when Sager zero just sends him a friend request Sager zero mumbles that she wants to be friends but her voice is so low that ruro can't hear a single word ruro begins to wonder if she is a girl but becomes skeptical he thinks she might be trying to get his guard down but realizes that he would have been a goner already if the attack Master wanted it ruro has some serious trust issues and wers if she's trying to befriend him so that he will Spill the Beans about the scenario he determines that the giant Knight must be plotting something since she was able to see through his disguise and determine his destination ruro is confident though since he is a gamer who has been through all kinds of PVP before he is ready for anything so he plans a play right into her hands and he is certain that he can still beat her ruro accepts the friend request and the Little sucker's Dream has finally come true we then see that her finding him was complete luck but she couldn't be happier she tells ruro that she can help him through the game but someone has seriously broken rikuro's trust before he takes her simple offer as proof that she is trying to get him in her debt so she can demand information from him rurl declines her offer by saying that he doesn't want to get carried so she apologizes and emphatically wishes him luck ruro apologizes for using her giant head as a steps tool before but she says it's okay and he can do it any time the two say goodbye and Muro thinks it's odd how she she backed off so quickly emo thinks the Knight looks pretty powerful and Muro determines that CER zero is probably around four or five times stronger than him Emil says that rurl has a stronger voral Soul though but our Birdman still has no clue what a voral soul is R just watches him leave and R decides to just put the whole encounter behind him Ry realizes that the girl he was with is an NPC but doesn't care about anything when she remembers that ruro finally accepted her friend request the Asher Kai boys realize that they have been tricked and decide to head towards the Prismatic Forest they spot the terrifying attack Master just standing there though and decide to run away Instead at the forest our Duo can finally relax so emo reverts back to being a bunny and our hero goes back to being a bird the tunnel is covered in glowing moss and ruro explains that he has seen tons of things while coming out of tunnels in other games guns aimed at him and beautiful shooting stars however this amazing forest trumps it all the site is beautiful and the forest is home to very unique creatures these include Empire work bees and some insects that double as storage bugs are taking each other out left and right and Muro gets excited as nothing beats entering a new area ruro is a little low on cash from stocking up on items so he decides to take down one of the storage bugs in hopes of finding a valuable item he fails miserably though and points out that the insect is pretty light on its wings despite its gigantic pot belly it's still too slow for a bird like him and rurl destroys it luckily he was is right as long as he doesn't damage the stomach he can snag it as an item Emil can't contain her excitement and mro decides that they should keep Gathering up as many item drops as they can ruro spots their next prey and he almost surprised to see that he bought a throwing knife at some point melee is his only combat option but he got pretty traumatized from getting pooped on by the poop bird in the arena the throwing knife is a consumable item but it's a great way to attack from a distance rro uses the knife to attack a flower but he knew all along that it was a camouflaged mantis he demands that it turn into loot for him and he destroys it Emil cheers on her hero and rro explains that the Mantis are pretty easy to defeat without their camouflage ambushing tricks ruro checks his inventory to find that he has gotten a ton of loot already but there's one creature he hasn't defeated yet just then the ground Shakes as that creature just so happens to appear it's a Giant Beetle and it's at least 5 m long it's drinking tree sap on the Empire bees Turf but the bees aren't having any of it the bees attack the lone Beetle and recro is amazed since they are clearly following their Queen's orders our boy begins a play by play of the fight and points out that the beetle is hanging in there Emil is next to do some color commentary but she isn't too good at improvisation the fierce battle rages on and the beetle uses its horn to attack while making its way towards the bee's nest Emil is finally ready to jump in with commentary but simply says that the beetle is Big our boy steps up with more intense commentary and points out that the bees have created several weak points in the Beetle's armor the queen bee is just about to command her Army to finish the fight but the beetle shling go straight for the Queen the beetle was just waiting to get into the Queen's range and is now Victorious with no leader the rest of the Beast scatter and the beetle goes back to munching on its meal ruro admires the warrior Beetle but this beetle is insane and it goes after them next they run for their lives and rro tries to explain that he just wanted to collect the loot that the Beast dropped emo points out that the beetle must have thought that they wanted his sap and mro comes up with an idea he tosses a stomach sack causing it to burst on a mantis and the beetle goes after it instead the tables have turned now so rro targets the cracks in the Beetle's armor he lands a ton of critical strikes thanks to his good luck and the once proud warrior beetle is now a pile of nothing rro has an inventory full of stuff now so he puts a hold on collecting more emo didn't like the idea of exploiting the labor of all the bees but ruro explains that they live in bug eat bug world ruro remembers that the area boss there is a spider and Emil explains that it's called the clown spider there are spider webs everywhere now so ruro assumes that they must be getting closer to the boss ruro decides to fearlessly enter a cave but we see that the terrifying spider is waiting for him a quick look into the recent past shows another group and one girl is terrified that their leader wants to fight the area boss so soon their leader tells her to quiet down as he is confident they can win but this guy just ends up getting stuck on a spiderweb the girls become terrified and we see why as they have just encountered the horrifying clown spider back to the present rur makes his way toward the cave however he is not allowed to enter as other players are currently fighting the area boss the pink haired guy from earlier comes crashing down and laments how he will have to climb all the way back up again pinky is still confident that he can turn this terrible situation around but he just ends up getting flattened like a pancake ruro says a prayer for the Fallen adventurer but he is ready for his turn now the innocent little Emil is shocked that he's able to move on so fast but rur reminds her that players will just respawn right back in third Rema they make their way into the cave and find the corpses of the poor players that came before them ruro shows his Supreme confidence as he tells emo to stay back he plans to beat the clown spider all by himself without dying or taking damage emo thinks our boy is absolutely insane but he has already made his decision and he calls out the area boss the higher up broker will climbs the denser the webs get luckily he has some new skills after leveling up in the arena he tries to decide which would be best to use in this situation but he must quickly turn his attention to avoid a falling Boulder he uses his new skill called one boat leap and he's able to easily avoid it Emil just barely manages to survive and warns our hero to be careful with the webs in front of him she fears that he will get stuck to them but is shocked when he doesn't our boy is some kind of spider expert as he reveals that horizontal radial lines of spider webs aren't sticky some more Rocks come crashing down but he should be fine as long as he pays attention to where he is stepping his carefulness combined with an acceleration skill allows him to climb much faster and emo is left to dodge Falling Rocks to save her life rro finally comes face to face with the clown spider and Dodges a few of its pitiful attacks ruro then uses a new skill called Loop slash and slices off one of the spider's legs that's clearly not enough to win so he uses a skill called Rush slash to do way more damage the stupid spider isn't able to keep its balance so it falls and Mur determines that falling from this height would deal quite the fall damage the spider tries to poop out some web to save itself but our boy shuts that down instantly with his throwing knife the spider slams down into the ground and recur already knows that it won't be enough to end its life a look at the ceiling shows that this spider has a collection of heavy stuff to drop so rurl comes up with an idea the clown spider gets ready for round two but our boy has already started dropping Boulders and trees to crush the spider the spider is getting collapsed on and Emil celebrates as it really does seem like her hero will beat the spider unscathed the spider begins to get up and Nemo wonders what our crazy protagonist is doing as he begins to descend it turns out that rro isn't Satisfied by winning this way since if he can't even beat a mere area boss headon then he won't be good enough to take down the lon rur comes crashing down on the spider to land a Critical Strike and the area boss completely explodes emo then comes to celebrate as ruro is announced the winner he beat it just like he promised no damage and no death just then he gets a message from the pencil Knight but he isn't the only one some blonde girl got the message too she is pretty disappointed since she heard a lot of talk about bosses being tough to solo but she just did it to the Mud Digger this player is actually catso and she looks forward to something that will actually challenge her back at the game shop Ray excitedly tells Mana that she doesn't have to stalk recur like a creep anymore because they are friends now Ray gushes over her Crush since he was able to skip past first town and has somehow brought with him an untamable vpal bunny Ray gets excited when she thinks ruro has arrived at the shop but it's just some random guy it turns out that ruro hasn't come to the shop in several days so Manana assumes that he is playing slf rur is a pretty unpredictable guy so she assumes that he will be the first one to defeat a unique monster Ry walks home but is stunned when she just so happens to find our boy minding his own business in another store Ry instantly goes back to her stalking ways and watches him closely in a magazine ruro reads about his friend kso's interview katso is a Pro Gamer but also a massive trash talker rokuro also reads that a huge summer update will be coming to slf and he thinks about how he just had his meeting with pencil gon a look back at the meeting inside another game shows pencil gone pointing out that it's been so long since her guests have visited the last time they all saw each other was when they attacked her castle and took on the 0 players guarding it her guests are ruro and catso the two boys reminisce about how fun it was to destroy her castle and they really dig in as they point out how penil gon is still really butt hurt about it penil gon gets their attention as she has had enough and reminds them that they have business to discuss she gets right to the point and asks them to team up with her to beat a specific unique monster weathermon the tombu guard the two boys ponder it for a moment but then Express how shocked they are it's a unique monster just like the lon ruro fought so katso is really interested in uniques penil gon explains just how serious she is but ruro thought they were just meeting to talk about fighting a high level clan or something rokuro points out that it's just the three of them and wonders if she really thinks they can do it themselves as he has no clue about this weathermon monster pencil gun explains that weathermon is not the kind of guy that can be taken down with numbers she tried with the team of asshur Kai's 15 best members but they failed it's the type of monster that gets stronger against more opponents but that isn't all penelon then refuses to tell them more until they agree to join her her plan is to Attack 2 weeks from now at night right after they push out the massive Summer Event ruro thinks it over and wonders why she is asking two players that just started playing the game when she could just ask a couple of max level players penil seems to be able to read his mind as she explains that their low levels don't matter what she needs is pure gaming skills that is why she chose katso who is a Pro Gamer and ruro who has Godly skills as a trash game player ruro wonders if their skills are really that comparable and gets upset when his buddy katso doesn't think so penil gon just wants their answers and is open to hearing what they would want as an extra reward ruro says that he understands the situation well but he can tell that she is still hiding something he doesn't agree to anything yet and tells her that she needs to tell them her secret penil gon tells them what it is but we don't get the privilege of hearing it in the real world ruro leaves the shop and Ray calls out to him from her hiding spot ruro is caught off guard and just remembers her as being some girl in one of his classes a year ago Ray awkwardly just stares at him and murl desperately tries to remember her name luckily he remembers at the last second and Ray points out how big of a coincidence it is for them to meet there our boy was just buying Typical Gamer supplies and Ray was heading to Judo practice Ry brings up how Mana told her that he is playing SF and she tells him how she is playing also she would like to play together sometime but rur gets distracted by a message it's an Urgent Message from penil gon so he tells Ray goodbye and blasts out of there Ray is just glad that she was able to form some words to talk to ruro ruro bought so many energy drinks which means he must be planning to have a long gaming session so she hopes to meet him ingame again at home rro loads up slf and wonders if he should have asked for Ray's in-game name in the game Emil greets him a little too closely and ruro reveals that he has something to tell her ruro reveals that he will be fighting weatherman the tomb guard in 2 weeks and he is thinking of removing Emil from the party during that time Emil absolutely loses her mind after hearing the name weathermon and instantly rushes off to go tell her mafia boss father rurl has no clue what that was is all about but has no time to find out since he needs to meet with penil gon a look back at their meeting shows that rurl asked penil gon about bringing along Emil who is an NPC penil gon is of course familiar with the little bunny and tells him that if he really cares about Emil then he should take her off his party she then shockingly reveals that an slf once an NPC dies they won't get respawned sometime later we see that Emo's father has summoned rurl to hear his plan straight from his mouth he wants to know if it's true that ruro plans to pick a fight with the one known as the death to fire ruro instantly realizes that this sudden event must be important the best tactic he can use right now to talk to this mafia boss is to role play in this scenario and its characters if he does it right he might get some valuable information about weatherman ruro determines that he must persuade Vash to get on his side and the key will be to use the word vorpal Soul Vash reminds ruro that he is too weak to take on weatherman rur dramatically reveals that he isn't taking on this challenge because he thinks he can win he explains that he will only be acting as a support as his teammate will be doing most of the fighting ruro explains that a group of murderers are taking advantage of weatherman for selfish gain they rack up tons of experience just by encountering him over and over again rikuro's teammate is The Defector of this group and she wants to end the fight once and for all rur explains that she has taken every measure to assure victory bash counters that it doesn't matter how many measures they take if they aren't strong enough then they are just going on a mission of self-destruction death missions are not what having a waral soul is all about and Vash taught him better than that ruro has no intention of losing and explains that he and his friends simply want to support their Leader's will to win against weatherman Muro explains that coming to her Aid is really just upholding his own veral soul he tells Vash that all he needs is two weeks two weeks for Vash to take ruro who acknowledges he's an inexperienced fool and turn him into a worthy Challenger against a strong foe Vash seems to get convinced as he begins talking about honor he states that a certain man is very awkward and rurl wonders if he is talking about weatherman this man is overly serious never knowing when to stop he lost his wife over a little lie and because of that he is cursed with an undying body he is now just a Walking Corpse unable to even put himself to rest for that reason someone needs to beat him down and put him to sleep Vash swore not to lay upon this man himself but since rur is so insistent then he won't stop him on top of that Vash even has his beloved daughter insisting Vash then has rurl follow him as he agrees to give him a hand ruro is then shocked when they arrive at a blacksmith's Forge he celebrates for a moment as he did a good job in getting to the next stage of the rabbit usza event Vash calls upon the black Smith named boock who is also another one of Emo's siblings that's already three kids so far so rur wonders if all the bunnies and ratua are vash's children ruro is introduced and BAC says he looks just like a person named evil Vash takes a look at rikuro's vpal weapons and is glad to see that ruro was accepted by his weapons nicely fash states that he will be ascending the weapons but BAC is shocked to hear that she can't believe that Vash will be wielding the hammer himself but Vash explains that he must if ruro is going to take on the death def fire he can't just