Batman's Platinum Is Pure TORTURE!

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i'm about to get all 110 trophies for batman arkham knight but there's already a problem arkham knight is pure torture that platinum is just horrendous there are some absolutely brutally difficult trophies we've got a long road ahead of us the first step was to play through the story and i started unlocking these trophies pretty easily until i got my first taste of what would be an excruciatingly painful grind i had to do this race to unlock a key to save catwoman she has this explosive collar around her neck and in order for you to unlock it you have to solve like plenty of riddles and do a whole bunch of tedious things now while this race wasn't that hard as you'll see later on there were some that really had me raging but i got the key from beating this race which allowed me to unlock the caller once but i would need to do it several more times for other trophies [Music] oh the road to hell after that i just continued playing through the story getting some casual trophies and by the time this was over that's when the real challenge began and they were called ar challenges and some of these i kid you not are some of the hardest trophies i've ever attempted in my life and here's what they are there are six categories combat predator batmobile race batmobile combat batmobile hybrid and scarecrow each challenge basically has tasks you have to complete in order to get three stars the less tasks you complete the less stars you get for example on this one if i did all three of these tasks i will get three stars now there are three non-dlc trophies involving these one for getting 23 stars one for getting 46 stars and finally one for getting 69 stars the developers had to have been trolling with that one and when i said some of these trophies were the hardest i've ever tried to do in my life it's the dlc ones where i had to do combat related stuff which you'll see later but for now i had to do basic challenges that weren't too bad oh we got sins of youth i achieved 23 stars and it was here when things took a turn for the worse because i was doing the easiest challenges to get three stars initially but to get 46 and 69 you have to do some of the harder ones and i was really struggling with these for example in this one i need to get the timer to reach six minutes each tank i destroy adds 10 seconds and they make you one shot throughout the entire challenge i died how oh my gosh no oh my gosh get them all oh my gosh no 544 bro again here we are at five minutes a few more tank kills and i'm good we got it six minutes yes yes now i could die oh my gosh i don't care we just died at 6 23 i got my six minutes and then as i was playing another challenge the unexpected happened come on bro no shot but i eventually completed enough challenges to give me 46 stars fortunate sun now i'm not gonna lie this next challenge had me going crazy this is one of the combat challenges where you have to get a certain score to get three stars you get score by doing like different types of combos by not taking damage and using different gadgets during the fight you even get a bonus if you maintain your combo throughout the entirety of the round in order to maintain your combo you can't take damage and you also have to attack fast enough so where you don't lose momentum ignore the fact that i even had to get a high score i couldn't even survive the waves bro there's literally so many how are you supposed to take that many people out listen to what i just said right there how am i supposed to take that many people out the scary part about this game is that it has a trophy for completing this specific challenge without ever losing your combo with four different characters this is what i meant by one of the hardest trophies i've ever went for and there's another one that's equally as hard after this here i am not even able to take out the enemies not worrying about maintaining my combo or not taking damage so i had some serious practice to do and i decided i wasn't gonna do this challenge and i was gonna just do something else just so i can get the 69 trophy so let's focus on that for now and so this was the last challenge i needed for the 69 stars and this one i have to sneak up on tanks from behind and shoot them in the back i need to destroy six within two minutes and 30 seconds if i can do that the trophy is mine oh yeah and if i get spotted i have to restart [Music] wow that was swift there's no way you saw me oh you didn't see me that dude is blind bro why did they make this so difficult come on that's four [ __ ] five right here okay we need one more oh my gosh oh my gosh i think this is it right here yes absolution baby finally yeah this next trophy stops a lot of people from getting the platinum you have to perform 15 different combat moves in one free flow so free flow like i said earlier is where you continuously hit enemies and you don't take any damage at all and you keep your combo up so you just have to use 15 different attacks in one combo it's quite challenging but it's not too crazy if you have like a list of the moves in front of you and i just kept pausing just to give myself some extra time and to process what was going on because a lot was happening at once i'd pull off one move pause the game look at the list and continue that let's go brutality 101. i'm the goat bro i'm the goat the next several trophies were kind of just like tedious stuff you do in the free room destroy watchtowers hey there it is gates of gotham save firefighters there goes the trophy death of innocence do some side missions things of that nature dark allegiances done however i did hear a couple people have trouble with this trophy you have to fly under three different bridges across the map without ever touching the ground to do this i just drove in my car at full speed and i ejected and then started going down and up and down and up until i got through all the bridges gotham after midnight and then i went on to save catwoman by completing all the riddler trials and you know these are supposed to be challenging but i graduated valedictorian of harvard university so these were cakewalk totally didn't need to look up one or two here and there just because we saved catwoman though didn't mean that we were done with the riddler he was still out on the loose and in order to beat him and get a trophy i had to find hundreds of collectibles around the map this was so annoying and the most tedious part of this entire game and then you team up with catwoman to take on riddler in a boss fight he summons these robots on you and when you beat them up they explode in the same way that i hope the console does of the man who designed this trophy but the fight's not too bad here we go i think this is the last phase oh man he's not dead yet oh wait is he well not dead technically right but captured