I played 100 Days of Enshrouded...

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this is enshrouded a game full of wonder and mystery you up boy see you you can't get me son in this video I spend 100 days in this fantasy foggy World discovering the mysteries of the Shroud and cleansing this world of the ugly grandmas that roam it wa bro this guy is ugly can we defeat all the bosses and upgrade our flame to become the most powerful person in this world let's find out Welcome to My 100 days in and shrouded hello homies and hmates and Welcome to our day one of this 100 days in in shrouded okay okay I can get behind this this is pretty cool okay the cinder Vault damn the visuals on this are pretty crazy we eventually made our way outside into this big vast wide world I was then met by some mystical floating words I believe some people call them tutorials I continued following this path which led me to a m shaft where there was an orange glowing thingy which turns out to be a torch I assume that's a clue for us to be able to move forward further on into this scary Little M shaft cave we found an ominous fog with a glowing text called it the Shroud makes sense I suppose that's why this game is called enshrouded right oh we are now enshrouded oh there's a bad guy come here bad guy I just killed him with the torch torches are op let's go after slaying a couple enemies we saw the light at the end of this tunnel once we exited we learned the workbench recipe there was another glowing light so I approached it and this is the area that's designed for us to be able to build our first base I picked up this Stone and then we learned a new recipe for the pickaxe in this game you learn recipes by picking up unique resources instead of traditionally trying to have to learn the blueprints if you pick up a certain resource any blueprint or crafting thing Associated to that specific resource you can now craft first things first though for us to be able to claim a base we need a flame alter this then sets down a plot of land that we can use to be able to build stuff on we can eventually upgrade it to do a bunch of things but I'll explain that a little bit later but for now I think it's best that I craft myself up an axe so I can start chopping down some trees to collect some wood that also unlocks a bunch of more recipes and enough resources so I can craft myself a pickaxe that I use to dig it the ground yeah so this is a voxal based game which means every everything is basically harvestable you can build into the ground you can build into the side of mountains everything I then went ahead and crafted up a workbench which I can then use to be able to craft up a bunch of these stone blocks like a lot of them as many as I could possibly make because that's exactly what I need to be able to start placing down some foundations for our base the thing is building a base can be kind of expensive so we're forever looking for ways to be able to harvest more Stone digging into the side of this mountain seem to work quite nicely though I just needed to be able to craft a bunch of these stone blocks and I crafted some wood blocks just cuz I had the materials to do it as well I'm not too fuss about this base currently I just want to get it to a place that we can kind of just start using it the base building style in this game is pretty unbelievable though you can build in large blocks or you can build single blocks like this which means you can be as creative as you like I know I can make a normal door but I just wanted to kind of mess around with this little system here you can even carve out some windows this is kind of cool hey is it the right height I wish I could see out this H it's a bit better I went out to do some exploring and found some tents also realized there was a bed that I could sleep in which ended up turning the night time into daytime which means I I guess we've just hit day two there's a captain's Journal here but I ain't about to read that right now and a chest that held some wooden arrows we then discovered the brailin bridge oh that's morbid that's that's a skeleton with an axe in its shoulder oh grappling hook seek a path throughout the Shroud instead bro what have I just wanted to cross the bridge searching the local area we discovered the long keep this kind of ruins that's really right next to our base we leveled up in the process too found a well full of water which I guess is nice and then a campfire where we sat down next to and started singing Kumbaya no not really we just started beating K cooking our meat at the back of the long ke we found another shroud with some enemies in it I slapped them around with my greatest weapon i' ever found a torch kind of weird we did get some torn cloth though that did unlock some recipes we returned back to the workbench and I explored some of the options that we could craft okay so manual crafting means we Craft on ourselves workbench we craft obviously in the workbench oh won staff ah there's the rags it's our basic ass armor as a point of difference in this game there are three different class types that you can kind of play as your Warrior which is your standard melee kind of fighter your Ranger that uses obviously ranged attacks archery all that kind of stuff and then your Mage that uses wands and stars and Magic obviously and there's a whole ass skill tree that kind of helps you skill up to those certain places that you want to play you can adjust this to your own personal play style however you like for now though we just learn the masonary skill this means we can Harvest more resources a bit easier when using our pickaxe and you know stones and stuff we'll choose our personal class a little bit later for now we're going to go down and explore this shroud I discover these hourglasses that restore the time and help you stay in the Shroud a little bit longer and then another M shaft of course to go in it it was kind of underwhelming it didn't last very long but we ended up finding our way to the other side of the bridge we're actually on our way to our first major goal finding the first NPC in this enshrouded game the NPC that we're looking for right now is called the blacksmith I'm just going to have to fight some unsavory characters before we head into the place where the blacksmith is held I get my bow out and start shooting it's kind of effective then I notice a Wolf coming in to join into this fun I try using my torch to attack these guys but uh they do a lot more damage to me than I'm doing to them currently I'm definitely going to have to escape and rethink this right now once my health refills a little bit I head on back over this time I'm going for a more passive way of trying to get this blacksmith judging by my compass the blacksmith should be straight ahead through this mountain and yes like I mentioned earlier you can mine through basically any bit of land in this game and because I'm a natural coward I decided I'm going to just try and mine my way through to find this blacksmith that was until we made it to this wall and my stone pickaxe just kind of wasn't really strong enough to do much to it so I guess we're just going to have to go back to the oldfashioned way and try and fight I crafted myself up a wand and tried to use magic against these guys it turned out to be damn effective damn why didn't I make a wand earlier this thing's freaking rocked then we made our way into the ancient Vault of the blacksmith yeah that guy had no hope against me and my magic Harry Potter powers and with that we have now released Oswald and is the blacksmith hey hi hey there it's me now normally this would be be an ad read section but right now it's not right now I just like to do a quick little shout out to all my links below go ahead follow all my socials especially the twitch one because I'm starting to stream a lot more over on Twitch come join us come hang out with the fan bam it's going to be fun Lively all that kind of silliness we're going to be recording these 100 days Live come on over join us hit the links below follow the socials bro and you know maybe like buy some merch if you like any of the designs or anything you know it all supports the channel thank you please yeah hit hit Social Links thanks yeah no ad read today next time go back to the video enjoy it you know get some water hdate do something like that yep sweet bye one of the Nifty things about this game is that I can fast travel back to our base from anywhere in the world except the Shroud you can't do it from the Shroud once we arrived back at base I crafted up this summoning staff this then allows us to summon well Oswald the blacksmith what does this guy do exactly well he's basically like another crafting bench of sorts once we speak to him he can craft up a bunch of blacksmithing style things which includes armor at this time I could only make the chest piece pants and some shoes it ain't the drippiest type of armor but uh it'll do for now the sun might be down but we still have some work to do I was mining this little area here not only for stone but also this Flint stone it's kind of hard to see the Flintstone in the dark but it kind of looks a little bit different I needed the Flintstone so I could make these Stone shingle roof blocks obviously so I could make a roof for our base in this game the building is kind of pretty different to what I'm used to and I'm not the greatest Builder to begin with so uh yeah this roof is kind of coming together a little bit scuffed it really wasn't looking that nice it was getting kind of late in the night here so I crafted myself up a bed and went to sleep once we woke up we realize what we need to do now one of our first major goals is to find all the crafts people or NPCs whatever you want to call them we know that they're going to be essential for our progression in this game and then add a peak in our flame alter now you need a bunch of resources to be able to upgrade it so you can then go on to do other things and progress in the game well first let's start by adding some storage into our base we should have done this ages ago but you know we forget sometimes now that we have a little bit of armor and a wand to attack with I ventured on into the Shroud right near our base where I I chopped down this weird fungus looking thing turns out it drops shroud liquid but that's not why we're really here we're here to explore this Elixir well that seems to be guarded by some really grotesque looking creatures AKA your mom except this one kind of looks like my sister we ventured on down into this Elixir well to go and discover what it holds okay so we made it down to the bottom oh fell Thunder brute oh what's up there big daddy oh you don't look friendly at all son oh okay you're kind of slow this might be predictable and easy to dodge your attack oh oh crap we fell bro I'm doing some pretty decent damage against you man you ain't got nothing on me son yeah this is oh this was quite easy ah defeated and just like that we had defeated our first boss and then encountered our first ever shroud route it says we need a failing axe to be able to chop it down yes I realized I'm chopping it down with my sword but uh yes cuz I'm an idiot don't worry we got the ax out in the end and that did the job ah fre looks a well cleared we then looted the dead body of that boss as well he dropped his head and The Misfortune mace that seems like a pretty decent weapon we cleared the well but on our way back up we found a chest that held a pretty decent weapon ah the tainted axe H it's purple must be good once we got to the top of this well we noticed that the shrouded seemed to clear up around this entire area which made this guy easier to see and a good place for us to we got to test out these new weapons that we got and also since we cleared the Shroud up we can now teleport out of here and get back to base easier we returned back to base and spoke to Oswald he then gave us two more quests one to go visit a spire and another one to go and unlock the grappling hook we often check our map to be able to get a rough idea on where we need to head to and I know traversing the map in this game would be a lot easier with a glider we're just missing a few ingredients to be able to craft it though one of them being shroud wood since we're here we might as well bully some of these locals as well I also needed some fur for the glider as well and this puppy volunteered its life so I could fly heck yeah glider acquired it wasn't until the following day that we got the opportunity to try out this glider this is actually pretty cool we had to quickly pass through the Shroud so we could get to the other side to make our way to this this is the Spire thing is I don't actually know how to get on up there there seems to be a wall blocking us here the only thing I know how to do is chop things down we seem to be doing damage so I assume this is a way through oh I should have got this ax out earlier this is doing a much better job ah we go through oh there's a bad guy there take this chest though after having a little bit of a peek around I realized we're probably not ready to be able to get up there yet I think we're going to need ourselves a grapple hook and I have enough metal scraps to be able to make one I just need some string and some shroud spores which I had lying around so it wasn't that hard to make I remember that the brilin bridge had a place that we could use the grapple hook on so I went to go check it out wa kind of reminds me of like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat mixed with Spider-Man yeah it's a weird mix I know we returned back to the place that we destroyed that gate and used that grapple hook to get up on top of it should have done this to begin with there was a crazy scavenger man that was trying to shoot at us but then we found a little ledge that we could use to be able to climb up this part was a little bit steep so I kind of just mined my way up to be able to make some steps then we made it to the bottom of this this ancient Spire heading on in we were greeted by some interesting Flames I approached this weird glowing thing and turns out it teleports us to a new location wa hello new place suppose they don't really believe in stairs in this world these ancient spes don't have enemies inside but they are completely made out of puzzles and if you open the right doors it leads you to some pretty decent loot as well I'm glad we had a grapple hook before we came up here if we didn't we wouldn't be able to cross this some of these buttons require range weapons again luckily we had one some rooms were a little bit warmer than others cuz it had lava and lava's like hot but once you step on enough of these glowing platforms you eventually make it to the top you go ahead and you commune with this flame it speaks in some weird ass language and then you have unlocked a new place that you can fast travel to and this height paired with your glider makes it a great way to Traverse this entire map I mean just have a look at what we can see here this map is huge day five begins with us chopping down a bunch of trees we're really trying to gather a bunch of wood so we can put it into this charcoal kill to make well obviously chocal and then went back to check out journal and it's probably best that we start focusing on our main goal and getting some of these NPCs checking our map we just wanted to see where the closest one was oh The Carpenter's over there Hunter's over there farmer there oh okay what's this flame sanctum H let's go check that out unfortunately I kind of get a little bit distracted sometimes and uh yeah go and do things that we probably shouldn't be doing and this kind of happens a fair bit in this game too we continue heading to the Waypoint that we had set on our map we find this cave passage that we have to try and get through it has a couple Wolfies protecting it and they hit me pretty damn hard too uh the second one we better try and fight at a distance bro why didn't I use the wand before that that absolutely wrecked me as we went further into this cave passage we ended up finding the Shroud but this seemed to lead us to a dead end where the hell are we I'm freaking lost go back down here or not I don't know what to do I then had an idea I figured I'd just try and mine my way through this cave passage we had the worst pickaxe in the game and very little stamina so after a good 10 minutes of mining we didn't make much progress checked my map to see if there was another way around and it kind of doesn't really tell us much eventually we made it up here on this kind of ledge here which allowed us to get much closer to this flame sanctum eventually we found it I had no idea what one of these things really is oh that's one of those like respawn points what's this oh spark like the spark these lovers saw refuge in the flame BL BL blah yes turns out this little Adventure was kind of a waste of time so we teleported back home we really need to be focusing on our main goal here slightly distracted again I checked my flame alter to see what I needed to be able to upgrade it and we gathered that spark earlier we just need a few little ingredients and we can upgrade it we just need some shroud liquid that we get from these weird fungus things and a few other things that I had laying around the base but now we could upgrade our flame alar to level two day six I built some more storage boxes with the way we're heading we're definitely going to need it uh will I make it over there come on come on ah no we're not even getting close today we're heading on over to go get ourselves the hunter NPC we managed to get around a few obstacles to be able to find our way over here and fight a few enemies along our way welcome to the ancient Vault of the hunter wa big furry man you're like little Bigfoot this Vault was guarded by some rather hairy men or women or I don't know what they were once we entered the building we saw some electricity flowing through the air and it seemed to kill some of these hairy men on or