sit there and do nothing about it byock becomes extremely excited and goes to get the forge started Vash ask ruro if he has any good materials that he got after a difficult battle so rur searches through his inventory he eventually finds something and hands Vash a quad Beetle shell it was able to withstand the Empire bees for a really long time so it should be good material Vash agrees and gets himself ready byock explains that R should consider himself very lucky since their boss has not held a hammer in several years the last time was even before he became the king of rabbits Emil reveals that Vash is actually a skilled blacksmith and he is not an ordinary one either his expertise in forging allows him to call himself a master Craftsman and his knoow on age of divinity's forgery makes him an ancient Craftsman as a master of both he is a Divine Craftsman the Supreme blacksmith second to none Emil becomes excited as her father's ready to begin Vash hammers away at rural's weapons and rurl surpris to see magic circles appear they pop out with every strike and are then absorbed into the weapon byock reveals that ascending involves reading the memories and experience that weapons earn in battle remolding them into what they are meant to be put differently it's a technique that ascends weapons to their true form weapons with voral in their name remember battles against strong opponents Vash is taking their memories of fighting a muro's hand and the power of the strong foe instilled in the material he gave Vash he then mixes those two elements together to change the weapon's form byock points out that rurl fought the lon evenly so she can't wait to see what weapon will result from that Vash begins to sing and rurl must be told to quiet down as this is a very important moment the little rabbits are in awe to witness the master at work and Vash just keeps wailing on the weapon after some time Vash fin finally proclaims that the vpal Choppers have acquired their true form and name they are now the moonblade waxing and the moonblade waning weapons they are two swords from one blade and only when they are paired together will they show their true value ruro is of course excited about this amazing feat and immediately goes to check their stats for the waxing one when used in a battle with a higher level enemy it decreases the wielder HP upon Landing a critical hit however it also applies a damage bonus to to his next attack as for the waning blade it restores HP under the same condition this makes it clear that the blades really do compliment each other ruro then reads that a fusion gauge will be filled up after landing several critical strikes rokuro can't believe how awesome that is since it means that the blades canus together ruro wants to try them right away but sadly finds that he has insufficient stats to equip them rokuro calms himself down from the disappointment as he realizes that it's a simple math problem the required stats are 150 and he is currently at 57 players get five points per level rur gets really depressed as he realizes that this means he will need to be level 50 before he can use them the others try to console him but it's no use as he wanted to use his sweet new weapons now in third Rema rro arrives late to his meeting with pencil gon and katso they are Furious since he isn't just a little late as they have been waiting for 3 hours ruro explains that he was busy with with a unique scenario and kept going in it because weatherman came up penil gon agrees to let him off the hook for being late as long as he reveals any information he received catso can't believe it and mro points out how bold catell is for selecting the blonde girl as his Avatar katso states that he doesn't need pointers on character design from the guy who looks like a bird and calls him an Infamous criminal penil gon intentionally had to pick a place for the meeting that had low traffic because rurl has so many people coming after him rro then catches them up on everything he learned about weatherman the tombu guard catso wonders if they are dealing with some kind of Undead monster and penil gon recalls that weatherman's movements did seem a bit janky she assumed he was a cyborg type but being Undead makes more sense penil gon strangely states that she has something to take care of and instructs them to meet later that night she also instructs them to grind experience in the iron ruins in the meantime and gives them a fishing rod and a map the guys have no clue how the items are supposed to help but penil gon reveals that it will all make sense when they get there pencil gon prepares to leave but she notices the strange little bunny on rikuro's back she noticed something was strange the second ruro walked in and wonders if he really thought that the disguise was really working ruro does his best acting job as he acts clueless to what she is talking about and simply explains that he's just following the latest fashion trend penil gon is then shocked to see that he did manage to fool at least one person as catle wonders what the fashion trend is pencil gon decides to drop the issue and just leaves the two guys excitedly get ready to do some grinding but rurl must take a moment to find the safest route katell was all hyped up but gets discouraged since he now has to sneak around too since he is with ruro Emil gets distressed as she reveals to ruro that she's getting a serious earache and would like to move around for a bit Kat finally realizes that something is off and becomes startled when he sees that rural's equipment is talking The Jig Is up so rurl lets emo free and he states that he was just trying to see how long it would take for katso to notice katso realizes that it's the MPC from the unique scenario as he takes a closer look he wishes he had one but rurl tells him to get his own the guys finally arrive at the entrance to the ruins and ruro explains that he wants to get to level 50 as soon as possible ker reveals that this is his first time in a party and it's actually the first time ruro has partied with another player as well they reach the entrance to the iron ruins of divinity and they both become excited as it clearly has a different vibe than the rest of the game we get a brief look into the past as our group has a little strategy meeting penil gon explains that at the start of battle weathermon activates a skill it sets the max level of all characters in the area except for him to level 50 the boys are shocked as weathermon is an insane level 200 this is why their levels don't really matter against him and players skill is key the guys are still pretty new to the game so they at least need to grind to level 50 back to the present the two guys enter the iron ruins of divinity they search for a hidden area that is perfect for grinding that penil gon told them about but it's taking longer than expected to find it it's like a whole different game compared to outside of the ruins and black panels are sliding around all over the place ruro always the trash game Player points out that they could probably do some real cool stuff if they glitch out the platforms katso knows his friend well and tells him that he needs to wash away all the trash game stuff in his brain this place reminds katso of a god tier sci-fi game but rurl just wants to know what level he is Kat reveals that he's level 25 and ruro mocks him for still being in the 20s ruro is level 31 so katso is quick to point out that they aren't that far apart imil unintentionally roast katso as she explains that ruro is just worried about how we and frail he is just then imil warns the boys to be careful as some big thing called the giant suppression Dome almost crushes them it's clearly an enemy but C confidently tells ruro to sit this one out Emil wonders if that's really okay but ruro is confident in his friend's abilities Kat prepares to fight and explains that no matter how low a level you are Asaf still lets player stand a chance with skill alone he destroys the Drone with just one punch impressing his teammates Kat explains that the red glowing on his hands is a spell that gives bonuses to strengthen Vitality more enemies appear and he goes on to explain that he selected a spirit fist user monk he cannot equip weapons but in exchange he can give himself Buffs and beat things down with his fists as for his build he put most of his stats into HP and vitality catell finishes up destroying the enemies and can tell what rural's build is just by knowing him cat guesses that ruro is a glass cannon with a strength and Agility Focus he is partially right but ruro corrects him as he is a luck and Agility focused fighter little Emil corrects him even further and explains that ruro has a warpable soul but still nobody knows what that is they continue on their long journey following their precise instructions on the map the pencil gon gave them it has them go in several directions and through many rooms they are All Amazed by the person who made the map since it must have required a lot of patience the final instructions are to jump down a hole but they pause as they wonder if it's some kind of prank to make them self end life cat doesn't want the glass Cannon ruro to insta die going down there so he takes the lead emo says that cat's one Brave lady but ruro tries to explain that catell is actually a guy katell tells them to come down but caus ruro a loser while doing so rurl gets Furious and jumps down ready to get some Revenge he quickly forgets the insult however when he sees that they have arrived at the hidden area according to penil gan's instructions they will be able to fish up a monster called the lifesty lake serpent in the lake katsel wonders if they will really be able to catch anything with their puny little rods but they decide to give it a try the two friends are super competitive and decide to compete to see who can catch more ruru's father used to take him fishing all the time so he knows all the tips and tricks ruro quickly gets a bite but Kat points out that it probably has more to do with all his luck ruro only manages to get a salmon but everyone is shocked when Kat pulls out his giant serpent the lifesty lake serpent is a Powerful Beast so rurl decides that it's time to unveil his new weapon Kat reminds ruro that he's too low of a level to equip the moon blades but sneaker ruro reveals that he had more weapons made these are called the Empire B twin blades the serpent begins attacking and Nima explains to katso that she had her sister make these blades for ruro a look back shows the little bunny completing the blades made from the Empire B Queen material ruro brought her bilock gets upset when ruro almost forgets her name so he realizes that he might have to manage affection levels with rabbits other than Emil and Vash rurl panics as he starts getting traumatizing flashbacks from a trash Game dating simulator in that dating simulator he had to balance the affection levels of a bunch of different girls if he made the slightest mistake he would get the bad ending where all the girls moved to Italy to Apprentice at a pizeria his character named sonru picklefish would have his adolescence crushed beneath a pizza stone ruro quickly snaps out of his depression and compliments bilock on making his new blades she reveals that his right-hand blade has a special attribute we then watch as he puts it to work against the serpent the guys do their best against it but they struggle their levels are just too low to put more than a scratch on the creature ruro explains that some weapons skills spells and monster attacks have a corrosion attribute if enough damage is dealt to a certain part of an avatar it'll cause visible damage and create a weak point there byock explained that his right-hand weapon doesn't corrode in the normal way it infects the part that recur attacks and corrodes it over time more like a corrosive poison with the corrode attribute building up and warming way in little by little if he keeps dealing more corrosive poison with repeated strikes it breaks through the enemy's debuff resistance and causes the corrosive attribute to show itself faster ruro finally manages to create a weak spot so katto focuses all his strength to attack it they finally manage to hurt the thing so imemo wants to join the fight the serpent quickly targets her and Muro can't get to her in time but katso jumps in to take the hit instead luckily katso survives because he built himself like a tank katso stuns the serpent so they all combine their power to attack the Beast and they finally win the fight the fight was definitely worth it as it gave a lot of experience and the boys are already starting to level up katogo was up four levels and unlocks a bunch of skills he wonders if he can link the skills but ruro assumes that he's mistaking slf for a different game ruro doesn't even know what skill linking is but KATU is certain it must be possible since SL slf is a game all about skills KATU explains that he should have learned that in firsta but rurl skipped right past that starter town katso then explains that skills with proficiency levels can be linked up at a facility called the skill Garden that lets them create new combo skills rurl now realizes why some of his skills were changing names since that just meant that they could now be linked there is a lot more that can be done at the skill Garden sir ruro freaks out after not knowing any of it catso then mentions sub jobs in Guild which makes him freak out even more since he missed so much from just skipping one little town ruro decides that he won't get anywhere by being depressed and decides to continue grinding sometime later the boys regroup with pencil gon she is happy with their progress as Kat is now level 40 and recur is level 42 that's a lot of progress in such a short amount of time so they are ahead of schedule katso tries to explain how little ruro knew about stuff but ruro quites him down katso was pretty impressed with Emo's power and Muro reveals that his precious little bunny friend is already level 56 they are still pretty pressed for time overall which is why penil gon had to use an expensive tent that doubles as a safe Point penil gon then reveals that it's time for them to go meet someone and this hour of night is the only time they can do it this person is a unique NPC named setsuna and they need to speak to her in order to fight weathermon elsewhere in the night we see this satsuna person as she sings by a tree ruro and his friends then make their way through the Prismatic Forest penil Gan explains that they have to find a dark spot amongst all the luminescent Moss when they find the spot she presses on it and it reveals a secret passage rro is upset that he passed the forest without finding this area but penil Gan explains that finding these time specific hidden areas is luck of the draw she even just happened to stumble upon this place ruro looks down on those with less luck than him but CLE take exception to this stupid face he is making penelon tells them to stop their little comedy act as they have reached their destination this place is filled with beautiful flowers but the team thinks that it's pretty creepy singing can be heard nearby and catel brings her attention to the singing girl this girl is transparent so our Birdbrain protagonist wonders if it's a bug in this God tier game catop pity is his trash game loving friend since his mind always assumes bugs over plot reasons pencil gon greets this NPC named satuna and Muro takes note of how her clothes don't seem like they belong in a fantasy world he wonders if she is from the settings age of antiquity the Divinity if so she could hold the key to the unique scenario that he unlocked ruro decides to introduce himself painting himself as a man of a 100 skills but penil gon interrupts him and introduces her friends as sto one in stoe 2 they are her Ace in the Hole to finally put weathermon to rest Emil and catso give their names but rur wants another shot at his introduction penil God admits that her new team doesn't seem like much now but she plans to train them up before the battle this ghost lady then says some surprising stuff as she has never met someone with su's presence applied twice when referring to ruro on top of that he is also accompanied by Cinderella's child ruro has no clue what she is talking about but satuna just says that he reminds her of someone she used to know a long time ago she thanks him for Reviving some long lost memories but rro is still completely lost it's time to get down to business though so a screen pops up prompting them to begin a new unique scenario the guys accept so satuna reveals that weathermon was her dearest love they had a minor misunderstanding and she passed away since then all weathermon has done his entire life is guard her grave tsuna has no clue how much time has passed since then but the next thing she knew she was in this ghost like State satuna feels no resentment about the way her life ended but she believes that things that end should lie in the past they shouldn't tie down someone's present or their future she can't stand knowing that weathermon remains tied down to her past weathermon used the spell she created to create a barrier around her grave and did some other complicated stuff to make it impossible for anyone to reach its location however on the night of a new moon when the moon loses all its light a crack forms in the barrier Kat puts it pretty bluntly and determines that all they have to do is jump through this crack and fight weathermon satsuna has told them everything and just wishes that they will finally be able to put him to rest penil gon tells her that they are nothing like the losers who tried before and assures her that they will put an end to all this suffering ruro and catso are stunned since this pencil gon is nothing like the pencil gon they know the pencil gon they know once dragged an NPC King behind her carriage in order to lure her enemies she is also the pencil gon that tied an NPC princess to a chandelier to bait players into trying to rescue her the fact that she is having a pleasant conversation with an NPC right now is unbelievable to them they mockingly wonder if she has develop some kind of soul but penil gon makes them pay the price for laughing at her penil gon wishes she could PK them a bunch of times but they don't have time as they must prepare for the fight