I Played 100 Days of Stranded Deep

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this video is sponsored by surf shark ever wondered if you could survive stranded in the middle of the ocean well today we're doing just that join me for an epic adventure facing hungry sharks giant squids and even more dangerous things as we Splash right into stranded deep what was supposed to be a nice vacation quickly turned into a nightmare as something tore a hole in the side of my plane well that's not good and there goes my laptop too guess I won't be checking any comments for a while luckily I managed to survive as we crashed into the water and made it to this life raft just as the plane exploded behind me I woke up later with no sign of the crash in sight looks like I'm on my own now well except for this shark don't mind me I think I'll just make my way to this island here I paddled my way to Shore and pulled the raft onto the sand then started looking around to see what I could find I picked up a rock first which I turned into a sharper Rock oh look it's a crab this island is full of crabs or it was anyway I tried this starfish next but I guess it's just here to look pretty I collected some leaves after that and made a rope from them to craft this knife cuz what good are crabs if you can't eat them there were plenty of sticks laying around I gathered for a fire which I promptly destroyed by accident oops I only got one stick back so I had to find some more then made another fire I put the crab meat on and then made some kindling to start it then while that was cooking I grabbed some coconuts to drink that's better for now but eventually I'm going to run out of coconuts I put some Stones around my fire next and then made another rope to craft this axe it was dark now but I'll have to build a shelter before I can sleep or save my game so I got to work chopping this tree my axe wasn't very good so it took some effort before I was able to get the Palm frons I needed then I had to do a bit of inventory management before I could collect the leaves to make another rope to put together the shelter the night was a bit creepy but I was still thirsty so I climbed a tree for some coconuts before going to bed I woke woke up before the sun on day two and started off by cracking open some more crabs I put on one to cook then gathered some planks from the beach before watching the sunrise maybe this could be a vacation after all I spent most of my day collecting more leaves sticks and other random debris that had washed up used this cloth and made a coconut flask for this water still then filled it with fiber ah fresh water added some more leaves to the fire next to cook more crab but it wasn't long before the heat started to get to me some clouds R over just in time though and I spent the rest of the day working on building a nicer shelter I could hide from the Sun and storms in early day three I was still finishing up my shelter when curiosity got the best of me with this interesting looking starfish surely I can get something from it well I got something poisoning awesome I didn't really know what to do about it yet so I just finished up the new shelter as another storm rolled in the poisoning seemed to be working very slowly so I cooked up the last of my crab on the fire before making a fishing Spear and deciding to Brave some of the more shallow water I ended up catching a sardine but couldn't figure out how to put it on the fire so cracked some coconuts instead to eat for dinner apparently my body had had enough of the Coconuts though and then things got a little gross I was dehydrated after all that and drank all the water I had left then on top of that I was still poisoned too so I decided to work on a wooden rack maybe I can find something for an antidote on one of these other Islands I ended up staying up all night chopping logs into sticks and before I knew it it was morning by the middle of the next day I had enough sticks for another raft piece but I was having some trouble attaching it I drugg the first piece up on this rock though and that did the trick I added a floor too and realized I was going to have to gather a lot more wood before I'd be able to go on the sea with this little thing maybe I can get some planks from this boat no after that I headed further out to check out this wreck but I was terrified of the water and kept waiting for a shark to appear at any moment if only I had some sort of protection like the sponsor for this video surf shark VPN this shark is on my side though and instead of trying to eat me it keeps my online identity safe by encrypting all the information sent between my device and the internet keeping my personal data protected from big companies or cyber criminals if you like to use free public Wi-Fi surf shark is great for keeping your personal information safe from hackers and even make sure your City Country and download history aren't linked to your identity surf shark also has a clean web feature that blocks ads trackers malware and fishing attempts allowing you to surf the web safely at home or on the go a VPN also allows you to change your virtual location giving you access to websites and content libraries from other countries like different Netflix libraries with their exclusive holiday deal you can get up to 6 months for free when you use my code Arc solo plus surf shark offers a 30-day money back guarantee so there's no risk to testing it out just follow the link in the description to sign up now luckily this time I didn't run into any sharks though and came out with a box full of random stuff including some rations and a lantern but nothing to help me with my poisoning I had found some plants but not the one I needed to make the antidote added this roasting spit to the fire next and collected the stuff to make another flask which I also need for the antidote then tried to chop up this rock and had some rations for dinner my health was still slowly dropping though and at this rate I'll be dead sometime tomorrow if I don't do something hoping it would just eventually wear off I decided to call it a night for now I started off day five with a drink of fresh water and added another piece to my raft yeah it's still not ready for the ocean I realized I could make myself a bow next but then wasn't really sure what to use it for so I left it at Camp before heading out to explore another shipwreck it wasn't in very deep water so I made my way in to find some containers with a label maker and some duct tape then a box with some rope and leather on top of the ship was another box this one with some random engine parts and another label maker well that's neat and all but I'll never get to use it if I don't find something for this poisoning and now there's a shark maybe I should have brought that bow after all I waited for it to swim further away then jumped and swam for sure after dropping off the boxes I'd found there was a storage compartment on the raft with rations a compass and a bandage inside I was hopeful the bandage might heal me but looks like it's only good if