Imposter FLOOR is LAVA Ability in Among Us

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what's up dudes welcome back to another modded among us video this time the imposters can press a button and make the lava rise and if the crew members aren't standing on a table or a chair they die so dudes stick around for my turn to be the imposter it gets interesting also do me a favor like the lava rising hit the like button to make the number rise what hit the like button hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy all right so me and biffle we are going to be the prop setter uppers quiet everybody quiet everyone's quiet okay okay rage and bible let's go down to the other call hello hello okay okay so you guys ready to go set up you guys ready to go right okay i'm going to put one in here i'm going to put one in where you want to put it where do you want to put it dead center dude dead center that's a big table so yeah whenever the lava rises if you're on that table you will not die okay right here i got all right you're pulling that you're doing it okay oh that's a big one and i don't even know if you guys are killers or not eventually no electrical i mean all the tasks are up here so let's put it right in the middle this is strategic i am showing you guys that i am not the killer all right you go ahead don't put down a chair you put down a little bit oh a little bit there's multiple people doing wires in here they're so dead oh gosh all right boys we have done it all ah let's place them among us all right everybody quiet they're quiet let's do it boys all right have fun all right here we go here we go so guys welcome again welcome back to among us okay okay as you guys know i am not the imposter i'm just gonna hover around the tables there's henry okay do this task i'm gonna sit on the table as well oh no the love is coming look at the mod dudes tell me that is not sick this mod was made by subbed this is insane i have never seen a mod like this one dude real quick welcome back to among us i'm a crew member my job to survive as the crew members is to do all our tasks if this green task bar fills up we win if the impostors kill all of us they wow henry [Music] dude that is intense hold on let me turn up the game let me turn up the game so i can actually hear stuff okay there's the table there get to the table i think i have some i don't have any things over here get back down to the chair okay we're fine they got the lights back on dudes again listen this is wow dude this is intense if you guys are enjoying these among us mods hit the like button oh i gotta do this task please don't do lava i gotta hover my mouth my mouse over the thingy not my mouth that's weird again if you guys are enjoying these among us mods hit the like button down below also a question this is terrifying i'm scary remember the the impostors cannot die to the lava oh whenever the lava rises they have lot they have fire protection fire where did you come from cotton i joe no no i just passed you i just passed you in the hallway from navigation correct were you coming down i was i was down in shields with henry and then i walked shields i was just jealous was henry henry weren't we on that that night okay so so ian was cut ian and i both stood on the prop i went up from shields to the hallway ian and i stood on a prop together then he went down towards shield i went up and i found a body at guns no i was with henry and shields [Music] where was the body right by guns buy guns was it on top of a prop yes but there's like two big tables in there so it's not hard so it was on top of a problem which means it most likely they most likely did not die via lava so it was oh gosh so the killer and the killer killed them while they were both trapped on the prop and i was down there with henry's so toxic in calms i also found niko's body at bottom left but he wasn't on a prop he wasn't on a prop so that bot died to lava it's scary when you're in a task and you go to like dude it is so talkative no it's not me i was with henry there's only one and a half killer collected all right boys let's do it again like i said if you guys are enjoying this among us hit the like button someone's dead down here 100 someone's dead oh they all made it to the box the place oh no they just closed the doors [Applause] [Music] guys like i said let us know some more among us mods in the comments we're constantly looking for more modded ideas sub king loaf they're making some amazing bye can we let me do a task henry when we you literally stood there while you were doing a test henry you are a bot did he die yeah i watched him stand there he stuck the task hoping that the lava wouldn't you get him but it did guys here's the deal here's the deal here's the deal killers cannot die all they need is a double kill at this point and then they win uh-huh we have to vote somebody that is the only way information who has it for me the person i'm suspicious of is you yeah sigils was suss of me which check this out check this out you guys were sauce of me and henry because we were together henry just died to lava which means i'm clear no ian let me ask you a question let me ask you a question here's the thing my question is why did you claim to go from shields up to the prop and then go back down to shields when it was over that's my question okay okay okay okay here's what i did here's my pla i went from the middle i went to navigation did some props i went back to the hallway you know was talking to the people went down to shields i stood on the thingy with henry went back up to the hallway stood on the thingy with you went up to o2 seeing