I Ranked Every One Of My Favorite Pokemon

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as a Pokemon YouTuber I'm often asked what my favorite Pokemon is and while that question is pretty simple it gets a lot more difficult when people try to get into the specifics I don't know my favorite electric type off the top of my head and I definitely don't know my favorite fighting type from the third generation off the top of my head that was until I stumbled upon this website that's gonna allow me to go through and figure out my favorite Pokemon of every single typing from every single generation along with a bunch of other questions that I've never answered before this is going to be a lot of fun and even more fun is the possibility of doing this all again with these shiny forms if that's something you want to see hey let me know in the comments and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss it when I upload that video if you guys want me to upload that video but beauty of this website we just click here there's all the options and when I look at the Gen 1 Normal Pokemon it's kind of difficult there's a few Pokemon here that I really like but I think it's got to be Snorlax I like Evie but I like a lot of its Evolutions more than Evie itself Snorlax though come on and it's Snorlax fire type this one's a lot easier it's basic but I'm picking Charizard Every Time come on what did you expect water hmm this is tough but I think it's got to be poly wrath I loved Poliwrath as a kid and I started in gen one I didn't know we would get Politoed so polyrth was my favorite frog like Pokemon yeah I always tried to get all of the holographic Poliwrath cards it was one of my favorites grass I really like executor but I think it's I think it's probably Bulbasaur he's a cute little guy look at this guy look at this little frog dude come on electric this one's tough because I love Jolteon and I love Zapdos wow I actually don't know I think Zapdos jolteon's one of my favorite Eeveelutions but it's not my favorite overall and I really love Zapdos I always got it when I'd play Pokemon Yellow I always wanted on the team I feel like it's over hated it just has a special place in my heart I love it ice come on this is easy Cloister fighting that is so easy boys in a lot of options but it's actually pretty easy it's definitely nidokang one of the cooler Pokemon they've ever made ground I don't want to do any repeats I don't think that gets me anywhere I always had a soft spot for Golem flying though oh this is tough I don't think I want to do any duplicates so I'm gonna pick something new I think Aerodactyl I really like the fossils as a kid I thought that was a really really cool one psychic I feel like it's weird not to choose Mewtwo or Mew but I've always loved Alakazam it was one of my favorites as a kid it's still one of my favorites now I really love it bug yeah that's gotta be Scyther come on it's Gotta Be rock this is tough but I've already picked Golem and I've already picked Aerodactyl and that leaves me with Kabutops mootops is very very cool that the two Scythe guys next to each other it just it makes sense in my mind and with the ghosty ghost come on the dragony dragon Boop come on what you gotta pick missing though or missing no I don't think that's a gnome but I'm not entirely sure Magneton Le Fable starter though wow I know it's so basic but I used to play leaf green over and over and over again and I would just always choose Charizard and half the time I try to solo the game just with Charizard they say variety is the spice of life so thankfully the sponsor of this video honkai impact third has me covered with a brand new game to play honkai impact third is an action role-playing game where players control a team of Valkyries as they battle against Supernatural enemies in a futuristic post-apocalyptic World the game features immersive stories stunning graphics and open world exploration all wrapped up in a cross-platform game available on iOS Android PC Steam and epic and with a new version of the game on the way you can expect some exciting updates like Seal's new S rank hersher battle suit percher of rebirth but that's not all with new events such as chasing light drinking Shadow and before the endless dream ends both of these should provide a lot of extra content to play through hoyo versus coming to gamescon from August 23rd to 27th captains it's time to enjoy the great event with Valkyries click on the link below for more event details so what are you waiting for download honkai impact third and use redeem code rebirth to get tons of in-game rewards and for new players you guys will have even more in-game bonus to explore gimmick 4 shonky Pikachu this is a close one between chonkachu and Mega Charizard X but I gotta go with mega Charizard X as it's one of the coolest designs we've ever gotten Legend I think it's probably Mewtwo Zapdos is still one of my favorites but I mean Mewtwo's Mewtwo and I'm a gen one guy like come on it's Mewtwo favorite overall that's easy it's Machamp not even a question Gen 2 is gonna be odd because there's only so many Pokemon so let's see how this goes but the start it's done sparse I've always loved unsparce buyer probably Cyndaquil and water oh Politoed I actually really liked Mantine as a kid and quill fish and I love toad it all and for alligator butt Folly toad grass okay I do not really like any