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g'day weebs welcome back to the channel sorry I've been a little bit uh inactive lately but I figured this was probably uh wet some time uh to take a look at because there's been some big ticketing changes for comicat uh hopefully if you're going to the one that's happening in about two weeks so c102 you already know about these changes because you're pretty much uh screwed if you haven't already caught the boat but we'll we'll have a look shall we so these ticketing changes are current as of the next comicat happening in August August 12th and 13th so these might still change by the winter one which should be at the end of the year but notably comicat has changed back a two-day event um so the last couple years it was a three-day event mostly because the take a big site was undergoing Renovations and then covered in the impacts from that um kept going so now from what I assume from now on uh from this August uh all comicats which should be two days only so the weekend essentially um I'll put all the links for all the for the websites here um in the description below if you want to have a closer look at them which you probably will um and of course I do also recommend following their official Twitter account and the Facebook page because they provide updates in English um for you know International um attendees so comic it has changed drastically since covid and since the Olympics really this was this change was already happening for the Tokyo Olympics because they just didn't have the space um in that everyone needs a ticket now there is no free entry anymore your free lunch is gone and potentially the old school way of queuing for comicat where you have huge queues and huge lines and things like that might be gone now but you know we'll have a we'll have a look shall we um this is probably the first Common kit where things have actually gone back to normal the first comic kit that happened straight after um they reopened from covert and it was uh okay but this should be things like suddenly get rolling now Ticket big so it's fully renovated things like that they have access to all the East West Halls on both levels now um just like it was prior to covet um so you know hopefully it's about snow the big change right now is that if you want an early entry ticket so you want to be in the door at opening which is 10 30. um you'll need to First enter a lottery uh because there's too many people that want one and the tickets cost 5 000 Yen now which is about 50 bucks U.S or Australian whichever way you want to look at it um that is a lot compared to when it used to be free even when they first instituted the ticketing system um you know a couple years back uh even prior to covert just before covert in fact when turkey big site was getting renovated for the Tokyo Olympics um a ticket only cost like a thousand to 1500 Yen I believe and you got it with your catalog um that has now gone you now need to enter a lottery and then if you're successful in the lottery then you can buy your early entry ticket at 10 30 a.m so that's uh a little bit disappointing it's probably to do with the cues honestly in the traffic uh because a lot of people would be queuing and you know trying to get the earliest Train at Six a.m to in order to be able to get at the front of the queue um and things like that so this way they're trying to make sure that people don't do that because there's no point I don't know if that'll work that way mostly because even the people that don't get the early entry ticket the people that get like the morning ticket for example which we'll go through in a little bit um they're still going to want to queue up early because even though they might not be able to get in at 10 30. they want to be the first ones in after the first wave has gone in you know what I mean um so I don't think you can defeat human nature there but at least maybe it'll decrease the it'll smooth out the flow of people sort of using public transport to try to get uh to take your big site so that might be the the thinking there if I 5000 yen is quite a lot though I don't know man that's that's pretty steep um and you'll also have to be sure about where you're entering from as well and we'll go through that in a little bit there is also a constantly changing room early entry ticket so this is similar to other comicats where they used to have cosplay um specific tickets where you would be guaranteed access to the cosplay changing room because in Japan you're not allowed to wear cosplay outside of the events um so this is a new um but it is quite a lot more expensive and it's also in a lottery so similar to the general entry tickets um notably before the entry to the cosplay changing room wasn't charged I believe I believe it was only a ticket but now they've started to charge for the tickets again probably to try to smooth out the crowds and try to make sure that there's a more Even Flow throughout the day which I mean good luck to them then the last two uh tickets which have not sold out are the am entry and PM entry both of these are pretty much the same thing um just that am entry is only at 11 o'clock I believe or 11 30 straight after the 10 30 people have gone in and it only costs like a thousand yen which is about ten dollars um so these ones would have been similar to the ones that were prior to covered um yeah I mean you can there's no Lottery but there's limited numbers apparently or you can buy an e-ticket on uh online if you're International to clear you can get in as a international attendee if you so wish but you do have a little bit of a trial to go through if you're trying to get it internationally um but Am Pm entry are fairly standard ticket [Music] um so as we keep going down there is a schedule of the ticket sales again if I said uh you are trying to get to come and get one zero two in about two weeks you probably should have bought your tickets by now um and you probably should have known about this ticketing change before I got to it essentially um however if you're not that into kind of getting there early you can still get AM and PM tickets as far as I'm aware I am curious about if you are going early if you can let me know how the how the queuing situation is like that'll be pretty interesting to know alrighty so the early entry tickets so these are the ones that queue before doors open and get first dibs in at 10 30 A.M um you they're split up into which Halls you want to go into um and we'll have a look at the map again um if you haven't seen it before because it is going to be a little bit different uh so they're split up into South slash West and then East Halls um so you have to know which places you want to go to for because otherwise you're going to be stuck um going through it basically will be one giant line going one way right sort of like an Ikea store um and they will not