I Coded a Lifesteal SMP Video Game

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I would rate the lifesteal s p video game uh me personally I think I'd rate the lifestyle SMP video game I would rate the lifesteal video game with the lifesteal experience is hard to get I mean you just can't log on I want to fix this and let anyone wants to be able to experience the same lifesteal paranoia I plan to make a life steal some humidity again the only problem being I need permission to do that so yeah is it cool if I um make a life so stupid video game yes all right share your shift what in the world are you talking about you know I should probably ask a lifesteal member all right gear shift here's the deal if you code the game and you get three life steal members to average at least a 5 out of 10 review of it I will let you release the lifesteal SMP video game I can do that I think let's get started first off I plan on using processing JS to make this essentially what processing.js is to take this code stuff from MIT tell this HTML page thing to look at this JavaScript thing for this other thing and now you can make a square my biggest problem now is that I don't have much experience with processing JS and it's like from 10 years ago and no one uses that anymore I don't know why I chose to use this the bad thing about me not having too much experience is that there's lots of stuff I have no Cloud to do for example adding images and sound effects I will just Google the solution but everything is from 10 years ago so there's nothing however that's not your problem and you don't care at all so fixed it literally took me forever and I just needed two lines but I couldn't find them anywhere on the internet did I mention images by the way for my game I wanted to have the life still members as characters luckily there's this guy named Aqua Mythic who made these epic pixel arts lost lifestyle members seeing these were honestly what inspired me to make this game since they just look so cool I got permission to use them and they said they would make the rest soon in Forest on the game cough cough foreshadowing to a problem later in the video so now that we have that all figured out it's time to make the game first I worked on just a very basic menu that could go to the next scene after clicking This Heart it would bring you to the character selector I didn't want anything to Crazy to start with and as you can see it really doesn't even look good that's because I want to work on the next thing quickly and come back to the menu at the end next I start on the character selector also at this point I made a typo input grm and sojourn I really don't know why I decided to keep this or why I found it funny but for literally all the rest of the code I just put Jeremy I don't understand why I thought this would be good content for the video but I guess it works once I finished all the variables I was able to start positioning them on the character selector I tried to space them all out where they had room to be clicked on also made parrot fly and also Planet ashwag due to their videos and I put Terrain in the train because he's the terrain now I just need to wait for aqua to make the other characters in time cough cough foreshadowing another thing I had to do for the characters was that hitboxes they needed a way to actually select the character and click on them seeing the way to go so I made it to Tekken the mouse is hovering over it and when they clicked I also added a white square around them when you hover over them to show who you currently had selected this part took forever because I had to get the exact coordinates for everything for each character and make it just right eventually though I got them all with this the character selector was basically done and I can move on to work on something else until I got the other eight lifestyle members art so I decided to work in the actual game which brings me on to the actual concept for the game I wanted a game kind of similar to The Hunger Game simulator I really didn't have enough experience to make any sort of PVP type game especially just on some horrible and art and wouldn't be able to add animation to these so I wanted to go for some sort of simulation of sorts so in the Life still something video game your goal is to get to 100 days without losing all your hearts you start with 10 hearts of course and almost every day you get asked a question to that you can respond with a or b each will have a different reward or what you don't want consequence everything was looking out for this project until I really looked up at everything I really hadn't made too much progress and looking at the next party and make well it would take me like a year of constant Works to make it I really got to motivated and before I knew it I hadn't logged on for a few days then a week then a month and before I knew it I hadn't worked on the project for two months I didn't believe finishing was possible and wondered if people would even care for me how over I wasn't ready to quit yet into the best thing I knew to get inspired I messaged my friend daddy cat to give me a pep talk I guess we'll see how this goes gear shift when you started on this project you knew that it would be a struggle you knew that you would have to work hard code for hours and persevere through the problems but you did this because at the end of the day you knew that the outcome would be worth it gear shift you cannot give up on this project you will push through and you will complete this and you will finish the lifesteal SMP video game yo thanks a lot Tabby that was actually really inspiring and it seriously makes me that will be forty thousand dollars I was back and after the pep talk I realized a very simple thing I completely forgot about encoding or raise these would let me easily connect variables and values without having thousands of if statements realizing this changed the entire project a race completely solved the promise dreading doing and the game was Off to the Races first I go to the random question part it took way less time than I thought now I only need to put the question what A and B are and then the results and answers it was no longer possible to do these things and the project was really starting to come together if I really worked on this I could definitely get done in a few weeks but then I remembered something you see when starting this project I originally gave life sellers due date I totally thought I'd have it done by then so I said if I didn't then the deal would be over and that