of these guys life is pain you know I might actually pick bay leaf I think it's one of the coolest middle starter Pokemon even though I really don't love Chikorita or Meganium I really do like bay leaf there's just something about it it's really cool electric oh Riku ice swine up look at this little guy come on biting everyone wanted to get a hair across and Gen 2 it was so rare so cool so powerful still I just don't like when it mega evolves into a garden gnome okay poison I really loved spinarak as a kid I think I still love it it's a cute little guy ground I mean it's between these three and it is probably fancy at the end of the day I do love the other two as well I mean they're all like close to elephants you know Palace One turns into a mammoth I do love Don fan but it's fancy lion hmm I always had a soft spot for Gligar psychic oh oh I might have a really unique answer here unknown J I got a promo unknown J Pokemon card and I loved it my name's John I've always loved the letter J bug it might be yanma it might be yanma from this gen I feel like I should say scissor but I think it's gone I ranitar I mean come on it's Godzilla well sometimes it's easy sometimes found him is pretty sick steel that's how he sneak says or in here it worked out in the end yeah come on a little peekaboo never hurt nobody starter though I don't know if I've ever picked a favorite between Cyndaquil and Totodile but the answers for alligator I couldn't pick between the two baby forms but I do think I was able to pick with the final form I really love for alligator gimmick form the problem with megas is I only look at them competitively speaking and I'm trying to figure out which one of these I like competitively rather than like design I think it's mega Scizor I don't know Legend I think it's probably Ho-Oh and favorites oh it's Politoed It's gotta be Politoed gen 3 a lot of new Pokemon in this one let's start with normal I have no idea I think it's zangoose I only had Sapphire as a kid and the idea of zangoose was really really cool I never really got it so in my mind it's a much cooler Pokemon and like a better Pokemon than it probably really is but it's always just seems so cool fire yeah this is easy water a lot of options this is a really tough one there's a lot of Pokemon that could work here and I might use some of these Pokemon in different typings I'm going back and forth but I think I gotta go with peloper I was the New Orleans Developers for many years in draft League it's just had a really big part of my like Online Career and a big part of my life so it's got to be paliper grass this is easy I really really loved Trico I almost always picked it I love Trico Electric connectric there's not many options ice this is where I take steel one of the cutest Pokemon ever created fighting this is difficult because it's definitely Blaziken do I think over here I may make this Torchic because I do really like Torchic and I do really like Blaziken and I think that's a better balance it makes more sense in my brain poison to Viper ground flygon's pretty cool flying I love Rayquaza I'm picking Rayquaza I don't even care psychic's kind of tough in this gen they keep throwing this dark luga out there this doesn't count I'm not picking dark loogie I don't think that works but I think this one's probably Metagross bug oh wow is it Whirlpool is there a chance that I'm gonna pick Wurmple here I think I'm gonna go with Wurmple I don't know it's my gut reaction look at it shining like a superstar Rock Agron come on it's easy little ghosty ghost link Sableye Dragon though I'm gonna pick Rayquaza again for Legends so I'm gonna go Salamence here it kind of looks like a toad and I'm starting to love it more and more as time goes on dark then Cacturne I was born in Arizona and I lived there a few years there were a lot of saguaro cactuses or cacti I guess I should say and we need more cacti miracus doesn't how steel how about air on here I like air on I I kind of wanted to put Aggron a second time but like both of them being represented here Barry it's probably Gardevoir people have gotten so weird about Gardevoir that like starter it's probably Trico I really love Blaziken but then we got so many more fire fighting starters that it it lost a little bit of its shine it's luster but I've always loved Trico gimmick form there's a lot [Laughter] there are a lot probably mega Rayquaza what a ridiculous Pokemon why did they make that in Legend It's gotta be Rayquaza you already know and my favorite here it's got to be Rayquaza come on Gen 4 home of my favorite game Platinum star Raptor fire Infernape water oh I actually don't know probably Napoleon they're pretty cool man grass Rosary I really like that as an evolution electric luxray ice mammo slime fighting oh do I do Infernape again or do I do toxic croak I do Toxicroak we definitely do toxic croak there I love Infernape one of my favorite starters but he's a fighting frog that's very cool poison I think I actually do Toxicroak here then Lucario here I think that works a little bit better because I do really like Lucario around though I'm actually just gonna do mammal swine again it's my favorite Pokemon spoilers please he's gonna be on the list every time I have the option to choose it that's just how it goes flying it's this column right here it's one of these three but we've already done star Raptor I think Livescore I really