women this building was a little bit of a puzzle but nothing as crazy as the Spire was then we found the egg that the hunter was located in I don't know why all the NPCs just didn't go in one room seems like a weird thing to me but hey I suppose it's a video game and that's kind of what they do now I could have teleported straight home and explore what the hunter could do but I found a really high point and it was a really cool place to be able to Glide and it was probably a good opportunity to explore and see if we could find some juicy juicy loot I was curious to see if we could mine this fungus turns out it's called mycelium and now we had unlocked a new recipe after having fun exploring we teleported back home but before I could summon in the hunter I had to mine some Stone so that I could craft some more rough stone blocks and build a little a little bit of an extension on our base because if we're going to have all these extra NPC Crafters we're going to need more space to be able to hold them we put the roof on this place and it made this place dark so we had to add some torches around it and then I could summon in this Hunter this Hunter allows us to be able to craft a bunch of new recipes including animal fur some torches different type of armor set that specializes in more of a ranger class and some pretty cool decorations as well we can unlock a bunch more recipes a little bit later now that we've got the hunter secured it's time for us to go out and get ourselves The Alchemist judging by the map it seems like the closest option for us compared to the carpenter all looks like we're going to have to cross this shroud can we get as close as possible to the other side uh no but we'll go check out this Tower there's a tower in the Shroud I was curious so of course I went to go check it out turns out that was a bad idea holy crap there's freaking e of that he one hit me oh man one of the things about this game is the food every time you eat food cooked food specifically it gives you a bit of a buff meat typically gives you a health buff mushrooms or funguses can give you an intelligence buff water or liquids can give you a stamina buff there's a whole bunch of different foods that can do different things so if you take a look at our health bar as we eat our maximum health increased and the food Buffs are crucial that was definitely one of the things that I was missing when I tried to fight those guys in the tower are they all just lined up up there oh man I just want to get my stuff back freaking FG guys creep me out ah forget it you guys can have all my stuff anyways we found a farm that seemed to have some corn so I stole all the corn well the amount that I could find at least most of this wasn't fully grown then I went into some ruined Temple and found a dead guy well an undead guy now he's just the dead guy then we finally found the building that held the Alchemist it was just defended by some scavengers I really do like the combat in this game being out a Dodge roll and jump around and kind of like fight in a Souls like type of combat makes it quite interesting and sometimes the enemy's attacks are quite predictable you just wait for the animation to start and Dodge roll away anyways I got to enter this building after I defeated a bunch of these weird scavengers except there was a few more inside waiting for me I laugh at the fact that he starts swinging I step away and he's still swinging we found the Alchemist but we also found some other people that needed to Die the exciting thing about finding these craft people NPCs is every time you do find them you unlock a bunch of new recipes let me introduce you to balazar The Alchemist again did I teleport back to base no you got to remember in games like this exploration is very important kind of like remembering that you need stamina in order to Glide damn it I forgot about the stamina on my way back to base I went to the Tower with all my stuff still down there and because we found ourself a nice little ledge we were able to attack from above well not really we we kept missing cuz I think we're a little bit too far away instead I went down there and tried to kite them one by one that didn't work they all came down for the fun but thanks to some Swift moving around and some food we were able to kill most of them but not all of them I had these two guys and one of them managed to hit me so I think it was time for us to run away and get out of this fight sometimes you have to just accept that you're defeated I roasted some of the Corn cops when we got home and found a nice cozy spot to place basar the Alchemist now this Craftsman specializes in Magic and Mage kind of stuff obviously but he also produces health potions and Mana potions and all that kind of stuff as well anyways I went to go visit Oswald because now now I could craft a forge where we could turn charcoal and metal scraps into Metal Sheets except at this time in the game I didn't know how to get my hands on metal scraps I just seem to be collecting them kind of randomly I did though have enough metal scraps to be able to make a scrappy pickaxe which is obviously better than our crappy little Stone one now that we have gathered a bunch of crafts people we also gained a few quests but before completing another Quest I wanted to go and clear another Elixir well dude I way gliding in is just such an epic move every Elixir well is a little bit different so we approached them all quite cautiously one of the biggest pests in this game are these little bugs now they're not very strong but they swarm you pretty hardcore every time I come down here though I'm always looking out for a boss type enemy this Elixir well didn't have a boss but it did have a lot of enemies and some that were pretty damn strong ouch that hurt but every time we cut down one of these shroud routes we gained very valuable skill points I returned back to that farm area from earlier mainly because I checked on the map and saw that there was a question mark which usually means that there's something to be discovered there or it's a quest and yes I am very aware that I am dying at this current stage I then made some strings that I could turn into some bandages obviously so I could well heal myself to get to the destination on the map that we were trying to get to we had to travel into the Shroud again and fight some of the most dangerous people we've fought yet yeah they're all like level fives and you know they they're strong we risked Our Lives fighting a multitude of enemies only so we could uh collect this salt yes this this is all that was uh that we came here for pretty disappointing but in actual fact getting that salt wasn't all bad I'll explain why in a second first we got to place down a new grinding stone and this drying rack the grinding stone can grind the bones up into bone meal which we can use later on for fertilizer or soil and stuff but the drying rack can turn this fur into dried fur once mixed with salt yes salt the stuff that we got from that place earlier it was worth it one of the best things in this game is being able to fast travel to these ancient spires it makes exploring this entire world so much easier mixed with the glider of course and like I mentioned earlier this map is so damn big there's a lot of area to cover problem I find myself in sometimes is sometimes I go a little bit AFK or I kind of just let the time run this day was one of those Prime examples because just like that it's already night time but that's okay we're on a mission to go and find our next NPC the only other thing is I just didn't know some of these guys from the Shroud come out at night like not in the Shroud and these guys are all level seven which means they're significantly tougher than anything we fought yet but me using my crackling wand and my fire abilities against these guys is showing to be quite effective I'm really liking the concept of being a mage in this 100 days and just like that even though we wasted most of the day AFK we now entered the ancient Vault of the farmer now the farm is held basically just behind this door I just had to figure out some of the puzzle pieces to be able to unlock it and of course we had to try and avoid some dangers because what is a puzzle without dangers right we just need to find three of these buttons that's button number one and it illuminates a light over the door once it's actually completed I thought I was being quite tricky when I found this hidden chest behind this hidden wall oh what's inside this ring of stamina yeah that's pretty good do we even have a ring yet hey it's our first ring nice after a bit of spidermanning around this place then we had to dodge some of these crazy spikes that would hit you in the butt to then find the third and final button which then unlocked and opened the door for us to be able to go and collect Emily Frey the farmer it was the next day by the time that we left the ancient Vault of the farmer so I explored the local area and got attacked by a bunch of level 11 bees uh yeah we going to stay away from there but we did find a cool vantage point to look down at the ancient vault as we were running down I then went and picked a fight with a flower surely a flower can't do much to me well that was until it spat on me and then put this weird substance on my face and it almost killed me if I didn't use the health potion I I probably would have died back at base I placed in our new friendly NPC shelter what do you mean shelter oh you've got to be inside what kind of farm is going to be inside the entire time come on man you should be outside yes turns out you have to have all your NPCs under some shelter currently the farmer can't really make too many things I think we're going to have to go out and unlock a few more recipes soon but first we need to go out and collect our very last NPC friend thing is on the way to finding our last friend the carpenter it was a random shroud route just chilling out in the open and wasn't being defended by anything which means if I chop down this big erect red pulsy thingy I get some free skill points we eventually made it to the ancient Vault of the carpenter but the outside was protected by the Shroud and also had some nasty people inside that tend to hit pretty damn hard too like really hard it's okay though because our spawn point was right outside it they probably knew that I was useless and was going to die this time I was smart I aggroed everybody at the same time yes like a freaking idiot all right Mr the person hidden behind the smoke a waa whoa wo that hurt where are you ah yeah okay oh I see a guy in the back he's on his way in oh oh oh oh oh aha dodged too slow bro too slow bro got away can I get my stuff back at least yes we get the dollar back thank you very much diving any further we had definitely entered the ancient Vault of the carpenter now but it was protected by these little pests again I'm about to die I start slashing with my sword and that seems to do the job psych I died all right third 's lucky I guess at least this time most of the things are already dead and they haven't respawned yet but these bugs are definitely the worst thing in this game they freaking suck and so annoying and sometimes you have to watch out for certain things that like to EXP exploding your face we then discovered a rather interesting enemy I call her the skinny lady that floats her wind attack thingy there but basically has Aimbot it's impossible to dodge except for that moment I I I just dodged it oh this looks like one of those moments where I have to actually chop through this or mine through this to be a to get through ooh creative gameplay friends creative gameplay we made it through to the carpenter location and just had to defeat this very last floating screaming lady she sure does like to moan and not in the good way we then freed Cade Hawthorne the carpenter I made my way out of the Shroud so I could fast travel back to base then use my summoning staff to summon in Cade the carpenter this handsome oneeyed ginger crafts a bunch of new items that are pretty damn helpful one item in particular is these magic chests easily my favorite item in this entire game the items stored here can be used for crafting purposes from anywhere in the base oh my god dude what do you mean it's like Wireless crafting yes these magic chests are unbelievably amazing to have you have no idea how much easier and quicker the process of crafting items in this base will be okay so now we have all of the Craftsman NPCs each one of the Craftsman have different tools scattered around the entire map for example The Alchemist has a mortar and the hunter has a hand spindle I've decided that I'm going to go down the Mage class so the first thing I want to go get is The Alchemist mortar just got to make our way there we followed the Waypoint on our compass and it led us to this house that was hanging out of the Shroud H location below looks like we're going into the Shroud now what I assume it's in this house somewhere Alchemist mortar and Pistol where are you even though it says location below we went all the way up at the time I wasn't really looking at the location below thing yeah I'm an idiot once I finally realized that we actually had to go down to get this mortar and Pistol well we went down and found this scary looking dungeon oh oh it's just in there I see it how the freak do we get through this that's another one of them puzzle things I couldn't figure out how to get through so I checked my journal to see if there was any clues there must be some sort of hidden mechanism to open it somewhere in the tower okay I guess that means up we go again looking for a hidden mechanism I didn't really know what we were looking for I checked to see if the bookshelf had something that you know you can kind of pull I've watched a lot of movies that that that it sometimes works in this case it doesn't I checked behind the stairs see if it was there couldn't see anything broke down some wooden planks so we could get outside then some more so we could go back inside only to find a note that updates our Quest did I read it properly no because I saw this this is obviously the button we need to be able to get through and I was right there we have it The Alchemist mortar and pestle I have no idea why he left it all the way over here that's kind of weird but hey we got it at least I go back to base and then place this morar pistol right down next to the Alchemist now the alist has a bunch of other recipes that we can now craft like better health potions better Mana potions the whs of light and you know other stuff day 12 we're checking out Quest and seeing what we need to complete there's a whole bunch that we need to go through and that's kind of our goal right now is to try and tick off most of these main quests you know sometimes I just run around spamming e especially when there's some sort of stuff around it seems like we learned some new recipes think we picked up some fireflies or something whilst exploring we came across this weird kind of know gross thing growing out of the ground once I started mining it we discovered that it's Clay this is like a mid- tier resource that you kind kind of find only in this like jungly kind of area and it actually has quite a few uses in this game following this Waypoint we came up to this weird looking shroud yeah currently it's red it's called The Deadly shroud basically if we touch it we we pretty much die but I'm pretty confident that we can glide over the top of it if we just make it down to that oh yeah no we're not definitely not going to make it oh no no crap look at that time running to yeah we're dead we're dead d d dead I respawned somewhat nearby so I made my way back over and I remember that there's a flame sanctum nearby so we went into there just so we could get another respawn point and some Sparks cuz why not I tried to find a different way over this deadly shroud that's where I found this bridge but I could also hear some enemies in the distance that I didn't really want to encounter they were level 13s which means they're pretty much a lot stronger than we currently are I ran away to escape but also wanted to try my luck at fighting him too that didn't work out in my favor at all but we could spawn back rather close and I was able to get my stuff back without too much trouble we're clearly not currently equipped for this Quest right now it's probably best to go back to base drop off all the things that we've gotten and find something else that we can do possibly like this Elixir well it's a lot closer to our current level and we know once we complete it we'll get some skill points that will help us get stronger and at face value this Elixir world looks pretty straightforward I mean I could normally just run around and get down there and have to fight a bunch of people prob we could just Glide straight on in this way is a little bit more fun in my opinion hey what up suckers oh there's a big guy here too oh no uh was a little bit Hasty of me get rid of these guys first ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch oh there's freaking bugs here as well all right as long as we avoid that big guy oh we got to get rid of this Archer oh no h maybe I shouldn't have just Dove straight in our stamina's really holding us back ah there's more bugs over here too oh the big guy's there again oh don't die okay okay okay he got a free shot he didn't even do anything well yes I think from that we learned a very important lesson that lesson is I lowkey suck at video games and I'm kind of impatient when it comes to you know some of these things like my health is dangerously low right now and I have no way to heal myself maybe I should be more prepared we get through a few challenges but our health is not going up at all and then we learn important lesson number two from the same teacher as before again we're biting off way more than we can chew I have no food to be able to increase my health bar or any bandages to be able to heal myself I'd like to make