I Put Every Minecraft SOUND Through Google Translate 1 QUADRILLION Times...

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guys we haven't done this in a while so let's Google translate the sounds of Minecraft way too many times this means we're going to take the normal vanilla sounds like this put them through Google translate and then they end up sounding like this oh no uh also guys ignore my lost voice it's it's gone it's run away somewhere but ignoring that if you guys do enjoy this video remember to go down below and tap that Su button down below and without further Ado enjoy this jumbled mess of random silly dumb sounds okay let's test the yeah we're going to start off by Google translating the first thing you'll probably do in a Minecraft world and that is of course just simply walking on grass so we're going to Google Translate walking on grass one quadrillion times he's screaming on grass I think I have the perfect idea for this man screaming yep that's the one that's the one the second thing you're probably going to do after loading into a Minecraft world is punch th wood so let's Google translate punching wood next monkey swinging how did it go from punch wood to monkey swinging I think I have the sound effect for this monkey monkey so we're in our Noto normal Minecraft world let's just start moving on this grass 3 2 1 no every time we move now we're now filled with this sound and and there's nothing we can do about it unless we like move very slowly let's just try and break this tree monkey this never gets old let's break this one let's get another monkey monkey since it works now there is so much more we can do with this Minecraft world let's do this woo so let's Google translate eating Foods yeah that makes sense saxophone Bell I got an idea for this so one bite of the food is just going to be this that's one butt we're going to turn this snippet of sound into eating food so let's Google translate drinking one quadrillion times no connection okay yeah I got an idea for this we could lose connection while drinking and just startop buffering let's use this sun to get our drinks and to get our food we're going to need to open that chest so let's Google translate opening a chest one quadrillion times let's do this woo business is booming okay I got a good boom sound Boom for this we're going to use the classic woom and and this every single time you open a chest you'll just be hit with this after opening that chest there's only one thing left to do now and that is close that chest so let's Google translate closing the chest too my life in a nutshell so through Google translate okay I think I've thought of a good sound we're going to use my life be like my life be like cold okay my life be like that's all we're going to have all we're going to use as my life be like my life do be like this sometimes okay we're back in okay so right in front of me I have a chest right here and inside this chest we have some food and we have some drink but of course we have to open this chest first um that was so lit it worked all right let's just grab our food and our drink of course we got to drink down the food and let's close the chest my life like my be like that is see I forgot about the screaming Grass Grass shush let's just enjoy some chicken what is this no yeah this is my favorite song eating chicken song what's wrong with my food okay surely my water can't be as bad as my chicken right um I think my water's buffering I'm not actually drinking the water nothing's going down me it's staying in the b in the B connection right now what if we drink the milk NOP this is not any better let's should put it back in the chest so I found out if you just tap the grass it's the same sound effect for the walking so that is terrifying what is that let's change even more sounds of the game let's do this since we are surrounded by mobs of the moment let's just Google Translate what some of the animals say and let's start off with the pig the piggy says give it to me this is what the pig sounds like give it to me pretty piggy like let's Google what the horse says said quadrillion times our children why would why would a horse say that okay we got a pig and a horse I just want to quickly see if this actually works so let's try the pig first give it to me give it to me piggy where you going piggy no give it to me give it to me give it to me so the pig Works what about the horse our children yay I Y see what what what are you what are you talking about children our children whose children your children can I ride you let's go horsey our children let's go save our children yes horsey our children not our children no no no you go horsey now I know the entity sounds RS okay let's do something stupid for our next one we'll translate this one quadrillion times Bell is rolling I got an idea we are going to bell roll some people just to love you know the rules and so I and since we've just done the Bell which is in a village let's also do the the Villager H which is the Villager sound one quadrillion times man with Yeet let's take the Yeet and make villagers say yeet yep that's perfect next let's Google translate the sound that comes out of the Minecraft note block duck standing what about a quack what about the sound that every single time you click on the menu of Minecraft it makes that little click sound effect let's Google translate that click sound jump around it okay what if we use the Mario jump easy so we're just going to click done this is the jump sound effect from Super Mario World so sounds pretty good and you start walking and then this is what you here great fantastic yep great great great okay so we got our nor block here and we have changed the sound to quack so let's see if this works I actually think this is an improvement to the