I painted a custom thrift outfit

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I can't afford a chair for you hop on my beautiful scope what are we doing today Nora we're gonna be painting some clothes what kinds of close the rift close yeah we're going thrifting and we're gonna get a nice outfit and we're gonna paint it we're gonna dress this princess cuz I like really edgy style but I could never I can either never find it or it's too expensive so we're gonna try to make our own and it's gonna look nice right yeah it's gonna be unique and no one can copy us and I brought Nora because my style is really bad so I'm gonna help ya and also we can just paint I wish I could paint all over her body you can't let's do it [Music] [Music] row row row row look we're back from the thrift store well first thing we got is like this he's like two overalls and then like this bucket but the idea is this is the three-eyed fish from The Simpsons you give a shoulder the doggy steps oh this isn't that's your head fish this is the three-eyed fish from The Simpsons and I was gonna do like a like a rainbow fish Twinkie so I was gonna do like a rainbow fish like kind of fish but I think I'm just gonna do him and then I'm gonna do bubbles going down the pants and it's gonna be sick so I got those jeans a jacket that's kind of like a sweatshirt at the same time and matching jeans and I'm gonna draw a cat is gonna look safe yeah NORs just being modest she's an artist so we're gonna try this out I fish that's for sure yeah okay I'm not very creative but like I love the Simpsons what no artist there got the same creators this is like an environmental I know because they work in a nuclear plant don't make fun of it I'm gonna trace a circle because a cat needs a round base this would be a big I'm gonna freehand my fish with pen wow that's rough I know she's brave wait should he be so close to my crotch with it's like pretty crotch girl thank you maybe the fish should be on this side of the bubble should be on this so you think the crotch is not gonna be crotch girl from this side no it's gonna be tail into the crotch not fish waste like you can only draw the fish one away is it supposed to yeah this one says three eyes getting in on that orange yeah buddy this one's better right here yeah it's probably time we address it that's not a cat it's cat like I just did some like white to make it look a lot cleaner and I'm like just going over it with a neon orange and I'm hoping that's like it could just like have like different textures kind of like how the bubbles will I'm gonna add like darker blues here and it's gonna look clean yeah and the bubble is gonna be so like 3d and awesome I'm painting my cat but right now I'm adding white all around it to make sure the background you know can be painted different colors yeah so we're basically just doing like layers on layers on layers because Jean is really thirsty it sucks up a lot of the moisture and like white underneath it to make it look really clean and I'm just gonna keep going on top with different layers until it looks like a pop out we have a lot of work ahead of us a lot of work this is what like two hours in now I'm doing some hardcore blending the white is kind of layered up and almost dry so I'm gonna do the waves and I'm gonna add some sunset skies this is literally the most stressful part I'm like outlining it with black but it has to be perfect and I already messed up a little bit ooh just make that outline better if you mess up that's a tattoo artist dude seriously so like I literally almost ruined it so Terry's helping me do my black outline because oh I should turn off the Cape off anyways the antares helping me out right now cuz my hand is not steady I thought it would be because you know when I do my eyeliner I have a pretty steady hand but perfect circles are really hard hate hair yes look at my blending though I'm so proud of it if anyone can do it if Terry hey Nora I watched a few videos of this nose wondering why everybody like resorted to voiceovers or like weird edits it's definitely because this takes hours but it's worth it that's why I wanted to do it like you can just take around a piece of clothing and paint it and make it cool I just hope that looks cool we'll see you couldn't do this with all of your clothes I'm thinkin if this works out I'm gonna want to do this with all of my clothes to keep with the Simpsons theme I'm going to try to put this donut in this circle and I'm nervous cuz it's like the perfect circle was hard enough to do in the first place and I have to do two more with a bite taken out of it the other ones can be lumpy though that's true [Music] oops I forgot to make a bite taken out of it I put it here yeah make it a little custom pink yeah I just don't want it to look too much like pepto-bismol I think we're almost there though like it's starting with this actually looks like frosting now I've always wanted to like paint or draw this doughnut it's always been like one of the most appetizing things to eat we're spray-painting the pocket I know okay much terrific mine looks like one of those what does that scare me join you know what it's like the same I cuddled looks like a Pez candy