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today i'm going to show you a brand new among us role baby yoda oh look how cute she is hello and you might be like jelly baby yoda is completely useless you are wrong baby yoda can revive people who died and not just that he's also got a shield to defend himself against the imposter also did you know that i will turn into baby yoda if you press little like button give it a try three two one oh hello and if you want to look like baby yoda go buy yourself some jelly merch because my merch is green and baby oat is also green jelly stir i cop my dear lord and protector baby yoda look yes and i am going to let this baby rule over me josh okay can you hear that puny human follow me wait are we following you i want to want to die i want to die because baby yoda can revive me have you guys heard about that no i'm trying to get their impostor to reveal themselves imposter please kill me this is not how it's going to work all right i'm out of here wait am i going just because you could be revived doesn't mean you need to wait i don't have tasks baby yoda is completely useless dude why are you so quick babies crawl that doesn't make any sense i'm using the force to go fast jelly i lost baby oh there he is he did a full circle without us okay listen to me crainer is getting creepy listen to me we stick together okay oh you want to stick together buddy i don't want to die fix the lights dearly fixed good thank you unless you're the imposter and you kill me right now oh wait but i can prove to you that i'm not the imposter follow me can baby yoda be an imposter and no but i mean baby yoda could probably kill us if you wanted to he's really strong i think even it would be so fun if i could just slice you up right now wait yeah you could be the imposter now i'm doing that i'm outta here bye oh josh i just saw josh walking by baby yoda walking out of admin another person in here i guess they're just gonna do my tasks this is just great what's going on here everybody having a little chat a party i have a question what have you healed anybody yet i i found nords and brought him back to life wait really unfortunately nords can't remember anything wait baby do you remember being brought back to life baby yo i got a question what do you wear diapers wait so notch was dead right but he forgot who killed him which is just very convenient isn't it he forgot how to speak english too look i have no idea one of the side effects i've got some real speed and i still didn't see anyone you know what i'm not trying to keep up with you baby yoda i want to see you heal somebody i have been trying to keep up but i if i just simply can't one i'll sort of hang around and see okay i can't i've just got real speed and i can't really wait for losers like you what are you talking about just because we're not you can you i think you're being if we don't like you if we think you're doing a terrible job okay i'll just force choke you to death you can't you're a baby yo why are you feeding it well i'll just no krator is a beautiful color good luck guys all right anything sus whoa slogo's using his shield which means he can't die i have a lot of tasks in electrical shall we hello slogo are you also doing tasks in electrical or is it just me all right what i just got killed oh my god oh my god okay okay i gotta make sure josh comes in okay josh josh credit credit don't report it don't report it crainer don't report it yes yes bring me back to life please please why is it not doing it bring me back to life please let's see wow josh that was cruel yeah he almost didn't right there i swear i just i got really scared there okay i'm going to download this now he killed you jelly i don't remember oh that's convenient jelly you dumb he probably stabbed himself yeah all right let's go sort this thing out okay well i know it's yuki yuki actually killed me however i am not allowed to say it now how is this good this doesn't make any sense anymore because i i find josh to be a terrible yoda and it was taking a long time to revive me i'm i just i just want to vote josh out that's that's one of my goals right now oh there's a body there's a body there's a body it's logo there's a body slogo okay no one here help oh this is just useless isn't it if i report it this guy will never come back to life 15 seconds reactor okay another dead body has been found i just want to say you're trying to say that that was their body yes i was literally on camera's jelly and i saw and i was on my way guys you are doing a terrible job i was on my way jelly guys i got a confession why i think i passed the body when i was running to the reactor i think it was in reactor but i'm not sure wait no i thought the body was in uh there were two bodies yuki found jessie dead and i found norrish dead wait but jelly you know who the impossible i don't i forgot big brain you see but still like you do kind of know though you know no i have no idea give me a little hint you know just no idea i don't like baby yoda and slave he's not even doing anything it's not my fault that they were everybody's dying all around you baby yoda you suck nobody see i voted you keep on if you ever die again i'm not reviving you you have to it's your job josh you are horrible at this imposter kill crainer all right bye [Music] what are you doing jelly i have flashbacks too sorry what are you saying i'm getting flashbacks oh you're starting to remember i'm starting to remember what are you remembering i remember him being green yoda no don't look at him what are you guys doing jello had a flashback and he says the imposter is green i think so wait no you're green and he's green i am also green this is green is this green this doesn't look green to me i am not allowed to source out yuki that's against the rules but hey just saying in color it's not really sussing out is it come on come on yeah yeah here he is here he is what what dude i saw another green man he walked this way he walked this way and it's not you that's what you're saying right he looks oddly familiar yuki is he it are you saying he's it maybe he looks oddly familiar okay jelly's having weird flashbacks y'all wait i'm not sure this is the imposter you know i just found a body over here on the right and i think that yuki might have been next to it oh wait i've got an idea jelly yeah you stay here you stay here crainer okay yeah you go investigate okay and let's die you healed me right yes exactly okay oh you can wait why am i going to stay here because we know that crane is following yuki on his own okay i'm at yuki i met yuki no crain we can't hear you that's not fair okay now what josh what do we do well we just wait and then if crane is dead then obviously you killed him where did he go i have no idea this is just odd right i'm not really sure where they've