if i had any tasks but i did it so then i ran back down you went down to shields from the chair no i didn't i went up to o2 he's lying said jules are you sure you want to play with this game second two weeks sigils is playing the third imposter he's playing third and b henry cleared me and he is not an imposter and he cleared me get ready [Music] [Applause] we have no tasks completed because of the lava i have no clue who the who the imposters are dudes this is so difficult is it bitful it's 100 sigil it was battle you are imposter you are a third imposter sigils well nobody else that was the only suspicious thing that happened at all i kept dying to lava dude i can't believe i killed him and lava how many people died to lava right there yeah i've raised your hands mikko for sure no i don't know all right everybody quiet you get a bit up yeah you're looking i'm not the imposter amber's the impossible please don't kill me do i have any no two i don't okay i'm gonna go down to coms whoa dude this is so stressful somebody had to have died did somebody die oh gosh no no get there get there oh i think you just saved my life i think you just saved my life okay okay question question question process of events nico where was the body wait why did you say vents no i said events he said i heard vent yeah where was the body was it on a problem it was kind it was half on a prop so yeah i think it was on a problem what if he thought he was on a prop but he wasn't then he died to lava that would be a good thing was it a big prop or a little problem it was a half table that's a pretty big problem so if he was halfway on it he could have been yeah guys you just envision this envision this slow motion okay uh movie he's slowly running and he's yelling i can't make it and then his face falls off [Music] stick it he tried to stick it i got nothing bit if you oh i can do this prop on the table nice that is a good spot that's a good one sizzles don't kill me please sizzles you know this one takes forever please don't that is terrifying man look we're trying to do the same download okay we got it that download stinks all right i'm gonna try to make it dead body thank you dude this is i so stressful coming out a calf towards med bay no i didn't question it question was it on a prop kinda no i it was like a small one it was like i think he was like running for it it's possible they died on the way but it may have been a real kill i can't tell who was it amber uh yeah it was amber he was he was in the hallway like right by med bay so he was running he was doing another slow motion sprint i will make it all right we [Laughter] all right we got we got seven left boys we need to keep our eyes peeled okay keep them peeled like a banana oh i gotta do met how am i gonna do men bae listen to that how am i ever gonna get mad pay done please don't do the next lava no no no no oh my gosh that is stressful can you stop please i am trying to do tasks okay get it done five seconds four three two so each imposter can do the lava i got it done oh no i thought that was the thing that is oxygen lava we're not going to be able to get oxygen then no way we're hitting oxygen done in time no lava okay good dude this is tough they both use their their thingy how much time on oxygen six seconds we're dead no we're dead no we're dead hey dude this is the most difficult mod ever shhh everyone quiet i don't wanna quiet all right let's go let's go i'm going i'm going this way i don't want to go that way anymore boys we are the killer okay i don't know who placed all the props i've tried i'm gonna go lay out the landscape oh crap oh crap okay i can't be on the lava i don't want to expose myself already so it's me and biffle as the killer okay i'm just gonna start shutting door start shut the door so people can't do their tasks okay i'm shutting here this is perfect and then what i'm gonna do i have an idea let's say i fake them out i do reactor and as reactor's going off i do the lava okay there's before hi biffle what you doing what'd you do before dead lights bill did lights i'm gonna do lava now see if i can catch somebody nobody dang it i'm trying to see if i can catch somebody two people are in navigation i'm gonna go see if i can cut somebody off at the bottom okay hold on hold on hold on there's nico there's henry i'm gonna sit here on this we got five seconds into the lava i'm gonna shut storage doors shut all the doors nice nico's down here lava again oh no did he see that i don't like whoever it is i don't think he saw the record there's three people dead already terrified dead great rage you saw that you saw that body down there right nico yeah so so when i went uh through the communications area got a report button did you see anyone else there it was nico i was running down there to report him but the lava came up and i was gonna run down there after but you gotta do it rico just died yeah nico just died i don't know when he died but he was on that box down there wait so he died on top of a box correct i was just with him where are you who where are you henry and nico was together yeah i passed you i split up with another apology you saw me go like leave him yeah and then i went down there with rage to report the body but you sold me you stole me with him alive henry and sandy don't be such a me dude i was going down the recording with you the entire time though exactly that's what i'm saying okay kill my friend nico question question question so we have hollywood we have the sus of me and henry we have the suss of me and henry we know we don't vote on seven but but there's already three people did anybody see the other