really liked gliscore gallade's a sick Evolution the fourth gen evos were awesome give us more awesome evos like this not like the dunspars like Gallade and gliscore please and of course mammo swine the greatest of them all bug a fourth gen Evo of Force Rock I love the idea of rhyperior I've never loved how it looked but I still really like it and I don't know how that makes sense but it does and here we are ghosts probably Giratina it's just which one of these forms do I like more I think I like them standing a little bit a little bit scarier Dragon Garchomp dark punch Crow Steel I think maybe Dialga I had a diamond before Pearl and me and my sister would go back and forth having battles I'd have Dialga she'd have falkia I really like the Elga Berry Doga kiss starter oh we take in for an a gimmick form I think it's Gallade with a cape Legend Giratina barely and it's mostly because of its shiny form but I I think it's still wins and my favorite overall come on it's mammo swine but on the Gen 5 I think this is the biggest new Pokedex yet and it starts off very interesting what am I gonna choose out of these Pokemon I think stoutland I like dogs fire though I think it's Chandelure I always really love that mod it's a really cool water temple or Seismitoad always Seismitoad he's a silly dude Grass at this point it's probably Verizon everywhere I look I see virision keeps following me man it's I can't escape it electric I really like the electross but I also really like Galvantula my gut said galvantulas I'm going with it ice aragonal I don't think he gets a lot of love from other people but for some reason I always like this thing but fighting I know that's gonna be taraki on I really really love Terrakion poison probably this dude ground probably Golurk I said Golurk and clicked crocodile and that only shows how divided I am but I would pick Golurk here for ghosts since I've already picked Chandelure so I think it works my heart it's happy flying probably tornadoes T the really silly design but I loved using it competitively and it gives it an edge psychic reuniclist come on Blobby bug oh I like Genesect but I think it's spell Corona Rock I don't want to say turakion again if I had to choose something else I guess archeops Dragon though nah it's Gotta Be hacksters I remember when this was first revealed it was way before we got the games I thought this was one of the coolest designs I had ever seen in my life I don't think it gets enough love for how sick of a Pokemon it is I'm actually still kind of shocked it wasn't the pseudo legendary dark Scrafty or Bisharp though you might be Bisharp at this point Steel I don't know starter this is where I can pick Samurai gimmick what I guess trash Mountain Legend yeah it's probably still Terrakion I really like Terrakion rizzion has not beaten tracky on out yet maybe that's why it's chasing me I don't know favorite Gen 5 mon wow I've never considered this question well I really like all these Pokemon I think it's probably reunicliss I fell in love using this Pokemon competitively and it just I don't know it's a Pokemon that's stuck around it's not as big of a part of my channel these days but I just I've always had a soft spot for reunionclus time for Gen six starting with normal which is always very difficult I think it's Diggersby fire though Mega Charizard X I didn't know megas would count here so feels right water yeah no it's Froakie here and then let's just get it over with that this is Greninja that's that's not being around the bush that's easy grass I always likes Trevenant it's a cool dude he's a he's a tree guy he's a tree electric ah he's probably the dressed up Pikachu he's gonna he's gonna go do Pikachu things in this outfit it's great everyone loves this Hi man come on yeah throw me a bone what are these options dude's a table lighting alooch is pretty sick poison I feel like I always said this guy's name wrongy I don't know sea horsey dude ground Zygarde I think flying I mean if you're gonna give me Rayquaza I'm gonna pick it every time so let's let's just do that psychic Gen 6 is not giving me a lot to work with I'll be honest that's gotta be Mega Gallade bug Mega pincer pins are actually becoming very strong and usable with sweet especially since it never got the evolution it deserved so I really like that it got a good mega rock oh I really like the dinos come on a T-Rex it's very sick ghosty ghost Aegislash every single time one of my favorite Pokemons ever ever Dragon I actually really love Goodra did not think I would like that Pokemon used it competitively became one of my favorites he's a silly guy other Aegislash form fairy yellow floor just starter though oh do I do Froakie or Greninja probably Froakie because you start with Froakie and he's a cute little dude gimmick it's like all of them um mega Charizard X just looks so sick let Legends picking mega Rayquaza again feels very lame they turned Zygarde into a dog that's very cool I think I'm gonna do that I it's very random and I kind of love it favorite overall I don't know if it's Aegislash or Froakie it's probably Froakie it's it's closer than it maybe should be but it's Froakie my gen 7 what do you got for me not a lot here so Valiant type no are really interesting Pokemon I think I think so Valley fire I think it's in a rare water though Ash's Greninja don't mind if I do grass oh come on this is easy I'm gonna pick you