I Spent 100 Days on an Ark SMP!

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day one started off the usual way except this time I'm not alone I'll be joining 10 other art creators on the monarchy SMP to team up and face the bosses while also competing for crowns and special events and PVP Whoever has the most at the end of the season will be crowned king or queen of the monarchy after meeting up with everyone at this nice little village we all headed off our separate ways to spend the first night getting eaten by Raptors and freezing to death fewer's cold was harsh but my second day went much better I found myself some metal tools befriended a bunch of dilophosaur only died once and then killed this ichthornis for dinner on the beach that night day three I decided I should probably put down a bed and made myself some storage before heading out to try and tame this parasaur I might have overestimated my boomerang's knockout power but oh look there's a unicorn I was trying to figure out a better place to set up base on day four when I made friends with this nice Raptor but at this dodo named him Ron and then we hung out by the fire that night when the Unicorn showed up again oh hello there it was a promising site but then my torch broke and it ran off into the night right into a spino that is I still hadn't run into any of the other players yet but I did run into this Alpha Rex early on day five you know I think you can just have this beach I was looking for a new place anyways abandoning my beach camp the search for a more permanent home continued with Ron and my Dillo gang in tow there were lots of Raptors and unfriendly creatures to contend with on the way and my dinos were a bit tricky to keep up with at times but by the end of the night I'd made myself a raptor saddle for Ron traveling a bit faster now but that's enough deaths for one day I think I'll just chill on this rock for the night day six I headed out with Ron climbed a mountain and ended up finding this nice Village it looks perfect oh and it's got this nice little cave over here too this might be just what I'm looking for I decided to leave my other dinos for now and started setting up my new home my decorating continued into the next day when I thought I heard something outside when I went to check I found wolves right at my door while they stopped to howl I headed up in on this rock so I could shoot them without them eating me but turns out it wasn't them I should be worried about behind me I heard a Roar and as I jumped on my Raptor I saw a Rex right on my tail oh did you want those wolves you can have them after Ron stopped for a quick poop we made it around this fence and left the wrecks and wolves to it the Wolves ended up winning the battle but there were only two of them left now and I think I might just tame them using the terrain to my advantage I knocked them both out fed them some meat and made them my friends day eight I tamed this nice Tech parasaur to help me gather berries and named him Phil he wouldn't fit inside so I parked him outside instead not ready to lose any of my tames yet I headed off into the snow alone to see if I could find some metal but this pig wasn't having it and my stamina was too low to run took a few hits and then thought I'd escaped up on this rock but I was wrong ended up spending the whole rest of my day trying to get my stuff back before finally giving up and resigning to my home to make some narcotics for the night bright and early the next morning though I took one of my new wolves nymeria out to finally get my stuff back from Mr Pig should have just done this yesterday to be honest but that's okay after that I headed a different way with my wolf to search for metal which I'll be needing a lot of to set up any defenses for my crowns along with earning crowns from events throughout this season we'll also have a special Vault that generates crowns to defend the sooner I can get mine down the better when I came back home from my metal run I found I had some visitors and it wasn't the friendly sort the first Sabertooth was easy to deal with but the other decided it wanted to kill Phil I tried to jump on him in my panic but it didn't work out for either of us guess I'll be needing something else to help me gather berries day 10 started off with an argentavis walking right outside my Village so I decided to make a quick trap and tame it apparently there are quite a few RG around here because another showed up just after and I tamed it too naming them Rey and Jay I don't have saddles for them yet but they'll help me deal with some of the other dinos that keep coming around here I also gathered some materials to put up a gate on that cave maybe I can just stick my crown vault in here for now that night I made another trap intended for an Anki but this scorpion wandered in first guess you can go too why not the next morning I got a low level enki in the Trap and then headed out again with Ron to find a flyer I've got to meet up with some of the others soon and I'd rather not show up on a Raptor no offense buddy I had to go AFK for a moment and almost got eaten by this Rex oops guess I can't pause my game on a server decided to just go ahead and knock out the wrecks then spotted the first sign of anyone else this canoe got back on track and knocked out this Pteranodon after then while waiting for it to tame I was distracted by this new fjorder creature the Andrew Sarkis you give them some honey and then hop on for a wild ride to win its trust but I must have done something wrong because this one sure wasn't trusting me after kicking me it yeeded me straight off the Sledge to my death thankfully I'd put down a sleeping bag though and decided to give it another go looks like third time's the charm and I ended up naming it that night I headed back with my new Tara the Andrew circus and the Rex but turns out out there was already a wrecks at my base it managed to eat my stego and an RG before I was able to lead it off the cliff well welcome home guys day 12 I took my new Pteranodon out to find a better Pteranodon it took me all day but by Nightfall I was headed back home stopped for some Crystal on the way and then was finally able to make myself some soul traps that night now I'll be able to keep my dinos safe inside of these instead of sitting out like a dino Buffet day 13 I was invited to join in with some others for a naked Cave Run in this horrible lava cave that I know