I Ranked EVERY Anime of Spring 2023

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[Music] hey everybody uh good to have you here today we're looking at all the anime for for spring and we're we're gonna tier list yeah this is my first time doing one of these uh I mean not my first time ever but you know my first time doing it live on camera so you know we'll see how it goes make sure you drink lots of water you like the new uh oh new stream notification we got up there I figured that out myself I'm very proud okay yeah so people want an explanation of the tears so we got Banger okay mid trash and then good trash some trash is just trash some trash is is both trash and good I want to make sure to differentiate those uh yeah loops around uh yes it's it's below trash it's fine don't make sense or it won't yeah it's a bell curve exactly Trey anime horseshoe theory yes yeah that's it lots of ways to put it horseshoe theory is better than bell curve actually yeah we got Mal here to Aid in the discussion so we'll start with Marshall that one's a adaptation of a Shonen Jump manga that's been running for about a year now I really really like the manga for this one like I've I'm fully caught up on that the anime as a result of being caught up isn't hitting me quite as hard the basic gist is like what if one punch man went to Hogwarts also Hogwarts is in this world where everybody has magic powers and if you don't have magic powers they genocide you it's pretty dark so the main character is he he doesn't have any magic but he's super strong and he's gotta pretend to do magic by using his insane strength to just like pick stuff up and break it basically if you're a fan of shitty people getting punched really really hard in the face you know the the classic one piece [ __ ] gets hit panel then this is definitely an animated uh that or Manga that you'd like to watch let's be real it's Black Clover but good I I that was that was something said by chat I neither confirm nor deny that if you want the perspective of someone who hasn't read the Manga I'm super in love with Marshall after only one episode that's good to hear I had to like leave it off the ones to watch list because it was just like the production values like a step below your demon Slayers or your hero akas in terms of like how good the animation is it's still really good don't get me wrong I just prefer it in manga form so I'm gonna put it in okay tier but be aware that I think the manga is a banger and also I think if you haven't read the Manga it might be a banger is that on high dive it's on Crunchyroll actually it's got the manga's got some really amazing artwork if you haven't it's on the Jump app so it's really accessible you can like read the whole thing for like five dollars a month on your phone it's got some insanely beautiful art for like the magic effects and also it captures the whole Hogwarts Vibe but without any of the baggage if that's something you you are in the market for yeah and it's got some real good jokes too what I really like about the magic system is it like dips into like some Eldritch places and stuff like that in the manga art really captures that well taking a dump right now good to know thanks for telling me so let's keep going Kuma Kuma Kuma bear season two is next so I I haven't watched up to season two but I I thought season one was pretty mid so I would not be surprised if season two was also mid no offense to the kuma Kuma Kuma bear fans out there it's like you know it's it's a cute little Lisa Kai thing but it didn't really grab me and I just I enjoyed uh Beaufort which is the same sort of ballpark of like cute girls doing cute things mixed with uh trapped in an MMO story all right let's keep moving my love story with Yamada at level 999 that one I would say is a banger if you're a fan of like rom-coms and you're especially if you're a little bit tired of high school rom-coms this one's about like a college age girl professional gamer who's like just graduating from high school who like fall in love through an MMO it's got a really great sense of humor really really really sharp characterization and it shows like you know he's a little less mature this one's on Crunchyroll if you're interested in watching it also comparable to odikoi you know it's it's just nice to have like a love story that has you know people with more adult concerns not the author the director uh of MMO junkie reincarnated for us or God it's actually so difficult to to like parse the poster of I got a cheat skill skill in another world and became unraveled in this one too and let's see where is it reincarnated for a second time or is that is that second time or is that cheat skill it's hard to tell uh yeah cheat skill is definitely trash no question about that it like has the most poor me protagonist I've seen in like a very long time of anime like the main character he's overweight and he's never had friends because he's overweight and everybody hates him including his family because he's overweight but his grandpa liked him uh and his grandpa decided to let him inherit his house which made his family disown him even harder than they did for him being fat and ugly if you think the level of abuse that like Harry Potter is subjected to by the dursleys is ridiculous this is like that cranked up to 11 doesn't even cover it like 15. I think it's from the same Creator as fruit of evolution which categorized its pudgy uh isakai protagonist as literally sub-human before he ate enough of the fruit of evolution to evolve into an isakai Pro tag author just like has a real hate on for for fat guys but then or is a fat guy with a lot of self-hatred I don't know but then the protagonist always gets super skinny after getting leveled up it's um yeah I don't know Rocky kalahara did it a lot better with Excel world that's it thank you appreciate it uh Excel Saga that's a different one also very good do not mix up Excel Saga and Excel World Excel World actually handled its like protag being overweight really well I thought I should finish up the summary he inherits a house from his grandpa and then his grandpa had an isakai portal in his house and like a bunch of op weapons and skills so he levels up in the other world and comes back and he's skinny real dumb anyway next thing in the Banger tier insomniacs after school this it's just the whole vibe 29 minutes to do four titles three hour stream gopher all right we'll we'll keep this we'll pick it up premise is as simple as it gets the main character is an insomniac kind of has trouble getting on with his classmates and just dealing