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today my friends and i are playing among us but every time you stand still you go invisible whoa look i'm like basically transparent but once you start moving again everything is back to normal now in this video i am going to be the imposter and i'm gonna have to try to kill people who are invisible unless they move around of course but the crazy part is people can be hiding in a room standing still and i don't know about it because they're invisible hello there this is no joke the most difficult imposter video i have ever had to do so if you want to see more of manga's mods leave a like on this video subscribe down below and check out the jelly store where is everybody wait where am i wait wait buddy oh my god so one of us here is the imposter he's gonna try and kill and the rest of us have to survive okay all right and in today's video i am the ambassador look i'm invisible and i'm the imposter now i want to quickly check something if i vent and i come out of the vent i'm invisible oh this is fantastic this is fantastic so let's start walking around wait oh my god i made a stupid mistake i just realized oh my god i just realized somebody might have been here somebody might have been here doing a task i didn't know that i i couldn't have known all right as the imposter i have one problem the kill button is invisible so i need to know where anybody is and kill did people see that did people see that oh my god the body's been found i have a question i saw that happening our dead body was also invisible no no nobody's invisible dead body was visible okay i saw that happening i was with crainer i saw your how did you see it happening was it standing was it moving well all of a sudden i i i just saw it happening i don't even know what happened the person that was moving uh this one's so confusing i don't anybody see anything because i was i haven't seen anything at all because we can't see any name tags i i can't i don't remember who it was or which color it was wait so you saw someone killed something no no there were like four or five people there guys like like the half of the lobby was instantly talking about four or five who else saw the kill the bodies let's have a look at the chat all right so boys on the right side stories yellow is there green is there this one wait so it has to be one of you lot right no but there was more there were more people i don't know why is nobody talking jelly you pointed out to me that that you ran past me in cafeteria but you came from storage then yeah there were so many people going here so many people so nobody saw what happened because everyone's there i don't know okay i'm sorry okay this is the most confusing thing everybody's invisible i don't know how we made the weirdest longest mod in the world oh okay uh all right next time you see somebody kill somebody maybe remember who it is well i'm used to remembering the names but now i can't see any names just remember by color it's really not that hard man yeah that is a bit weird jelly that you wouldn't remember super strange by the way guys yeah follow me follow me oh okay you're here okay i have met bae wait are you happy yourself right now wait everyone wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait just stop josh go on maybe wait wait wait how do i know that it's you on me right now just trust me it's me just how do i know it's just if it's you man just trust me guys it doesn't make any sense i stepped on it no no guys that was different okay wait josh could have coordinated that with somebody else who has it yeah that's what i'm thinking too that could have been so i coordinate with someone if i'm guy somebody's doing two words all right how did i get away with that wow that was insane the thing is nobody can see anything oh we got blue walking around i think the best thing that i can do is to wait we gotta wait for the kill all right i have to wait for somebody to walk into navigation then i can walk in together with him and kill him come on brown walk in yes yes yes yes yes oh my god oh my god [Music] it worked it worked okay the body's in navigation i'm still here but i'm just chilling should we just wait for somebody to walk into navigation i'm just i'm just gonna wait here okay i got away with it the first round somehow but i think they're already a little sauce of me oh oh there he is okay so that was found by pink what did you see buddy at navigate what did you see pink well i was an electrical trainer were you doing what i was trying to do yeah i was spying in electrical buddy i was trying to see we we we actually never mind what we shouldn't say it why shouldn't we say it well because now the imposter would know but we can always just change rooms so crainer you stayed with josh the whole round no we weren't with each other for a long time but i was he ended up i was trying to see if i was invisible um that the i'd be able to see someone vent right yeah that that is that is possible all right so pink says body's navigation doc where are you electrical are you deaf but where but where were you before that i don't know i was in camera security i think yeah i'm on my way to what do you want a full history yeah that's the whole point of this game why are you throwing it yeah where