I Ranked EVERY Anime of Summer 2023

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hey just letting you know this tier list was originally streamed over at twitch.tv Jeff THU so if you like what you see here and want to see more or you want to come hang out talk anime or whatever you feel like come follow me over there this Saturday at noon PST I'm going to be doing a blind run through fear and hunger so if you like seeing me suffer you don't want to miss that hello and welcome it's me Jeff THU today we're I I don't have my intro uh ideas thing because uh we're doing a live stream everybody on the live stream has already heard me say hello but I'm saying hello to you for the sake of the YouTube video by the way I've got some game recepts here not really sponsored by gamer steps on this video but you want to go buy some gamer Subs if my gamer stops code uh go buy some gamer Subs it's good they got Jujutsu Kaizen flavors right now what are we doing we're ranking some anime I already put out the ones to watch on the main Channel if you want to know what the absolute top recommended anime day of the season are in my opinion you can go check that out card I'm sure is up there or just wait until the end card click on that right now we're looking at everything and we're gonna rank it from Banger to trash although I mean trash is kind of better than Dad it was confusing with trash and good trash so we're just gonna say bad and trash and some trash is good some trash might be a little bad we're gonna start ranking stuff um when we when we need it we will maybe add another tier I'm not sure so first up is am I actually the strongest uh an isakai um that I it's got like an RPG stat screen pretty early on I think which is one of my measures of trash the time the stat screen but also it goes from zero to titty sucking and in like under 10 minutes so that's that's going in the trash that's going in the trash right there uh so he reincarnates as a baby uh he beats a powerful demon lady up um and then he's hungry and he's like oh man can you give me some milk from your mommy milkers and she's like well master I would need to be pregnant to do that so obviously you see how that goes there just makes sense he also makes her a club makes her clothes out of match it's really so weird one it's a weird one maybe anime was a mistake alright next up we got ayaka which is an original action adventure type anime um I kind of feel like the first episode hit me as like as a little mid but then I feel like if I was 14 I would really [ __ ] with the Power Systems and the characters and stuff like that so I'm gonna like it's on the edge of mid but I'm gonna put it in good I personally wasn't super compelled to watch a lot of it but it's got some neat ideas it's about this kid from like this chain of islands off the coast of Japan where everyone's got magic powers and his dad had really good magic powers but then his dad died so he had to move to Tokyo and but then he moves back after being an orphan for a while it's got It's got some interesting ideas didn't super grab me might grab some of you pretty solid I think uh next up is bang Dream It's My go uh now this is kind of like an idol franchise but uh instead of idol music they play rock music um so if you're if you like rock it's pretty great there's also a really great mobile game where they have the girls do like covers of popular J-Rock songs and it's like a rhythm game uh I think it's pretty fun I'm not a big Rhythm gamer so like I can't give you the the lowdown on if it's like a top tier rhythm game or not but I you know for something you can play on mobile I think it's pretty great you know the original series was about some girls starting a girl band at their all girls high school uh it's my go takes place at a different high school but is you know same fundamental concept first episode struck me as a little melodramatic but also like in in kind of a good way you know like like there's this one girl who used to be in a band she's got some trauma she doesn't like want to be in a band again but she does but only if her bandmates like promise to band marry her and be in a band with her for life which is a big commitment so it's like a little a little intense but um kind of I don't know it's kind of good uh the CGI in this series is amazing it's from Sans again who are kind of like underrated you know like orange gets all the hype for their CGI but Sans again has been kind of like the second tier for like a really long time of like that that Guilty Gear style of anime looking 3D animation Yeah Bang dream has that it looks good got really good music um if you like music stuff I'd recommend it yeah is Yuri undertones for sure is all the band stuff and allegory for love you know idle anime you know you know this stuff next up is bastard um I've only watched like a little bit of this on Netflix um and I'm kind of conflicted because like I like the premise I've read a bit of the original manga I like that but I also feel like bastard is one of those series that like really really benefited from that like 90s OVA style that the original was in and it's cool that they're telling the story in modern day just drags it down a little bit for me but I put that in good I appreciate what it's doing um it's just one of those things where the modern computer done anime style doesn't really work as well as cell animation next up reign of the seven spellblades this one is a banger if you've seen the ones to watch you already know why basically it takes a lot of ideas from Harry Potter and actually like fleshes out the World building to make it good um so like Demi human rights is like an issue that comes up there you see this girl here kind of looks like Hermione um she like brings up Demi human rights very early on in the first episode they're watching a parade with magical creatures she's like man it's inhumane to be sticking a troll in one of these uh parades they're very intelligent creatures and she gets in an argument with this guy who's like they smash up our fields and stuff and she's like well our fields are you know they were built on their ancestral land and you know they don't speak our language