WHY SHE DID IT - Lie Detector Test On Daniel's Stalker Girlfriend Alie

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ally are you really the stalker how did you even get all those people together in the first place do you even love daniel yeah hey hey guys guys calm down one question at a time spy ninjas today we're gonna do a lie detector test on daniel's girlfriend to see if he's gonna choose her to be his girlfriend or he's gonna choose the spy ninjas let me see your finger come on let's get this started daniel are you really gonna do a true lie detector test on your girlfriend here of course i am b okay see daniel always does this because he wants to become the lightest oh my god oh wow okay that was fast fine i'll put on the old light just hurt again yeah ali is a stalker but maybe there's a good reason why she did it and we'll find out today i'm ready to tell you guys the truth ellie if you lie three times we're gonna unmask you to the whole world i don't wanna see your face so you can slap it mm-hmm you've been this oh and if you lie three times then i no longer approve of you and daniel together the tensions are high you guys i i don't want to be unmasked to everybody they're going to find me i'm going to tell the truth i promise let's start with a base question to make sure we get the correct readings on this computer and that she really is telling the truth are you the stalker yes it's a lot for me you know my girlfriend could be the stalker okay she's telling the truth she's the stalker yeah we knew that ally baby girl there's a good reason why i've been doing this you guys oh oh then what is it why did you do it i'm an ex hacker for project zorgo what what what whoa you don't understand when you guys took down project zorgo you took everything away from me you guys took something important away from me and we wanted to take something important away from you and that was the spine ninjas project zorgo's an evil organization you're not your family what you're getting she should be lying she could be just on the truth oh gosh but you guys don't understand i grew up there okay everyone there was my family and when you were down we lost our home we were very hurt inside you guys big whoop me and daniel and melvin are all ex-hackers and we made it out okay yeah and they didn't go off trying to shut down the spy ninjas they decided to join the spy ninjas because they're smart well that's why i had a change of heart you guys i don't know what to think anymore okay okay maybe we'll believe that you had a chance of heart after this lie detector test if you keep telling the truth ally what was your plan as the stalker my plan was to meet you guys and make friends with all of you seem like it what's the lie doctor said give her a chance everybody oh that's a lie oh oh ally two more of those and then so you didn't want to just be our friends you don't really care about us no i do care about you daniel there's a real reason why you became the stalker okay that's one lie out of three let's hear the truth on this answer here my plan as an ex-hacker was to join forces with other ex-hackers and that was the doppelganger horseradish the leak all of us together we made a plan to infiltrate the spy ninjas and break you guys up infiltrate and break us up well it's good thing four out of the five spy ninjas are smart they stay together hey daniel's smart too you think that yeah of course i do daniel don't be fooled by her am i the smartest spine ninja is that the question no oh my gosh get your head in the game yeah that's true i know it seems really bad right now but just let me explain okay we're letting you explain so far not so good so far it looks like we're seeing your face tonight [Laughter] do you want me to film chad sure i don't want to stand next to her all right i want to know about the rest of your team horseradish doppelgangers the leak with the leak he was my friend yeah i trusted that guy he played fortnite with me and he was really nice but now i know he was faking it well but we weren't faking everything okay jeff and the league they're actually pretty decent people if you got to know them i was just on the wrong path but then i got to know you guys i learned who the spy ninjas were and i didn't want to do that anymore daniel is she lying look at this look at this last hit look at this reading regina live you see that reading right there what does that mean daniel she looks pretty nervous she looks pretty nervous she's telling the truth things are getting juicy now so aly does that mean that every single stalker thing that happened was you like the weird packages showing up at our house the tesla following us trying to hit us the drone spying on us and posting pictures of us to instagram making melvin think they're aliens there are though okay we'll get to that later no it wasn't just me i wasn't working alone my entire team had a part in this they they drove the tesla they did the drones the biggest fan thing that was horseradish he really is a huge fan of yours chad he's a huge fan of mine why is he being so mean to me oh no you really heard him that's all i can say i don't even know him how do i hurt him i don't even know who he is he's gone through four years of therapy and he still obviously has not gotten to where he needs to be he's working on it though okay okay it's true she was working with all of those wacky people and she was the leader of them i knew it but you're the leader yeah yes they did all those things because you told them yeah i see how they follow your every single command they're like okay ally i'll do it i don't know let's be honest they needed someone a little intelligent to be able to pull something like this off are you calling them idiots are you calling your own team idiots no but they went off the handles and i think you knew that with the whole box thing and the pranks and everything i didn't want any of that to happen but i couldn't just stop them or if they would have turned on me i had to make sure that i planned everything before i turned