with weathermon penil gon reveals that she does like to play the game straight sometimes times something about setsuna and her story has her invested Pentagon seems almost ashamed when she admits to this but rro thinks it's totally fine getting serious about a game is a great thing in his eyes since everything is more fun when a person takes it seriously Kat completely agrees and points out that it's pretty much his job since he is a Pro Gamer ruro is always looking for a way to mock his friend so he points out that K is a Pro Gamer but he still hasn't found a single unique thing for him self and slf the guys begin fighting and are only stopped when penson laughs at them for reminding her that they are just as stupid as she is penil gon then gets serious and reminds them that they are facing a monster that forces players to level down to level 50 that is something unprecedented in boss battle history but she is confident that they can beat him they all agreed to take their mission seriously and join hands sometime later ruro wakes up and explains that he has been grinding extremely hard ever since he met satsuna every day he has been having late nights he has finally managed to reach level 51 and KATU was at level 46 now he needs to work on his skills and emo told him that there was a skill Garden for linking skills in rabbit usza ruro remembers how penlon told them that this fight will depend completely on their skills so he is determined to improve them ruro is then greeted by his mother AA who's glad that he has been keeping up with their agreement over summer break ruro points out that he didn't really have a choice since he didn't want her physically logging him out of his game anymore ruro younger sister roomi is really upset about their mother keeping her pet bugs in the kitchen and notices that ricro is checking out one of the models in her magazine the model's name is TOA and according to roomie she is the greatest model to ever exist this TOA name has something to do with the satsuna name and we learned that penil gon is actually TOA roomie explains that she has been doing some part-time modeling herself but she will have to ask their dad to get some more publicity their father just so happens to return home and he shows off the gigantic fish that he caught his name is shenji and his kids are disappointed that they will have to eat fish for every meal again for a while in their household they have an agreement a bit of a rule for breakfast and dinner on Sundays they have to eat and talk together as a family this rule was necessary since if it didn't exist then they would all get lost in their own hobbies and never see each other shenji needs to clean the fish as soon as possible but roomi desperately tells him to do it in the kitchen ruro is sure that they might seem weird to the outside world but he thinks his family has just found out a way to make things work for themselves ruro then decides that it's time to head back into slf as there are only two weeks left until the battle with weathermon it will definitely be a difficult fight especially after the information that pencil gon gave him weathermon is a Non-Stop source of singled digigit frame attacks instant death moves and area attacks however this information made him realize where the perfect place to practice will be the trash game where constant glitches make all attacks come at crazy Speed the game is called berserk online passion ruro enters this game also known as burp and points out how it's always so deserted no one is even there so ruro decides that he will just fight the final boss of the story mode just then he runs into a random player named dragonfly this PID is really eager for a fight and explains that he is still new to the game he hasn't even beat the final boss yet and would love if ruro could give him some tips this game is pretty old so recr can't believe this kid is a new player and even calls him an endangered species ruro acknowledges that this fight won't be the best for his training but he can't pass up an opportunity to fight such a rare specimen this is of course a trash game so they agree that glitches can be used in their fight ruro analyzes this kid and determines that he has an all-around build this is a type that generates a lot of glitches but ruro assumes that he won't know how to use them the battle starts but ruro is instantly shocked when dragonfly charges in ruro reminds himself that this kid is a beginner so he probably won't be using typical strategies ruro is then surprised even further when this kid draws his fist back just before unleashing the punch motion this is a technique that allows a player to generate a bug that extends arm like rubber if the hit lands it deals a two-hit combo with double the damage its name is pow bunker and dragonfly is shock to see that he missed ruro explains that he used a bug move called yo-yo and it throws off a player's Avatar texture and hitbox instantly ruro acknowledges that this kid can use some basic bugs but he explains that there's way more to this game than that burp is filled with bugs that players have discovered through trial and research and he plans to give this kid a full demonstration rikuro's fight against dragonfly draws a crowd and they all wonder if dragonfly is really a new player it's hard to believe because this kid is taking on the famous ruro and he is determined to win at least one round ruro just thrashes the kid around like he's Luffy with his Gatling punch and dragonfly loses yet another round ruro reveals that his awesome Quick Draw fist fighting style is basically unbeatable but dragonfly wants one more try it'll be the best of three and they both once again agree to an allout bug filled battle ruro is disappointed to see this dumb kid use the same exact approach again but this time dragonfly shocks him with a Dodge ruro is impressed that this dude learned to time the yo-yo glitch with his opponent's attacks and the kid is glad to be learning from him ruro thinks that's nice and all but he was supposed to be training in preparation for the fight against weathermon and he wishes he was fighting a stronger opponent dragonfly can tell he's distracted and uses the opportunity to shock ruro with a powerful attack ruro was really impressed his time as the kid was able to close in with the retraction of his glitched out leg and used the momentum to attack ruro already knows this attack well though and it's called The Flying smash he explains that dragonfly's use of the attack shows just how little he knows about this game Flying smash is a powerful move but it leaves the user with a really long recovery time ruro then demonstrates the move he should have used called the pile bunker it's an absolute assault with the fists and rurl pushes dragonfly back with it with Escape definitely not being an option dragonfly decides to just charge right in face first but rurl simply plans to counter it with a quick draw dragonfly uses some kind of glitch but none of the other players can tell what he is doing this kid's Avatar is really spazzing out and recur shock to see that this kid triggered two flying smashes at once rurl has never seen that before but he is pretty sure that his Quick Draw could still counter it he decides to let it hit him though and everyone is shocked as dragonfly finally wins a round onlookers still can't understand what they saw but dragonfly still celebrates his accomplishment all the Nerds that play this birp game religiously get together and discussed the move that dragonfly just used both fists somehow had hit boxes and it allowed dragonfly to stack gauge moves they compare it to other known glitch attacks but it doesn't match any of them they determin that if a test team can reproduce dragonfly's attack then it will make it official for now though rurl surprisingly congratulates dragonfly for unofficially discovering a new bugged out move dragonfly is at a complete loss for words but this is a big deal to the nerd Squad and they bestow dragonfly with the honor of naming the bug move dragonfly racks his brain thinking of a name but rur tells him to take his time especially since they have more rounds to play ruro decides that in exchange for dragonfly showing him a new move he will show him one as well it's a pretty crazy bug that can only be activated the instant the round starts though round two starts soon after and Muro shockingly uses the bug MO move called doppelganger it splits ruro in two and ruro reveals that he struggled to pick a name for it when he discovered the bug move he explains that what makes this game so special is that just when you think you have it all figured out there's always new things to learn that is why no matter how many people desert the game he always drops in from time to time ruro attacks with his doppelganger as dragonfly counters but we quickly find that dragonfly just lost two rounds in a row he thinks it was unfair that rural's clone held him while ruro destroyed him but that's just part of the game ruro acknowledges though that the attack does get a bit crazy since the Clone ends up getting control by AI if he lets it dragonfly is gracious in his defeat as he thanks ruro for giving his time to a loser newbie like him he vows to think of a cool name for his bug move but let's all hope he thinks of something better than doppelganger attack ruro then reveals that there's one really creepy bug a friend of his found ruro isn't even sure if he can do it but dragonfly is eager to let ruro try it out on him this friend he is talking about is of course katso and we get a glimpse of what he is up to katso is furious that rro left him alone with the crazy pencil gone and she demands that he shut up and keep training back in rabbit usza rro is excited to have return to SF and is ready to spend his entire day playing it he is accompanied of course by the loyal Emil and he tells her that the plan for today is to try out the skill combo stuff kle told him about ruro wonders if they're even going the right way imil can't believe that this dumb Dum started running off without even knowing where the skill Garden was more importantly though Emil is shocked to see ruro so energized since he was extremely exhausted just the night before the birdface explains that the switch is simple and it's because discovering new things gets him excited emo points him in the correct direction of the skill garden and reveals that the one they're going to in rabbit tuza has a far greater selection than the ones in towns it's a secret though so the secretive Little Bunny wants the stupid bird to keep that way ruro is more than willing to have a secret Advantage so he agrees they finally arrive at this very hyped up skill Garden where they are greeted by another bunny her name is elk and she's glad to see Emil with her Birdman friend ruro comes to the realization that he will never be able to escape the constant bird names but he really just brought that on himself Emil reveals that elk is her big sister and they are two of a set of triplets ruro can sort of see the resemblance in the two pink bunnies and wonders how she could have so many siblings ruro explains his intention to combine skills there and Elk thankfully reveals that she is very good at that sort of thing that is why her father put her in charge of it and why she's there now ruro mocks her like a jerk by repeating Her speech pattern for some reason and asks for her to show him how to combine his skills despite this strange Birdbrain Behavior elk agrees to do it ruro reveals that he has been jumping levels rapidly so his skills have really piled up his list of linkable skills is a long one and he explains that a bunch of them have changed too elk reveals that combining high level skills does tend to produce Superior skills in the end compared to combining those same skills at a lower level ruro begins to wonder if he should Max the skills out first but ultimately decides that he wants to clean up his skill list by combining them moments later we see that he finishes up deciding which skill combinations he wants to make ruro pays for the so-called recipe and Elk heads off to work on it while she does that our bird hero decides to double check his stats is level 51 now but he had to St up to equip his Moon blades so he never got the chance to increase his Vitality he is more of a glass Cannon than ever before and his defenses are still paper thin elk announces that she is finished and mro is shocked when he sees what she brought out elk explains that it's six combinations at once so the amount is a bit overboard however the moment rurl drinks it all down he will learn to combine skills instantly this thing looks super toxic though and merro can't believe he has to chug this foul liquid quid there's even a freaking branch in this thing and he thinks about how he would never do it if he weren't in a game he is in a game though so the rabbits tell him to stop being a wuss and chug ruro pours the stuff down his giant bird beak and the girls watching admiration ruro finally finishes up the disgusting liquid and is Amazed by the result he learned all the skills instantly just like she said and he now has six new skills from the ones he linked plus nine he learned or that changed while he leveled up he hopes at least one of them is really powerful and his little bunny friends congratulate him elk is a great sales rabbit and quickly upsells him she reveals that there are skilled grimoires that players can only acquire in rabbit usza as if that sales pitch wasn't good enough elk gives him a discount for being friends with Emil Emil realizes what's going on and tries to warn ruro that her sister's really greedy El quickly silences her sister from exposing her money hungry nature but rurl tells his little bunny friend not to fear when it comes to merch a player can only buy in special areas like RAB ruza he's always prepared to pay some high prices that's music to Elk's ears and like a true greedy salesperson she starts to negotiations off by asking him how much he is willing to spend ruro reveals that he has 880,000 to spend so the little gold digging Rabbit shows him what she has for around that price rurl doesn't seem to understand what is happening here as he is stunned to see that all this stuff costs at least 30,000 even with the discount applied it took forever but ricro finally wonders if she's trying to rip him off off elk is an experienced professional and instantly pressures our boy by wondering if he's really going to be a fool and let the special offer go to waste rural's weak bird brain caves to the pressure and agrees to buy a couple things afterwards our boy's Broker Than an anime recap viewer and he laments how he can't afford some waste armor he wanted to buy now he will have to make some more money before the weathermon fight just then rur realizes that he has to meet with his teammates so the always useful Emil opens a gate at the meeting Lan is glad to see that they are on time for once she seems to be in a better mood than usual and it's because she has made a decision regarding their battle against weathermon that will be in two weeks there is one problem though her clan or shuai are the only other ones that know about the conditions that need to be met in order to face off against weathermon they have been using the unique monster system that allows players to gain experience just for encountering these unique monsters to level up and build their PVP skills before pencil gon can reveal the problem ruro already knows on the night they fight weathermon it is very likely that they will end up encountering members of Ashura Kai katso wonders why penelon can't just work something out with them pointing out that she is part of the clan penelon reveals that it's impossible since aurai actively opposed the idea of defeating weathermon rurl doesn't understand what she made her mind up about so Pentagon finally reveals what she meant ashur Kai are universally hated for their player killing ways and there was recently an update that gives players who have done player killing a special sort of status if a normal player kills a player killer They will receive a bounty more importantly this player will also earn the right to any items and Equipment the P was carrying every single thing including things they have in storage highle pkers like the ones in a shuai tend to end up with some pretty rare items which basically makes some walking treasure chests this created a new class of player the PK killer the shuai found loopholes in the system to reduce the damage these PK Killers could do to them however someone could get around all of that by attacking their Hideout the guys are shocked as they see where she is going with this and realize what she made her mind up about penelon is part of the ashur kai so she knows exactly where their Hideout is and she explains that that gang of cowards had just become a thorn in her side at this point for that reason she was thinking that they should go squash the ishura kai a glimpse two weeks into the future shows that shanga Frontier will be getting summer update this will also be the exact day our heroes fight weathermon the tombu and we watch as the update is completed on the day of the update some people are shocked to find that all the resurrection items in several different towns have been bought up by someone their leader who is currently meeting with other guild leaders will surely be mad at them and we see that pencil gon is responsible for buying up all the resurrection items elsewhere side character Yamamoto explains to side character Maya that a new area has been unlocked a a new scenario and job got added and there has been some balance adjustments to some monster stats this crazy girl is excited for the update but she just wonders if there are new weapons so she can keep killing things and hopes for a bigger and better weapon luckily for this psycho she hears a strange noise so she plans to eliminate all the monsters around her yamam stops her as these are all just normal people but she explains that she heard a Monster breathing this breathing was actually just another crazy person like her it's Ray and she is panicking as she plans to send ruro a message that she has been trying to write for some time now she plans to invite him to her party and the day of the update is the perfect time to do it Ray wants to send it before rro