you're bleeding explored a couple more shipwrecks next but only found another vehicle part a stingray that spooked me and a flare gun at least I didn't run into the shark again though back at Camp I found my health even lower and now I'm thirsty and hungry again too I refilled the water still and started a fire as it got dark then took a look around for some more crabs to cook but looks like I must have eaten them all already I'd been trying to save up the rations but ended up eating another the next morning with some water if only I had realized they actually replenish your water too I was still hungry after that though so I gave in and ate another coconut hopefully this one will go down a bit better desperate at this point point to find a cure for my poisoning I packed a box and headed to the next island in the life raft I was a bit nervous about this shark circling me but I paddled away anyways hello there don't mind me I eventually made it to this new island to be greeted by this giant crab that clearly wants to pop my raft it followed me around as I searched the island for the plant I needed but all I found was a rock which I grabbed because I've used them all up on my first island it started to storm next and I pulled my raft further up on shore before spotting what I'm pretty sure was a boar then when I went to grab this metal scrap I heard something a bit sus before spotting this snake hanging out right beside it just what I need more poison I brought my bow at least so I shot it only to have it start chasing me you know what maybe I don't need that scrap after all it was getting dark so I chopped down this tree next to make myself a shelter I guess I'll just have to search some more in the morning no way am I wandering around this island at night with that snake slithering around I started off the next morning with another ration before checking my health it wasn't looking good so I sucked it up and dealt with the snake using a couple Spears I made from sticks then I was nervous about the board but it looks like it might be busy flying now with everything clear I looked over the island for the plant for the antidote until this giant crab chased me away in desperation I tried making an Alo s but it only upped my SPF I thought for a moment about checking the shipwrecks here but realized one bite from a shark or any anything for that matter and that would be it for me so instead I drag the raft back into the water and headed off hoping to try another Island on the way it started storming and my watch was beeping at me constantly as my last bar of Health was draining I kept paddling anyway though flipping my raft as I finally made it to the shore as I started looking around for plants though I checked my watch to find I was just fine now guess the poison finally ran its course I think after all that I might just call it a night day eight I woke up just happy to be alive my health was slowly improving and I decided it was time to finally deal with one of those giant crabs I stabbed it with my Spear and it pinched me back with its claw maybe I can get it from up on this very sturdy Bush nope I eventually got Brave and faced it on the ground again it got in a few more pinches but I finally finished it off I know what I'll be having for dinner first a quick coconut snack though I wanted to explore this island more now that I was better so I set up a water still and a roasting spit before putting the crab on to cook while it was cooking I thought about checking out this big shipping container but maybe I should see what my health is looking like before I go exploring yeah I think I'll just stay on the shore for now I crafted some extra Arrows with a rocks I'd found before dinner then headed to bed the next morning I was all healed up and took on another giant crab to cook for lunch then headed out into the water to start plundering through the wrecks I spoted this lion fish which I know are poisonous hey excuse me there this boat had some tires strapped to it but I couldn't figure out how to get them then I found some planks inside the cabin and got scared by this little shark when I came up for air I went back in and found this gas can I guess that will come in handy later took a quick lunch break and then headed back in the water oh hello there Mr shark you know what I think I got everything out of that ship anyway headed back over to The Container after that it was sitting in much more shallow water where I don't think the shark can go it swam nearby watching me as I hacked away for a while at this metal wall eventually managing to remove it and get inside to find nothing well nothing except for a door on the other side I could have just opened this whole time I thought about exploring more underwater but as the evening set in the water was way too dark for me I couldn't see very far and it was giving me the heebie jeebies no thanks maybe I'll just check out the box in this rowboat looks like more engine parts and a flashlight yes please I'll take that finish finished off the crab meat next then it was good night tested out the flashlight early the next morning before the sun was up even gave it a go in the water but no luck as things got a little brighter though I went out to one more shipwreck I'm not sure what I was looking for but I found mostly the same stuff except for this fancy Hammer I was out of crabs for lunch so I decided to try again with these sardines but still couldn't figure out how to cook them so I let them go then I chopped down this tree for its palm frond and ended up eating a coconut instead next I drugged the container wall on Shore to see if I could get some metal scrap from it and almost stepped on another starfish ooo that was close I got too hot after that and had to take a break in the shade I think it must have gotten to me anyway though because that night for some reason I tried to head back home on my raft in the dark in a storm until I realized that was stupid and I should probably just wait till morning there that's better with a nice clear sky I headed out the next morning and paddled my way back to my original Island I'm just a roolling on the ocean oh look the crabs are back or they were anyway I got in some bow practice on these seagulls and put some meat on to roast then it was into my little Shack for some shade once I cooled down I got back to work on my wooden raft I was getting better at chopping down the trees and by dinner I'd already made two more pieces then finished up one more after that before adding floors to all of them feeling a little better about its size now I grabbed some cloth and added a sail next up was a Rudder to help me steer but I had to move the raft a bit before I could attach it oh very nice I tried again after that to get some more stones from this rock then used some planks to make a storage rack for these boxes on my raft I thought I'd add a shelter to it too but apparently that's not a thing I was able to add this shade made from cloth though and immediately set sail I don't know where I'm going but I wanted to test it out little did