gone i don't know either i can't find him oh no slogo i think we know what to do i have a feeling that it's yuki because we sent korean to follow yuki and then i think we found the imposter ladies and gentlemen you're dead just be why do you struggle to be quiet when you're dead moment of truth look my memory was right hi guys guys slogan why are you pretending to be baby yoda by being green wait pretending the day is here all of us are green we are so cute together yeah i'm going to go cry in the corner cry in the corner i'm going to help you josh crainer please don't do that voice why does it remind me of 2014 do your tasks guys do your tasks okay bye i'm the imposter i'm gonna do killing yeah now the ultimate kill would obviously be to kill baby yoda i'm not actually sure if that's possible but we're gonna have to give that a try but before we manage to do that i think we should kill somebody else anybody here anybody here anybody anybody huh anybody here uh okay that went wrong that went wrong that went wrong he's gonna pass me he's gonna pass me he's gonna pass me he's gonna pass me [Laughter] i just won baby yoda is dead and you know the best part about this is nobody wants to i didn't see you there trance nobody wants to report bodies because they think baby oda can revive them hello everybody i'm dead wait baby dead people can't speak yes i am wait seriously wait time you are the worst baby yoda ever you literally have a shield that nobody can kill you i forgot to press this shield but i gotta tell you oh why do you you may the force be with you can we talk about the fact that both speedy and cosmic are blaming jelly wait what why i didn't do anything or green jelly i'd invent i was standing next to the bodies waiting for yoda to come and of course there was no yoda's pure trance in front of me cosmic says jelly is sassy vented in electrical and then chris makes a good point that you want to be the superior green i do want to be superior green there's that but i wouldn't do that by killing people that would just be weird that's a lie yeah yeah oh wait no no no okay fine no it's not a lie you guys heard an ear from jelly you heard it here first oh god it was a lie the most honest imposter we've ever had thank you thank you that went so wrong guys crainer saw me kill somebody at the start immediately immediately i saw jelly so i had to kill him buddy i had to kill him what around whatever you are evil for killing baby yoda hello oh look at it it's finally the correct fight what does it say look guys my name is jelly sorry i wanted to use my shield and be cool oh come on before i get killed hello can anybody sleep bye bye-bye baby okay why are you saying bye i can just follow you i don't want to follow me why i'm not gonna kill oh because you're gonna kill ladies and gentlemen i'm baby yoda i got a shield nobody can kill me nobody can kill me you can't kill me you can't kill me oh wait is he looking at the security camera is there anybody dying in here nope i also have the option to revive so once i find a body i can make sure that that person comes back alive oh is it craner corner are you gonna die no crainer's not gonna die however i am a big target that's right the imposter could kill me and then nobody shall be revived ever again dead body seriously i can revive people speedy if you if you just not report bodies somebody already died baby and you're not feeling them hear me out what what do you want josh what do you want it would be in the impostor's interest to report the body oh you think it's speedy that is a good point that is a very good point we could get this over and done with instantly let's get him out kick him out might be a short round for you jelly but we have well you know what i think this game is all about winning wait that's what [Music] oh my god he just died for no reason can i bring him back to life now just killed somebody innocent guys i want to bring him back to life you can't do that we threw him into space all right well uh let's go uh look around for a body or somebody who wants to kill me again i'm a giant target no body and electrical are you on a vent norge oh that's a bit sauce i'm keeping my distance from him okay what about here there's a party nor stay away from me stay away from me revive i have a shield norse can't kill me okay chris is back to life chris do you remember anything ah that is that is difficult that is difficult nobody in the vents this is just weird guys being baby yoda is very difficult lights are off let's have a quick look at electrical do i have a report button as well i don't think i do i can't actually report bodies anybody dead hello can we stop literally dead right in the middle of us josh why didn't you report it we are not reporting bodies i could have provided this don't worry doing it cosmic why did you do it we literally threw speedy off he's the imposter throw him out guys there's only one reason he would be reporting and that is if he's the imposter or he if he's josh this is frustrating being baby yoda is quite difficult to revive jelly how many diapers have filled or what are you asking me nope what how many of you revived he wasn't a roster why are you talking about diapers nothing wait have you met us to revive one and we're like four people left early yeah well we threw two out why are you so bad at this i guess i can't blame a baby to be honest josh's acting sauce i don't trust josh what's going on here what it's trance i just got killed as baby yoda and now nobody can be revived ever again baby oh my goodness are you kidding me we lost the only guy that could help us all i'm not allowed to speak but you guys suck did anybody see who killed tilly because i feel kind of bad for baby yola right now i really do this is the strangest baby yoda round i've ever had and nobody knows who the impossible so jesse was clear this is not going very well for me guys i just died and now they are struggling to find out who the imposter is i have done a terrible job i'm just gonna stalk the killer oh slogan you saw that trance just killed someone in front of him wait really yeah okay goodbye trance you had a good run buddy we got it yes he killed me the baby yoda what is all about trans is mean baby he's a mean imposter jelly you are the worst baby yoda ever it possible what do you mean like literally just the worst okay all right look on your screen guys it says victory thanks for watching click to watch another video do it now because this video is over
Channel: Jelly
Views: 3,175,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, I Played As BABY YODA In AMONG US!, among us, baby yoda, mod, new mod, star wars, funny, jelly, among us mod, among us new role, crainer, slogo, troll
Id: pEPQ7Kw1rTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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