in general but then one day he finds this cute classmate of his sleeping in the observatory of their school they realize they both have the same problem and they just sort of Click start going on night Adventures hanging out in the observatory yazzy and I have been watching this one together it's like one of our favorite shows of the season it's real real sweet it's got the same sort of like chill night Vibes as call of the night as people have said in chat a little more small Towny uh Parallax Solutions I'm current I'm currently dealing with some real insomnia problems and the first episode describes the existence perfectly without blaming the characters for their condition yeah it's I'd say it's a pretty accurate depiction of insomnia as somebody who you know has dealt with that in the past and knows people going through it now it's hits it pretty pretty well anybody who's having insomnia right now that is rough and I am sorry but this anime is like perfect for feeling like you're not alone with it and just like you know chill hanging out at night watching the night sky Vibes it's so good it's so cute the main characters are just great the character writing is phenomenal it's gotten like a nice realistic style to it too you know it feels very grounded I yeah it's just great anime I can't recommend it enough manga is also pretty good from what I understand I got a cheat skill in another world is Peak good trash it's cringe and enjoyable bad and the shitty underdeveloped romance is great no no good I think we need to so like trash can be enjoyable or not good trash is something that is both trashy and good at the same time time um which I don't think cheat skill really clears especially since it's got like hentai tier animation no good trash is below trash for a reason and that reason is Horseshoe Theory horseshoe theory is the idea that things at opposite ends of of spectrums can be closer to each other because they are at extremes then um the things that are near the middle uh so you know in in it's it's a somewhat debunked theory in politics but I think it applies very well when it comes to Media okay next up Eden zero uh I think that pretty clearly belongs a bit maybe it's okay I don't know I've watched a couple episodes of of the first season on on Netflix and I mean it's fairy tale in space so I feel like mid is a pretty appropriate place to put that but like my perspective on what mid really means has shifted since watching three and the quarter seasons of the seven deadly sins or sorry plus the four episode mini season so watching a lot of seven deadly sins for a roast that you folks requested uh we do yeah I I would say it's mid but like it's definitely a more enjoyable mid than seven deadly sins uh God what is this next one is this is this re uh isakaid for a second time I can't okay so yeah this one also going straight in the trash I think it's more enjoyable trash than cheat skill on the grounds that it doesn't take itself quite as seriously like the main character so the the premise is the main character was an isakai hero save the world got reincarnated back in our world as a baby again and then got reincarnated in the other world again again when there was you know like big demon war going on he's kind of a [ __ ] yeah better than cheat skill but not outstanding in any way I'm of two minds about it because like I I kind of thought the joke where like the serious tsundere girl immediately went full Darkness the second she found out protagon was her protagon it's like please sit on me sir that was I mean you know Darkness but unironically I don't know how I feel about that but like it got a chuckle out of me but that's pretty much all I remember about the series to be honest yeah yeah the Knight became his chair um yep Pokemon Horizons oh [ __ ] that should be on this list I guess it wasn't included by the tier maker but I would say that that's either Banger or at least okay so far there's no official way to watch that but yeah new Pokemon's really good I'd call that one a banger like I the only reason I'm hesitant to like certify it as a banger is because like it could fall off weekly series do fall off but like what I've seen so far with yazzy has been really good Captain Pikachu with the gun Buster pose yeah that does kind of make it I don't think Ash is gonna come back so good I don't know I I think like maybe maybe as like a cameo down the road that would be fun but they're kind of doing their own thing and I hope that that they don't try to drag him back in new Pokemon is really good is a phrase I haven't heard in 10 years you should have heard it around the time that sun and moon came out because the sun and moon anime was also excellent yeah it does feel like an alternate universe almost very different portrayal of the Kanto region than what we see in past Series so Ash might come back for movies that would be that'd be fun I mean I if he does come back I'd like it to be in like a fleeting role like uh red uh in Pokemon Gold and Silver you know that that like post credits almost extra scene but yeah I I I'd say I'd say Banger might follow okay Ash is still the movie a used Pro tag that's what the special episode was about okay so they're still doing Ash in the movies okay okay next up is the Galaxy next door I'm gonna put that in okay it's a series about uh mangaka who is also a landlord he inherited an apartment building and he's trying to keep his little siblings fed on his manga Creator's salary which by the way landlording in Japan little different Dynamic from landlording in North America still not a job but it's a little bit more of a job and a little bit less profitable real estate in General's a little less profitable in Japan six out of ten show yeah I would say I would say six to like a low seven but yeah this this guy so he gets a new assistant who moves into the apartment building that his family owns and she's like really enthusiastic and talented it turns out that she's an alien princess who learned about manga and how to draw manga from reading his manga so she's his biggest fan and she asks to marry him because he touches her butt stinger and that is like sex for her species so now he's got to take responsibility kind of silly yeah it's a boring Slice of Life nonsense it definitely reads something that a lonely and sad mangaka maybe wrote to you know fulfill some of his wishes it's kind of the vibe I get she feels very self-indulgent all right let's let's keep going the reason why ryliana ended up at the Duke's Mansion I believe yeah so that's based on a webtoon really interesting premise for