note that I did get this game in Early Access before it was released so there's no tutorials out and I just was kind of learning how to do things on my own but yeah I think anybody would there right mind would know maybe put a helmet on you know Extra Protection in every part might might make a big difference that that should be common sense I'm an idiot now is probably a good time to start cooking up some meat did we go back to the Elixir well no we went out to do some more exploring to see if there was something in kind of the easier areas that we can kind of do easier I noticed this thing glowing in the distance it's called an ancient Obelisk of course my curiosity got the better of me and we went to go approach it this gave us a whole new quest line but I don't think it's that important so we don't really spend too much time on this well until later that is I end up finding these little ancient ruins just out in the middle of nowhere so I went to go investigate cuz it was strange to be here and noticed that there was stairs that went down and again I'm stupid so so I went down there or am I a genius cuz there's some good loot down here too if I could just get to it oh Shepherd stuff I mean I think that's good another chest Forest Longbow I'll take it this little creepy Crypt had some spiders in it that we had to get by and some floor traps that you can kind of just walk around if you just go around the side of the room all of this led to this last random grave that was glowing it had a blue Hatchet in it so I'm assum that's good and yeah that was basically the entire ruins kind kind of uh not that exciting but hey that was our day day 14 we return to the Spire we're going to do this a lot in this game it seems like the best way to be able to get around we're currently making our way to a Mission Point this one called a story of rot seems like it's in this place called neon a little city deep inside the Shroud with my brand new weapon that we got from that Crypt earlier I started slaying some of the enemies but I got overwhelmed really quickly by a bunch of them I tried escaping but one of the guys is just really damn fast and I ran out of stamina at a really un opportunity time I quickly went back to base knowing that I need health potions problem is I can't make these big ones but I can make the small ones the one frustrating thing about this game currently is that in the early game it takes ages to be able to get from one place to another literally it took us a good 10 minutes to be able to come back and get our stuff but I did consume the right amount of food and have those health potions on me which means these enemies this time didn't really stand a chance against me kind of I kind of cheesed up by hiding behind this fence here then I found a glowing box if that's what you'd call it and found roughly cut stone blocks new building piece that would be kind of cool for base I guess I won't lie though I thought that was the quest completed it wasn't the quest wasn't in the Shroud at all we had to climb the side of this mountain and I kind of cheesed my way up by just spamming space bar turns out this Quest was just to be able to discover another ancient Obelisk really I don't I don't know what's going on with these Obelisk and they probably got something to do with the lore and I'm probably supposed to read it but I just don't I don't I don't really care for it but you know what I do care for I this thing Flint no really it was leveling up yeah I care for leveling up cuz yeah we need to level get stronger we keep getting our ass kicked we gathered a bunch of resources that I figured I want to try try and test out some of the building mechanics again I tried changing the floor up a little bit but uh I kind of scuffed it a bit I accidentally took a chunk out of the ground at the front of my base here it's okay though I could just plug it up with you know some foundations I guess if I was a bit more creative we could make that look better but uh yeah I'm just I'm just not that smart once the sun went down I went back out on another adventure I figured maybe discovering more of these lands or maybe even more materials and and resources and stuff could be a way for us to be able to get a bit stronger whilst we're out on this adventure though we discovered another ancient spire and we now know know that ancient spers are good fast travel points so they're good for us to be able to conquer these towers because we started this Tower at night it's uh yeah already daytime before we completed it I found a golden chest in here that held this legendary weapon and just like all the other ancient spes there's a bunch of obstacles that we have to overcome and certain puzzles that we need to figure out like this one I couldn't figure out for the longest time I kept running around the same area trying to figure it out but again I'm not that smart especially when it comes to this kind of stuff usually I'd kind of just go on YouTube and check out a tutorial or something but it was at this point I had a light bulb moment oh I know exactly what to do I'm going just need this bow right here I stand on this and then I shoot the target oh I'm an idiot it's a a got to ammo hold on real quick I can just make myself couple of arrows and shoot see simple now what oh it's just a chest inside with one health potion wow that was so underwhelming now that was one puzzle down the next puzzle I had to try and figure out was this I had the grapple hook to go grab onto this wall and then I had to climb up this wall without running out of stamina as you can see by my little stamina bar there I probably won't make it so with no real options we ran out of stamina had to fall down and uh get hit by these little spikes again I then checked my inventory and saw that I had the flask of the fell which gives us some extra stamina well let's try this one again we make it over oh yes we've got more stamina we just need to make it up to here oh we made it okay there's a button press this now what we didn't have to worry about our stamina anymore we just had to worry about getting ourselves down onto this little ledge here which obviously wasn't that hard and this little ledge led us to another golden chest and just like that we have unlocked the ancient Spire of the low Meadows located to the south of the map we then quickly came back to base to drop off some of our Goods that we had collected but we didn't stay too long once we had emptied our sack we went straight back to the ancient Spire that we just unlocked there was a quest really close by that I wanted to try and complete judging by our Waypoint it says it's in this buried tomb another creepy place with some Mysteries behind some really random doors D this place gives me the heie jebi spider wees and skeletons actual SPID oh it's getting dark really dark oh hey I thank you little wisps or light thingies or whatever uh there's not enough light lucky that those traps would have got us I went on further in and then I saw a dude that was glowing green he was a level seven hit me once he was really tough but then I had an idea what if I let him into this trap area oh my god it worked dude got wrecked moving further on in there were other enemies there as well so I just repeated the same process luring them them all into this trap room I got to admit this was quite a genius idea they all fell for it then we made our way to the final room which held this cket that held this the Eternal ice bolt yes this was the quest the entire time we had to come and collect this spell basically an eternal spell is a spell that you can use unlimited amount of times every other spell you can only use a finite amount of times they can use less mana and sometimes can be a little bit more powerful but you're limited by the amount of times you can use it yes you may have noticed that we're running out of time in this shroud 17 seconds left to go I can't find on my way out 3 2 1 we don't make it out of here we die in the Shroud I think I spent too much time luring those enemies into the Trap I checked my inventory and we still had our internal ice bolt I didn't really care about all the other things that we gathered that night though while we were exploring around we found this chest just chilling in the ground it had an alchemist ring in it definitely an item that I think would be an advantage for us it's now day 16 and we have now unlocked a new magic storage chest the medium chest but in order to make it I need two Metal Sheets I need to cook up charcoal and metal scraps in the Forge now currently I do have enough metal scraps to be able to make one mediumsized chest but I'd like to gather some more and I have finally figured out how to do exactly that yes you need to kill scavengers and that's why we came to this scavenger Camp well there's a couple reasons too I wanted to come out here and so I could try and farm some experience points so we can level up as well and there's a boss here that I wanted to try and kill scavenger goor matron honestly this wand was doing a ton of damage towards him it made this light work killing it gave us a lot of experience points except I got a little bit too close and didn't know that they explode once they die we didn't have too much trouble finding our stuff though but when we did we went and broke everything so we could gather some more metal scraps and made sure to kill all the Scavengers in this entire Camp I always keep a couple different Wands on me because certain enemies react different to certain types of elements we just picked up this scorching wand from fighting the boss but scavengers seem to be resistant against fire it seems that ice does the most amount of damage which is a shame because this new wand is pretty good at this level I continued to clear the rest of this place out collecting all the items and mainly metal scrap that I could gather and came home with all my Spoils of War now that we had some metal scraps and a bunch of other resources I could then make some better armor and since I've decided to be a mage of sorts obviously I got my armor from The Alchemist we're wanting to specialize in using our wands so mana's not really a big thing for us since we're not going to use staffs but do I look like a wizard AR since we had previously encountered some deadly shroud we probably need to upgrade our flame I checked to see what we needed and yeah we need a few things that we don't quite have yet I quickly whipped up our first magic chest we only made the small one for now and I kind of forget why I'm sure there's an important reason day we make our way out to a new location it's quite a bit away so it's going to take us a little bit to get there we must climb the side of mountains fight some unwanted wolves and I might as well collect some clay we had to somehow get around this mountain to the right of us as that's where our Waypoint on our map was leading us to I saw this cave entrance check my map and it seems that right on the other side of this cave is our destination this cave held some interesting items like these blue glowing mushrooms a glowing substance just in the middle of nowhere and some overgrown bacon we had then made it to our destination for B hold this is where we should find the table saw for the carpenter just going to be weary of some traps that you can luckily disarm and some enemies oh that guy's like a green dude he's oh he's fast oh and he's resistant to my fire okay yeah we got to get out of here go move move move move move move they're keeping up bro we can't even get away oh there's two of them no no no no no no no no no no no no no get out of there get out of the no okay GG's that just confirmed we're way not strong enough to be over there right now fun thing though I collected some charcoal out of my Kil and unlocked a bunch of new recipes including some fighter armor and the blacksmith some of this gear might actually be pretty good for us and it's cheap enough for us to be how to make I made the rising fighter chest armor it has some really good physical resistance and will hopefully protect us from some of those scavengers that keep smacking us around day 18 we returned back to thornhold well kind of we only came back to come and get our stuff we know that this area is way too hard for us so instead we're going to head on home but first I found a whole wall full of copper ore it was up kind of high so I kind of considered this a challenge I wanted to get up there so I can mine it all took us a little while but we finally got up there so we can mine all of this copper the only problem is this little pickaxe isn't really that great and this whole process took a long time after we collected all that copper it was time for us to go on home even though we did get our ass kicked and thornhold we did gather some really cool new resources next I crafted up the Kiln and placed it next to our carpenter friend this thing makes some fired bricks not too sure what it does right now but it only requires clay and wood to be able to make it I had to go down to the Shroud once again to go collect myself some shroud wood and some shroud liquid while I was here as well now why did I need to collect all these things because they were the last ingredients to be able to upgrade our flame alter next I spoke to the Hunter and made ourselves a small backpack this gives us a bunch of new inventory space and now that we're collecting a bunch of new resources it's probably a good idea to get another magic chest down final little chore for today is making this seed bed the seed bed is what we used to be able to get more seeds obviously for us to be able to regrow a bunch of the vegetation in this world day 19 I had a look on the map and noticed that there was a shroud route nearby so I figured I'd go and clear it out so I could get some easy skill points but then I ran into one of of my worst enemies the side of a mountain wait how the hell did we die there did we just double die I admit there's one thing I do like about this game is the fact that you can get your items back easier when they do fall in the Shroud or whatever get our stuff back oh crap we fell again oh GL oh there's the Shroud route damn it we found the location of the Shroud route I just have to try and figure out how to get down there somewhat safely ah we freaking missed this is attempt number I didn't even know but we finally made it in there there were no enemies so chopping this guy down was quite easy and we got ourselves from Easy skill points day 20 and we're out on an exploration Mission seeing that there's a deadly shroud just there and a new biome over there and down here is all unexplored I figured this might be the place to come to this is where we discovered a new camp it's not a scavenger camp like the last place that we visited there's a lot of fur here and some different types of furniture this is the vuka ceremony Hill did I pronounce that right who freaking knows cuz right now I've got bigger things to worry about like fighting this big ass hairy thing that resembles my auntie fighting this big wannabe King Kong was uh kind of tricky at first see those little green things coming out of those little I don't even know what they're called well they're healing this big beast so why I try and Dodge some of this big beast attacks I have to take out these little healer magic dudes figuring out some of the combat mechanics in this game is part of the process of dying yeah it's okay though cuz we now know how to defeat this guy firstly we got to kill these guys because they're the things that healing the big vuka brawler and once those Shaman witches were defeated all we needed to do was Dodge my big Auntie's attacks and keep attacking with our wand attacks in the end it was quite simple and we were able to defeat this big hairy beast saving its head as our Trophy and getting a pretty decent wand with it too back at our base we had some shrub seedlings I was only making these things to test out kind of how all the stuff works again there was no tutorials out so I had no idea how to farm I didn't know that this isn't really the right way to do it you know you could make farming soil all that kind of stuff I didn't know it yet day 21 we checked our flame alar to see what we needed to be able to upgrade it and some of these resources including Amber I've never seen before I did know if we wanted to be able to get further into this game I'm going to have to unlock another ancient Spire so we can at least fast travel to it to be able to get to this next ancient Spire we had to travel through some rather dangerous places which we're kind of used to by now when I realize that I can't fight certain enemies I just have to run around them and try and get away dude this cave passage is way longer than I thought it was going to be oh damn finally we out and the the Spire should be just out here somewhere ooh chamomile take that now we had finally found the ancient Spire just like every other ancient Spire we're going to have to complete all the puzzles and avoid a lot of traps to be able to get through it exploring through it though I picked up these copper bars now picking up these copper bars then led us to be able to unlock a ton of copper recipes moving on to Copper recipes means we should be able to progress pretty well I hope and with that I knew it was a pretty good idea to smash and Bash a bunch of these like items that are around the the whole Tower you really never know what you're going to find in here but just like that we had unlocked the Riverwood ancient Spire this ancient Spire is definitely a game changer in terms of progression for this entire game it's probably one of the most popular spers that you travel to in the mid game at least and really close to this ancient Spire was a massive clay deposit so we could just farm this as much as we wanted now that we've unlocked the new ancient Spire it's probably a good idea that we craft some different things like this improved grappling hook and definitely start working towards upgrading