all too well the goal was to get the artifact at the end and get back out again but that was easier said than done I'm dead I'm dead oh no no no I'm so close I did not get an artifact but I did head out again the next day for another group Excursion apparently they like lava and death as well because today we're looking for fire Wyvern eggs I see fire going off this is I had some really close calls but somehow managed to Juke my way out of them and make my way back home that night with an egg then spent the night taming my third Barry getter hopefully this one will last a bit longer day 15 I was tired of dangerous things wandering into my base so I spent all day building this wall around it the next day wasn't much more interesting I gathered some cementing paste from Beaver Dam tamed this blue roly-poly to help me with Gathering Stone and then trapped and tamed this snow owl that wandered too close to my base day 17 I met up with crabby Tron and we headed off to the Redwoods definitely not the safest place but there are supposed to be May Wings here and I want one she was still Beach bobbing so I picked her up with my Pteranodon you can tell I'm not used to traveling with friends as I see spun her right out of my grip over the edge of this clip you hurt me oops I'm still struggling with this switch to mouse and keyboard picked her up again and things didn't get much better from there found a level 130 May Wing trapped it and knocked it out but then as we were looking around for another a Carno snuck up and ate it so much for that my next day was spent trying to steal Wyvern eggs from this crazy cave over in vanderheim we were trying to see who could be the first to steal one successfully but clearly I should be putting more levels into speed the cave was suspiciously quiet and empty of wyverns until Dave managed to steal the first day we all scattered but it was a lost cause and this was the first of many deaths to poison wyverns after many failed attempts I went home to get my grappling hook then came back and finally managed to get myself an egg now the plan was to try and knock out one of these wyverns for its milk to raise the eggs brass Clark made a trap as ASG headed in on his maywing named snack to try and lead out a wyvern but it didn't work out and I guess now I know why it was named snack no it's not the Trap isn't treated eventually we did get one knocked out and then I guess the boys got bored deciding to knock out each other instead no enough of that I still want a May Wing gosh darn it so I headed off to the Redwoods with resc Clark right nice gentle straw for the Redwoods the Redwoods are known to be a dangerous place but I wasn't expecting to get speared by this deer apparently the kraken's better dinos mod makes them a lot more dangerous oh you died you talked to it yeah after I made my way back we managed to find a couple high levels to tame I think I might call mine Bandit that'll be the perfect name I took my new ride out to the ocean to gather some oil and then headed to this island to get some organic polymer before heading back home that night the next day I tamed a couple of high-level argentavis and named the Maverick and Mark they made fast friends and I'm high enough level to ride them now so I can use them to carry my Anki to gather metal much faster they'll also be great to help me deal with all these Alphas spawning around my base that night I tamed the Silvis and then instead of the usual Sabertooth stopping by I had a different sort of visitor it was ASG on his maywing snack 3. he brought me a few gifts including this teleporter and then showed off his unicorn for a bit before heading back home for the day I spent the rest of mine building things up at base I'd finally reached Auto turrets and was pretty excited to get down some protection for my crown Vault instead of waiting for the usual Loot on This Server you can only raid for crown and instead of demolishing everything they own you might give them a nice haircut after finishing up my defenses I headed out before the sun the next morning to meet up with Bitmore Dave pretty sure he said something about taming some of these new bats in a cave in order to tame these bats you have to let them suck your blood or just eat blood packs out of your inventory the plan was to net these two kill one and then tame the other and use it to get more blood packs to tame another but while I was trying to kill this one the other one grabbed Dave and glitched him right into the floor I had all the blood packs so I tossed them to him before turning back to kill the other bat just in time for the bat to drop him and grab me instead and now I need the blood pack he tossed them back but I couldn't reach them and then the bat carried me away when it dropped me I I ran to watch from afar as he finished up the tame now we just need some more blood packs for the next one after going a bit overboard with the blood extraction syringe I ended up getting my stuff stole by a fjordop wasn't expecting that but after I got my stuff back I headed inside to tame a bat of my own I ended up getting dropped a few more times than I had parachutes then we both lost our stuff to the Fjord Hawks this time but finally the bat was mine yes go to 140 yes nice after all that excitement we finished off the day with a bit of Mega rabies oh I've got Mega rubies I've got Mega rabies before heading our separate way the next day it was time for our first group event for crowns but when I logged on I came to find that someone had stolen all of mine my turrets had been drained and my scorpion was killed by tribe legendary which it turns out is none other than Vino a fellow 100 days Creator and the host of today's event which it's time for actually so I guess my revenge will have to wait because today we're having an Andrew circus race and welcome to the first event to win a crown it started off with a quick Rodeo for everyone to tame their own Andrew circus but I think maybe a few people hadn't tried taming one yet turns out I'd left my Spyglass at home so I ended up taming the first one I saw and ended up with this nice level 29 I named uh after that the races were on as we split into different Heats to compete the Andrew circuses slide and boost maneuver made for some interesting moments including this one where Dave and Apex fell off the edge [Music] then it was my turn next but I wouldn't place any bets I slid into first place pretty early on