My Quest To Become God On This Server

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this is Captain Sparkles this is the White House and this is a gun what do they all have in common today they were all added to the LIF steal smpp a server where if you kill someone you take one of their permanent Hearts it all started when the server owners decided that life steal needs a g it's going to be me isn't it but I didn't want to run since I had just nuked the world and knew that nobody here would vote for me so I was just going to stand here while I can't help but notice that all the candidates up on stage are men let's give it up for guess I'm running for president slod now everyone else announced their policies okay so as I said before we want let's go for but I've been pushed on stage two seconds ago so I didn't have any yet hello my name is squido and I'm here against my will yeah now just to be clear we are voting in a president SLG good the president slod is allowed to make three server wide changes to life steal but they don't actually get any special effects in game so no flying no creative mode you remain as a regular player it was also now that I decided to test a theory I had called Squid's Law whatever the silliest thing that could possibly happen is it'll happen to me and so I knew as soon as I stepped on that stage with 100% certainty that no matter what I did I knew that I was going to end up as God but this could be fun let's try and win anyway on the first day of the election my friend spoke made me redraw album covers to put up his propaganda around the server asag who I thought was my bro became this Ultra ego version of himself called who was loyal to nobody except the elections so here's a grand tally of everybody who was going to vote for me great the current candidates were Minch run forceit mapic and myself ding dong it's the commissioner he keeps posting these pngs on Twitter of who's currently winning and all of a sudden in Discord he drops this force of it is winning how's it going squidster it's going pretty good okay what is like the policy that you want to pass like if you got president I want to in creative mode in creative mode all right that sounds pretty cool I like it we each get one policy that we canect and we would all three be leaders of Life steal together unified which is my whole thing of unity together squido would you like to join our presidential Coalition the deal he was offering me here was insanely good so good that it kind of felt unfair to the other players so I said no it also meant that if I could take down force of it I could drag redun down with him to two birds one stone style and for those who need a recap myself and force of it worked on draw boss woo to build a nuke and threaten the world I betrayed them and banned Wu because he didn't pay me force of it undulated and now we're here at the presidential debate Wu was kind of considered like the scourge of the earth after that by the way but me and fory got off totally scul free but rumor has it that he's back nah that couldn't be true I cannot wait to watch people debatable who's debating the candidates you wait what am I hold on for wait I had warned it to be force of its allies since we worked together on the nuke but now aseg had forced us to be enemies but this was actually pretty good for me for's campaign was all about wanting Unity which I knew was true but I knew that I could probably trick other people into thinking it was a lie considering he just tried to you know blow up the world with everyone in it so I gathered a bunch of out of Contex Clips to make him look as evil as possible and even though most of it was just me baking stuff up I had a Smoking Gun a dark secret that ferit wanted nobody to know and now that he was my enemy I could use that bullet against him uh squid closing statements for's been crazy lying to you that's crazy coming from you squid do the LIF still smpp know who revived woo they do not I know that you wanted this old gun and I was the one trying to stop you and I compiled a plethora of evidence including voice recordings from forceit of him explaining how he was manipulating you the best way to lie is to not tell the whole truth right and I think that's cool his main campaign is that he cares about spawn he's bu all of this to convince you but This Is A Lie while we were working on the nuke I was the one trying to commit force of it not to hurt Spa because I didn't want to damage player activity but he said that it was quote just spawn if he really cared about the server the whole time why would he insist on blowing it up even when I asked him not to secondly force it was the one who revived Wu the night before the election force was still trying to convince Wu to work together the only reason that they're not working together is because Wu wanted to take a break from Life steal when he revived Wu he was even asking me how to make it seem like he was innocent because he didn't want people to know that he done it because he knew it would make you distrust him now a lot of people watching this are probably kids in the corner and I'm very sorry but he was manipulating you too so yesterday Z was interrogating people he knows we're building some type of machine we don't want him anywhere near the nether or the Overworld much the kids in the corner actually just messaged me today asking if we wanted to hang out right I can almost guarantee because I'm involved Zam is going to interrogate them so something that I'm thinking is what if I get to them first and what if if I have them tell Zam that we're doing something in the