I know it would be a long time before I'd find my way back to this first Little Shack the raft worked well though and I didn't have to paddle which was nice then when I made it to the next Island I was greeted by another giant crab I pulled my raft on Shore and used it to block the crab then when it had finally stopped following I accidentally backed right into another one well excuse me sir I tried to smash it shell with my knife but ended up running to escape up on this rock instead gathered some things next to make a shelter I'll deal with you in the morning Mr Crab I made another fire again to cook him on then another water still too grabbed all the stones I could find next and added this anchor to my raft then used some scrap wood I'd found to make another storage shelf and I realized that night that I had the stuff to make a better refined axe with this leather now I can chop stuff a little faster look at all these sticks I spent most of the morning exploring this wreck finding mostly more of the same except for this air tank which was s then I fought another Giant Crab for lunch I just can't seem to get the distance right to stab them without getting pinched but eventually I stabbed its legs right off M tasty I cleared out my inventory next as I realized I'd collected enough engine parts to make this gas engine for my raft I had to break my Rudder and prop the raft up on this Rock first then Tada I was excited to fill it up with gas until I realized the one I'd found was empty well boo I headed out to another wreck after that and found these barrels I wondered if they had gas or oil in them but couldn't figure out how to do anything with them yet then I spotted this shark and high tailed it back to land that night I walked right across this pee PE plant I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing it right but it's the one I'd been needing to make the antidote before grabbed them both then immediately made them into antidotes to store in my raft hopefully I won't get poisoned again but if I do at least I'll be ready I made my way back to the ship with the barrels again on day 15 and raided it for most mostly more scrap as I came up for air though I turned around to find a shark right on my tail oh hello I waited for it to get further away and made a jump for sure where this little shark almost gave me a heart attack back on land it started storming and I finally realized I could make a refined pick with some sticks rocks and leather not sure how I missed it before but look now I can break these big rocks I gathered all I could and put them in storage for now then by the time I was done the moon was out good night after a quick coconut breakfast I made myself a better Spear and set sail to go back to my original Island on the way I was AFK and came back just in time to spot this whale that a whale when I got to the island though it wasn't the one I thought I figured I might as well see what I could find while I was here though so I set up camp before going off in a storm to check out this wreck I regretted my decision and quickly grabb the Box on top before going back to the safety of land I think I'll save the exploring for more morning day 17 started out with a fancy crab breakfast and then I decided to make this plank station that makes well planks of course I needed them to build more storage shelves on my raft at this point I didn't know what I should keep or get rid of and I was being a bit of a packrat I had some extra Palm frons after chopping down all the trees for planks look I can make a little stack of them after that I went out to explore the biggest shipwreck I'd found yet it was full of poisonous things like this sea snake and lion fish so I carefully made my way in to check it out I grabbed this box and went up for air before going back to see if I'd missed anything when I ended up getting too close to the lion fish poisoned again I checked my watch to see that my health was okay for now but while I did I forgot to watch my oxygen oops I ended up finding these binoculars on my next trip down and when I came back up this time there was a shark waiting somehow I managed to make it back to the shallows without it taking a bite of me then I had a look around through my my new binoculars ooh I like these almost forgot but took an antidote next which cleared my poisoning right up had some crab for dinner and then called it a day the next morning started off mostly the same water food then chopped down some trees I made the logs into planks and stored them on my raft then headed out to the next wreck found more scrap another flashlight and one more label maker these ships must have been way more organized than me it had a set of tires on deck which I finally figured out you can get with the pick I couldn't put them in my inventory and instead grabbed the first one to take back to shore went back for the second one but as I was swimming back a shark buzzed right by me oh no no no I just kept swimming and then debated on whether or not I really needed three tires eventually deciding the shark must have found something better to eat I used two of the tires to add another base to the side of my raft and then put the third one on top for later no way am I leaving it behind after all that stayed on land the rest of the day making more planks I think I I've had enough of the water today thanks got back on the water early on day 19 hoping to sail back to my shack Island my raft was a bit lopsided though as I got closer I realized there was no Shack and I may or may not be lost I ended up getting stuck in a bit of a spin on the sand and then gathered some metal and cloth before setting up camp I was up before the sun on day 20 Scavenging this washed up shipwreck then hunted some crabs for breakfast before braving the ocean again I was starting to get the hang of surviving out here but still really had no idea how to go about getting home maybe eventually I'll just gather enough stuff to build up my raft and sail out of here though my Scavenging ended that day with me stuck on this rock waiting for this hammerhead shark to go away the shark was in the water waiting for me when I went diving the next morning you know what I think I'll just go check out another Island I added one more container shelf to my packrat raft and then stored the boxes I'd found before shoving off almost almost lost my extra Tire this time but eventually got on the water my raft was still a bit sideways but I'm sure it's fine I'd given up on finding my first Island at this point my little Shack wasn't that much anyways this new island greeted me with another giant crab of course a little pig a much bigger Pig I almost walked right into and then this snake eventually I found a safe spot to chop down a tree to build a shelter I dealt with the snake first thing the next morning shooting it with my bow my aim was awful but I eventually got the shot then when I was looking for the Big Pig it found me first luckily pigs are not very good climbers though and I managed to escape up on this rock I whacked it with my axe