logs out of the game but she's too much of a coward after some more panicking Ray finally sends the message to the bird using another bird and she calms herself down by reminding herself that she spent 2 weeks writing that letter another messenger bird arrives to deliver a message from her Guild leader who is also her sister named m the location of a shur Kai's Hideout has been leaked by someone so she tells Ray to join her elsewhere The Bunny and the bird enjoy a drink and brro upsets her by calling her his old lady the sad day for them to part ways has come so Emil has something to give the bird brain before she can though ricro fights one of his own as the messenger bird arrives and he fears that the toxic poop bird has come for Revenge the birdon bird violence eventually stops and merro surprised to see that the game's internal letter system has brought brought him a letter from ciger zero for a letter r spent a lot of time on it ended up siging way too formal it is very direct into the point however as she asked ruro to join her so they can explore the new update together her writing is so formal that ruro thought she was challenging him to a duel rro prepares to deny her since he is too busy today but another messenger bird arrives emo wants to take this one down before it can hurt ruro but ruro comes to the defense of one of his bird Brothers the second message is also from ciger zero but this time she reveals that an urgent matter has come up and she can no longer accompany ruro ruro is actually relieved and excited to buy some things in preparation for his coming battle just then Vash appears and admires the determined look for kurl has in his eyes Vash encourages our boy and tells him to send that fool who's outlived his time to his final rest Emil finally gets the chance to give him his gift which is something her father originally bought her it is an AM of protection rro is so confident that he doesn't think he will need it but on top of his already powerful skills it will make things even more awesome Emil puts the necklace on her birdface companion and declares that she will wait for his Speedy return at his house ruro sister sees a sign on his door that says that he is taking care of important business and he is not to be disturbed inside his room we see that this gaming addict has returned to the game after a short break it's finally time for them to initiate their plan and it begins at a shuai's Hideout a shirai's leader named orsel lot is getting impatient waiting for penelon and eventually decides to go to The Hidden Garden without her however just then Sager zero absolutely destroys one of them everyone is shocked by the legendary attack master and Momo declares that this will finally be the end of ashuai the ashiri think that only one Clan Has Come for them but it soon becomes clear that there are actually many orsela can't believe that they formed an alliance to take them down and he wonders what's going on ciger zero is busy taking dudes out and she tells them that this is payback for all the players they bullied all the Clans descend on The Hideout so orsot tells everyone in his clan to retreat to The Hidden Garden as orsot makes his Escape he wonders who leak the location of their Hideout elsewhere ricro shows off his awesome new equipment that is actually just a sash it doesn't look like much but it skyrockets his Vitality all the way from 7 to 22 katso points out that it's like paper thin armor but that's just rikuro's glass Cannon style our boy ruro is all jacked up on energy drinks so he thanks katso for recommending a new brand just then pencil gun arrives and reveals that the first part of their plan went so perfectly that it was boring ciger zero seem amped as if she was upset about something rurl uses his bird brain to put two and two together and realizes that she must be upset about having to cancel her plans to party up with him katso points out that the ashuai are going to want to destroy penil gon if they figure out that she was the one that leaked their location penil gon isn't worried though since she will just have to beat them first and the guys join penil gon's party as the ashuai run to safety they begin to wonder if there was a spy in their group orsela begins to think of who would do such a thing but they're shocked to find that the entrance to the hidden garden is sealed off because someone is already inside orsel lot uses all the signs and realizes what happened he becomes enraged and reveals that the traitor is his sister penon inside penelon thinks she heard the cries of a sore loser crybaby but determines that it must have just been Her Imagination Our Heroes have just gone over the plan one last time so they are ready to fight ruro points out that satuna is not there today but Pentagon explains that she can't be seen without the light of the full moon they set out to begin and penelon vows not to let sat tuna's memories be bad ones she promises to make her dream come true and they go through a portal they arrive in a mysterious place and sat soon's voice can be heard singing weatherman the tomb guard sits by a tree and his ability activates changing everyone's level to 50 of course our group was prepared for this so weathermon prepares himself as well penelon his ruro start their strategy off so he walks right up to the menacing looking Samurai ruro tells this guy that he wants to have a good fight but this unique monster doesn't say a single word to him and just attacks rurl Dodges his wind slash and instantly uses a skill called infight rurl lands a kick and declares that he's going to test the limits of this Robo Samurai rurl is caught off guard by how effective this thing's upward slash is and he uses his new daggers to keep an attack from slicing his head off ruro can see right through him as he knows that weathermon is targeting his head rikuro's teammates watch and penelon is amazed at ruro was able to get the timing of weatherman's attacks on the first try a look back shows that penil gon prepared them for weatherman's wind slash it's a quick draw move believed to have a single frame execution it also has a guard Pierce effect so rurl either needs to see it coming and evade or counter it asking him to time it perfectly on the first try was asking a lot already but Pentagon also revealed that weathermon has a whole bunch of other even nastier skills she then explains that weathermon is most likely a special conditioned type this is an enemy that a player does not beat by reducing their HP to zero instead they are defeated when a certain condition is achieved they don't know what condition though so they go over some possibilities some common ones require that players last a certain length of time or survive a particular attack others require a player to pick up or destroy a certain in-game object ruro has even heard of a condition that requires players to reason with their Target in middle of battle penelon explains that she has already tested a few conditions but she thinks it might be the one that requires them to last a certain length of time as they continue to just watch rur fight penil gon goes over their plan plan she explains that weatherman's combat conditions change as time passes first they need to survive the 10 minutes of phase 1 ruro does well to match weathermon and penil gon explains that ruro will be the key to surviving the first phase ruro is really Towing the line as he couldn't be any more of a glass Cannon and he's just barely managing to dodge weatherman's attacks penil gon shows a lot of confidence in our boy though since he has the skills of a Pro Gamer and she is certain that he can figure out the way through weatherman's attacks katso is no slouch either as he is an actual professional gamer and he carefully studies the fight this kid is so serious that he talks to himself and breaks down every single move weatherman makes pencil gon realizes that she picked the absolute most perfect teammates she declares that with them by her side she can bet everything on this battle and she pulls out some old school scale ruro pushes the unique Beast just like he promised he would and he has come to realize that it has some seriously Tough Armor Rec fails to sweep its leg and he points out that there isn't a single attack that phases this guy however on the flip side ruro would instantly die if any of weatherman's attacks hit him katso studying proves useful as he's able to predict weatherman's next wind slash but our boy ruro already knows that weathermon is not someone that can be beaten weathermon uses his wind slash and everyone is shocked as it lands a deadly blow on ruro rikuro's HP drops to zero but penil gon has catso use a revive item on him this thing works quickly and mcro comes back to life a look to just before the fight shows when penil gon gave the guys rebirth tear Jewels they are Resurrection items and if they are used on a disabled player within 10 seconds they are revived with full HP pencil went from town to town and bought all 12 that were for sale she tells the guys to use them carefully and reveals that they cost 4 million units a piece each of them will get four each but she has another item it's called Divine Life Cell and it revives a player with half HP they each get five of those and penil gon explains that that's the max number of extra lives players can get in the game that's 27 resurrections in total and it's all to challenge weathermon they decided that ruro would lead the charge and one of them would revive him if he gets eliminated whoever is alive will fight off weathermon in the meantime and they will continue rotating they just need to survive long enough to win so Pentagon calls her strategy zombie tack ICS back to their present murl gets revived with full health weathermon turns his attention to catso so he takes over keeping the monster busy katso wonders what rurl learned from fighting him so he explains that they can't beat him and catso just needs to focus on dodging penil gon is timing them and reveals the recur lasted 2 minutes and 50 seconds a record for a first timer she is pretty impressed and wonders what he thinks about their opponent ruro concedes that there's definitely no way he could keep Pace with weathermon this monster definitely belongs in the Seven colossi League with the lon penelon reminds him that she spent a lot of money on this plan of hers so she wants ruro to make it worthwhile ruro checks on his weapons and is shocked to find that their durability is already down to half after just 2 minutes of fighting luckily rurl raised the durability of another weapon to the extreme these are his Marsh daggers and he reiterates that this fight against weathermon is one of endurance ruro tags back in for katso but his attack doesn't do a single thing ruro didn't expect it to work but he realizes that he is in trouble when weather bomb prepares his next attack it's a Thunderclap but rurl uses his scap foot ability to avoid all the lightning strikes the others have to dodge as well and penelon explains that the thunder clap calls down a barrage of instakill lightning strikes ruro has gotten the hang of the skap foot ability and he can stay ahead of the attacks as long as he keeps running at full speed weatherman uses his Nimbus fist however and rco has no clue what to do about it the fist attack is so powerful that rurl dies again but cats's right there to revive him again katso takes over but weathermon proves to be too much for him as well penson revives him so ruro tags back in weathermon just instantly kills ruro again so Pentagon revives him and she does something to her little scale after catle gets revived for a second time he determines that it's impossible to dodge this guy's attacks and they would be lucky to survive for 30 seconds penil gon remains calm as she compliments them for doing a good job and explains that they still have half of the Resurrection items left Kat of course wonders what penlon is doing but she simply states that she is preparing something just then weathermon surprisingly stops and pagon explains that 10 minutes have passed it's time for Phase 2 so weatherman summons his tactical support named Kieran Ruru is amazed when a magic appears but penson tells katso that it's time katso is glad that his time as Resurrection backup is over and he prepares for battle their research before the fight revealed that when you fight weathermon for 10 minutes he summons his robot horse Kieran finally appears but katso is stunned since this thing is more like a giant dump truck with legs katsel Dodges the giant robot horse's first attack and runs for his life phase two requires that they survive for another 10 minutes but this time they cannot let withon combine with Kieran penson tells katso that he can't just be on the defensive since Kieran will just start using its huge arsenal of attacks on top of that if it combines with weathermon there will be no way to stop them from trampling them the only way to prevent that is to stay on the horse's back long enough to trigger its Buck off animation Kieran begins to launch its missiles and cat has no clue how to mount the Beast since he isn't a cowboy penil gon reminds him of a popular Mount fighting game but rur has never heard of a trash game with that name ruro is reminded to focus on his own fight and Kel explains that the mount fighting game was actually a god tier game slf is a god tier game too and it puts a lot of care into its World building looking into that usually leads to a solution this makes katso realize that since Kieran is a machine it will need maintenance katso uses this knowledge to find his maintenance ladder so he mounts the horse and uses a whip to help stay on katso channels his skills from the mount fighting game and does his best to hold on while the horse bucks wildly things seem to be going well but penon is concerned they are running out of Resurrection items so she will have to use the reward scale by sacrificing items to the left side offering dish a player can receive various perks from the right side blessing dish this is an incredibly rare item so Pentagon had to persuade some very powerful people to let her borrow it to make the best use of the scale penon sold all her high value items that she has gotten while playing slf she now has an insane 30 million gold and she offers it to the scale in return Pentagon selects the perk that gives more stat points ruro isn't doing so well as he's barely managing to survive and he is running out of stamina KATU is doing even worse as the horse is tossing him around like a rag doll the golden scale does its thing as it must maintain equilibrium and it grants penson the temporary ability to award additional stat points to other players the rate is one point per 100,000 gold so her life savings gives them 300 points in total pencil gon starts off by giving them 50 points each and Muro can instantly feel the difference he realizes that penil gon is behind this and notices that she boosted his stamina and luck ruro tells weathermon that he knows he can't damage him but he has another plan ruro puts his daggers away and uses a skill called infight ruro has experienced fighting opponents he can't damage but he has a secret weapon there's a combat skill that doesn't pull from strength and instead it pulls from luck this skill is called hand Fortune weathermon tries to attack but it's too late as rr's lucky punch knocks his sword away rro does a bit of taunting then rushes to grab weatherman's sword this sword is way too big to fit into rr's inventory but at least weom won't be able to use his quick slash or lightning strike attack that Nimbus punch will still be a problem but ruro knows he can avoid it as long as he stays behind weathermon the stat increase didn't help cat too much but penson tells him that he just needs to hold on for four more minutes Kieran manages to launch katso across the arena but he gets an idea rur is distracted by the chaos and gets surprised by weathermon who uses an attack called tital Rush rurl manages to dodge it but the attack was so powerful that he is certain that it's an instakill ability he realizes that weathermon must have a special move set for when his sword is taken but ruro notices that he just made a mistake he ran in the wrong direction and put pencil gon right between him and weathermon penelon ends up taking weatherman's aggro but ruro appears at the last second to get the aggro back weathermon takes a hold of him though and smashes him with tital Rush ruro needs to be revived again quickly but weathermon has his sword again and uses his Nimbus fist penil gon just manages to make it in the safe Zone behind weathermon and she revives ruro just in time the sword fight resumes but penelon explains that one more death could ruin their chances of success rurl determines that it's better if wmon has his sword since he's already familiar with the sword attack animations there is just 1 minute left and we see that cats's plan was a crazy one this insane kid decided to tie himself to kieran's face and penson can't believe what she is seeing katso thinks he might actually be losing HP from getting tossed around but penson tells him to hold on as time is almost almost up just then face two ends and weathermon shockingly drops to his knees this would normally seem like a good sign but rro isn't getting you beat me vibes from weathermon weatherman's armor begins to crack and penelon tells the guys to stay on guard she explains that even when a shuai fought at full strength they only managed to get this far one time this means that Phase 2 is now over and the real challenge Begins the last time penil gon witnessed phase three weom wiped out all of aurai with this first move when the cracks formed in his armor withman let out a howl and Unleashed a shock wave across the entire field when it hit them none of their Buffs or armor mattered they all died instantly rro isn't looking forward to that at all but he can tell that penil gon has a plan she does but penelon states that if it doesn't work then they need to dodge the best they can she points out that in slf the key of Victory come from the story penlon always assumed that weathermon was a cyborg who modified his body with technology however Vash gave them a clue to what he really is he mentioned that weathermon was a living corpse who outlived his time this means that what weathermon