but in the end my Andrew Sarkis ran out of gas and I ended up coming in last then it was time for the final race and Raz Clark ended up walking away with the crowns in first place there was a bit of an issue in the Winner's Circle and then when I headed back home I had a visitor oops hello hello Captain fat dog had slid into my base just a little too hot and hit my maywing by mistake but after we got things settled down it turns out he had heard about Vino stealing my crowns and wanted to offer a hand and getting them back I wondered if you if you wanted any assistance getting some Crown stuck from him I've never really done any writing before so I was happy to accept the help we agreed to meet back up later in the week and I spent the rest of my night making this chibi unicorn the next morning started with me re-upping my crown defenses and this time I put in a couple of orgies cause why not now I need to go get another stego to help me soak bullets when we go to raid Vino this one tried to get into a fight with a scorpion first but after healing it with my snow owl I took her home to meet my other text Tego Day 26 I put down some air conditioners and made a bunch of stego babies made some explosives the next morning and it was time to meet up with Captain fat dog over avino's he wasn't home so we just let ourselves in then used a bit of K cam to peek around the corner before heading in with my stego but apparently all this excitement was too much for my computer to handle and all it recorded was this nice picture slideshow you didn't miss much though I mostly just ran past his turrets on my stego now if only I'd remembered to bring my scissors I was pretty proud of myself after that and spent the next day doing some things around the base and hatching more eggs then gathered a bit of metal and cementing paste before spending the night working on my crown cave before the sun rose the next morning I met up with some others over on the Lava Island which has a cave full of magma sore eggs were going to steal I brought my new bat which I named Lucille these guys can go invisible at night but by the time we all got here it was almost morning and too late to use it too impatient to wait we just flew in over The Lava lizard's heads teamed up to kill this fire wyvern that followed us in then used our bats to distract the lava monsters while we each stole an egg get it so look at it I'm out I'm on fire I managed to make it out with a level 140 egg but this fire wyvern wasn't very happy about it it tried to eat and then roast my bat but luckily got distracted by some other creature on the beach and I was able to teleport back to my home stuck the magma sword in my S Plus Hatchery spent the rest of my evening taming these dimorphodon for some extra annoying cave defenses day 30 started out with this saber tooth trying to have me for breakfast you know I think I might need to get some more walls up around this place after that my magmasaur egg was all ready to hatch and I ended up naming it Smokey while it grew up I spent the next day out taming this blue Griffin and yellow Rex plus the recording but you know how it goes I knocked them out and now we're friends day 32 I logged in to find myself in a bit of a predicament someone had locked me in this cage and for once I was thankful for fjorda's freezing cold I respawned back at my bed to find my door was blown off but my crown Vault was safe and sound turns out one of the other monarchs Apex was trying to cage everybody and just messing around hello [Music] Cajun everyone later he stopped by to say hi before taking back off again up into the sky after all that I met up with ASG for a trade that night it was my turn to host this weekend's event and he'd offered me a ton of metal structures if I'd introduced my male magmasaur to his female the next morning I followed him over to his moon base he gave me a ton of structures plus some extra gear he had then it was time to start setting up for my event I was a huge Pokemon fan as a kid so my plan is to build a Pokemon Stadium for us to battle dinos in so I cleared myself out an area and spent the next two whole days building it I finished it up with a nice coat of paint but still had a day to kill before the event so when terrifier invited me to go along with a few others to face the Wolves Hattie and skull I couldn't say no he used a bunch of stegos for tanks while we all flew around on our bats and shot them with shotguns I got some decent loot out of it including this magma Source saddle and a bit of element Day 36 was event day and I think everyone was a little excited it took most of the day just to get everyone gathered up but then it was time to explain the rules 45 minutes to tame six different creatures with the materials provided in your box and three two one go we all headed off our separate ways for the night and then came back the next morning with dinos to fight after a quick round of Vino pinata the battles began some battles went just as you might expect but others were a bit surprising I ended up having to face off against Kaia who had a tech Anki who was absolutely wrecking everything including my Stadium it killed all my creatures and everyone else's too and she ended up coming away with the win so pretty day 38 I tamed this deer and named it Rudolph then met up with Vino and Krabby Tron to do a bit of caving we need the artifact inside to face the bosses but we figured we might have a little fun with it and try it on deer this first cave was easy with only a few spiders in prolovia inside but the second K was a different story and it did not go well for me and Rudolph it started off bad when I got pushed off the edge by these wolves but then it only got worse after getting back up I got pushed off again but this time there was a polar bear down here I tried to escape with this leap of faith but in the end well it was the end I respond outside at my sleeping bag but Rudolph did not I got back my stuff and followed them through the rest of the cave mostly on foot except for the parts where I was dangling from my grappling hook it might have been a little bit sketchy at times but eventually the artifact of the skylord was all mine the next day some of the others were planning to get together for a stego Boss run at the broodmother so I spent my day leveling up stegos before heading over to Bitmore Dave's that night to pick up this shotgun I had to provide the materials but it