end and lastly Bry if you're watching this I'm sorry but he's been lying to you as well to test his loyalty I asked him to break into the heart Factory and startop messing with stuff he didn't record it because why would he want evidence of that but I did it's going to be fine it's just a little goofy it's just a little prank how would they know how would you know yes vote for forid if you want a president who loves lying to your face and then bragging behind your back so good at manipulating people into Li him that is crazy that's crazy dude web was like the only person who's been saying vote for us yet are you feeling convinced yeah now just to clarify this is all just LIF L it's not actually real we're friends off camera anyway it was at that point too that I realized I should probably actually ask ashwag aka the server owner aka the commissioner AKA life Lord if I was allowed creative mode and so we're back to having no policies at the same time the community voting was also well underway and we found out that whoever won would get the equivalent of three votes it was also not that I realized that this py talk not a prediction this was the real live result from the community bll which I could use to figure out who was currently winning by creating a second Paul and entering the names in the same order you can decode which color Google Docs assigned to each person and this was not force of it this was minute Tech but all hope he's not lost one night I'm calling spoke my number one supporter and the second server owner when he says he's going to check the community votes and he just starts bursting out laughing and I'm like why you laughing and he DMS me this an updated version of the pie chart blue is minute Tech and red is me now I had full confidence that you guys would clutch and win this for me cuz you guys are the best so I considered this three more votes in the bag for squido bringing us to a grand total of six equal to force of it but not enough to topple fory Dunes despite this Squid's law still had me 100% convinced that regardless I was going to win and I thought it would be funny if that happened while I was wearing a clown skin so I so I made clown skin I don't know and I logged on to life deal obviously spoke voted for SC yay you better not be doing this one by one bro awes he was mid voted for for and red red voted for for and red Mr Q voted for for and red for voted for for and red squ voted for herself who's been surprised at this point no me spectacle being as clueless as he is decided to vote for squido you voted for squid something else that I thought was interesting was that the prop guy himself r also voted for for onto the public V minute was like voed for a long time and then just completely got his lead obliterated as the boats were tallied it ended up with fory Dunes in the lead followed by mic and myself with only one vote remaining I have not voted yet no matter who he voted here fory Dunes had already won if that's not to say it didn't mean anything the second I joined the server ashwag and spoke saved me from being farmed by mapic and spoke teamed with me straight away but ashwag for some reason he resented me what happened squid dude get the get this squid out of my side squido is dead weight no no no no no no and when we banned Wu together I thought I'd finally convinced him that I wasn't a dead weight that it was worth saving me that we could be allies and and this was his chance to prove it all he had to do was vote for me and confirm that saving me hadn't been a mistake it would be like really messed up psychological warfare if he pretended that we were friends and then looked me in the eyes and voted for mapic betraying me for the person he saved me from in the first place but like I've had my fair share of disappointments on this over right he's my friend so why would he do that um why would he do that but I like maybe so I'm waiting for May why are we shooting why are we shooting how does this make you feel can you see the clown skin I'm wearing I hope that Arrow hurt as much as you just hurt me squid you tried destroying the silver I'm going to real quick ban squ from for a week for trying to destroy and ban for for a week for also trying to destroy I felt like an idiot why would I kill you it's called the woo plan the woo team and you know squ 14 might be I actually believe that you could trust people on LIF still but what's worse I had to watch fory be elected on Twitch because I was banned the policies by unity no more crafting hearts and thirdly that their joint president captain spus yet to decide the last one so that's cool red got death band and ashwag unbanned me and forcey out of Guild and I I wasn't even mad because Captain spos was going to join the game fory can we be friends again sure we can be friends again yay but there was still one problem stupid things always happen to me and I wasn't yet gone so what was going on if both fory and Captain Sparkles are banned what's going to happen then can I distribute my power to sidow temporarily until Captain power like I'm nominating my Sid the universe bends around me despite the fact that I literally lost the election there I stood in my clown outfit god of the life seal SMP the fate of Life seal literally is in the hands of red forcey Captain sparkle squid despite this Victory my godhood didn't actually give me any special powers because Captain Sparkles was still owed the policy meaning I was more a demig god than an actual God however we were due to have another election as soon as Captain Sparkles left left the game so I figured if I got in the good graces