the worst decision a genshin player could make

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so last week i made a really bad decision i let you guys choose which banner for me to roll on of course this was contingent on me losing a bet and of course i lost the bet you should watch that video thankfully chat was gracious enough to make me not roll on the standard banner and instead chose the ventbanner that's when i realized my second biggest mistake the event character at the time was child i don't need chop i really don't need child i have two teams for my spiral base i have the yoymia team and the ganyu team two solid bow characters who i already have equipped pretty nice bows crescent r5 thundering bulls r1 and now got this dude we don't have him yet so what i'm wishing to do is to do a hundred pulls and lose the 50 50. i gotta check my history but i'm pretty sure last time i also lost the people oh no yeah last time i won the 50 50 and that's why i've ride it you guys had the option of making me do this maybe doing this would have been better because like i could have had a chance to get a better weapon for any of my characters but you know how the cookie crumbles obviously the third third time's the charm you know let's get ourselves not child go for polar star nah it's too late what is this the consequences of my own actions this sucks all right if you have child try to join my world we got two victims all right how do you guys to follow me homie we're gonna go on a little journey last video i did was uh me getting helplessly beat up my child but you know it's time for the tables to turn hit the space [Music] bar wait are you alive all right that's fine cool i didn't get child all right follow me again we're gonna go to the gym stone forest we're gonna go swimming yay let's go swimming we're gonna go swimming oh whoops well i'm gonna assume they're dead it's a whoops accident okay okay it's working it's working guys it's working no child let's hopefully get some things that i actually need from these pools i don't know who i need but if i get something that i enjoy then i'll take it i don't need that as you know i always use the choir registrant as a test dummy and it's always taken a beating so let's just uh let's feed it some children preferably if i do lose the 50 50 characters i want would be none of them we'll see who we get it was a it was quite the it's quite the run but that successfully ends no child i have perception wow amazing i'm definitely going to use that on my journeys on my journeys yes yes new challenge whoever dies first gets a million dollars don't read the terms and conditions the child has died we don't need to see the rest we don't need to see the rest i'm in the chat domain let's just do it let's just do it why not another chong yoon nice no double four stars my luck luck is not on my side watch the first temple i do by myself be a child because i didn't murder child imagine look at this one bar dude bruh child but with razor internet next up summoning which was me taking a bite of an apple we're very creative with our so many rituals and of course it worked uh rituals always work because i don't watch out and i do uh no i don't really want food schooling as well but if you gave me a double four star that'd be pretty cool because then i would have we're halfway through and it's looking pretty good no child yet so you know it's just another half to go fifty percent this man is still this man crashed all right i'll tell foreign i'm all too faring why is lumion on my team frog is still here all right i guess i guess i'm doing the rest of the summons with frog in my world okay okay frog see how it is instead of doing a temple let's do 10 single pulls yes oh let's go let's go i don't need that but let's go it's the wang and of course maybe frog being in here in my world i'm able to leave is what i need to not get child 60 to 70. after this is going to be soft pity where it gets serious but you know for now it's fine if i skip it'll give me a double no it's going to give me one yen fade the only character i know i don't need any of these characters on this account all right we're yolo in it we yellow in it's gonna happen here it's gonna happen we're gonna hit soft pity i know we're gonna hit it if we don't hit it then my luck really sucks but we'll hit it and we won't get child to insure it i will take another bite of my apple there we go it's gonna go gold here i know it's gonna happen because i always hit that soft pity it's gonna be near like five pulls in so we go one we win we win screw this game screw winning the 50. let's go we got that luke yes no child no child yes i guarantee the next 50 50 we win we're so good let's go twitch chat pog child no child i don't have a guaranteed 50 50 anymore and i probably won't use child and that's a dilute constellation 20 more pulls that i have to go i'm just going to quickly speed around these pulls because i know nothing tonight exciting's going to happen and i'm just hyping it up for no reason but man this [ __ ] said c2 two i took i yiked all of his artifacts and put on your mia because i'm not using this bro man anymore but now we got him so i guess in the end everyone gets what they wanted sort of yes i think this is all frog's fault we can all blame it on frog ultimately i'm satisfied as a content creator that video is going to get a trillion views and i'm going to spend all of that money on get i mean i'm gonna wisely invest all of that money into an apartment
Channel: GratisStatus? I haven't heard that name in years
Views: 1,277,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gratisstatus, genshin, rolls, pulls, genshin summons, genshin impact, luck, childe banner, childe, event banner, standard banner, bad genshin, don't do in genshin, genshin impact funny
Id: fayXtqVTTyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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