Roblox STRICT Family vs FUN Family.. πŸ“πŸ‘ͺπŸ’–

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drop a like down below subscribe and hit that notification bell in today's roblox video i get adopted by families one family is really strict the other family is really fun at the end of the video i have to choose a family which one will i choose let's do this together let's go families adopt me joe i really really need a family please there's two families in front of me the strict family and the fun family the strict mom said i could teach him some good rules fun mom said he looks like so much fun i love the rainbow i've been adopted by strict mom and fun mom but now they have their families the adoption center person said who wants this cute little guy oh my gosh they're all reacting the strict parents are like and then the fun parents were like i will adopt this fun little guy fun fun fun kid uh-oh literally uh oh the strict mom said grumble anger anger anger uh i just want to have fun with him no no no mine mine mine no me big fun wait you can all have a turn you will each get a week straight family first so i've just been adopted by this strict family and i'm so excited this is gonna be such a fun time scrappy had to take my dad out guess he doesn't really like to walk this week should be so fun oh why is the alarm going off oh man literally i'm just gonna turn that off if i can uh literally oh that's so much better literally now i can go back to sleep my streak mom she was like get up get up get up hey bob what the heck she says alarm you have to come downstairs what if i don't wanna get on your suit what the heck i literally am getting no choice he says i'll ground you for 10 years now mister and bonk looking real good i do like how i look in a suit so this is pretty good my mom said oh very handsome thank you um now come with me now oh my gosh my mom sounds pretty upset all right i don't know what we're doing today this is always kind of a weird situation being with the strict mom she always has the weirdest plans last time she was making me do so much homework she was making me play with monkeys and stuff like honestly i don't know what i'm gonna do today she says i already am what do you want from me mom you're going for a job interview today a job interview huh you have to answer my interview questions of course my strict mom wants me to answer interview questions she always wants me to do some kind of work all right fine i got this question one what are your strengths my strengths one i have a rainbow shaggy two i play a lot of video games three i love reese's yes yes very good am i actually doing good in this job interview question two what are your weaknesses all my weaknesses i have so many one reese's honestly i'm addicted to them i spent too much money on robux so that's probably a weakness of mine three i am always playing video games ah yes last question oh let's go i think we're doing good in this interview am i a good mom uh i don't know if that relates to the job interview i'm not sure yeah sure yes yes yes you got one out of three correct come on literally she's like i'm taking you to the office with your dad i was wondering where my dad was turns out he's at the office interesting my mom said you have to work to impress him so right now we're rolling up to my dad's work and i'm not really too sure what to expect club brooks the heck it's my dad work at the nightclub hello hello wow you can really tell that they're really in love wow you showed up on time well done why do you feel like i'm being dropped off like a ups package what the heck yes work work work bye bye son bye bye mama see you later all right now i'm hanging out with my strict dad and i don't really know what to expect from him all right you better behave work work work come with me oh man i'm really nervous about this my straight dad really wants me to do well and i didn't even do good on my mom's interview questions so i don't really know what to expect here hello papa he said enough small talk i need i just said hi what else that even where's tony i don't even know what tony where the heck is tony i don't that must be tony oh so sorry boss that i'm late you're late my dog passed away oh my gosh poor tony that's so sad i just said no excuses i'm so sorry get him up and go clean the front get out get out get out oh my gosh my strict dad has worked with everyone not just me oh geez somebody asked my dad what should i do today you have to go yell at tony what why if he resists then use this my dad literally wants me to use a hammer on tony are you serious come back here when you're done oh my gosh all right i'm gonna go see what's going on with tony oh boy he's just right down here mopping he's not it doesn't seem like he's doing anything bad hey little boss i look so awkward just holding this hammer it's like bigger than me what you got there oh nothing just a hammer i'm supposed to use it if you resist working okay tony's so cool literally he's just such