here and then we're gonna go to ghost immediately I'm gonna pick you maybe my favorite starters of all time and I guess I'll answer that question so I will have to make a decision but I really love decidueye and Rowlett they're so good electric vehicle is sick I used to pronounce it wrong or still do and Mikey did not love that ice probably you I really love Regional forms it's such a cool idea fighting I was gonna say mudsdale but I really really love hallow sand I don't know this dude very well but I do know I love you and I love you I love mudsdale more competitively and I keep finding shiny mud Brides wait what that's a shiny mud breath I'm gonna do mud stale because I know in the shiny I'll do Palo sand okay that's what my heart's telling me to do flying oh I could have done this little baby guy I'm putting the little baby guy again I I love the little baby guy a lot and for here I'll probably just actually put I'm putting decidueye twice it might be my favorite starter I love it so much psychic I did a lot of ultra warm all hunting with this guy he's my pal bug I'm gonna put vegavolt here and then I'm gonna pick Pikachu with a hat over here because I just love the fact that he has a little hat on and I don't think I need vehicle twice I really like liking Rock it's a cool Pokemon dragon though guzzler's a really sick Pokemon I really like this thing I had a shiny guzzlord and then I somehow like released it or messed it up I don't have it anymore I got it super under odds I'm very sad I want my shiny guzzlord back dark though maybe we do guzzlord here and KOMO here steel uh uh um I do not have a clue I might go with magearna this one though I'm going with Abu bulu really like that mod he's like he's a fun guy starter decidueye gimmick form I really love the alolan variants but I don't know if they hit many home runs in the first go at it marowak's really really cool here I I gotta go that Legend I think it's bulu and favorite overall well it's Gotta Be decidueye come on gen 8 this is where it's gonna get really difficult oh this includes Legends Arceus that's super interesting probably Suey and zorark that thing is so cool fire I think it's a sui and Arcanine water I think is probably my boy's Sauble come on look at this little dude man this is tough why did they throw the hisooian Pokemon here I think it's the new decidueye electric ah chunkachoo ice might be Ice Cube maybe Ice Cube he's a fun little dude fighting oh this one's actually easy it's Phalanx no question about it come on it's failings who doesn't love Phalanx if it's you you're wrong poison I always wanted quillfish to get an evolution so this thing's pretty awesome ground I think my silly snake friend lion hmm hmm I think it's galerian Zapdos I haven't used it a ton but very cool to see legendaries get new forms psychic I also always wanted Stantler to get an evolution so I feel like weird ears the right right call it's a weird deer bug levor Rock oh already done clever and I've already done Arcanine hmm I kind of like Dreadnought actually he's a pretty cool early route Pokemon ghost dragon pulled so sick now that might clash with dragon deralidon was pretty sweet I dark I think probably Grim snarl steel paparazza love elephants love them so much fairy we do Grim snarl here we go back to dark we whoopsie do our way into Hisui and Samurai and moved a starter and of course we're gonna pick gimmick form there's so many wait I think it's a sui and zorark after looking through all of these I do really like the decidueye variant but I like regular decision why more so I think I think this is the best legend though I think it's Zapdos but my favorite gen 8 Pokemon I think it's pretty easy it's Bay links it's such a cool Pokemon just a home run of a new Pokemon that leaves us with the newest generation time to make some judgment calls that I don't think I've even tried to make at this point three segment done sparse is pretty cool and maybe I'll try and get one eventually buyer ooh I really like the pepper monster I kind of want to say the fire goldfish but I haven't used it at all like ever so it might be this eventually but for now it's it's the pepper monster water that's gotta be one Trio he's a walking talking W grass it might be the new Tentacruel this guy very unique and cool Pokemon electric oh come on I don't even know why I hesitated it's belly volt I love volleyball it's so cute ice I have not used the ice Panther Legend but it's so sick it is such a cool Pokemon I haven't used it at all but I think I have to pick it I've made videos like way back in the day of like what animals should become Pokemon and this was one of them I do like Max caliber so it's tough to pick between the two but I I think it's the ice Panther fighting though I think it's definitely I I think it's the great Tusk over here poison Claude sire has grown on me this thing is so silly ground I always wanted to Moose as well and we finally got one flying Amigo I think it might be flamico psychic yeah no this thing is so sick bug I think it's slytherwing rock I think it's cloth ghost this is probably the proper place to put the ghost primate one of the cooler Evolutions we've ever gotten dragon roaring Moon easy dark roaring moon now I'll pick something else for variety I'll do the Goldfish but it might as well be roaring Moon again still I really like tinkerton I actually would have loved this thing to