I think you're just needs like a nice like he needs like a cute like pink spray use your lighter pan spray to the wrong looks like a mess on camera but don't judge til tomorrow okay all right so this is like some big brain I'm like using a price tag and like dipping it in here and adding sprinkles ready we were going to make this match the hoodie but instead we're making it kind of like a kid see ghosts just like these colors we want to keep him and we also that way we have three outfits instead of just two right yeah versatility and we want to show our artsy side not just our pop art style that's cool you think yeah we really got carried away with this I think this is like a really cool thing to do in your spare time yeah I was like you know what we bought we look like kids like a ghost it's the future I get mostly you smell or oh yeah I'm trying to make them as fuzzy as those bad boys the trees gonna have to be layered a bit more with a brown because it's a little see-through but the green is actually really good we had to improvise because there was no brown so make our own Brown the color wheel you're gonna make you one bright color gonna make your own brown in this life [Laughter] [Music] taking an O they're evolving with every piece of clothing we get better and better and what created beautiful so clean this is just one of those things where I feel like other people might think it's ugly but it's like totally something I'm not gonna lie though like this stuff that you showed me that you like that the girls paint themselves like I think that's ugly I think this is way better than 1099 now where's a hundred and I mean I know hopefully they fit is neither biggest red upon these are gap skinny true skinny ankle too skinny ankle oh my god awesome I think I found my new outfit alright so I guess we're just gonna like wait for everything to dry we're gonna go to bed and then tomorrow we're gonna model our new outfits you guys will see our runway collection wait till you see them and then I want you to be brutally honest so after letting these clothes lay out to dry this is the final reveal and I gotta say I really didn't walk these overalls but Nora kind of forced me to grab that we're getting them and we're gonna make them look sick other than the yard and I'm so happy with the little three I fish on it like I've always loved this fish I think he's so iconic and it's just so cool how he's like so bright and so vibrant and I'm really proud of myself hi like free-handed the fish the bubbles on the bottom again I was gonna make a decision where like the transition was a lot more harsh for the norms like yeah you should blend it out and I'm really happy with how the bubbles turned out and also like drawing a perfect circle on your overalls very very hard and she didn't even use a stencil exactly so for the Hat I was really nervous about doing paint for the black outlines so I used a black marker and I had a lot more control for it so like I did this guy on the first try and I'm just really happy with how it looks I'm so proud and it looks with delicious Nora's jacket you said you were gonna make a cupcake to cool aliens mom and dad brought their cat into town and we got this on the jacket the history of the cat it took us seven hours to do all of this yeah but it was worth it I think and we would actually wear this jacket what about your foot Cassy had this amazing idea to do that kids see goes artsy free-handed a go amazing my little ghost kind of looks like sperm but it's also a ghost and i free-handed a Japanese tree and I have no idea what how much it is I showed a bunch of people last night the pictures that we did and everyone was like wow that tree you did good and I was like that was Nora are you serious yes I'll take care of it I was like what if she's not gonna wear the pants just because of the tree well those are the outfits guys let me know what you thought of this video because I didn't think that this would be a thing that I wanted to do but like I feel like this is going to be a hobby now and we're gonna yeah yeah yeah I mean this it's cheap stuff and it I like it and I treasure it oh yeah so these overalls who are 14.99 yeah the pants thanks um VIP merch here let me know in the comments what item is your favorite if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications we also filmed a video on my channel so go check her out subscribe she's the coolest we're gonna be eating again yeah we're gonna be eating oh we left yeah I'm excited for what she's gonna show it's gonna be me come say hi I'll see on the next one
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,242,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: custom jean jacket, custom jacket, painted clothing, painting clothes, custom clothing, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, 2019, painted jean jacket, how to paint on fabric, decorating clothing, easy painting projects for teens, custom, thrifting, thrift haul, painting clothing, custom outfit, painted hat, diy clothes, diy thrift flip, thrift store diys, diy thrifted clothes, how to, custom painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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