are so many things i am in cafeteria i was doing the uh what's it called the body was transformation huh okay yeah the body's in navigation pink did you see anybody walking in walking out tell us pink i didn't see anybody well i've never seen anybody okay to be fair i mean that's a little suspicious we are invisible when we're how are we supposed to gather any clues when everybody's invisible so hang on so the imposter could have killed someone and just stood next to the body forever yeah i mean technically that's impossible like the imposter doesn't even have to leave the dead body josh that is so difficult okay josh we need to vote on something we're waiting for you buddy yeah josh hurry up already all right there we go all right john's acting super sus he was faking the med base scan and now he's voting for himself okay i think he did the met base scan jilly we can't confirm that we can't but it is did you guys not have the medpay scanner either no i don't have it i don't have it either unfortunately all right good luck guys bye bye oh my god i got away with that i gotta rethink this i gotta rethink this i have no idea where anybody is people that are doing tasks are invisible people that are on cameras are invisible i can't vent around the map it's too it's too easy to find out who it is because i can't see anybody okay we got blue over here he just exited medbay nobody is following blue let's go together with him towards admin okay is anybody in here so far i don't see anybody we got to do the scan thing oh bank is arriving okay blue is leaving ooh i don't know what to do man i okay okay we got we got this guy got this guy come with me come with me let's do a task together [Applause] yes now what oh blue's gonna find the body blue blue found it huh all right who's got something to tell this time another body's been found this time by blue blue what do you gotta say shields okay jelly i just saw you walk down towards shields right now you should ask where he is before you tell him because you oh where are you jelly well so i was together with i think it was pink and slogo in admin and then that was that was at the o2 thing remember when the o2 no i saw i saw you in admin i saw you in admin but then you ran away from admin i stood there to downl if i could see anything sus okay so i was following josh around the entire round because i thought we were going to be detective buddies but he never stood still to be a detective so oh sorry we could do it next time so you're saying it cannot be josh i mean most likely not but at the end i gave up because josh just didn't get it can you confirm that you cannot be craner i mean i'm probably like eighty percent sure it's not training hey there we go i'll take it eighty i'll take it eighty uh but i mean it could be blue so i was trying to find pink that was my goal i was trying to find pink to follow pink around that was right you were behind pink did you guys see what blue said black was that that's when i started following i was with red and yellow that was when my investigation of pink began because pig was like doing some weird hiding techniques and i wasn't sure okay so pink was with me and josh and then the body was reported i mean i i gotta skip i don't know yeah i don't know either i'm just saying we should probably be one of the hardest i've ever played i don't know what's going on guys yeah everybody saw at least uh at least the bodies are visible right like you don't know you don't seem to be as frustrated with this as being crainer yeah what do you mean i don't know there's something i'm trying to actually protect that's really strange i'm trying to detect it i'm just standing still away every time a body gets reported you're so quick to take over the charge of the conversation too it's kind of strange man it's kind of sauce all right all right all right all right okay i'm just saying jelly in the next one's gonna be like i don't care she's not gonna say anything see you later guys see you later what do i do what do i do do i stick with crainer do i stick with mr crainer oh we're all here we're all here i turned the lights off they're all here with me i think there's sauce of me guys they're sauce of me all right what do i do what do i do man what do i do the good thing is if i run away i am 100 not being followed right now because that would be that would be visible you know all right let's hide here quainter's with me does he know i'm in here i don't think he knows i'm in here i can kill crainer oh my god i can kill creator i don't think i want to i want to keep them alive for a little bit longer all right other isis videos ending and that's really sad okay oh blue was here blue was on cameras i had no idea i had no idea blue was on cameras oh my god all right literally the only thing i can do as an imposter is wait in a room be invisible and then uh hope that somebody's gonna come in to to kill me or something to kill me what to die i'm gonna kill him oh that's oh that's unfortunate blue just died oh oh great you're going to find it you're going to find it with josh okay you should have left it you should have left it wait what happened we could have seen if someone would leave oh so tell me uh tell me what happened crainer where were you jelly where were you i was in navigation okay