God of War Ragnarok's Platinum Is EPIC!

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God of War Ragnarok is game of the year and I'm going to show you why while earning the platinum trophy we fight all types of enemies and bosses on our adventure from giant ogres to dragons to Undead drauger we also get to sail around and scale Mountains wait this all sounds very familiar this game follows the events of the Amazing Story of God of War from 2018. I won't spoil the story narrative but I will show gameplay throughout the game which includes amazing scenes and boss battles if you're confused about something going on it's probably Story related look bro which brings us to our first boss we get into a scuffle with this bear here this unlocks some deep dark memories of some trust issues because I thought bears were nice as portrayed in this hit Disney film this boss serves as a game teaching us that we need to dodge and time our attacks accordingly and it's nothing too serious as we make quick work of him for our first trophy for some reason hunters in the area try to mess with the literal former god of war and we get a taste of kratos's abilities speaking of abilities we earn our second trophy after unlocking one and then literally 20 minutes into the game we Face Off against the God of Thunder also known as Thor no not that Thor this one is cooler sort of this fight had people all over the Internet raving and praising the intro to this game there are some amazing mechanics and attention to detail in this fight it's something I would advise every PlayStation player to experience for sure and after some beatings on both sides we get our trophy boom now fighting a God is a regular Tuesday morning for Kratos and his crew so we just continue on our adventure like nothing happened pretty soon we find our first type of collectible the first of 418 total and believe me there are many more to come later we get to a whole new environment called sparto time in reference to snowy area we began in was midgard here we get to channel our inner sailor and solve puzzles while of course finding more Collectibles like this one oh that's one of the books that's the collectible in this game we also get a chance to upgrade our gear for another trophy lockdown really is because of us I really enjoyed this realm because it's just a nice view all around something that cannot be said for other Realms as you will soon see we looted chests fought whatever this thing is and you guessed it found another collectible what this time one of Odin's Ravens which make their return in this game as well I then got into it with a mini boss who I actually died to ah this is a fine mess I had to jump right back in and honestly while editing this I can confidently say beating a mini boss made me just a little bit too happy oh this is my chance yes sir yeah he gave me way too much trouble he deserves this after plenty of character development scenes we get control of atreus for the first time this game has us playing through several chapters as atreus on his own which provides for some great gameplay in its own right which you'll see soon enough as a trace we get to fight in combat and utilize his unique skills involving his bow which also comes with his own skill tree and his own puzzles to solve but no trophies of his own yet back his Kratos we get to visit a realm that you'll be familiar with if you played the first God of War in 2018 there is a ton of story progression here and soon enough we find ourselves in Conflict not very surprising as Kratos is seemingly Always In conflict although as you can see it wasn't much of a fair fight the entire time I was in my bag of combos oh my God he gonna X Games after that short stint as Kratos we are back to atreus in what is probably his longest portion of the game and one of the coolest we get to turn into a freaking wolf whenever we want and we get to take in probably the best scenes so far in the game it's not all sunshine and rainbows though because it's been a while since the trophies popped so pretty soon we found ourselves in a bizarre boss fight our objective here is to dodge this Giant's attacks and then attack her cauldron whenever we get the chance I found it to be one of the easier boss fights for sure thankfully this fight ended our dry spell of trophies nose is much better like this don't get too distracted okay this is pretty cool this is pretty cool since Kratos lacks any semblance of social skills so we get into a boss fight pretty soon after gaining control of him again fans of the previous game know who or what this is things got pretty dicey for me during this fight since I was definitely not shielding or dodging enough and look at how it goes oh I was close you know me though I don't make the same mistake twice and I was able to Triumph this time for another trophy by the way a lot of fights turn into qtes and cutscenes which I cut out just an FYI next place we visit is called Anaheim and it ended up being my least favorite Realm by far for reasons I'll explain later in the video here we fight some mini bosses like this Forest ancient here who stood no match for us and like this mini boss named Fisk right here now this guy has some cool armor this guy was definitely someone's Prince Charming or knight in shining armor you know before he became an undead monster trying to kill us and stuff now the boss battles don't stop there we Face Off against this dragon that I showed you in the intro of this video this guy's pretty immobile and in fact doesn't fly or breathe fire at me are we even sure he's a dragon I Googled it and apparently he is nonetheless he gives us a trophy which is all we really care about he also