our flame alar day 22 we went back to our brand new ancient Spire in the Revel Woods this time on a mission to retrieve one of the blacksmith's items that's when we came to the mark of samith I don't really know what that means but I'm sure it's kind of important or something it seems like a scavenger Camp to me apparently this is where we can find the blacksmith Crucible this is like an old M shaft that we had to search around I started heading up cuz I figured this is where it could be had to fight some scavengers along the way but we're starting to get a Little Bit Stronger so they were quite easy thing is we just couldn't find this freaking Crucible feels like we looked everywhere by this point even accidentally set off some mines like a lot of them and once I checked my map we were way far away from where it's supposed to be if I couldn't find The Crucible I wasn't going to go back to base empty-handed I found some copper sitting in a wall so I harvest that so at least we had something I eventually went back to the mark of the seamoth and somehow ended up in another cave passage full of some scary wolves our mission destination was supposed to be 156 m in this direction so I just tried to mine in that direction what the hell am I doing this isn't going to work I need to think of something else day 23 the shrubs that we planted earlier are now all grown up they only produce plant fiber and twigs it's not that great but now we kind of know how this works another trip back to the Riverwoods ancient Spire means another chance for us to use our glider all right we just have to get down there but not like all the way down oh crap oh no that that ful lost a lot of a lot of height I just need to make that ledge are we going to make the ledge nope I didn't make it up this mountain but maybe we can mine our way up we attempted this for quite a while and when it wasn't working I was trying a different angle and then I fell down into this hole oh no oh w we stuck in a damn it this is a really really bad predicament getting stuck down here was quite the pain in the butt but we just have to mine our way out of this melium and try and not die from the fall now we're just going to explore through this shroud try and find things that we haven't been able to find yet and avoid getting blown up we did encounter a few pretty tough enemies thanks to my new blink ability I was able to dodge most of their attacks and defeat him we found a little Forest that's kind of a little break spot for us out of the Shroud when you're exploring it like we are now you never know if you're going to get lost in there and can't get out I eventually found myself at this Elixir well some of the enemies down here are quite tough some of the strongest enemies we've ever fought I tried using my strong Guillotine weapon but ultimately it just keeps you too close to these guys and they can hit you too hard we just had two scary monsters fight us but the most dangerous thing in this game was my failure at blink dodging yep we deserve a die now that kind of sucks we got our stuff back thankfully I do really appreciate that mechanic the fact that our stuff didn't get lost down in that little lava or deadly trap I don't know whatever you call it this whole Elixir world was full of these deadly ass flowers we are honestly a real pain in the ass except for when they level us up and then we had to fight the Aimbot freaking floating witch who almost destroyed us thankfully we got away and I was able to heal myself we made our way down to the Shroud route but there was two of those big bosses holy crap two of these bad boys oh no this is going to be interesting how the freak are we going to do this this and they're both high level I continued to run away turn around and fire off a couple of shots the thing that made this particular fight quite difficult was the fact that there was two of them one of them their moves are pretty predictable and I can get around it but two of them it makes it so much harder our time in the Shroud was starting to run quite low so I quickly climbed up all the way to the top so I could recharge our shroud batteries then go straight back into this fight I thought I was going to be quite safe up here I was wrong this almost took me out of the fight but it also gave me a new angle to be able to fight you see that boss can't attack me at all and I can just melt away his health I continued back down to the Shroud route where is that other boss I have no idea all I care about right now is chopping down the Shroud route and gaining some valuable skill points I did notice that the boss was near the exit I mean I couldn't leave without having a fight right especially now that I know that there's a kind of cheesy spot that I could fight this guy come here all right you fell for it you freaking idiot making this fight rather easy from that little trip we did get ourselves a legendary Guillotine not sure if we're going to use it too much but we'll keep it on us just in case day 25 we came out to visit this flame sanctum where are we might you ask well we returned back to thornhold we have leveled up since the last time we've been here gotten better gear and more skill points so I assume this time we should be able to complete this Quest I had no idea what I was doing in this area to be able to complete this Quest so I just tried to kill everything inside then I found a little Bush so I could hide in there and kind of figure out what I was doing what am I doing the Scavengers are taking their loot away and wagons the circular Soul Bas must have been taken away nearby encampment follow the road should lead one there oh not here oh up there okay okay sweet yes so apparently we had to move over to Fong Frontier another scavenger encampment or something I approached this a little bit differently than I have other encampments I wanted to try and be a little sneaky except that idea didn't really work out too well we accidentally blew the place up even with those big ass explosions the rest of the camp didn't notice it at all # game logic hiding in this bush I kind of didn't really know what to do so I just went back to the old strategy and jump in and try and kill people along the way although hiding in these bushes is a good way to kind of scope out the enemies and try and pick them off one at a time instead of having to fight them all all at once which uh ultimately didn't really work for us anyway but I had an opportunity to jump straight up here and uh take this guy out and then the S blade that we've been looking for was right here I picked it up and uh made a run for it I kind of really didn't want to stick around we had what we needed and we're just straight out of here I made it far enough away so we could teleport back home then I immediately went over to this Carpenter so we can make this new table saw all right got the table saw what do you actually craft wooden planks that's it bro we went through all that trouble just so we can make wood planks unsure if these wooden planks are really worth it but hey let's just try and make some anyway Chuck these wood logs in there and get it to work you know there was one ingredient I didn't know how to make and that was goo but to unlock it all I needed to do was craft up some bug dust you're probably wondering why the heck do I need goo well it's one of the ingredients to be able to make a medium magic chest and a bunch of important recipes we even Ed it to upgrade our flame alter too but for now obviously I use it to make this medium magic chest we really need to start making some more space for a lot of these items that we're Gathering out in the Wilds Day 26 we came back to the mark of the sth we really have no other choice but to get this Crucible again like an idiot I searched the same places that I searched last time hoping to find something different but then I had a light bulb moment and thought instead of going up let's go down dude I don't know a freaking traps after all this place is a mine so going down kind of makes sense then I saw this glowing item behind all of this Rubble mind our way through this rubble and there it was The Crucible it was here this entire time now that we have this Crucible I figured it' be a good idea for us to mine all this copper ore because The Crucible then allows us to make a smelter that can help us turn this copper or into metal ingots it's just this Scrappy pickaxe that we're using currently takes way too long to be able to mind most of this but once we got a bunch of copper oil we teleported straight back home built and placed our smelter and started crafting these copper bars which requires charcoal as well as the copper o and also takes quite a while to be able to make once the first bunch of copper bars was made the first item that I would craft would be a copper pickaxe the idea behind making this copper pickaxe was so that we could go back to the copper mines and mine more copper a lot easier day 27 we went out to do two things one was to explore new land hands and two get our hands on as much copper ore as possible whilst making the most of our brand new copper pickaxe yeah mining copper was basically our goal for most of this day I was out for a vast majority of the day but I didn't get nearly as much copper as I thought I did the rest of the day we basically just spent Gathering a bunch of basic materials then that night I checked on my flame alter to see what we need exactly so the next day I finally found some Amber well not really I asked some other creators around the community and they helped me out this weird orange material yes obviously it's Amber honestly if it wasn't for my friends in the community i' definitely wouldn't have found this like it's so hidden away I don't know how anybody found this to begin with also now that we've collected some Amber we can then make some of this Mage set armor we just need some linen first but we can't make linen without the Hunter's hand spindle and to get it we need to come over to westcot then we read this note and it now leads us to a different location to get this Hunter's hand spindle I don't really like being out and about in dangerous locations at night I found this bed and slept in it and so the next morning we woke up and traveled back to the rwood Spire I figured at this point it might be a little bit easier for us to be a to Glide to thec location that we need to go to to be able to get this Hunter's hand spindle and our wayo led us to this spiderweb infested cave oh no if there's damn spider webs the enemies in this cave are 100% going to be spiders ah there freaking spiders I was right man if I was scared of spiders this cave would suck I mean I am kind of scared of spiders but I'm Australian so like I mean not that scared of spiders traveling through this cave got a little bit tricky I couldn't figure out how to get through until I destroyed this one spider web and noticed that there was an entrance this way once we came out of the dark we came into the abandoned Hunter camp this part of the cave was lit up by this luminous or or rocks or whatever it's called but when we see a big glowing item in the distance we know exactly that that's what we're looking for for some reason once I picked it up the spiders came out in droves oh crap they're freaking coming oh no I don't want to fight all these guys can I kill them all oh they poison me this cave also had a bunch of copper and uh yeah I'm kind of really hungry for copper right now I swear it's like an addiction I have to have copper and just like that we now have the Hunter's hand spindle which allows us to be able to craft linen we just need some flax luckily I had some stashed away in one of our magic chests I cooked up some of the linen and there we go we now have some linen which now unlocked an advanced glider that I'd really like to work towards there was just one ingredient I needed to be able to make myself an advanced glider and that was these shroud sacks that we can only get from these annoying flowers I needed I think about eight of them to be able to make the advanced glider and things are going well until I got a little bit too close to this red shroud oh no what the a you piece of crap ah we just lost all of the shroud spores as well we did eventually manage to go get our stuff back I feel like at night time it's a bit easier to see this red shroud as well our next Quest was leading us to this area Pikes me's reach and this area will be pivotal to the rest of this video I can't forget that I still need to collect some shroud spores as well I mean I really do want that advanced glider but since we're already all the way out here we might as well complete this Quest while we're here Pikes me's reach is basically an old abandoned city and this place is hella creepy at night and all the enemies in here are level 15 and above so I've got to be really cautious when fighting some of these guys trying to navigate around the city was quite difficult I don't know whether it was because it was night time or because we're just a straight up Noob but if we could break through it I broke through it and if I had to jump over it well I'll jump over it although we're on a mission we did find a shroud route i' plann on taking it out instead I got taken out by an Archer it's okay though because we had a respawn Point pretty close by and I was able to get back down there and fight these guys that were trying to take me out there was actually a few different bad guys around here that came out of nowhere I didn't even know they were here to begin with but as long as we fought them one-onone we did stand a chance it was when they came in a group we had a bit of trouble I wao uh I didn't see that coming at all the sun came up on the next day so hopefully traversing the city is a little bit easier and we can hopefully come back here and defeat all these guys and take down the Shroud route again I just try and fight these guys oneon-one there's still a bunch of bad guys down by the Shroud route but I just went straight Leroy Jenkins and ran straight in there and tried to just take down the route hopefully I can do this quick enough before they start all chasing me and we did we got away too I don't know how we did this but hey it happened I'll take it with the Shroud route down all I had to do was just look to the left a little bit and I would have discovered the flame sanctum and the kettle that we've been looking for for this Quest we're actually quite ways from my base when I opened the map I realized there was a couple big quests here so rather than traveling all the way home only to have to return back here to complete some quests I figured I'd just try and complete them while we're out here unsure what I was getting into I ended up in the Imperial gens umm if I jump down here I don't think I can get back which usually suggests this is a boss fight Arena this ain't my first rodeo game and oh was I right as soon as I landed down here the fell wisp Wyn spawned in were we ready to fight this guy no no way at all but I had to know what we were in for this thing killed us pretty quickly too I tried fighting this guy so many times in the end I just wanted to die close enough so I could get my stuff back at least then teleport straight home we're seriously not ready for this fight right now you know what we are ready for though giving the farmer the kettle so we can make ourselves a fireplace this is a nice and easy way for us to be able to cook meat or vegetables or you know a few things that you cook by the campfire but this time you don't have to stand there and wait in the name of getting stronger I crafted myself up some Mage gloves not only do they have better physical resistance and magical resistance resistance than what I'm currently wearing they also give a better magical damage multiplier oh yeah after all that I kind of forgot to make the advanced glider we didn't have enough shroud sacks for us to be able to make the advanced glider just yet so back to fighting flowers it is I don't quite remember how many we actually needed but just like any game as soon as you're looking for something you can never find them it took us ages just to find these freaking flowers honestly like basically majority of this entire day but after a long harrowing Journey we' gathered enough shroud sacks to be able to make the advanced glider we just needed one linen of course and uh yeah unluckily we didn't have enough flax to be able to make any linen and some that we had planted earlier are not fully grown yet so whilst we waited we came down to this little thing here collected whatever we could find in the chest and M the salt around it in the real early game this is actually a really good find you might see tutorials everywhere about this space the following morning we jumped straight out of bed ran into our flax fields and picked whatever was basically ready to be picked quickly turned a couple pieces into some linen and made our Advanced glider I also added another magical chest to our base but of course I just couldn't wait to test out our new Advanced glider all right there we go oh yeah this is he sped already oh dude look at that I can be in my map and not have to worry so many things to do what was our plan of attack for today well our goal is obviously to become stronger so of course an Elixir well is definitely the key cuz as we progress we really do need to get stronger and probably smarter for obvious reasons like I'm telling you I'm not very smart when it comes to these kind of games and fog really throws me off sometimes oh and if you think I'm worried about this big boss here I'm not worried at all he's slow and stupid side note we got a really cool weapon from him though this Noble sword actually becomes really good for us but you know what's really dangerous me not noticing that there's a hole here oh no fre no oh that was stupid don't worry though we did manage to cut down the shoud route and get those also valuable skill points we had to dig down a little bit to get our stuff back too