apprehended whatever you want to say all right buddy you're coming with me to the pen after the fight catwoman and batman have a moment i see you batman going crazy bro imagine being liked by a woman and there you go buddy with the rest of them finally we got this trophy riddle me that it's only a bronze it's crazy at this point i needed one more trophy for the platinum but i wasn't gonna get that until i finished all the dlc because like i previously mentioned the dlc for this game is insane they have short little story lines for different characters like harley quinn red hood batgirl catwoman nightwing and robin completing all these gives you trophies i started off completing batgirls because she has the longest dlc but it's actually pretty quick nothing too crazy here and i did the same with the other characters not much to show because it was just kind of boring and just story stuff besides this one moment when i was playing as catwoman no way they didn't see that these guys don't see me yo they're blind they literally have flashlights on their guns they don't see me yo fire these dudes riddler these guys are whack they little bro if these are the thugs you're hiring man you're not accomplishing nothing in the crime scenes so let's fast forward into the interesting stuff i had to get more stars in ar challenges with specific vehicle skins so this is the 1989 batmobile skin i need to earn 33 stars in challenges while using it and this was one of the races that i was really struggling with it's a three-lap race and every lap gets harder as you go and i'm telling you on these races they give you little to no room for error you slip up once and that's it gg i don't remember this one being the hardest one i did but i remember it was challenging and i think on the hardest one i might have spent like an hour or two just doing the race over and over what how do you get past that how do you get past that what do you do what are you doing car bro this race is so bad after struggling on that part for a while i finally got past it in this specific race i had to complete all three laps in under three minutes and 10 seconds this got really scary no no no oh alive i never made it this far before go go go go go no no no no no no no no no car car i'm done i'm screwed i'm screwed i'm screwed that just screwed me over i have 10 seconds yes finally bro but it was while i was going for this trophy when something tragic happened bro what is this a joke no no i this is not ruining something for me right i can't even close the game my stuff is frozen it's not letting me turn off my console by by the power button wait what just happened the game's not loading the game's not loading i had heard stories of people having to restart the entire platinum playthroughs because of stuff like this and i was scared that this just happened to me and i always used to say man how does that happen to people that's never happened to me before but yet here we are it's just like that time some guy was talking crazy to me online and i told him i hope his console explodes and then my pc stopped working like the next day oh wait wait it just loaded please work please don't make me lose all my progress i think we're good i think we're good oh my gosh oh my gosh that was so scary i literally thought i had to like start from scratch i was gonna cry i'm making a backup save right now after that scare it was time for me to go back to challenges and this was the last one i needed for the trophy yes oh my gosh street demons sheesh we beat it by point 36 of a second and it was during these vehicle skin trophies that i raged like the worst throughout the entire playthrough and you'll see why right here no way bro [Music] oh my gosh [Music] look at the time i got in this race and then the time i needed for three stars you tell me i lost by .03 seconds are you serious and then this kept happening to me every time i would play this mandatory race come on this stupid race pisses me off bruh bro why can't i beat this no lie this stuff had me raging like i just died one off of tagged dogs in black ops one or something this is unheard of i don't typically rage like this in games anymore but eventually i beat it finally bro sheesh that was so annoying i i don't think i can win this race i'm not gonna lie but each time i say that i somehow muster up the will to keep trying yes yes oh finally yeah yes and so i got the vehicle skin trophies done they were a pain in the butt and i was just glad to be done with them oh finally those are done life after death now there are two specific trophies that i feel like are some of the actual hardest trophies i've ever tried to go for and we're gonna get to those soon but before that i had to do the same thing with the ar challenges but with the different playable characters and so that would be robin catwoman batgirl nightwing azrael red hood and harley quinn for this i just did the easiest challenges that i could find to get it over with as quickly as possible these are pretty easy now it's time to do the hardest trophies in this entire video just by the percentage of these you can tell these are crazy point two point one point one point four point one point one and point one let's attack these now remember back when i was getting destroyed in this combat challenge well it was time to do this one again with a perfect free flow in every round remember what that means is you can't take any damage once you start your combo and you have to maintain that combo throughout every single round so even if i don't take any damage throughout the entire challenge if i lose my combo it's over and had to do this with four different characters the first character i tried to do it with was nightwing this obviously didn't go well at all where like where bro why are you all the way over there and while i didn't take damage right there my combo broke because it was a guy all the way in the back and i couldn't reach him unfortunate so here i'm at the fourth round whenever you see the tall big dudes that's how you know you're on the last round these guys are the biggest threats [Music] oh my god bro why why why and then this time i was in the fourth round i had taken out all the big dudes if i can clutch up right here this would be huge i'm gonna cry bro i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry i'm going to fly oh my gosh i almost lost the combo all big dudes are down all brutes are down now we gotta worry about the shield dudes [Music] even just watching these clips as i'm editing makes me want to go on a rant about how bad this trophy is i think i spent maybe two or three hours trying to do this with nightwing and this was only one of the four characters i had to complete it with this trophy literally rivals some of the crash four trophies in terms of difficulty but here's the best strategy i was able to come up with when you get to the fourth round you