I Pretended to be a Girl for 24 hours

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right this video it's probably gonna be one of the weirdest the most random videos that you will ever watch on this channel I am just throwing out this claim right now see you may be that good luck hello bull go oh I'm in need of your assistance for what is there any chance that you could shave my legs Jeff wax strips I don't have a white strip I've never used the razor before I ever I mean what do you do with this I got an electric one now I mean like a proper proper Ranger but I've never UV seen my legs as well I don't think so do you have shame for that I've even phone I use an electric one okay I'm one request please do not cut me you're gonna get caught I've never used to raise it feel to be a kid is shame for the first time he's gonna cry space this is what this is my first one treatment this is like semi sexual give you a me a good rub oh you're making me hard just just take it easy now you do this wipe it off and now again just start from here oh it's like she working but you probably needs to every time I'm gonna do this clump hair businessman give this moment a load off what am I gonna be here all my boys this what is there with me you try to shave every bit your leg yeah do my best I'll do my best [Music] I am completely smooth okay Shane you ready I think so yeah hurry all right all right this is gonna be a dream three two one all right you ready to waste fine fine perfect we're gonna double double down on there what you mean we'll do a few of you remember get that in one you meza the longer we spend on this the more the more pain it is yeah yeah rather you than me oh my god my leg is on fire are these are gonna be good isn't gonna be here I don't know unlit physically don't know if I'm good I'm not gonna lie Joe I'm completely scuffled your legs see that's what we were trying to vote oh yeah yeah that's really bad right about to get someone else to take over because Harry's done such a poor job well they can get what fing they don't approve of this video how long does it take for men it's probably gonna take four weeks maybe yep and I'm using a Jilla razor talk to me destroying all of the hair on my legs as a decent star but I then ordered some coves if you can call him clothes and I was ready to begin look I told you the videos weird Christ does I look good but it was time to meet some unsuspecting boys and girls on chatroulette right I've learned from past experience that the background that you have behind the video is very important so we need to get rid of a suitcase and the other stuff get rid of that Oh popping out already all right let's just give it a go okay it's gonna leave sidon on the camera they're obviously gonna be times where I needed to speak so I put on my best impression of a girl it sounded like this mm-hmm where's your camera honey I wasn't having much luck with people stopping with me on a mEagle surprisingly so I moved on here we go this is it yeah yeah you like that you doing honey well he skits me what hey how are you how'd you know what's up oh jesus you guarding Fred oh all right you don't been practicing it's great hey you like that yeah you want to see more yeah [Applause] what are you doing me here huh you like that yeah yeah you should pull up that skirt for me you want to pull up a bit higher or yeah you want this how does it feel to be won over a guy hey how are you [Music] I just laughed at me no good girl oh yes Mac that eyes let me see what else you have going on show me your special surprise yeah baby such a weirdo I decided that that was enough chatroulette for one night not only was I losing my sanity but I think a couple other people will never be visiting that website ever again as you could probably realize by how short my hair was that was recorded a while ago but I was a bit scared to upload that so obviously I didn't that's why it's now August do you not upload the how it's September it's September now you can upload it now it's been like six months I'll clean up loads of it well they've already watched the whole video this is at the end now oh yeah so they'll see well maybe they'll understand now I do not love it exactly so I'm obviously tried being a girl and it didn't go very well and now it's alright you know the legs are smooth the butt was big and I was so disturbed I felt really uncomfortable just could I know you as a bad so today I want to make a legitimate profile for myself on a sugar daddy website are you actually gonna give people money we're gonna see where this goes in the future since today I just want to set it up ok we'll write some jokes things I want it to be legit my photos my real job always actually it will bump up the salary yeah yeah yeah make yourself attractive as possible exactly going for it you know photoshopping in the images well don't need to do that I mean I'm not gonna lie most of the sugar daddies have some form of chin anyways um yes man or woman I am a month interested in me woman I want to meet someone who looks in charm or success or the sugar yeah yeah I wonder if there's anyone that goes on here a sugar daddy that looks for a sugar mama so you have the ultimate diabetes combination why diabetes that's a lot they eat uh Wow what that when I'm ill at the moment okay I know I'm a male that would kill my joke now and way over my head hold the viewers enjoyed it sign up with a my legit email Smurfs there we go yeah bro you're old now in it but people your believably a sugar daddy at this age alright they safe to go use your real name yeah huh we actually gonna go for it because the only thing is if they even certainly cuz I imagine a lot of these women are gonna search up your username regardless yeah I know just find that you're a youtuber I know program I'm doing it for a video I know if I were you I would see boo no you're a sugar daddy you have to apply Authority luck see daddy