that part of this part was pretty embarrassing back at Bas I enhanced my new Noble sword to solidify its place amongst our equipment the next day we spotted another Elixir well one that I haven't completed yet that's kind of in a lower level area we have been fighting a lot of enemies there a lot higher level than level 9 and you guys by now would know how clearing these Elixir Wells go so yeah we completed it day 34 I came up with a rather wacky idea I'm going to go over to that new biome you might be wondering how the hell am I supposed to get up there especially with a deadly shroud right here and a big steep Mountain blocking our way well that's simple we're going to jump as high as we can and start mining upwards I really don't care how long this takes I'm mining all the way up to the top until we can get into the new biome this literally took ages like the longest time ever we don't have the best pickaxe but we did finally get up here oh we're in we're in I'm assuming there's a lot of high level enemies around here though so we've got to try and stay safe whilst exploring these new lands we picked up some new vegetation starting with some sugar cane then a ruy ruy bus seedling whatever the freak that's called and we encountered our first enemies they were only at level 16 I won't lie I kind of expected a lot higher level enemies here overconfident I went into an area I probably shouldn't have oh dude bro he's got a shield up and this other guy's got weird ass armor on oh they're way tougher than I've ever experienced before huh maybe not so tough we might actually be okay up here there were so many new things to discover here that I'm sure that this is the place to be fun fact I only just learned at this point in the game that I can have multiple flame alars I had no idea that this was possible until now which yes that means we can now teleport from one place to another making our lives significantly easier especially when having to come to this particular biome the only thing is all the Shroud around this area was surrounded by deadly shroud but I had a quest that told me that I need to go over to that big ass Rock could I make it by gliding all the way there nope we completely missed and landed in the deadly shroud I was really excited about discovering this new biome and whole new area that I wanted to just stay here and explore it I was curious to find out what this big bone structure was started mining it to discover it and yes we had now just discovered fossilized bones which unlocked a bunch of new exciting recipes we're kind of at a point in this playthrough that we really need to focus on getting significantly stronger than we currently are one way to do this is to complete some of the side quests around the map and enter random Dungeons and just try and complete them mainly in places that are roughly close to our level a level in game not our brain level cuz obviously that's very low this place also had puzzles that we're familiar with we knew how to tackle this so it wasn't too much of a problem my ones attack didn't have enough reach to be able to make it so I kind of just gave up I don't know why I just gave up but I did we was starting to run a little bit low on time in the Shroud then just as luck would have it we found one of those time capsules that can you know help us stay in the Shroud longer there was just one little problem I couldn't actually grab it bro it's not working I can't freaking grab it I didn't really know what was going on at this point so we continued on we had over 2 minutes left in this place so maybe we can get all the way through this place in 2 minutes I mean I do personally think that 2 minutes is a long time if you get what I mean I then had an idea on how to get this thing if I just break it then maybe I get it yes it worked we gained more time in this place it started to get quite dark and I remember I had a whsp of light potion we did have a little Quest here we just had to find this the weathered stone block obviously unlocking some more pieces to be able to you know build back at base so that was basically our entire time down here now looking back at it it was kind of a waste but whilst we explored that dungeon a bunch of resources craft it up back at base and I was able to craft this Adventurer chest it gives us 120 extra health and has really good physical resistance and mediocre magical resistance I also made myself some Adventurer trousers and some Adventurer Boots the trousers give me extra health and the boots give me extra Health regeneration this new gear will really help us for what's coming next day 31 I made myself a mage hat it's better than what we're currently wearing so we're going to go with that I'm going to need a bunch of health potions some bug dust so I can make some wisp of light and some glow dust now you might be wondering what are you doing yes we're heading back to Pikes me's reach with two major goals on hand we want to get some pretty cool armor that you can find here and we want to kill the Fel whis Wen firstly we need to defeat some enemies so we can get to the armor finding a good vantage point and having a range weapon is pretty advantageous in these scenarios some might call this little situation a little cheesy well I like my cheese we took down this roud route so we can get some juicy juicy skill points and also right behind it is a golden chest with one of the pieces of armor that we're looking for the guard of the north gloves this whole set of armor is a great set for the mid game there's more armor pieces around here to find but for now I really need to go and fight the big bad boss I made sure to link up with this flame cuz you know we're likely going to die then jump straight down into the Boss Arena oh here we go yeah what do you want big boy what you call I come prepared this time son oh okay you you're pretty resistant against this ice huh okay fire seems to be working well against you oh okay y we're dodging we're dodging you're sucking you're sucking okay you sus mother this fight would really test our skills in combat blinking our way out of dangers trying to avoid getting sprayed on and using the potions at opportune times we got the fa whis W down to half Health but then I realized my wand is about to break so I pulled out my magic staff but it really wasn't doing a lot of damage I ran out of health potions and only had bandages to heal myself up things are getting a little dicey I knew if I was going to win this one I had to rely on my wand and try and weaken it as much as possible couple more hits and our wand broke we're now going to have to rely on our Frozen wand which does doesn't do nearly as much damage even though we're a mage type I tried my Noble sword hoping that would help out too but it got us too close and we got attacked all I had to do is just sit here and try and attack with my frozen wand this would have been more simple if these stupid bugs didn't get in our way our persistence is starting to pay off we're pretty much out of healing items so we have to just go for it just like that we took down our next boss the fell wisp Wyn yo we got a legendary ring I just have to take in this moment because yes we just slay this Beast we also got a key off the dead body of this boss which we need to be able to cross into this room of course full of annoying bugs that seem to be bugged out in the ground get it but also if I do know my stuff correctly there's another piece of this armor set around here somewhere it's just some of these places can be kind of like a maze sometimes where the wait oh I've been here before but we ended up finding it the guard of the north helmet this thing is kind of creepy but it stats are really really cool to have extra time in the Shroud yeah I'll take that dude was swapping out a wizard hat for Wann toe Lord of the Rings bad guy helmet even with without fancy new gear we can all make mistakes yeah I forgot about my stamina bar there's another piece of this set that I knew that was pretty close by it was just kind of guarded by some pretty scary green glowing skeletons and the green glowing ones are always the toughest that's why if I could cheese kill them in any kind of way I just did I mean these guys are just too tough I I knew that they would one shot me or two shot me or at least three shot me I thought I was all in the clear until I turned around oh crap this guy gave me a fright all right you di oh don't hit me oh okay that hurt take that buddy maybe this new Armor's pretty good he didn't hurt as bad as I thought he would but the next piece of this armor we found in this little kind of hidden spot below one of the houses in this area in this uh Crypt or chest or I don't know what do you call it coffin guard of the north chest plate after all that fun and Pikes me's reach we ended up heading on home we're obviously missing a few pieces of this armor but these three pieces were the only pieces that I actually knew where they were also I could now upgrade to a medium backpack as we progress in this game inventory space is going to become more and more important with the boss head we now have the last ingredient to be able to upgrade our flame we also upgraded the alar as well so we could have more build space not that we ever really use it oh and I reset all my skill points because it was by now in this playthrough that I really understood how these skill points work before this I kind of was just kind of throwing them wherever I felt kind of worked focusing a lot on the wizard pathway and getting more intelligent points so we can obviously do more magic damage and I also wanted the double jump skill as well as updraft as these will help us Traverse through this map I also decided to take this scuffed roof down we now have some better building pieces and a lot of resources that we could fix this for sure do you guys remember that Quest that led us to the scavenger camp that we had to get the S blade for well we had to return here for another Quest I wasn't trying to be sneaky this time we are way stronger this time so yeah we just destroyed everyone really quickly too what I need to do this time is cross this bridge and fight green dudes yes remember green dudes are tough but one thing I didn't actually know there was a scavenger boss here as well and this guy blows his horn and summons in some big ass wolves who didn't really have much chance against us I mean we killed them pretty quickly then it was just left with us and your mama I mean this the the boss all that time in pik's reach let us learn a good cheese tactic making killing this boss rather quick and easy and simple there was a tower behind where the boss spawns and we had to climb up it to get what we needed this the city wall block I wanted the city wall block so I could work on my base with a new different type of building piece did we head on home no we didn't there were things that were just kind of super interesting nearby and I had new armor that made me feel pretty invincible so my overconfidence got ahead of me and uh yeah I just tried to continue on but this did lead us to The Pillars of Creation I'm pretty sure this is the way you're supposed to go to be able to get to that yellow kind of grass biome but we've actually come here because there's a Craftsman's item that we need to get that's here and whilst we're making our way through this area we found a Mystic chest that gives us 4% more one damage now is it significantly better than what we're currently wearing in some ways yes in some ways no does it look better hell yes it does so we're sticking with that now to maneuver around some of these traps once we made it through a few puzzles and kind of made our way up we found exactly what we're looking for in this research Camp masonary tools which would have been good if we actually uh cleared some of our inventory but we have secured the masonary tools for our blacksmith I made our way out of this cave and confirmed that yes this is the new biome that I was talking about then I finally teleported all the way home so I could unload my full sack the following morning I made myself a rake then I went and flattened out a bunch of ground cuz that's exactly what the rake does this wasn't very practical I didn't really use this for any purpose but you know I was kind of just testing it out and I'm not very good at this at all but then I went over to this little Hill here just outside of our base border so I could mine up some dirt and stone the reason why I did it outside our border is so that when we restart the game this whole thing kind of respawns in if you do it inside the Border it doesn't come back I know we took down the roof earlier but I'm kind of taking down the whole roof now I really want to upgrade our base completely we got this half timbered block while we're out exploring and you know doing quests and personally I think this looks like a pretty decent floor compared to the stone Rubble that we had problem is it's pretty damn expensive to make with the amount of clay and wood that we need the good thing is there's a massive pile of clay close to one of the ancient spires I gathered so much clay this time that we almost broke our pickaxe but we were also able to make a ton of these half timbered blocks and continue renovating this base I then decided to change the outside walls to the city wall blocks again they look a little bit cleaner than the other blocks that we've been using I did extend my base a little bit too so we could have a little bit more room to move around and add more pieces and stuff it wasn't until the next morning that we finally finished this entire base build well somewhat finished there's a few final touches and details that we need to complete but I think it looks pretty damn good I'm kind of Unsure how this all happened but I spoke to the farmer and learned flatbread at an oven which also means I learned the oven recipe as well I just need to whip up a few of these things so I can make the oven but I also need the almanac of the plants and seedlings I jumped on top of our base and kind of thought this might be a good place for us to be able to build upwards but we're not quite ready for that just yet I also decided to move my bed around I kind of wanted to fix that floor up H we'll place it over here for now and uh take a little bit of a nap for the night do you guys remember that area that was all deadly shroud you know in this biome near that rock that we tried to you know get over to well it's no longer deadly shroud anymore and we're going to be able to make it over to this rock especially with our new updraft ability oh I should have got updraft ages ago that was so much easier we made it up on top of this rock so we could complete this Quest out here but uh the the quest is actually blow us yeah so we couldn't have even done it earlier even if we wanted to welcome to Umber Holo now kind of remember this cuz we do visit this place quite a lot later on we're here on a mission from the blacksmith to get this kind of tool for him I don't even know what it is but this man is sing us on a wild goose chase we read a note and basically we have to go somewhere else also there's these green mushrooms that are found only in this kind of shroud area once we pick them up we unlocked a bunch of new recipes I climbed back up on this big rock here so I could get a better advantage point so I could fly back down to where we need to be I believe we just need to come down to here Jasper Isles and as an added bonus of this place there was a shroud route with literally no one around defending it which means some easy skill points and strangely enough this whole place was completely empty and we were able to claim these smithing tools without any problems day 42 we we headed on out to a random farm this might seem like a little bit of a random Adventure but no it's not I need to collect this dirt it's not normal dirt this is called Farm soil now yes I could make this with my Farmer back at base but why would I if I could just come here and take all of it for free I got what I needed so I was quickly out of here I then built some stairs in my base and blew up my roof not really I just obviously need to make a way up I decided to make this entire level out of the half timbered block blocks although pretty expensive the the materials are pretty easy to get it just requires a lot of farming especially of clay it is a lot nicer farming this clay with this copper pickaxe now though I just kept farming until just about our pickaxe would break but that just means we need to go out and collect a bunch of wood too all of this so we can build a second level on our base that we probably don't really need I mean this does look kind of cool to me and I suppose looking cool is important right no the answer is no no looking cool doesn't matter being happy matters that's all that matters I put a few of these fire cauldrons outside just so I can see what I was doing right now I'm placing down some of that Farm soil that we gathered earlier today because yes I'm making myself a proper a farm now and there's a little bit of a Cheesy method that we can use to make more Farm soil without actually having to spend any resources as you can see we just used the rake to spread it all around as far as we need it to go now if you're wondering the reason why we're using Farm soil it actually speeds up the process of growing whatever thing that you're growing in this soil like earlier when we just grew it in the normal ground it took quite a while but with this Farm soil it'll be significantly quicker so not only did we steal the Farm soil from a farm but we use the rake method to be able to spread it all around we got all this Farm soil without actually spending a sing bit of resource and to make our farm look a little bit more aesthetically pleasing I placed down these little foundations to kind of you know block it in a little bit then we began the painstaking task of planting all of this flax out of all the boring tasks in this game this really Takes