in the process and it ran away so I shot it with my bow after that I followed it to another rock where it ended up getting stuck running around in a circle for a while allowing me to fill it with arrows then when it got free I chased it down with my Spear and would you look at that I leveled up my hunting I skinned the pig for several pieces of rawh hide and some very large hunks of meat with all this food I thought I'd try to make a smoker hoping the smoked meat wouldn't spoil as fast but my shelter was in the way and I didn't feel like rearranging things in the dark so I went to sleep and got up to rearrange things in the morning dark instead broke my shelter first and moved it then placed the smoker the way I wanted it now we're cooking while the meat cooked I thought I'd have a bit of coconut to start the morning but that was clearly the wrong decision and now I'm dehydrated again than thankfully I had already put down a water still at least I gathered several Palm frons to keep it in my fire filled then started collecting rocks to refill my arrows as I was crafting those I heard this Bell and found my smoked ham was done for lunch then I drank even more water made a stick pile grabbed this crab and finally used one of those label makers that evening I went out exploring another shipwreck but found myself out a bit too late with the water so dark I couldn't see I waited for a while but eventually got the nerve up to to swim back to shore headed out early the next morning for a new island and was greeted with more of the same a giant crab said hello first then I found this Sneaky Snake hiding in the grass and after that I spotted another big pig which I left alone for now there was something different here on this island though a makeshift shelter with someone who I really hope I don't end up joining looks like they left behind some supplies and a friend though you're coming with me Wall-E I swam for a bit with this Turtle early the next morning and finally found myself some more tires to even out my raft but when I made my way to the top of the ship there was a shark circling it I decided to shoot it this time and that seemed to scare it away for now there were some barrels up here too which you can also use the pick on I dropped them each off this pole as close to the shore as I could then after checking for the shark dove in myself to drag them on land got the tires next and used them to finish the other side of my raft I could have used wood but I wanted it to match I had hoped the barrels would have some sort of gas in them for my engine but looks like they're empty and I'll have to find something else for that checked this container next to find nothing inside then dealt with the pig after that again using its lack of climbing skills against it I put it on to cook at the new camp I'd set up here and finally tested out one of the flare guns I'd found it looked pretty but that was about it at least its light was nice when I was trying to place this next shelf on my raft though I mostly scavenged more the next day finding these buoy balls you can actually put them in your inventory but but I didn't know that yet and carried them all to shore instead then that night I used the tires and barrels to add more pieces to my raft now I can add even more storage I'll never have to drop anything again I started day 27 exploring this shipwreck on land then added these floors to the new additions on my raft it was back to the water after that I wanted to explore this shipwreck with the big Mast but this shark did not approve this time though I decided I was tired of them bullying me and started shooting it from Shore I got set several arrows in as it just kept coming back then dove in and thought I'd finish it with my spear it tried to take a bite of me first but I won the battle this time stabbing it in the side with my spear I was a bit nervous as I floated in the open ocean to skin it not nervous enough to leave behind all these arrows though feeling pretty confident I headed out in a storm to explore the Shipwreck now that the shark was gone just don't mind the flying fish all I managed to find new though was this plunger I had a close encounter with a hammerhead later that day thought I might try to fight it too but it just kept swimming away the next morning I hung out with Wall-E for a bit and we decided it was time to pack up and head to a new island I put him on the raft at first but then when he started rolling around I decided I should probably just carry him we ended up in a storm on the way thankfully though my raft is much bigger now and things seem pretty safe once we got to land I started setting up camp before getting distracted by this boar I shot it with a couple arrows then chased the Speedy little booger with my spear looks like fast food is on the menu tonight took on another big tiger shark on day 29 but this one managed to take a bite hey now as I was finishing it off with arrows from the ship another even bigger shark showed up I know what it is now but at the time it really freaked me out and I shot it full of arrows before it finally swam away I was still a bit jumpy and kept looking around as I skinned the tiger shark then I busted these tires loose from the ship and took them to shore the next day I found another set of tires before running into another tiger shark I saw it coming just couldn't swim fast enough to get out of its way once I got to shore it was easy to pick it off with arrows but when I went to skin it the giant shark was back at this point I was pretty sure it was a harmless whale shark it still freaked me out though and I shot it with another arrow anyway after all that I had a close call with this Seas snake too back to land it is that's enough stress for one day I built a tanning rack to turn all the hide into leather neck then used it to make some extra refined Spears added three more Tire sections to the front of my raft with Plank Floors this time and tried to add this wall but it wouldn't attach well more storage it is then I tried to kill a hammerhead on day 31 shooting several arrows in it until it decided to run and then it started storming anyway back on land I collected some rocks and sticks to make more arrows that Hammerhead ran off with most of mine that night I finally realized I could make a bed and oh my gosh you can carry it all long I've just been building a new shelter on every island to sleep in this will make things much easier I watched the sunrise the next morning then started breaking down my camp and packing up for the next Island I put Wall-E on the bed and then completely forgot about him when I drugg my raft to the other side of the island to take off oops it started to storm and I got really nervous when the raft got stuck on this rock but thankfully the next big wave carried us away it was already evening when I made it but at least now I I don't have to set up a shelter I can just sleep in my new bed day 33 I killed this snake first thing and then dealt with this very strange Pig it was spinning in circles and even flew for a bit