Upgrading to MAXIMUM Defense in Gregg

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So today we're going to speedrun our way to maximum levels so we can defend our base forever first things first we need all the trees that we can get which is hopefully going to be an absolute lot of them pushing our luck all the way until the darkness closes in so we can get some basic defenses down to begin with and then once the defens is over we'll refund this one so we can get a generator going right in the back that way we'll get more resources and those turrets we had set up should hold us for a few nights but we're also kind of restricted by how much money we get each night but we can still oh we're getting hurt but we can still collect all of the goodness here get that turret set up again because it is very good for us and then get some of the walls set up here as well you really only need the front entrance to be accessible so that means more defense going on for us until we see the enemies in the back that we can't reach so let's get rid of this wall refund it very quickly and then maybe this one as well because we need a turret set up back there there we go and then I'll just take care of this front and then replace you to be over here excellent excellent and we'll just trash things right away so we can save on resources and get a multi-shot set up over here somewhere because those in the corners are very good for us although I still would like to see a fully surrounding wall at some point that just means we need more wood and we have to make sure that we enter our home from the correct way so we can get all the way inside a few more multi- shots on the corners because those are the second best defense ever and matter of fact it kind of nullifies the need of this rapid fire defense so we can refund more things there and oh we just have one more wood you know what we'll trash this wall for now because now we can upgrade the generator and we're still a few coins short before getting the next axe upgrade so we'll just wait for that we don't need a bigger footprint for our base just yet at least until we get enough materials to justify it and then we just replace the wall that we took down and then let our multi-shot do the work today of defending our base so that way we get more walls in excellent now our Fortress is fully surrounded and we can upgrade the axe now so once this night is over with and we can rush out racing the darkness we can immediately find some rocks and then start to upgrade our base hopefully finding large deposits of rocks because we need lots of them and thankfully we're able to collect 100 rocks in a night that's enough to get a generator set up right over here and we can upgrade some of the multi shots at least one of them thankfully the basic wood ones are able to defend our base fully let's get an explosive set up over here for now because that does really good things at long range and now we can upgrade our base size so at the very end of the night we can expand our defenses out a little bit taking a little more time than I would like to do this but it should be okay because we get these placed very quickly and then we'll worry about the actual defenses when Knight rolls around for now more rocks it's just really annoying how fast that Darkness Creeps in got to get as many rocks as I can before I get overwhelmed ah but now there's more rocks waiting for us at base so now what I said before about replacing some of these structures getting the multi- shots out to the corners and refunding this one so we can rebuild it right away in a better spot and we're just one rock shy of getting another one of those oh that's annoying and our wall actually almost broke down there we should upgrade that corner and I'm pretty sure this is the closest desert so we'll just be coming back here for the Rocks ooh and there's purple crystals right down here as well not too far away from the base that's excellent and we might as well get some lumber on the way back because I'm still getting any more of that ow so now we tear down some more defenses and rebuild them in better condition and the explos catapult is still able to reach everywhere that our BAS is that's really good and I just want to see where the weakest walls are so I can focus on upgrading those and not need to worry about anything else and the single shot actually has really impressive range maybe that'll be good for us we'll get it set up right there and then we're about one night's worth of Defense away from getting the next axe upgrade so we'll wait on other things because the sooner I can get through the different technology levels the better it will be got to stay one step ahead of the slime creatures especially since I felt really behind in the last video and now the darkness is really hurting and that ballista sounds a bit broken but we can upgrade the stone generator which is good and we can upgrade the axe excellent and we can also upgrade the running speed because we had enough left over and the wood defenses are holding up still pretty well from night to night but now it's time to venture through all the trees and one shot them two shot the rocks on our way to the stone area down here so we can get some iron I see some machine guns in my future or maybe not cuz those are the rapid fire ones I you know flamethrowers are good as well ooh and there's a lot of iron up here wow hitting the jackpot and we have collected 100 iron in a night oh this is wonderful now on our way back we clear out a small forest with great speed and we get the metal generator set up right away and then we worry about upgrading things like a stone catapult and we're just shy of getting the upgraded ballista but this multi-shot should be good because they like to invade from the rear of of the base and it seems like it's time to upgrade some of the walls here so we can do that so now we just go back to the richest iron deposit I have ever seen and we might not get 200 