was well worth it now on day 41 it's time to face the first of many bosses for this 100 days we went in with a team of tanky stegos plus one Vino on a deer before we could chew through its almost 1 million Health with our shotguns I ended up losing three of my stegos but eventually we were victorious unlocking several Tech grams and walking away with a bit of element each after that I'd learned that pretty much everyone but me already had some gotchas so I spent the next day over in vannaheim taming some of my own while I was there I ran into ASG on his maywing who was apparent currently doing the same thing he gave me these plant species y traps to feed them which turns out is quite effective after I tamed a few I followed him back to his base where he gave me one of his too somehow I don't think he's going to miss her along with that he gave me this snail too and some plant species was seeds to start a garden of my own to feed them then they'll give me these fancy crystals with resources or a surprise inside logged on the next morning to find this beautiful statue that Kaya on fire had made me then met up with her later that day for a trade at her wonderful redwoods base I gave her some baby stegos for a long neck rifle and she gave me this pumpkin colored Pig I named him Jack the Pumpkin King and then turned right around that night to meet Captain fat dog Graz Clark and Krabby Tron for another boss fight this time we'll be facing the giant monkey boss with these pigs between their healing ability and our super shotguns this fight was actually turning out to be an easy one provided you could escape the little poo flinging monkeys and not freeze to death anyway and now I've unlocked even more Tech grams most importantly the tech generator but first I'll have to get the materials for a tech replicator so I can make it in the meantime I introduced my Griffin to Bitmore Dave's Griffin normally you can't breed them in Ark but with the kraken's better dinos mod you sure can aren't they cute I also tamed this beautiful blue and red snow owl then hatched some more eggs that night I logged in the next day to find I'd been rated again but this time by Raz Clark I was a bit sad but I moved on pretty quickly and started filling my cave up with more defensive Dino tamed a couple prolovia to start breeding them they can hide underground jumping out at just the right moment to Dismount your opponent if they can't stop them from taking my crowns I at least want it to be annoying day 47 was an interesting one we all traveled over to the monarchy Community server for a fishing event I had a few words with Raz Clark about his raid then we all lined up on the beach and split into teams of three to go fishing the goal was to come back with the most fish meat in the allotted time but with PVP allowed this was a lot more interesting than it might sound I was teamed up with terrifier and musket squid we did pretty well for ourselves but things got a little crazy in the end and Krabby tron's team ended up coming away with the win the next day I gathered some materials and got some things done around the base then headed off to the Redwoods to tame a thyla but ended up coming back with three maywing instead yeah to be honest I'm not really sure what happened but at least they're cute for day 49 Raz Clark invited us over for a surprise on aberration but it's been a while since I've been to this map and it's just as bad as I remembered thankfully though Nettie the noodle came to my rescue and we eventually made it down to meet the others looks like we're here to do a bit of speed dating with this Reaper Queen We all took a turn introducing ourselves and then it was time to head back over to our fjorder server tomorrow we'll be facing the dragon but first I've got to get some experience for this Reaper babe turns out you can do that by killing creatures in your soul terminal for our first go at the dragon we figured we'd have a little bit of fun instead of facing it any of the usual ways we're going going to try it on deer since I'd lost my Rudolph in the snow caves I borrowed this one named boss from Raz Clark's herd ASG had brought his rexes to Tang but I think Dave missed the memo and had stepped out to grab a drink [Music] he was AFK but got back just in time with a combination of shotguns while it was in the air and Goring it from underneath when it landed eventually we were able to defeat it that was only the gamma Dragon though and now we need to defeat the Alpha version I brought in Jack the Pumpkin King to heal everyone up then we all headed in with a combination of Kaya's therizino Army Krabby tron's Rhino Dave's Udi Vino's dionicus Chris Clark's Shadow Mane and asg's rexes as the dragon Was Defeated something new was Unleashed on the server though the our conditions creatures are here and along with them comes a new ball not only will we be facing the giant wolf of fjorder now we'll be trying to take on the Savage Acro as well now it was time for us to have our Reaper baby after a quick maternity photo shoot there was a bit of pranking around Raz Clark's game Crash so Vino was trying to paint him but while he was doing that I decided to do a bit of painting myself on Vino I think I'll do just a touch of pink here and maybe some socks headed home to have my Reaper baby next but lost the recording normally Arc babies are pretty cute but this one only a mother could love spent most of day 52 trying to tame the dirt-dwelling concavenator you're supposed to blow it out of the ground a few times with explosives to knock it out but this one just wouldn't go back underground day 53 I threw out a bunch of prolovia and dimorphodon to raise for my cave defenses then made myself some scuba gear it's about time to get some tech around here and for that I'll need black pearls which are mostly found at the bottom of the ocean at first I tried doing this on my maywing but the jellyfish were making me nervous and I was terrified I was going to run into a squid so I tame myself this whale instead taming it was another one of those recordings that froze up to be honest it's a wonder this video even got made but would you look at that now we're on day 54 and I need more metal I was getting pretty close to having all the materials I needed for my tech replicator but I still needed some oil so I headed over to steal some from Apec then I just needed to get some polymer from the swamp Island and I'd be ready to build