gives us access to this amulet which is some nice new equipment for us that gives us enchantments and back-to-back trophies a trace really gets to experience some of the best views in the entire game we get to go mountain climbing which makes me reminisce about field day and my childhood I'm not the only one who had field day as a kid right anyways look at this view a couple hours of story development later we earn our next Trophy called Spartan ways fast forwarding past some great storytelling and cut scenes we find ourselves in some more conflict and of course as Kratos the former God of War just cannot catch a break I really mean that too because look at what we're up against garm here is not too happy we took away his Scooby snacks and starts throwing a temper tantrum worse than a toddler when it's nap time you want to take a nap okay take a nap right there then I made good use of my dodging and evading before throwing my ax to get in some good damage which leads us to our next trophy back in this forsaken realm of Anaheim we loot the place like we own it and take down this Centaur looking creature with this wicked animation but being who we are this doesn't satisfy our quench for violence so we get into a brawl with these two right here which hardly seems like a fair fight I mean you can tell by my laser focused Gaze on the screen that I'm really trying to come out of this altercation Victorious hacking away with my ax and shield and that's when we get into a real fight here but I quickly realized something is wrong because look at this it took me a few moments to realize that I had to use a different weapon to start dishing out some damage of my own and although he whacks me like a baseball bat and can slow down time he was no match for us right brother this is it got him you guys don't even know what just happened that was crazy back to appreciating how beautiful the world of God of War Ragnarok is we get sidetracked visiting some more familiar locations before visiting what I'm claiming yet again to be the best view of the entire game it all gets rudely erupted by these two here these two wannabe Valkyries are nothing like the Fearsome foes we faced in the previous game they can try to block our attacks but we make sure they feel our Wrath but then there's a Twist and they cheat their way into prolonging the battle like a destiny draw at a Yu-Gi-Oh or plot armor for Goku and you know what it worked I was trying to get the great I was trying to get the health but like Bryson tiller I'm back and I'm better nope bro okay they always say third time's a charm that was a crazy fatality death bro what all right for real this time I decided to quit playing games and do something got him finally got her [Music] that one felt good we've had quite the journey so far things have been getting progressively crazier for us throughout this video and everything we've experienced so far has led us to this very moment all right quick warning here that I'm about to get into the final boss fight and then after that we get into post game territory where quite a few changes have occurred so here we are at the climax of The Game pitting ourselves against the all-father himself Odin it's super satisfying getting off complete combos against Odin in this battle what's not satisfying is getting hit by Odin's area attacks that cover huge ground or some of his other attacks like this one here bro however on the next attempt I figured out his area attack and got better at dodging and getting off some combos of my own before utilizing a new strategy of playing darts without this dark strategy proved to be pretty successful repetitive but very successful because it worked oh this is my chance masterpiece perfect game and I'm only halfway done with the Platinum there's a lot to do now the cleanup portion begins but before we really dive into things there is one more huge Story related trophy so our focus in post game is the 418 Collectibles that I mentioned earlier part of that are side quests like this one where we return a hammer to our friend here shortly after that I came across a gravestone being the curious little George that I am and because the platinum trophy was dependent on it I interacted with the grade and so no one's surprise a battle ensued now this one in particular isn't too bad and I got it done pretty easily After figuring out when to dodge or block and when to use my own ability but there are 10 gravestones with 13 total Berserkers meaning some of them are double battles like this one these two Menace is here instilled some true hatred in me that I haven't felt towards any character in a very long time every time I thought I was getting close to Victory these Cycles crushed my hopes and dreams don't worry though I would hop right back into it determined to take these two down but they slowly broke me man bro come on just like I said earlier in the video though third time's a truck nope oh my goodness I got so far by now I had to revamp all my gear and upgrade some skills before jumping back into it which made a huge difference as you'll see on this attempt oh yeah I lied it didn't make a huge difference what was that my fourth death already never mind let's make that five now my plan now was to focus on one of these jerks at a time and look at how close I was to taking out one of them there's no hell left how did that one not die yeah I had to decide enough was enough and to come back to them later this trophy was earned after freeing a giant sea creature from its chains continuing our streak of side quests we get an awesome trophy for petting these two girls the trophy soon after for completing a quest to return a mysterious orb to our friend