I Ranked Lifesteal SMP...

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today we're going to be doing a tier list but first we're going to be having a bacon waffle zero face reveal bam oh my God Guys bacon waffles face cam I'm gonna do that one more time look at that all right guys it's time to get in some tearless though it's time to get in some cheerless so first let's tier list the lifesteal members based on their skins let's start with mine so we gotta put ourselves at s tier my skin is great all right it's actually the best oh no you can't do that come on it's not us here what do you mean okay then where is it it's like a solid like B bro it's just a basic dirt bro it's not a base okay I may have stolen it off the internet like two years ago but do you see how much character you see how much like emotion is in these eyes nah it's like an a at best now you see that's why you couldn't rate skins let's do yours next it's not an S though it's not an S that's the thing okay your Skin's pretty good it's pretty good it's got the it's not the face what's bad about it it's just a little bit I don't know like I've seen like 15 people with the same skin if you don't put me at s you're biphobic sometimes they have to make some sacrifices what there's a lot of other people that look like you bro you're not different I'll put you in a tier though I mean like you know it's the Skin's good it's just there's too many copycats you know let's go with ashwagner I do feel like ash bag Skin's kind of great the ashfox skin is really good it's iconic Ashley's got to be eight here right okay let's go with Vortex Dragon over here this kid has the most boring Minecraft skin in all of existence bro he doesn't even have a mouth you can't see his eyes he has a basic hoodie and basic pants this would be at like the top of name MC vortexes gets a personality in his skin listen you know he's got a lot of Personality as a person but the skin is basic I feel like you got to put him in F just like just to send a message Vortex dragons change your skin for someone who did make a good change I really like Pope's skin I don't know if it's eightier it's not as iconic as like ashwags and I guess yours it's good for thumbnails and it's like also it looks nice and branding is good I don't know if he's on ash bag level though I'm putting him a beat here this is my TR list make your own tier list video let's go with Brandy crab okay so Brandy is old and I feel like with his skin he sort of wants everyone to know he's old because he has like white hair and stuff like he kind of looks like if you look at another like the right way he could be a 50 year old man I think Brandy's a solid C tier his Skin's not anything like crazy but it's good it works let's go with Vitality next okay Vitality skin I feel like could be made a lot better if he just upped the Vibrance he's got to be a little bit better for thumbnails make it like more purple too just add purple now I like that it goes with his Vibe but it's just not that interesting I feel like he's a seat here all right let's go with Boogie let's go with woogie woogie has got a good brand go he's a polar bear and he's got a suit that's pretty solid I feel like we'll use a very very solid beat I feel like he's a very solid B let's go with clown Pierce if I had no idea who clown Pierce was looking at this skin it's probably a C or D but like considering everyone knows clown Pierce and how iconic the skin is now I feel like I have to move it off it could be ass just for like yeah I'd say it has to be yes it has to be yes all right let's go with yeah Jaren I love Warren skin I think it's really good it's another like nothing like crazy but yeah the hat and the coat it does go crazy it does go crazy I think it's got to be a solid eight here I mean it's just like dude it's so like it's just so Jaren because you know he's got like three ducks and maybe a gun in that briefcase all right let's go Cube I really like Cube skin it's such good branding Mr cube is so a yeah it's so unique too because like who else has a cube as their head all right let's go to clutch honestly I like the clutch red suit I think it is interesting and he is also Rocking The Derp Face so as you can see his dirt face is his mouth is higher than mine I'm not entirely sure I guess it means he has a really small forehead I don't know like it's not it's not the most interesting I gotta put some respect on the dirt face name I don't think I can put him anything lower than a c all right let's go Leo what Leo looks good I feel like it's a little polarizing because he doesn't have a face huh yeah no that's what I say too I do like the skin though I feel like it's got to be a Solid V because the suit is cool I like the tie in the suit all right let's go with mavic honestly I don't dislike mapic skin maybe because generic it is but it also works for him The Faded hoodie color is awesome I like the gradient I feel like you can make it brighter dude it's just so boring I gotta put it in D right I think there needs to be a more unique element right you gotta put something on the hoodie all right let's move on to pangy dupangy's cool pangies are cool he's got a cool skin okay Panky dude panky's got to be eight here right like he's just such a it's just such good branding look at his little hands you can't go wrong parrot we got to talk about parrot okay okay so what this doesn't show is the the parrot drawn on his back I think it's sort of like clown pierces and normally it's sort of ugly like it's like sort of weird and splotchy and stuff like the face is good but once you get down to the bottom of the Skin's a little odd but it's so recognizable you know like parrots just so parrot at this point I don't think it could be any like any lower than a b do you think that it would be crazy to prepare to be it's really stands out against the crowd and it works with the brands I gotta put him at B I gotta put him in B because it's like it's iconic but it's just not as cool as clowns all right let's see your Dunes let's see what dudes we're doing skin I think you could sort of tell that it's a good skin because of how many people have the exact same skin like there's at least three other small SMP YouTubers who have just this exact skin redoons as a or higher definitely I mean a is kind of high I don't know if I can put it with a with the just like the sort of boring suit and then just a red face B is soft you know B is solid Rec wrap okay request skin is good like I love wreck rap skin I think the only downside is that he has a Steve face it's it's between SRA for rack wrap I think it's just two I Think