of everybody online by protecting Captain Sparkles the odds of me being elected were pretty high okay he's about to join the game what wise words does he have to say what does it mean to be a mogger what is mogging and meing does mewing actually [Music] work Captain Sparkles please join the life steel smpp hey it looks better this time joined the game am I surrounded right now by faithful supporters he was not in fact surrounded by faithful supporters but why does everyone here hate Captain Sparkles well it's because of his policy a mysterious mod pack that we got set that upon loading broke my legs for some reason help me Ry from looking at the files we could kind of tell that it was going to be something to do with guns and airships now guns were self-explanatory but none of us could have quite foreen how the airships would come into play do I have a Podium or something like that with a white house to address the state from be better a White House might be better oh my oh my goodness this pleases me greatly red couldn't land it so we flew up to the White House as Captain gave a speech my fellow Americans I have come to restore the bance but what is it set that Prince burst out of nowhere and dropped Captain's and as he fell the gates of hell open and the skies turned red get the that out of here the White House took off into the sky the anti-s sparkers announced themselves I just wanted to say my name is mapic not mapic kill you really hard to fight because some sort of biblical Rapture kept happening Captain ble started sliding off the roof I'm going to need some Secret Service protection here so the secret surface jetted off to reconvene the secret surface was full of weak players who wouldn't stand a chance to those guys normally but luckily for us Captain Sparkles had an ace up his sleeve so we all turned to him and he pulled Captain what is that Captain allow me to provide you all guns Captain Sparkles had access to guns that only he could summon thank you Captain [Music] first and foremost we need to take back the White House who's with me with you unacceptable we had about 2 hours to reclaim the White House and restore the captain before he had to log off so while we planned how to do that we figured we should store him somewhere safe can let have to protect him on all sides and we were heading towards somewhere we were heading towards force of it base and force of it base had a lot of houses and you know it was his base so he was it was like he was the king but we recently nuked it so I guess in a way you could say that his kingdom was fallen so we were flying through the an it's suppos to it Fallen Kingdom and we see mid Mystic has built this welcome to the Fallen Kingdom wow I've never been in the Kingdom with guns before either I mean honestly who who needs the White House when we can have this not to alarm anyone but someone who isn't in our VC is currently watching us move around what my heart began to race but then I saw who pulled up yo yo yo spoke my former Ally SL God has just shown up naked on our doorstep this was very suspicious so we had to surround him with guns look I don't know much all right all I know is that the White House is upside down crashed in the middle of Spawn right now I managed to escape with my life oh I'm really terrified what is their he killed our only in now all we knew is that he was escaping from someone who was coming to us and that he was scared you think I should stay back here until we hear the report you might need a bodyguard Mr Sparkle us three going to go get a Scouting Report all right want let's go good luck but the second that they left P started that Prince was in the base and bomb started dropping from the ceiling the captain go to the Tower and then jum off it in slow motion Prince burst through the ceilings and we tried to hold him off with our guns as the captain ran away we discovered a horrible truth our guns did barely any damage Mr Cube died protecting the captain and I the guns don't do anything the guns don't do anything the GS don't work Captain respond respond I had no elytra so I trundled back to the church to regroup with the captain captain you know I got married in this church watch out who's below us it's us hey hey hey okay someone lead Captain's like a bunker or something let's go go go I tried to follow them when I came back I saw that somebody had died within the church so I looted their corpse getting me an elytra the captain was immediately killed and a mysterious player showed up so I crept away I gave him to the captain and we let him somewhere safe where we decided a plan we would use him as bait to lure the enemies away from the White House where somebody would take it back fly it over here we'd restore Captain to it and win that gravity of the ship is going to go away for a second which means we're all going to fall the White House is falling it's going to land on me on you holy it's the White House off losers how do I get on this thing you climb up climb up I scrambled up onto the white house but the physics was so weird up there and I slid on I fell off the White House I totally closed it oh my God how far away from Spawn Pilots ETA how do I move forward spoke where is it that we're trying to get to by the way we want to get it to spawn where it rightfully belong everybody else in here is is good we're the real ones but this Tranquility didn't last very long because wait hold on May just flew by invisible Sky pirate started invading a I accidentally shotgun mid Mystic sorry mid I kept this spell retreated into a corner as absolute Carnage broke out eat the G like your life