against them so you really do regret doing all those evil things to us because now you've learned that we're actually nice people i'm down here now regina yes sorry i'm short you better be sorry about that hey what were you indeed trying to replace be quaint [Music] yeah she's irreplaceable you wanted to wear her pink outfit no i never wanted to replace v quaint ever ali yeah on the valentine's day date night you came in you didn't even say hi to v coin you ignored her and then you mentioned later that maybe you could be the pink spider one of our spine ninjas at home caught that showed the comments right here those comments look at this oh my goodness we've got some smart spy ninjas that nothing flies by them my intention was never to replace the quaint my intention at the time i wanted to infiltrate the spy ninjas i was really angry at the time so some of that anger came out on v i'm sorry i didn't mean it so you did one request replacement at the time you wanted to replace her i didn't want to replace v that wasn't the mission i just was angry with her and all of you guys do she want to replace me no yeah she's telling the truth she didn't want to replace you are you sure guys you can 100 trust me i don't want to date a weirdo stalker no offense not taken maybe you weren't trying to replace my wife v coin here but maybe you were trying it [Music] with cheese oh yeah you had chef cheesed me the spinach is at home saw that you were talking to chef kutong and then he came out with cheese on my blueberry jubilee yeah look at all those comments you said you were gonna go to the bathroom you didn't go to the bathroom you were talking to chef well yeah i think it's pretty obvious at this point that yeah i was working with chef crouton okay i will admit no i didn't put cheese on the cake okay let's look we'll see what the lie detector says oh oh gosh it says a lie it's a lie that's two lies one more this thing is coming off ally okay you realize what you're doing okay i'm so sorry i'm just so nervous you guys were all housing me with questions i'm getting so nervous over here you gave v diarrhea for two months straight two months two days okay okay all right guys i i did put cheese with chef crouton but to be fair i did not know that it was going to take that adverse of an effect on me okay we were just mad and we thought that maybe she just hated cheese speaking of the chef corto oh he was your friend why did you get him arrested you put him in jail i know i know what it looks like but you guys were really hot on my trail oh i was hot so we were really hot wait only one of us just no she said we were hot you think we're all hot yeah how am i ever gonna get through these questions if you guys can't go two seconds without paying attention we're paying attention you said we were hot you guys are no that's not what she meant come on guys she's distracting us by calling us hot get back on topic i did not my team and i devised a plan to get the chef framed because you and all your commenters were hot in my trail saying that i was a stalker so we needed to divert your attention and we needed the chef to get arrested so they could buy me more time but he was fully aware of the plan he agreed to it i don't buy that is she lying daniel i know i know how stressful this is daniel oh gosh this is the worst day of my life i don't know what to do anymore i mean she could be telling the truth she's telling the truth whoa what the ship allowed himself to go to prison yes he knew that you guys would bring him out of prison you'd never let an innocent person go behind bars so he trusted you and i trusted you that you guys were going to get them out you know how good guys we are yes we're good guys like that yes yeah yeah you still decide to try to break us up at the time i don't think that anymore how many i'm sure aly did you fail the spy ninja tryouts on purpose we've seen you fight and you're actually pretty good yeah i failed on purpose i couldn't show you guys that i actually knew what i was doing that'd be way too obvious you would have questioned where i learned how to fight so yeah i faked it i think we were almost gonna let you be the purple spy ninja mind blowing this is true let's see if she's telling the truth she's telling the truth she faked losing she's a liar i've been seeing comments from these awesome spending just saying she didn't really break her arm she's not wearing it one day and then wearing it the next day and then not wearing it the other day so is it true that you broke your arm yeah i actually sprained my arm i didn't ask you if you sprained your arm you see what she's doing here guys they're not even paying attention over there i asked you if you broke your arm and you said yeah i sprained my arm well no those are two different things oh chad yes it's true i didn't break it i i sprained it but it wasn't that bad so i took it off and i didn't need it and during the test i put it back on consistently you forgot shut up yeah yeah yeah like i said the injury wasn't that bad so some days i forgot to put it on i actually got in trouble with my doctor about it daniel see if she's lying [Music] she's telling the truth weird so you didn't really hurt her that bad i guess i mean it still really hurt when i got hit by that tesla speaking of which a lot of these ninjas at home were like she didn't get hit that hard i think she got hit on purpose what no i didn't get hit on purpose my team came up with a plan they were gonna hit regina with the tesla they were gonna you wanted you were okay with that you were like yeah sounds good no yeah that's dead regina no it when it came down to it i saw the tesla coming towards regina and i couldn't let it happen and that's when i pushed regina out of the way i don't know why at the time i just couldn't let regina get hit by a car and that's when i pushed her and yes i did get hit by the tesla it's really nice that's pretty nice yeah nice of her she planned my and then she but then she saved you oh yeah so she's automatically nice now lost your mind oh wow