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hey youtube its OE and today I'm participating in round five a free to thought of by Zoe if this is your first time watching one of my readathons basically all I'm going to do for the next 24 hours is read I will probably go outside and do some things today but it's mostly just to keep myself awake for the next 24 hours I'm still going to read for the entire day the past two readathons have both had themes one was reading spooky books and the other one was reading holiday books but this time I decided not to have a theme at all I just had a personal challenge for myself I will be finishing a series that I started three years ago in my freshman year of college and I'm still only read the first book you can probably guess what the series is by the title of this video but it is the Raven cycle by Maggie Steve otter so this consists of the Raven boys the dream thieves blue Lily Lily blue and the Raven king this is the UK edition doesn't match I know but who cares it's paperback that's all I cared about if you've seen some of my other videos you probably know that I have this issue with finishing series especially series that I like I have a problem getting myself to read any book that I'm pretty sure I'm going to love which sounds so dumb right I essentially save them because I want to be in the perfect time of my life to read them but when is this mythical time coming it's never the perfect time no no it's the perfect time right now today these next 24 hours I'm going to treat myself to an entire day of reading what I assume is going to be one of my favorite series and I cannot wait I don't really have to wait because it is 11:47 so this read-a-thon starts at midnight for your timezone so mine starts in 13 minutes and I have things to do before then I need to submit one of my homework assignments oops I already finished it so we're all good I got a stop talking I got a that assignment before midnight I got to make some coffee to perk myself up and then we got a start reading so fun fact I am actually trying out veganism at the moment those planning on making a vegan version of my traditional isn't it hot chocolate coffee that I always make during readathons I even bought these fancy marshmallows that are beacon but then I forgot to buy vegan hot chocolate the biggest part the biggest component of the hot chocolate I forgot we're just going to have some basic coffee and not the fancy coffee I have grown accustomed to it is midnight or technically it's 12:01 a.m. so I've heard it wasted a minute of reading I'm going to start with the Raven boys actually read it twice I read it three years ago and then I just read it a year ago when I was planning on continuing the series for the second time hopefully I can fly through it in like two or three hours optimism [Music] I forgot how much I love these beautiful children I love them like they're my own I want to be them and also I want to take care of them they're also fleshed out but they still have serious flaws I forgot to tell you but if you want to know what this book is about I actually did an entire review video of this first book so I will link that down below but basically it's about a teenage girl named Blu whose mother aunts mother's friends are all psychics and lived in the same house but blue her self does not have any psychic powers she is kind of like a battery for the other psychics she amplifies their power also she's been told from birth that she will cause her true love to die and it also follows a group of private school boys named Nancy Ronan Adam and Noah who are all searching for a long-lost Welsh king named Glendower who was supposed to be buried on a ley line which is a source of magical energy and the person who wakes up Glendower is supposed to be granted a wish so blue and that group of private school boys come together to search for Glendower there are psychics there are ghosts there's magical energy there's love there's great characters oh it's it's good stuff wait I also just remembered that the Raven boys is becoming a TV series right I haven't heard anything about it for months that's why I forgot about it I really hope it's still happening my biggest dream in life is to be an extra in a movie or a TV show or something and if I could be an extra in the Raven boys TV show I mean just putting that out into the universe I just want to gaze upon the people they cast to play these characters okay I'm done now I'm gonna keep on reading instead of just gushing about these characters it's 12:30 and I am on page 79 already I'm flying through it because like I said before I've already read it twice when I get to the second book which I have not read at all I'll be reading much slower so just trying to speed through it so that I have more time for the next three books I'm so excited to be in this world for the entire day it is 3:17 a.m. and I just finished the Raven boys I love this just as much as hike remembered I love Maggie Steve otters writing style it's so atmospheric I feel like I am in Henrietta Virginia with these people and I just remembered in my review video I made a parody song for the Raven boys so roll the clip That's So Raven boy it's so cute your blue can't see That's So