a webtoon or for like an isakai story this girl gets reincarnated into specifically the world of her favorite fantasy Regency romance slash mystery novel as the victim of the murder mystery that's supposed to be solved and sort of inserts herself into High Society politics in order to save her life really interesting premise well produced so far it was pretty close to making my list um I'm like waffling between Banger and okay I'm enjoying it but I think I'll switch to reading the manga I think yeah I know it's it's got like a really great premise I just feel like the way the anime is executed the pacings a little bit off and and tonally it like shifts between comedy and more serious stuff not as effectively as I'd like you know what actually yeah okay is to we're gonna we're gonna change the okay tier to good tier yeah yeah that feels that feels better okay is just a little too close to Mid I felt like that was a positive thing but you know we'll say good yeah I'll capitalize the G in good sorry that was bugging me too I just didn't want to unless somebody asked me okay okay I'm glad I I was like should I should I go adjust that on the back end will that annoy people or is it not being capitalized gonna annoy people more good to know I'm learning things about The Human Condition next up is my home hero which I'm gonna have to throw in the good trash tier like it's because it's got like good ideas it's got like some really fun plot ideas behind it but it's executed like a Tommy Wiseau movie like it's got like an interesting story I will give you guys that but if you talk think about like how it's paced the delivery of some of the lines the fact that like the main character finds out that his daughter is being abused by hearing her boyfriend walk down the street bragging to his buddies about how he's gonna beat up his girlfriend the next night it's so cartoonish in how it depicts what it's about I don't know I know a lot of people uh same writer as I'm standing on a Million Lives that makes a lot of sense it's got about the same level of like Edge and relation to reality yeah real I did not hit her except it's I did hit her and it was great and I'm gonna do it again cause I'm a badass Yakuza guy yeah it's not subtle at all but it's fun I definitely enjoyed watching the first episode yeah that one's going on the trash list I'll have more to say about it there and the only way to stop me is to kill me boy yeah he does literally say that I feel like the manga of it might be better but like it's such a ridiculous and unrealistic depiction of how abuse happens also the way they set up a parallel with the main character because he so he like murders the abusive boyfriend and he's trying to hide the body but then the abusive boyfriend's dad who's like this big time lone shark Yakuza guy it's all like I have to look out for my son and and they're like you see their opposites whereas the one he wants his daughter to be happy and not beat up and the other he wants his son to just be able to beat up any woman he wants and never have consequences for anything because that's what it means to be a good dad it's just foreign stop arguing perfectly you'll make me enjoy it less I'm sorry I don't mean to do that I feel like the manga could be good but Opie and Ed are great is good trash still a recommendation yes I would say I don't know who said it but as someone once said some people just need killing that is generally the theme of my home hero yeah violence is First Rate I will give it that that's why I'm putting it in the good trash tier because it's like 100 very enjoyable it's just also off you know I haven't watched the anime but I'm all caught up on the manga is the manga good I would love to I'd love to know um I also love how just instantly on board his wife is with the murder thing that's support that's goals you know that's what a relationship should be you stab somebody or or beat them over the head with a rice cooker as the case may be and your wife stands by you I'll take our daughter home you go chop up that guy in the bathtub Macbeth was ahead of its time yeah for real let's move on all right uh Demon Slayer Demon Slayer that goes in mid no I'm kidding that goes in the Banger tier laughs fit in the instant classic status I think already you know there's there's no denying its quality is an anime production I do somewhat get bothered when people are like this has the best animation of all time because like mob psycho clears ranking of Kings clears so many things clear Demon Slayer in terms of Animation quality great compositing euphotable production value top tier pretty darn good story writing as Shonen goes just like hits all the Beats perfectly doesn't waste any time Demon Slayer is two different shows one is mid the other is fire I can kind of agree with that a little bit best animation is code for it looks pretty when I see it yeah and that makes me sad because like it's one best animation every year that it's been out you know it deserves a lot of recognition for a lot of stuff but not that when it turns on the sakuga it is pretty Elite but like the thing is it's like the compositing is what takes it up to the next level you know if it was just the the drawings themselves without all of the extra CGI all of the special effects layered on the like communication between those teams then it'd just be about on par with my hero Academia mob psycho deserves all of the awards that Demon Slayer has gotten chainsaw man might clear it this year actually that would be I'm interested to see how that goes down Bocce too Bochy The Rock better animation than Demon Slayer there is a very long list of things that have better animation specifically talking about the drawing to drawing composition of the motion not the overall picture we got uh the dangers in my heart and that is also a banger it's probably like the lower end of Banger it's it's just a cute little middle school rom-com about this 13 year old edgelord who is like I'm gonna kill all the popular kids in class I love reading books about murder but then when he actually is alone with the most popular girl in school he finds out she's kind of a [ __ ] weirdo and they really get along like he keeps trying to be an edge Lord but it just keeps being adorable that one's also on high dive High Dive is like the place to go for Slice of Life stuff uh all right next up I don't want to make the Banger tear too overweighted but we just got a lot of bangers Gundam witch from Mercury season two is going hard dropping some major Bombshells recently if you like Gundam G Witch is amazing you know