game kind of want to make a song with the quacks this is my rendition of the Mario Brothers song with quacks let's head over to a village and check out other sounds hey guys yeah this hor is the village is just s scream ye to you they have the same walking sound as well great okay well surely the Bell can't be any worse right no hey let's move on to our next sound let's Google translate the exploding sound yo yo exploding TNT yo what's up we've got a you this could work let's Google translate the an sounds softer land how about we soften the Anvil's fall and just make it a little bit softer when it hits the ground now we're just going to have this soft bunk sound it just lands softer next up let's Google translate the shooting bow sound effect one could really times quick eat we got Yoshi's mem and when that Arrow finally hits something we're going to have that bow hit sound effect so let's also Google translate the bow hit sound effect what what what when you low durability your item can actually break so let's Google translate that sound effect one trillion times that's funny no it's not Google translate it is not funny when my item breaks but I think I got a good sound for this this dog we're going to use his laugh for this okay let's blow up this unsuspecting TNT and hear the monstrosity of a sound that comes out of it okay what's it going to be um what was that let's do a little bit more brace your ears for this this is going to hurt yo I kind of want to do one more giant explosion and just see if this works it's so loud now let's try the Anvil fall let's see if I can soften the Anvil's fall why does it make the noise before it even touches the ground the sound effect starts when it's up here and then hits the floor and it's already done oh it's the place sound effect I think okay there we go this would be perfect if it bonked me on the head so we're just going to Bonk myself on the head okay so this should bulk me on the head it was so delayed okay surely the bow can't be as bad as the falling Anvil right right guys let's just shoot the bow that actually doesn't sound do bad here comes the arrow what what let's hit this and hear the what the mem and the W just merge into one sound just like a mem what okay if we shoot it up it should come back down and hit the water the what what this is about the breaking sound effect mining away I don't know what that was a very nice pickaxe why are you laughing at me what the flip stupid pickax let's move on to the next sound effect but quickly before that special Ry drag announcement we got mer Baby Woo that's right guys we now have reny drag M we got beanies hoodies stickers and much much more if you head over to Ren drag. shop or use the link in the description with Cod early bird you can get 10% of your first order okay wait wait we oh yeah carrying on Google translating the sounds of my God the rewarding level up sound what if we Google translate the sound when you LEL up with XP in Minecraft one quadrillion times uh-oh the return what would a sound be if we returned this sound effect is pretty good if someone returned I think that also works very well if we level up like a nice catchy jingle and also there's a sound effect when you pick up the individual XP so let's Google translate the XP or one quadrillion times Superman of course but you know what Superman is Superman is a super Idol super Idols in if we're going to be smashing experience bottles to get the XP let's also Google translate the glass smash sound effect as well while we're at it suspicious Google translate you've played my hand among okay so when it initially hits the floor it'll say among us but what will happen when we pick these up super this is so tough there is so much going on right now super what if we also level up let's listen up for the level up sound you can kind of hear in the background it's just kind of over sounded by all the other sounds let's carry on ruining Minecraft shall we let's Google translate the sound effect when you take damage in Minecraft I'm busy okay what if I record a sound excuse me sir I'm busy okay let's do something as simple simple take damage just going to go up the stairs just jump off I I am busy please go away this instant yeah I am busy there's Al sound effect I added just just for just for Giggles okay I've changed it tonight just to test this with an actual mob I am busy zombie go away go away let's Google translate the firework launch one quadrillion times creepy cave let's get the cave sound effect let's use this one that's a scary that's a creepy cave right there okay what about the firework blast at let's Google translate this too cat Heaven I do know a cat from Heaven though welcome back to 2012 everybody I don't even know if anyone would even know what a n cat is these days yeah are you guys ready for possibly the worst fireworks sound effect ever three 2 [Music] [Applause] 1 yeah woo again yeah night G woohoo let's shoot bow and arrow to Target to do the [Music] firewor yeah yeah make sure to smash sub guys let's do some more final few sounds before the end of the video let's do this do let's Google translate the Nether Portal sound effect the sound that plays next to a nether portal the siren uh-oh what if we use sound effect okay the sound effect that plays when you travel into The Nether let's Google translate that whoops simple I would play this sound if I made sound mistake that is a whoops sound effect right there if I've ever he a whoop sound effect okay let's build ourselves a brand new uh Google translated nether portal let's just do it here why not that was a pretty ugly nether portal it is going to make some pretty ugly sounds so let's light this bad boy on any and no no no no no no I don't want to go in no I don't I don't I don't want to go in it's scary