the Cake I also placed a few of these polish scrap brazers as they called upstairs to kind of lighten this place up and kind of hope that it would create some heat too I'm definitely going to have to start thinking about creating a roof on this place but they can wait for another day because obviously we we were out of resources we need to go out and gather some more now usually in other games I would increase harvesting rates to make sure I don't have to do this so much but as far as I know that's impossible in this game so yeah we do a lot of harvesting and a lot of grinding but I think it might be worth it kind of maybe I don't know look all we're trying to do is just put a flat roof on this place nothing too special oh and while we did all that yes look our flax has grown it really hadn't taken that long for this to fully grow unlike last time it took a couple in-game days this was basically half a day oh yeah I only kind of just realized now that I can craft my own water well now we have access to our own water now I know how all those kids felt when Mr Beast gave them their own water wells we kind of forever or something like that before this day ended I placed some doors on our base I don't really know why it doesn't really matter but I think it kind of looks aesthetically pleasing I guess day 44 I had a little break from working on my base to go out on a little Adventure we're on another mission for one of our crafting station guys again which eventually leads us to this cave full of the vuka our Waypoint suggest that the location that we need to be is below obviously I try and cheese it a little bit by mining down but that just seemed to take too long instead I look around and and notice that there's kind of a cage that leads into a new area and we go from a cave to like inside a house only to be met by the different type of enemy the green scavenger guys I searched around this place for a while I noticed I need to get through this door somehow but I couldn't figure it out so I left this area and tried a different way there was a different entrance to be able to get in I kind of think that the place we went in earlier is actually the exit so we head on in and fight a lot of these scavenger guys and that glowing thing that we saw earlier through the cage was just this book turns out we're getting sent on another wild goose chase and now we need to go to a place called Looper Lair where we're hoping to get this tanning station checking the map it seems like Lupa Lair is quite a ways away and in a whole ass area that we've never discovered but exciting though we get to find new lands and see if we can discover anything new but that's when we discovered a whole new biome this is the desert biome where we discover some new interesting enemies like these scorpions that we Harvest chit from and of course gain some new recipes I then discovered a new substance in the ground tried to mine it and discovered that it was called lapis lazuli like we're in Minecraft all over again gathering around that we also gathered some sand too I didn't know that that was a thing but now we do I saw this weird looking creature just chilling out there if it's got a yellow health bar like that I think that means it's kind of passive but you know it was pretty easy to kill so we did then it dropped the raw sand Digger meat and this meat becomes pretty crucial to our survival in this 100 days later on straight after that we picked up some saffron as well this whole desert is full of new and exciting recipes and resources and then we came across this sofa I feel like we've been extremely spoiled with resources and recipes in the last couple minutes then we came across level 20 enemies lucky they were just vuka and they're kind of weak against fire so we smoked them pretty easily we then leveled up to level 17 as the sun comes up on day 45 we find ourselves in the Bounty Barn not much is happening here but we got pretty lucky by finding this chest that has a legendary Shield inside not that we really use Shields it's still pretty good of course I still equipped it though we then pretty much make it to our destination and we have finally made it to Looper Lair I'm just playing this out a little bit cautiously we're quite a ways away from base so I don't really really want to die and try and make a way all the way back here but of course the thing that we're looking for is right behind that boss I start by fighting this scavenger then I try and get away and then run into another scavenger once I took this punk out it was then time for us to take on this big mama jama boss guy it summoned in some of these Wolfies which are kind of a pain in the butt really especially cuz they take more damage to fire where this big bus takes more damage to frost we were chipping away at this bus's Health but I wasn't really paying attention to my own health we respawned at this flame Ulta thing in the Wilds but it was quite a ways away from loper's Lair it's took okay cuz I can edit all that crap out and just magically appear here go ahead and get my stuff and go and fight this big Manama Jammer again psych I don't fight him I just pick up the tanning station and run away yeah I'm a coward like that sometimes I finally returned back to base after a couple days out exploring I wanted to see all these new things that we had gotten from picking up different resources we had unlocked a warlock set that looks you know pretty average but I suppose the stats are decent an arch Mage set that actually looks pretty damn cool especially that chest piece and a bunch of other armors that the hunter could make I then went ahead and placed in a brand new tanning station right next to the stairs seems like a good nice cozy place for it this is where we can craft leather we just need ammonia glands and I'm not too sure at this point what they are or how to get them figured maybe now it's time that we put a roof on the second level of our base here might be a good idea problem I kept running into is I kept running out of freaking materials and these refined wood block ceiling things they require wood planks that you need to make with the lumber mill thing now sure I could wait for more planks to be made up but I couldn't be bothered waiting I just found what other resources I had lying around the base and used that just so I could close this roof in just like that we have a full roof on this base next I place some of these bers in this level so we could lighten the place up during the night and place a couple of these guard rails up here because sometimes they get a little bit clumsy and fall down one of the things in this point of the game that takes up most of our daily time is farming now a lot of these resources are actually quite valuable especially here in the late game but it is quite timec consuming picking them and then replanting them I then decided that today was the day that I was just going to try and complete a few side missions like cutting down some shroud roots in random areas that we haven't completed yet and going to fight the big ass Bigfoot Beast ouch that actually really freaking hurt oh did I bring enough food I don't know if I did killing this big beast ended up being quite worth it we got to loot him for a pretty decent Ring The Ring of Health that gave us well obviously more Health now this mountain here that's called The Pillars of Creation is actually the tallest mountain in the entire game and I want to climb it I must get to the top of this and set up a little bit of a base or like somewhere I can respawn at now making it up to the top of this mountain I tried to do a little bit of a creative method mining was just taking way too long to climb this thing I just need to come back to base quickly to come and get the rough stone blocks and make more cuz you don't know how of much you really need now basically what I do is I place down a flame alter and build some stairs upwards now you can only build if there's a flame alter nearby and within the radius of the flame alter this part here we just had to mine a little bit so we could get to that ledge just over to the right there Then repeat the same process place down the flame alter build some stairs as far as the way up as we can go Place Another flame alter down so we can extend that build radius now now after building a bunch of the way up we know we had made it to the top when we find this building here damn this view is freaking spectacular oh there's a snow biome ooh I know that's not unlocked yet though that'll be later content I then plac down one of our very few remaining flame Alters to mark this spot so we can always come back to here I wanted to build up here so that we had a way to be able to Glide to most locations on this map now I can only have eight flame Alters out on this map at a time so to make sure I could build other flame Alters in the future I came back down to extinguish most of these Flames so we could obviously build more I then came back down into the desert cuz this place is just damn exciting and I wanted to see it in the daytime um what the crap is that is it coming my way oh no it's fighting something else I just got smoke I'm going in I'm going in for the kill I'm going in for the kill come back here you freaking Flappy Bird yeah oh wait we any of those no no no no no wait what's happen stupid scoopies oh it's coming it's coming yeah you want some of this you want some of this we have a fried chicken tonight I chopped down one of these desert trees to try and discover if it was something new or if it was just normal wood apparently this stuff is called Palm wood now I never thought I'd say palm and wood in the same sentence and it not be kind of sus so this whole upstairs area we turn into a kind of bedroom and placed in enough things so we could get a decent rested buff I think 34 minutes is actually pretty decent day 48 we ventured down to a place called surat's rest there's another little side quest down here that we have to complete plus we were starting to run a little low on metal scraps and I knew that there was a bunch of scavengers down here that we could loot for more metal scraps holy H I can do one on one but I can't do freaking two or three on one especially with these green guys oh yeah bro my blinking and my dodging is too good right now we took our time making our way through this little city of scavengers in a city like this if you go the wrong way you can kite out way too many enemies kind of like I have now o yep one down come on buddy let's go the Wolves aren't too bad but yeah if I come down here I can maybe just only kite one out of the way oh crap all right we're just going to have to fight the old fashioned way oh you're down oh done woo thank you Jus and towards the very back of this city was a place called The scavenger Arena I thought there was going to be a big boss here but instead there was just a bunch of scavengers psych there was a big boss there he just didn't spawn in yet I had to try and pick off his little pain in the butt minions and then fight him oneon-one tried using my staff because I had a fireball attack that was kind of fun to use but I don't have a lot of Mana right now and I haven't really been focusing on the whole Mana thing since I've been using W so much big bastard summons in his little pet puppies but I take them out cuz my fire is dangerous I head on in to get a bit vantage point of him start taking him out and then he vomits on me which is hella gross but uh yeah obviously I die I returned back to the scavenger Arena to get my stuff back and the big bus is gone psych he just didn't spawn in again I think it's kind of bugged I don't know maybe he's supposed to spawn in when I'm there or maybe it takes time I I don't really know how it works I tried fighting him from above but I accidentally fell down then I tried fighting him in the streets almost killed him and he vomited on me again this guy's freaking disgusting I really like the roof strategy that we were working on and I had a bunch of grenades that I wanted to try out so I threw them down on him which kind of buried him into a little bit of a hole and yes I did just throw a grenade at my own feet idiot I had a couple Mana potions on me so I just started chipping away at his health with my staff and since he was stuck in the hole that I created with my grenades he was pretty easy to take out and upon his dead body we got the almanac of the plants and seedlings for our farmer and not too far away was another mini Quest that we could complete it was just another building piece the Limestone blocks now that we had an almanac full of the seeds and stuff of I don't even know what an almanac is I could make an oven for us it it only makes flatbread which is kind of random how much work it takes to be able to make an oven just just to make flatbread day 49 up Upon Our Little Pillars of Creation base here I took flight so we could head on over to that Spire in the distance there this is going to be quite the trip I'd like to welcome you to the ancient Spire Nomad highlands now I think by now in this video you know how these ancient spers work we go in avoid some traps and solve some puzzles to be a to get through it and finally go up these fancy magical elevators and unlock the Spire as a fast travel point this was a great location because right down there with some fosiles bones that we could always have available and just down here was another interesting resource too you probably wondering how did you know how to get to these places and how did you know how to find some of these hidden resources well I'm not the only person that got Early Access to this game there was a bunch of other creative friends that I speak to regularly that also played this game that kind of worked things out and told me but just so you guys know in this little area here yes there's a shroud route that we can easily cut down and get some valuable skill points but right behind it here is a tin or mine that we gathered to get some tin ore but also unlock a bunch of other recipes that are actually really handy for this point of the game and as you saw this place is so close to the ancient Spire that we can just fast travel here and get as much tin that we need as many times as we need day 50 and we're back out in the desert once again we're basically just out here today exploring we discovered a little town here called brittle Bush now remember this place because we do visit this place quite often there is a lot going on here even though we see tumble weed just rolling around everywhere but it's also surrounded by deadly shroud which usually is a sign that we're not really ready to be here so we kick on with our Explorations and having to fight some of these big scary Flappy Birds we're currently making our way out to this area on the map just following the way points I'm really trying to get over to this ancient Spire in the back there I figured unlocking another fast travel Point around this map would be pretty advantageous for us but unfortunately it seems to be blocked by this deadly shroud and I don't really know how to get around and over there so I decided to leave this for now we'll figure something out a little bit later after a quick visit back home we returned back to this new ancient Spire that we had unlocked because it was close to a location that we needed to get to for another Quest that we needed to complete here in rattle Bleak who was coming up with some of these names for these places are crazy W this place is creepy all these people have been turned into stone or something oh I didn't mean to break you sorry sorry oh a I just broke you I guess you guys don't really need all these veggies then the way point for this Quest L us downstairs to read this note did I read it no I don't really have to because once we touch it it leads us to another place anyway and we arrive at that place the next morning this place is called the Cradle of dusk but when I get down there I do see this grotesque looking creature wao bro this guy is ugly kind of looks like a h i don't know if I can say this on YouTube a female body I actually didn't expect to fight a boss right now but it seems like I have to kill this guy to complete this Quest come here buddy you're the guy that keeps freezing all the buddies and turning them into whatever the gross stuff around you're like a Medusa surprisingly defeating this guy was quite easy considering it was a boss I thought it would have been a little bit more difficult but since defeating it we got its head as a trophy and we got the Black Cauldron that we can use to craft the Alchemy Station at The Alchemist of course I had to race on home so I could make this new Alchemy Station this thing lowkey expensive to make better be worth this chunky little crafting station was placed into our base then I had to check to see what it made H antiseptic and alchemical base next up I went and check the flame alter to see what we needed to be able to upgrade it and all of these resources are super accessible to us right now I mean we've already got the F monstrosity head the rest should be pretty easy to get so I went straight out to start chopping down some of these mint mushrooms then we went down to Umber Hollow to go and find these glowing red mushrooms you see I need to kill a bunch of these to get a certain resource from them thing is once you kill them you've got to avoid them cuz they kind of have like an explosive radius and that's poisonous we wait for this to clear and then we can go in and collect the ammonia glands and as far as I know these guys only kind of Spawn around the umber Hollows area and they can be kind of hard to find sometimes I'm just grateful that they drop multiple glands at a time I also needed to travel to some flame sanctum so I could collect some flame Sparks we also needed some of these ruy bosses to upgrade the flame sanctum even after planting them we're probably going to have to wait a little while till they grow while we waited for them to grow we went back down to umah