Raven bullying mysterious can see oh yeah that's me yes you probably notice that I am in the bathroom because I am about to take a bat I have my chai and I have the dream thieves which I'm gonna read for the first time I'm not a focus I'm in focus hello how many pages is it oh I'm gonna be spoiled I don't want to be spoiled it is three hundred four hundred and thirty seven pages long I have with so many theories on how everything's going to turn out and now I finally get to see what actually happens now I'm gonna know the truth what am I talking about the Sun is just about to rise and I am outside I'm going to read with the sunrise I feel so at peace right now I'm on page 181 of the dream thieves I'm feeling this there are new characters and we learned so much more about Ronin I was so amped up from sunrise and the Brutes care that I decided to go on the treadmill I'm going to start reading once I stopped filming I haven't exercised in so long I'm probably going to regret exercising at about 9:00 p.m. tonight oh and I'm so tired I probably should save my energy but oh well that's futures that was problem ignore my sweatiness but something just happened in here that I predicted what I predicted in my Raven boys review I feel like a genius right now because usually my theories are so off I just spit ball and say like this could happen maybe also my dad is away good morning we missed you what are you reading today death in a prairie house what is it about it's actually a true story of a murders that took place at Frank Lloyd Wright's house in Wisconsin it is 9:05 and my dad and I are going to go to the farmers market I don't know what we're going to get there if we're gonna get anything but it's just it won't be cool to go I'm on page 327 of the dreams to you it's actually chilly outside right now it's in the 50s which I was not expecting so I had to put on that Captain America hoodie which doesn't match and it's a ruining the outfit check out this book skirts very appropriate today okay we're gonna go right now so we are walking to the farmers market hello listening to the audiobook you read all of the brave insightful right all right oh yeah started after me read them because I recommended the first book to him and then he just went and read all of the books he is always ahead of me in series whatever yes the series I like to do the entire series he just reads them all and but not like me who saves them for a special occasion I'm trying to break the tradition of saving all of the books I want to read it's the start of the new me dad say goodbye to Zoey and say hello to Zoey like the other Zoey I don't know about this new Zoey she has problems you're one of them so that was the farmers market we got kumquats which I don't think I've ever had before now I'm going to go back and read big surprise are you gonna go back and read yes that's so proud of you it is 1027 and I just finished the dream thieves which I liked even more than the Raven boys I love the direction then the story is going I love the relationships that are developing friendships and romantic relationships and oh gosh oh hi dad who's your favorite character in the Raven cycle do you know my favorite what are you doing you weirdo this is where I get it from my favorites would be probably blue and Gansey but that you take that that would be everybody's favorite that's probably everyone's favorite because they're kind of the main characters but Ron's also a good one and of course there is everybody who lives in blue like Persephone and kal oh yes yes but there are all very strong personalities yeah which means that they're very good what's your favorite of the books of the Raven cycle probably the first one now on to blue Lily Lily blue we have to eat lunch first I can eat and read so I decided to have a little picnic outside because it's so rare to have a nice day in Florida I am outside in the Sun and I am not boiling I am not sweating and this is very strange so I had to take this opportunity to actually be outside I'm going to start blue Lily Lily blue I'm also eating this little sushi tofu sushi burrito wrap thing okay I'm going to read now because I still have another entire book to get through in 12 hours whoa you can't have any tricks I'm sorry [Music] what's up it is now just past noon and I am a little sleepy so to get my blood moving to wake myself up a little bit I've decided to reorganize my entire bookshelf it looks like a disaster a lot of these are double stacked too so there are two layers of books none of this is an order I have random stuff on my shelves so I'm going to listen to the audiobook of blue Lily Lily blue Lily Lily blue that's a tongue twister for me I don't know how long this is going to take me because I take a long time to organize things they have to be so perfect but I've been meaning to organize these for a long time a lot of you want a bookshelf tour but before I do a bookshelf tour this has to be presentable and it is nowhere close to that right now but soon it will be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these are all of the books that were on that bookshelf oh my goodness and then we have this bookshelf which I organized a while ago and I still like how it looks so I'm not going to reorganize