iron this time but we do have 200 of each of the other resources we have access to so that's always good and even more iron waiting for us let's get an explosive catapult which is a mortar right away oh they actually broke through the wall I probably should have upgraded that but at least we can do that pretty quick and upgrade a few of these other things since we have so much Stone to use not even waiting for them to damage the wall everything shall become stone and rock and rock and stone I'm not even sure what to use all this wood for anymore maybe I should upgrade the size of the base again so I can get more defenses in and I really just want to get all these crystals that are down here look at this but we need to run away very quickly and we can actually upgrade the stone or the wood generator a third time oh and the stone one as well actually should I probably I can afford some other defenses right away like now's a good time for the rapid fire one oh yes and let's upgrade that one right away to a sniper that is really powerful at least it looks powerful and hopefully I don't have to build any iron walls yet so I can save that for the weapons speaking of let's just get another catapult right over here oh yes and we can upgrade the ax again and the running speed I have the smallest base ever right now but at least now we can one shot the rocks and quickly get our way through the iron on our way to the crystal Den down here ooh get lots of iron wower at it because now we can get these crystals this is is starting to feel like a lot better progression than we had the first time mostly cuz I'm just being Speedy Gonzalez about it and we can get the crystal generator going right away probably not somewhere that they can get access to but I suppose it can't be helped unless I replace this thing with a bigger shooty one it's is that one-shotting the purple ones oh my gosh I think it is but now I can't buy the crystal generator that's too bad well let's upgrade the explosive thing and this as well and so is this one just all of these it also sounds just really weird just but now we can upgrade our base size so let's quickly do a tear down like so and it looks like I can pause the game while I do this so that's going to make things a lot better and then replace everything with stone because we have a lot of stone and the mortar is really good where it's at so is this actually now these multi-shot turrets need to get further out to cover all of the perimeter as much as I can and I have lost a lot of time doing that quickly get all the crystals ooh lots of crystals here that's excellent at least it is for a little bit now I can afford a generator so we'll get that set up right over there very good and then hopefully all of this keeps up because I can't really upgrade any more defenses although I can get other defenses down so let's get a multi- shot set up on this side of the world and then probably upgrade these Corners to metal really quickly cuz wow they are taking damage no one's getting through though which is good and we'll just get some other multi-shot set up along the side because I have enough to make stone ones and we'll give ourselves some extra running speed to make up for the time that we lost yesterday it's only day 14 and I'm already at Crystals so we have a lot of time in the day to get a lot more crystals inching our way towards a 100 of them ah we got it just barely so let's just race the darkness back to base so we have more time to set things up like more metal walls another upgrade to these multi-shot back here and I accidentally upgraded a metal wall to Crystal whoops that's not what I wanted thankfully we have upgraded all of our walls to iron except for one tiny corner and we'll just get more multishot set up along the par perimeter excellent and we only need 500 more gold to upgrade the axe again oh that's going to take a while so I better prepare I'm not even sure if there's other Crystal Fields that are yielding more but this is the first one I found so we're just going to stick with it marching into the land of red stones just for the few that spawn in there and then carefully inching our way back towards base I was hoping for more things there but it doesn't look like we're getting them we have a lot of iron that we don't have available to use but we'll get get some of these other things upgraded to Crystal level as much as we can and then this can get iron finally and I'm not too sure what defenses are needed anymore probably more explosive ones for the groups that we're getting but now we're only 200 gold shy of the last level oh that's very good and these Crystal Fields are looking a bit more Barren which I'm not a fan of well at least I was able to get 100 more crystals before we had to move on and we do have a lot of iron to our name as well so we should probably upgrade that generator even if that doesn't let us upgrade any more things at least we can get this machine gun here upgraded to Crystal level and the flamethrower here good and we get the final axe upgrade so it's time to erase the smoke down to the bottom of the world one shot the iron nodes on our way so now we can stock up on the red gem things at the very edge of the world got to get as much of those as we can and oh it's not very much we have a lot of crystals though which I like because it might be time to upgrade the walls to Crystal level but but before anything let's get this generator set up right over here and the Crystal generator amped up and now we upgrade the stone throwers because they are way behind and let's upgrade some of them to Crystal as well which I don't think we even seen what the crystal mortars are like that's got to be something fun and I have so much Stone so we'll get more defenses set up over here the multi- shot should be good for something right so thankfully looks like these last upgrades are pretty cheap to get because I'm not sure how many I'll be able to get at least the generator will make