after I shot it looks like a clear case of brainworms to me I also discovered these tool belts that give you hot bar slots that day I've had all the stuff forever I just hadn't noticed them in my crafting menu would you look at that I've got a hot bar now I went swimming after that and had it out again with a hammerhead but just like before it swam away after I got a few arrows in it not in the mood to give up I thought I'd hang out in the open water to try and lure it back despite me waiting for it the darn thing still snuck up on me I made my way out of the water though and took it out with just one more shot unlike the tiger shark which floated this one sank right to the bottom a I don't want to go down there I need my arrows back though so down we go instead of staying underwater to skin it I just took the whole thing back to camp this time there we go I figured the water would be a bit safer the next day but there was already another Hammerhead and a tiger shark hanging around too well darn guess I'd better craft some more arrows I did a bit of cooking too and scoped out the next Island that night then explored this yacht looking thing the next morning only finding more of the same including some poisoning I have no idea what got me but thankfully I already had another antidote ready off to the next Island it is when I got there I was greeted by another snake then another big pig this one however did did not have brain worms and instead of running in a circle it ran right for me I managed to shoot it one more time before switching to my spear to finish it off later I heard another snake I never could find and finished the evening trying to kill this boar which had another case of brain worms at this point I had plenty of meat and instead of skinning everything I started stacking it all by my raft it doesn't seem to spoil this way so I can just leave it till I get a smoker up I had been hoping eventually I'd find something different on the islands but this one just held more of the same and underwater in the reck were just lots of random engine parts and a couple of stalking sharks this one gave me a heart attack when it snuck up on me from behind I think maybe they're trying to team up on me on day 37 I decided it was time to settle down for a bit and think of a different strategy so I started building another Shack I had collected a lot of scrap metal along the way and thought I'd build most of it with that for the rest I used planks and stick and then after A Hard Day's Work the next morning it was done isn't it beautiful I made a hoe and added some farming plots next now I can grow this potato I found I watered it well and started some storage stacks on the beach then added some storage shelves to my new house too I got a smoker up next and started cooking up all the meat to store after all that traveling from Island to Island it was nice to have a little home to come back to hopefully I can manage not to lose this one at this point I'd realized I'd lost Wall-E and and decided to backtrack an island to see if I could find him I found my camp but no Wall-E and I have no idea what island I was on before I was sad now but instead gathered this Yuka fruit to plant in my garden and headed back home as I left my raft got stuck and tried to spin me around but I straightened back out and successfully made it back home this time I planted the Yuka and gave it some water then after collecting some different things I decided to make this fishing pole I was pretty excited to test it out until I realized I couldn't use it without a bobber and to make a bobber I needed those buoy balls I didn't think I could carry and left behind a few days ago oops day 40 I finally realized I had all the stuff to make this spear gun then spent the morning making some special arrows for it I headed straight to the water with it and after having a look around decided to grab these barrels made it to shore with the first one but when I headed back there was a hammerhead shark look Mr Hammerhead I've got a new toy I managed to get a few shots in before I lost it in the murky water don't worry though it found me it bit me from behind and took off with me until I managed to get my spear out to stab it I'd escaped its jaws but now I'm bleeding well that's new I used some bandages I had on my raft though and then headed back for Revenge despite the water being even darker this time I managed to get him before he got me I cleared out another wreck the next morning and made this plank station then used it to make some planks for more storage I couldn't find it in myself to drop anything and had about 10 label makers at this point day 42 I leveled up my hunting by taking on another Hammerhead the way they disappear into the cloudiness of the water really freaks me out then it's like they just come back out of nowhere shooting them in the face seems to deter them though then I tried to stab this little shark but only ended up stepping on something poisonous spotted these buoy Balls next and still didn't realize I could put them in my inventory guess I'll just yeat them to shore now I can make that bobber for fishing I'd been looking for clay for a while to make a f furnace and fuel thinking I'd eventually get to an island that had it turns out it's been right under my nose the whole time I'd even started to wonder if I needed to go deeper in the water to find it but I'd been too afraid to try I made a pile of it on the beach for now then discovered these hooks you can hang lanterns on ooh I wonder if I can hang weapons on them nope it was worth a try I gathered some things the next day so I could use the clay to make this furnace then headed back to the water to gather some more I used it to make this brick St next before checking what I needed for this fuel still once I get it set up I'll finally be able to use the motor on my raft looks like it needs a fire with a fire pit to go on then this Jerry can a few sticks some planks too and then rope now that I had everything gathered it was all in the way so I dropped some of my tools so I could carry everything instead then I finally had something to make some fuel I started the fire but looks like I need to put something in here to make it work I just don't know what that something is I tried a few things before giving up and decided to work on my house for a bit instead maybe I'll figure it out tomorrow I gathered a bit more clay in the morning I'm not sure what I need it for but it's new and I want more of it then I built this tanning rack and Loom I'll be able to make my own leather and cloth too I realized after that I could make a clay bottle for water it holds five drinks of water which is way better than the one drink the coconut flask holds oh and look I've got a potato ready in the garden I wonder if I can put it in the fuel still the potato went right right in but looks like I'll need at least three more to fill it up guess I'm going to need a bigger Garden I made an antidote for myself that night then got to work expanding my garden the next day I made three more plots then