it's it's one of the best new Gundams in a very long time I think kind of like utena meets Gundam but then it goes in its own Direction great world building fights are excellent amazing openings and endings you are right g-witch is like great the the the Cliffhanger at the end of last season was like impeccable and they have just kept escalating it from there I haven't seen enough of yurias my job job to fully judge it yet the first episode just kind of hit me as oscillating between good and mid I want to give it the benefit of the doubt because I've heard it gets better but like the first episode really didn't grab me at all in terms of how the characters are written or anything nice animation though a lot of people say in Yuri is my job is their favorite yeah I I I've heard it like picks up too skipping loafer definitely cream of the crop oh yeah that's going in the Banger tier this is just such a good season for Slice of Life and romance I would say skipping loafers the top of the top tier for that though the animation is just so good the characters are so well written captures the Dynamics of high school trauma very accurately without necessarily painting anybody as the bad guy some of the most likable characters I've seen in anime in a really long time so the premise is this girl moves from like the absolute sticks to Tokyo to go to high school she's like the top of her class in her small town she's also the top of her class at this Elite Tokyo high school and her plan is to become a big time government official and save her local economy but you know first she's got to figure out how to navigate social life in Tokyo and it's just really fun uh it's got like a really broad array of characters premise almost reminds me of your name I can kind of see that it's I mean it's a way smaller town than your name your name is like a decently sized Resort town she lives in like inaka like like deep deep Boonies 23 kids in her whole school basically Higurashi levels of isolation uh that one girl and Skip and loafer are trying too hard to impress the guy makes him uh may want to hate her but realistically those are very real emotions for people yeah no it's great like the red-haired girl is like kind of a [ __ ] but in a way that's super understandable you want to root for her to be better she's not a bad person just trying too hard yeah exactly yeah it like captures that being socially oblivious and trying to make friends it's just really good Skip and loafer is really good can't recommend it enough next up is dead Mount death play and I'm kind of waffling on if I want to put that in good or Banger it's like the absolute upper end of good or the bottom end of Banger is kind of where I'm at right now yeah I'd say Banger till further notice the thing is I haven't seen enough yet to like get a full beat on it but I also really trust ryogo Narita as a Storyteller and like oh man it's got that edge down it's just so fun uh next up the hero is already dead I'm gonna put that one in good trash or the legendary hero is dead I'm gonna put that one in good trash had some really good jokes I I [ __ ] I love the joke right at the start where the main character is is like friend comes up on him like sliding a woman's stocking on a Daikon radish because it looks like a thigh and she's just like what kind of freak are you and he's like no this is any any man who sees a nice plump thigh like radish would do this and she's like no only you you're complete freak and these two old guys who were walking by just like quickly stuffed their radishes into their coats and walk on so funny it's a weird one but so the premise is the there's this legendary hero going around trying to like save the world from The Demon King standard stuff the main character accidentally kills him with a pitfall trap that he had meant for a demon so this Necromancer buddy of the main character gives all of the Legendary Heroes powers and body to the protagonist but he's such like a piss weak villager tier no magic loser that he can't maintain the body so it keeps rotting and this is just a lot of fun stuff to it I'd say it's good trash it's fun weekend at the heroes yeah yeah very Weekend at Bernie's I'll see what I think of it after you know the the next couple episodes but um great op too really fun not the best op this season after that uh what I can't even remember the name of that some some other [ __ ] isakai thing ah yeah the aristocrats otherworldly Adventure serving Gods who go too far right right yeah that one's mid as [ __ ] I don't even want to give it trash status even though it's it's got like ciscon broke on stuff good trash you think I'm like waffling between trash and mint because I don't think it like the first episode didn't really hit anything that would make me like go out and be like oh that's you know that's that's super trashy and enjoyable good trash potential in the manga but it took three episodes to get there I've only seen the first episode of that one so maybe I will revise my my feelings by the end of the season when I do the the hottest trash but yeah I would say that Aristocrat is just mid and honestly to me depending on where it lands in mid like there's upper mid and then there's lower mid but like I would rather watch Trash than something mid yeah all right let's move on um sacrificial Princess and the king of beasts is good it's a cute little fairy tale uh Beauty and the Beast inspired type thing I I really like the first step or I don't really like but I like the first episode of it and it's sort of a chill little story about 100 years ago mankind made peace with this race of man-eating beasts and every year they sacrifice one human girl to the to maintain the the truce but this year the sacrificial princess is this she's real sassy and the the beast king kind of Vibes with her and stuff happens it's got really interesting World building they like go into sort of the politics of Beast race and why they need to eat humans based on like where they live and stuff a lot of bangers this season though and one of them is 10 Goku daimakyo AKA heavenly illusion correct something that I said in my seasonal video this is available on Hulu if you're in the United States uh not on Disney plus it's on Disney Plus in Canada that's why I got confused a really interesting postal apocalyptic adventure story about this guy with some kind of like Destiny and this other guy whose brain is in the body of a girl gets explained who's sort of trying to protect him the the Joel to his Ellie they're traveling across Tokyo and and the greater Tokyo area trying to find