I Paid A Lie Detector To Investigate My Friends

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This is my friend Chandler. He's currently hooked up to a lie detector test, and all our other friends are in a different room across the warehouse and are going to ask whatever they want. I'm other friends. - We're going to find the truth. - We're going to embarrass him. But he isn't the only one we're going to embarrass. I can't take this, bro. Damn, I hate this. I hate this. - You can't ask that. - Well, we do. And not everyone is honest. And that is a lie. And after I find out the truth about all my friends, they put me in the hot seat and ask the question that everyone wants to know. Have you ever faked a video? And before I let the gang go crazy. Chandler the first question is, do you like the taste of our new Feastables bars? Yes. True. I mean, it was a softball. Everyone loves it. All right, let's see if this thing works. Is your name Chandler? Yes or no? Yes. True. - It worked! - It does work. Do you think Tareq's stand-up is funny? Yes. Hey, that was quick. That is true. Let's go! My boy. Here's an easy one for you. Do you think you're funnier than Nolan? Yes. He didn't even hesitate. Not even a second. That is a lie. What? Dude, I am liking this. Karl, welcome to the hot seat. I'm terrified. Karl, I'm going to go a bit off script here. Am I your best friend? You're one of my best friends. You can answer honestly. I will be offended. Damn, I hate this. I hate this. Am I your best friend? Yes. - That seems like a lie. - That was a lie. I'm going to have to give you a true on that. What? I love you. I told you, I consider you a best friend. Am I your best friend? Yes. Also. That is also a true. We'll end it there. No more asking that. - Karl. - Yes? Would you leave MrBeast to become a contestant on Survivor? No. It’s a lie. Hey, look. Maybe for, like, a month or two, guys. Come on. - We knew that was a lie. - Okay, yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. I just want to see if it was even actually checking or if she was just playing. Bop it over there. Hello? I just want to double check. Do you actually like the taste of our new chocolate bars? Yes, I love it. That is true. See? How many times are you going to ask that? Okay. I just had to double check. When we post a video, do you watch them? Only if I'm in it. - Kris! - What do you want from me? True. Sorry. What am I supposed to watch it without me in it? Why would I do that? Was Jimmy a good roommate? No. That is a lie. What? He never cleaned up. Liar! Apparently, Jimmy's a good roommate. Maybe I was the bad roommate. Oh my goodness. Do you think you're the funniest member of the group? Yeah. It's me! My self-confidence could never, okay? We got to start off with the obvious question. Do you like us as friends? Yeah. True. Now, the more important one. Do you like the taste of our new chocolate bar? Yes. - Also true. - Okay, okay. - Here's a really easy one. - Okay, let's hear it. Do you think I'm funnier than Nolan? Yes. That is a lie. Yeah, your comedy sucks, pal. Out of all of us, who has the worst sense of style? I'd say Nolan. True. I'm sorry, Nolan. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Jimmy got a plain red tee on right now. It was between you and Jimmy. Nolan doesn't know this, but we actually flew his parents into town. Dude, I'm sweating. Nolan. - Welcome to the hot seat. - I don't like it. You don't even know this, but you're actually our special guest. What does that mean, bro? Three, two, one. Send them in. Nolan, we flew your parents to town just for this. What the...? You just made this infinitely worse. Yeah, that was the whole point. I don't like this. We'll start you off with an easy one. We're just going to warm you up. Is Feastables the best chocolate you've ever had? Yes. True. Let's go. Dude, this is geeking me out. I'm freaking out, bro. Oh, my God. Nolan, I'm going to give you a softball, okay? No, I know that if you're saying it's a softball, it's not a softball. Which of your parents do you love more? I'm not answering that. I love them both equally. That is true. Yeah. Nolan, have you ever forged my signature? - Yes? I don't. I don't think so. And that is a lie. I can't take this, bro. Holy. Get me out of here right now. Deep breath. Deep breath. Calm down. Okay, last question. Nolan. You ready for this? No. Do you think you would be a better MrBeast than Jimmy? No. Better be green. - True. - Good. Know your place. And now to wrap up the video. I'm in the hot seat. Boys, you ready? Born ready. Ready Freddy. Jimmy, do you actually think that Hershey's is disgusting? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. 10,000 times more. Yes. That is 10,000 times true. Jimmy, do you think you'll ever go bald? No. I'd rather die. That is true. It's true that you'd rather die than be bold? That's crazy. I mean, I like my hair. Do you think Nolan is funny? Oh, boy. In what context? In the funny kind. In general? Yes, I do think he's funny. - That is true. - Yes, yeah. All right. All right. Now, part two. Is... Nolan funnier than Chandler? Which is also me. You're wittier than him, but, like, he's, like, goofy funny, Or sometimes it is just so awkward. It's funny. So like you're both funny, just different. All right, so now that you've said all the information, you can say yes or no. Is Nolan funnier than Chandler? I mean, I guess I'll give it a no. Your mind is thinking that that's truthful. I can hear them screaming from the other side of the warehouse. This was asked to me earlier. And now I'm going to ask it back to you. Do you think I was a bad roommate when we lived together? Yes. Because you'd always say I was a bad roommate and I wasn't. That is true. I knew that was going to be true. I knew that. It's because he was mad when I left. I get it. All right, I'm going to give you a softball, all right? Have you ever faked a video? No. True. That was an easy one. Now that we all know the truth, make sure you check out how delicious our brand new Feastables chocolate is. Everyone loves it. Go pick up a bar at your local Walmart today.
Channel: MrBeast 2
Views: 42,237,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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