Cooking WITHOUT A RECIPE challenge - Azzyland Gloom & Brianna

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today we are cooking without recipe I'm here with gloom and with Bree how are you guys I'm cooking us start I mean I'm from the south so I should be good at this that's all you say basic how about you I'm gloom otherwise known as carpet viewers and cook Italian French and I don't bake I'm a same I cook absolutely nothing this is gonna be so you said you don't babe I don't think are we gonna make cookies something could be better for the third they're very biased we go through the rough okay we got 10 minutes to press cookies without a recipe sweet over there two types of sugar I like that wait why is everybody starting with flour I don't know you only know mercury Oh sounds good sugar I think so oh that's great okay there's a small one I'm going for this smalls okay okay you think the 2x isn't us maybe you should one cut I want to eat the shot no no it doesn't look good okay guys honestly I think I'm done okay - like this I don't know if there's enough free you can't do this it happened that is good I'm gonna meet put my thumb in the shape of hearts because I love the judges so much that's your strategy right so it is normal normal thank you wrong me hot water yeah but you know these things - no another fire club they fight you know you can't cook in that fast that's rude things take time thank my dodo tastes great oh my goodness I hope your cookies going I might mention butter every that's right yep [Music] supposed to be hard once upon a time there was a cookie shaped as a heart and the judges ate it and give it ten point seven ten what is this texture it's great that you absolutely absurd those are some chocolate chips yeah Oh mine are still in the oven because they're still soggy and I put mine in for some great concerns I don't think I've put any flour in my eye just sugar and butter I think you should cut your cookies I'd like to thank you yes we do slam it down okay so this is definitely a cooked cookies I don't want to make you guys sick it's very important to me this is a sugar cookie with chocolate chips on the top I was going to incorporate the chips into the cookie but what's a good crease I'm still like a t-shirt or cookie so it's a little bit more of a firm texture yeah actually you did after the chaos Oh is concerned by Monica I really don't like it I just feel like it's gonna go downhill from here so I don't know there's like a lot of like baking powders what no sugar another cookie for a second yeah on tennis now I'm not bad about it if you brought this - a problem another thank you I'm not a big eater connotation overall very pretty cold spoons and I was so creativity the chocolate chips are on top so that's points I feel like usually they're in the cookie thinking outside the box so I'm ready I like these grades I feel like you could pull off the sign on the top face come on guys let's go okay let's go you know what's coming I'm not mad about it I'm 80 on you guys well I was going to be us about to put four and then I kept in mind I'm sorry no this is not going to split this is what I call a broken heart I'm ready here we're supposed to be parts as a couple oh my god how many cookies was this so we do tensile hello so these cookies are a representation of my love I bake them in the shape of a heart and then my heart got broken koala dies [Music] we gotta try some of the cookie part because it's it's not great how does it taste I actually liked it more than once but I didn't give me a good really gooey but still really chewy so like I'm a little confused about that and watch brown sugar [Music] in house presentation there's no cookie on my plate there's crumbs do you never said that's creativity she called it cookie crumble that's cute I'm here for that 7.20 my ate turned out weird but it's an eight point five you like the creativity no one's given me a cookies it's already broken you know I actually like the taste of it but it would have been a tad but I'm a little too scared to eat all of it cuz I think I'm gonna get sick I don't want you to hate me the changes scoring you - okay a pun not so bad all right guys thank you for tab you are given that as well so as they say you saved the best for last so that's why I'm here watch your soap you two different colors okay no two snowflakes are the same so none of your cookies look the same either it's a trick it's gonna be great thank you mine just looks like a swamp yeah a square cake many points for creativity thank you see any chocolate chips yes there are the bottom yeah yeah how did you even do that very crunchy it's literally I also want to give an 8 just because it was so perfectly circular thank you it was on me wait how did you make it so so Mexico Bree for creativity the scheme in my first house is one with a little piece of you I'm gonna get my sticks just because my racism is going from a bi and just plus minus and then I guess plus one because we've said you used a measuring cup I don't know good taste that's gonna be say I already ever really good sport so yeah by the way you made up for everything I'm sorry bass I made when I ate the cookie hello you're not part of the snoring system what this might know why don't you two say why you think you should win first I think I should win because my tasted the best and isn't that good it's all about just pacing good because people excited as for me my biggest failure was not annoying my audience well enough I don't cook with a lot of sugar because my fiancee would not eat it however I think that my taste my presentation a texture very good I just feel like I did really well I just baked Texas cookies so not everybody's used to that there you know in Canada so we have our own texture so a lot of cookies in Texas maybe not a lot of good got a cookie so under much deliberation third place goes to Ozzy let's take the flower and of course myself you know your last high score out of three only we know that you can bear weigh in first place with a total score 20 points above the competent no just kidding yes I do I don't change my stories thank you so much everyone this is awkward I'd like to thank the Academy Monica never being meat making me think and I was amused she came around I was still means just the least wait wait what are all these extra numbers you row next to her scores competitions over that was so much fun I'm not a really good Baker and neither you girls for joining me make sure to check out both your channels the link is in description and we love you guys all so Stacy and don't forgive me not each other
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 5,229,192
Rating: 4.914412 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, reaction, reacting, funny, cooking, with, recipe, challenge, gloom, brianna, cooking challenge
Id: J_NG0M-juo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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