be a second pseudo legendary I I really do like this thing it's such a unique Pokemon Fairy come on stock spun starter this one's actually kind of tough no it's it's it's foikoko it's way Coco for sure gimmick form the walking talking W Legend I be cried on actually you use it so often when you play Scarlet I just you know I've gotten attached to him but my favorite Pokemon of this generation that is not difficult it's valuable it's it's definitely belly bald look at this guy but now for my favorite of every typing wow Dunsparce might be my favorite normal type I think it actually is I really wish it got a better Evolution I'm still upset about it but I'm starting to accept the Don sparse more and more I fire it's Charizard I love Charizard water oh my God this is actually really tough polyrth would be the original but then we got Polito that overtook it then we got Froakie I genuinely don't know the answer to this but I think it's Politoed I've used it in so many playthroughs I've collected cards for it you know it was the Frog Pokemon I always wanted and it might get replaced with Froakie or Greninja someday but I think it's Politoed barely Grass decidueye Electric this one's kind of tough actually I don't know if it's belly bull already it might actually be belly bolt I just love this thing so much it is so silly and so cute ice mammal swine fighting that's my champ poison Nino King ground picking Mammoth wine again it's my favorite lying Rayquaza psychic probably Reuniclus bug who bug stuff bug is really tough oh wow I think it's Volcarona Rock I think it's Agron I'm glad I put this here instead of Steel ghost I think I gotta go Aegislash Dragon what is my favorite Dragon it's between Garchomp Goodra and roaring Moon I think it might be roaring Moon eventually I think it's Goodra this decision is very competitively based because most dragon types are so good Garchomp was banned when I learned competitive and I never really got to use it I really do love Garchomp though I really ended up falling in love with Goodra this one is subject to change dark I think this is a good place for Greninja steal the reggae slash fairy it's doxbun dachshunds are one of my favorite things in the world I've always wanted to have a dachshund Pokemon we really got some cool Pokemon for my happiness in this generation I'm a big fan of that starter I think it's decidueye I really love Froakie and Greninja but I there's just something about this starter it is so unbelievably cool to me he's Robin Hood he's got a Beauty it's so freaking cool it I don't know how they came up with it it is such a sick Pokemon oh what is this like weird the the weird forms the different forms I feel like I'm learning that I like the idea of regional variants way more than I actually love them right now stupidly it's wug Trio I don't know if I actually love wug Trio or I just love how ridiculous it is either way that's what my heart is saying so I went with it legendary Rayquaza and the ultimate mammo swine and on to some interesting questions here my team mammo swine Machamp Aegislash reuniclis reninja Rayquaza I wouldn't say these are my six favorite Pokemon but if I'm making a team to battle with out of my favorites they're all really good Pokemon competitively speaking I mean Machamp maybe it's losing a little bit of its luster but I still love it I think that's my favorite team these are some interesting options favorite Regional bird not even a question not even a question favorite Regional mammal this is absolutely a question against Diggersby bug definitely vehicle pseudo Legends last time I had to make this decision I went with Goodra I'm gonna go with Garchomp this time Pikachu clone oh you can't give me chonka chew I'm choosing it every time Evolution Sylveon fossil against that Ranch Regional form I do like Regional forms like I love them a lot but like they might just be too new I haven't gotten too attached to them yet probably zorark this thing's very cool gigantomax I never really got to use giganta Maxima champ I was so happy that I got a new form but I just never did anything with it and and chonkachu's so funny he's so chunky so you know favorite baby I think it's ryolu box art Legend oh mythical oh this is an interesting question I'm gonna go Arceus it's Arceus come on Ultra Beast it was always guzzlord a paradox Oh Oh wrong then ringman's so cool favorite type fighting favorite Pokeball where is it come on you gotta have it right no where's the GS ball no pretend that's the GS ball favorite of a villain blue and yellow is so gorgeous I love that color combination favorite new Evo mammo swine and with that we are done all of my favorite Pokemon this was really fun to do it took way longer than I expected but if you guys enjoyed this let me know and we'll do the shiny version until then
Channel: PM7 Plus
Views: 179,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pm7, pokemon, pm7 favorite pokemon, pm7 pokemon, pm7 plus, pokemon ranked, i ranked every pokemon, i ranked my favorite pokemon, i ranked every one of my favorite pokemon, pokemon tier list, favorite pokemon, favorite pokemon list, best pokemon, tier list, pokemon list, best pokemon list, ultimate pokemon list, favorite pokemon tier list, ranking pokemon, all pokemon, top 10 pokemon
Id: 5THwE1EWi3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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