so we can't and it's it's like there's a lot of layers to it really good World building really great characters um like like they they're clearly drawing from Harry Potter but also building on it the action rocks um it's got an amazing op um it's just solid all around uh and you know it's nice to have a good a good fantasy that's not nisekai next up bleach thousand year blood War I'm gonna I'm gonna throw this right in Banger honestly I I like I with the caveat that I'm not like fully caught up on last season and into this one and I've heard there's some stuff with the animation that's not as good as it was last season I've read this part of the manga it slaps that part where they fight a lot that's like all of bleach but it's okay because you know bleach is a Soul's like in manga form but yeah bleach solid this part of the manga is is like really good in the fact that they're fixing stuff up from the you know where the manga had to Rush a little is really I really like that the animation style looks gorgeous maybe I should bump it down to good just because like I have heard that the the new Season's a little lower in production quality but you know I'd have to judge that for myself and what I've seen of this return to TV so far I've Loved all right well let's keep going bungo stray dogs this is I can only put this in good because I haven't you know seen past the first couple episodes myself um I've always been interested in following up on bungo uh I I have heard nothing but good stuff about it and what I saw was good but like I felt like I should read some Japanese literature to really get the nuances of what they're referencing before getting into this and I never did because just got the time yeah it's got good fights it's bones so the animation is always gonna be great I know lots of people are huge fans of it um I would like to but you know it's five seasons in so it's a big commitment all right next up card fight Vanguard will dress I'm gonna throw this in mid I didn't there's parts of it I really enjoyed I kind of liked how trigger they got with some of the fight animation but like didn't grab me enough to continue to you know it's a card game anime an anime about card games they play card games in it I know it's got some some big fans but you know it's also for kids like younger kids and I I've grown out of that by now the masterful cat is depressed again today uh this one I'm gonna throw in good and I'm surprised I'm saying that because as you might even be able to tell from this uh screenshot this is a go hands anime but they they tone down the go handsiness in a lot of places the the characters are are really fun um the big cat feels like a cat it's not nearly as headache inducing as the other one at least in my experience the animation on the characters is is good it's got some good comedy you know compared to the other one that they got this season um I I think it's pretty fun and yeah yeah they they really they really play up how much of that headache inducing sakuga there is in it in the trailer versus the actual show uh all right next up uh classroom for Heroes uh this one's a harem anime it's kind of fun I I I I feel like it's it's gonna get trashier as it goes along so far it's been like a low level trash show might fall into you know the good to mid range if it doesn't keep the trashiness up only one character got her clothes torn off in the whole first episode you know overall it's it's a fun little thing it's about a classroom for Heroes you know in one of those oh you got to beat the Demon King will set up a school where you can learn to be a hero and beat the Demon King that sort of thing main character uh has he was apparently super duper op at some point in the past has gotten less Op with time might get more op in the future it's kind of stuff happening but his goal is to make a hundred friends most of whom will be hot ladies the directing is weird and the action isn't bad that's yeah that's basically where I where I sit on it next up we got uh dark Gathering which is a horror anime that is actually spooky kind of self-explanatory why I'm throwing it in there most horror anime Is Not Great this actually like legit gave me shivers it's got great atmosphere the body horror actually like hits it's about a guy who can see ghosts trying to work his way back into society by like going back to college gets a job as a tutor uh first tutoring job is for a girl who can also see ghosts the ghosts don't like to see her though ghosts are super attracted to him they always want to like crowd around him they don't want to see her though because she's [ __ ] scary she's got like a collection of spirits that she's trapped in her stuffed animals um and they're all [ __ ] terrified of her uh so she needs him to help her find more Spirits because he Spirits he's like ghost catnip it's got a really fun Dynamic it is for people who like to be scared so if that's you check it out uh all right next up uh oh man this hurts me I gotta put hadarakuma Osama new seasons in mid that really hurts me this is such a good series back in the day but it just when it came back it just you know it hurtsama the overlord at work sorry uh the overlord is a or the Devil is a part-timer sorry the overlord at work is the you know the direct translation of that title uh the Devil is a part-timer the premise is um the the demon king of another world gets defeated by a hero comes to Earth um loses all his powers and becomes a middle manager at McDonald's vowing to work his way up the corporate ladder and take over the world it's um it's it was a lot of fun very quirky reverse Sakai with a great sense of humor um but they really dropped the ball on the adaptation of the new new seasons um it's just the pacing sucks the animation sucks and yeah the first season's amazing um it's kind of like kind of Samurai Jack Vibes almost like the the premise of like the Demon King fleece to another world and the hero who beat him follows only to to like you know find out the world's not what they expect but it's like an inverse Samurai Jack where the demon Kings actually really nice um hero is kind of nice too but it takes her a while to get there