my tech replicator I stuck it outside on this platform beside my Forge then started off by building myself a tech generator not only does it power things around it without any wires it also allows you to power these handy helpers the S Plus farmer and Gardener which automates a lot of the not so fun parts of Arc like putting poop in compost bins collecting gotcha crystals on the other hand will be done by this handy S Plus item aggregator I was pretty proud of all my new automation at base but I've still got to collect Stone on my own or do I maybe I can just let the kid take over for a bit how in the world do you hold all of these at the same time oh no I dropped Sonic oh no no no no I just dropped him again oh there's ankylosaurus nice finally got another one oh there's a wrap it's a 1 30. after she had a bit of fun I had to send her out of the room for this next bit she would have been really mad at me for killing all of these baby text stegos but I needed materials and they had to go spend the rest of my evening Gathering more metal for bullets filling up my turrets to protect my crowns was taking every bit of it I had and well speaking of that I got raided again too apparently Vino had come back but at least this time he got stuck in one of my bear traps [Music] oh no oh yes I've been sticking them in these bushes outside my cave where you can't see them but they only managed to slow him down I guess I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the day day 57 was spent pretty much the same Gathering more materials and rebuilding all the things in my cave I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve this time though including this trade I made with ASG I gave him one of my crowns in exchange for a bit of protection along with several turrets he also gave me some spare Black Pearl gotcha babies he had that will make getting some more Tech of my own a lot easier thanks to all that maybe now I can take a couple days off of worrying about this Vault and then maybe I can put some of these materials into something a little more fun like a tech helmet day 59 I continued working on my base automation by adding this S Plus Harvest which will collect rocks and trees and bushes around my base automatically but to keep all this new stuff up and running I'm gonna need a lot more element I'd already used all of the element I'd collected from the boss fight so I headed on over to the law Island to harvest some element shards you can collect them from these purple crystals but you better watch your back because there's nothing friendly around here after collecting all the shards I could find I took this opportunity to test out my bats and visibility you can only use it at night or while latched to a ceiling or wall but I think it's safe to say it works pretty well these two rexes never even knew I was there day 60 I met up with Nettie who is setting up for his event tomorrow he'd built this trilobite shaped stage for an art themed trivia game but now it looks like he's busy trying to punch out some dodos to tame decided to stick around for the day to help him out I know how to tame a Dodo or so I thought my tranx just didn't want to register on this one and I ended up killing it by mistake oops maybe I shouldn't be shooting them in the head I shot a bunch more in the body instead then took them all over to Nettie holy moly how have you have you taped all these thank you it was a pretty chill day and I finished it off by opening gotcha crystals full of black pearls now it's day 61 and it's time for Neti the noodles trivia event I lost almost all of the recording but in the end it came down to this one last question which map is Shrek's Hut on what he meant to me I know that one I did not I sent in my best guess but clearly it wasn't correct oh no no I'm the only one the next couple of days were mostly just a blur of making trips to gather element shards from the lava island and Gathering metal near my base with my magma sword keeping all this new shiny stuff at my base powered was a lot of work I spent most of the morning on day 64 working on more cave defenses I have no idea what I'm doing but I guess if I keep adding more things eventually it'll work stop by Krabby tron's base later that day her bats had some pretty amazing stats but to be honest I was most interested in some of these modded building pieces I didn't even know were on the server I have fountains too I have fountains it's all so pretty and I really should do some more decorating around the base but I've got element shards to gather in all to steal after that it was day 66 and it was time for another group events Ark Survival Guide had planned some sort of wyvern battle event and it uses this crazy sheepdosing Contraption built by Captain fat dog the Poo that's sped up this footage to edit it but it was so funny I just couldn't bring myself to slow it back down One release the Sheep ASG had provided some extra wyverns and the goal was for everyone to get as many sheep in their basket before the end of the time limit I missed my basket [Music] with pretty much anything allowed in this game getting the sheep in the basket was just half of the challenge [Music] I was doing pretty well but after someone pointed out I was in the lead Captain fat dog decided to put it into it no no no no don't do that stop it we're ten points I saw the ride no oh no things didn't get any better after that when Vino netted me and killed my second wyvern I decided to net his back and kill it too but apparently I got the wrong one oops sorry about that ASG you know what I think I'm done catching sheep I'm out of the lead now anyway and catching people sounds a lot more fun I got a little too excited though and ASG got his revenge on this one oh no with time almost up I decided to go for one last sheet but ended up catching a Raz Clark instead he'd grappled onto the belly of my wyvern and I had no idea how to shake him off stop it nope I panicked for a bit then ended up Landing where he finished off my wyvern and then headed after me I hadn't even bothered to put on my armor after my last death and my arc fighting experience is minimal so I was pretty happy just to get this shot before I died again it was time to announce the winner now and Captain fat dog ended up walking away with the crowns back at base on day 67 and I hatched some baby May Wings to cheer me up after that loss then headed back over to the Lava Island for more