Netflix One Piece is looking GREAT!!!

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okay so first thing that we're gonna do I really want to talk about the the one piece trailer Netflix just dropped the new one piece trailer for their live-action adaptation responses are mixed I think it's just haters are gonna hate but like I thought couldn't be more excited for this I've already watched it like five times we're gonna watch it more you guys can see for yourself if you haven't seen it already Luffy's accent feels so right I don't know how to describe it but it adds to the character I think yeah no I I'm really glad that they had enaki the actor like lean into his accent for two reasons one would have felt really awkward if he was trying to hide it actually three reasons two I feel like it's authentic to the time period and everything and three uh I don't know if you know this but like Oda has uh released a list of the nationalities of all the straw hats and he like explicitly said that Luffy is is South American specifically from Brazil I'll try not to Fan girl squeak too much as we go through this but I'm so hyped I'm gonna be king of the Pirates [Music] shell Town looks so good treacherous that's sword fight right there okay yeah so so we got some different opinions in chat some people saying they died from cringe I don't know I think that they got the tone just right between keeping it too serious and and keeping it like too cartoony I know some people's got uh got some complaints about the dialogue you know there's some quips in there but like I I think they're doing something interesting by having Zorro and Nami be like a little more snarky about things at the start and Luffy just be like super positive and I feel like he's gonna pull them in over the course of the series you can't just keep it simple the way that the car you know the anime and the manga are because like that sort of characterization doesn't really track in live action but like things like that set up with with Zorro saying nah I don't do special attack names I guarantee he's gonna be like or I mean I'm not guarantee I don't know what the show's gonna do but the way that I would write that would be to have him then later come back and be like onigiri and then like smile at Luffy and he smiles back and they're like yeah all right let's see what you guys thought though because you know that those are just my thoughts yeah Dio zawarudo I agree like lots of people forget how corny one piece is a lot of the time the music yes hero Sully I agree like that I really like that orchestral score a lot it's like stuck in my head already uh feels very you know a little bit different from the anime obviously which people are going to be disappointed by but also like like it's got a very strong Rhythm to it I just hear it playing in my head right now and it like doesn't step on Like Pirates of the Caribbean or anything like that so I'm really I'm just excited as long as we don't end up with Joss Whedon snark yeah it could definitely go too far in that direction I agree that is something I'm worried about but also Otis said that he's not letting it go through until he's satisfied so I don't think he'll let it go too far in that direction yeah zoro's attack name is literally rice ball there's also 108 pound Phoenix which is like the those are like Canon grades the stuff that's got me the most excited is like look at these ships right barati looks so good I know like some people are like a little not on board for the screaming mouth of going Mary but I I think again strikes a good balance between looking realistic while still capturing the general Vibe of the original you know you couldn't just slap a cartoon goat head on there we haven't seen a lot of uh Kuro where the black cat fires that is true I it is kind of worrying that they might skip usop's introduction Arc but like they've clearly cut this to like imply that Luffy gets going Mary right away but I don't think that that's actually what happens and the reason for that is if we go to right here there's some reasons to be a little concerned about this because you know stretchy arm effects are always awkward but I think this looks about as good as it could but anyway the skiff or possibly Schooner that they are on here is I think supposed to be like the first boat that he steals and when we see this shot earlier of alvita's ship it's not going Mary there yeah I'm pretty sure that he's going to start and then get married later so we'll we'll get the Usopp chapter you know we've only seen yeah yeah there uh that might be our long park looks like it could be at the top of the hill in his Arc the sense of scale is really important we want the ocean to feel big right and I think they're doing a pretty good job with that with I mean you know we haven't seen that much but this shot of shell Town looks really good you know they got the Fortress up there but designed it to be like more believable as a City compared to the cartoonier simplified look the tracking feels a little awkward like the composite there feels a bit awkward but this is like an early shot for a teaser like you can sort of see where they you know cut it out from the background but overall that that's like I think a really solid design absolutely love this shot of of Zorro on the cross just like nailing that looks Portuguese as [ __ ] and Greek most of this was filmed in South Africa I believe like this looks like a real City that they like took modern elements out of and composited stuff in nailing that the bad guy on the cross yeah I mean technically they tied the other like thing that just has me so excited again is the fact that these are real ships right they actually built Mary um they actually like built bharati that's that's not like CGI behind him that's a real set you can tell when they're on the deck they're actually like on the deck like you know that's CGI again you can sort of see the difference there is that that garps ship I think that's garp's ship oh hype hype but also with you know the Navy ships being metal I'm like picking so much stuff up let's like oh God there's so many like little things to appreciate here that looks great the compositings really solid it looks like it's in the environment with them I wish they were using puppets but like God damn it shakes it shakes but yeah the way it's going to be