must actually be classified as is an undead monster penlon launches a bottle at him and reveals what is needed to fight against the undead it's holy water but it's also special it's the holy water of a saint and it's the best potion anyone can get for fighting the undead the holy water quickly takes effect and wmon lets out a ious how penil gon is shocked as this isn't the animation for when weathermon uses his field attack this is actually great news as it means she managed to cancel it with the holy water ruro thinks it's weird that she splooshed all over him with the Saints water but Pentagon says that the Saints is like an idol in slf katso wonders what's going on with weathermon but he gets startled when the horse begins to transform it turns into some kind of Mech but penelon has never seen it before she wonders if it's an exclusive new form for stage three and realizes that they just can't let it combine with weathermon Kat must go back to running for his life and murl points out that a new form means they need a new approach weatherman's body is gradually crumbling in Phase 1 and two they needed to hold on for 10 minutes however for phase three ruro wonders if they have to hold out until weathermon completely falls apart ruro instructs pencil gon to go help catso and he guarantees that he can survive until weathermon crumbles penil gon agrees but tells him not to be too Reckless helping katso means she won't be able to act as support so one death could spell the end for ruro penil gon wishes him luck and heads off rurl prepares for battle but apologizes to penil gon in his mind ever since she mentioned the thing about hanging in there through the time limit he has been thinking about something as he Dodges an attack rurl wonders where the fun is and just holding out rurl doesn't like the idea of a boss that makes you just Turtle up and hide for 30 minutes he has already played a ton of games that put storyline first games that go for a balance between fiction and gameplay and fail are regularly given the trash game stamp shangra La Frontier should be different though since it's a god tier game rural's next attack gets blocked but he realizes something in this form weathermon might actually take damage ruro believes that slf created a compromise between the fiction and the game play any player who endures those first 20 minutes gets a reward which is a turn to fight back rurl then shockingly changes his mask for the first time and his weapons as well his helmet is the new armor that was made from quad Beetle materials ruro decides to stray from the plan as he declares that he will defeat weathermon before he gets a chance to fall apart ruro uses his new helmet to block weatherman's attack and he explains that he practiced paing with it a lot ruro says that paing with the helmet leaves his hands free to attack and he lands a strike on weathermon rur is disappointed though since he landed a critical hit but weathermon doesn't seem phased at all ruro gave a bunch of money to the greedy bunny to prepare for this fight so he plans to use what he got to rub weatherman's face in the dirt ruro then uses a skill called Moon's reflection to hit weathermon from behind that was actually a bluff though and Muro uses his assassin Pierce to strike withman again he follows that up with drill Pierce and weatherman falls to his knees swords on the back are a swordsman's greatest shame so ruro apologizes as he plans to deal weather a whole bunch of Shame ruro laughs like a maniac and Pentagon knew he would somehow end up in a brawl Kat notices that he is cackling like a maniac but Pentagon points out that it's a good sign the more of an underdog ruro is the more his motivation and player skills Spike however they have no chance of winning if they can't hold back Kieran KATU explains that he landed some punches and it looks like Kieran can take damage now that's great and all but penil gon just wants them to stay alive so they can draw Kieran zagro away from Muro she wants them to do good enough to just get a passing grade but cat has other ideas he attacks Kieran and explains that if he's going to get graded then he wants a perfect score unfortunately Castle just ends up getting destroyed and Pentagon must revive him Castle rethinks his plan and sees that pencil gon also gave him something called evil force it increases the user stats for 15 minutes and it should give him abilities on par with level 99 she didn't give it to them before though because it comes with the serious penalty things aren't going too well and penon is getting pretty tired of the one-sided fight just like the boys are katso wanted a perfect score so pentagon is certain that he's prepared for the penalty katso doesn't even wait to hear what it is and instantly eats the evil force thing cat's vision changes and even sounds different penelon explains that evil force will also mess with the sense of smell and taste Kat doesn't think the penalty is that bad but penil Gan explains that that's not the bad part the bad part is that his level will decrease by one every 30 seconds Kat is stunned since it will go on for 15 minutes and the effects will last even after the fight when the fight ends he will have to start over from level 20 catell wishes she would have told him sooner but he just didn't give her enough time the happy go-lucky penil gon then uses her scale to boost her own stats some more and catle decides to get serious he combines his black and Crimson attacks to create a combo Spirit fist penil gon maxes out her Buffs and they attack Kieran catel creates a cross-shaped seal with his left Fist and smashes it with a punch from his right with Kieran finally staggered pencil gon plants to stab its knee until it shatters she manages to do damage but it's shocked that she still can't even crack kieran's armor Kieran blasts her in the face and she loses an arm because cat so stagger didn't last long enough kieran's armor seems thick as around the waist so they determined that that must be where all its important parts are the only question is how will they pry this thing open back with ruro he has finally gotten the hang of the head Perry SL combo ruro taunts weathermon and continues laughing like a psycho he knew that his new moon blades would be a perfect match for his skills he has a skill that can only activate when his HP Falls below 1/3 and it's called climax boost for 5 minutes it boosts his stats in proportion to the level gap between him and his enemy normally activating this ability against weathermon would be impossible since he has so little HP to begin with with and weatherman's attacks are too powerful he wouldn't be able to measure them out to only get his HP down to 1/3 however with the moonblade ability to shave down and recover his HP with every attack rurl is able to do it on top of that rurl uses an ability called hunger wolf it only lasts for 1 minute but in exchange for depleting his stamina it increases his strength agility and vitality disability is pretty great since the stat increase is in proportion to how few HP he has and his hunger level slf has a gauge to measure a player's hunger and it fills up every time they eat if a player goes hungry for too long it impacts her stamina recovery rate ruro micro managed that just like everything else because he is a true gamer and he is now at the perfect level of hunger if he can combine these skills just right ruro is certain that he can win this fight ruro sees another wind slash coming so he prepares to Parry it but the slash never comes weathermon barely moves and ALDI stares at the necklace gave ruro weathermon repeats the name Alice over and over again and says ID key fragment ruro realizes that this isn't some incantation and weathermon is just talking ruro thought he was just a corpse animated by Machinery but now thinks weathermon might be something more rurl can't believe that the game is giving him story stuff at a time like this but weatherman is ready to do battle again rurl has every neuron in his body focused on beating this guy and refuses to let anything distract him weatherman won't let anyone infringe on some vow he has and uses something called clear sky Conquest ruro sees that he is finally getting serious but our boy is crazy and ready for anything rurl mocks him for just using another wind slash but he is shocked when there isn't even another second before the next attack ruro gets concerned as weathermon is chaining attacks now with basically no time lag between them ruro manages to stop weatherman's title rush but several attacks follow after it it's clear that we man can spam attacks without recast time so ruro thinks that feels like some pretty broken game balance weathermon breaks out a new move which rurl Dodges but it's not over black clouds form and weathermon uses his Ash blizzard attack this is some kind of combined attack and rro does his best to avoid all the fire serpents he is running out of stamina and Dodge skills and realizes that things will get real bad for him if the chain attack barrage continues ruro doesn't lose any confidence though and declares that it will take much more than that to take him down ruro even has a few ideas up his sleeve but weathermon uses clear sky Conquest ruro can't help but realize how fast withon is as he's already running as fast as he can just then rural's legs are trapped and he notices that this attack weathermon has started isn't likee any of his others he decides to take a head on and prepares to Parry the attack with his helmet weathermon uses his sky clear attack and absolutely slices right through our boy ruro ruro can't even understand which has happened but he knows that the attack weatherman just used is a nasty one cat prepares to revive him but Pentagon stops him rurl isn't finished just yet and reminds weathermon about what he told him earlier he reiterates that it will take much more than that to take him down and we see a rebirth Jewel floating above him a look at emo shows that she is very concerned rro hasn't returned home yet which means that he must still be fighting back at the fight the orb Falls right onto ruro bringing him back to life and he declar clares that this is his ultimate technique he calls it the self-revive it was a huge gamble but rurl managed to time it just right to revive himself rr's helmet is pretty messed up though so he determines that weatherman's clear sky attack must have equipment destroying effects weathermon explains that he cannot be defeated unless ruro surpasses his ultimate the clear sky Conquest ruro gets concerned when weathermon gets in his stance again and he uses Thunderclap to begin spamming attacks like before weathermon is Relentless with his attack as he combines the spam with some wind slashes after just barely managing to survive ruro realizes something the chain of attacks and the final sky clear move altogether make up weatherman's clear sky Conquest technique ruro tries to think about how to overcome the technique and reminds himself that last time it took about 30 seconds before the sky clear hit him weathermon uses his fire attack but there's a lag time before it activates so that one is not not a huge threat the same goes for the ash blizzard as ruro can easily Dodge it when he can see it coming ruro then Dodges weatherman's title rush and he begins to wonder if the moves weathermon uses in sky clear Conquest are chosen at random even if that is the case ruro determines that dodging them is really just a game of memorization ruro decides that the best strategy against all the powerful moves is to preserve stamina and keep a 3 MERS distance at all times he needs to keep his movements to a bare minimum and things stop being scary when he gets used to all the attacks however just then weathermon traps Rico's leg again this means trouble so he launches the resurrection item in the air ruro points out that this part is the real challenge of this fight and weatherman uses sky clear to kill him again this death feels different than all the other times as this is an instant kill attack meant to slaughter the player without them having a say at all ruro revives himself again determines that even a buffed out max level player with a powerful Shield would easily get split in half by weathermon the worst part of all is that weathermon keeps the player from dodging because once their legs are rooted they have no choice but to take the sky clear attack rural's only solution for this so far has been to use his self-revive technique but he won't be able to do that for long rurl considers trying to destroy weatherman's sword but that's not realistic considering how he must Dodge the chain attacks ruro r himself again but realizes that that was his last rebirth tear Jewel all he has left are five Divine Life sves weathermon sky clear comes every 30 seconds so that means ruro has 3 minutes left to live it's been less than 3 minutes since phase three started so ruro determines that there's no way he's going to make it to 10 minutes weathermon once again declares that ruro must surpass his ultimate to defeat him and rurl goes in for an attack rurl then reminds himself that surviving 10 minutes was just a theory ruro dies to another sky clear attack and he determines that solving the sky clear must be the real Victory condition against weathermon rikuro's plan is to use a Parry but that will be very difficult he needs to deflect the attack with perfect timing and will have no choice but to do it while being rooted to one spot if his timing is off by even just 1 millisecond weatherman will destroy his weapon but this is the only way to win ruro takes a look at all the cooldowns for his abilities and deter that his only job right now is to work out what he needs in that one final moment he needs to make sure he has them at his disposal during that one parry and he takes a look at his health bar he needs to time everything perfectly so it will just take a little while longer before it's all ready back with the others they still need to find a way to get to kieran's vitals and catel tells penil gon not to underestimate a Pro Gamer like himself penlon tells him to get to work and shockingly ends her own life Kat is of course confused and the robot keeps him from Reviving her he eventually does and pencil gon explains her crazy decision by pointing out that a spear wielder like herself couldn't fight with just one hand Resurrection brought her back with a brand new hand so it's time to get back to work the two work together to keep the machine still and catell points out that he drugged himself to get huge Buffs thanks to pencil gon he can use two whips now and uses them to throw the robot off balance the second it lifts its foot KATU explains that a prog gamer must know how the human body moves but penil gon reminds him that their opponent isn't a human catel gets even crazier as he breaks out every whip he has and keeps a robot pin to the ground adding armor-piercing Buffs to weapons makes them break faster so penon must changeur out penelon has attacked every part of this thing's body and it's all pretty tough however one spot is stronger than all the others this part is the waist which confirms that this must be where it's protecting its vitals cat lifts the monster and penlon begins attacking its waist her weapon is getting close to Breaking though and Castle's Buffs are about to run out penson's persistence pays off as she manages to break the armor but a power surges from that part of its body penil gon's weapon is destroyed and all of cat's whips are broken breaking the waste armor seems to have set off its berserk mode and penelon determines that they have to attack it instead of just running away if they just let it Rampage then one of its attacks might hit ruro C imagines how ruro would taunt them if that happened ruro would point out that he was busy fighting the boss and they couldn't even handle distracting its pet horse it's time for them to end the giant but pencil gon only has two Spears left the two Dodge all of the horse robots attacks and pencil gon begins an incantation she takes to the sky and uses her Shadow Edge technique it's a spell that lets her seal a Target in place by stabbing her weapon into its shadow it only lasts until her weapon breaks which she determines will only be 5 seconds from now penil gon uses this time to bust out her giant killing skewer but catel notices that the tricky robot launched the missile just before it got locked down this missile strikes pencil gon but catso is stunned when he sees that she is still alive penelon takes back what she said about spear wielders not being able to fight with one arm and she single-handedly launches her spear at Kieran she hits her Target perfectly but it's a All or Nothing move as her seal wears off it's Kat's turn now so he combines his red blue and yellow fists he calls this his Spirit Fist and he uses it to send penelon spear right through Kieran the attack is incredibly powerful but the defeated Kieran Falls right on top of katso penelon rushes to his side and finds that he is just fine the two are victorious but they are also completely exhausted penlon points out that Kat is completely out of stamina and she remembers that ruro is still fighting ruro reviv himself once more but he just used his last Resurrection item that's okay though since he finally has everything he needs to win the recast time of Hungry Wolf and climax boost are over and the fusion gauge of his Moon blades is filled up weathermon begins his clear sky Conquest again sirro has 30 seconds before the next sky clear attack his helmet is useless now sirro goes back to his iconic bird mask rurl begins dodging the barage of abilities just like all the other times and eventally there are only 2 seconds left before the sky clear attack the key to beating it will be his Moon blades so ruro fuses them for the first time this is the twin Moon and it has a special effect the lower ruro stats are relative to his enemy the greater the power un likelihood of rural's criticals it's the perfect weapon for this moment since it raises the likelihood that his Parry will work combined with the Stacked effects of his clima boost and hunger wolf ruro is certain that he can block the sky clear rurl gets ready but he's shocked to see a notification that says his clima boost cannot be activated this is the skill he can only use when his HP is