depends on a c because it do I tried shotgun again and again but bullets couldn't penetrate his plot armor and we all fled to the balcony I got a few hits on M because I knew he wouldn't resist the chance to kill me but I leted him into this corner and trapped him with webs to get him away from the captain was shot still alive jumper and I try and gets them off the edge and minute finishes the job dooming him to fall minut let's go bacon followed as well as naked but lastly I fell off too I hit a ground lited with corpses and started taking things and saw that jahoo was here too but we weren't alone maybe landed in the water with us I can't fight him dude I'm at like four Hearts I'm at 11 Hearts oh my god I've never been this you please land this thing we 3 one him for a while but eventually I realized it's not going to happen so I run away I'm left on the floor looking at heaven maybe Angels it's very beautiful and then may pops out of nowhere and kills me as I'm coming back we realized our 2 hours are almost up and we need to strike a deal on how to end this conflict the rebel leader has something to say what do you have to say bacon oh I don't know I was coming show okay I will sacrifice myself and then Mr Cube must be brought back it was truly tragic I we kind of deliberated for a while oh something very gruesome yeah funs yes firing squading firing squad on but I think we all kind of knew how it had to happen if he falls at the Kingdom I could I could fall at the kingdom yes take him take give him a fall at the Kingdom my friends built this glorious plane out of blocks lying around and came to me like an Uber wo down there in the water run away we're not in the water man both friends and foes hopped on as we headed towards the Fallen King I think we're descending a bit too much uh Mayday up upes okay up somebody please give the captain up the castle came into view but spoke was losing control and almost hit the Spire of Fallen Kingdom and went red par plan it just sort of fell Ash slid off I jumped down as everyone was flying into the sky and we prepared for the captain's execution oh boy this is about to be beautiful I'm doing it this crazy dude please stop shooting up the following Kingdom you know we we are live this is crazy bro ow when's the captain going to jump I thought that I could bring peace but perhaps I was sorely mistaken Captain took all my energy to get up here captain [Music] he was just as Angelic in death as he was in life rest in peace Captain Sparkles as for his last wish Mr Cube was brought back from the dead fory and red resigned and we had to hold one final election like do you want to lead this please all right we just go down the line Peter pentar who's your vote voting for a minute mt1 mate zero squid okay do number two is your oh my God mapic who are you voting for I'm vo for M okay actually I'm voting for squido what you're a better friend than ashwag is this is crazy take it waffles who are we voting for obviously squid fory who are we voting for this is a tough one but after discussing with red I think I'm going to have to vote minute the votes were tallied and it was pretty clear that minute Tech was going to win it's over then but there is a benefit to being friends with the server owner spoke AKA life still really really wanted me to win so he said this well spectacle is worth 12 points spectacle not squid I voted for squido last time but I didn't want to be president when I ran I only did it because we needed a woman candidate and I only went through with it because it was fun and if having fun was my goal this was the most fun I'd ever had on the LIF still SMP maybe even the most fun I've ever had in Minecraft meeting Captain Sparkles getting to fly the white house crashing into Fallen Kingdom and shooting people with guns it was the most unforgettable experience and so I'd H my Phil and I was happy so when spectacle asked me if I wanted to be president I told him no I was a big squid enjoyable I I think I have to say minute I'm sorry it's okay as who do you vote for spoke is here who do you vote for Widow eight and five and zero oh man can I call L with minute Tech I don't accept that please that's that [Music] then I'm going to vote for squ really a yeah quid a he voted for you but it didn't matter and he knew that snake as's a snake insane first place with 21 votes minute you are the president hello do I get three or do I get one policy I don't know yeah as the elections ended I said goodbye to my friends and Ash pulled me aside for some epic law it's like massive epic lore follow me follow me follow me okay I have an extra hard from today yo what thank you ashwag I wasn't really sure if I forgave him though this suddenly gave me a new perspective on him but this goes insanely hard why are you still scoping into me yeah it was nice to just enjoy the piece while it lasted and then I went to Australia woo I'm in Australia yay I'm having so much fun in Australia wo okay I'm back man I missed all of minute Tech's presidency dang that's crazy I wonder who got elected is the new God after minute hello I have a game prepared for you squido do you remember that time you betrayed me no how many hearts you on I'll do with that later subscribe if you want to see that I guess bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Squiddo
Views: 124,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifesteal smp, lifesteal, lifesteal season 5, squiddo, squido, squiddo lifesteal, lifesteal president, lifesteal captainsparklez
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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