a normal dude i wanna ask him so tony what do you do for fun play with my dogs i have lots of them my dad dm'd me said yell yell yell i don't want to disappoint my dad i think i had to yell at tony shut up tony get back to work sorry little boss good all right so far so good i think my dad will be pretty happy with that he's just right here he's taking some notes that was the most amazing thing i've ever seen thank you dad uh oh he said next you have to go clean my ice cream shop huh clean clean clean oh my gosh okay fine get tony too clean must clean must clean oh shoot spilt some ice cream my dad's watching and i'm just like honestly scared now oh just knocked over the plant yeah it's tony seriously stop tony's gonna get us both in trouble with my strict dad we have to watch out okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna stop doing this i'm gonna go and check out the register you know wipe all this down you know get all the fingerprints and stuff off of the cash all that kind of stuff okay take some bubble gum ice cream don't mind if i do whoops need to pick up the trash can tony literally he's been knocking over everything what the heck uh oh mr dad just said stop stop stop i've had enough both of you in my office now what does my straight dad want to tell us like honestly we were cleaning up the whole shop like he wanted so what does he want well you said come with me son i must talk to you oh boy what's my dad gonna talk to me about oh no fire tony and you get the job i have to fire tony this is the only way what that don't touch on he just pulls out a gun oh my gosh take this if he resists i don't think i need a shotgun to handle tony i don't think he's gonna freak out or anything so all right but i have it i have to fire tony i'm not excited about this mr tony yes so strict parents incorporated has liked your work for a long time you know we have but i'm sad to say we must let you go i'm sorry tony what oh don't cry don't cry tony don't don't cry tony come on i won't be able to feed my dogs shh it's okay tony just get out of my office okay little boss i literally feel terrible about that i literally don't think i should have done that he didn't do anything bad but all right my strict dad just said yes yes yes you are my shining star oh my gosh we're making them happy yay i'm so proud hugs i love you papa you get the job you're hired oh yay we're all united under the strict parents incorporated i'm gonna learn how to be a real worker okay let's go to sleep now oh i am so tired i can get such a good night's rest honestly i've been working hard all day fine tony took a lot out of me so you know i'm excited to go to sleep oh my check mom is right here too hey mama hi night new son sleep sleep sleep yes yes yes sleep one week with the strict family that'll teach me some good stuff about working time to kick back i'm laying down getting so much rest that week with the strict mom and the strict dad that was kind of a long one i'm so excited to be with the fun family this week i'm hoping to have some fun as their name might say but i don't know it's still a little bit early i don't know if i'm gonna get up right now and let me see what time it is oh it's 11 o'clock okay maybe it's time for me to get up oh what the heck they're in here literally hey guys my fun mom's like wow sun sun sun fun fun fun good morning fun sun hi fun family we have a big day today oh we are gonna do the biggest jump in all of brookhaven but um why do you look so serious well i'm just oh okay i'm still wearing my suit from the strict family i probably shouldn't be wearing this i don't have anything else i don't know what else they want me to wear transformation begin oh what's happening oh oh my gosh i look so fun i'm so excited for this they're going so cool my mom said fun you look great thank you mama okay let's start candy for breakfast but first we have to feed our hippos too wait what oh my gosh it's blue bob beady feedy feet bring them over here blue bob eats hippo like food my mom said you guys can eat some too thank goodness literally i'm starving i really really need to eat oh this is giving me all the nutrients that i need can you feed my mega god bob open up blue bob perfect prepare for battle bob battle oh all right let's do it let's see what is a bob battle i don't really know what is a bob battle starts throwing hands whoa mama chill out i'm gonna hit my mom with the famous tofu kick here we go what's up i think i said my dad who not even just hit owie of my arm fun dad no why again why that's no problem i bet he's okay it was just a famous tofu kick it only does a lot of damage i think he's all right sorry about that pop it's broken oh my gosh i just broke my dad's arm i literally literally made his play oh my gosh dang welp anyways let's race to the ice cream shop oh i want to race to the ice cream shop my mom said let's go oh gosh oh gosh we're jumping off that's always scary all right here we go joe you drive okay ready oh i'm ready