this a lot more convenient and there's plenty of Red Resources down here I love this this makes me feel a lot better about things even as the darkness is closing in so we were able to get a 100 of those excellent now we just move laterally against the storm circling around about to crank some 90s and oh yes lots of good things okay let's do you upgraded okay looking good looking very good got some cosmic energy going on here hello there and okay that's a large group of them wow need Diamond walls all around and probably some more Crystal defenses cuz my goodness those are some massive groups coming in there and this Wall's about to go down so we repair it by upgrading it and that actually worked pretty well Ras the storm I probably should have upgraded my shoes but at least oh yes so many Red Resources down here the game knows this is probably going to get hectic now I'm mostly just looking for the resources that are close enough together that I can hit two at a time which thankfully seems to work for us the funny thing is I have way less metal than anything else so I can't even get like the middle ground upgrades until I run back to base and collect all the goodness that's here okay so we need to upgrade all these border defenses all the way got some brain matter going on and then some more resource upgrade things to anything lesser than Crystal hopefully or lesser than metal the metal can be upgraded to Crystal but the stone cannot be upgraded to metal that's so weird but now let's upgrade the SHO choose upgrading the size might be in order it looks like this Knight is done with defenses so let's go ahead and do that oh we can do it twice I don't know if I have enough resources to do it twice but I'm going to do it so everything is maxed out now we just casually go through and move the walls out because the game is paused an entire wall of scrap I'm going to need the night to progress just so we can see where the area that we can use is and oh wow that's very far out there and we're only night 20 so let's get as many of these Crystal walls as we can all around everywhere and then the metal ones hopefully we have enough for this which we don't so we're about to have a wall of stone for a little bit just so we have that footprint oh this is worrisome and now we need to do the same thing with these defenses man that's a lot of resources going into all of them this also gives us a good opportunity to evaluate our defenses because some of these just don't cut it anymore especially the ones really close to base okay ooh I'm sorry an orbital Cannon is the explosive for this ooh let's get one of those set up over here and then over here so both of those sides are covered and then multishots need to go along the perimeter as best we can probably over here and then oh wait I can only get one of those uh-oh well we can decorate the rest of the area with the crystal ones at least I'm not sure if these will be enough to cover all of the corners but we'll do our best and we get some rapid fire ones in here as well only two of them which is sad but we can upgrade the ooh the iron generator again that's good okay now we need to move time was ticking by way too much for that got to get moving before the storm does and the storm is moving yay come on just got to get things as much as I can oh there's still some right there okay I got a little bit crystals need to fall into my pocket so does the iron lots of iron because we need to upgrade a whole lot of walls s really quickly so I don't have to look at Stone again ever so we can build some more defenses down here and upgrade some of the multi shots as well or I guess only some of them at least you have more of that going and wow that omal bombardment is really nice these iron walls are not doing the work anymore we need those upgraded wow they almost broke through okay they kind of did break through I need a crystal wall going up there and you upgrade as well okay uh oh dear wow they're almost through the crystal oh gosh and they're happening down there I can't even see the health of the walls down there but more upgrades can happen which is good okay we survived and we have a lot of money that we can't use anymore which is too bad oh but there's so many red nodes that spawned I love it got to move up this way as far as possible and get all the goodies over here at the very edge of the world okay wow the storm almost killed me there that was dangerous but we have 16 three of the red stuff so we quickly oh gosh I'm outside the wall ah but we're safe and then the rest of these are getting upgraded to Crystal because that's the most important thing I think need these other things upgraded to red stuff level and oh no they're breaking through the walls oh my goodness I need these walls to go up the crystal is not cutting it anymore ah oh they're almost to the base woo they almost made a base at least I'm able to get resources back for all the walls and such okay I need more things going up like maybe some multi shots around the base they destroyed some of the generators oh no you know what that's not even the most important thing right now I just need more things to get zapped oh no one of them made it to it oh but we got a really nice score there so after 20 nights it seems pretty difficult to survive even with maximum upgrades but they seem really powerful though so I think it's safe to say we've seen everything we can for this game hope you guys enjoyed thank you for watching and sub to in turn and thanks to the channel members including bread ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota C donam Moto Devon X Lucas s splid sax the real nickname hateful heral Peggy Su drup belong TJ seriously sarcastic angel lily Bites The Miner within theg and Sans
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 66,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz
Id: eAFk73vFIlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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