day is seven days from now I have seven days to make this game fully work is this even possible did I waste all my time making this just for it to be pointless but after remembering what dabby said I knew I could do it so I got to work okay we just have one day left and I got a lot done I made the A and B buttons actually work and yields different results I did a different texture from any hover over button I made some transitions to add sound effects and added a really rushed win and lost screen the own problem now is something I've been ignoring you see for the past few weeks I've been trying to get the drawings for the other life sealers but the problem is the artist is really busy I was able to get four of them but with only one day left the odds of me getting the final three would be basically impossible oh with the games on it was finally time to see if I passed and was able to publish the lifestyle SMP video game super interesting so okay lifesteal SMP game all right here we go lifesteal video game never thought I would see the day okay so I just click play or like one of these Hearts oh okay yo okay oh my God yo this looks sick I like all the fan art so you have to select a character okay obviously I'm gonna be red crap no I'm just kidding uh oh all right I can I can pick myself here that's pretty nice uh I'm pick bran Sam me personally uh I don't know I don't know why I just feel like it uh you want to make a trap uh which one do you do drip Stone Trap Teams do trap you know I've been a big explosive fan recently I think I think I'll pick TNT trap the Trap worked and you got the huge day huge huge massive okay red has better stuff than you and threatens you oh he threatens me what do you do log off LOL tell him he's two chickens oh man this is so tricky um I feel like I'm just gonna tell him he's a chicken I mean logging off is a great strategy and I've done that before but you're not really supposed to log off so I'm gonna say B there that's what I thought that's what I thought let's go Brandon's been stealing from her what do you do stop him mind your own business ah hmm good question I do like killing red but I also don't really care that he stole from anyone I'll probably just mind my own business okay so I need to live a hundred days okay I need to survive 100 days as Prince am okay W I'm at 10 Hearts still dang this is definitely the longest I've been um 10 hearts at on lifesteal uh wreck is feeling kind and gives you a heart what a nice guy Cube kills you do you get revenge uh yeah hate Mr Cube I won the fight huge clown starts chasing you do you run okay bro I don't think this is even a question okay you suspect we're gonna be hacking what do you do challenge him nice clutch blows up your cactus farm with your uh blow up his Farms man yeah there you have found a heart while blowing up his face okay huge uh you want to make a trap which one do you make a drip Stone trap a TNT trap oh well um so trips or trips are kind of hard you have to like pinpoint them pretty accurately I'd say TNT well I mean same thing with TNT try well I don't know I'm gonna go with TNT trap let's go dude it's gonna love a castle spot I would mind it down it was a social experiment you got a heart see that's why I'm the best Minecraft player there is it's about Leo do you go yeah sure he was just lonely yeah sometimes he is after the POG disbanded Ramsay killed your dog I'll talk to him about it I would never fight Ramsay see I I believe in him see mid grief in your base yo get out of here spoke has been going around killing people what do you do hide they find you they kill you hide yeah that's what I thought that's what I thought bro you see Vortex what do you do kill him obviously yeah of course if he kills you yeah I get revenge I win this is not going well for me um look he killed your dog what do you fight him die oh my God 25 days left you felt um that's not good we don't like that we don't like to see that we're at two hearts we're at two hearts you're at least about a hundred Iron Golems what do you do uh kill uh you you got rid of that but died how about five Hearts uh call my allies let's go oh my gosh no I'm running out of hearts oh what do you no I don't want to do that no no Ro is is feeling kind and gives you a heart oh my I'm climbing bro a comeback on day 86. leave him alone no no oh my gosh bro fight him let's go let's go we're at eight hearts day 94. you've got to be kidding me is this just death do I just lose the worst day of my life uh Peggy is a subscribe to gear shift what do you do well I gotta find him let's go see both of what do you say what's up loser Boba changes their skin to the Hulk and starts chasing you around you're very confused yeah that seems like a poofa thing to do I can't I lost in the gear shift lifestyle video game I'm going to cry it happens okay nice well that's that's decent I think that's a pretty good score isn't it you spot spectacle day 90 okay you go talk to them no let's go that's a w that's a w ow I would rate the lifesteal s p video game uh seven out of ten me personally I think I'd rate the last SMP video game a nice eight out of 10. I would rate the lifesteal video game with a seven out of ten I've done it I'd pass the test and can now release the game but I have a bit of an evil plan okay maybe not that evil you see for the longest time I've been trying to hit 17 000 subscribers to commemorate my username gear show 17. so if I can get to 17 000 subscribers by the end of the month I'll use the money generated from this video to pay for domain and release the game with an update free for all without ads it may seem like a lot but I've seen people gain much more subs in much less time and if we already hit the goal by the time you see this still subscribe it's free and let me know when I upload new videos and when I release the game check out this video where I basically turn myself into 3D printer or if you're in the future or a time traveler here's my most recent video I have no clue what it's about I wonder if Minecraft still think I wonder if I'm still leaving coding see y'all thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: GearShift
Views: 56,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lifesteal, Lifesteal SMP, SMP, ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Zam, Prince Zam, Clown Pierce, Mr Cube, Mrcube6, Parrot, Lifesteal game, Lifesteal video game, Free, Game, Gaming, GearShift, Gearshift, Gearshift17
Id: kozqnZgh_Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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