where were we super far away uh we were insecure i don't know where you are but you were navigation though oh no that's that's happened the body was in camps now i was in camps earlier and when i was looking in the camps they got disabled so i ran out found josh doing his gas mission thing and then we ran together and we found a dead body i was following pink around wait wait wait wait wait so you're saying you're saying you're saying you were in cameras yeah you left cameras and you got back in was anyone else in yeah so you could have okay josh i know you're saying crainer's 80 not sus but you could have killed in cameras turned off communications everybody heading towards communications and then run back together with i guess you said josh and yeah there was another guy too i think and then and then you all of a sudden find a body and report it i mean remember what we said about okay i got a question i got a question josh i got a question josh who was in the lead of choosing where to go who was in front you know what i found odd no idea you know what i found odd about this jelly remember when we were all standing in that hallway all in this pulled up yeah and then the lights went out yeah and then all of a sudden we all went blind remember that yeah it's a bit of an odd timing isn't it and then i started and then i started to move together i started moving so you guys could see me uh-huh so we could see each other um i don't know like it's not enough evidence but i'm just so sauce of jelly right now i am supercess of craner because he literally said he was in communications and then he left and got back and he brought josh back so he wouldn't be sustan i think that's what happened if i die next round guys you know who it is wait what if i die this wrong and if you don't die then you're the imposter no is that what's going on here no that's not what i'm saying is that what you're saying i'm super confused i'm out see ya guys josh and crainer are staying together i don't like it they need to split up i know that josh and crainer they are hiding they are somewhere in the map standing still being invisible oh there's crainer you see josh is leaving the room oh i wish i i would have killed pink there i would have killed pink there because then josh would have thought screener but i couldn't couldn't kill pink because purple walked in i kind of need to stick with crainer on this one maybe i'll try to stick with josh but i got to do a kill first all right i'll check cameras i'll check cameras this is the hardest thing i've ever done okay blue is coming blue is coming all right i'll leave i'll leave this is the hardest thing i've done in my life man oh no wrong way let's wait over here nobody knows i'm here nobody knows i'm in cafeteria unless somebody's hiding right here we gotta wait for crainer i can't move because somebody's on cameras i'm telling you if i move right now they know it's me oh my god i killed on cameras oh my god it was crane ran pink together i found the dead body again guys oh i wasn't the one that reported it wait dead bodies right right in the hallway of admin okay okay where was everyone what color was it i don't know i didn't even know where we are okay so so you were with pink then yeah so i saw pink at the body jelly where were you i was in navigation you i'm sorry there's just a stupid task there you know the one with the the main you've literally been in navigation every single like time we've asked it's just coincidence wait so so what so where was i guys i don't know where you were i saw cameras blinking so maybe yeah i was on camera on cameras wait you saw something josh i saw jelly murder i knew it jenny i saw you move you you moved the tiniest entire time you were you were waiting like no no it was somebody else no it's so unlikely that the med-based scan was fake i entertained it for the fun of it but i saw him watching you you're in navigation again and guess what i saw purple outside of navigation pretty much uh-huh so yeah i was in the room of navigation jelly water guess what i just lied i just lied purple wasn't actually a navigation no you didn't do it's in the hallways no he was what did i do he was actually standing by the vents oh no wait wait purple were you in navigation at all that right purple confirmed that you saw me as well purple let us know if you were in navigation purple confirm it do not remember what okay purple oh okay well he didn't get it's just him i'm so sure i'm so sure it's tilly it's wait wait wait what he got kicked wait i thought you got outvoted yes jelly it was me guys it was me ah i got caught by josh in the end who was on cameras but i thought killing on camps would be fine as long as i didn't touch anything the only thing i did is press kill and apparently i was visible for like a millisecond doing that kill he says i moved but i don't think i did but i got caught if jars didn't see that i would have won guaranteed click for another video
Channel: Jelly
Views: 4,552,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, among us, invisible, mod, new game mode, funny, jelly, slogo, crainer, troll, trolling, funny moments, STAND STILL = INVISIBLE In AMONG US
Id: _lMu9maIRXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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