that one but oh my gosh how am I going to put this much on this bookshelf I know some of you probably like get rid of the vanity area but I've had that vanity area for six years and now I'm so used to it and they're like the look of it so I'm gonna keep it that's where I do my makeup and everything even though I have another mirror right there but whatever so I'm sacrificing two whole shelves because of vanity it is 304 and I did not finish organizing my bookshelves I organized the books but they're still in piles all over my floor I have yet to put them on the Shelf I'll do that when we get home though from the bowling alley oh we're going bowling he's actually a really good bowler I am absolutely terrible you've done strikes and my presents well true but I am NOT I don't ever accept on a Wii bowling like I said before I was listening - and the blue Lily Lily blue audiobook while organizing my bookshelves of for three hours and I am now on page of 219 out of 391 so that's not too bad [Music] you're so good [Music] look how amazing I'm doing I am a winner [Music] we're done with our game of bowling I got a solid 49 points and what you get no it's 160 something which is greater than a hundred points more than me I think I really would have benefited from some bumpers I needed a handicap you all thank you this is a kind man he said to me you ball like a ten-year-old okay okay let the record be showing that he is me you have lit you ignored me I tried to follow his helpful hints they were unhelpful I tried to push him everything in the line I got a gutter ball we had fun it doesn't matter that I stink at bowling it just matters that I try also they played some solid early two-thousands jams it played skater boys up but that's also why I couldn't film too much or even read too much in the bowling alley so probably not the smartest choice if you if you're looking for activities to do during read-a-thon probably don't go bowling I'm about to start reorganizing my bookshelves I'm gonna finally finish doing it these are some of the massive piles I have on my floor but I wanted to physically read some blue Lily Lily blue because I like audiobooks but it's just not the same so far all of these three books they have gone in totally different directions they're not the same plot recycled over and over again there's new characters there's new conflict new supernatural elements are in place and I love the relationships I want everybody to kids also some ones can't I can't talk about it we've known since the first book that something's going to happen but like I don't want it to happen but like it's gonna happen but I mean it could not happen see this is really hard to talk about a book with no spoilers I'm loving it though but I bought Papa I'm loving it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally finish reorganizing my bookshelves they're not perfect I'm definitely going to change some things around but I don't want to spend the rest of today working on these bookshelves also not all of my books are on these shelves I have quite a few books over here that sadly could not fit on the shelves so I'm going to put them down on some spare shelves we have in our garage these are books that I'm not very attached to that doesn't mean that they're bad or anything so now that I have finally finished this journey I am going to eat some dinner and I'm gonna finish a blue a Lily Lily blue because I only have like 100 more pages left I just finished blue Lily Lily blue and Maggie Steve otter you sure know how to write a cliffhanger that epilogue just whoa whoa I'm so happy that I have the next book I can't imagine what it must have been like actually reading the book right when it came out and having to wait for the Raven came because of the epilogue Niebla but just one more book left I don't want it to end maybe tomorrow I'll just do another 24 hours I'm really excited to see how she ties all of the loose ends up the first book is just looking for a long-lost Welsh King and then every single book she's adding more and more which I mean I guess that's how book series work I'm gonna grab myself a little snack and then we're gonna dive right into this little snack Zoey needs to stop I know what's a meme trash what are you doing during this glorious read-a-thon bye Zoey not reading you are truly trash she also had work today okay if you were to read something what would you have read are we kind of like mom de fresh or probably would go back and reread full metal alchemist we've been watching the anime Brotherhood me and Dad I have not seen any of it you're missing out hey like comment and subscribe as always missing out by not watching her reading full metal wow you're a really professional youtuber I'm so proud of you [Music] Barnes and Noble yes I don't really need to buy like I saw earlier I just reorganized my bookshelves and there's no space on them but I mean it's tradition we got to come here and if I buy something I buy something oh well have you found anything you like what happens what are you looking for it that's making it difficult I was gonna try to help you read Harry Potter we are back home from Barnes & Noble we didn't end up getting anything because you know spending money we didn't really want to