my team's the one that came up with it like you guys haven't been bad before melvin bro relax okay go look if she's telling the truth well she's telling the truth she really didn't mean to get hit by the tesla it was just what happened when she saved you that's really sweet i do care about you regina what thanks can we see if that's a lie but last one i do care about you regina i don't know about that yeah that sounded pretty sarcastic this is weird what what is it it's true daniel i want to ask ally how did you get my tesla it's been gone for so long i thought jb had it but you had it i actually got it from an ex-hacker he gave me a tesla i used it because it's easily hackable that way we could control it from remote locations joseph thinks it's not an epic it's not i don't know where he got it i'm just telling you where i got it from so somebody stole it from joseph banks and you got it from that somebody yes is it true that's the question yeah it's true ali did get the tesla from an ex-hacker okay well what about this ally this is a huge question is your real name ally oh cause i don't know some of the commenters have been saying some things like it's not true they've been saying it's alien only you yeah i think only you honestly i was surprised that you guys didn't put this together but what does my name spell ally not alien melvin oh it spells ally that's what i said i said the same thing brain blast it spells app lie oh lie a lie i've been saying it all night every time you lied i said it was alive so your name is a lie my name is not what i say it is your name is not a lie no it's not ally no my name's not ally oh ally was a lie this whole time let me see what it says let me see what it says i can't read it daniel daniel read it it's true her name's not ally no i'm sorry oh what i couldn't tell you guys my real name i had to protect my identity i'm so confused no no yeah you're an ex-hacker you probably go by a pz number don't you i can't tell you guys that everybody's got a real name i thought it was the most beautiful name and it messed your face how am i gonna call you for now you guys can call me ally i'm not ready to tell you guys otherwise how can i be in a relationship with a girl if i don't even know her name you didn't know her name for like the first couple days yeah that's true the first time you called me you didn't even remember my name called her bae you didn't even see her face for like the first month wait a second speaking of seeing your face it's been a lot of commenters saying that you don't really look like the girl daniel met with the mom what i mean she and the girl had blond hair right but not like this stop i met ali at the mall i even wrote a song about it it was her put a picture of the girl at the mall right there picture of out her name her fake name's ally yeah they're not even the same person not the same that isn't you let's hear her explain herself i'm sorry daniel but i wasn't the girl that you met at the mall but honestly how did you how about you bro i don't know how you didn't see the resemblance well she gave me the number and i called it when we saw that you had asked for a girl's number we thought it would be the perfect chance to replace the number in the phone you hacked your phone and no that makes sense because i don't think daniel would have ever gotten a number from a girl that's mean melvin is that true totally true is what melvin just said true no you could easily get a girl's number trust me daniel really no cap i don't know what just happened okay you know you said you had a chance of heart and started to like us yeah when did that happen i don't i don't buy it so i want to hear about it what changed your mind when i was kidnapped that was a trap for the spy ninjas i wasn't actually kidnapped that was my team and when you guys all came to save me i changed my mind i realized you guys were amazing people and i couldn't believe you guys would do something like that because we're awesome we are awesome i don't believe it you should she's telling the truth so at that moment you realized these guys are kind of cool yeah and i started to not want to do this kind of stuff anymore and i realized you guys are great people great people then why did you try and tear daniel away from us yeah yeah did you purposely try to get me to quit the spine ninjas no i never wanted you to leave the spy ninjas once i had my change of heart i didn't want any of this to happen i no no no you said your original plan of being the stalker was to break us all up yes it was but i didn't mean for things to go this far it was hard to pull away from my team they still were in motion with their plan and i had to buy some time so i could fix things and things just got out of control well then tell me this why is daniel suddenly a new person he wears the eyeliner in the earrings and he doesn't wear his spine ninja merch yeah why are you a bumbling jerk yeah why am i a bumbling jerk yeah yeah answer the question i think it has nothing to do with me honestly when he had some time away from the spy ninjas you grew a little bit daniel you discovered a little bit more about yourself and got some confidence maybe you didn't display it in the right way you were kind of mean sometimes you did explore more about yourself well she is telling the truth she did not want me to leave the spine ninjas so you left on your own without her influence daniel oh hold your tone this was all your fault you're trying to blame ally well you've just been a jerk all along you know one thing led to the other if i never met you i wouldn't have uh left i'm the one that was trying to convince you to come back daniel daniel don't you think that we should just get you back home no no i'm not going back to the spy ninjas true yeah maybe she didn't know that you were gonna be so overly sensitive and change your whole lifestyle just so you can be with her thank you but still it's all your fault i didn't mean for this to happen okay i think things just got out of control out of control huh like all your