this apocalyptic Sanctuary called heaven and then meanwhile we also see what's happening inside heaven um where these kids one of whom looks suspiciously like uh the the boy but yeah so they're on the outside in this post-apocalyptic Wasteland that's like ravaged by crazy monsters and whatnot and then there's also this like School of kids who've been you know brought up inside the shelter who are like starting to wonder what's outside the outside you know they've got this like terrarium area that they can live in definitely not a Protestant promised Neverland orphanage nope not at all it might be it might be like in episode two there's like this scene where one of them does something a human being shouldn't be able to do and the rest of it seems grounded enough that like I don't know it seems like there's something [ __ ] going on with these kids and there's some really interesting Mysteries there is it confirmed the scenes in heaven are happening contemporaneously it's implied but that might be a Twist you know we'll see um really like these parallel posters they're really cool uh yeah the monsters are crazy uh would I consider uh what's the name kiruko would I consider kiruko trans rap I would say it definitely is speaking to parts of the trans experience like it's literally a man's brain trapped in a woman's body I would say that trans like trans viewers will probably get a lot out of it in the same way that they would out of onimai yeah you know like like it's it's it's a story that I think will speak to a lot of trans viewers whether or not it's intentionally trans representation but you know there's also like in episode two in in having there's at least one couple among the those teenagers there who are lesbians so like it's definitely a show that's aware of the lgbtq this season for Trans rap you want to watch Skip and loafer yes yeah so I forgot to mention that but yeah um her aunt who takes her in in Tokyo might seems Seems trans I think they don't really call attention to it she's just you know living her life kids in the institution have some genderqueer elements yeah so yeah Heavenly delusion I think is playing around with gender ideas and stuff like that it's not really the main focus it's just interesting thematic stuff there yeah it's subtle enough that you probably wouldn't even see it if you weren't looking for it so okay so uh somebody who has a drift Finch who has read the Manga says that Heavenly delusion definitely does get into queer identities and uh trans issues in the series okay that's really cool hopefully it doesn't become one of those ones where you know people getting fights over it they do go into now in Skip and loafers manga and do it really sweetly well I I'm excited to see how that goes yeah I mean the the people who fight about that stuff will do it no matter what you're right uh next up is my one hit kill sister and that's going right in the good trash I think it would just be regular trash if it didn't have such like Peak animation it goes so hard in the fight scenes and the comedy that it just elevates what is otherwise bottom tier humor the main character gets isakaid his sister is down so bad for him that she puts herself in a coma to be isekide with him he doesn't get any special powers but she gets all the special powers basically in order to get her to do anything protagon has to promise to like sell his body to his sister it's it's trashy as [ __ ] but uh it's fun definitely the syscon version of multi-hit Mom it's fun it's very very very horny but like whenever the fight scenes pop off they just hit hard it's so good because the mangaka's only major interaction with somebody of opposing gender is sister brother uh you know it's also just a just a fetish it's just a fetish let's move on Dr stone I'd say Dr Stone is good the anime adaptation isn't quite a banger I wouldn't say you know I really like the manga a lot I really like the the anime too but it's just it's a little shy like Marshall you know it's it's in that same realm as Marshall where like if the anime adaptation was a little stronger I think it could be pushed up to Banger tear as it stands it's it's a fun good show I haven't read the Manga where the new Season's going is is one of I would say the best parts of Dr Stone um like it's a really exciting and interesting place to be okay let's move on okay this is the one anime this season I haven't seen um so I don't know where to put it I don't know Orchestra and the reason I haven't seen it is because it's not [ __ ] streaming anywhere seemed like it could be good seemed like it could be mid I'm not sure I'm gonna just put it at the bottom of the the list for now because I I I can't form an opinion about it I think the some of the people producing it are trying to like license it on their own anime platform on the other hand birdie Wing goes right in the Banger tier [ __ ] I love that series I'm so glad it got two seasons it's one of those ones where if you know you know and if you don't know there's a lesbian golf Mafia that has an underground golf bunker where they do golf death games uh and like the entire bunker can transform like a transformer into it's it's Sunrise the Gundam Studio doing a thing about Golf and like instead of Leaning into the golf it leans into the anime and it's so [ __ ] good JoJo but gay girls and golf instead of punching yeah golf crimes yeah so like the two main characters are this Rich golf girl from an elite golf family who's who's been raised to be the ultimate golfer and then this other girl who's uh this this golf Hustler from the wrong side of the tracks and they meet and they have like an instant connection yeah Yugi golf is another good way to put it it's just like oh it's so good yeah next up Cafe Terrace and its goddesses that's going in the good trash that is where if you are missing the high quality cheesecake animation that's where you go to find it kind of a simple Story main character inherits his grandma's house which is attached to a cafe by the side of a beach he is all about the money at first and wants to tear it down to build a parking lot because that's the more profitable thing to have next to a beach but Quince but not taken a seriously cool girl is best girl yeah it does kind of remind me of quintessential quintuplets in terms of the characterization but yeah when he moves into this his Grandma's old house he finds that there's five stupidly hot girls all crashing there who work for his grandma um and there they try to they try to like convince him not to sell the house because they want to keep living there and the way that