target the big dudes first take them out with triangle and circle once your meter is filled next up is the medics do the same thing for them lastly is the shield dudes you stun and then aerial attack them so they drop the shields be careful though because people can pick them back up at this point you can just focus on the normal enemies and you should be good this seemed to be the most effective strategy for me look what happened in this attempt [Music] finally i did it oh my gosh bro we did it once oh my gosh we only need to do it three more times it took me almost two hours to do that one time doing it as catwoman wasn't that bad because the fourth round they don't spawn any brutes which are the tall guys so i made it easier and i did hers the fastest yes with robin they do spawn the brutes but i had experience already from nightwing's run that i was able to do this one with trouble yeah it took me a while but i was able to do it oh oh that was so close oh i think that's it oh oh finally after hours oh at this point going forward with batman i felt pretty confident because i had several hours of practice under my belt for some reason though this still gave me loads of trouble i would literally lose my combo in the most bs ways you can think of take a look at this he picked up a shield right at the end literally last three guys like i said earlier if you punch someone who's holding a shield it ruins your combo the man picked up a shield right as i was about to punch him there's nothing i can do about that oh but it doesn't end here there's some more bs keep in mind i'm skipping all the first three rounds and just showing you the final rounds so anytime i lost i had to start from round one go hit list through all the rounds and get back up to here [Music] if you saw right there those two guys tried punching me so i pressed triangle to counter but i was out of range so he just tried to counter like the air and it ruined my combo those were literally the last people but if there's anything to learn from watching my videos is that persistence will always win in the end [Music] [Music] that's one of the hardest trophies i've ever gotten in my life man this next trophy was only like slightly easier than the last but i spent like four minutes explaining the first one so i'm not gonna spend too much time on this essentially you can see my score at the top right i need that to be one million fifty thousand once it does i will get a killer croc boss fight and have to take him down the hard part is getting to 1 million they endlessly spawn enemies at you and in order to get your score up to a million you have to maintain a combo of like 400. the difference between this though is that you don't have to do it all in one combo like if i get hit i can just start up my combo again if i'm a few minutes into the fight and my combo gets ruined they start spawning harder enemies and then it's harder to build up a good combo again and the higher your combo the more points you get so i would just keep restarting over and over until i just got one run where i just was doing really well sometimes i would come really close it's those punches bro bro we're getting so close on this attempt i had over a 400 hit combo and i was really close keep in mind this took me like hours to get this was so hard [Music] [Music] so i reached the amount of points i need the enemies will stop spawning and once i finish them off killer croc will come in and i have to take them out oh my gosh brother the first time i made it this far i have to win this croc fight i've got nightwing with me okay oh we got him once okay we got him again i can't take too many more hits though okay we got him again okay fourth time dodge i'm locked in dodge dodge is this it oh my gosh red queen for a killer i got the trophy man the two hardest trophies in the entire game i think i still have more to go that are i think are still hard but those two were insane so next we had to do a few stealth trophies they're kind of similar though so i'll only show one of them in this one i have to take out all the enemies in this area using knockout smashes so when you sneak up behind someone it gives you the prompt to press triangle to silently take them out and as you're like choking them out it says to press square for a knockout smash which is like just a quicker way to take them out but it's loud and it attracts enemies towards your location so you have to take out all the enemies doing this [Music] [Music] [Music] i need the orange man to go down the stairs i need this man to just stay on the second level small window of opportunity small hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up [Music] oh yeah yeah that should be it that should be it that should be it now he's gonna inspect yeah he's the last one this should be it right here unless i get shot like no way i fumble this but there's no way oh yeah he turned bro if he turns around magically you're not reviving him sorry [Music] let's go silent night deadly night this next trophy was hard but it wasn't as bad as requiem for a killer or the curtain falls but you have to complete this specific ar challenge without taking any damage throughout any round with three different characters but you don't have to maintain your combo with this one which is what makes it easier oh yes [Music] let's go where's the other medic where's the other medic they're both down they're both down what i definitely pressed okay game oh my gosh game the start of the fourth round looks like this you got to deal with two brutes shield enemies plus ninja enemies and dudes who have guns whenever the gunmen are about to shoot you just throw a batarang at them and same thing with the other trophy focus on the brutes then the medics then the ninja people and then the shields as batman you can disarm the gunman and the shield dudes i thought that guy was gonna hit me i think that's it yes the chill in the air yes oh these trophies are so hard man guys after that i only need one more trophy for the platinum it's literally to complete the game on new game plus i'm just gonna skip the play through well i have to play through it but for you you won't have to see anything because of video editing the long halloween and i am the batman we finally got this platinum trophy done man it's been like three almost four weeks 110 out of 110 trophies and it took me 130 hours for this this game reminded me a lot of getting the platinum for spider-man and i actually made a video for that too you can press here to watch [Music]
Channel: Nick AR
Views: 2,505,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman, batman arkham knight, batman arkham, batman ps4, batman ps5, batman platinum trophy, platinum trophy, platinum, trophy, platinum trophy ps4, platinum trophy ps5
Id: 6rrFxzBQ1HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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