do that if we didn't have to although it is always kind of disappointing to leave a book store with nothing a massive wave of exhaustion just hit me maybe it was driving back home in the dark and my my brain was like whoa so you've been up for 24 hours already because I did take a nap yesterday and I slept from 3 to 7 I need to make some more coffee we still have hours left over the read-a-thon I still have to read most of the book and William page 62 I'm sited but also I'm so tired it'll be okay everybody I know you're also concerned how is your reading going slowly because this is a biography and it also talks about a bunch of his works which I keep researching and getting distracted so I'm I'm doing like three times the reading because I'm reading all the reference material I mean but now you're gonna know Frank Lloyd Wright really well so you aren't very true you're an expert those into a lot of detail here I'm on page 242 sorry I'm putting on a face mask right now but I input page 242 and something that I've been waiting for for centuries just happened and I am so happy I'm I can't tell you what it is obviously because a lot of you have not read this book but things happened and I am so happy I'm so sorry for being so big with all of my updates throughout this video but I just need to express my emotions without spoiling you all and my emotions right now are it is eleven forty eight twelve minutes ahead of schedule might I add and I just finished the Raven king by Maggie Stiefvater the last book in The Raven cycle a lot of things happened in this book as is the norm for books in general but Maggie Steve honor was able to tie up all of the loose ends and she gave me almost everything on my wish list of events to happen plus things I didn't even know I wanted so all in all this was a solid conclusion to a great series honestly I couldn't have picked a better serious to read for 24 hours I was engaged the entire time I was sucked into the world and it turned out to be the perfect day in the end that is the moral of the story and a big part of why it was such a perfect day is because of you all all day I was running reading sprints and interacting with you all on Twitter and kind of creeping on all of your Instagram pictures and it absolutely warms me to my core it melts my heart to see everybody come together to share their love of reading and cheering everybody on everybody is so supportive I love our community I am so lucky to be in the position that I'm in to share my love of reading with so many people who nerd out about the same things who are willing to read for 24 hours with me thank you to all of you who read with me today if you couldn't that's cool thanks for watching this video I have not slept for 29 hours so I'm going to head to bed and I will talk to you all in the morning with a little wrap-up goodnight hello everybody I am finally recovered from the read-a-thon and the twenty nine hours without sleep so I am ready to calculate just how many pages I read how many pages are in the Raven cycle let's find out I read the Raven boys which is four hundred and eight pages long the dream phase which is four hundred and thirty seven pages long Lou Lily Lily blue which is three hundred and ninety-one pages long and last but not least is the Raven king which is four hundred and thirty eight pages long I added it all up and I read one thousand six hundred and seventy four pages in 24 hours or less than 24 hours actually because I finished early and also I went bowling which was a dumb idea because I couldn't actually read while bowling so overall not too shabby I finally read this series which has been haunting me been there on my shelves just staring at me saying why Zoey why have you neglected for three years I cannot tell you which one is my favorite because I don't know when one book ended and the other one began I also can't tell you which character is my favorite because I love them all maybe blue is my favorite because I feel like I get her and I also get Gansey Ben but bronan ronan grew so much during the series and henry in the last book i love him i I'm sorry I can't give you any definitive answers right now I'm still in the honeymoon stage let me know down below if you read this series which book is your favorite and which character is your favorite if you can tell me if you haven't read the series are you planning on picking it up now I hope so again thanks to all of you who joined me in this 24 hour read-a-thon let me know down below if you joined how many pages you read or if you weren't able to join tell me one good thing that happened today just tell me some good news I'd love to hear it I think this video has gone on long enough thank you so much for watching it this is a very long video and we'll talk to you soon in my next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: readbyzoe
Views: 381,929
Rating: 4.9807224 out of 5
Keywords: BookTube, BookTuber, Readathon, 24 Hour Readathon, The Raven Boys, The Dream Thieves, Blue Lily Lily Blue, The Raven King, The Raven Cycle, Maggie Stiefvater, Book Review, Reading Vlog, Bookshelf Tour, Bookshelf Reorganization
Id: O94pyuklZbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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