okay next up the Duke of death and his maid so this is this is an interesting one because like I've watched a couple episodes the story and characters are really good um but like like I want to throw it in good I might even throw it in Bangor if it was like a great adaptation but unfortunately it uses really really awkward CGI that holds it back a lot you know I'm not one to get too hung up on CGI a lot of the time if it's if it's all right but like this looks really awkward it's from the same uh people who made high score girl if any of you guys have seen that which also had like some real awkward CGI and it makes it you know there's a certain point where it makes it like hard to connect to the characters so the premise is this guy's from a rich family he was born with a curse that you know anything he touches dies um so he's got to wear gloves all the time and he's isolated in this Mansion alone with only his maid but his maid is in love with him and he's in love with her and they're like trying to like break the curse so they can be together so it's sweet it's a really good story there's a lot of like good stuff going for it and like if this was the manga I think I'd probably throw it in good or Banger I don't know I don't know like I'm iffy on this maybe I should move it up to good maybe I should move it up to good it's hard for me to watch personally um the CG bugs me a lot uh and I'm not normally somebody who who gets hung up on that but if you enjoyed high score girl maybe check it out uh Gene of I I'm torn on whether to put this in you know it's it's like right at the edge of banger but I think I'm gonna have to put it at like the top of good it's uh it's an interesting one so it's it's about a doctor for sentient robots um he's not a robot himself so it's set in this world where about like 10 of the population is humanoid robots that are almost indistinguishable from people and they've got full rights they've got that figured out but it's illegal to make copies of AI brains because of all the implications of that um and he's a back alley robot Doctor Who explores the implications of the stuff that's illegal yeah it's interesting the adaptation I think holds it back a little bit but yeah it's a solid story overall it's just held back a little bit by the production values I think it's it's a very interesting setting it's got lots of high interesting High Concepts sci-fi ideas like the main characters got like a uh self-driving car that um tells them if he drives it himself his insurance is going to be voided uh next up What's this called the Great cleric right I normally would never throw the insult of made by an AI at something that was made with real human hands but like this more than almost any isakai I've ever seen feels like it was made by an AI on every level the backgrounds are so Bland the character designs are [ __ ] ugly and simple and the animation sucks and like the story is literally just a guy wakes up in another world he decides what his powers will be he goes to a town where he finds out that those powers make him super special uh he goes to train his powers and he does he does training and he levels up a whole bunch and like literally the level up processes he just sits in his room casting heal over and over again for a week it's so it's so it's it's just boring as [ __ ] all right next up my happy marriage solid Banger um seems like a period romance piece at first but it's got some Supernatural elements that reveal themselves in time um it's uh available on Netflix it's actually getting a simul dub which is pretty rare nowadays uh in the post FUNimation era the premise is it's kind of like a Cinderella type story this girl is um she's from a really rich family that treats her like [ __ ] while her sister is doted on and the reason for that is that in this version of Japan people have psychic powers that let them see invisible monsters and also give them other psychic powers and her sister inherited them she didn't uh it's got like tons of World building and yeah it's it's a Shojo or maybe a Jose but like that's rare enough as it is it's really solid romance if you're if you're in the mood for like a maybe even a good cry or just a good like warm fuzzy that's the show to check out for sure it's not at the bottom of Banger it's just getting mixed around it you know I'm not really ranking these by maybe I should it'll take longer but yeah I'll throw it under spell blades for now help from what I've seen so far I'm gonna put it in good but from what I've heard about the manga it will at some point move up to Banger for now I'm putting it in good Helk is uh a story about a human hero who is uh competing in a tournament to become the Demon King because he hates humans and wants to wipe them all out it's a very funny comedy it apparently has some like heavier stuff in the story later on from what I've heard didn't want to get spoiled on it I don't know about help going yet I feel like top of good is a good place to put it for now all right next up throw this in the middle of good this is the most heretical last boss Queen um from villainous to savior it's uh really it's a more emotional and melodramatic take on the concept of uh baccarina I forget what the actual name of baccarina is I just always call it baccarina it's got some neat ideas I but like my overall impression is I feel like the visual novel that she's rewriting was more interesting than the story the anime has told so far that's kind of where I fall on it but I have also heard stuff about where it's going that it might get better protags are way more competent Katarina which makes it lose a bit of the charm yeah that's kind of where I was at I mean I do like the idea that like people get memories of all the horrible stuff that she did to them in other timelines and like they react to that differently there's like a lot of potential for drama yeah my next life is a villainous all Roots lead to Doom that's right I just Bach Arena you know but you know like it did it it did hit me emotionally a couple times in the first episode I do feel like she feels a little too guilty for the stuff that she is going that she hasn't even done yet that her