they do that is trying to seduce him so honestly it's like the most realistic setup for a harem I've seen in a really long time normally you know it's just incredibly hot women chasing after the world's midest man because reasons so it like makes a little bit more sense than that but then also like you know obviously he turns out to be less of a shitty person over time I somehow rise the last birdy Wing episode for people on Discord I had so much fun because one of the characters was such a drama queen I can't wait to catch up on it I cannot wait they pay rent with boobs and butts no they pay rent by working in the cafe um the one of the fun things is they're like throwing themselves at the pro tag for like very transparently ulterior motive reasons and he just like he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's like uh-huh really really really well drawn everything did I already rank keysuna no allele now we're getting to that wait is that one in these if it is kizuna Noah La is going in the trash of trash honestly I would say that it's mid except that it tried to sell me nfts yeah the kizani anime it's so bad that they didn't even put it on this list and they put no I don't know Orchestra here and that's not even streaming anywhere so there's a keys in the eye anime and then the end credits of the last episode they like set it up as this world building thing and it's like so you're trying to win the La Panda or which is this trophy for the best YouTuber because she's going to a veto super high school for vtubers trained to be like kizuna eye and then the the rabbit mascot is like so do you know what the lapping door is and it's like oh yeah it's a big award it's based on a rabbit cool and you know the lapidor is an nft what's an nft and then it just goes into this big explanation of [ __ ] nfts are because uh keys and I tried to sell some nfts a while back it might be the lowest I've seen anime sink this is absolutely [ __ ] abysmal so yeah just imagine that right at the bottom of the trash bin next up we're talking about The Banger of bangers this season Maho Shoujo magical Destroyers [ __ ] I love this anime so much yeah we almost do need another tier above Banger for this one it's so [ __ ] good I I don't know I don't know what the people on Mal are smoking that they could possibly give this a 6.8 but yeah yeah no magical destroyers is just like it's [ __ ] epic as [ __ ] I can say epic because it's set in 2011 so that wasn't that was slightly less cringe back then yeah it's about this alternate timeline where like anime shit's illegal and the resistance out of Akihabara led by otaku hero and his three magical girl fighters have to battle the the [ __ ] all the enemy soldiers have [ __ ] this face just painted on their head it's it's great animation feels like something that gynax would have come up with in their Prime it's biebery Animation Studios who haven't made much but they did make quintessential quintuplets Sequel and you know a lot of other really solid anime Productions Love mad destroy just I love everything about this the the title graphic is like this graffiti mashup of like magical girl font [ __ ] hard ass action anime font and then that's a that's a [ __ ] JoJo reference that's a [ __ ] JoJo reference in the title it's just it it's working on so many levels the op uses like jpeg artifacts sakuga it's next next level the opening is half YouTube poop Kinda Yeah it it's just it's aesthetically on it operating on on like a whole different plane from most anime all right next up marginal service so that is going in mid that is that is some true mid if I've ever seen it [ __ ] I was disappointed with that like so the premise is it's like men in black but for Cryptids so there's a secret police service but also they're like Sentai construction workers and oh man that's a very naked poster but yeah they're like Sentai construction workers and they like fight Crypt Cryptids hidden among Society try to keep them in line try to keep them from doing Cryptid crimes and like that sounds like such a good [ __ ] premise right but I have never seen a more generic predictable and I mean not never but like the episode opens we're in the middle of like the main character back when he was a cop chasing down a criminal in a back alley with his partner who is black the partner immediately gets shot and dies um he goes to the the chief and the chief is like you're a loose cannon you we're [ __ ] kicking you off you can't you can't be investigating this then later they find out the chief is decrypted who was doing the Cryptid crimes it's such a waste of a good premise the action sucks they got some fun like they there was this fun moment where all of the main characters got their own title cards like they were being added to smash but other than that it's just the most tepid a marginal anime you're exactly right it's so [ __ ] excruciatingly boring Tokyo Mew Mew new I'm putting that in good Yazi might come down and beat me up for not putting it in Banger yeah I'd say it's a well-produced adaptation of the manga but yeah Tokyo Mew Mew new if you like magical girls it's a good time yes he's oh [ __ ] oh no Chet I'm gonna die are we good baby are we good fine then I'm putting it back down in good if I'm gonna die anyway well Well Chad this might be my last stream we better keep going this is uh too cute crisis I'm gonna put that one in good tier cute little comedy it's about this alien investigator who comes to Earth to assess our resources and if if her Empire should just strip mine our whole planet and and kill all of us or if there's something worth saving on Earth and then she discovers that Earth's animals are just too cute wanders into a cat cafe and then she's trapped and her alien people discover the mighty cuteness of Earth's pets you know it's it's an anime about like pet ownership and how pet owners are [ __ ] weird and may as well be aliens it's just got a really fun sense of humor really cute otaku elf also not on the list darn okay I wish I had noticed that yeah there's a few that aren't on this but yeah otaku elf would go I'd say that one goes in Banger otaku elf is great otaku elf is fantastic it's a really cute little thing about um a local Shrine deity who is a reverse esekide elf who gets really into video games and Anime because being Immortal is boring and going outside is scary and frequently depressing as long as clueless friend goes in Banger you can overload that category oh no you put pressure on me but I'm sorry I gotta put it in good I like I enjoyed it but like the animation is mid does not hit