below oneir of its total value so ruro just now realizes that he messed up he works so hard to time everything perfectly but he didn't get his HP low enough hunger wolf alone won't allow him to match weatherman's attack speed so he is doomed rurl desperately tries to think of a solution but he is stunned when a dagger strikes weathermon it came from penelon who we now see as was setsuna they seem to have gotten weatherman's attention but they're shocked when ruro stabs himself ruro explains that slf's major update that just came out today changed the activation conditions for the luck-based endure status if a player's luck stat is over 50 and their HP reaches zero due to self-inflicted damage then just once they can survive with a single HP rural's Relentless studying of the update has paid off as he can now use both his hunger wolf and climax boost abilities rural's body erupts with insane amounts of power and he prepares for weathermon sky clear weathermon has said over and over how he will never give up but brur declares that he will finally put him down weathermon unleashes his sky clear attack and Muro perfectly times an attack called Crescent voral their attacks Collide in a grand Display of Power and murl pushes just hard enough to dislodge weatherman's weapon weatherman's armor is shattered as well and rurl states that he has seen enough of weatherman's attacks for an entire lifetime everyone is stunned to see that rurl actually did it and he declares that weatherman's ultimate strike has finally been solved weatherman's sword is destroyed and his body slowly falls apart weathermon acknowledges that rurl has broken through his ultimate strike and he calls him brilliant weathermon admires rural's transformative talent and Compares it to the clearness of a cloudless sky weatherman calmly retrieves his sword so rurl prepares himself weathermon makes his approach so the others wonder if the fight really isn't over but penelon can tell that he is at his limit weathermon just walks past our bird faced hero so ruro realizes that the fight is finally over weatherman makes his way to setsuna's grave and his body begins to fail he declares that it's time for him to sleep now and his final words state that he will be with satsuna soon weatherman's body falls apart and our group just watches as all that is left is his sword they wonder if it's it's really over but penson checks to find that they still haven't met the clear conditions yet for the battle the cherry tree surprisingly begins to die and area begins to go back to normal once it finishes penana shock to find satsuna standing there she speaks to our heroes and thanks them for putting weathermon to rest satsuna states that the wish for her old self has finally been granted the others wonder if this means that she isn't the real setsuna so she reveals that she is just a remnant of her the real setsuna's final wish was that weathermon would be freed after being tied down by her death this Remnant they see now was just a product of those feelings this being the case she is meant to disappear once her role is fulfilled this upsets penelon greatly but tuna tells her not to worry this was always going to happen once the world granted her wish she calls Our Heroes pioneers and reveals that if they want to know the truth of this world they need to seek out Bahamut ruro explains that Bahamut is basically a big fish that people treat like a dragon so is quick to point out that he is not an idiot and knows what Bahamut is but what he doesn't know is what it means in the context of this game penson is certain that there's no monster called Bahamut in slf and would like to know more unfortunately satuna isn't just going to give them all the answers as she believes that this is something they need to find the answer to on their own this Remnant decides to speak as herself instead of setsuna and says goodbye to penon penlon is then shocked to hear that this Remnant loved her and she says goodbye back p Pon quickly tells the others that she isn't crying but rurl points out that he hasn't even said anything yet the boys mock her as she's clearly tearing up and Muro even says that he's surprised to see that she had tear Ducks installed in her emotionless and robotic body Pentagon snaps back to her old self to threaten their lives but cat has been through a lot and tell ruro to take one for the team just then they all receive a message stating that they have cleared the unique scenario this is a great achievement so penson thanks the guys for their help this is is their first Victory against a unique monster since shanger Frontier was created so rro can't wait to see what kind of loot they get as a reward they all prepare to have a loot review but they're interrupted by an announcement to all players everyone in the entire game listens in amazement as the announcement declares that the unique monster weatherman the tomb guard has been defeated the announcement doesn't end there though as it reveals the players who defeated him penelon katso and srau as if that weren't enough the announcement declares that with the defeat of man the world story of shanga Frontier has officially progressed at the game's headquarters we get a look at how much progress the players have made in the world story and the defeat of weathermon only moves it from 11% to 12% in some Library somewhere in shanga Frontier a group of people become frantic after hearing the news they are sure that their Professor will be logging in soon since at the feet of a unique monster is a huge deal these nerds know a lot but they have never heard of the term World story before however they determined that it must be different from the game's regular Story the regular story involves working with NPCs to explore the world so they assume that the world story must mean that the world itself is proceeding to a new stage some big changes to the game could be in store so they want to learn as much as they can about what happened they will start by learning about weathermon since there was no confirmed evidence that he even really existed until now they now know of five unique monsters which means that there are only two unknowns left their next course of action now is to get into contact with the players that defeated weathermon this group isn't the only one interested in our heroes as the Schwarz Clan is upset that they were the first group to defeat a unique monster Ray's sister Sager 100 is their leader and she is ashamed that they consider thems a top Clan one little nerd points out how strange it was not to see penlon during the raid of aurai and realizes now that it was because she was offs slaying a unique monster ciger 100 determines that pencil gon was the that leaked the information and ass sure Kai's Hideout she just used everyone to create a distraction so she could go after the unique monster this is incredibly frustrating and they determine that she is even more Troublesome than Orel lot who managed to get away as for pencil gon's Partners they have never heard of katso srau on the other hand is well known for being the player that fought against Leon Ray is there as well and she wonders just how close with curo and pencil gon are this Clan has a big mission to go on but Sager 100 has decided to stay with a few other members srau was a beginner who was last seen in third Rema so it's surprising to hear that he did the unthinkable and beat a unique monster ciger 100 has become incredibly interested in him and declares that she will have to find him just then they noticed that CER zero was missing and CER 100 remembers that her sister befriended a boy she liked back with our heroes they come out of the cave to find a very angry orsel lot waiting for them the boys mock this guy and call him Orel lot the Fail Hard penlon pours it on as well as she points that her little brother isn't even worthy of that nickname orsel lot knows that penil gon was the one that leaked her info and she points out that she had no other choice orsel lot became a chicken that was too afraid to make any moves in fear of losing it all orsel lot refuses to accept that and prepares to attack them as he assured that they are tired from fighting weathermon he plans to eliminate them and take all the loot they received from their battle but they are shocked some magic circles this is an anti-pk distress signal that our group was prepared with when attacked by a p a player can send a call for help from their friends if this player has the friend warp skill then they can be summoned on the spot the friend they have summoned is shocking the serer zero she gives the ashur kai one last chance to run away but rot demands that they start showing him some respect he plans to get disrespect with the fight but the ashuai are taken out in 50 seconds orsot is Furious to see everything he works so hard for get destroyed but pencil gon just ends his life ruro recommends he play Faria Chronicle online instead but CLE calls him a monster for recommending that trash game pentagon is amazed when they receive all the goods that sherai was carrying since it seems like they were trying to skip town with it all ruro thanks CER zero for helping and she congratulates him on their Victory ruro remembers that the announcement was made and realizes that this will make it much harder for him not to get recognized in public what's more concerning though is what to do with serer zero he called her all the way out there so he doesn't think he can just send her off now he just stares at her awkwardly for now but Ray couldn't be happier Pentagon never allows for a dull moment as she surprisingly ask serer zero to kill her she offers everything she has as payment but her friends are concerned penlon dying as the PK or she is Will activate the pkk penalty which means she will have to pay a fine in proportion to her crimes rurl knows pencil well and predicts that it will be a huge fee penson is willing to take that risk since she has gotten tired of being a peer and wants to wipe her slate clean penelon is still a p for now though and declares that she won't go down easily she has always wanted to go all out against the Battle Master and demands that they fight ciger zero takes one look at ruro and accepts the challenge she pulls out the infamous unique sword of the attack master and uses its skill called reversal cyer zero knows that that pencil gon is called the Giant Killer so she has decided to give this fight everything she's got ruro goes into his announcer mode and points out how ciger zero just use a bunch of Buffs on herself penelon pulls out a creepy weapon of her own while buffing herself as well and the battle begins rurl couldn't be more excited and catell wonders how he can still have so much energy pentagon's first attack is blocked and she is shocked to find that her sword is stuck CER zero lands a direct hit but penson reappears from the smoke to take her arm sword back she makes it even more clear that this is an allout fight and attacks with her arm sword Sager zero gets the message loud and clear and prepares a powerful attack after a long incantation she releases her chaos void attack causing massive destruction ruro and catso watch in amazement as CER zero just absolutely destroyed penil gon they pick up all the items scattered everywhere and allow Sager zero to help herself things get a bit awkward since penil gon was the smooth talker of the bunch and rurl doesn't know what to say catell wants him to say something since the two of them are friends but rurl points out that ciger zero kind of forced them into a friend request casso decides that it's time to show off the social skills of a professional gamer but CER zero steps up to ask Rec a question she wants to know what kind of relationship he has with pencil gon and he replies that they are just gaming Buddies the Friendship warp timer is up so ruro says goodbye CER zero tries to invite him to go adventuring but it's too late and she's gone katso wonders if they should play a dating Sim to improve their social skills but rro has too much Trauma from his last dating Sim the last item left is penelon sword it's pretty creepy but ricro decides to hang on to it anyway the guys are more exhausted than they have ever been so they decide to head back to third Rema in third Rema ricro accidentally scares emo and tells her that he beat the bad guy without needing any respawns Emil rushes to embrace him and she sobs that she was really worried about him ruro Returns the necklace she gave him and credits her for being the reason he was able to beat weathermon Emo's just relieved to see him back safe and she Embraces him again at the headquarters of Utopia the developer behind shanga Frontier we find some really serious guy named Sakai he is the head of PR and he is told that weatherman the tombu guard has been defeated the unexpected timing has the entire company in a panic since they thought the unique monsters would be defeated in a different order some other unique monster named tarid was expected to be defeated first with weathermon falling somewhere in the middle or maybe even at the end Sakai was hoping to enjoy his wife's cooking for the first time in 3 days but instead he is dragged back into the office this dude is stressed out but things get even worse when he finds that he is out of digestive medicine up above we find amachi the executive producer of the game as if she wasn't angry enough she gets even more annoyed by the security sequence to open the door the retinal scan pushes her over the edge so she screams at the machine and it eventually opens inside she speaks with sakuri utopia's founder according to amachi sakuri told everyone that it would take at least 10 years for someone to beat weathermon sakuri corrects her and points out that she said aurai wouldn't be able to beat him amachi explains how unexpected it was for players to use the scales against weathermon they fought fair and square without any glitches so she doesn't think there's much to complain about sakuri though has plenty to complain about as she points out that it was aachi's decision to Nerf weathermon the two then argue a bit about who's at fault sakuri thinks that amachi cares too much about game balance and it's ruining her carefully designed story Concepts she calls amichi a parasite but amachi reminds her that the game would be completely unbalanced if it wasn't for her Sakai walks in on them and his stomach causes him excruciating pain he tries to stop the fight but this just ends up hurting him even more shangar La Frontier is the Utopia company's Crown Jewel sakuri designed the world and amachi balanced it they are the core development staff and he's disappointed to see that they are fighting like children Sakai already has a lot to worry about but he realizes that he's the only one that can fix this situation sakai's brilliant idea is to tell them that they both need to take a shower since it's been so long but of course this just leads to more pain for him back home our boy ruro get some much needed sleep Ray on the other hand is at her house but she can't sleep in her mind rurl was excited to call her to his side and then let her have pencil gon's stuff her plan is to keep getting closer to him in the game in the hopes that it might make them closer in real life the next morning ruro is eager to see what he gained from all his hard work and heads right back into the game ruro arrives to find that imil never stopped crying and she explains that her father wants to see him Vash is glad to hear that weathermon was incredibly powerful and the dumb wood Mage ruro fought before couldn't even compare ruro credits the victory to his experience with trash games since it taught him how to deal with unreasonable attacks Vash is then even happier to hear that weathermon parted this world satisfied ruro is shocked when Vash decides that it might be time for something ruro has no clue what he's talking about so Vash asks him if he would like to know the truth of this world ruro would be honored so Vash tells him that he needs him to bring a few items ruro is disappointed since he got all hyped up about kicking off his bonus unique scenario but it seems to just be some fetch Quest he decides to do it anyway and just hopes that it gets better ruro receives the list of items but he has no clue where to find them Vash explains that he needs to go to a place called lightless Barons it's nowhere near third Rema and Vash reveals that he won't find it anywhere on his map rro decides to ask Pete's for help but still wants some more info from Vash Vash simply states that as long as rurl is not too much of a fool he will find it soon enough unique scenarios seem to be like endgame content so rurl wonders if this lightless Baron's place is somewhere way ahead of where he is now Emil expects it to be a long journey but our confident protagonist calls her naive ruro checks his stats and is pleasantly surprised to see that he jumped all the way up to level 78 it's all thanks to the weather mom fight as he has now flooded with new skills and evolved ones too he is sure that a power boost like this one one will have him flying through the game for a while that isn't all though as our boy excited to check what kind of loot he got from the fight he is sure that all his effort will pay off but he is confused by the first thing he got it's a book titled the tomb of Truth and it's just a detailed rundown of weatherman's backstory the next item is the clear sky skill book and it contains a digital record of sord techniques left by the Divinity AOS swords Master ruro remembers the name clear sky and is shocked when he realizes that it's talking about the powerful array of skills weathermon used rurl can't contain his excitement as he explains to Emil that he will be able to learn the most powerful attacks he has ever seen he needs to have Divinity equipment in order to learn them so it might be a while but rurl doesn't care he was hoping that emo would share his excitement but she's out cold from when he shared his enthusiasm ruro can't wait to see what the last piece of loot is and he finds that it's an accessory it's the inventoria key which is a special bracelet worn only by a select few even during the Divinity it serves as both the door and the key to a storage space even if the wearer is killed neither the accessory nor the items inside the storage space can be