character did in other timelines you know like that that feels a little not unearned but it feels weird she she like has like a really big complex about the horrible things that she's gonna do or has done but she hasn't done them right that wasn't her that was a character in a video game it's weird uh hori Mia the Lost pieces or the missing pieces that's a banger original horring me as a banger I mean held back a little bit just because it's it it's not a cohesive story it's like bits and pieces of the manga that weren't adapted into the original run of the anime but like these characters are so good it it works even as just like a disconnected Slice of Life story horimi is a banger can't complain about more horimia on the same note Jujutsu Kaizen is a banger cannot complain about more Jujutsu Kai's and I'm actually throwing that way up here I'm putting that at the top of the Banger tier for now because um I know where this season is going this is one that I'm I'm you know fully caught up on but also I know where this season's going I've read ahead in the manga and Shibuya absolute all-time greatest showman arcs Shibuya is the equivalent to the Paramount War for Jujutsu yeah no it's it's probably in my top five all-time anime like like Shonen arcs all right next up uh level one uh Demon King and one room hero so comedy I'm gonna throw it right at the top of good below the stuff that actually like made the ones to watch it's really funny the reason I I didn't put it over Helk is just like there's some parts of the premise that don't like super track for me but like the jokes just they land it's really really funny so the idea is um this guy defeats the Demon King 10 years later The Demon King comes back reincarnates prematurely as like a little Gremlin who can't do nothing just to inflict misery on his arch nemesis before he dies but then he finds the hero and the hero uh in the last 10 years was just completely canceled lost all his sponsorships celebrity scandal after celebrity scandal he's a washed up loser living in a one-room apartment spending every day jacking off um so the Demon Lord decides to help him get back on his feet just to knock him down properly really fun idea uh solid solid comedy um good fan service too actually like I'm kind of tempted to throw it at the top of trash I feel like it might belong there feel like it might be a hottest trash Contender it's really funny all right next up liar liar I don't know whether I want to put this in trash or bad to be honest or maybe mid I I'll throw it at the bottom of trash it it wants to be like a really trashy like Harem thing with these fun ideas so the idea is it's like a classroom of the elite Baca and test type scenario where they're at this really fancy high-tech school where everybody is ranked with stars and you um win Stars by winning games because of the star rating system the closest point of comparison is actually the episode of community where the whole school gets taken over by the social media ranking app so the whole idea is he he's walking around um the campus he meets the girl with like The toppest of top ranks who's also the daughter of the the principal he doesn't know that he asks her for directions to his school she helps him but then she gets hit by a sprinkler and she thinks it was a devious plot on his part so she challenges him to a battle through a series of very absurd coincidences yeah I'm throwing it in mid I don't I don't [ __ ] maybe bad maybe bad I don't so through a series of absurd coincidences she ends up losing her star to him and the star that she loses to him is the magic red liar star that lets you tell a lie and actually she is not the daughter of the the principal or the the head of the board or whatever she's secretly she was her friend from school and that girl has been kidnapped so she's got to pretend to be her and anybody who gets the liar star can tell what all the past lies are so he uses his lie to pretend he's got seven stars um at the best of the company that runs the school because they don't want all these different scandals to happen he gets like a team led by this maid that helps him cheat in games so like the idea that the games might have some strategy just goes out the [ __ ] window and it's just like oh we hacked we hacked the game so you won again it's bad it's just bad it's it's trying to do too many things at once very poorly animated it goes for like a comedic angle where the guy does like the Arrogant like Lelouch style douchebag I'm the greatest and you'll have to come beat me and then he goes off he's like oh my God that was so cringe why did I say that yeah dude why did you say that there's lots of ways to play up that you're the the coolest dude without coming off like a [ __ ] douchebag yeah the more I talk about it the more I realize I just hate it I I just hate it link click Banger I need I need to watch season two uh but you know I did not mention it because I didn't know it was out because they didn't put it on Mal but link to click season two is out it's a banger yeah more link click cannot complain so it's about these guys who have time travel Powers related to photos so one of them can dive into the mind of somebody the person who took a photo in the past by doing that they solve Mysteries but they they can change stuff but also they can't and a lot of stuff happens um it's just really good it's a Chinese animated series one of the best ever made next up masamune kun's Revenge see I have heard this new Season's better but that might just also be people who weren't filtered out by the first season who are still watching it for Me based on what I saw of the first season I Gotta Throw it in mid um maybe maybe I'll watch more of it for hottest trash see like I enjoyed the first episode but then like my interest really fell off of it I might I might be being too harsh on it I feel like I should watch a couple more episodes to see how I feel it's the same as the first season so far I think they're actually going to resolve the misunderstanding soon though that might bump it up to good then uh for now I'm throwing it in mid but um it has the potential to go up so I'll throw it towards the top