goons that you hired they're out of your control they don't listen to a thing you say sorry stop listening to me because i decided to side with you guys so of course i lost control of them why do you think that they put you in those boxes and i didn't know about it and those pranks i had to go along with it so i could so i could make a plan to save you guys you think so and them driving you off a cliff i never wanted that to happen what does it say telling the truth wow oh so you really did have a change of heart and then the past month of weird stuff happening to us was uh not what you wanted no of course not well just make it simple for us ally can we trust you yes i know that you guys can trust me it took me a while to get here but i want to be trusted i want to be friends with you guys i'm sorry you're sorry yes you want to start over yes i want to start over we all make mistakes sometimes but i grew from them and i learned let's see she's telling the truth ally this is the question i've been wondering a lot the past week if you are the stalker this whole thing was set up to break us up and all that does that mean you actually never cared for me no daniel like you never actually liked me no no no don't don't even put those guns on your head chad what you said you clarified do you actually like me like in a boyfriend away everything that we've had don't say it actually i don't wanna hear it i do i i do i would love to hear yeah spilled the pieces maybe this all started as a part of my plan but daniel listen no i don't want no no please please just listen to me everything that we've had was real to me and i do care for you i care for you so much and of course i like you that's better i think i'm just gonna leave daniel you're not listening to me listen to her i said i do care about you i like you a lot i genuinely like you for who you are then you would have stopped what you were doing far sooner i tried but i couldn't my goons would have turned against me and we would have all been defeated if i hadn't stayed with them and come up with a plan how do i know i could believe you in the first place uh hello you're literally in the middle of a lie detector test oh she has a good point yeah it's pretty convenient right no it's not daniel look daniel's crying i'm sorry i never meant to hurt you i i care about you please just look at the lie detector test so you can see for yourself yeah let's see yeah come on just look daniel did you know how much your involvement was gonna hurt all of us when daniel left how many tears we cried because of you why do you think i tried so hard to get him to come back because at this moment you messed up i know i messed up that's why i'm here oh you're saying you actually do like me no one's crying now i can hear you yes okay mom i won't oh i didn't mean to make anyone here cry i'm so sorry you guys well well oh my god i think this is true this is the question i've been waiting for let's check let's check she said she liked you i don't know why because i care about him regina the truth okay i knew it i knew you actually liked me of course if you had to and we had so much fun and double double this and all that you yeah you're eating chad don't get me oh sorry sorry about that me one of those you can't you don't have a mouth oh okay okay so it's true that you had a change of heart and you like us now however what is your plan now i don't know i just lost my guys and i don't have you guys but like i said i had a change of heart and i really learned i really care for you guys so much when i got to know you i realized that i really did want to become a spy ninja is that even a possibility one day to become a spy ninja well no hard no for me well i mean i do believe her but being a part of the spinach is honesty she has not been super honest she's been a star she made her lives miserable for the past month her power level is deceptively strong how did she plan all this under her noses yeah what if she has a change of heart again she needs to earn our trust i think it'd be cool if she was a spy ninja because she could live here that's what i wanna do well i'm my girl never daniel how dare you she's a good fighter okay ally we've come to our decision we've decided that you cannot be a spy ninja yet you need to earn our trust for now i'm very sorry to say the answer is no you could not be a spy ninja today we're not saying forever we're just saying you can't be a spy ninja right now it makes sense it makes sense you regina and melvin all went through the spine into training and she should too i know that that was a lot to ask for i didn't just expect it i put you guys through a lot and i'm sorry for that but well if that's the case then i think i need to go my own way daniel i'm gonna find my own place to live i can't be a spy ninja what do you choose do you want to be a spy ninja or do you want to come with me and be my boyfriend i only have those two options i can't have both i mean your friends don't trust me and i understand why what are you gonna choose daniel are you gonna betray us again i know i wasn't a spy ninja the last week or two but it's so fun to be back i like you so much i never felt this way before sorry daniels would have to put you through this what is it daniel are you going to be a spy ninja or are you going to choose to be ali's boyfriend so it's either be a spy ninja or be your boyfriend okay okay i choose you
Channel: Vy Qwaint
Views: 6,223,284
Rating: 4.8408561 out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz9, hacker, daniel, regina, melvin, fgteev, unspeakable, stephen sharer, carter sharer, sml, woohoo, 123 go, preston, jelly, mrbeast, mrbeast gaming, lankybox, sssniperwolf, ssundee, stalker, secret crush, liar, true, truth, lie, alie, bought, largest, mystery box, tik tok, safety, hacks, dhar mann, husband, wife, work, regrets it, 24 hour, luxury, camping, escaping, 100 layers, lego, vs, trapped, fun, funny, comedy
Id: fa_oF3jhzJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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