probably let you go back around the other way um and there are separate tickets and lotteries for male and female changing rooms due to capacity so make sure you choose the right one um obviously if you don't identify as either one um they saved us to purchase either one and then inquire on site I personally don't know how that will go I'm not a cosplayer good luck um if you if you can let me know how that goes um that'd be really good to know just for other people to know uh after changing you then have to stay in the South halls and then you'll then let out I assume into the open space once all the queue um space has been uh emptied out of people uh because generally what happens is that in taking a big side there's like a big Plaza up the top narrow to the doors and then there's a lower sort of um kind of public area where there's like stores and stuff up and down the boulevard where they get people usually the queue so I assume what happens is that you change you get stuck in the South Hall for a little bit all right and then you're let out once everyone's disperseded and gone into the halls or whatever um so then you can do you know your photos and things outside um yeah so those are the changes for the tickets uh if you have not already got your ticket for the August comicat coming up I would highly suggest buying it now um the early ones are all set out anyway so you can still get the uh morning and evening ones uh via e-ticket via e-plus which is also on this website which I'll link down below so I would recommend getting them as for the December one for the winter comicat this year I personally think this is going to stick the actual uh methods of buying a ticket might change mostly because for international um attendees ticket pay is really not a friendly it's definitely not a friendly um system to use because when you look at it it is all in Japanese um so you've definitely got to either Google translate and trust yourself or you know be able to navigate this uh beforehand to be clear even if you buy this online through ticket pay um you will need to show up at a Family Mart at some point to collect the ticket I believe they say that somewhere here uh yeah so this is how to buy um section um and you do need to register in advance with an SMS Center registered phone with apparently most many countries supported but not everyone um so unfortunately if you if your country is not supported with an SMS um unfortunately you can't attend early that's just how it is [Music] um and tickets will have the name of the account crypto owner and it must match your photo ID so they don't let anyone else go in under your name tickets are issued to people like one person only um and you will need to attend to a family mark up to you before the day before comicat so that would be Thursday the August 11th I believe August 10th uh would be the safest option I mean you can try the Friday August 11 but I wouldn't risk her and yeah if you don't get your tickets bye luck so yeah you do have to get to a family mom uh you can get someone in Japan to issue the ticket for you but they will not be able to enter unless they have their name on their photo ID so that's just how it is um we'll have a look at the maps now so you know exactly what east and south slash West Halls mean uh because it does change so here's the map uh this is the entirety of turkey big site in kind of a diagrammatic form so these six here are the East halls and they are literally just side by side like that uh and then on the right hand side of those we have the West one and West two holes in yellow the South one and two halls connected to it just above in Gray and then upstairs uh which is not East oh correction west and south fourth floor so these are upstairs of those there's West three and four and south are in four in sort of the same layout uh so the East Halls will be your general doorjin um sales and also West is your sort of General Dodge entails these will change from day to day so you've got to make sure whichever artist you're going to you know which day that they're exhibiting on and you know which Hall they're exhibiting on because it'll be different depending on whether you go first or second day the only booths that don't change from day to day will be the corporate booths and the corporate booths are all in the South Halls so back three and fours corporate booths I don't think they're using South one and two but um all the upstairs should be corporate booths if I look correctly yeah so all the all the upstairs booths of west and south Halls should be corporate routes those will be fairly obvious despite if you want your own sort of physical map rather than trying to rely on this online map from I'll put the link in the description below uh you should grab a catalog from any like animate whatever once you get to Japan um just ask for a comicat catalog it'll be this massive thick phonebook-like thing um and in the back there should be Maps there should be three or four Maps I believe enough for both days and enough to be able to circle out okay this is where this booth is that I need to go to and then you should be able to map out um you know what um sort of Route you should take to be able to hit everything um it'll include all your dodging artists it'll include all your corporate boost that kind of thing um I wouldn't recommend bringing the catalog on the day because it's super heavy just kind of tear the the map out from the catalog on the day to take that with you relax would be my suggestion um I think that's about it in terms of ticket shooting changes and what else I can probably do to help you with your comicat 102 summer of 2023 experience if you do end up going and you're going early let me know how it is I'm really curious if it does help with the cues otherwise I will be going to the winter comicat coming up um so the one at the end of December in 2023 uh so if you're going let me know um and throughout the rest of the year I'll be trying to keep you up to date with my preparations for comicat and I've got some other prep I need to do as well for a friend's chip that I'm going on at the same time so if you're interested in kind of how to prep for a larger group going to Japan or going to a comicat with people that not necessarily might be in that demographic um you know keep an eye out on the channel and that'll be coming up soon so thanks a lot for watching um and yeah keep an eye out for that for other content thanks a lot [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Jaded Weeb
Views: 82
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, comiket, guide, foreigner, anime, manga, travel, Tokyo, Tokyo Big Sight, comic market, doujinshi, doujinsh, cosplay, japan travel, japanese culture, japan tourism, life in japan
Id: KIWj19PgayA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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