hollow I wanted to do some exploring see if could find some of those red mushroom guys again and come and check out mayfit a lot where they had two of these Aimbot skinny ladies I forget what I call them what do I call them again I don't know but we leveled up to level 20 and got a nice steam achievement with it too no red mushrooms but we did find a tint or deposit I mean there's heaps down here so I kind of just stuck around you know mining this we eventually found a red mushroom hiding behind the green mushroom you thought you were sneaky huh Mr red mushroom Duty yeah sacrifice was well worth it Mr mushroom guy thank you for your ammonia glands and your sack this successful grind out in the Wilds we teleported on home checked our flame ala and we only need the Ruby o now to be able to upgrade it harvested the small amount that we planted earlier replanted some more cuz you never know we might need some more then we strengthened our flame to level five with all the copper and Tin that I had crafted up earlier I then turn that into bronze now that I had some bronze bars I could now make some bronze equipment like this bronze pickaxe and bronze faing axe after speaking to the hunter I realized that I had a bunch of these Bell Thunder brute trophies once I crafted one I didn't realize until now you can make a bronze version then once you make a bronze version you can then make an iron version I just don't have any iron right now same goes with the scavenger matron trophies as well and of course I had to decorate my base with these guys I mean who doesn't like having creepy heads on your wall the next morning I went to check on the flame to see what we needed to strengthen it once again and yes it's uh quite a few resources today's little plan of attack is basically just a resource Farm day I really wanted to put my new bronze pickaxe and actx to work Gathering clay copper chopping down trees Gathering a crazy crazy amount of of tin and even mycelium I mean like you never know if you're going to need some more mycelium we spent this entire day farming that's really all we did we're trying to just get as many materials together as we can so we can really get through this end game but also we've been successfully farming for so long and Gathering resources out in the Wilds that we can start making the really good foods for our adventures like these meat wraps give us plus five to our Constitution and plus one to intelligence meaning we have extra health and extra damage since we're using magic sugar gives us 20 plus stamina recharge and is actually quite cheap and if I have some eggs these mushroom omelets with plus4 intelligence are op day 54 I check my journal and then check the map to go and find a mine which seems pretty close to one of the flame alars that I set up now this little Quest should reward us with some iron and since we upgraded our flame alar we can now head on into the Shroud we couldn't previously come here earlier oh there's a shroud route here as well oh another floating crazy lady wait you're different what are you you're Str through you bro you threw a freaking skull at me oh my God oh my Lord Lord oh my Lord I'm about to die oh I died crap after that death we screwed it on back home quickly we had made some leather once I got it we unlocked the extraordinary glider ooh I think I want me one of them oh a large backpack as well how expensive shroud rout and alchemical base we can make you oh large magic chest too I didn't even notice we had that I had most of the ingredients to make the extraordinary glider the only thing that was missing was one shroud wood and since I'm down here I might as well stock up on some resources while I'm here anyway but just like that we've now upgraded to the extraordinary glider I made a large magic chest while I was here as well we had the resources so why not then we headed on back out to the Iron Mine area dude this glider is so much better already holy what a difference I placed down a flame alter so we could teleport back and forth to here and just gather iron whenever we needed it and with our brand new glider we were able to Glide straight on into the mine we found a chest here too and it gave us a pretty decent staff oh these guys are dead already lucky us oh look at all that juicy juicy iron oh yes we now have iron iron on hand we've now unlocked a bunch of new recipes stuff that's going to make a huge difference in our progression I Was Here For What felt like a long time but when I checked my inventory we only had 25 pieces of iron day 55 we cooked up a bunch of iron bars this is going to take quite a while to cook up so while we waited I looked around my map to see if there was any interesting objectives and found an Elixir well that looked interesting and went on out to attempt to complete it turned out to be a pretty nice little find as well had some Tino down here we were met by one of those big boy ERS again but he's not a very high level compared to us so defeating him was relatively easy hook down yet another shroud route meaning we get some really valuable skill points and of course I mined a bunch of this tinor while I was here next up we find ourselves in brittle Bush and on top of one of the roofs there a golden chest with a sun ax inside now I probably won't ever really use it but it's always good to have a melee weapon on hand just in case I learned that we can make an improved well as well it's a little bit better than the current well that we have so I I made it day 56 I realized something now that we have a significantly decent glider and have increased our flame alter level we might be able to make it over to the last ancient Spire just in case we die in the Shroud or we can't really make it over I placed down this flame alter so we could spawn back here if we need to I ate some food took a mighty leap in the air and started Gliding Over to the base of the ancient Spire I didn't even need to worry about the deadly shroud we just needed that better glider and we M it over here quite easily now again I don't want to bore you with how these ancient spers work you guys know if you want to experience this firsthand go ahead and download the game I really do suggest it's a lot of fun I will say though we did unlock some really cool recipes from breaking some of these vases and stuff we picked up some paper which gave us some book shelves and some other stuff we picked up some fabric that gave us a wall banner and a bunch of other colored fabrics and then we found some of these Fabrics just out and about we managed to unlock the ancient Spire Kindle waste fast travel unlocking this really signals that you're in the end game of enshrouded and also probably means we're going to need to get ourselves some much better gear if we fly down to this sun Temple this particular one here we should be able to get some pretty decent gear from here we just need to travel down these stairs through this door to the left and then through this door again then just to the left of here there should be this chest that will always give you a legendary or a purple item sometimes you just got to watch out for some of the bad guys but you can outr run most of them now here's where things kind of turn a little bit into a gray area you see you can place down a flame alter pretty close to where that chest is and if you exit out of the game and come straight back in the golden chest loot would have respawned and you can do this as many many times as you need I'll admit I got a little bit carried away with this it was just too much juicy juicy Loot and if we really wanted to progress in this game we needed to get some better armor I mean we've been rocking some of this armor since day20 this chest piece looks kind of ugly compared to our Mystic chest piece but stat wise it is significantly better and anything that we didn't want I could Salvage and get some of these runes so we could upgrade the rest of the items that we do want I could spend hours and hours just doing that over and over again until I get the best possible loot in the game but I won't lie that gets kind of boring and feels a little bit too cheesy even though it already is cheesy anyway I digress because for now we're heading on over to complete a quest in East lapis in one of these buildings I should be able to get a crafting piece for one of my NPCs back at base just need to come into Weaver's Cottage oh it's really dark it's hard to see my wand isn't giving me much light ah there we go yes there we go we got the Loom baby as soon as we got that Loom we found a nice safe spot and teleported straight out of here place this loom in our base and now we can turn linen into fabric which also means we're going to need a crap ton of flax it's now day 57 and if you haven't kind of worked it out now we're just trying to get through a lot of these Journal quests now this next Quest sends us on quite the adventure I even came up here thinking this was a bridge but once I got here I realized it wasn't I did still manage to cross this although it was a little bit weird I thought I made it to the location but then I had to just go down which we could have done much easier but in the long run if you do go up high it's easier to go down than it is to go from the down upwards I do really appreciate the gliding stuff in this game it makes viewing some of this world pretty damn cool we did manage to find what we were looking for it was just protected by one of these crazy Birds we killed them collected their fried chicken and then went and picked up the scientific instrument for our Alchemist I of course searched these nests to try and find some more eggs you know so we can make those mushroom omelets and that are really good for us we didn't find some at the excavation camp but we did find a bunch at this other Nest alongside some of these raw sand Digger thingies we went out and got those scientific instruments but there only one piece of the ingredients to be how to make this laboratory I also need to make this ethanol thing which requires a bunch of bronze bars which takes quite a bit of time to cook up luckily for us there's a bunch of things we can do while we wait planting plants in our garden and might as well collect some salt after a hot minute or two we had all the right ingredients to make our laboratory this is where we craft up a bunch of uh stuff that I'm not too sure what half of the stuff does I kind of assume that there are more ingredients for other recipes we've been cooking up so much metal that we keep running out of charcoal so I just made another charcoal K because we're smelting so much metal right now bronze tin copper iron we really need to cook up as much charcoal as possible to make it all work holy 35 minutes until it's all cooked I went back to the Iron Mine hoping to score myself another decent weapon but I had to fight these guys who seem to be quite dangerous but that's when I ran into another problem when I fought them a big bad boss here came and tried to fight me too I quickly yed myself a weapon out of that legendary box and ran away there was no way I wanted to fight that guy right now psych we came back to the Shroud route cuz I wanted to try and knock it down come on come on come on come on come on don't get hit oh we did it we did it I got hit okay we just get out of here we did it though I got the skill points that's all that matters oh y that also I forgot to mention we had now crafted ourselves an iron pickaxe once I deaged everything I came back to come collect some iron for ourselves our iron pickaxe just does this so much easier and better in a space of 2 to 5 minutes we had collected a crazy amount of iron ore I also gathered a bunch of this charcoal to place in our grinder so we can make coal powder what is coal powder used for I don't know I just wanted to make it probably explosives or something I then made some fertilized Farm soil now that we have access to nitrate then I made a second Farm plot obviously the same way that we made the last one using the rake and spreading it all out why waste resources when we don't have to I can't lie I didn't actually know that I was using a different walkway for this material here I just kind of placed down whatever I had spare laying around in one of the chests once we spreed it all off I then used the rake to be able to fill it all in I also have these Sandstone bers now and these are a great light source now to test out to see if this fertilized soil is much better or not I also made sure to plant some chamomile as well as we use chamomile to craft some potions I need a bunch of alchemical Base it doesn't really require ingredients that are too hard to get either we just need to go down to the Shroud to collect a bunch of it you guys might have already noticed but some of these mushrooms are um kind of sus looking dude this mushroom is sus ouch ouch ouch day 59 I made and placed a spinning wheel in our base with this we could passively craft linen and string just by putting the right resources in the spinning wheel next I made some fancy stone blocks I wanted to make like a porch kind of thing at the back of our base here but I kind of wasn't really feeling this block it didn't look nice to to me next I place down some Limestone blocks to see how that would look he that doesn't look too bad like H yeah it kind of Blends in with the city wall oh I like it so I filled this out two blocks out Place some pillars out here with the expectation of placing a roof out here I didn't do that I got distracted and end up going back to the Kindle Wast but for a really good reason there's a certain Temple that we need to reach to get something pretty damn special we just got to hope and pray we make it over this deadly shroud which we did with EAS but basically we want to skip this entire town and then go straight to the back which we do by just running around it there's an inch way just in the right here we can double jump our way in and we're in we then just have to press a couple buttons but we have to find them first somewh hidden behind here once we get through them all this door should open and then we can go up this Tower there's some scary bird creatures around and I kind of don't want to fight them so I'm going to try and get up this Tower hopefully without encountering any of them we Spider-Man our way up open this chest and get exactly what we're looking for the ghost glider this is the best glider in the entire game I immediately equip it and it's pretty cool the game gives you a place to test it out straight away wao you can already tell this is so much better oh ouch that was dumb since a little bit of time had pass I teleported back to this other Sun temple with the legendary chest and I'm really glad I did we got a legendary blacken staff finally something that's super useful for us something that I haven't done for a minute is enhance a bunch of our weapons that we've been collecting we had so many runes that I didn't have to worry about being a to fully enhance all of them a60 I realized we're going to need a bunch of different types of seeds so it might be better if we craft a couple C more seed beds to kind of speed this process along farming is kind of annoying and boring but it is very important for this game especially in the end game we had to head over to brittle Bush and thanks to this ghost glider look how far we get to travel without having to worry we're here trying to find this beehive smoker now it should be located just below us problem is there's also a bunch of enemies just below us as well they're a little hard to see until I hit them I just needed to get straight down there and collect it I had a pretty sweet Vantage spot to be able to finish this Last Enemy off though jump straight down and noticed it was just a note which usually means we have to go to a different location to get this beehive smoker we were then led to what seemed like the middle of nowhere and found a dead Bigfoot who had some honey on him there were a couple scavengers and a scorpion that were just trying to ruin my fun but I was able to deal with them quite simply all these dead vuka just holding on to some honey we then checked our map and realized we had to travel just a little bit further to get our beehive smoker side note we got to level up to level 23 by mining this copper whilst I was at exploring I picked up a pretty interesting spell it's called the Shroud media this is what it does oh okay that wasn't a lot of damage but it was still pretty cool you got to always remember to kill this guy first because he just heals everybody and makes this whole fighting situation so much harder but I'd like to welcome you to vuka sacrifice hill bro sacrifice Hill why the hell are we in sacrifice Hill well these guys plan to sacrifice me but really I want to sacrifice them I thought this WN toe King Kong was going to be a lot tougher than it was but honestly my blink abilities are just too fast what you up boy see you you can't get me son oh you missed oh call me the flashh and and dead you're dead thank you for your sacrifice on your own sacrifice Hill there we go we got the Beehive smoker mission complete arriving back at base I went and spoke to the farmer to see what this beehive smoker does turns out I just had to place this beehive smoker next to the farmer and now I can make a honey beehive I made two because they're cheap and why not I didn't realize they require water and sugar to create the honey I mean I have the ingredients but I don't know if I need the honey that bad right now day 61 I freed up some space from this little corner over here since we could now make huge chests I wanted to try and just use these from now on I just have to replace the space for my workbench first because the OCD in me needs to make sure that these foundations match up correctly that's much better it looks clean right and over here as well yeah there we go much better I love how these huge chests can just link up next to each other and can be flush and look kind of neat and tidy and the fact that they