of mid all right next up Mononoke Atari I'm gonna throw that at the bottom of good maybe a little above cat and made yeah so this is a story about um and it says monono like Mononoke in it but it's all um sukumo gami the spirits of like uh objects with a lot of history around them so the idea is that like the spirits of objects come to life and wreak havoc in Tokyo and there's people tasked with clearing them up and and um this guy is part of a family of exorcists uh but his family was killed by one of them so he he's like racist against all the tsukumogami actually you know yeah I put ayaka pretty high I'm gonna throw that toward the bottom of good because I I you know I kind of edging on Mid I don't have much more to say about it seems like a pretty good action series with some fun Concepts I didn't get super into the first couple episodes that I watched back in the day but the trailer for the new season got me really hyped so I think I feel pretty comfortable putting it in good all right moving on mushoku tensei is a banger putting it near the top of bangers honestly just some of the best fantasy world building magic animation character writing in in anime right now I I love it I love it so much I think everybody should watch mushoku tensei in spite of the icky stuff about the character it's it's a really good story about Redemption and making yourself a better person you know considering that I may be about to throw another anime into into like a trash bin for things similar to the proclivities of the protagonist that's um that's uh you know you might you might read that as weird but like it's it's just really good it's some of the best character writing you will find in anime period some of the best world building can't recommend it enough glasses girl Banger if you don't wear glasses yeah I'm I'm throwing that in bad I feel like it could have been mid without the gohans animation I'm putting it above Liar Liar though actually I'm putting it above both liar liar and cleric wait if it's at the top of bad does that make it worse yeah I think I think I have I've immediately decided that the top of bad is worse it's almost trash honestly it's hard to watch and normally when I say something's hard to watch it's like mucho contense where it like makes you uncomfortable but in this case it's hard to watch because literally it will give you a [ __ ] headache yeah it's it's uh it's bad bad it's bad I did a reaction video to it that I would love to throw to that got taken down for copyright reasons but you can check that out on my patreon uh patreon.com Mother's basement I believe because I re-uploaded it there anyone who pledges a dollar gets to watch all my uncensored videos anything that gets taken down for copyright will be up there from now on okay let's move on from that uh I'm gonna throw my secret ability makes me op even at level one I'm gonna throw that in mid I feel like maybe it it could be I mean there's a lot about it that is trashy main character moves in with like a little girl 10 minutes into episode one maybe it's trash maybe it's trash I don't know it's just kind of mid trash so far so the I it's another one of those anime where the time the stat screen is like five minutes but the difference is he doesn't get lots of op stats and he can't level up even at first but he he so his only op stat is he has the highest drop rate and in this world the only way to get any commodity is to have it drop from a monster I mean that's that's kind of the whole story um so he's he's got the best drop rate that anybody's ever had um and he finds a secret dungeon uh made just for him not the secret dungeon only I can enter that's better trash um where the monsters drop these seeds that give you skill UPS so he gets his skills up even though his level is trash any it's just it's silly I'll throw it in trash because I just remembered there's a bunny girl who comes after him at the end of the first episode my tiny Senpai that's also trash which is weird because I've heard the manga isn't trash but uh yeah it's kind of like um my Senpai is annoying there's a lot of work like life comedies where there's like a big dude in a short short stack girl it's like my Senpai is annoying but also going for uzakikun um and it's you know it's I guess it's like a cute workplace rom-com but like it's it's a cute short stack girl with big titties uh every other thing that she says is like very easy to misinterpret as sexual that's the joke that's the whole joke if you enjoy that is laughs to be had there yeah you're right uh my bad I do need another tear just uh we're gonna move on we're gonna move on from this one we're not talking about it the less that we say about the creator of that the better hypothetically if I were to offer any opinion about a remake of an anime made by somebody who got like arrested for CP all I would say is not even as good as the 90s anime so like who cares um oku the inner Chambers that's going right in Banger um that one I didn't I was hesitant to include on the seasonal list because it's technically not seasonal it's an Ona that's up on um uh Netflix just came out all 10 episodes are already out but it's really good and I wanted to include it here just because like it's really good um so the premise is it's an alternate history Japan I don't know where to put it in bangers I'm gonna put it below dark Gathering just because or you know what bangers isn't really in order I'll just put it at the end so it doesn't seem like I'm doing any favoritism set in an alternate history Meiji era Japan or not major era Edo era it's set in an alternate history Edo era Japan um where the male population of the nation has been reduced to a quarter by this virulent plague that only kills men so men have become like a very prized commodity in society and women have kind of taken over the world the shogun's a woman uh you know all the bureaucracy is run by women and and like the World building is so deep it's really really interesting they like go into all these different things about how the society is set up and the story centers around the oku which is the inner chamber the uh Harem of 800 handsome men the only the Shogun of