we going to have to pull up our big boy pants let's get in the portal we got this there was there was a fun fun moment for 1 second and now it's go back to being scary I don't like this no no no no no no that was much better let's move on to the next sounds we've done walking on grass right but we've never actually done walking on walk on so let's Google translate walking on Stone running on Stone I got an idea for this great 2016 flashbacks I've just cut out the run so it's just the run now let's actually Google translate one of the songs of Minecraft and one of the music discs and let's start with chip going in shopping I think I got The Perfect song for this song for this up next let's Google translet St because why not sneaky okay I a song's already popped into my head me me me me so let's just Google translate calm not so calm we need to find a song that is not calm we could use this this is not caled okay we're going to use this because this is not a cal song okay since we already got some concrete chair on the floor let's just let's just walk on the concrete and just see what sound it makes run run run R this is so stupid I'm not even running what if we run oh it speeds up I'm running okay I'm running all right okay we're going to do a little bit of an experiment I got Stone grass stone grass stone grass and we're going to run all the way down here and just and listen to the monstrosity this is about to make okay here we go 3 2 1 that actually wasn't that bad let's listen to our brand new music disc store I'm going to be very sneaky and sneak around no one's going to notice me that's our sneaky stall what about [Music] chip today guys we're going to be Google translating the sounds of Minecraft 100 bazillion bazillion woo make sure to smash that soup and then smash like it and buy all my merch and do everything and what came over me it's almost like the YouTu instincts kicked in let's take a breather by listening to the in-game Minecraft music it's here yes I just waited to R for the music to come and now it's you okay one of the sounds we haven't done before is the piston in and the Piston out sound effect so let's Google translate these guys piston water of course they're under the water okay let's do this let's okay what about the Piston out sound effect Google translated one quillion times gas out okay gas gas gas gas I'm going to step on the gas okay let's place our piston down and then a little bit of redstone now let's just pull the Le going again that's cool what if we what we close the Piston hello how are you I'm under the water he's stuck in the Piston guys are you stuck under the water I'm going to help you buddy let's do some more sounds okay what about the sound when we're using a mine cart let's Google translate that and there's actually two of them the base and then the inside sound so we're going to do two of these the Minecraft base sound Google translated one quadrillion times mine cart oh no what about the sound of the guy going in that sounds like oh no that sounds like something sounds wrong what do you use this and the next sound effect is when the mine cart's inside I think so let's Google translate this as well call inside mine cart okay if we're receiving a call inside it's going to sound something a little bit like this yeah I'm receiving a call hello welcome to Renny drags cool and awesome roller coaster oh I keep forgetting about the sounds welcome to my very own cool and awesome brand new roller coaster let's just hop in and see the sounds it's about to make okay wish us luck let's go that is literally the sound I make when I'm on this roller coaster you can just hear someone scream ready this is getting dumber and dumber by the second let's do the sound of the rain Google translated one quadrillion times gong let's get a random sound of a Gong this might be the loudest or the worst one yeah prepare yours it's actually quite Majestic maybe not anymore it was just starts I thought it was going to be Majestic I know it just kind of sounds like this that is a lot of Liz going off at once ah nothing like a fly through the rain eh okay let's clear up the rain see if we can get some Majestic chest from us that's actually kind of satisfying that actually kind of majestic that was all right okay I have an idea what if we Google translate the bamboo one quadrillion times but then break the bamboo so that sound has a chain effect falling all the way down let's try this whistle I think you and I both where this is going let's see if my uh Game Theory works if we place lots of bamboo like this all the way to the moon and then we break it at the bottom and then this whistle sound should chain react okay ready it worked that is so dumb okay wait can even when you place it this is amazing for the Moment of Truth look how tall this bamboo is let's break it all down here we go that was horrifying they never want to do that again well guys that was all of the sounds Google translated one quadrillion times if you guys did enjoy make sure to like and sub thank you so much to my patreons and I'll see you guys in the next video bye-bye
Channel: ReniDrag
Views: 837,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: putting minecraft through google translate, minecraft google translate, minecraft, google translate, google translate minecraft, minecraft google translated, minecraft google translate sounds, minecraft google translate mod, google translate minecraft 1000 times, minecraft google translate memes, minecraft wiki google translated, i google translated minecraft 1000 times then made a custom mod, minecraft mod, Renidrag, I Put Every Minecraft Sound Through Google Translate 100 Times...
Id: eCFiefZJe_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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