two amber and wicked anywhere no no i didn't say i saw wicked on the cameras because me and king were on cameras where was he it was like the left corridor of cafeteria left corridor of cafeteria okay got it uh by med bay yeah wait at the beginning of the map didn't henwy me and nico go towards med bay no no no no no no no okay okay okay all right don't don't vote we don't vote on seven because if we're wrong with henry we lose immediately [Music] you are not painting a good picture for yourself sounds like i'm not i know i was asking wolf because it was all right let's do this let's do this everybody quiet get your tasks done dude that was so perfect that was okay here's here's what i'm gonna try to do here's what i'm gonna try to do is what i'm trying to do i'm gonna try to hit reactor then lava so maybe that reactor noise will fake people out from the lava did it work did i get a kill because the reactor makes the same noise as the lava anybody up here no nobody's up here nobody's up here okay we have so many tasks done oh ah hi biffle oh king why this man just drowned in lava wait king drowned in lava why why would you i clicked the parkway but this is forcing us to vote now though yeah we have to vote okay okay go go go go go go go go go go so here's the thought process here's the thought process here's the thought process hen we or rage is sus of henry and me sigils called out henry rage called out henry because he was with the dead person of last round the entire game hold on hold on loaf you can back me up here that i was not with you and sigils right you were lying about that no but you were with nico these sigils and wasn't he with us at the beginning at med bay yeah yeah and then hopefully no throwing shane all right all right guys guys guys i have another question just to make it all murky though okay only two people didn't come to reactor okay did you guys notice that there was why does it why does it matter why does it matter the only person that died that round died to lava in front of you we're wasting time we're wasting we have to vote for somebody we have to move for somebody and we are all suss of henry no we don't have any concrete evidence yet so what we can do is if we spit on just split off into two groups of three that would be the safest way to do this but then then we get a double if they get a double kill if we cannot are you kidding me all right all right all right we got him we got we got him we out this is fine this is perfect this is perfect obviously can what is wrong with you edwin is the third imposter i can't make this up all right let's just start shutting doors let's start shutting doors for the memes and the bands start shutting doors and uh sigils is doing that i'm gonna see if i can get sigils on something let's do the lava [Music] all right all right all right okay okay what what loaf if henry was not the imposter that means there is two imposters still cause everybody else died by lava or got killed right yeah so what do we know he wasn't though that's what i'm saying that's why i feel like we need like why would he make us vote or not vote yeah he just he just tried to make us not vote on a six-man lobby when there's 100 percent two killers and split up when all they needed to do was get a double kill that's it yeah i'm i'm glad you pressed the button because i was also obsessed with sunday why are you saucing me oh you were the other one from that one round you and henry were the people i was assessing yeah i was running down there and you saw the body before me but i was going to go run down there and press the button but the lava was uh roasted and i can kind of clear sigils because he was with us at the start in the first round with me and king when we went ahead it's kind of clear i can kind of clear him not completely not for this one ah i don't like you whoa now i'm obsessed with you wait no i can't be suss of you yeah yeah if you yeah never mind nevermind i'm not just a loser i'm an idiot i'm an idiot no yeah i'm not so why would he call that if yeah yeah that would be really bad um i'd like also can like kind of clear biffle cause like that time when you guys found nico he had just passed me coming out of electrical yeah i know he was super far away me and king were on the cams on the first run and biffle was just standing on the chair for the whole thing so it's it's the two the two sus is me and rage and we were both near the nico dead bodies technically it's not me it's not me it's not me hey listen listen we voted henry out we need to trust our gut we voted henry out or we vote out rage i skipped i'm skipping uh but rage what is wrong with you i always voted for you [Laughter] all right boy all right boys listen just keep your feet cold keep your feet cold you know you know before marriage you know what you're talking about okay i'm gonna let my kill cool down and then what i'm gonna do there's sidgy bidgy you got the lava that's perfect now what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do wait can i do electrical there we go there's okay watch this watch this i stood in the lava right in front of central's that entire time wondering if you did but the lights were off so i couldn't tell the whole time that was so good boys guys hit the like button if you have enjoyed lava hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video we'll see you news next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,981,011
Rating: 4.9447918 out of 5
Keywords: impostor, imposter, modded, mod, modded among us
Id: Vl5Crw_j75U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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