moved the Yuka to this end before going hunting for more potatoes to put in them I managed to find one on my Island and planted it then hopped on my raft to go look for more my raft did a bit more ballet on another rock making me a bit dizzy but I eventually got on my way fought this crab for the next potato I found then it was evening and I forgot my bed at home thankfully I'm a bit of a hoarder and I've got plenty of stuff on my raft to make a new one good night in the morning I found one more potato and decided I might as well scavenge the shipwrecks too but this Hammerhead had other ideas I had my new spear gun though and was getting much better at dealing with the sharks little did I know there were much more dangerous and bigger creatures I'd have to deal with later after finishing the shark and dragging it to shore I found more of the buoy balls and finally figured out you can pick them up I also grabbed some stuff I really don't need and then thought I would just take the whole shark home instead of skinning it I guess it was too heavy though it weighed down my raft so much it wouldn't even go well I tried at least I skinned it and made my way home to plant the potatoes I'd found then when I went to gather some leaves for my fire this big pig came out of nowhere I guess it respawned while I was gone and I was completely unprepared I tried to use my spear gun first but it was slow to reload then I tried my old rock trick but this pig was slick it ran around and climbed up tearing at me with its tusks as I tried to run away I heard a snake somewhere too oh great eventually I escaped up on my roof and got my breath back for a bit then threw a spear atct causing it to run next allowing me to finally finish it off with my bow woo that was close I took care of the snake first thing the next morning and then killed everything else that had respawned I've had enough surprises for now gathered a bunch of leaves next and my potatoes had all grown so I filled up the still watched it for a while first and then gathered a bunch of palm frond and logs I spent day 49 trying to bring this Barrel in my house to build my first hobo stove then spent the rest of the day working on Plank walls for the second story to my house the fuel was done after that and I used it to fill up my engine I want to test it out but I need to do a couple of things first I finished up the roof to my second story and added some more potatoes to the fuel still then added a lantern on my raft and stepped on another starfish I took an antidote for the the poisoning and decided to test out my fishing pole snapped the first line and then spent the whole evening fishing only to catch this sardine which I was still being a bit dense about how to cook it wouldn't go on the smoker or the hobo stove then I realized I had to skin it first just like everything else oh and now I can't figure out the hobo stove well this will do for now I guess on day 52 I packed up the extra fuel I'd made then headed off to Sea I decided to just pick a direction and go that way till I found something new and find something new I sure did this island definitely looked different from the rest but when it loaded in I realized howder print oh my goodness a giant half of a ship was sitting on the island and I went in to explore just as it started to storm I had my spear ready but the most danger I found was when I fell off this ramp I followed some stairs all the way up to the top where I found this door and inside was the answer I'd been looking for open the door a little nervous oh this is this is odd is that a plane wait does that mean we can escape ooh sure looks like it might need some work first though outside I checked out this big Runway then inside I found these gyropter parts scattered on the floor I think I might just stay the night here to give me more time to explore the next morning I was visited by the whale shark again and this time I decided to join it for a swim I think I'll call you Wilson after that I took some rations up to stock food for the plane and my hammer or two to see if I could figure out what I needed for repairs that didn't seem to help though so I went back down and used my compass to head back home I spent the next morning putting together this new gyrocopter then filled it with gas and tested it out over my Island too nervous to take it out over the water just yet I checked my crafting menu next and found the three plane Parts besides some interesting looking trophies I think they must be connected but I've got no idea what to do just yet maybe I'll just do some fishing for now I guess I was hoping to catch some sort of answerer because I spent most of the next day fishing too then started packing a box for travel to take on my gyrocopter I had some potatoes ready on day 56 potato two potato three potato four so I put them in to make more fuel before finally heading off for a trip with my new toy I went to a nearby Island I hadn't checked yet to find all the same old stuff then ended up out in the dark being circled by a shark oh it's so dark all right oh let's go please don't me I drank some water I had packed the next morning before doing a bit of exploring then accidentally got myself poisoned again I wasn't too worried because it drains your health really slowly that is until I got myself tag teamed by this tiger shark and hammerhead the tiger shark bit me and the Hammerhead grabbed me leaving me barely alive and bleeding to death as I climbed up on this rock one more bite and I'd be done but if I don't get back to base for a bandage in time I'll bleed to death anyway I made a desperate dive and made it back to shore then grabbed the important things before hopping back in the gyrocopter to rush back home turns out I was out of bandages so I took an antidote first and then use some cloth to make a bandage just in time give me the bandage well that's enough traveling for now I think I might just decorate my second floor the rest of the day the next morning wasn't much better as I stepped outside my house one of the big pigs snuck right up on me excuse me there I might have jumped just a bit luckily this one couldn't figure out how to get up on my rock and I managed to take it out with a spear and some arrows that's it for you buddy I know what I'm having for lunch more potatoes were ready again so I put them in the still then found another snake I needed to kill I wondered for a moment if maybe I needed to go deeper in the water to find some answers about those plane Parts but I think if that's the case I might just stay here forever on day 59 I wanted to travel again so I made myself some bandages to take first took all the water bottles I had and any extra Fuel and then traveled back to the big ship I may not know how to fix the plane yet but I guess I can go ahead and take care of stalking it with supplies at least stayed the night there and then explored a couple more Islands the next day big surprise it's just more of the same while I was trying to Anchor near this wreck though I did have a shark attack my raft for the first time