on the same level as the dangers in my heart or Skip and loafer you know it's cute it's good I can see why somebody would really love it you know it hits that sort of toneri no seki couldn't itch but yeah I don't know like like I wanted to like my clueless first friend a lot but I feel like the animation just isn't where it needs to be considering where the the Simplicity of the character designs lends itself to much better animation than what we get anyway yeah kamikatsu that's the one in the good trash kamikatsu is it's hard for me to not call it trash based on how the First episodes paced and and how it's animated and the [ __ ] that CGI monster oh my God this is one of those ones where the CGI actually wraps around to so bad it's a good territory and the 8-Bit sections are really cute it's got an amazing premise so the story is this kid of a cult leader his dad [ __ ] throws him into the ocean in a barrel as part of like this insane ritual that he kind of just made up of course he [ __ ] dies but he wishes to be reincarnated in another world with no Gods does get incarnated into the this world with no Gods but the world has this like weird Society built around like people have to kill themselves when the government tells them to yeah is this is like all these different layers it goes from zero to hand job in four minutes like as soon as he gets isakai he wakes up to an HJ wild first episode Opus colors on the other hand mid as [ __ ] [Music] so it's about this future world where they got augmented reality artwork plays to all your senses and that's like the future of artwork and all these hot boys are going to an academy for people who make the artwork the main hot boy he's trying to like prove himself but he's in the regular track and then his former friend the cool one who got too cool for the rest of the group and free got too cool for the rest of the group and he's off in the elite high school and not talking to him but then you know they connect through ART it's so [ __ ] excruciating it's it's tedious as [ __ ] and not yeah it's not good it's not good it's um portrayal of art is extremely simplistic and silly reincarnated in a world where chat GPT rules the world but I have yowie hands Kinda Yeah I mean that would imply that it has any kind of forward-thinking futurism to it whatsoever Tony Kawa um yeah it's good funny car was good I would say I haven't seen the new season yet but I talked about it in my rundown of all of crunchyrolls original anime fun little love story does not punch above its weight class in any way shape or form animation wise and that's a shame because it could and pretty I'm pretty sure the director has made some pretty good [ __ ] yeah he's also directing magical destroyers and it's very obvious that all of his like make good animation attention is going to that one but yeah it's a really sweet cute characters I just feel like the low quality animation holds it back personally manga gets really good to hear I don't remember anything about mix I watched like I watched the first episode I know that yeah it's one of those ones where the high school used to have a sports legend and then a new kid comes to the school and tries to pick it back up yeah mid after blue lock especially it's really hard to like get up any enthusiasm for a standard Sports Anime unless it does like really exceptional animation or really great hype building you know High Q wannabe yeah I mean I think it's like a follow-up to like a very old classic anime or something next we've got Alice gear agus expansion that's going right in the trash that one this anime like I watch episode zero of it I think and I I felt like I was having some kind of seizure I I my brain did not pick up half the stuff that was happening there's like this Idol contest where they got a race on a beach but then one of them tries to cheat by summoning a ninja frog two of them combine into a superhero to fight it meanwhile the other one gets on like a robot jet ski and episode zero has no relation to the TV series that's what I've heard but like also that's what I watched because that was what was out when I was trying to make the the seasonal list I've heard that it it's just boring too I don't know it's a different thing by itself okay but yeah I think it belongs firmly in the trash I'm gonna investigate it for the hottest trash but yeah I was I was confused as [ __ ] by that first episode or by episode zero What's the next one that one is world die star the acting one and that's going like I said mid-tier it's got some cute animation and like likable characters but it's portrayal of acting as a craft is just yeah you know B Stars Does It Better kage Shojo not review Starlight but also review Starlight Does It Better there's just so many anime about acting out there and this is like right at the bottom of the Heap so you know it's just an idle thing but they're actors it's meh rokudo's bad girls I feel like that's either good trash or trash I'm leaning toward trash but I've only seen the first episode so it might pick up good trash yeah I'd say good trash so the main character inherits this magical scroll from his grandpa makes it so that bad girls are attracted to him and he's this wimpy little dork who's always getting bullied but then the toughest girl in the school who can beat up anybody falls in love with him and his Bully's girlfriend falls in love with him second episode makes it good trash I'll be the judge of that when I watch it on the hottest trash the first episode was kind of like all over the place in terms of like pacing and a lot of jokes just didn't land also literally every student in the school but the MC is at the delinquent sounds like Chrome Marty High School sounds like I might enjoy that or maybe that's why I'm not enjoying it as much because I've already seen Chrome Marty high school and I know the peak of that kind of humor it's like a harem anime setup with like explicitly magical explanation for how the Harem gets set up but all of the girls are really really scary I try to finish these off in the next 20 minutes three hour stream like was predicted by that one commenter all right next up run for money the great Mission so this one's an anime adaptation of a real game show and unfortunately it's just kind of crap but like the the premise is cool like participants in the game show get set loose in an amusement park and they have to run away from like dudes and serial killer costumes until the timer runs out and they get money and this is like you know an anime adaptation of the fiction I can show you like five seconds and you'll