stolen this thing also synchronizes with anatomical data to fuse and become part of the user all in all it acts as a warehouse with infinite storage space lastly rro can spend some MP to transport himself into the storage that is all pretty good stuff but it's not as impressive as the skill book ruro tries it on and Emil is shocked to see him disappear inside the storage ruro wasn't expecting much but he is absolutely stunned when he finds that it already has a bunch of crazy stuff in it it turns out that this item is a lot more than he could have ever hoped for as all this stuff is high level equipment elsewhere penlon leaves some flowers for setsuna setsuna always called herself a copy but to penlon she was always the original penlon then remembers how satuna told them to search for Bahamut to find the truth of this world penon originally planned to quit slf after beating weathermon but she has changed her mind she doesn't know anything about this Bahamut but she declares that she will force it to tell her everything it knows things then get a bit ominous as we are shown rurs Arch Enemy like a gone sometime later we find ourselves in kso's room he has a ton of VR headsets and their number is only rivaled by the number of gaming awards katso has received katso thinks about how good of a game shanga Frontier is and how he originally only meant to use it to kill some time when he wasn't doing Pro Gamer stuff his opinion on it has changed dramatically though as now he can't stand the thought of his friends enjoying the game without him he has a big Pro gaming tournament coming up though so he can't join them just then rurl messages him about the awesome inventoria key he received from their fight cat quickly decides to abandon all his responsibilities as he can't allow his friends to get ahead of him cat activates his ultimate VR game machine and heads into slf he meets with the others and Muro expresses how amazing all the crazy looking stuff is in his inventory katso saw it as well and he assured that the armor would make ruro way too overpowered pencil gon also checked out the inventory and she reveals that all the armor is useless the way it is now the boys are really disappointed and she explains that everything in there requires a power source called a non-standard ether reactor unfortunately she has never seen or even heard of the this thing before and rurl can't use the weapons and armor in the inventory without it rurl is completely dejected after getting himself all excited but catso shockingly reveals that he actually has a non-standard ether reactor katso figures that it's because he did most of the fighting against Kirin and reveals that he just got it as part of his loot the only problem is that it seems to be broken and all the blacksmith he has to fix it had no clue what it was penil gon explains that it's a Divinity Relic so they would probably need a specialized blacksmith or some kind of item she doesn't have an answer to this problem but rur has done the one to shock everyone when he reveals that he might know of a way to get it fixed penelon spits her drink on ruro from shock again but he realizes that she's just doing it on purpose ruro wants to take it to someone but it involves a unique scenario so he fears that the others won't be able to come K will allow him to borrow the reactor but he has one condition he wants to know the unlocked conditions for The Unique scenario that is hiding penil gon scolds him for giving this condition to his friend but katso points out that he hasn't been able to trigger any unique scenarios of his own in slf information on unique scenarios is extremely valuable and this is especially the case for players with exclusive access to one that being said most players protect their own profits and don't like sharing information easily Kat is no exception so it makes sense that he wants to make this trade ruro explains that he wasn't given exact instruction when he unlocked a unique scenario but he's willing to tell katso what happened just before he did the others are shocked since rurl became famous when everyone in the game wanted this information and he is now about to tell them ruro explains that at level 20 or less he encountered Lon the night Slayer he lasted 5 minutes without taking damage and landed around 200 critical hits with a vpal weapon his friends are Furious since there is no way they could simply replicate those steps but rro points out that he gave them an honest answer Kat decides to just let him borrow the reactor and penelon ask for ruro to give her back the scale a look into the past shows that penelon gave it to him after their fight against weathermon penil gon borrowed it from an NPC organization called the Golden scales and it's part of one of the highest classes of items in the entire game in theory if a player throws in enough money into the scale they can get stats even higher than those of a unique monster of course to achieve this a player would have to have a budget equal to that of a small country this is the one item penil gon didn't want to lose because of the pkk penalty so she did something called laundering it's a trick to use to keep items from being lost to the Penalty the penalty for pking means that when they're killed ownership of their items transfers to the person who killed them on top of that they have to pay a fee in proportion to their wrongdoing when they are killed even items kept in storage will be automatically seized and sold off to help pay off the fee protecting items from this SE is called laundering Kat assumes that is why instead of putting the scale in storage pencil gon gave it to ruro just before serer zero eliminated her that isn't the case though since the game will even search through your history to sell things off the reason why the scale is still here is because ownership still lies with the golden scales organization ruro points out that she didn't really launder anything but she reveals that she was able to use the scale in a different way penil gon says an incantation and two items emerge from the scale they are pencil gon's loot from the weather mom fight one is the tomb of Truth book and the other is a flower pin they all seem to have gotten slightly different things from the fight and murl thinks about his clear sky skill book Pilon reveals that she offered the loot to the scale which means they no longer had physical existence they were hidden in the scale that she didn't own so they could not be seized by the game all she did now to retrieve the items will sacrific 40 of her levels to the scale it was a hefty price to pay but it was worth it because this pin is very precious to her that isn't all though as in order to rent out the scale she used her main weapon as collateral the scale's power transferred its ownership to the organization as well so the weapon is also safe penlon is a real evil Master mind which completely contradicts what she said about wiping her slate clean of her crimes the penalty fee cost her a whopping 500 million but penil gon is oddly not too worried their fight against weathermon proved that hunting unique monsters is a profitable Enterprise that being the case penil gon gets to the main point of the meeting and proposes that they form a clan together they all have an intense match of rock paper scissors and penil gon is furious when she loses the guy celebrate as her punishment for losing is that she must be their Clan's leader they refuse to go again and Pentagon realizes how foolish she was to think that she could beat their reaction speed her first responsibility as their leader is to pick their clan name and she selects one that the guys are happy with she declares that they will be wolves venturing through shangala Frontier in search of unique monsters and their name will be Wolf Gang selecting their emblem will be the next difficult task but the guys leave that to their fearless leader as well just then one of the guys from the Library walks in he is in search of the trio that defeated weathermon and he even calls them all out by their names Our Heroes run away from him as fast as possible and pretend not to know who he is talking about they end the meeting there and Kat decid to go do some leveling since he lost so many levels from taking that pill during the fight penil gon will go trade the scale back for her weapon and Muro is left to handle the reactor stuff the library kid decides to go after the one he has determined is the famous player son Raku but ruro still pretends that he doesn't know that person the kid realizes that he is a liar but rro manages to get some distance from him he rushes to tell emo to open the gate and she scolds him for being late he apologizes to the grumpy little bunny so she does as he says rurl remembers that he was supposed to give the creepy sword back to pencil gon but he decides to do it later the library kid thinks he has finally caught son Raku but he is shocked to see that he disappeared in rabbit tuuza rur is disappointed to find that Vash is not there and Emil hasn't even seen him since the day he spoke to ruro ruro does the skill Fusion thing again by drinking the concoction and now tries to upsell him again ruro points out that he's completely broke but he thinks about how greedy this little rabbit is Vash isn't there to fix the reactor so rro decides to try and ask bilock unfortunately bilock cannot do it since only an ancient Craftsman can fix stuff from the Divinity bilock is only a master Craftsman and Vash is the only person bilock knows that can do it the defeated rro decides that he will just wait for Vash and focus on raising his skills in the meantime just then ruro gets an idea from this there are no ancient Craftsmen around so ruro determines that they was just have to raise Block's Master Craftsman skill into an ancient Craftsman one boock points out that it won't be so easy but ruro explains that BAC will have to do it eventually ruro has full confidence that she can do it so he and Emil promis to help out bilock is hesitant at first but she is inspired by R's words and declares that she will become an ancient Craftsman the group couldn't be more excited and ruro announces the start of a new Mission the idea sounds great but ruro quickly realizes that he has no clue how to turn bilock into an ancient Craftsman luckily bilock knows so she explains that two things are required to become one the first is a legacy weapon and the other is something called margic operation zunit this rabbit has some kind of speech impediment though as ruro realizes that she means a magic operations unit neither of these things will be easy to find but rurl realizes that a legacy weapon would have to be from the Divinity era rurl remembers that that he has a bunch of divinity stuff in his inventory so he teleports there ruro returns shortly after and shocks bck with the Legacy weapon byock can't believe ruro has one of these rare weapons but ruro simply explains that he got it by beating weathermon unfortunately ruro assumes that she needs a working Legacy weapon and this weapon won't work until he gets The Ether reactor fixed bilock reveals that she only needs a legacy weapon because it will allow her to learn the Divinity techniques used to make weapon a working one would be ideal but the one rurl brought should do just fine byock then gets overly excited and reveals that all she will have to do is destroy the weapon into pieces ruro urgently stops her and explains that he has to get consent from his friends before they break the weapon down ruro thinks about how this weapon came from his inventory however catell and penil gon both spoke about it like all the stuff in there would be shared between the three of them bilock agrees to wait for a while but reminds him that he will have to search for the magic operations unit in the meantime Vash once told her that this item can be found in the ruins of past glories a look at the map reveals that this place is pretty far away as it is near the 11th City in the game things get even more exciting when ruro realizes that this is also near the lightless baronss the lightless baronss is the place Vash told him about the place where rurl will find the items he needs to unlock the bonus secret scenario rurl wonders if this is fate and he gets more hyped than ever bot goes to get ready and murl is glad to have another bunny accompany him however walking around with the two of them might become a problem ruro manages to hide Emil by wearing her around his neck but BAC might have to chug a bunch of magic power recovery items to maintain a human form boock reveals some bad news as she cannot transform into a human at all and she has a better idea anyway bilock gets real intense as she tells Emil to get ready and demands that ruro behold their power of camouflage the two bunnies Rush toward our bird hero and boock makes herself look like a fur coat while emo becomes a fashionable scarf ruro looks ridiculous but BAC just tells the Birdman to get moving ruro decides to just go but realizes that he needs to set his respawn point in rabbit usza they begin their Journey afterwards as they prepared to enter the canyon of ancient Souls there was a war there a long time ago but it had to be called off due to to the arrival of Monsters the large number of dead produced by the War caused my asthma to cover the land this turned into a nesting ground for Undead creatures who despise the living it's incredibly dangerous there as it's said to be riddled with monsters and curses ruro must then tell the rabbits to quiet down he doesn't want them drawing any attention to their group even though their bird face and rabbit covered body stand out a bunch already to prepare for the Canyon rurl goes to buy some things to to protect them from the myasthma if someone's exposed to it for too long then they will end up with the hex status a status that reduces all stats by a certain percentage the holy water is quite expensive but the bunnies are surprised to hear that he will only need to buy enough to protect them they arrive at the canyon and it's just like the rabbits described the air quality is terrible and danger can be felt everywhere as they walk byck wonders how the Birdman was able to get an aura of clean air around him ruro is glad she asked and he reveals that it's because of the effect of the mark like Aon put on him any spell or curse from a source weaker than Lon gets canceled out it's even able to cancel out the miasma but there's more to it before he can explain further some giant wyvern zombie appears this monster takes one look at ruro scars and takes off running ruro explains that thanks to the marks anything that is a lower level than him just runs away ruro wishes he could tell test out the new skills he got but all the monsters are terrified of him byock realizes that the marks are telling the monsters to keep their hands off of lon's prey but she just considers the monsters to be cowards ruro determines that leveling up after fighting weathermon has made them way too overpowered since now their journey through the canyon just seems like a short stroll bck wishes she could show off her skills too but brur wonders if she can even fight byock gets offended but her chance to fight might come sooner than expected as another undead monster appears it's not running away from ruro so emo determines that it must be strong ruro points out that it might just not be able to see him since the thing doesn't even have a head this monster is actually a rare beast called the doah hen General ruro wonders if it just wants to talk but the bunnies point out that it doesn't even have a mouth the monster makes it clear that it wants to fight so our heroes get ready the monster initiates the fight so rur uses ignition on himself and prepares to use his new skills ruro Dodges the thing's first attack but he must tell Emil to be careful and tuck her ears in the two them battle it out but rurl can tell that this thing is really strong it's definitely a higher level than him but rurl somehow doesn't feel threatened at all he doesn't know why but he determines that it must be because he just fought one of the most powerful warriors he has ever encountered ruro decides that he will have to get his opponent off his horse first so he uses his waral technique this move knocks the horse off balance knocking the monster off of it and bck moves in for her turn she is sure that the undead body will be light and she sends the thing flying with her Megaton swing the undead body gets some serious hangtime but ruro refuses to let byock show them up he has Emil prepare a spell and he combines some of his abilities to go Airborne as well ruro takes one look at bilock though and she signals to him that she wants to handle this Undead on her own taking a back seat to to an NPC is something a trash gamer must know when to do so he decides that he will let the tough little bunny land the finishing blow for now though rikuro's ignition skill is ready and his luck stat is finally in the triple digits ruro uses his luck based attack skill called hand of Fortune and he sends the undead flying towards the ground ruro then equips Emil onto his arm and makes up a skill called rabbit gun emo activates her spell and sends their opponent directly towards bilock bilock prepares her giant hammer and absolutely rocks the undead monster it goes crashing into the horse and Muro is Amazed by the destruction that little rabbit was able to cause their opponent is defeated and Muro gets the General's decapitator as his reward the thing looks pretty beat up but when used attacks to the Head deals bonus damage it has gotten pretty rusty though so it can only cleave flesh through Brute Force the lore behind the monster reveals that it lost its head so that is why it aims for the heads of its targets ruro determines that he will just sell the weapon but B can tell that it still has some life in it she would like for ruro to keep it as she plans to restore it to its former glory ruro agrees as he remembers that she is a blacksmith he then casually takes a look at BAC stats and it's shocked to find that she's an incredible level 98 ruro is a bit disheartened because he only just recently managed to pass emol in level byock makes him feel better though as she explains that she got all her experience from smithing and rurl got his from fighting ruro and Emil impart