I shot it with my spear gun but decided to move to shore when it hit me again I'm not sure if it can break my raft and I don't want to take the chance as I headed back home on day 61 I ran out of gas and switched over to my sale when I realized I had a swordfish on my tail oh hello there I tried to shoot it with my spear gun but it swam away and never returned when I got back to my temporary home I climbed up on this big rock to make sure there weren't any pigs who'd spawn back in to give me a shot then loaded up the fuel still again before making my way to bed took the gyrocopter again the next day it was a pretty boring trip really except for this shark attack I flew home early the next day and spent it doing chores then put down a bunch of new water stilles and expanded my garden on day 64 on day 65 I traveled to this island mostly just for rocks and sticks I've used them all up on my main island and need them to make more arrows woke up and chose violence on day 66 against these two Hammerheads then jumped on something poisonous one more time I had a bit of a nightmare that night dreaming I went home to get killed by a giant hog thankfully though I woke up and spent the day deep sea I was hoping to catch the swordfish but when it wouldn't take the bait I shot it instead the only thing I managed to catch that day was Cod then like that night I went home and slept on my raft because I was afraid the Big Pig would get me tried to feed the whale shark when it stopped by at breakfast the next morning then made sure my Island was all clear before going about some chores picking and planting potatoes then collecting leaves to fill up all my water Stills I was starting to get a bit frustrated and had no idea how to make all the pl Parts I needed but when I logged out on day 69 I decided to check out this cartographer in the main menu and it's a map why the map is not in your in-game menu I don't know but here it is I see the big ship Island and I'm pretty sure this island is me I have no idea what these skulls are though there are three of them and I need three plane parts so I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow well maybe the next day anyway I got poisoned last night and need to go get another PP plant for an antidote then spent the rest of the day moving a lot of my boxes from the raft to my house I saw something about a Megalodon in those trophies and I'm not sure my raft can handle that I spent day 71 prepping two putting in more potatoes for fuel moving the extra shelves from my raft inside and Gathering leaves to make more spear gun ammo on Day 72 I checked my compass and started heading towards one of the skulls when I got close I stopped off at this island to save and check my location this map is a bit confusing but looks like I'm in the the rice pot I thought about going to the skull that day until the sun started setting and I chickened out my raft did something crazy when I tried to get off this time though flipping all around and eventually ending upside down I really hope this is not a sign of what's to come it took some work to get the raft back upright but now I think it's time I called it a night finally getting it together on day 73 I set out with my compass to try to find whatever the skull was marking I noticed this odd little spot on the horizon and headed that way finding a dead whale and this ominous looking title the Meg well I guess this is the Megalodon it was too busy eating the whale to be bothered by me until I shot it that is at this point I thought you could only use the spear gun in the water for some reason and was using my bow trying to shoot it before it could get to my boat I was nervous it would break it and leave me in the water with it in the end it was actually a pretty easy fight I just shot it from my raft and it never even so much as bumped me I didn't want to jump in after after it was dead but I did it anyway and started grabbing my arrows then this screen popped up and look what I just unlocked one of the plane Parts oh and there go my arrows yeah you can just keep them I'll make some more I rafted back home happy as could be not exactly looking forward to whatever I might find at those other skulls but at least I know what I'm doing when I got in I tried to hang up the Meg trophy but couldn't figure out how I guess I'll just set it up here on this shelf for now spent most of day 74 organizing and labeling all my storage here it is finished I just forgot to record it day 75 I hopped in the copter and headed to another Island to gather some sticks my home Island was all cleared out and I guess the palm trees just don't come back I headed to one more Island next I needed some rocks too so I can replace all those arrows I lost on the mag I did the same with one more Island on day 76 Gathering as many rocks and sticks as I could and turning them into arrows before fueling up and heading on back then it was off to another skull on day 77 like before I stopped off at a nearby Island first where I found another makeshift shelter and some bones sorry about that buddy but thanks for this stuff I had another horrible dream that night that started with a fancy title screen I was in the middle of the ocean by a big buoy shooting at something when I was ripped off my raft and into the water with this giant Square oh God I tried to swim back stabbing it as I went but just as I got close it Gra Abed me again oh oh this is bad it bit me this time before letting me go then something else got me too and together they finally tore me to shreds I woke up scarred for life nothing like a dream where sea monsters rip off your hands and feet maybe I'll just make some bandages today with plenty of bandages in my pocket I made my way back to the place from the dream just as the sun set yeah I'm not doing this at night guess I'll just sleep out here I'm sure it'll be fine I woke up nervous and ready to run on day 79 but instead I got up and went for it anyway I waited for the water to clear up and then woke up the old squid and just like my dream it tossed me into the water far from my rra this time I managed to make it back though only to miss the shot before it grabbed me again it kept going like that for a while on the raft off the raft on the raft off the raft eventually though I started getting in some damage between all the chaos as a storm rolled in it pulled me in extra deep under the raft then it disappeared under the waves for a while as the storm passed it allowed me to rest and heal for a bit but as soon as the storm was gone it yanked me right back in oh no no no no no no no no no no guess we're going again worn out and tired I could see its Health was almost done so I pushed on fighting until the battle was finally won oh I did it I did it I think I did it and there go all my arrows again yes I spent allive day 80 trying to find my way home at first I got lost and ended up having to go check the Cartographer then ended up slightly off course again I traveled through the night though and eventually made it home on day 81 there was a new Pig again a giant