element shards of course too bad my mining drill broke on the first set of crystals guess we'll just have to head back home later that night I headed over to meet up with ASG at his gold Mountain station it should finish loading in any second now oh there it is oh and there's ASG and he's got a solo colored Tech Griffin for me apparently he's been breeding them to try and get special colors for all of us in the monarchy it was so pretty I let the kid name it techy boy it is day 68 I'd fixed my mining drill and was back to Gathering element shark but I'd stayed out too early this time and when I left the cave I couldn't go invisible there were some bats on my tail but I probably would have been fine if I hadn't been trying to get this fancy camera angle for you guys they picked me off my bat and I shot the first one but when it let me go the next one grabbed me just as fast this one ended up glitching me under the ground and I teleported back inside the cage tried to gravel my way out but missed and ended up having to teleport back to home getting back up to my base without a flyer was a bit tricky but it can be done I've got more bats I traded for at some point but I still don't want to lose this one so I headed back to the Lava Island for a rescue mission thankfully I lucked out and was able to get him back just in time for me to head home and spend the night in my own bear trap well at least now it's time for day 69 and I spent it doing one of my favorite things building I need more places to put all this shiny new tech stuff like this S Plus vivarium which generates materials depending on which dinosaurs you put inside and apparently Griffins give you element shards so I spent the night raising all the baby Griffins I had now it's Day 70 and it's time for us to team up again to face a boss this time it's the giant wolf boss of fjorder thinner we headed in first to test it out on the gamma difficulty using diononica these feathery little fellows are not only really fast but they have an attack that does bleed damage even on bosses the plan was to run in and get in a few attacks before running back out while the pigs we brought take most of the dam but as usual things didn't work exactly as intense I ran in to try and help but ended up getting dismounted myself I got back on just in time as this Wolf Minion came up to take a bite despite that little scare the strategy worked pretty well and in the end we all survived this fight [Music] you know I've never really used the dionicus much but I kind of like this guy now for the alpha finer we had a new plan Andrew Sarkis what better way to take on a new boss than with a new dino these guys have Saddles with mini guns on their back and they prevent you from being dismounted before heading in though we took a moment to give our dinos a bit of style my one is the sunroom I am wearing the fenrin let's see what this shell looks like crabby Tron wasn't too happy with her hat but there was no time to change it we were going in and I don't think anyone's hair could compete with asg's Fabio Rex army anyways and not only did they have great hair but they were definitely the MVPs of this battle the Rex is absolutely wrecked the big bad wolf while we dealt with its smaller minions the fight ended up being easier than expected and was over before we knew it [Music] but as if facing the boss twice already isn't enough some of the others had some extra Alpha trophies to use so they decided we should make it a bit more tough this time we'll be leaving the rexes at home and trying it with pig zone I'm not sure if an Andrew circus is really a pig but we're going with it this time we needed a couple extra dayadon as well so I headed home to get a couple of Jack the Pumpkin King's kids meat Kool-Aid and Tang sorry you never met their mom Sally but I tamed her at some point and lost the recording I've really enjoyed playing on this server but it's definitely a lot to keep up with compared to single player but there are some moments that can only be had with friends like when I was chilling with terrifyer here and Taya snuck up and threw a poop at us or this moment when someone hit the button and cap almost got left behind he ended up making it just in time but this time we were in for a rough ride I ended up taking the big boys aggro pretty early on and with the help of the others barely escaped with just a sliver of Health but Captain fat dog wasn't his lucky doe and he was the first to go after that it was Vino then ASG bit the dust next here we go yeah it was a close one for sure but somehow we managed to squeak out a win [Applause] as we teleported back though apparently cap had been up to no good there were narc traps set and waiting after we all had a good nap I accidentally set off some more oh my God just call me a donkey oops you know I'm going to sleep again mate I'll tell you in 10 minutes the battle was done and I took my little piggies home crabby Tron donated the Andrews circus for that battle and she says I can keep this when I named pork chop looks like you're here to stay buddy I still got my new flag from the wolf fight and took a moment to admire it then I finally have enough element from the boss battle so I spent the rest of my day making myself a tech Suit Day 73 I stayed around base and made myself this S Plus Crystal cracker it automatically cracks gotcha crystals and then sends the materials to these fancy storage boxes then I hate to admit it but that night when I was working on my cave I Tech ran myself right into another bear trap no I didn't mean to Tech run ah I hate it the next morning I took my anger out on this RG before going back to work on my cave some more I've left a lot of the grindiness out of this video but trust me there's been a lot now I want one of these Tech transmitter things but I have no idea where to put it guess it's time for more building I put down some more foundations to stick it on then added some rails and pillars to make it pretty I had enough materials to make two of these Tech transmitters apparently with the S Plus version if you get enough of them you can track wild dinos and their levels I think mine's a bit confused though it says I've got five and I've only got two I spent most of day 75 putting things in the grinder from the gotcha then dealt with a bit of inventory management on day 76 it was Raz Clark's turn to host an event looks like we'll be having a tech cover sale race and I'm