lunda here since we're just such nice people we help another Ally of ours retrieve something valuable to them for another Trophy this one was a completion of a much longer side quest line to retrieve a sword for Freya [Music] next up are these Stags that we need to save there's four total and they're all included in the total collectible count and we earn our next trophy after finding all four not all right I mentioned earlier in the video that vanaheim is the only realm that I disliked and that's because of one reason during the collectible cleanup I got lost way too many times to count and this realm is one of the largest in the entire game whenever I thought I was almost complete there was a whole new unexplored area I had discovered once this realm was finally done we earned this trophy one of the nice things about working on collectible cleanup before bosses is we get to reap the benefits of improved stats and gear and when we open the last chest here for an upgrade we earned two rewards in one foreign this upcoming trophy is a prime example of why I like the collectible cleanup portion of this game we were in a blinding Sandstorm that gets cleared up once we complete this quest which was to free these giant flying jellyfish they do have a real name but I won't pretend like I can pronounce it somehow I didn't clip this collectible trophy but it's nothing too noteworthy just a short while later we collect the very last poem book foreign shift gears back to violence once again and take down this Dragon here this allows us to fully upgrade our Enchanted amulet for another trophy this right here is a lindworm there's six total throughout all Realms that we need to collect for a side quests and we return them all to our buddy here for research purposes for That Sweet trophy we then Channel kratos's inner green thumb and collect nine flowers from all Realms with a trophy popping after the very last one since all of this side tracking is really just preparation for those Berserker jerks I couldn't kill earlier it's pretty fitting that there is a trophy for crafting some special legendary armor [Music] and immediately another for crafting the very last Shield I didn't have yet [Music] next up are the trials which make their return in Ragnarok these are various challenges with different requirements like rapid enemy health regen that you beat by knocking enemies into lava or this one here which is a time trial they get pretty unique like this one which is King of the Hill and they have six larger challenges an example of which is this one here which you have to be 99 consecutive enemies which ends up being pretty fun because they mix up the enemy types after about two hours or so of Trials we beat some boss enemies to complete them all for a trophy with that out of the way the trials rewarded us with special armor which I upgraded fully to prepare for the end game bosses there's just one thing we have to take care of first though ready for commitment that's right I circled back to these two here to get my revenge Kratos is fully Juiced up like he hit traps today and down to 24 ounces of pure protein to prepare for this battle these guys are pushovers now that we're on a Level Playing Field oh I'm about to get one if I get one got one okay one more so much easier so much easier that was the right decision it doesn't stop there though because we had one last Berserker to fight who just so happens to be the king of them all this guy pulled out all the abilities that his little minions could do too which really did prove to be difficult for me oh oh my goodness [Music] it was especially painful knowing how close I was to the platinum and I just kept dying there would be some attempts where I would be doing well and getting off good damage but nope a couple mistakes here and there pushed me right back to square one look at how close that was on this attempt here he was almost dead I was so close I have to say looking back this single fight was the most satisfying fight to complete throughout the entire Journey it was a culmination of acquiring the right skills and gear to take on the penultimate battle the trophy earned from this fight is my favorite of the entire game and I also want to say I enjoyed every bit of cleanup they did a fantastic job weaving in battles lore and quests until these 418 Collectibles and I really appreciated it did it oh my God my window thank you brother it's just sort of Vengeance but oh two trophies and one collector okay nice without wasting any time we're jumping into the very final battle we're fighting against the valkyrie Queen herself and she is not very happy at all to see us this entire fight only took me one try because of how much practice I had from all the earlier battles and although I felt like I was not dealing as much damage to her compared to other bosses her attacks were easier to block or predict which meant I had no trouble taking her down for our final Trophy and the Platinum come on oh we did it that's what I wanted the bear and the Wolf and if you enjoyed this video I'm sure you enjoyed that video right there which is another platinum trophy video of another fantastic PlayStation game that you've probably heard of before called The Last of Us click there to check it out it's just like this one here
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 139,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war, gow, kratos, kartos, atreus, atrues, plat, platinum, got plat, gow plat, god of war ragnarok, ragnarok, ragnarok trophies, ragnarok collectibles, gow ragnarok plat, gow ragnarok platinum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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