broken down season one's East blue season two I mean if they're covering 100 chapters a season then season two could conceivably go all the way through alabasta then season three would be Sky Pia yeah there's absolutely nothing skippable in one piece some stuff seems like filler when you're when you're starting out but like everything comes back 50 chapters a season I mean this one's gonna be a hundred this one's gonna be almost 100 chapters because it's going all the way to our Long Park yeah the term filler has lost all meaning Muppet Chopper is is essential I don't know if they'll actually do it that's you know that's a pipe dream but I would really love it if they did Muppet Chopper but you know even if they don't lord of the coast looks really [ __ ] good here way better than expected we'll have to see how see how the fish man buggy also I want to talk about buggy because like this Design's so good I I hope that's still his hair right if it is like that makes sense with how his Hat's been cropped and stuff the fisheye I think is making his hair tassels look longer than they are but like the main thing is like they really make his nose look like a creepy ass growth he's got that authentic age of sale dentistry in his mouth he's just like just like the right mix of like he's got that Charisma but he's also creepy it's such a great design you know the the messy ass face paint too going a little bit Dark Knight Joker with it I guess but like yeah yeah he just he's just nailing the the balance between looking like a goofball and looking creepy yeah the nose is porous so yeah like it really makes you think about like like you don't think about it as much in in you know just watching the trailer but like yeah that's a growth on his nose must be really uncomfortable bro's about to ask why I'm being so serious yeah yeah a little bit but like I you know I don't think you can do a clown in movies without at least acknowledging some form of junker at this point yeah one thing you can't say about the production no matter where you're at on the skeptical or not Spectrum it's got heart for sure whiskey lucky I agree like like the people behind the everybody working on this cares so much you can see it in the costume designs the set designs the actors are like doing such a good job of embodying their characters like also I just want to talk about like how much like actual fight ass fight choreography there is here right like that's that there's a real kick that that was an in in shot kick that not I mean he didn't actually knock that hand away but he really did that kick he really did did that kick on screen you know not a lot of like stunt Dublin or shortcuts being taken here like look at this the sword fighting that's that's like real ass fight choreography right there compare that you know to to a lot of what we saw in in Netflix Cowboy Bebop for example how quick Cuddy shortcuts they took with you know all the fight scenes and everything this is just like it's really raw it's really good [ __ ] that that's a really really good sword fight right there what character is that yeah yeah it could be one of the cat Pirates you're right also look at the [ __ ] the tiki torches the whole set there surreal it's super dramatic um the Cutlass versus Katana thing is just working I'm not 100 on nami's wig to be honest I but like I don't hate it she's definitely given a good performance though yeah kabaji seems to make sense having him fight on a unicycle would be really really really hard for a lot of reasons I wish they'd do it you know if they're gonna split that budget anyway they really need they got to get the lion looking good wigs are also hard that's a real ass ship you know there's no [ __ ] green screen here [ __ ] Mandalorian nonsense which is impressive in its own way but like God damn they're actually swinging on a rope Ah that's what I want to see in a pirate thing I'm just trying to see because we don't see much of alvita here I think they have the actress in a fat suit which would make sense with what happens to her character later yeah Kobe only gets like two frames here but like that's a really good Kobe design too a little bigger than he was in the the manga obviously but like that makes sense because they gotta age him up a lot faster and it's got to feel organic the alvita actress is not in the fatsu but but she's gotta slim down that's like that ha I wonder what they'll do with that gum gum does sound corny but one piece is corny one piece is inherently corny I am having way too much fun I'm way too maybe I'm too excited for this I don't know like I've seen so many of these things go wrong there's no way she's not written out of the story in the first episode no because I mean maybe they will but you know they've already got the actress cast and it would be harder to rewrite log town I think you know like having it just be buggy I really want to see how they do the effect of buggy without all of his middle bits that's gonna be really fun I mean you know we'll see good trailers have led to bad shows before I was so skeptical of any kind of One Piece live action thing at first right because like so much of one piece is rooted in just being a cartoon you know stuff like sanji's eyebrow and and lusap's nose and of course you know Luffy stretching which is a little awkward here you know that's always going to be awkward but like I think this is doing such a good job of justifying itself not just paying very nice homage to the manga and the anime and like being faithful to it right you know this is classic one piece [ __ ] he's sitting in his special seat but like also using one piece as like a justification to make a real good swashbuckling adventure story of a type that we don't get to see in live action anymore right I've heard good stuff about the the like gay Pirates right now our flag means death yeah that one I've heard really good stuff about that haven't checked it out yet you know I I'm part of the Pirates of the Caribbean generation and like we haven't had anything like that since that and like laughs this is this has given me the oh feel part of the awkwardness in that shot you're talking about this one is the camera following the fist the whole way through the entire punch yeah I agree it's you know they're trying to like do like a bullet time thing there it just feels like it's stretching out there