I like that like that works that works what I see that you are alright we need a photo a week are we just gonna help on with my Instagram we'll find one or got monkey one no show and I well I well I brought a monkey into my flat in London no this shows that you are very unhappy with your life and you're looking for a sugar mama I should go not sugar mama but sugar baby I don't know this is the profile pic okay alright but he's definitely one for the profile caught that yeah entrepreneur I like this one Marissa Mayer I think this is the profile pic okay there is some jawline in there - I have a jawline that's what I'm saying I'm saying and then that's important for the picture yeah this one's good suyama oh yeah you go sell a boxing I will buy you anything you want just send me a tow pick me and you a leaper yeah and it looks like you're like a sad desperate guy looking for well I mean this is my period in life where I dated your leaper describe this one okay alright so you want to go for now that yeah maybe I think you know what I'm finna myself 180 180 for dude your stretches in the morning what is your level of education I went to uni for a year so I'd say graduate degree yeah that's about right yeah we're single single definitely single okay definitely single a bit about your finances let's talk money this is why we're here oh pretty steep increments if you've got 60 grand don't be on the site you have to think about it like this if you were to sell your body right now how much are you getting for your body alright I reckon you get a 30 mil 30 mil I would pay 30 million for your body I appreciate how you hum I should be in right now but we've got to keep it realistic they look at me they're gonna go 30 mil annual income way more than 620 yeah they actually kind of made it look like a mug down to that continued active lifestyle active wife she's got a hand out back you know I'm saying that heading for eye catching first impression used to have cancer fun guy looking for someone to share my deep pockets with how about that that's perfect it's kind of cringe but you know what kind of that's what we're out here for you're done for me mom I've legitimately just paid 70 quid for premium to seeking arrangement let's read some stuff who says money can't buy happiness I was born in France and I moved to London I want to discuss any agreement you're interested in also I need some air pods first of all unreal ear pods a how about an unreleased iPhone no no I'm really son really family what is the next iPhone to come out 11 or 12 or 15 as far as she's concerned send I'm looking for someone I can laugh with and spend a nice quality time spell you're wrong let me spice up your life I'm very very your verified my last year don't even bother messaging me if you're trying to compliment what's on yeah my tongue is nice but it will never be used on you creep send her a message saying can use your time with me I just want to know I just want to know more about her how are you refreshing I'll let her do the work you want to go to Croatia ideal ideal that's where my 16 meter yacht is moored so we've got a four messages car get it this this website is absolutely mental women all over us right now these people have viewed me message it I bet she replied that by all right it's just go real oh my what my gia has just copy at the same time I think I saw you on TV want to see me in real life bang you'd like to see it this is the going message and I already know I'm not like half the girls on this website and pretty precious to be honest instantly I thought Dori there so are you actually gonna link up with any of these let's find out in a future video maybe I will maybe I won't do I'm looking for a SD sugar daddy did you have an SD card final yeah tell her that I have got an SD card how many gigabytes do you want with a wig face no no GB gigabytes y'all put gigabytes we have a new message it's coffee from jazz what was happy Oh see you're more of a SSD type of girl I'm smoked girl with are you one of our cameras run out battery so we changed it but while you were away we message some people so now we have seven messages alright Oh our gal Yasmin maybe dot dot dot you don't seem keen just letting over a little honey in it yeah yeah we'll move on there's plenty more fishing hey darlin you seem to have a great sense of humor and you were very handsome I hope we're going to talk and see what we may have in common that's where our favorite cereal is you know if you want to start about what we have in common let's hit with the most important question of them all what's your favorite cereal then if we have lots in common hit more it hurts we be my friend depends how you treat me babe how are you have you had an arrangement before no just an arranged marriage oh just an arranged marriage love sex a new teapot will you hound me of any of them little Winky well that one yeah and inherit it that's proper dodgy night so what's on your mind spice in my life how would you do that take you to me bury drown you in sriracha sauce you wanted spice I'm giving you somebody because I like to be known as Kitty I have a thing for cats very good yes cat house you and your [ __ ] Thunder dog cat maybe lo hee hee well she what's with her in an airport Isis fire Evelyn's that right now just by the almond airport I got bow the air out what I even gone broke up 27 interests I'm gonna come back here later no it's gonna be like 200 literally this is in real time it's about 15 minutes this is crazy no we're gonna leave that now we actually if you guys want to see more of this let me know guys thank you for watching this is Cal for easy I've been calyx
Channel: Callux
Views: 1,163,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callux, lmao, pretending to be a girl, calfreezy, w2s, harry, wroetoshaw
Id: ECiXW76gLlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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