have heaps of space in them makes this so much better obviously I want to try and use some magic huge chests as well they're just kind of expensive to make but there was enough space made to be able to delete some of the other magic chest and we'll work towards it eventually I then wanted to unlock some of the map around this spire of ours since we had the ghost glider getting around was so much easier and a lot better and fun this was our first encounter with a creepy blue shroud version of those flying creatures and we found a random mine of course I went in it we just found a pillar or the whole place full of this luminescent rock there's a little bit of a glitch happening at this point so we couldn't tell if we had actually mined anything the pop-up wasn't coming up for us to the side at all but if we check that inventory we could see that it was there while unlocking most of this area we found that there was an Elixir well nearby and the enemies down here definitely showed themselves to be a little bit tougher than we used to but ultimately we could destroy them quite easily I think now during this end game it became quite easier especially with us having pretty decent armor and really good weapons but I also think it's really important to gather as many skill points as possible cuz that's where you can really cater your play style to the game day 62 I woke up and felt like doing a little bit of gardening well no not really a lot of our stuff have fully grown so I figur we better like go pick it and then we could go and demand the farmer Cooks it all up for us we then went out and explored a really interesting place it's called the smothering pit kind of like your armpits but not that was a joke I apologize really we're at the stage of the game where I'm just trying to get myself some skill points and obviously try and kill some things so we can level up we obviously jumped down there and there was a bunch of enemies including a big boss but we handled them with care I mean we' killed them we killed them all then took down the Shroud route ooh oh there's a whole bunch of tin here don't mind if I do no shroud so we can do this for an unlimited amount of time I'm bored let's get out of here we also got to take down another couple of shroud routs number one and number two day 63 I was having a bit of fun with our new ghost glider basically I'm just trying to unlock some of these dark patches on our map that's why sometimes I'll just kind of turn around when I need to and uh try and unlock as much as I can it's lowkey crazy that with this glider I could just look at my map and glide at the same time and not have to worry about it I eventually landed at this scavenger Camp I didn't need to be here for any reason but we're beginning to progress quite nicely and get quite powerful so yes I wanted to go bully these guys and collect another trophy for our base I think I did get a little overconfident though this guy hit pretty hard and I had to freak out and run away my character build is more of a glass Cannon he hits really damn hard but can't really take a hit oh that was close on almost got blown up by your guts you fat mother this night we went back to the Pillars of Creation flame alter because I wanted to fly over to this pillar of creation pillar if that's what you call it and set up another flame alter I just think this place is a lot cooler see seems like there's somewhere that I could possibly build a base if I choose to eventually I don't know day 64 is just basically another resource Gathering day we spent a big chunk of this day gathering this clay like basically all of it we also made some spice in the laboratory that uh gave us some glow soup that we can cook up then we added some huge chest to our collection here this looks a lot neater than what we had before and it's just easier and more satisfying having all of our stuff in the one spot instead of trying to have to access a bunch of other chests we're really starting to fill up this skill tree and I'm kind of liking the Survivor skill tree too just just as a general kind of skill tree to follow it's pretty damn decent we discovered a new fruit today I chopped down these palmwood trees and it dropped a yucka fruit oh yucker I didn't know that was a thing in this game cool after a long day work in the fields it was time for a good old beauty sleep day 65 we checked what we needed to upgrade our flame alter again now most of these ingredients are pretty straightforward except the yucka fruit and obviously the boss head we're back at our legendary Sun Temple chest drum roll please oh ritual Tempest wand legendary W oh it's lightning damage let's go we' spent the last four or 5 days preparing for this moment here finding and defeating the Spectre basically the next boss one of those key words that I just said there was Finding yes I was struggling to find this freaking place I even went into brittle Bush to see if there was an entrance that I had to find there wasn't but when I was running around here it just kept saying that the location was below us we just had to rely on the good old games mechanics of being out to dig wherever we needed to now if this was Minecraft I wouldn't suggest you do this never dig directly down I could tell we start to get a bit closer when we got into the Shroud and it was probably a big clue when we could see a man-made structure in front of us trying to break through this ended up being a little bit more difficult than I expected this wall was quite tough in the end we made it through and encountered our first enemy down here oh if that's all we have to worry about I'm pretty sure we're going to be fine down here ouch that hurt but you guys will die quickly yeah man we are so much stronger than we've ever been we fought a bunch of creatures and enemies then we found this door that had no way to get through it dude it says we're in the location where the freak is the boss ah I seriously couldn't figure out how to get through this area maybe going through the side of it probably wasn't the best idea we did find this button and we made it through this doorway that led to another doorway that needs a lockpick and we don't have a lockpick and we're starting to run out of time here in the Shroud less than a minute remaining I found the last button that we had to press that will get us into the room of the big bad boss but as you can probably tell we only have 38 seconds left to get out of here and there's kind of a Cheesy way to be able to get out of these situations yeah just log out freshly LED logged back in and it's back to the sun Temple we go I wanted to quickly search around the area to see if we could find a different way into this sun Temple spoiler alert we didn't figure it out I'm too impatient and too frustrated to figure it out we have one guaranteed way to get in so we just stuck with that and this time I knew exactly where the buttons were also since we had logged out this whole place respawned that's why we had to dig again and the buttons were reset we couldn't just run all the way through but with plenty of time remaining in this shroud we hit the second button and entered on into the room where the boss should be let me introduce you to the fellow sickle SC pretty sure this is the same creature that was fighting us at the iron mine as well when I first got into this boss fight I had three greater health potions they didn't last very long but then again neither did this boss this kind of just proves that we have a strong attack but really weak defense it's probably because we've been wearing the same armor since like day 20 or something with this boss defeated I wanted to try and find a different way out you know maybe like the normal way out but this place required a lockpick and I forgot to bring one again so uh we just had to go out the way we came in I obviously had to dig my way up where I dug myself up high enough until I could get out of the Shroud so I could just teleport out of there you see now that we have defeated that last boss we've completed most of the main content in this game currently so what does that mean for us right now well we still have a bunch of other little quests that we can go out and complete starting with a quest that we actually should have finished quite a while ago it's called like the Queen's tomb or something we have to get access into these catacombs which we just jump down through the roof and the enemies down here are only a level seven so yeah we're not too worried about most of the enemies here after all you've probably figured out in this game right here in most games my biggest danger is well um me a you dumb mother idiot a stamina you freaking idiot oh my God you completed this entire game basically and you you're still idiot so apparently this place needs lockpicks and because it wasn't in the Shroud I could go back to base and make myself some lockpicks then I could break into this door that leads me um outside idiot anyways we managed to locate all the buttons that we needed to press and using these lockpicks to get into places that actually mattered those was just this section that didn't even let me use a lockpick to get through so I had no idea what to do although there was a little hole in the wall that I wanted to jump through to get in the hole was too high so I figured if I chipped away the wall below it maybe I can use that as leverage to kind of jump on through it well that was the idea at first I realized in the end I could just mine all the way through it and get in just so we could press this button then we were able to make it into this room steal something out of this coffin and complete the Queen's tomb Quest a68 added some more water wells to our base why because it's good to stay hydrated folks go out and drink some water now you're probably wondering what's the next goal in this video right now basically I want to try and get some legendary gear and since we're already level 25 we can't level up I do want to try and explore some more areas and upgrade my flame alar to its last level but again one of my friends gave me a location of a chest that can possibly drop us some legendary gear this location's hella random but just under this tree is a pretty magical chest we didn't get anything decent this time but we'll try again later this golden chest was also located in an area that I hadn't explored yet so I figured I'd peek around and see what I can find in these nooks and crannies then we found level 30 spiders that's crazy that we can only go to level 25 and then there's level 30 creatures usually that's a hint that there's going to be more content added significantly more so I think to prepare ourself for that exact moment we're going to do some more exploring and try and get some really good gear this is when we found a place called deep cut it was full of a bunch of people that I'm pretty sure were Emos get it cuz it's deep cut no not really but this was full of level 30 scavengers they were tough although I had the ability to kill them they could almost one or two shot me I also set up a flame alter near the that chest that we had found obviously so we could teleport back here whenever we needed it's funny number day and today we go AFK for way longer than we should but we're also farming some legendary gear if I haven't explained it already or if you're unaware you know when we put that flame alter down near this chest yeah you can basically just log in and out as many times as you want until you get the gear that you want problem is this process really affects my ADD and I get hella bored really quick and I actually know that I need to collect a bunch of yucker fruit so we can upgrade our flame alar and these plants were nearby only problem is it doesn't drop some all the time but do you know what can kind of be fun and satisfying to watch definitely this but not like this more like this o we're out of seeds but not out of room get rid of these and then um Day 70 I placed a new fireplace in my bedroom this should give us a little bit of a better a comfort score and then play some more trophies around the place try and fill this big empty room out oh and uh yeah that big ass farm that we just planted not long ago at all it's ready to be picked have you ever had camomile tea in real life if not you should try it I wish it was as good as it is in this game as it was in real life though back at the sun Temple getting some gear we got the Ethereal plane it's like a Magic Shield kind of thing oh yeah you got to watch out for those red bugs they like explode in your face it was here I realized our Journal was full of all these side quests so I went to go complete some easy ones most of the time they just send you to chest that have just random loot in them other times they'll send you the chest that have some building blocks in them that could be actually quite handy and sometimes they're really close to the start area that you should have kind of done them ages ago sometimes the puzzles are kind of confusing like apparently I'm supposed to be here and Destroy some Rubble just so I could access the chest that we're looking for apparently it's supposed to be on this bridge somewhere it wasn't it was actually under the bridge the location above below thing kind of was a little bit off this time but we found it a really useless mace and on this day we also got led to a city one that we haven't explored at all I kind of wish we did a little bit ear though this place would have been good for grinding levels kind of weird we had to find some treasure in the landfill I mean one man's trash is another man's treasure right day 71 we're still in this little city here apparently there's another Quest we can complete while we're here and we have a fun boss that we have to kill scavenger gor matron that uh yeah he almost killed me obviously I went in there too headstrong thinking that I was super strong but but I'm not remember good attack bad defense but once this big fatty went down we got the notification that the quest had been completed and cuz I'm a little bit of a completionist as as well as wanting to get a Little Bit Stronger we took down some more shroud Roots I went out and farm this legendary chest once again I really need much better armor like these Elder trousers and this elder hat yes yes yes yes this is exactly what I needed these Eagle like gloves might come in handy but we're trying to go for the mage build so we need the Elder armor we also scored this legendary Helix wand this one does shroud damage do these Elder pants look better than the current pants we're wearing no not really but I mean they do make us A Little Bit Stronger I will admit though the Elder hat does look prettyy damn cool let me know in the comments what you think is the best kind of gear we now have a couple pieces of the Elder Armor Gear we just need the chest piece the gloves and the boots but ultimately right now I'm pretty satisfied with what we have it's now Day 72 and I think it's time we start focusing on upgrading our flame alar we have a few ingredients and the other ingredients that we don't have are pretty easy to get our hands on but first we came back out to The Nomad Highlands on a bug extermination Mission no not really we came to get this chest so we could claim the castle wall stone block oh and we managed to pick up some Elder boots as well so now we're only missing a chest piece and gloves and then came out to the desert so I could cut down these trees in order to get myself some yucka we need to gather around 40 yucka not only are we trying to gather resources to be able to upgrade our flame alar we're also trying to complete some of the side quests as long as defeat All The Elixir Wells it's this particular Elixir well where you can get the well blocks to upgrade our flame alter we also need a bunch of Sparks I then came to a vuka camp so I could murder a bunch of these guys also that I could steal this treasure from them that I don't even need they died for nothing I then TP to multiple locations Gathering these Sparks even from these bugged locations some flame shrines were even in the shroud oh you got to do what you got to do to be able to get through this game double cheing what we needed and now we only need some iron ore and obviously we know where to get that actually I think this is like the only place to get it I don't know if there's anywhere else to get iron I was kind of lazy to run out of the Shroud to be able to teleport out instead I just cut down the Shroud route killed the locals that was living here and then I was free to teleport home and now we could finally upgrade our flame alar to its final level level six upgrading our flame alter to its final level pretty much concludes most of the content in this game currently we have a few little side quests that we can complete and ultimately we do complete most of them but if you know me I like to finish the video off with a bang we need to fight a boss I want to fight this guy again cuz last time he was really hard and I wanted to see if he was still difficult the short answer no no he's not as difficult as he was could it be the armor that I'm wearing or could it be the skills that I gained from playing a little bit longer I'm going to go with skills I'm just the best I know it's day 75 but we're going to have to leave it here there really isn't any more content to complete or do in this game once they release more content maybe I'll come back to it and complete it you guys let me know make sure you hit that like button and the subscribe subribe button thank you guys so much for watching this video till next time peace
Channel: AronAztek Gaming
Views: 9,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days enshrouded, I survived 100 days in enshrouded, enshrouded playthrough, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded 100 days
Id: koocYcGv0b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 25sec (6685 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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