a little too long and it's holding in place it should still be like extending back I think that would help instead of just sort of being at that length for a really long time but you know it's a hard effect to get right did you notice Luffy has multiple outfits taken from full page spreads of the manga yeah I did I definitely did like uh rare overall Luffy gotta love that and and the uh the you know the the Hawaiian shirt Luffy here which also that also makes me think that this is taking place later and that we are gonna get the black cats right because you know this is clearly a shipyard this is probably the shipyard where Mary is being built yeah if they didn't do gum gum everyone would complain but if they do it like just the finishing moves in a fight that's a good compromise I think they're gonna do it more than that it's a really big part of his fighting style you see him doing it that actually looks really solid you know it's it's a blur effect right you know like like they're not doing it it's a quick cut but like that looks pretty solid God Usopp looks so good too like uh the the you know the design of his slingshot is just perfect it's got the drip which I feel is really appropriate I I want to hear him speak yeah they got muskets right like like that's a real very Usopp expression that's a very very Usopp expression um waiting for the ultra VFX fan edit where they give us up a nose yeah I understand why they didn't do it like that makes sense three sword style yes yes but yeah so the kick here right that's a that's a Flintlock that's it yeah it's a flintlock pistol but that's like an authentic flintlock pistol let's take a sec to appreciate the interior of barati because like God damn look at that but also also that's sanji's actor he's doing the actual kick he's still holding the plate that's it really feels like everybody's on the same page here I don't know you know like a big problem with Netflix Bebop was so much of it was CGI right they didn't have practical sets for half of anything and and they didn't really do a lot of stuff in camera the way that they could have and you know this is only a teaser right it could very much go in either direction there's a lot a lot wrong with Netflix Bebop this is a bunch of cuts from the mostly finished Series yeah Watanabe said that he ducked out after the first scene I I did a breakdown of the first scene in my video one other reason in I'm having so much faith in the adaptation is Oda he's like Brandon Sanderson that now a lot of companies want to adapt his books he doesn't need the money so he can make sure the adaptation's good and oda's in the same position uh if he wasn't sure they would make a good enough job there's no way in hell he'd ever agree and he's been gassing the adaptation up so I think it's going to be a solid 7.5 out of 8 at least I I agree there like Oda Oda has like a direct quote about this actually since then Netflix has committed in enormous resources to the production it was announced that the show will launch in 2023 but they've promised that we won't watch it until I'm satisfied the entire cast and crew spanning various countries are brimming with love for one piece they're burning with passion and I've reminded everyone involved this should be fun we're in the final process right now of finishing all Eight Episodes we'll be set in sale very soon this isn't like like tepid praise and you know oda's not the first person to come out praising a Netflix show before it came out the creators of Death Note Drew fanart uh for the Death Note movie and were very enthused for it I kind of see why they liked it honestly um I I also understand why a lot of fans didn't but I kind of see why they appreciated it but Oda is so dedicated to making sure every iteration of one piece is true to his vision while also you know making sure that everybody working on it has as their own fun I trust them I trust them a lot Oda should play the old man in Orange town that would be great I don't think Oda speaks good enough English to do that but it would be great if he had some kind of Cameo Mela Bella one of my worries is that given this was apparently insanely expensive to make and let's be real we'll only get more so with later arcs that Netflix will not be willing to pay the cost unless this does stranger things numbers are higher yeah I think there's a distinct possibility that this only gets one season if it even if it is decently successful because like doing it practically is so hard but like I feel like Netflix actually understands one piece has the potential to be their Game of Thrones to be their Lord of the Rings series but like actually they'll make it good there is so much potential in one piece as an ongoing series to keep people hyped to be something that people are enthused about and like you know I think they've nailed it so far 200 000 views in two hours clearly there is a lot of hype around this ain't no way it gets more than two at most you might be right because Netflix they don't support stuff enough but like people [ __ ] love one piece and a lot of people are gonna start loving one piece because of this because it like gets around that you know I don't know about the cartoon look thing that a lot of people have Hang-Ups about right oh hey people were complaining that that Luffy doesn't have a scar but there's the scar you can see the scar right see the scar he's got his scar Luffy's got his scar they got the scar right one piece is it's so good but like a lot of people can't just can't get into one piece because of how it looks um because like that creates expectations for them you know we can we can go into how people around the world and Americans especially are conditioned to not like things that are fun or stylized or goofy you know like it's got to be serious it's got to be manly it's got to be all this stuff this is to me this is exactly what I was hoping for right and this I feel is doing a good job of capturing what makes these characters so endearing and what makes this world so interesting you know while bypassing that distinctly American illness where they they just can't they just can't writer strike leads to a contract that affects streaming residuals in a way that's good for writers but bad for streaming services that might also impact an expensive Show's future that is true but in I think actually one piece