Japan is allowed to even see these men no other women are around allowed near them and it's got all sorts of like politics and and you know men being catty [ __ ] it's really it's dark it's fascinating can't recommend it enough if you uh if you're into historical dramas alternate history you want to learn more about Japanese history it's it's pretty good for that uh okay you the inner chamber fair warning like trigger warning it get it goes to some shawshanksy places in episode one you know because 800 men who live their entire lives together in one place stuff's gonna happen reborn is a vending machine I'm gonna throw at the top of good maybe behind Helk reborn is definitely good I feel like it needs like a little something extra to like make it to an all-time Banger yeah reborn is a vending machine I did not expect to be great but it's great but yeah it's so much better than I thought it would be um like you know the the idea reborn as a vending machine just seems goofy but like they really you know it really explores it apparently it was it was like the author um his dad owned a store and died falling off of a ladder and he was like oh that that gave him this notion of like oh [ __ ] I better get my dreams accomplished before something happens to me he always wanted to be a writer pitched a bunch of isakai none of them really took off but then he was like you know what I got this idea it's all mine um and he he just wrote whatever the [ __ ] he wanted and turned out really good people loved it you know it's got an anime it's a top seller if you're you know if you're bored with isakaya definitely recommend checking it out next up I I don't I I put this list together and I don't actually recognize that [ __ ] oh it's record of Ragnarok too that's um yeah that's going in bad that's going in bad bad bad bad bad uh but record of Ragnarok [ __ ] sucks manga's pretty good uh adaptation is terrible I already talked about this when I put it on the worst anime of the year list for the year that it came out but I just want to since this has gone around a couple times I just want to put out there I did a reaction for Netflix two record of Ragnarok season one where I was positive on it and the reason for that the reason that I and Garth and everybody else who was on that reaction was positive is because they cut like three episodes worth of fight that was like padded out with Exposition and [ __ ] down to one 10 minute chunk that that like was actually fun to watch um I thought that I was watching just like 10 minutes of episode one so that is why my reaction to that was positive if anybody is curious record of Ragnarok is one of the worst anime adaptations I think of all time I guess I should put that at the top of bad then I I don't even know how these [ __ ] rankings are working anymore it's too many images my brain ain't my brain ain't reading it not even roastable I feel like honestly it's it's it's so slow and the things that make it bad aren't ridiculous or fun they're just poor execution you know what I mean all right let's move on um Pastor Lawrence and Saint Cecilia this might be contentious but I'm gonna throw this one in mid it just it's not hitting for me it's it's it's douga Kobo who normally make like really very prettily animated stuff and it's it's like a slice of Life comedy about this priest or Pastor um who lives with a saint and the saint is like all saintly but then when they're alone she's all lazy and that's the joke I guess it's upper Echelon of mid there were a couple minutes that like Charmed me I guess but like you know it's it's so predictable from minute one you can feel every beat of the story before it happens like you know he's very serious and kind of dense and he doesn't get that she's got a crush on him she's got a crush on him there's like some light World building like it's it's sort of Christian but like you know in in the same way that like Kung Fu Panda is like vaguely Taoist they got this world building that Saints are sent by God and they have the ability to see Angels but angels are just little balls of light and they um you know they they can't lie and it's it was boring yeah it's boring shadowverse mid I don't know if I even should have thrown this one in in here because it's just another toy anime you know it's it's mid it's more shadowverse but yeah all right let's move on um spy classroom I'm gonna throw in bad because I thought it was bad I did not enjoy it very much sorry I know spy classroom got some fans I think it got some fans it's still one of the worst plot twists I think of of any anime I've seen it just ah the way it handles everything past there the structure of it is just not I don't enjoy it I don't enjoy it at all does anything beat oshinoco this year oh shinoko's definitely going to be at the top but zom100 also might depending on how well they adapt later parts of it like I've been reading more of the manga now I mean we'll get there when we get there um it's right at the end of the the the uh tier list but like I just got through the truck stop of the Dead Arc that shit's really good it it hits on ideas of like abuse and control and that's going to be a really solid two-parter I shouldn't be talking about Psalm 100 right now I I should be saving this for when we actually get to zom 100 or maybe I should just throw it on the list now yeah you know what [ __ ] it zom100 going at the top of Bangor tier Breaking All the Rules here screw the rules I have money etc etc I love this [ __ ] anime I'm gradually becoming more and more obsessed with the manga it's it's good on so many levels like that the adaptation um it's it's Comey can't communicates director who's really good at like that cinematic highly fluid animation style when they move the camera they actually do it for a reason hand shakers go hands please take notice but yeah it it it's a very good adaptation the chapters of the manga that I've read so far just everyone's been like a great mix of comedy action a little bit of horror you know like it's it's a story written with the understanding that zombies aren't that scary anymore it still gets into you know the the people being scarier than zombies idea I mean