three two one go that's a shortcut oh he's making a shortcut oh is he okay oh my gosh literally oh my gosh seems like he's good to go okay all right let's keep raising we got this first one to the ice cream shop literally oh my gosh said ah lol oops my leg welp anyways let's get ice cream i think my leg is broken all right so my mom's karen my fun dad because he just broke his leg but it's time for us to get to the ice cream shop i can't wait to eat birthday cake ice cream so good my dad is literally like he really does have a broken leg he's like oh minty okay this is the second most fun thing in brookhaven oh what are we doing it's a big jump oh my gosh i'm scared come with me we need to do something for dad if his leg is broken okay we good let's go all right we're going to the biggest jump in brookhaven i don't really know what this is going to be like oh here it is be careful big fun i'm excited fun dad you go first uh-oh all right my dad's up first let's see how he does on the biggest jump i'm really scared not too bad not too bad whoa he's jumping high oh my dad oh my god okay he's been breaking so many bones i don't know if that one was good how do you need help i don't know oh i think i broke my head broke your turn joe uh mom put on a helmet though now that is a good idea i do need a hell of it baby tofu ready to go on the biggest jump biggest jump time i'm nervous but excited let's make this jump oh here we go bigger jumps every time baby let's do it baby tofu making the biggest jumps and i didn't break my head like my dad wow nice god landing wow wicked fun son literally that was the best job i think i went like a hundred feet in the air that was crazy all right boys in the car all right let me get my dad off to the most fun in brookhaven the number one most fun thing all right my mom just said this is the biggest jump in all of brookhaven oh my gosh it's huge fun dad is gonna try to jump it oh my gosh i'm worried for fun dad he's really been breaking a lot of bones today good luck fun dad good luck i see him coming he's got this does not seem like he has enough speed fun dad button um is he okay i can't move oh my god he looks really bad this time should we help him welp nah oh all right your turn joe wait after all that it's my turn oh my god i rented this ferrari from the strict dad and strict mom incorporated and now i'm gonna use it to jump the biggest jump in all of brookhaven let's do this my mom's cheering me on in chat i got this hallelujah we have to make the jump come on oh my gosh i'm tweaking i'm tweaking let's go yes wowza that was amazing i'm so proud fun son thank you mama let's go we made the biggest jump in all of brookhaven it's like 50 feet right there let's get fun done and get back to sleep ah super long day of jumping the biggest thing in brookhaven eating some ice cream and oh having so much fun what the heck is that who is that oh hello fun family is that is that fun dad oh my god fun dad you're so silly it's time for bed that was one fun day now it's time to go to sleep i need sleep a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so i just spent one week with both of the families and it was a pretty good time literally so now it's time for me to decide which family i want oh man she said okay it's time to decide strict family we will make you ruler of the world with our rules they even have a picket sign saying pickles rules rules rules the strict family always teaches me good lessons and it's always good to follow the best rules that you can learn but i don't know they're always so hard on me i don't know how i feel about it or fun family we will have all the fun in the world fun fun fun the fun family just cared about me a lot and always wanted to be sure that i was having a fun time playing on swings driving around and that is honestly a good life for a kid but now i gotta decide she says okay who do you pick my heart is racing i've decided who i'm going to pick i pick the fun family yay life is about a combination of both of these families so always try to do your best to have some good rules and always have fun life isn't that serious thank you guys so much for watching our video hope you enjoyed drop a like down below and subscribe and your boy tofu we'll see you tomorrow for another roblox video see you later guys
Channel: Tofuu 3
Views: 4,635,314
Rating: 4.8155742 out of 5
Keywords: strict family, fun family, family fun, roblox family fun, roblox fun family, roblox strict family, strict parents, fun parents, roblox strict family vs fun family, roblox family, family roblox, roblox mom, roblox strict mom, strict mom, roblox fun mom, fun mom, roblox strict mom vs fun mom, strict mom vs fun mom, roblox mom vs mom, mom vs mom, roblox, roblox roleplay, roleplay, tofuu, tofuu 3, tofuu rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven roleplay, roblox brookhaven role play
Id: 2O8e8XlspY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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