will probably be more likely to survive something like that because so much more of the budget is going to effects and the actors and like really building up like really complex scenes and like shooting on location right they're already spending so much [ __ ] money that like the writer's residuals are a smaller piece of a pie yeah to be clear I'm on the writer's guilds side here good everybody should be worker solidarity just in Jeff the trailer we got today is about a year old so the final product will be much better Source One Piece spoilers Twitter that's really exciting if these effects are like one year out pre-vis if this is the stuff that they showed Oda like before he was like yeah I'm 100 happy with this then um this is gonna be a good ass show I love buggy so much I don't work for you I'll bug you so much really love the sound effect on that stretch too everyone lends me your energy to materialize Muppet Chopper so yeah people who came in from the The Raid if you don't know I put out a video about this like a year ago and how I'm very excited and I think that this could potentially be good but the one thing that I really want is to make Tony Tony Chopper a muppet because I think that if they just did most of the critters with Muppet instead of CGI I mean I'm turning around on that a little after seeing the lord of the coast you know this looks really good this looks really damn good like God damn look at Shanks there Danny DeVito has Chopper yeah just have Danny DeVito there that's another really good option just put two horns on his head sweet Jesus what's their budget I think it's the most Netflix has ever spent on a show I am really pugging out I'm I'm you know I was hoping that this would be good right I was really hoping this would be good but I wasn't expecting it to like work on every level like this like the performances are so good I you know I understand why people are like a little hesitant on the dialogue but I think that first line Luffy says you know I've been feeling the call of the sea my whole life now I'm sitting out on an adventure like that's perfect right I love his you know the contrast of his positivity again oh oh hey just let's take a sec to appreciate Shanks here let's look at the shanks that that sure is Shanks I really am excited to see how they'll take this design and do the you know the little buggy when he's just his his hands and his little feet walking around like a little guy I'm really excited to see how they're gonna do that they might not I wouldn't blame them if they didn't because it's a pretty goofy thing that's [ __ ] GARP garpipe let's go only eight episodes there's a lot to to get through the long nose would just look weird right and he's got to be on screen a lot um with buggy they can make him look weird because he's a villain you're not supposed to be like super attached to him at first Usopp I think it would just throw people off it's the same reason that they can't do um they can't do sanji's eyebrow right just doesn't make sense um dreads look really cool Usopp also like mad drip every shot that he's in that's the gate holy crap Gator arlong Park have many fish man yeah they need to make this more colorful I think it's the right level of colorful honestly right I mean you gotta remember everything's being graded for HDR these days too so it'll pop more there you know like there's plenty of color here I suppose Zorro could be more of a moss head I think zoro's hair looks good enough considering it looks natural yeah yeah for real there's a tough balance to strike there I think let's also take a sec to just appreciate this fight choreography because God damn you do not see stuff like that on television these days that you know actually like getting the actors to do their own stunts and stuff they don't you ain't got time for that and you ain't got money for that is the other thing I've seen people complain about it because like you know obviously it's a little out of character for Zorro at first to not be saying the names of all of his finishing moves but I think that that's going to be like a really great like piece of um character development where like toward the end of the series he's gonna you know probably in the fight with Hachi or maybe before that maybe mihawk actually maybe mihawk will say his finishing move and that's gonna make Zoro turn around on it but yeah that's definitely a joke set up everyone's serious before they join Luffy's crew for real he's just infectious he makes people happy and that's that's what he's got to do inaki is doing such a good job in this role I don't know if it's a Marvel line per se it's a Hollywood line for sure but you know it's a trailer they cut this to Market it to as wide an audience as possible they're gonna do what has been proven to work in other Hollywood trailers that's just gotta accept that I don't think it looks cursed at all chainsaw bees uh you know except set buggy he looks cursed but he looks cursed in a good way the arm stretch is a little cursed yeah yeah but I mean I don't think there's ever been a stretchy man in any kind of live action thing ever that wasn't a little cursed as the lines where they make fun of the goofiness of the source material like when they laugh at the name Otto Octavius I mean Spider-Man laughs at the name Otto Octavius in the comics you know it calls him Doc Ock and stuff he makes fun of him it pisses him off so that that kind of works but I see what you mean oh yeah it's the same reason Disney does it with their live action remakes they're appealing to cynical people who can't enjoy things but I think the difference here is that Zorro is going to turn around right because Luffy is the captain and everyone will Oh Captain My Captain for him by the end of the season and one piece does also make fun of its own goofiness all the time that is true
Channel: Basement Life
Views: 67,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece trailer, one piece reaction, trailer analysis, live action anime, netflix, one piece, one piece live action, we need to talk, netflix one piece looks great, geoff thew reacts, mother's basement reacts, mother's basement netflix, mother's basement one piece, netflix anime, live action anime movies, netflix cowboy bebop
Id: 2R4OYg6aKgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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