absolutely awful on these things but look Captain fat dog doesn't even need one the plan was to race through this cave full of lava until we realized that these count as flyers and you can't take them in oh my God what oh no oh no [Music] okay new plan now we'll be racing to all the obelisks starting with blue and then meeting back at the portal room for the Finish Line I did okay at first making it to Blue OB with everyone else ran into just a little bit of trouble going to Reddit no no no no oh God like but my worst mistake was when I got lost in the forest going to Green knob and accidentally went to this green drop instead yeah we don't have to tell anyone about that after all that I ended up coming in last but at least it gave everyone a good laugh we'll wait for solo as well it was a bit of a struggle but I made it eventually if you're still here by this point though I'm sure it's not for my Pro gameplay anyway day 77 I've been rated again but worse than that someone cut my hair it was not a good look as my new hair grew in it only got worse so I decided to put on my tech helmet for now turns out the Raider was Razz but thankfully he put all the ammo left after blowing up my turrets in this Vault I had brief thoughts of Revenge as I hatched all these dimorphodon and threw out all my stegos but last time any of the big boys raided each other it took almost a whole day and I don't mean an arc one so it looks like I'll be heading out to tame one of these new arc editions creatures instead I found this level 145 bracky over in Asgard and decided to try and tame it with my Andrew circus pork chop The brackies Taming method is a bit unique instead of knocking it out with tranks you shoot it in the knees when it rears up which I figured would be a perfect task for the Andrew circuses minigun saddle it was all going pretty well until it fear roared me right off this Cliff well wasn't expecting that I dismounted just in time but then later it did it again and I got stuck on this rocks where it tried to stomp me no no no not today big boy after that I almost got eaten by these aloes and then ended up switching to another bracky because I almost killed the first one this one went a little bit better but instead I made some new mistakes like letting it almost kill pork chop with this super Stomp and accidentally shooting this stego that got in the way by the end of the day though I finally knocked one out and spent the night watching it sleep took her home on day 79 and then spent the rest of the day leveling up these stegos I'm not sure who I could raid but I'm sure I'll find some way to use them before the end of this hundred days on day 80 I decided to try for another of the arc editions creatures the Acrocanthosaurus you're supposed to lower its Health a bit to feed it but I think I'm doing something wrong doesn't matter though I killed it by mistake trying to kill this Diplo after a rough morning I decided to grab a drink but it's not for me apparently you use it to tame these giant I used those new tech transmitters to find myself a good level and then headed off on this may Wing I named Darkwing to find them this microraptor found me before I found the elephants but can't fool me twice I'd like to introduce you to my new tech rifle finally found the elephants when this Pteranodon started pushing me around did you not see my tech rifle I put down some sleeping bags just to be safe and then headed in to make some new friends they wagged their trunks and seemed friendly enough so I moved in closer and tried to give one some beer I thought for just a second one was going to stop me but not this time my second try went just as well but the third go I think I got a little too close it stomped and stunned me for a bit but then after that I just couldn't seem to get anything right I'm not sure what I was doing different but clearly it wasn't working and now look they've broken my tech suit and you can see this horrible hair again made a quick pit stop back at PACE to repair my tech suit and then headed out to give it another try things didn't get much better though they stomped me and roared and then this time I accidentally drank the beer myself instead oops a few stones later I saved Darkwing from getting eaten by an aloe then I have no idea what changed but I finally got it tamed the next morning you know what I think I might just spend today out Gathering metal day 82 I finally got out my Reaper King and spent the day out killing all the things at this point I'd pretty much given up on defending the crowns in my cave but I was all in when I got invited for a Giant Raid on Bitmore day Raz Clark gathered us all for a nice PowerPoint presentation of the plan looks like I'll be taking the role of Gandalf now that I've seen some others I was finally able to change my hair back the next morning then spent most of the next day packing materials over to razz face for the raid at the end of the day he said he had a special surprise ready for Dave so we teleported over to Asgard so he could show me oh my goodness his evil laughs said it all normally you can't even breed titanosaur in regular but thanks to the mods we have on this server I was staring at an army of at least 30 of them that will definitely be quite the surprise after that we teleported over to the farm he had set up to make some plans well mostly for him to tell me the plan because let's be honest I have no idea what I'm doing so you can come dive enough here and you've got you've got a direct access to that Tariq Tower my job was to try and deal with the turret tower on the right or at least look like I was for a bit of a distraction so I got to work the next day setting up something that resembled a fob day 85 and it was finally time to get this party started as Raz Captain fat dog Vino and I all gathered in front of the base we had a bit of a parlay and then headed off our separate ways see you later or at least we tried to Captain fat dog accidentally teleported us all back to his Base by mistake sorry sorry oh no hello um um eventually we all made it to our posts and started the attack eyelid stegos down the cliff to tank bullets while Vino did the same from the front whereas Clark kept Dave busy with a variety of distractions and Captain fat dog slowly chewed away at Tech Shields undetected in the back when he was tired of Razz's tricks Dave decided to come after me Nick I did my best to defend with my RG but it only ended