It's gotta be asked here Rose skin okay Rose skin I think is a little bit polarizing I think people people can disagree on the rosham bow skin because it is just three floating hands but it's like unique you know I think he might have to be an a I think he might have to be a solid a tear all right spectacle I like spectacle skin it's not that crazy of a skin it's just sort of what he is you know he's a red slime with a hoodie on and headphones but you would be the max it could go and I think B might be a little bit generous okay he's a very strong C tier all right let's go with spoke spoke skin is like Planet Lord but worse true honestly I think it's s you think it's s here bro it's so good it's a good skin dude I feel like he's better than all the a Skins yeah he could be asked you he could be asked you he could be asked here all right let's go subs subs is a very interesting skin it's very detailed compared to a lot of like the Skins are very like simple and stuff and spectacles is very detailed I like the skin I feel like I feel like it can be a tier because like no one else has this skin Subs is very unique all right so anyway Subs I think would be a tier let's go to rain okay what are your thoughts on Terran Planet when you look at it I think terrain is Asia you he train is S2 every time I see a stupid face bro I get so angry I wish I could punch it all right fine it's Gotta Be Like A though I'll put him in a okay he is unique he's ugly as hell but he is unique okay mid Mystic the Skin's pretty cool the crown with the hoodie is an interesting choice I think it's cool I might have to put it in a b though like it's it's good because B is good you know there's some good skins and B all right now what everyone's been waiting for faked Minecraft curious where should we put him there's a hardware it's not worse than Vortex Dragon I'm putting him D let's go with Prince Sam let's go with Prince Sam I think Sam is probably the most argued about skin people either people either think he's F tier or he's s tier what do you think planets m is s I agree dude Sam his ass bro I'm sorry but if you don't have Zam and S tier like dude his skin is so good it's so simple but it's so good this is this is my definitive lifestyle skin tier list feel free to screenshot let's let's go on let's move on to a different a different little tier list okay now I'm gonna be raiding People based on if I would beat them in a fight yeah real life fight okay so me of course I'm I tied with myself if a clone of me it fought me it'd be a tie obviously everyone knows that that's number one rule to start off with Vortex Dragon okay so I don't actually know how strong Vortex dragon is but I think Vortex is uh is a good swimmer right he's kind of a swim he's kind of a swimmer so I feel like he's pretty athletic I think he's a little bit tall I think he could probably beat me but like he wouldn't destroy me it would just be like he'd beat me ramsaycraft okay Brandy is old but he's not that old I feel like you get to a certain age and then it starts reversing I think he's still in the age where like he beats me because he's tall too Brands he's tall as far as I know so I think I'd have to put him in I think he'd beat me he wouldn't destroy me because he's a little bit old baked I'm sorry big I would destroy baked in a fight it's nothing personal but I could beat him up let's go let's go to Planet Lord let's go to Planet Lord do I beat you plan Lord what do you think what do you think I don't know you have like a few inches on me I mean planet is height on me but I I think I think I'd beat him all right let's go IRL clown Pierce he's not like crazy like ripped he's no he's no is him in real life I think clown would probably beat me but not by that much all right mid Mystic I think mid Mystic is possible we tie I think me and mid would tie I think we'd tie all right no I don't think so I think we're pretty close I think we'll be pretty cool closed captioning not available you don't get muscles from building a megabase it's cool but you don't okay yeah Jaren so yeah Jared normally I wouldn't say beats me in a fight okay he's like a little it's just a little bit taller than me he's not like incredibly obviously strong but he's been taking boxing classes and because of that he beats me is if you know what a box you you win the fight Prince Sam okay think about Prince Sam I think he's around my height he's definitely stronger than me but he doesn't have he doesn't have it in him so unfortunately I would beat you all right Leo look destroys me he's got he's got so much height on me and he's he's strong I think I think Leo destroys man wreck rap destroys I don't think he destroys uh I don't know he is definitely way stronger than me but he's not that much taller than me right like he's about he's similar height to me wreck will win wreck would definitely win but the question is if he would destroy me but he would still beat me if necessary I don't think he'd destroyed me though because I I think I think he'd stop all right clutch I don't know if he's super strong but he is definitely taller than me clutch is pretty tall and he's Scrappy you know and he also would not feel any remorse for fighting me I think clutch might beat me alright maybe says time maybe it says Ty all right we'll put him in time by Tallassee I don't know if you guys know this okay vitalacy is one of the most intimidating people I've ever met he could destroy Vitality would destroy me okay ashwag I think ashwag beats me but I don't know if I want to give him the satisfaction of putting him in the day destroy me yeah I think ashtray could beat you I have to put him and he'd destroy me because he would but I don't like it you know I don't like doing that I know I destroy spap I'm sorry it doesn't matter how tall this kid is there is I've never seen spectacle IRL by the way I've never seen a picture of him never met him just as just based on him me knowing him I think I destroy spectacles okay spoke destroys me he's tall and he's muscular enough that he could destroy me okay Cube so Cube I think Cube destroys me because like it might not seem like it he like hikes mountains and stuff like he's got cardio and survival skills and then we have verdunes verdunes is kind of old too he's actually not that old but he sort of gives off old Vibes and he could beat me he wouldn't destroy me but he beats me yeah okay okay this is my definitive tier list
Channel: Baconnwaffles1
Views: 161,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ye2X48Q6wgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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