see just not you can see you can see not good seems like it should be fun right like it seems like it should like it's a very popular game show cool idea it does not stick The Landing next up gun Machan season two I will be straight with you guys you tunya Boss animal gun Machan not watching those that's not going on the list hell's Paradise is Banger new Shonen Jump series or jump plus I believe I describe it as sekuku Squad group of condemned criminals who are sent to a magical Island to retrieve the elixir of life in place of less Expendable soldiers because everybody who's gone there has been [ __ ] killed or turned into flowers hey it's a banger got incredible action it's almost all bangers from here on out honestly bloody good Action main character rips a dude's throat out with his teeth goes hard goes really hard super fun some points where I like question the logic like you know because they can't have explosive charges in their heads they're each sent with an executioner who will kill them if they'll fall out of line which kind of defeats the purpose of sending Expendable soldiers but it's just so good enemy designs yeah are really cool the animation's Beautiful the action is just impeccable I mean it's it's mappa you got to expect that from them at this point really good compositing too if it was just one executioner I'd get it but then they'd get overwhelmed in combat it's a little it's a little silly all right let's see Mega mean anime is a banger and not just because that's a great pun konosuba explosion is a banger and yeah it's more konosuba more Mega Man you get into the Crimson Demon Clan who are just really fun goofy characters the lore around them is amazing so like they were created by an otaku and their entire culture is built around a [ __ ] 12 year old's chunibio idea of what cool is been a little more serious and less comedic than I expected that's kind of fair I mean Mega Man is a protagonist you can take a little more seriously than kuzuma she's you know a little bit more relatable and without the rest of the crew she can fall in to like a different sort of Rhythm I like it a lot I think that it satisfies me as a konosuba fan but gives me something different and that's what I want from a spin-off I don't just want the same [ __ ] thing we can get through this next one real quick because all I have to say about oshinoko is that you should watch it if you haven't seen it yet uh and do not look up a single thing about the plot very good uh incredible first episode the way that it sets stuff up and pays it off is is great there is a reason if we go to Mal I don't even have to go to anime I can just go to top anime it's right at the top it's gonna drop off eventually because the Brotherhood Defenders are insatiable the first episode especially it's an hour and a half long the story of it is really really tight and it's going to suck you in just trust me on that but yeah if you got friends you like to watch anime with bring them together for that one yeah kagya author does Idols yeah it's from the creator of kagiasama that's important to mention just trust the pedigree going on it got a lot of bangers this season and we're not quite see here's the thing I fell off ancient Magus bride the first season I I was enjoying it didn't have time for it and we watched other stuff instead so I don't know how good this new season is need to catch up on it yeah I'm gonna I don't know if I should put it in Banger or good I like I feel like because I haven't continued with it good but then when I think back to how well animated it is and everything I'm gonna put it at the upper tier of good just to be fair and to fill that out a little more because we got we got too many bangers on this list already ranking of Kings though that's going in the Banger tier the this new season is like a series of Side Stories set throughout the story of season one but you know it's more of those great characters that you love from from season one of ranking of Kings more boji despa more kage more everything it's it's some of the feel goodest feel-good anime stuff ignoring the one the one elephant in the room for people who who know what they're who know what that is you know ranking of Kings is just immensely Charming incredibly animated beautiful story um really tugs at your heartstrings it's a beautiful little animated Fairy Tale uh if you ever wished there could be an entire anime like Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker this is the anime for you we'll put a big smile on your face except all the bangers are ruining my sleep schedule mine too and last and also least yes yes smartphone isakai yeah it's going right in the Banger tier nuclear waste tier yeah I mean maybe it's just trash maybe it's yeah I'd say it's trash could all also call it Comfort trash this is like in a weird superposition between all three of these isakai smartphone is just not it's not quite the definition of mid that's seven deadly sins I am firm on that at this point before before watching all of seven deadly sins I would have said it was fairy tale it's good trash always has been I don't know about that I mean it's Comfort trash for sure this is one I need to investigate for myself and the hottest trash or I mean I could give it its own roast I don't know at any rate we're at the end of the tier list now and I am enjoying talking with you guys but I am also getting like and you can see how love sunk in my chair I am getting very tired so I think I should probably call it a night I didn't put blue Orchestra because I haven't seen blue Orchestra unfortunately is is blue Orchestra good so far I I will find out when it eventually comes on a streaming platform in North America final it's it in Europe I think so you know for once you guys get to experience the other end of that region lock and sucks all right we're I think we're gonna call it for tonight thank you so much for coming out it's been real fun hanging out with you I'll see you guys on the next stream which will definitely be this week take it easy guys later
Channel: Basement Life
Views: 55,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ones to watch, spring anime, season anime, anime recommendations, anime tier list, anime ranking, spring anime 2023, new anime, every anime ranked, mother's basement, mother's basement anime recommendations, mother's basement twitch, geoff thew, oshi no ko, demon slayer season 3, konosuba explosion, skip and loafer, tengoku daimakyou
Id: eVIW4rq2tpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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