with its death the battle continued into the next day with pretty much the same thing though things did get a bit more interesting from Raz Clark in Bitmore Dave's point of view later that night eventually on day 87 enough Shields had been cracked and it was time for the army of Titanosaurus to come in from the back they smashed and stomped wrecking pretty much everything in their path I mostly watched this day it was certainly a sight to see if you'd think that would have been the end of it but beyond the gates there was a cave full of even more things all right you were here for a trip uh sure I don't have anything important so yeah Vino tossed me inside the walls with his carquinos but it didn't last too long I tried to head back in on a stego when I learned a quick lesson about art physics oh I can oh you can't fit I had to log off as the war continued but not long after everyone else did too leaving Dave's crowns up for grab I'd learned that raspark intended to return to finish the job so early the next morning I decided to try to get to them first I took in my stego to soak but these turrets are no joke at one point I learned I could just lay here and the turret would just shoot the ground it shot for a solid 15 minutes before it finally ran out I spent a full day doing this until early the next morning uh oh looks like I won't be able to beat Raz to those crowns after all but cheaper don't say so though uh nothing okay uh uh lights that's okay we ended up teaming up to try something a little bit different we ran different dinos in to block the turrets and then ended up trying this trike with the platform saddle after spending a whole nother day at it I ended up running out of time IRL and had to go leaving him to finish the job I returned the next day to see the aftermath and clean up my mess it was a crazy few days but probably some of the most fun I've had yet day 92 I woke up again with a new hairdo this time of fancy green fro I could only assume the culprit but there was no way I could break into his heavily defended base for any tricks so instead I checked to see who had their teleporters open and headed over to Captain fat dogs to paint everything pink then on day 93 I continued my painting spree over at crabby trons with some green next up was Vino's base and he got a bit of both colors Day 94 I decided to give taming the acro another go trapped at this time and even followed a guide but I definitely wasn't doing something right so much for that I gave up and spent the night taming this day on a Suitcase I know what I'm doing with this one well mostly at least and he was a gator boy once that was done I still wanted to try and tame more of the arc editions creature but I just don't think it's in the cards I headed to the water looking for this crazy Barracuda fish but wished I hadn't once I found it my recording turned to Mush again but these pictures pretty much cover it my spirit was a bit low after all of those fails so on day 96 I settled in at home getting dinos ready for our final boss The Savage Acro I didn't have much to bring but I threw out what I had and got them all leveled up to go I wasn't the only one preparing though on day 97 Bitmore Dave invited us over to see what he had planned for the boss Mecca crab this crazy crab had turrets on top and he's got one for all of us the plan was to throw all our best dinos at this last boss but it's so tough that might not be enough so if it wipes us out we can come back with these oh hello oh you're like upside down oh am I here I'll catch you after a bit of goofing around I teleported back but accidentally took some crabs home too I brought uh some crabs oops Kaya did too but we took them back then I came back that night and donated some ammo for the crab Army day 98 I spent almost the entire day making saddles for my flock of argies then teleporting creatures over with everyone else's for the final fight and if you look over there you'll see ASG has a wreck stuck up a tree day 99 and it was finally time to announce the winner of the crown that is I think I tried to forget about that part as I was sitting pretty close to last place aside from Dave I think last I checked I think Raz was in first place with well over a hundred grounds sitting safely in his base but when they announced the winner something clearly had changed [Music] turns out some of the others had been plotting to pull their crowns and steal first place there was nothing in our rules about it but no time to debate all of our celebrations had attracted something and it was headed our way yes yes it is we all retreated up to these Cliffs then despite today's treachery Raz Clark sent in his Giga army they rolled over the cliff like a big metal wave and started chomping away at the Savage Acro it was starting to look like this fight might not be too bad with the gigas eating away at over a quarter of a tell but then we all got this notification uh oh there we go oh my God after that attack wiped out most of the gigas we all headed off to bring back our own arm I brought in my flock of RGS and we teamed up to finish it off with a mixed match of attack with tech rifles above and giant Gators and tickle chickens below my rg's made it just in time as we all delivered the final blows but our celebration was short-lived as just around the corner looks like this Savage Acro was not alone we finished off the season with an epic battle against not one but two Savage Acro using what was left of our armies and Dave's crazy crabs to finish them all as the last Acro fell day 100 had finally arrived and that's when something strange appeared in the sky foreign [Music] box had landed nearby and something pulled us all inside all except for our newly crowned King that is looks like he's flown off and left us behind leaving us to Crown the true king Raz Clark oh hail King Ross Park playing on the monarchy server has been a ton of fun but there was no way I could fit all that awesomeness into one video so if you want to see more of what happened this season be sure to check out the others channels down below
Channel: Ark Solo
Views: 283,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Survival Evolved, Ark Solo, Ark PVE, ark smp, ark 100 days, ark 100 days modded, ark 100 days smp, ark solo 100 days, ark fjordur 100 days, ark survival, ark
Id: z__OwUQPFu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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