crab and snake too they made for a nice lunch and then I headed to the neighbor Island I gathered a bunch of stuff there to replenish my arrows again the Meg had been easy but LCA the great was absolutely not so I wanted to be extra prepared for whatever was waiting for me at the last skull I yeed this engine part to make room in my storage I think I'm finally tired of trying to keep everything then I headed home and Wilson joyed me on the trip I did the exact same thing the next day but took the gyrocopter instead this pig snuck up on me while I was gathering rocks though and I really have no idea how I'm not dead no matter what I did I couldn't get away until it launched me in the air and I somehow escaped I'm going home now that's enough thanks on day 84 I started out doing a bit of fishing until I remember remembered I had a new trophy to put up I stuck it here on this shelf beside the other one wait a minute though I think I have an idea it took a bit of work but I placed some hooks up out front turns out this is how you hang them I added a third for whatever creature was left I was running out of time just not sure if I wanted to face it yet I spent most of day 85 writing a special message in the sand with these coconuts it took me forever but it only takes you just a second to click that subscribe button oh perfect subscribe see the rest of the day I tried some fishing at this funny looking spot in the water it was a good time oh boo that's okay though on day 86 I found a much more fun way to fish it definitely keeps things more interesting at least I cooked up a bunch of food the next day and continued my fishing Adventures spent most of the day just chasing this lion fish a shark tried to sneak up on me in the evening is it just me or does that tail look extra big day 88 was a fun one I decided it was time to get ready and face the last skull creature but I needed more sticks and stones for arrows and Spears so I headed over to another Island as I was killing off all the land creatures there I ended up chasing this little pig and ran right over a snake well guess that's what I get I didn't really have to kill that little guy anyway after that I did though I had forgotten my axe so I chopped a bunch of trees down with my pick instead close enough then when I was leaving I crashed my my gyrocopter right into the sand oops I eventually made my way back home and admired my artwork on the way then I forgot to record most of day 89 I was out of antidote so I traveled to a couple of islands trying to find the pee pee plant when I ended up back at my very first island where I found the plant I needed right by my old shack I bet I walked right over it back when I first got poisoned it's been here the whole time I slept in my first shelter Just for Old Time sake and then got up to shoot at the Birds early the next day traveled a long way back to my new home after that and made a bunch of spear gun ammo to store in my raft I hunted one more Hammerhead on day 91 and tried to hunt this sea snake didn't have any luck hitting it but I've got plenty of meat anyway on day 92 I was starting to run out of excuses not to go find the next skull so I made one last trip to another Island to collect sticks I wanted to be absolutely sure I had enough ammo after that awful squid fight then when I came back the next day I had accidentally let some food spoil and had to throw it all away I woke up on Day 94 to find everything looking a bit odd and when I went out to take a better look I got attacked by this hog I managed to loop around my house to escape then shot him from my rock later that day at some point I accidentally shot my friend Wilson but he didn't seem to mind so I took out the arrow and then we swam for a while with a ton of ammo stocked up I finally made my way towards the last skull on day 95 it was somewhere north of the big ship Island but after looking looking all day I just couldn't seem to find it I checked the Cartographer that night and then tried again the next day stopping out in the ocean and looking around with my binoculars only managing to find this whale which I really hope is not it just as I was about to give up that evening though I spotted this right in front of the sunset that has to be it it was already late though so I slept on the raft I had a visitor that morning another goblin shark you will not be participating in this boss battle today thanks after I shot him I was too afraid to go in the water after him though I'm pretty sure I've got plenty of arrows you can just keep those I sailed the last little bit and was greeted by another title screen the great Abaya I got close and set down my anchor before looking over the edge it looks like it's a big sunken ship down there and I can't see any sort of creature to shoot I really didn't want to but went in the water anyway then when I saw a health bar show up I swam back out as fast as I could nothing seemed to have followed me though and then it started to storm I was a bit nervous my raft was going to get flipped on top of the ship then the storm passed through and back in I went I can't even express the absolute Terror I felt trying to get it to come out and then all of the sudden it did it was a giant eel this time and it sure gave me the creeps oh God oh God oh God oh no no no let me out please I made it only for it to jump out of the water and snatch me back in but then I got on my raft and managed to stay dry for the rest of the fight I'd leveled up my hunting and was doing some good damage eventually finishing it off right by my raft oh we did it give me my Spears and air with the last plane part and another trophy to hang I headed home pretty proud of myself though I was still afraid of Mr Pig and slept on my raft when I got there I hung up my trophy first thing the next morning then made all of the airplane parts and put them in a box they don't take anything to craft well other than defeating three sea monsters oh and I finally figured out how to use the hobo stove you just set meat on it like like a grill on day 99 I took my gyrocopter and headed off to the big ship to fix the plane only to get there and realize I'd forgotten the box with the plane Parts I didn't bring the box I'm going home okay let's try that again thank I replaced all the parts and then it was finally time push some buttons off we go am I supposed to fly this thing I don't know if I'm supposed to fly after a bit of a rocky start I got in the air I guess I'll just have to figure out how to land this thing when I get there oh God or not maybe you can land safely on one of my other videos instead and don't forget to check out surf shark at the link below
Channel: Ark Solo
Views: 300,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stranded deep gameplay, 100 days, stranded deep, 100 days stranded deep, 100 days survival, 100 days ocean survival, 100 days challenge, survival games, xbox games pass, stranded deep lets play, survival game
Id: boLLRlo8K4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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