some wisdom onto bilock but boock is not amused to see that Emil is starting to take after the Birdman ruro declares that they have to get moving again as they have to hurry and reach the area boss ruro thinks that the route is pretty simple compared to others and Emil agrees but we see that something is following them after a while the bunnies get a little too comfortable since the marks on mro's body are making their Journey far too easy it's clearing up the miasma and pushing ing back all the monsters the bunnies go too far so rurl must demand that they get off his back and walk on their own they point out to the mobile air purifier that staying near him helps preserve holy water so he decides to just move forward ruro wonders if just climbing over everything would make the trip faster but Emil warns that there are terrifying monsters up there they are called Crystal scorpions and they lurk at top The Cliffs they attack as a swarm so whoever gets spotted by one is sure to end up dead just then ruro thinks that he saw something and the rabbits fear that it might have been one of the Scorpions this is especially terrifying since the sight of one means that dozens more are on their way they have to get moving as BAC reminds ruro that their goal is to fight the area boss but our crazy protagonist thinks about picking a fight with one of these scorpions later the rabbits point out how insane that idea is but the Birdman just lets out a laugh ruro strikes fear Into the Heart of some monsters and they eventually find a large black Dome of Darkness Ruru assumes that the boss is inside of it so he fearlessly plunges in it's pretty creepy inside this Dome as IM freaks out but they eventually find what they were after it's the area boss called the humming Lich ruro assumes that this skeleton monster likes to throw curses around so he decides that they need to strike first before it does the bunnies try to stop him for a moment but it's too late ruro is shocked when his blade goes right through the monster and he realizes that it doesn't have a hitbox this is what BAC was trying to tell him and she reveals that he would need a holy attribute weapon to deal physical damage to it ruro points out that he doesn't have one of those and they get covered in the monster's miasma ruro even takes some damage from it and BAC points out that this monster is the source of all the miasma in the entire area ruro is being hit by all the hatred and death around them so it's way more potent than an ordinary my asthma luckily the debuff from a curls Mark kicks in and their surrounding area clears up this means that neither side is hurt by the others attacks and this fight is at a stalemate byock decides that she will have to take the lead on this one she tells ruro to buy her some time as she plans to figure out a solution ruro starts off the time buying immediately but emo wonders why he attached her to his arm he points out that she is the only one that can actually attack the boss so he plans to use her as his rabbit gun again emo thinks it's a terrible idea but he promises to get her some carrots later emo gets herself ready by putting on her tiny monocle and she unleashes a powerful magic attack the attack seems to have done some damage but not much so ruro wonders how much longer BAC needs BAC explains that what she is doing is extremely difficult as she plans to turn the rusty sword from before into a weapon that can hurt the Lich it's going to be a rush job but she assures the sword that it still has some life left in it Emil freaks out as arms emerge from the ground but rurl points out that it's light work compared to what he went through against weathermon they get away and land another magic attack but the monster gets really upset and grows a bunch of heads these heads grow into identical liches and each one of them holds a different weapon ruro does his best to dodge all their attacks but it starts to get pretty annoying they end up in a pretty bad spot but luckily BAC has just finish the sword just the liquid coming off the sword is enough to harm one of the liches so rurl commends boock for really cleaning up the rusty old blade byock didn't have a forge to use so it's not her best work but she managed to polish the sword with holy water it will be able to slice right through the liches but it has also gotten way more fragile at most it has eight more swings before it breaks so rurl must somehow end the fight before then this will be very difficult since there are so many liches but our boy recur is up for the challenge just then the liches start humming and they begin their attack ruro gets away with the bunnies and realizes that he needs to learn a bit about the clones before he attacks ruro reaches into his bag of skills and uses them to dodge several attacks he manages to get one of the Clones to attack a different one and he notices that the main Lich takes damage the main Lich wasn't the one that got hit with the arrow though so this makes ruro realize that the original and the Clones all Shar HP Pool the original reacted pretty harshly to the attack so rurl determines that its HP must be pretty low he tells the rabbits his plan but BAC thinks he's crazy he manages to convince the cautious furball so he launches BAC into the sky he follows soon after and declares that it's time to use some Buffs his buff skill can only be used after 10 minutes have passed since the start of the battle and that just so happens to be right now ruro uses the skill called overheat and it Buffs all his stats for 5 minutes he combines this with Nitro gain which Buffs his strength and Agility in exchange for 20% of his HP this leaves him with four Health points which means he will be able to use climax boost emo clears a path for him and Muro starts off his strategy by taking out the Archer attacks to the head do extra damage which in combination with all his Buffs allow him to eliminate each clone with just one strike five clones remain along with the original but rurl only has seven attacks left that isn't the only concern since the overheat buff ends in 5 minutes and his stats will go way down when it does emo lands an attack and ruro is able to follow up by eliminating the ax wielding clone ruro realizes that he won't be able to defeat them with one strike after the 5 minutes are up so he will have to end the fight before then boock is amazed as she watches ruro fight and she realizes that this is why he was able to defeat a Colossus boock decides to trust his plan and Muro finishes up all the Clones the main body remains but he only has two attacks left ruro tells Emil to get to work as he tosses her into the sky but she has no clue what she's supposed to do Emil uses a magic attack to startle the Lich and this gives rurl the perfect opportunity to stab it with his sword they all commend the sword for holding on for this long but they just need it to last for a bit longer rurl tells boock that it's time to end the fight and he carries her right to the Lich byock puts all her strength into her hammer and uses it to push the sword right through the Lich our heroes are victorious and Nemo nearly ends Rico's Life by accident byock thinks she might still be able to restore the sword but they need to hurry up and get to a hold City ruro checks his loot first but it's just a bunch of stuff he can't really use the fog clears as the boss has been defeated but imil reminds him not to get any crazy ideas when he clearly starts looking for scorpions to fight when they reach the city ruro registers it as a landmark this means that he can now use Emil's gates to come and go between rabbit tuza and AOL BAC would like to go back to Rabbit tuuza to fix the sword so ruro decides to split up for now to get some rest he sends email back with byock since he wants to explore the new city ruro explains that she would just make him stand out more than he already does she doesn't believe that that's the real reason but he convinces her Again by bribing her with carrots they split up but Emil makes him promise that he won't do anything Reckless the Birdman promises but as soon as she leaves he lets out a devious laugh she asked him not to be Reckless but it's in his nature to do things when people tell him not to do them the lunatic heads off to look for trouble and thinks about how this situation is similar to the story about Pandora's Box even when you know it's going to unleash all the world's misfortunes you just have to open it the crazy bird thinks that this is what it means to be human he makes sure to buy carrots for Emil but he heads right back to the Canyons of ancient Souls afterwards ruro prepares himself for a little climbing and tells the Scorpions to get ready for him ruro boosts his leaping ability and jumps as high as he can he is determined to find the crystal scorpions because he would really like to fight level 100 monsters ruro knows that the bunnies don't want him doing anything dangerous but rurl points out that the whole point of playing games is so he can go wild when he reaches the top he is shocked to find that it looks much different up here than it does below ruro looks for the Scorpions and he's in luck when one of them appears behind him he is amazed that it's the type of monster to use camouflage and ruro announces that this is the monster he came to see he must then Dodge several attacks from this thing and he Compares it to a runaway train it's pretty hard to move around on all the crystals but the Scorpion is using it to its Advantage it has driven ruro into a corner but he just manages to dodge its next attack ruro explains that this is just his first time fighting this thing so he doesn't expect to beat the powerful monster in his current state for now he would just Scout the area and take back any rare materials he finds he doesn't want to push for more than that and he would actually consider it a win just then the situation gets way worse for our birdface hero as several more scorpions appear ruro just now remembers that bilock told him that the Scorpions attack as a swarm and it will all be over if he gets seen by even just one of them ruro finds himself in that exact position right now as he is surrounded by way more than just one of the powerful monsters they attack as a group and ruro concedes that he is dead back in rabbit usza Emma wishes ruro would come back already and she gets worried when she thinks he might have trouble getting back there just then rurl respawns there and he is curious about how many stupid scorpions there were he casually requests that Emil open a gate so he can go back to eold but she is disappointed when she realizes that he was fighting crystal scorpions she scolds him but he just gives her a carrot to get on her good side again emo makes the gate so rurl gets ready for round two against the Scorpions emo wonders if that's a good idea but rurl has already decided that he needs to get something out of the fight he promises that he will be okay since it won't be his first try this time and he's determined not to leave there empty-handed this time ruro tries sneaking around and heads to a place he thought looked interesting he finds a giant black Crystal and ruro is sure that it will give him rare items that are unique to this area ruro accidentally strikes another Crystal which makes a lot of noise and he once again finds himself being descended upon by The Scorpions he uses a bunch of skills and launches himself into the sky ruro refuses to leave without some loot and he resorts to a desperate attempt at striking the crystal he just ends up getting eliminated and he responds right back in rabbit usza Emil points out how fast that was and he has determined that surviving against them is impossible there are so many of them and they attack in a place where there already isn't enough room Emil reminds him that they warned him about all that and ruro reminds her that he said something as well he said he wouldn't leave empty-handed and the tricky Birdman reveals that he managed to get part of the crystal this thing is a Lapis and it possesses an extremely dense magic he has no clue what it's used for but he is sure that it's probably pretty valuable ruro decides to take a break for now and he goes over his fight against the Scorpions the slightest vibration on the crystal causes them to swarm but he doesn't think that the AI behind them is very clever they just charge in recklessly and sometimes even collide with each other emo tries to sing them to sleep but rurl thinks of something he wonders if he can take parts of their broken off bodies as an item and demands that Emil open a gate so he can find out Emil warns that he's just going to die again but he declares that Pioneers like him never fear death ruro wonders how he will pick up their carrus bits and he gets an idea when he sees imma replenishing her Mana our confident hero then declares that he's going to change the Minefield swarming with level 100 monsters into a walk in the park ruro heads back where he taunts the Scorpions as they chase him ruro pretends to be scared as they descend upon him again but he uses his leaping ability and watches them Collide there are carriss pieces everywhere but there's also a ton of scorpions waiting for him to come back down ruro would like to know what it would feel like to fall into the Scorpion blender but he decides against it instead he teleports into inventoria ruro celebrates that his idea will work and laughs like a maniac as he proclaims that technology is King he got the idea to use his storage when he saw Emil using an item this inventory thing is seriously overpowered if used right since he can create a safe space for himself whenever he needs ruro finds that his genius plan works when he returns to the crystal area and finds that there are only carapus pieces there the Scorpions are all gone so it's time for ruro to collect his spoils ruro is certain that these items are rare and he can't wait to see what kind of awesome stuff baa can make from ruro declares himself a genius and punches a crystal the Scorpions emerge again but this time the bird proclaims that he's going to turn them all into materials ruro rounds them up and explains what makes inventoria even more op normally players have a hard limit on inventory capacity and if it gets too heavy it begins to weigh the player down however inventoria lets him store as much as he wants with no penalty if he uses it correctly ruro declares that he can get unlimited materials from over level 100 Crystal scorpions he then uses this strategy over and over again and states that coming up with stuff like this is what makes gaming so fun he is almost out of Mana so he can only use inventoria one more time he has a bunch of materials already though so he decides to just make one last run as he Marvels at all his rare stuff ruro realizes that he hasn't collected a single Stinger it's the most defining feature of every score scorpion so he must get one he determines that the Stinger must be the hardest part to break off from the body which means that it must also be the rarest drop of all when he thinks about it though it seems pretty impossible to get the stinger he will have to face the swarm of level 100 scorpions directly on top of that the thing he's aiming for can't be broken off with normal attacks a scorpion appears and ruro points out that this kind of impossible situation is trash game stuff that's also what makes makes it fun for him though so he summons his weapons he declares that he will tear off its stinger no matter what or else he wouldn't be able to consider himself a trash gamer ruro begins to fight it but quickly realizes that his attacks aren't enough to break the Stinger off even when he is buffed more scorpions appear and ruro decides that he will have to somehow get them all to break the Stinger off for him ruro can't control their attacks so he will have to hope to get the best possible pull out of the random number generator it's pretty risky but that's what being a gamer is all about ruro then Dodges an attack and lands on the Stinger he only has one chance at this so he waits to the very last second ruro times it perfectly and he goes to inventoria just as the Scorpions hit the Stinger he returns immediately as their attack alone won't be enough so he attacks the fractured Stinger as well rurl uses all his might and eventually manages to break it off rurl celebrates as all his hard work paid off he just needs to grab the rare item now and will be all his even if he gets instakilled afterwards unfortunately ruro realizes that he's much further from it than he thought the Stinger gets away from him as he begins to fall into the pit of scorpions and he wonders why the goddess of RNG has decided to be so cruel to him ruro responds and rabitu once again and Emil is concerned about him as he trembles in despair ruro calms down and finds solace in no that getting the Stinger is possible this commonness is all fake though as rro is really angry and he declares that knowing stuff doesn't mean anything if he doesn't actually get the thing he completely loses composure and condemns the goddess of RNG emo watches his descent into madness but he is done and Muro decides that he won't be able to look at scorpions for a while emo then becomes startled when ruro declares that there is only one way to come back from this failure he will brag to B about all the materials he got and bathe in her praise Emil's pretty disappointed to see him this way but time is money so it's time for them to go thanks for watching my recap sign up to my free newsletter if you want to show some support to the channel link is in the description
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Keywords: anime recaps, anime recap, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap, anicap, animecaps, anime movie recaps, horror anime recaps, best anime recaps, top anime recaps, fox anime recaps, movie recap, aniplot, anime plot, anime in minutes, how to win anime, how to beat animes, animerecap, ani recap, ani recaps, animecapped, anicapped, anime to watch, anime reaction, new anime 2024, top 10 anime 2024, anime recapped, aniclimax, anirecaps, anime recap today, anime recap full
Id: K2RhDtl3wvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 34sec (13474 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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