Truck Stop of the Dead really gets into that Jeff be honest you jump to zom because next was rent a girlfriend what no no no no no no okay I mean I am kind of I don't know whether to put this in mid or bad to be honest the thing the worst thing about rent a girlfriend really is that it's not bad enough you know what I mean but it's so mean it is bad but then it's so not bad that it's mid so I'm gonna have to put it in bad I'm gonna have to put it in bad I'd rather watch a bad show than a mid-show most of the time so maybe I should throw it in mid it is kind of like the true mid of Harem anime execution but then sometimes it goes like really bad like that pool scene yeah I think bad I think bad all right I'm gonna move on from it though cause if I'm I'm sure I will have to subject myself to talking about it at some point in the future and yeah I too have been stockholmed by rent a girlfriend I'm gonna throw sugar apple fairy tale in good I haven't seen that much of it to be fair I've only watched like three episodes of the first season but I enjoyed what I saw of it it's a really solid fantasy series with like interesting World building beautiful animation solid overall okay next up I'm putting it I'm putting uh sweet reincarnation at the very bottom of good maybe I need another tier that's just okay I might do that next time because it's pretty okay I enjoyed it yeah I think I need an okay tier Okay then if we're doing that throw an ayaka in there Duke of death sweet reincarnation sweet reincarnation yeah okay I have officially decided that stuff's moving to the okay tier and then we can move Saint Cecilia up too all right all right everybody okay with that okay then you know what we can that gives us make okay yellow there there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go thank you for your help chat this was some really good graphic design work you guys did here so far sweet reincarnation was a bit disappointing to me since I wanted a lot more cooking and less fighting Bandits but that could have just been my expectations no that's fair that's kind of where I'm hitting on it where he does a little too much fighting Bandits it's it's a little bit too much the stuff you see in every isakai what I like about it is the magic system has like a cool sense of like ritualism to it world is like has like interesting layers um and the politics are like pretty well thought out I said in the the ones to watch it feels like we have Bookworm at home and I love Bookworm so that kind of made me enjoy watching it a lot but I also think it's just okay and the production qualities really drag it down which is saying something if I'm comparing it to Bookworm right because Bookworm was good enough to be great despite looking like crap a lot of the time uh okay next up I'm gonna throw uh cinderellaity Noir up at the up up at the top of good uh I it might end up being a banger it's like it's hitting for me I really like the characters I like the setting but the settings also kind of very generic um and the main thing carrying it for me right now is I know it's created by the guy who created bunny girl Senpai and I really like bunny girl Senpai so yeah it might fall off there is a distinct chance that it will fall off because actually you know what I'm gonna throw a bastard in okay too just because I'm gonna throw a bastard in there all right tenpuru that's going near the top of trash that's some really good trash right there it's a very very very horny ass Harlem anime that's a lot a lot of that's that sums up a lot of it right there so the the main character this the first scene is so incredible because it's just the main character's dad being like hey sport you know how having friends is really great right and he says yeah well I I got to thinking about that and I thought no that that means having lots of lovers is great too wow you're so cool dad I sure am where are you going Dad I'm gonna meet all the women of the world and make them my friend goodbye son goodbye Dad you're the coolest basically the ging freaks of Haram anime he swears off women forever because he doesn't want to be like his piece of [ __ ] dad but then he meets a woman who he falls in love with at First Sight cannot stand all the pent up feelings that are coming out so he goes to a temple to become a monk and renounces worldly desires but when he gets to the temple the girl is there and so are a bunch of other girls turns out it's a nunnery full of extremely hot women so he can't stay there except his piece of [ __ ] dad owes the temple hundreds of thousands of Yen so yes he can as their slave and that's that's the premise the plot doesn't super track if you think about it at all but it's pretty funny all the girls are insanely hot um and it's very funny gonna move the you know what cat anime also belongs at the top of okay gonna stop moving stuff now I promise now this anime the dreaming boy is a realist I don't know whether to put it in mid or bad again I'm I think I'm gonna throw it in mid because my main feeling toward it is it's extremely boring but it's also very confusing to the point that like for half the first episode I didn't know if the main character had suffered a traumatic head injury or like another person had taken over his body or he suddenly had Amnesia he just has like the most dramatic character change it's not really explained why so the the idea is this guy has had a crush on this girl he sits next to in class for years and years and years and he keeps asking her out and he keeps she keeps saying no and like everybody thinks of him as a stalker and then finally he's like oh I'm making her uncomfortable I should stop another girl starts hitting on him out of the blue it's just it's weird the plot's all over the place I didn't feel anything the whole time I was watching it it's uh I guess you could take it as an epiphany but like it's not very well Justified how it happens and the writing doesn't really help and the effect that they throw around it when he has the Epiphany makes it seem like something more significant it's just yeah it's mid it's mid makes me sad to say this but I might have to throw this here too or maybe you know I think now that we got the okay tier I'm comfortable putting Atelier Pfizer in the okay slot wait what did I say telier faisa fisa r y z a fisa I can't say it any different anyway tell you faiza is an adaptation of a pretty darn good jrpg that's kind of a you know slice of Lifey Sim um with some light adventure elements the main features of the game are its Alchemy system which lets you craft all sorts of things that's the Mainstay of the series you know laid back atmosphere and the [ __ ] thighs man oh my God and the anime definitely gets that so many shots of that this is definitely I yeah again the mention in the hottest trash like many anime adaptations of video games it just kind of feels like you're watching somebody play the video game and it's not it's just kind of boring to watch and that sucks they gave it an hour-long almost feature-length premiere to like introduce the world and the characters and it's just kind of boring it's got its charms very nice animation in a lot of places uh I like the characters makes me want to play the game but that's about the best I can say for it yeah we're gonna keep going uh Undead murder farce is definitely a banger one of the bangiest bangers of the season in fact can't say enough good things about it honestly if you like anime check it out it's a really cool premise it's it's uh set in an alternate Meiji era which is why if you remember ages ago when I misspoke about um oku being set in the Edo era that's why uh or being set in the Meiji era um but yeah uh so it's set in an alternate Meiji era where the emperor has vowed to eradicate all of the supernatural creatures in Japan in the name of westernization the main character is a half Oni who works in a circus like beating the [ __ ] out of other monsters to um entertain the crowds uh but he's slowly gonna lose his mind to the monster inside of him and eventually tear up all the people outside he's kind of banking on that as his last bit of entertainment before he goes out but then a lady who is a head in a bird cage comes up to him with an alternate proposal to kill her and she'll let him live longer but because as someone stole her body her Immortal body which has the power to stop him from turning into a monster but then it turns out the guy who stole her body is the same guy who turned him into a half monster in the first place so instead they team up as a mystery solving Duo go to Europe start solving mysteries for the European monster population such as vampires and werewolves and so on in order to track down the top-hearted gentleman who screwed with both of them and get her body back and get revenge very fun very funny incredible action uh great characters Just Hits on every level go watch it okay we're on our last anime Johannes the parhelian sunshine in the mirror which is going firmly in good tier I want to put it pretty high in good tier too so Johanna departalian sunshine in the mirror is a spin-off of love live Sunshine which I have not seen but I have heard is the best love live um it stars johanne uh the alternate Persona of yoshiko Chan I believe who's one of the idols in love live her thing is she's really chuney loves anime loves RPGs all that sort of stuff she she's got all these tuning delusions in the main series April last year April 1st they announced that they were doing a story about her chunee alter ego which people thought was a joke uh in a set in a fantasy world which has like a lot of like modern Japanese elements in it there's robots there's magic you know there's a Kamen Rider people have cars but also you know so it's modern fantasy which you don't see often and I really like the World building it's you know a cute slice of Lifey thing but there's a little bit of action to it they got a lot of dancing and singing obviously because it's [ __ ] love five of course they do there's a metroidvania game coming out in like a couple months too that seems like it's pretty good really nice pixel art if you don't like love live but you're on the fence about trying it out I think this is a pretty good one to get into it to like give it a try it does a good job of introducing the characters on its own terms as its own story so it doesn't like feel like you need to have seen sunshine to enjoy it I'm gonna put it below send Duality though because I like send Duality a little more it's good it's it's very good very very nicely animated uh there's a talking dog I like the talking dog it's cute Slice of Life not a lot I can say about it without like going into plot spoilers which don't matter that much but like it's got all of the charms of the main level of series but in a fantasy world if you do like love live you're probably watching it already but it's good thank you so much for coming out to watch the new not really the ones to watch uh I did a tier list of the whole anime season and this is that tier list that's the name of this series now I'm very tired uh we've been at this for almost three hours now hey Jeff from Jeff from more time to remind you that if you like this considering how long it is and the fact that you're still here uh that it was originally done over at twitch.tv slash Jeff through so if you want to see me make more things like this in the future or suffer through fear and hunger or other video games come give me a follow please and thank you all right I'm gonna go pose in front of this green screen for the thumbnail I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Basement Life
Views: 64,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, summer 2023 anime, jujutsu kaisen season 2, mushoku tensei, jujutsu kaisen, jjk, rent a girlfriend season 3, every anime, anime ranking, zom 100 bucket list of the dead, undead murder farce, bungou stray dogs, horimiya lost pieces, bleach thousand year blood war, masamune kun no revenge, the girl I like forgot her glasses, liar liar, devil is a part timer, reign of the seven spellblades, reborn as a vending machine, my tiny senpai, mother's basement summer anime
Id: teAfAC7U84s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 23sec (3383 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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